Battery - wireless charging
Battery - battery life up to - 18
Battery - capacity - 296
BrandCode - APPLE
Clock - changeable band
Clock - casing material - aluminum
Clock - casing size - 44 mm
Clock - compatible with - iOS
Clock - included in the set - cable
Clock - watch type - smartwatch
Data exchange - WiFi
Data exchange - Bluetooth - Bluetooth 5.0
Dimensions - depth - 1.07
Dimensions - height - 4.4
Dimensions - weight - 32.9
Dimensions - width - 3.8
EAN - 195949004384
Functions - GPS
Functions - microphone
Functions - NFC
Functions - speakers
Functions - contactless payments - Apple Pay
Functions - sensors - accelerometer
Functions - sensors - altimeter
Functions - sensors - barometer
Functions - sensors - Gyroscope
Functions - sensors - Heart Rate sensor
General parameters - colour - beige
General parameters - manufacturer - Apple
General parameters - protection level - 5ATM
General parameters - waterproof up to - 50
GrossWeight - 0.2720
Health and activity tracking - activity tracking
Health and activity tracking - maximal oxygen uptake mesurements (VO2 max)
Health and activity tracking - sleep tracking
Health and activity tracking - stress level functions
Health and activity tracking - swim workout mode
Health and activity tracking - women's health tracking
Health and activity tracking - workout modes
Health and activity tracking - heart rate - wrist
Height - 0.0300
Length - 0.0770
LongDescription EN - Fast is fashionable.
Apple Watch SE is available in three case colors: Midnight, Starlight, and Silver. And the new S8 SiP makes it up to 20% faster, giving it the power to do more. Redesigned with the planet in mind.
The redesigned back case is made with a new production process that reduces its carbon emissions over 80%. It’s perfectly color-matched to the watch case, which is made with 100% recycled aluminum. Swim-suitable.
Apple Watch SE is water resistant 50 meters. Track your splits and sets in the pool. Map your route in open water. See accurate metrics even when using a kickboard. Whether you’re splashing, swimming, or surfing, the water’s fine. More metrics. More motivation.
Stay active and motivated with Activity rings. And train like never before with the enhanced Workout app. Now you can try custom workouts and get advanced fitness metrics like Heart Rate Zones, Stride Length, Ground Contact Time, and Vertical Oscillation. Crash Detection. A safety feature we hope you'll never need.
For the first time, Apple Watch SE is able to detect if you’re in a severe car crash. When a crash is detected, Crash Detection can automatically connect you with emergency services, provide dispatchers with your location, and notify your emergency contacts. Crash Detection uses the combined power of an improved 3-axis gyroscope and a new g-force accelerometer that has the highest dynamic range in any smartwatch. It also uses a microphone, a barometer, GPS, and an advanced sensor-fusion algorithm trained on over 1 million hours of real-world crash data to detect if you’re in a severe crash. Watches out for your heart health.
Check your heart rate at any time with the Heart Rate app. And get notifications for high or low heart rate or an irregular rhythm. Stay centered with Mindfulness.
The Mindfulness app is here to help you reduce everyday stress, be more present, and mentally prepare to take on new challenges. It can lead you through a series of calming breaths. And remind you to center yourself by reflecting on a short, thought-provoking theme. If you’re an Apple Fitness+ subscriber, you can practice mindfulness with audio-guided meditations anywhere you go. Get a closer look at your shut-eye.
The Sleep app tracks your sleep, working with your iPhone to help you create a schedule and bedtime routine to meet your sleep goals. See how much time you spent in different sleep stages like REM, Core, or Deep sleep, as well as when you might have woken up. View your sleep trends to see how consistently you’re meeting your goals. The only thing it won’t do is count sheep. More connected far and away.
Take a call from the trails. Send a text from the beach. Check notifications with a glance. With available cellular and international roaming, you can do more, even when you don’t have your phone, in more places than ever.
LongDescription ET - Kiirus on moes.
Apple Watch SE on saadaval kolmes korpuse värvitoonis: kesköösinine, tähevalge ja hõbedane. Tänu uuele S8 SiP kiibile töötab see kuni 20% kiiremini1 ja suudab varasemast veelgi enam.
Disainitud tulevikku silmas pidades.
Uus tagakorpus on toodetud viisil, mis vähendab süsinikuheidet üle 80%. Selle toon ühildub täiuslikult kella korpusega, mis on valmistatud 100% ringlussevõetud alumiiniumist.
Nagu kala vees.
Apple Watch SE on veekindel kuni 50 meetri sügavusel.2 Jälgi basseinis oma keskmist aega ja seeriaid. Kaardista avavees oma marsruut. Saad täpsed näidud isegi ujumislaua kasutamise korral. Sobib ideaalselt nii suplemiseks, ujumiseks kui ka surfamiseks.
Rohkem mõõdikuid. Suurem motivatsioon.
Aktiivsusringid hoiavad su liikumas ja motiveeritud. Ja täiustatud rakendusega Workout treenid nagu ei kunagi varem. Nüüd saad proovida kohandatud treeninguid ja jälgida täpsemaid trenninäitajaid, nagu pulsitsoonid, jooksusammu pikkus, maapinnaga kontaktis olemise aeg ja vertikaalne kõikumine.
Autoavarii tuvastus. Erakordne funktsioon, mida loodetavasti kunagi vaja ei lähe.
Nüüd suudab Apple Watch SE tuvastada raskesse autoavariisse sattumist. Avarii korral saab kell ühendada sind automaatselt hädaabikeskusega, edastada dispetšeritele su asukoha ja teavitada su hädaabikontakte.3 Autoavarii tuvastus kasutab täiustatud 3-teljelise güroskoobi ja uue g-jõu kiirendusmõõturi kombineeritud võimsust, millel on nutikellade seas suurim dünaamiline ulatus. Samuti kasutab see mikrofoni, baromeetrit, GPS-i ja täiustatud andurite fusioonialgoritmi, mis on seadistatud enam kui 1 miljoni tunni jooksul kogutud reaalsete sõidu- ja avariiandmetega, et tuvastada, kas oled tõesti sattunud tõsisesse avariisse.
Hoiab su südamel silma peal.
Rakenduse Heart Rate abil saad igal ajal südame löögisagedust kontrollida. See annab sulle märku aeglasest ja kiirest pulsist ning korrapäratust südamerütmist.
Mindfulness. Aeg iseenda jaoks.
Rakendus Mindfulness aitab vähendada igapäevast stressi, olla rohkem keskendunud ja vaimselt ettevalmistunud uuteks väljakutseteks. See aitab sul läbida rahustava hingamise seeriaid. Ja teeb sisemise tasakaalu leidmise lihtsamaks lühikeste mõtlemapanevate teemade abil.
Näe, mida sa unes teed.
Rakendus Sleep jälgib su und. Koos iPhone’iga aitab see sul kujundada sobiva unerütmi ja uinumisharjumused. Vaata eri unefaasides (REM-, põhi- ja süvaunes) veedetud aega ning võimalikke ärkamisi. Jälgi oma unetrende ning hoia pilk peal, kui järjekindlalt täidad oma eesmärke. Ainult lambaid pead ise lugema.
Paremini ühendatud. Ka kaugel.
Helista matkarajalt. Saada rannast sõnumeid. Hoia silm peal teavitustel. Mobiilsideühenduse ja rahvusvahelise rändlusega saad ka ilma telefonita teha enamat rohkemates kohtades.
MediumDescription EN - Three stylish case colors. Powerful sensors for insights about your health and fitness. Innovative safety features. Convenient ways to stay connected. A faster dual-core processor for added performance. Apple Watch SE is feature packed, and now it’s a better value than ever.
MediumDescription ET - Kolm stiilset värvi. Võimekad sensorid, mis aitavad mõista Sinu tervist ja füüsilist aktiivsust. Innovatiivsed ohutusomadused. Mugav viis püsida ühenduses. Kiirem protsessor lisab rohkem jõudu. Apple Watch SE on täis häid omadusi ja seda kõike kättesaadavamalt kui iialgi varem.
MediumDescription LV - Trīs stilīgas korpusa krāsas. Jaudīgi sensori, lai gūtu ieskatu par jūsu veselību un fizisko sagatavotību. Inovatīvas drošības funkcijas. Ērti veidi, kā uzturēt savienojumu. Ātrāks divkodolu procesors papildu veiktspējai. Apple Watch SE ir daudz funkciju, un tagad tas ir izdevīgāks nekā jebkad agrāk.
Name EN - Apple Watch SE2 GPS 44mm Starlight/starlight sport loop
Name ET - Apple Watch SE2 GPS 44mm Starlight/starlight sport loop
NameInWeb EN - Apple Watch SE 2, GPS, Sport Loop, 44 mm, starlight - Smartwatch
NameInWeb ET - Apple Watch SE 2, GPS, Sport Loop, 44 mm, beež - Nutikell
NameInWeb LV - Apple Watch SE 2, GPS, Sport Loop, 44 mm, bēša - Viedpulkstenis
Name LV - Apple Watch SE2 GPS 44mm Starlight/starlight sport loop
NetWeight - 0.0360
Processor - processor - Apple S8
ProductCode - MRE63ET/A
ProductionCountry - CN
SalesUnitOfMeasureCode - tk
Screen - touch panel
Screen - display technology - LTPO OLED
Screen - panel resolution - 368x448
Screen - screen size - 1.78
Software - operating system - Apple
Software - operating system version - watchOS 10
TariffNo - 85176200
UnitOfMeasureCode - tk
UnitsPerPackage - 1
Volume - 0.00055440
Width - 0.2400