TP-LINK TL-WN722N, USB WiFi Dongle, 4dBi Antenna

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ID: 45626 Код товара: TL-WN722N
В наличии >50 шт.
Гарантия: 3 лет
12,27 €
Варианты доставки
  • Доставка на Smartpost 1,99 €: в пятницу, 07.03.2025
  • Доставка в почтомат Omniva 1,99 €: в пятницу, 07.03.2025
  • Доставка курьером 3,99 €: в пятницу, 07.03.2025
Основные параметры продукции Все параметры
  • Скорость передачи данных, Мбит / с: 150
  • Стандарт Wi-Fi: Wi-Fi 4 (802.11n)
  • Тип устройства: WiFi Adapter USB
Основная информация
Скорость передачи данных, Мбит / с : 150
Стандарт Wi-Fi : Wi-Fi 4 (802.11n)
Тип устройства WiFi Adapter USB

Access Point - беспроводная точка доступа, которая обеспечивает расширение передачи кабельной сети в беспроводной сети, используя одно подключение LAN. Access point это не рутер, и не может разделить одно интернет подключение на многие компьютеры, поэтому это устройство надо подключать за кабельным рутером.

Router - беспроводная точка доступа, которая обеспечивает разделение одного интернет подключения между несколькими компьютерами как по сетевым кабелям, так и в беспроводной сети. Обычно у беспроводного рутера есть только одно кабельное интернет подключение, четыре порта для компьютереа (которые можно расширить, используя комутатор switch) и антены, которые обеспечивают передачу на компьютеры и другие устройства WiFi.

Range Extender - усилитель передачи расстояния беспроводной сети. Предназначен для улиления сигнала, чтобы увеличить расстояние передачи и приёма.

Wifi adapter - беспроводная сетевая карта, предназначена для подключения компьютера к беспроводному WiFi рутеру или точке доступа. PCI, PCI-E предназначены для настольных компьютеров, а PCMCIA и USB - для портативных компьютеров. Надо учитывать, что большая часть портативных компьютеров уже на заводе оснащены беспроводными сетевыми картами.

Сетевая карта USB - это самый последний выбор, так как скорость передачи USB2.0 сравнительно низкая ~22MB/с, что означает то, что не будет задействована максимальная возможность скорость беспроводной сети. Если есть возможность, лучше выбирать другой вид подключения.

3G/4G support Nav

Возможность вставить в рутер SIM карту оператора, или адаптер USB Dongle, который обеспечивает доступ к мобильному интернету 3G.

Прежде чем приобретать рутер с поддержкой 3G, на сайте производителя убедитесь, что это устройство поддерживает приемник 3G USB Dongle конкретного оператора мобильных связей.

Band mode Single Band

SingleBand это стандартная беспроводная технология 2.4GHz, которая есть у всех современных беспроводных устройствах.

DualBand это 2.4GHz с дополнительным каналом 5.0GHz, что обеспечивает лучшую ощутимость сигнала и более стабильное скородействие. Чтобы использовать эту функцию, оба устройства - рутер и беспроводная сетевая карта должны поддерживать режим DualBand.

Ethernet N/A

LAN, или режим кабельного подключения ethernet.

10/100 MB.с это стандартная скорость, которая характерна практически всем рутерам.

10/100/1000 MB.с, или GigaBit этот стандарт в десять раз быстрее, что в соединении с сетевыми картами GigaBit LAN, даёт преимущество быстрой пересылки данных между компьютерами соединёнными в внутренней сети. Такое решение обычно необходимо в офисах, где между компьютерами часто копируются объёмные файлы или на многих компьютерах одновременно используется быстрое подключение интернета (от ~30 MB/s).

Места подключения и оснащение
Порты LAN : 0
Более подробная спецификация
64, 128-bit WEP Security - Yes
Accessories included - - Wireless network card
- 4 dBi detachable, omnidirectional
- CD
- Quick Start Guide
Antenna - Detachable external
Antenna gain - 4 dBi
Antenna Type - Omni-Directional
barcode - 845973050467
barcode - 6935364050467
barcode - 6935364090661
Brand - TP-Link
brand - TP-Link
BrandPartCode - TL-WN722N
Breite - 0.15
Category - Network Cards
Category - Root/Electronics/Networks and communication/Network interface cards
Category - Tīkla produkti, Gudrā māja :: Tīkla adapteri / USB uztvērēji
Category Code - WRA
Category_1 - Network and Servers
Category_2 - Network Cards - USB
category_en - Networking
category_et - Võrguseadmed
category_lv - Tīkla iekārtas
category_ru - Cетевое оборудование
Chipset type - What This Product Does
Wireless N USB Adapter TL-WN722N allows you to connect a desktop or notebook computer to a wireless network and access high-speed Internet connection. Complies with IEEE 802.11n, they provide wireless speed up to 150Mbps, which is beneficial for the online gaming or even video streaming. Also, wireless security encryption could be established simply at a push of QSS (Quick Setup Security) button, preventing the network from outside threats.Wireless N -Speed & Range
Base on the IEEE 802.11n technology, TL-WN722N shows more excellent abilities of mitigating data loss over long distances and through obstacles in a small office or a large apartment, even in a steel-and-concrete building. Compared with legacy 54M products, TL-WN722N delivers performance enhancements, allowing you to have a more joyful surfing experience, including sharing files, watching streaming media.
Clear Channel Assessment (CCA) automatically avoids channel conflicts using its clear channel selection feature and fully realizes the advantages of channel binding, greatly enhanced the wireless performance.External Detachable High Gain Antenna
TL-WN722N offers 4dBi high gain external antenna that can be rotated and adjusted in different directions to fit various operation environments, and can bring better performance than the internal antenna. For even more demanding applications, the antenna can be replaced with diverse antennas to show even greater flexibility and wider wireless coverage.WPS - One Button Security
TL-WN722N features WI-FI Protected Setup™ (WPS) that allows users to almost instantly setup their security simply by pressing the "WPS" button automatically establishing a WPA2 secure connection, which is more secure compared with WEP encryptions. Not only is this faster than normal security setups but more convenient in that you don't need to remember a password!WPA / WPA2 Encryptions - Advanced Security
As for the security of WI-FI connection, WEP encryption has been no longer the strongest and safest guards for outside intrusions. TL-WN722N provides WPA/WPA2 encryptions that are created by the WI-FI Alliance industry group, promoting interpretabilities and security for WLAN.
Code - TL-WN722N
Data transmission speed - 150 Mbps
depth - 20
Desc - Tips: Wifi adapteris, Pieslēgšanas veids: USB, WiFi protokoli: IEEE 802.11b/g/n, Ātrums: 150Mb/s, Šifrēšanas tipi: WEP/TKIP/WPA/WPA2/WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK, Garantija: 2 gadi
Description - TP-LINK TL-WN722N Wireless N USB Adapter TL-WN722N allows you to connect a desktop or notebook computer to a wireless network and access high-speed Internet connection. Complies with IEEE 802.11n, they provide wireless speed up to 150Mbps, which is beneficial for the online gaming or even video streaming. Also, wireless security encryption could be established simply at a push of QSS (Quick Setup Security) button, preventing the network from outside threats. + Exceptional wireless speed up to 150Mbps brings best experience for video streaming or internet calls + Easy wireless security encryption at a push of the QSS button + 4dBi detachable antenna, remarkably strengthen signal power of the USB adapter
Description - Zastosowanie produktu
Bezprzewodowa karta sieciowa USB TL-WN722N umożliwia podłączenie komputera lub laptopa do sieci bezprzewodowej zapewniając dostęp do szybkiego połączenia internetowego. Prędkość transmisji bezprzewodowej w standardzie N wynosi do 150 Mb/s, dzięki czemu możliwy jest płynny przekaz wideo lub korzystanie z gier online. Przycisk QSS umożliwia szybkie nawiązanie zabezpieczonego połączenia bezprzewodowego, chronionego przed zagrożeniami z zewnątrz.
Stabilna transmisja bezprzewodowa - prędkość transmisji w standardzie N do 150Mb/s
Działając zgodnie ze standardem IEEE 802.11n, urządzenie TL-WN722N ogranicza straty sygnału powstałe na skutek dużych odległości lub przeszkód (stalowych lub betonowych ścian budynków firm lub mieszkań). Transmisja danych z prędkością 54Mb/s zapewnia dużą wydajność pracy umożliwiając wygodne surfowanie po Internecie, współdzielenie plików, transfer multimedialny i wykonywanie połączeń telefonicznych przez Internet.    Technologia Clear Channel Assessment (CCA) umożliwia automatyczne unikanie konflików kanałów zwiększając wydajność bezprzewodowej transmisji.
Zewnętrzna, dołączalna antena dużego zasięgu
Karta sieciowa TL-WN722N wykorzystuje antenę 4dBi o dużym zasięgu transmisji. W zależności od warunków zewnętrznych możliwa jest regulacja kierunku nadawania i odbierania sygnałów anteny. Jest to rozwiązanie korzystniejsze w porównaniu do wykorzystania anten wewnętrznych. Dla bardziej wymagających zastosowań, antena urządzenia może być zastąpiona anteną o większym zysku energetycznym. Zwiększy to zasięg transmisji bezprzewodowej punktu dostępowego.
Przycisk QSS - aktywacja bezpiecznego połączenia
Pracując zgodnie ze standardem Wi-Fi Protected Setup™ (WPS), urządzenie TL-WN722N wspiera funkcję Quick Security Setup umożliwiając użytkownikom automatyczne zestawienie zabezpieczonego połączenia bezprzewodowego poprzez naciśnięcie przycisku QSS. W porównaniu do szyfrowania WEP, wykorzystanie metody szyfrowania WPS2 zapewnia większe bezpieczeństwo sieci. Rozwiązanie to jest nie tylko szybsze, w porównaniu z tradycyjną konfiguracją, ale również dużo wygodniejsze (nie trzeba pamiętać żadnego hasła).
Szyfrowanie WPA / WPA2 - zaawansowana ochrona sieci
Szyfrowanie WEP nie stanowi już najlepszej ochrony połączeń Wi-Fi przed atakami z poza sieci. Karta TL-WN722N obsługuje stworzony przez WI-FI Alliance standard szyfrowania WPA/WPA2 zabezpieczający sieć WLAN przed zagrożeniami z zewnątrz.
description_en - Compact size high speed wireless-n adapter. Higher range thanks to powerful replaceable externall antenna. Upgrade your laptop or desktop to wireless-n 6x the speed and 3x the coverage of wireless-g technology. Add high-speed Wireless-N (draft 802.11n) Internet access to any USB enabled computer Download music & movies, surf the internet and e-mail up to 6 times faster than previous generation wireless networks (Wireless 802.11g) Offers greater coverage than Wireless-G networks for internet access throughout your home or office Works with older Wireless-G and Wireless-B networks WiFi Protected Setup (WPS) simplifies setup and operation Data transfer rate of up to 150Mbps Supports USB 2.0 interface, backward compatible to USB 1.1 and 1.2 Enhanced WEP and WPA wireless security for protected Internet access 64-bit / 128-bit WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) Frequency Band Modulation Method: DBPSK, DQPSK, CCK, OFDM, 16-QAM, 64-QAM Supports Ad Hoc and Infrastructure modes Specifications: Supported Standards: IEEE 802.11 b/g/n Interface: USB 2.0 / USB 1.1 Security: 64/128 bit WEB encryption, WPA/WPA2 & WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK, WiFi protection setup - WPS Operating Frequency: 2400 MHz ~ 24835 MHz (CH1-CH13) Max. transfer rate: 150 Mbps OS Supported: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7 Operating Temperature: 0°C - 40°C Dimensions: 93 × 26 × 11 mm Certificates: CE, FCC, ROHS
description_et - Kompaktne, kiire andmeedastusega WiFi võrgukaart sinu arvutile. Tänu eemaldatavale / vahetatavale antennile saab seda WiFi kaarti kasutada interneti pikemate vahemaade taha levitamiseks. Tänu 802.11n standardile saad nautida kiiremat ühendust, kui vanemate seadmete g-standardile vastavad kaardid pakuks. Lisa kiire 802.11n internetiühendus oma USB pesaga varustatud sülearvutile Kuula muusikat, vaata filme ning sirvi veebi kuni 3× kiirema ühendusega võrreldes eelmise põlvkonnaga Sobib ka vanemate IEEE 802.11 b/g võrkudega kasutamiseks WPS (WiFi Protected Setup) lihtsustab WiFi võrgu registreerimist Andmeedastuskiirus kuni 150 Mbps USB 2.0 / USB 1.1 ühendusega WPA / WPA2 / 64-bit WEP / 128-bit WEP turvasüsteemidega Toetab Ad-Hoc infrastruktuuri režiimi Tehnilised andmed Toetatud standardid: WiFi IEEE 802.11 b/g/n Turvasüsteemid: 64bit/128bit WEP; WPA; WPA2; WPA-PSK, WPA2-PSK; WPS Töösagedus: 2400 - 24835 MHz (kanalid 1-13) Maksimaalne andmeedastuskiirus: 150 Mbps Toetatud operatsioonisüsteemid: Windows 2000 või uuem Töötemperatuur: 0°C - 40°C Mõõtmed: 93 × 26 × 11 mm
description_lv -
description_ru -
description_short_en - Compact USB WiFi adapter Supports IEEE 802.11 b/g/n standards Detachable antenna Data transfer rate up to 150 Mbps WEP/WPA/WPA2/WPS support
description_short_et - Kompaktne USB WiFi adapter Toetab IEEE 802.11 b/g/n standardeid Eemaldatava antenniga Andmeedastuskiirus kuni 150 Mbps WEP/WPA/WPA2/WPS toega
description_short_lv - Kompakts USB Wi-Fi adapterisIEEE 802.11 b/g/n standartu atbalstsNoņemama antenaDatu pārraides ātrums līdz 150 Mb/sek.WEP/WPA/WPA2/WPS atbalsts
description_short_ru - Компактный USB WiFi адаптерПоддерживает IEEE 802.11 b/g/n стандартыСменная антеннаСкорость передачи данных 150 MbpsПоддержка WEP/WPA/WPA2/WPS
Design - Antenna - Yes
Design - Antenna connector type - RP-SMA
Design - Antenna design - External
Design - Antenna direction type - Omni-directional
Design - Antenna gain level (max) - 4 dBi
Design - Internal - No
Design - Operating modes - Infrastructure mode
Design - Product colour - Black
Design - Product colour - Black, White
Design - Product colour - White
Design - Transmitting power (CE) - 20 dBm
Design - Transmitting power (FCC) - 27 dBm
Design - WPS push button - Yes
Designation - CE+WEEE
dimensionalWeight - 240
dimension depth - 40 mm
dimension height - 210 mm
Dimensions - 93,5 x 26 x 11mm (3,7 x 1,0 x 0,4 inches)
dimension weight - 234 g
dimension width - 150 mm
EAN - 6935364050467
ean - 6935364050467
EANCode - 6935364050467
Eans - 6935364050467
EAN_code - 6935364050467
feature_group_en - Wireless adapters
feature_group_et - Juhtmevabad võrgukaardid
feature_group_lv - Bezvadu adapteri
feature_group_ru - Беспроводные сетевые карты
Full Description Line - Type Adapter|Data transmission speed 150 Mbps|IEEE 802.11b|IEEE 802.11g|IEEE 802.11n|64, 128-bit WEP|WPA - Wi-Fi Protected Access|WPA2 - Wi-Fi Protected Access|Antenna Type Omni-Directional|Wireless Transmit Power 20 dBm|Wireless Frequency Range 2.400-2.4835GHz|Included Accessories 4dBi detachable Omni directional antenna; Resource CD; Quick Installation Guide
Gewicht - 0.18
Gross Weight Kg - 0,23
gross_weight - 0.195
GRUPPE1 - Network
GRUPPE2 - Wireless Adapters
GTIN - 0845973050467
GTIN - 845973050467
GTIN - 6935364050467
GTIN - 6935364090340
GTIN - 9789800359853
guarantee - 36
guarantee_type - normal
height - 4
Hoehe - 0.04
I/O ports - 1 x USB 2.0 Type A
IEEE 802.11b Network standard - Yes
IEEE 802.11g Network standard - Yes
IEEE 802.11n Network standard - Yes
ImageUrl -
Included Accessories - 4dBi detachable Omni directional antenna; Resource CD; Quick Installation Guide
Interface - USB
Laenge - 0.21
LargeDescHTML - Exceptional wireless speed up to 150Mbps brings best experience for video streaming or internet callsEasy wireless security encryption at a push of the WPS button4dBi detachable antenna, remarkably strengthen signal power of the USB adapter What This Product DoesWireless N USB Adapter TL-WN722N allows you to connect a desktop or notebook computer to a wireless network and access high-speed Internet connection. Complies with IEEE 802.11n, they provide wireless speed up to 150Mbps, which is beneficial for the online gaming or even video streaming. Also, wireless security encryption could be established simply at a push of QSS (Quick Setup Security) button, preventing the network from outside threats.  Wireless N -Speed & RangeBase on the IEEE 802.11n technology, TL-WN722N shows more excellent abilities of mitigating data loss over long distances and through obstacles in a small office or a large apartment, even in a steel-and-concrete building. Compared with legacy 54M products, TL-WN722N delivers performance enhancements, allowing you to have a more joyful surfing experience, including sharing files, watching streaming media.  External AntennasDual 3dBi external antennas for easy alignment to achieve the best signal.WPSEasy wireless security encryption at a push of the WPS button.WPA / WPA2 EncryptionsWPA/WPA2 encryption standards ensure your wireless connection is safe from intruders. The information provided on this page is a property of the manufacturer or the brand.To find out more, please visit:  
Link -
Logistics data - Harmonized System (HS) code - 85176990
LongDesc - WHAT THIS PRODUCT DOESThe TP-LINK TL-WN722N Wireless High Gain USB Adapter allows you to connect a desktop or notebook computer to a wireless network and access high-speed Internet connection. Using AlignTM 1-stream technology based on 802.11n technology, TL-WN722N provides a better wireless signal than existing wireless 802.11g technology. Most of all, equipped 4dBi detachable antenna can remarkably boost your signal range and speed. Now you can get a better Internet experience, such as downloading, gaming, video streaming and so on. HIGH GAIN DESIGNWith powerful 4dBi detachable antenna, the TL-WN722N remains excellent performance in the long range and bad environment, it can receive signal from wireless base even separated by 2 floors. QUICK SECURE SETUPQuick Security Setup is a handy feature that allows users to almost instantly setup their security simply by pressing the QSS button on the wireless adapter, it automatically establishes a WPA secure connection, instantly protecting your network.Features- 150Mbps wireless transmission rate;- Provides two methods of operation: Infrastructure and Ad-Hoc;- Quick Secure Setup, complies with WPS for worry free wireless security;- Supports 64/128-bit WEP, complies with 128 bit WPA standard(TKIP/AES), supports MIC, IV Expansion, Shared Key Authentication, IEEE 802.1X;- 4dBi omni-directional antenna detachable;- Supports Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7 OS;- Seamlessly compatible with 802.11b/g/n devices.
LongProductName - 150Mbps High Gain Wireless USB Adapter
LongSummaryDescription - TP-Link TL-WN722N. Connectivity technology: Wireless, Host interface: USB, Interface: WLAN. Maximum data transfer rate: 150 Mbit/s, Top Wi-Fi standard: Wi-Fi 4 (802.11n), Wi-Fi band: Single-band (2.4 GHz). Product colour: Black, White
Manufacturer - TP-Link
Manufacturer Code - TL-WN722N
Manufacturer Name - TP-LINK
manufacturer_code - TL-WN722N
Manufacturer_code - TL-WN722N
Modulation - - DBPSK- DQPSK- CCK- OFDM- 16-QAM- 64-QAM
Name - Bezvadu tīkla adapteris TP-LINK TL-WN722N
Name - TP-Link TL-WN722N
Name - TP-LINK TL-WN722N, WLAN-Adapter white
Name - TP-LINK | USB 2.0 Adapter | TL-WN722N
name - WN722N 150Mbps High Gain Wireless USB Adapter
name_en - TP-Link wireless adapter 150Mbps USB TL-WN722N
name_et - TP-Link juhtmevaba võrgukaart 150Mbps USB TL-WN722N
name_lv - TP-Link bezvadu adapteris 150Mb/sek. USB TL-WN722N
name_ru - TP-Link беспроводной адаптер 150Mbps USB TL-WN722N
Network - Frequency range - 2.4 - 2.4835 GHz
Network - Maximum data transfer rate - 150 Mbit/s
Network - Modulation - 16-QAM
Network - Modulation - 16-QAM, 64-QAM, CCK, DBPSK, DQPSK, OFDM
Network - Modulation - 64-QAM
Network - Modulation - CCK
Network - Modulation - DBPSK
Network - Modulation - DQPSK
Network - Modulation - OFDM
Network - Networking standards - IEEE 802.11b
Network - Networking standards - IEEE 802.11b, IEEE 802.11g, IEEE 802.11n
Network - Networking standards - IEEE 802.11g
Network - Networking standards - IEEE 802.11n
Network - Security algorithms - 64-bit WEP
Network - Security algorithms - 64-bit WEP, 128-bit WEP, WMM, WPA-PSK, WPA2-PSK
Network - Security algorithms - 128-bit WEP
Network - Security algorithms - WMM
Network - Security algorithms - WPA-PSK
Network - Security algorithms - WPA2-PSK
Network - Top Wi-Fi standard - Wi-Fi 4 (802.11n)
Network - Wi-Fi - Yes
Network - Wi-Fi band - Single-band (2.4 GHz)
Network - Wi-Fi standards - 802.11b
Network - Wi-Fi standards - 802.11b, 802.11g, Wi-Fi 4 (802.11n)
Network - Wi-Fi standards - 802.11g
Network - Wi-Fi standards - Wi-Fi 4 (802.11n)
Network - WLAN data transfer rates supported - 11
Network - WLAN data transfer rates supported - 11,54,150 Mbit/s
Network - WLAN data transfer rates supported - 54
Network - WLAN data transfer rates supported - 150
Network Device Type - Adapter
Number of antennas - 1
Operating frequency - 2,4 GHz
Operational conditions - Operating relative humidity (H-H) - 10 - 90%
Operational conditions - Operating temperature (T-T) - 0 - 40 °C
Operational conditions - Storage relative humidity (H-H) - 5 - 90%
Operational conditions - Storage temperature (T-T) - -40 - 70 °C
Other features - - Button: Quick Security Setup (QSS activation encryption WPS)
Package features > Embeeded battery - No
Package features > Gross depth (mm) - 200 mm
Package features > Gross depth master carton - 430 mm
Package features > Gross height (mm) - 40 mm
Package features > Gross height master carton - 440 mm
Package features > Gross weight - 0.195 kg
Package features > Gross width (mm) - 153 mm
Package features > Gross width master carton - 325 mm
Package features > Net weight master carton - 7.8 kg
Package features > Packing quantity - 40 pc(s)
Package features > Palette Qty - 1120 pc(s)
Package features > Paper/Pasteboard - 2 g
Package features > Plastic (No PET) - 135 g
Package features > Tare weight (kg) - 0.137 kg
Package features > Tare weight master carton - 1.045 kg
Package features > Volume (m3) - 0.001224 m³
Package features > WEE classification - CL109:5:2017-04-01
Package features > WEEE tax - Yes
Packaging content - Cables included - USB
Packaging content - Quick installation guide - Yes
Packaging content - Resource CD - Yes
Packaging data - Package depth - 150 mm
Packaging data - Package height - 39 mm
Packaging data - Package weight - 180 g
Packaging data - Package width - 200 mm
Ports & interfaces - Connectivity technology - Wireless
Ports & interfaces - Host interface - USB
Ports & interfaces - Interface - WLAN
producer - TP-LINK
Producer - TP-Link
producerCode - TL-WN722N
ProducerCode - TL-WN722N
Producer product family - USB 2.0 Adapter
Producer product name - TL-WN722N
ProductName - TL-WN722N
productName - TP-Link TL-WN722N network card WLAN 150 Mbit/s
productSize - Normal
Safety warning - Warnings - Do not disassemble or modify the device to avoid damage or electric shock.
Safety warning - Warnings - Protect the device from moisture and extreme temperatures.
Security - - 64/128 WEP bit encryption- WPA-PSK / WPA2-PSK
Shipping Box Depth Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 43 cm
Shipping Box Height Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 44 cm
Shipping box quantity - 40
Shipping Box Weight Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 8.25 kg
Shipping Box Width Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 32.5 cm
ShortDescription - Duża prędkość transmisji do 150Mb/s | Dołączalna antena 4dBi | zgodna ze standardem IEEE 802.11n
Short description - TP-LINK WLAN 150MBit USB Adap. Lite-N High-Gain
ShortSummaryDescription - TP-Link TL-WN722N, Wireless, USB, WLAN, Wi-Fi 4 (802.11n), 150 Mbit/s, Black, White
sizeX - 200
sizeY - 150
sizeZ - 40
Special functions - - WMM- Soft AP (Windows 7)- Roaming
Standards - 802.11b
Standards - 802.11g
Standards - 802.11n
Stck_Kart - 40
Stck_Pal - 60
Storno - Y
Supported operating systems - Windows 7
Supported operating systems - Windows Vista
Supported operating systems - Windows XP
Sustainability - Sustainability compliance - Yes
System Requirements -
System requirements - Linux operating systems supported - Yes
System requirements - Mac operating systems supported - Yes
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 7
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 7 Enterprise
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 7 Enterprise x64
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 7 Home Basic
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 7 Home Basic x64
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 7 Home Premium
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 7 Home Premium x64
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 7 Professional
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 7 Professional x64
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 7 Professional x64, Windows 8.1 Pro, Windows 10, Windows 7 Starter, Windows 8.1 Pro x64, Windows 10 Education, Windows 7 Starter x64, Windows 8.1 x64, Windows 10 Education x64, Windows 7 Ultimate, Windows 10 Enterprise, Windows 7 Ultimate x64, Windows 10 Enterprise x64, Windows 7 x64, Windows 10 Home, Windows 8, Windows 10 Home x64, Windows 7, Windows 8 Enterprise, Windows 10 IOT Core, Windows 7 Enterprise, Windows 8 Enterprise x64, Windows XP, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise, Windows 7 Enterprise x64, Windows 8 Pro, Windows XP Home, Windows 10 Pro, Windows 7 Home Basic, Windows 8 Pro x64, Windows XP Home x64, Windows 10 Pro x64, Windows 7 Home Basic x64, Windows 8 x64, Windows XP Professional, Windows 10 x64, Windows 7 Home Premium, Windows 8.1, Windows XP Professional x64, Windows 7 Home Premium x64, Windows 8.1 Enterprise, Windows 7 Professional, Windows 8.1 Enterprise x64
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 7 Starter
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 7 Starter x64
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 7 Ultimate
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 7 Ultimate x64
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 7 x64
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 8
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 8 Enterprise
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 8 Enterprise x64
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 8 Pro
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 8 Pro x64
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 8 x64
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 8.1
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 8.1 Enterprise
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 8.1 Enterprise x64
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 8.1 Pro
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 8.1 Pro x64
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 8.1 x64
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 10
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 10 Education
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 10 Education x64
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 10 Enterprise
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 10 Enterprise x64
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 10 Home
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 10 Home x64
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 10 IOT Core
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 10 IoT Enterprise
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 10 Pro
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 10 Pro x64
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 10 x64
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows XP
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows XP Home
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows XP Home x64
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows XP Professional
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows XP Professional x64
Technical details - Compliance certificates - CE
Technical details - Compliance certificates - CE, Federal Communications Commission (FCC), RoHS
Technical details - Compliance certificates - Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
Technical details - Compliance certificates - RoHS
Technical details > Net weight - 0.058 kg
Technical details > Other features - 2.4GHz, 802.11n, 150 Mbps, 1xDetachable antenna 4dBi
Technical details > Producer - TP-LINK
Technical_details - WHAT THIS PRODUCT DOES
The TP-LINK TL-WN722N Wireless High Gain USB Adapter allows you to connect a desktop or notebook computer to a wireless network and access high-speed Internet connection. Using AlignTM 1-stream technology based on 802.11n technology, TL-WN722N provides a better wireless signal than existing wireless 802.11g technology. Most of all, equipped 4dBi detachable antenna can remarkably boost your signal range and speed. Now you can get a better Internet experience, such as downloading, gaming, video streaming and so on. HIGH GAIN DESIGN
With powerful 4dBi detachable antenna, the TL-WN722N remains excellent performance in the long range and bad environment, it can receive signal from wireless base even separated by 2 floors. QUICK SECURE SETUP
Quick Security Setup is a handy Features that allows users to almost instantly setup their security simply by pressing the QSS button on the wireless adapter, it automatically establishes a WPA secure connection, instantly protecting your network. Featuress
- 150Mbps wireless transmission rate;
- Provides two methods of operation: Infrastructure and Ad-Hoc;
- Quick Secure Setup, complies with WPS for worry free wireless security;
- Supports 64/128-bit WEP, complies with 128 bit WPA standard(TKIP/AES), supports MIC, IV Expansion, Shared Key Authentication, IEEE 802.1X;
- 4dBi omni-directional antenna detachable;
- Supports Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7 OS;
- Seamlessly compatible with 802.11b/g/n devices. Drivers Windows 2000, XP, Vista Wi-Fi Speed 11 MBit/s (IEEE802.11b 2,4 GHz), 54 MBit/s (IEEE802.11g 2,4 GHz), 150 MBit/s (IEEE802.11n 2,4 GHz) Encryption 64-Bit-WEP, 128-Bit-WEP, WPA, WPA-PSK, WPA2, AES, WPA2-PSK Ports USB 2.0 1 Remarks externe, abnehmbare Antenne with 4 dBi and RP-SMA-connection Features Ad-Hoc-Modus Product dimensions 94 x 26 x 11 mm
Title - TP-Link TL-WN722N network card WLAN 150 Mbit/s
Type - WiFi
Unit Box Height - 0.15
Unit Box Length - 0.2
Unit Box Width - 0.04
Unit Brutto Volume - 0.001537 cubm
Unit Gross Weight - 0.206 kg
Unit Net Weight - 0.03 kg
Vendor Homepage -
vendpn - Tl-WN722N
Warranty - 36
Warranty - 36 month(s)
Warranty - 36 months
WarrantyInfo -
warrantyLength - 36
warrantyType - G
Weight - 0,18
weight - 175
Weight & dimensions - Depth - 26 mm
Weight & dimensions - Height - 11 mm
Weight & dimensions - Width - 93.5 mm
width - 15.3
Windows 7 OS compatibility - Yes
Windows 2000 OS compatibility - Yes
Windows Vista OS compatibility - Yes
Windows XP OS compatibility - Yes
Wireless Frequency Range - 2.400-2.4835GHz
Wireless Transmit Power - 20 dBm
WPA - Wi-Fi Protected Access Security - Yes
WPA2 - Wi-Fi Protected Access Security - Yes
12,27 €
TP-LINK TL-WN722N, USB WiFi Dongle, 4dBi Antenna
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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