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ID: 99867 Код товара: RE200
В наличии >50 шт.
Гарантия: 3 лет
27,01 €
Варианты доставки
  • Доставка на Smartpost 1,99 €: в понедельник, 31.03.2025
  • Доставка в почтомат Omniva 1,99 €: в понедельник, 31.03.2025
  • Доставка курьером 3,99 €: в понедельник, 31.03.2025
Основные параметры продукции Все параметры
  • Скорость передачи данных, Мбит / с: 750
  • Стандарт Wi-Fi: Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac)
  • Тип устройства: Range Extender
Основная информация
Скорость передачи данных, Мбит / с : 750
Стандарт Wi-Fi : Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac)
Тип устройства Range Extender

Access Point - беспроводная точка доступа, которая обеспечивает расширение передачи кабельной сети в беспроводной сети, используя одно подключение LAN. Access point это не рутер, и не может разделить одно интернет подключение на многие компьютеры, поэтому это устройство надо подключать за кабельным рутером.

Router - беспроводная точка доступа, которая обеспечивает разделение одного интернет подключения между несколькими компьютерами как по сетевым кабелям, так и в беспроводной сети. Обычно у беспроводного рутера есть только одно кабельное интернет подключение, четыре порта для компьютереа (которые можно расширить, используя комутатор switch) и антены, которые обеспечивают передачу на компьютеры и другие устройства WiFi.

Range Extender - усилитель передачи расстояния беспроводной сети. Предназначен для улиления сигнала, чтобы увеличить расстояние передачи и приёма.

Wifi adapter - беспроводная сетевая карта, предназначена для подключения компьютера к беспроводному WiFi рутеру или точке доступа. PCI, PCI-E предназначены для настольных компьютеров, а PCMCIA и USB - для портативных компьютеров. Надо учитывать, что большая часть портативных компьютеров уже на заводе оснащены беспроводными сетевыми картами.

Сетевая карта USB - это самый последний выбор, так как скорость передачи USB2.0 сравнительно низкая ~22MB/с, что означает то, что не будет задействована максимальная возможность скорость беспроводной сети. Если есть возможность, лучше выбирать другой вид подключения.

3G/4G support Nav

Возможность вставить в рутер SIM карту оператора, или адаптер USB Dongle, который обеспечивает доступ к мобильному интернету 3G.

Прежде чем приобретать рутер с поддержкой 3G, на сайте производителя убедитесь, что это устройство поддерживает приемник 3G USB Dongle конкретного оператора мобильных связей.

Band mode Dual-Band

SingleBand это стандартная беспроводная технология 2.4GHz, которая есть у всех современных беспроводных устройствах.

DualBand это 2.4GHz с дополнительным каналом 5.0GHz, что обеспечивает лучшую ощутимость сигнала и более стабильное скородействие. Чтобы использовать эту функцию, оба устройства - рутер и беспроводная сетевая карта должны поддерживать режим DualBand.

Ethernet 10/100

LAN, или режим кабельного подключения ethernet.

10/100 MB.с это стандартная скорость, которая характерна практически всем рутерам.

10/100/1000 MB.с, или GigaBit этот стандарт в десять раз быстрее, что в соединении с сетевыми картами GigaBit LAN, даёт преимущество быстрой пересылки данных между компьютерами соединёнными в внутренней сети. Такое решение обычно необходимо в офисах, где между компьютерами часто копируются объёмные файлы или на многих компьютерах одновременно используется быстрое подключение интернета (от ~30 MB/s).

Места подключения и оснащение
Порты LAN : 1
Более подробная спецификация
64, 128, 152-bit WEP Security - Yes
Accessories included - - RE200
- Kabel Ethernet RJ-45
- Płyta CD
- Instrukcja szybkiej instalacji
Antenna - Built-in
Antenna - Antennas quantity - 3
Antenna - Antenna type - Internal
Antenna - Transmitting power (CE) - 20 dBm
Antenna > Antenna type - 3xInternal
Antenna Type - Built-in
barcode - 6935364071295
Brand - TP-Link
brand - TP-Link
BrandCode - TPLINK
BrandPartCode - RE200
Breite - 0.11
Category - Network Extenders
Category - Root/Electronics/Networks and communication/Range expenders
Category - Tīkla produkti, Gudrā māja :: Signāla pastiprinātāji (Range Extenders)
Category 1 - Netzwerk
Category 2 - WLAN Repeater
Category Code - WRE
category_en - Networking
category_et - Võrguseadmed
category_lv - Tīkla iekārtas
category_ru - Cетевое оборудование
Certificates - Compliance certificates - CE
Certificates - Compliance certificates - CE, Federal Communications Commission (FCC), RoHS
Certificates - Compliance certificates - Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
Certificates - Compliance certificates - RoHS
Code - RE200
Color - White
Data transmission speed - 750 Mbps
depth - 5
Desc - Ātrums: 750 Mb/s, WiFi protokoli: IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac, Band: Dual Band, Garantija: 2 gadi
Description - - Boosts wireless signal to previously unreachable or hard-to-wire areas flawlessly - Compatible with 802.11 b/g/n and 802.11ac WiFi devices - Dual band speeds up to 750Mbps - Miniature size and wall-mounted design make it easy to deploy and move flexibly - Ethernet port allows the Extender to function as a wireless adapter to connect wired devices
Description - Dwuzakresowy wzmacniacz sygnału bezprzewodowego
RE200 pozwala na rozszerzenie istniejącej sieci bezprzewodowej dzięki technologii WiFi 11AC. Działa on ze wszystkimi routerami WiFi i umożliwia stworzenie dwupasmowej sieci pokrywającej cały dom lub biuro.- Wzmacnia sygnał sieci bezprzewodowej pozwalając na zwiększenie jej zasięgu
- Kompatybilny ze standardami sieci bezprzewodowych 802.11 b/g/n oraz 802.11ac
- Prędkość łączna do 750Mb/s
- Miniaturowe wymiary i możliwość montażu w gnieździe zasilającym pozwalają na łatwe umieszczenie urządzenia w miejscu docelowym
- Port Ethernet umożliwia podłączanie urządzeń za pomocą kabla Ethernet
description_en - Boost Your Wi-Fi Network to Cover hard-to-reach Areas
Place the RE200 between your wireless router and wireless devices, expanding Wi-Fi coverage while eliminating Wi-Fi dead zones, so you enjoy a seamless wireless network throughout your home or office. The dual band's reach wireless speeds up to 750Mbps, ensuring you make good use of your high ISP speed — ideal for HD video streaming, online gaming and other bandwidth-intensive tasks. AC750 Wi-Fi for Compatible Connections
The RE200’s Wireless AC technology create stronger Wi-Fi connections across your home. Work with any standard router or access point, making it convenient to provide wide, Dual-Band Wi-Fi to multiple devices. One Key Connection
Press the WPS button on your router and RE button on your RE200 within minutes to easily connect to the network. Once connected with an existing router, you can simply relocate the RE200 at any location for the best signal strength. Smart Signal Indicator
Smart signal lights indicate the signal strength received from the existing router. Read the lights to find the best location for your RE200. Entertainment Adapter
With an Ethernet port, RE200 can function as a wireless adapter to connect wired devices like desktop, gaming consoles, Blu-ray® players, and Internet TVs. At the same time, the device can share the wireless network as well. Specifications: Plug: Type EU, UK, US, AU Standards and Protocols: IEEE802.11ac,IEEE 802.11n, IEEE 802.11g, IEEE 802.11b Interface: 1 × 10/100M Ethernet Port (RJ45) Power Consumption: 6.5 W Antenna: 3 × internal Frequency: 2.4GHz & 5GHz Signal Rate 5GHz: Up to 433Mbps; 2.4GHz: Up to 300Mpbs Transmit Power: < 20 dBm (EIRP) Wireless Security: 64/128/152-bit WEP, WPA-PSK / WPA2-PSK Dimensions ( W x D x H ): 110.0 x 65.8 x 75.2mm Package Contents: AC750 Wi-Fi Range Extender RE200, RJ-45 Ethernet Cable, Resource CD, Quick Installation Guide System Requirements: Windows® 98SE, NT, 2000, XP, Vista or Windows 7, 8, 10, Mac® OS, NetWare®, UNIX® or Linux.
description_et - Võimenda oma ruuteri leviala koos kahesagedusliku WiFiga
RE200 laiendab sinu praegust WiFi leviala ja koos uue generatsiooni 11AC juhtmevaba võrgutehnoloogiaga. See töötab koos iga standardse ruuteriga ja loob töökindlaid kahesageduslikke ühendusi kohtades, kuhu sinu peamine ruuter ei ulatu. Nii saad internetiühenduse tagada kõikjal oma majas või kontoris. Uue generatsiooni 11AC WiFi
Loo kiirem juurdepääsupunkt 802.11 b/g/n ja 802.11ac WiFiga seadmete jaoks. RE200 edastab kiiremat ühendust kahesagedusliku WiFiga kuni 750 Mbps ja tagab kindla ühenduse sülearvutite, nutitelefonide, tahvelarvutite ja teiste juhtmevaba ühendamisvõimalustega seadmete jaoks. Naudi suuremaid kiiruseid High Speed režiimis
High-Speed tehnoloogiaga saad oma juhtmevabast ühendusest võta maksimumi ning see kasutab mõlemat sagedust, et luua ülikiire side - see sobib suurepärast HD sisu voogedastamiseks, mitmikmängude ning teiste kiiret internetiühendust nõudvate protsesside jaoks.* Lihtne paigaldamine, mitmekülgsed paigaldamisvõimalused
Vajuta WPS nuppu oma ruuteri ja kahe minuti jooksul Range Extender nuppu RE200-l ning juba oledki sellega võrku ühendatud. Kui side ruuteriga on loodud, võid WiFi võimendi vooluvõrgust välja võtta, otsida sellele sobivamat kohta ja seejärel uuesti sisse lülitada ning enam ei pea sa muretsema ühenduse taasloomise pärast. Nutikas indikaator signaalitugevuse kuvamiseks
Nutikad indikaatortulukesed näitavad sulle signaalitugevust ruuteri ja WiFi võimendi vahel - optimaalse koha leidmine on lihtne ja intuitiivne. Tooteandmed: Pistiku tüüp: EU, UK, US, AU Standardid ja protokollid: IEEE802.11ac,IEEE 802.11n, IEEE 802.11g, IEEE 802.11b Liides: 1 × 10/100M Ethernet Port (RJ45) Võmsus: 6.5 W Andtennid: 3 × sisemist antenni Sagedus: 2.4GHz & 5GHz Andmeedastuskiirus: 5 GHz kuni 433Mbps; 2.4 GHz kuni 300Mpbs Andmeedastus võimsus: < 20 dBm (EIRP) Turvalisus: 64/128/152-bit WEP, WPA-PSK / WPA2-PSK Mõõdud ( L x S x K ): 110.0 x 65.8 x 75.2mm Komplektis: AC750 Wi-Fi leviala laiendaja RE200, RJ-45 võrgukaabel, CD, kiirjuhis Nõuded arvutile: Windows® 98SE, NT, 2000, XP, Vista või Windows 7, 8, 10, Mac® OS, NetWare®, UNIX® või Linux.
description_lv -
description_ru -
description_short_en - Compact WiFi extender Compatible with 802.11 b/g/n & 802.11ac Up to 750 Mbps data rate Easy to use Smart LED indicator
description_short_et - Kompaktne WiFi võrgu laiendaja Sobib 802.11 b/g/n & 802.11ac standarditega Kuni 750 Mbps andmeedastus Lihtne paigaldada & kasutada Nutikas LED-indikaator
description_short_lv -
description_short_ru - Компактный расширитель сети WiFi Совмещается со стандартами 802.11 b/g/n & 802.11ac Передача данных до 750 Mbps Легко устанавливать и использовать Умный LED индикатор
Design - LED indicators - Yes
Design - Product colour - White
Design - Quantity per pack - 1 pc(s)
Design - Reset button - Yes
Designation - CE+WEEE
dimensionalWeight - 270
dimension depth - 85 mm
dimension height - 155 mm
Dimensions -
Dimensions - 110.0 x 65.8 x 75.2mm
Dimensions - depth - 6.58
Dimensions - height - 7.52
Dimensions - width - 11
dimension weight - 260 g
dimension width - 100 mm
EAN - 6935364071295
ean - 6935364071295
EANCode - 6935364071295
Eans - 6935364071295
EAN_code - 6935364071295
Features > MU-MiMO - No
feature_group_en - Wireless extenders
feature_group_et - WiFi leviala laiendajad
feature_group_lv - Bezvadu tīkla paplašinātāji
feature_group_ru - Беспроводные расширители сети
Full Description Line - Range Extender|Data transmission speed 750 Mbps|IEEE 802.11b|IEEE 802.11g|IEEE 802.11n|IEEE 802.11ac|64, 128, 152-bit WEP|WPA - Wi-Fi Protected Access|WPA2 - Wi-Fi Protected Access|Antenna Type Built-in|Number of antennas 3|Wireless Frequency Range 2.4GHz & 5GHz|Included Accessories RJ-45 Ethernet Cable,Resource CD,Quick Installation Guide|Dimensions 110.0 x 65.8 x 75.2mm
General parameters - colour - white
General parameters - manufacturer - TP-Link
General parameters - type of networking device - range extender
Gewicht - 0.21
GrossWeight - 0.2400
Gross Weight Kg - 0,24
gross_weight - 0.4
GRUPPE1 - Network
GRUPPE2 - Powerline Homeplug
GTIN - 6935364071295
GTIN - 6935364071882
guarantee - 36
guarantee_type - normal
Height - 0.1600
height - 15
Hoehe - 0.09
I/O ports - 1 x 10/100 Mbit/s
IEEE 802.11ac Network standard - Yes
IEEE 802.11b Network standard - Yes
IEEE 802.11g Network standard - Yes
IEEE 802.11n Network standard - Yes
ImageUrl -
Included Accessories - RJ-45 Ethernet Cable,
Resource CD,
Quick Installation Guide
Interfaces - LAN (RJ45) - 10/100
Interfaces - WiFi standards - IEEE 802.11ac
Interfaces - WiFi standards - IEEE 802.11b
Interfaces - WiFi standards - IEEE 802.11g
Interfaces - WiFi standards - IEEE 802.11n
Laenge - 0.16
LargeDescHTML - AC750 Wi-Fi Range ExtenderRE200Boosts wireless signal to previously unreachable or hard-to-wire areas flawlesslyCompatible with 802.11 b/g/n and 802.11ac Wi-Fi devicesDual band speeds up to 750MbpsMiniature size and wall-mounted design make it easy to deploy and move flexiblyEthernet port allows the Extender to function as a wireless adapter to connect wired devices Boost Your Router Coverage to Expanded Dual Band Wi-FiRE200 expands your existing Wi-Fi coverage with next generation 11AC Wi-Fi technology. It works with any standard Wi-Fi router and creates stronger dual band connections in hard-to-reach areas, allowing you to enjoy seamless wireless coverage throughout your home or office.5GHz Wi-Fi2.4GHz Wi-FiExisting Router CoverageExpanded Extender Coverage Next Generation 11AC Wi-FiCreate faster access for 802.11 b/g/n and 802.11ac Wi-Fi devices. RE200 delivers fast speeds of dual band Wi-Fi up to 750Mbps and provides reliable connections for laptops, smartphones, tablets and other wireless-enabled devices.*Actual Wi-Fi speeds may vary due to different user
  environments.Enjoy Super Speeds in High Speed ModeWith High-Speed technology, RE200 makes the best use of both Wi-Fi bands to establish super speedy connections — ideal for HD video streaming, online gaming and other bandwidth-intensive tasks.* In high speed mode, RE200 offers maximum performance but
   limits connection to one band (2.4GHz or 5GHz).Easy Setup and Flexible PlacementPress the WPS button on your router and the Range Extender button on your RE200 within 2 minutes to easily connect to the network. Once connected with an existing router, you can simply unplug and plug the RE200 back in a location for the best signal quality and coverage in your house, without needing to configure the extender again.* The band used when connecting via the WPS buttons is sometimes indefinite and dependant on the settings on your router. If you
   want to establish a WPS connection in both 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands, please go to the RE200’s web configuration page to configure this.Smart Signal IndicatorSmart signal lights show the strength of signal that RE200 receives from the existing router, which can help to find the best location for optimal Wi-Fi coverage.Good connectionToo far away from the routerNo connectionEntertainment AdapterThe RE200's single Ethernet port allows the Extender to function as a wireless adapter to connect wired devices like Blu-ray® players, gaming consoles, DVRs and Internet TVs. At the same time, the device can share the wireless network as well. The information provided on this page is a property of the manufacturer or the brand.To find out more, please visit: 
Length - 0.0900
Link -
Logistics data - Harmonized System (HS) code - 85176990
LongDesc - Boost Your Router Coverage to Expanded Dual Band WiFiRE200 expands your existing WiFi coverage with next generation 11AC WiFi technology. It works with any standard WiFi router and creates stronger dual band connections in hard-to-reach areas, allowing you to enjoy seamless wireless coverage throughout your home or office.Next Generation 11AC WiFiCreate faster access for 802.11 b/g/n and 802.11ac WiFi devices. RE200 delivers fast speeds of dual band WiFi up to 750Mbps and provides reliable connections for laptops, smartphones, tablets and other wireless-enabled devices.Enjoy Super Speeds in High Speed ModeWith High-Speed technology, RE200 makes the best use of both WiFi bands to establish super speedy connections — ideal for HD video streaming, online gaming and other bandwidth-intensive tasks.Easy Setup and Flexible PlacementPress the WPS button on your router and the Range Extender button on your RE200 within 2 minutes to easily connect to the network. Once connected with an existing router, you can simply unplug and plug the RE200 back in anywhere within the wireless range of the existing router, without needing to configure the extender again.Entertainment AdapterThe RE200's single Ethernet port allows the Extender to function as a wireless adapter to connect wired devices like Blu-ray® players, gaming consoles, DVRs and Internet TVs. At the same time, the device can share the wireless network as well.
LongDescription EN - Boost Your Router Coverage to Expanded Dual Band WiFi
RE200 expands your existing WiFi coverage with next generation 11AC WiFi technology. It works with any standard WiFi router and creates stronger dual band connections in hard-to-reach areas, allowing you to enjoy seamless wireless coverage throughout your home or office. Next Generation 11AC WiFi
Create faster access for 802.11 b/g/n and 802.11ac WiFi devices. RE200 delivers fast speeds of dual band WiFi up to 750Mbps and provides reliable connections for laptops, smartphones, tablets and other wireless-enabled devices. Enjoy Super Speeds in High Speed Mode
With High-Speed technology, RE200 makes the best use of both WiFi bands to establish super speedy connections — ideal for HD video streaming, online gaming and other bandwidth-intensive tasks.* Easy Setup and Flexible Placement
Press the WPS button on your router and the Range Extender button on your RE200 within 2 minutes to easily connect to the network. Once connected with an existing router, you can simply unplug and plug the RE200 back in a location for the best signal quality and coverage in your house, without needing to configure the extender again. Smart Signal Indicator
Smart signal lights show the strength of signal that RE200 receives from the existing router, which can help to find the best location for optimal WiFi coverage. * In high speed mode, RE200 offers maximum performance but limits connection to one band (2.4GHz or 5GHz).
LongDescription ET - Võimenda oma ruuteri leviala koos kahesagedusliku WiFiga
RE200 laiendab sinu praegust WiFi leviala ja koos uue generatsiooni 11AC juhtmevaba võrgutehnoloogiaga. See töötab koos iga standardse ruuteriga ja loob töökindlaid kahesageduslikke ühendusi kohtades, kuhu sinu peamine ruuter ei ulatu. Nii saad internetiühenduse tagada kõikjal oma majas või kontoris. Uue generatsiooni 11AC WiFi
Loo kiirem juurdepääsupunkt 802.11 b/g/n ja 802.11ac WiFiga seadmete jaoks. RE200 edastab kiiremat ühendust kahesagedusliku WiFiga kuni 750 Mbps ja tagab kindla ühenduse sülearvutite, nutitelefonide, tahvelarvutite ja teiste juhtmevaba ühendamisvõimalustega seadmete jaoks. Naudi suuremaid kiiruseid High Speed režiimis
High-Speed tehnoloogiaga saad oma juhtmevabast ühendusest võta maksimumi ning see kasutab mõlemat sagedust, et luua ülikiire side - see sobib suurepärast HD sisu voogedastamiseks, mitmikmängude ning teiste kiiret internetiühendust nõudvate protsesside jaoks.* Lihtne paigaldamine, mitmekülgsed paigaldamisvõimalused
Vajuta WPS nuppu oma ruuteri ja kahe minuti jooksul Range Extender nuppu RE200-l ning juba oledki sellega võrku ühendatud. Kui side ruuteriga on loodud, võid WiFi võimendi vooluvõrgust välja võtta, otsida sellele sobivamat kohta ja seejärel uuesti sisse lülitada ning enam ei pea sa muretsema ühenduse taasloomise pärast. Nutikas indikaator signaalitugevuse kuvamiseks
Nutikad indikaatortulukesed näitavad sulle signaalitugevust ruuteri ja WiFi võimendi vahel - optimaalse koha leidmine on lihtne ja intuitiivne. * High-Speed režiimis pakub võimendi maksimaalset kiirust kuid vähendab töösagedusi vaid ühele (2.4 GHz või 5 GHz)
LongProductName - 2.4-5 GHz, 300-433 Mbps, 20 dBm, WPS, Reset, Ethernet, 100-240V, 50/60Hz, 110 x 65.8 x 75.2 mm
LongSummaryDescription - TP-Link RE200. Type: Network repeater, Data transfer rate: 433 Mbit/s, Ethernet LAN data rates: 10,100 Mbit/s. Antenna type: Internal, Transmitting power (CE): 20 dBm. Cabling technology: 10/100Base-T(X), Networking standards: IEEE 802.11ac, IEEE 802.11b, IEEE 802.11g, IEEE 802.11n, Wi-Fi standards: 802.11b, 802.11g, Wi-Fi 4 (802.11n). Product colour: White, Quantity per pack: 1 pc(s). AC input voltage: 100 - 240 V, AC input frequency: 50/60 Hz, Power consumption (max): 6.5 W
Manufacturer - TP-Link
Manufacturer Code - RE200
Manufacturer Name - TP-LINK
manufacturer_code - RE200
Manufacturer_code - RE200
MediumDescription EN - • Boosts wireless signal to previously unreachable or hard-to-wire areas flawlessly
• Compatible with 802.11 b/g/n and 802.11ac Wi-Fi devices
• Dual band speeds up to 750Mbps
• Miniature size and wall-mounted design make it easy to deploy and move flexibly
• Ethernet port allows the Extender to function as a wireless adapter to connect wired devices
MediumDescription ET - • Võimenda oma WiFi signaali, et see jõuaks kohtadesse kuhu tavaline ruuter või juhtmed ei ulatu
• Sobib nii 802.11 b/g/n kui ka 802.11ac WiFi standarditega
• Kahe sagedusala kiirused kuni 750 Mbps
• Kompaktne disain, sobib paigaldamiseks ka seinale
• Ethernet-liides mille abil saab pikendada ka juhtmega internetiühendust
MediumDescription LV - • Pastiprina bezvadu signālu, iepriekš nesasniedzamām vai grūti piekļūstamām zonām.
• Savietojams ar 802.11 b / g / n un 802.11ac Wi-Fi ierīcēm.
• Divu joslu ātrums līdz 750Mbps.
• Mazais izmērs un pie sienas stiprinama dizaina elementi ļauj ērti izvietot un pārvietot.
• Ethernet ports ļauj paplašinātājam darboties kā bezvadu adapterim, lai savienotu ierīces ar vadu.
MPN - RE200
name - RE200 AP WiFi N750 1xWAN Extender
Name - TP-Link RE200
Name - TP-LINK RE200, Repeater white
Name - TP-Link Repeater RE200 LAN 2,4/5GHz 300/ 433MBit
Name - TP-LINK | Extender | RE200 | 802.11ac | 2.4GHz/5GHz | 300+433 Mbit/s | 10/100 Mbit/s | Ethernet LAN (RJ-45) ports 1 | MU-MiMO No | no PoE | Antenna type 3xInternal
Name - WI-FI tīkla pastiprinātājs TP-Link RE200 AC750
Name EN - TP-Link AC750 WiFi-5 Range Extender
Name ET - WiFi võimendi TP-Link AC750 Dual Band
NameInWeb EN - Wi-Fi range extender TP-Link AC750 Dual Band
NameInWeb ET - WiFi võimendi TP-Link AC750 Dual Band
NameInWeb LV - Wi-Fi paplašinātājs AC750 Dual Band, TP-Link
Name LV - TP-Link AC750 WiFi-5 Range Extender
name_en - TP-Link WiFi range extender RE200
name_et - TP-Link WiFi leviala laiendaja RE200
name_lv - TP-Link WiFi range extender RE200
name_ru - TP-Link WiFi расширитель сети RE200
NetWeight - 0.1090
Network - Cabling technology - 10/100Base-T(X)
Network - Networking standards - IEEE 802.11ac
Network - Networking standards - IEEE 802.11ac, IEEE 802.11b, IEEE 802.11g, IEEE 802.11n
Network - Networking standards - IEEE 802.11b
Network - Networking standards - IEEE 802.11g
Network - Networking standards - IEEE 802.11n
Network - Security algorithms - 64-bit WEP
Network - Security algorithms - 64-bit WEP, 128-bit WEP, 152-bit WEP, WPA-PSK, WPA2-PSK
Network - Security algorithms - 128-bit WEP
Network - Security algorithms - 152-bit WEP
Network - Security algorithms - WPA-PSK
Network - Security algorithms - WPA2-PSK
Network - Wi-Fi - Yes
Network - Wi-Fi band - Dual-band (2.4 GHz / 5 GHz)
Network - Wi-Fi data rate (max) - 433 Mbit/s
Network - Wi-Fi standards - 802.11b
Network - Wi-Fi standards - 802.11b, 802.11g, Wi-Fi 4 (802.11n)
Network - Wi-Fi standards - 802.11g
Network - Wi-Fi standards - Wi-Fi 4 (802.11n)
Network architecture - FastEthernet
Network Device Type - Range Extender
Number of antennas - 3
Operating frequency - 2,4 GHz
Operating frequency - 5 GHz
Operational conditions - Operating relative humidity (H-H) - 10 - 90%
Operational conditions - Operating temperature (T-T) - 0 - 40 °C
Operational conditions - Storage relative humidity (H-H) - 5 - 90%
Operational conditions - Storage temperature (T-T) - -40 - 70 °C
Other features - Czułość odbiornika:2.4G:
- 270M: -70dBm@10% PER
- 130M: -70dBm@10% PER
- 108M: -73dBm@10% PER
- 54M: -75dBm@10% PER
- 11M: -86dBm@8% PER
- 6M: -92dBm@10% PER
- 1M: -94dBm@8% PER
- 390M: -60dBm@10% PER
- 29.3M: -83dBm@10% PER
- 180M: -64dBm@10% PER
- 13.5M: -87dBm@10% PER
- 78M: -68dBm@10% PER
- 6.5M: -90dBm@10% PER
- 54M: -75dBm@10% PER
- 6M:-90dBm@10% PER
Package features > Gross depth (mm) - 90 mm
Package features > Gross height (mm) - 160 mm
Package features > Gross weight - 0.21 kg
Package features > Gross width (mm) - 100 mm
Package features > Packing quantity - 1 pc(s)
Package features > Palette Qty - 600 pc(s)
Package features > Paper/Pasteboard - 5 g
Package features > Plastic (No PET) - 101 g
Package features > Tare weight (kg) - 0.106 kg
Package features > Volume (m3) - 0.00144 m³
Package features > WEE classification - CL109:5:2017-04-01
Package features > WEEE tax - Yes
Packaging content - Cables included - LAN (RJ-45)
Packaging content - Quick start guide - Yes
Packaging data - Package depth - 101.5 mm
Packaging data - Package height - 89 mm
Packaging data - Package type - Box
Packaging data - Package weight - 190 g
Packaging data - Package width - 156.5 mm
Performance - Data transfer rate - 433 Mbit/s
Performance - Ethernet LAN data rates - 10
Performance - Ethernet LAN data rates - 10,100 Mbit/s
Performance - Ethernet LAN data rates - 100
Performance - Linux operating systems supported - Yes
Performance - Mac compatibility - Yes
Performance - Mac operating systems supported - Yes
Performance - Type - Network repeater
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 7 Home Basic
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 7 Home Basic x64
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 7 Home Premium
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 7 Home Premium x64
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 7 Professional
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 7 Professional x64
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 7 Starter
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 7 Starter x64
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 7 Ultimate
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 7 Ultimate x64
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 8
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 8 Enterprise
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 8 Enterprise x64
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 8 Pro
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 8 Pro x64
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 8 x64
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 98SE
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 2000
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 2000 Professional
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 2000, Windows 2000 Professional, Windows 7 Home Basic, Windows 7 Home Basic x64, Windows 7 Home Premium, Windows 7 Home Premium x64, Windows 7 Professional, Windows 7 Professional x64, Windows 7 Starter, Windows 7 Starter x64, Windows 7 Ultimate, Windows 7 Ultimate x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 Enterprise, Windows 8 Enterprise x64, Windows 8 Pro, Windows 8 Pro x64, Windows 8 x64, Windows 98SE, Windows NT, Windows Vista Business, Windows Vista Business x64, Windows Vista Enterprise, Windows Vista Enterprise x64, Windows Vista Home Basic, Windows Vista Home Basic x64, Windows Vista Home Premium, Windows Vista Home Premium x64, Windows Vista Ultimate, Windows Vista Ultimate x64, Windows XP Home, Windows XP Home x64, Windows XP Professional, Windows XP Professional x64
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows NT
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows Vista Business
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows Vista Business x64
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows Vista Enterprise
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows Vista Enterprise x64
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows Vista Home Basic
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows Vista Home Basic x64
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows Vista Home Premium
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows Vista Home Premium x64
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows Vista Ultimate
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows Vista Ultimate x64
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows XP Home
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows XP Home x64
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows XP Professional
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows XP Professional x64
Performance - WPS push button - Yes
Performance > Ethernet LAN data rates - 10/100 Mbit/s
Performance > Frequency band - 2.4GHz/5GHz
Performance > Wi-Fi data rate (max) - 300+433 Mbit/s
Ports & interfaces - Ethernet LAN (RJ-45) ports - 1
Ports & interfaces > Ethernet LAN (RJ-45) ports - 1
Ports & interfaces > POE - no PoE
Power - AC input frequency - 50/60 Hz
Power - AC input voltage - 100 - 240 V
Power - Power consumption (max) - 6.5 W
Power supply -
producer - TP-LINK
Producer - TP-Link
producerCode - RE200
ProducerCode - RE200
Producer product family - Extender
Producer product name - RE200
ProductCode - RE200
ProductName - RE200
productName - TP-Link RE200 network extender Network repeater White 10, 100 Mbit/s
productSize - Normal
Security - 64/128/152-bitowe WEP, WPA-PSK / WPA2-PSK
Shipping Box Depth Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 16 cm
Shipping Box Height Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 9 cm
Shipping box quantity - 1
Shipping Box Weight Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 0.223 kg
Shipping Box Width Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 10 cm
ShortDescription - Kompatybilny ze standardami sieci bezprzewodowych 802.11 b/g/n oraz 802.11ac
Short description - TP-LINK WLAN 750MBit Repeater RE200
ShortSummaryDescription - TP-Link RE200, Network repeater, 433 Mbit/s, 10,100 Mbit/s, Windows 2000, Windows 2000 Professional, Windows 7 Home Basic, Windows 7 Home Basic x64, Windows 7..., Internal, 20 dBm
sizeX - 100
sizeY - 90
sizeZ - 150
Software -
Special functions - - WMM (Wi-Fi Multimedia)
- Statystyki transmisji bezprzewodowej
- Logowanie z użyciem nazwy domenowej
Standards - 802.11ac
Standards - 802.11b
Standards - 802.11g
Standards - 802.11n
Stck_Kart - 20
Stck_Pal - 0
Storno - Y
System Requirements - Microsoft® Windows® 98SE, NT, 2000, XP, Vista lub Windows 7, 8, Mac® OS, NetWare®, UNIX® lub Linux.
TariffNo - 85176200
Technical details > Net weight - 0.104 kg
Technical details > Producer - TP-LINK
Technical_details - Boost Your Router Coverage to Expanded Dual Band WiFi
RE200 expands your existing WiFi coverage with next generation 11AC WiFi technology. It works with any standard WiFi router and creates stronger dual band connections in hard-to-reach areas, allowing you to enjoy seamless wireless coverage throughout your home or office.
Next Generation 11AC WiFi Create faster access for 802.11 b/g/n and 802.11ac WiFi devices. RE200 delivers fast speeds of dual band WiFi up to 750Mbps and provides reliable connections for laptops, smartphones, tablets and other wireless-enabled devices. Enjoy Super Speeds in High Speed Mode
With High-Speed technology, RE200 makes the best use of both WiFi bands to establish super speedy connections — ideal for HD video streaming, online gaming and other bandwidth-intensive tasks. Easy Setup and Flexible Placement
Press the WPS button on your router and the Range Extender button on your RE200 within 2 minutes to easily connect to the network. Once connected with an existing router, you can simply unplug and plug the RE200 back in anywhere within the wireless range of the existing router, without needing to configure the extender again. Entertainment Adapter
The RE200's single Ethernet port allows the Extender to function as a wireless adapter to connect wired devices like Blu-ray® players, gaming consoles, DVRs and Internet TVs. At the same time, the device can share the wireless network as well. Transfer Rate LAN 10/100 MBit/s LEDs Wlan, Power Wi-Fi Speed 11 MBit/s (IEEE802.11b 2,4 GHz), 54 MBit/s (IEEE802.11g 2,4 GHz), 300 MBit/s (IEEE802.11n 2,4 GHz), 54 MBit/s (IEEE802.11a 5 GHz), 300 MBit/s (IEEE802.11n 5 GHz), 433 MBit/s (IEEE802.11ac 5 GHz) Encryption 64-Bit-WEP, 128-Bit-WEP, 152-Bit-WEP, WPA-PSK, WPA2-PSK Ports RJ-45 LAN 1 Power Operating 6.5 watt(s) Features WMM (Wi-Fi Multimedia), WLAN-Statistiken, Login über Domänennamen, LAN-Port zur Einbindung von cablegebundenen Netzwerkdeviceen, Dualband-Übertragung Product dimensions 110 x 75 x 66 mm RoHS Compliant Yes
Title - TP-Link RE200 network extender Network repeater White 10, 100 Mbit/s
Unit Box Height - 0.09
Unit Box Length - 0.16
Unit Box Width - 0.1
Unit Brutto Volume - 0.00144 cubm
Unit Gross Weight - 0.223 kg
Unit Net Weight - 0.11 kg
UnitOfMeasureCode - tk
UnitsPerPackage - 1
Vendor Homepage -
vendpn - RE200
Volume - 0.00144000
Warranty - 36
Warranty - 36 month(s)
Warranty - 36 months
WarrantyInfo - 3 year
warrantyLength - 36
warrantyType - G
Weight - 0,21
Weight - 0.2
weight - 298
Weight & dimensions - Depth - 65.8 mm
Weight & dimensions - Height - 75.2 mm
Weight & dimensions - Weight - 100 g
Weight & dimensions - Width - 110 mm
Width - 0.1000
width - 10
Wireless Frequency Range - 2.4GHz & 5GHz
Wireless LAN features > Wi-Fi band - 802.11ac
WPA - Wi-Fi Protected Access Security - Yes
WPA2 - Wi-Fi Protected Access Security - Yes
27,01 €
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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