Imou Cruiser 2C, 1296p, 3MP, White

Изображение может отличаться от реального товара, могут быть аксессуары и детали, не поставляемые с реальным товаром.
ID: 1112752 Код товара: IPC-S7CP-3M0WE
В наличии 8 шт.
Гарантия: 2 лет
55,16 €
Варианты доставки
  • Доставка на Smartpost 1,99 €: в четверг, 13.03.2025
  • Доставка в почтомат Omniva 1,99 €: в четверг, 13.03.2025
  • Доставка курьером 3,99 €: в четверг, 13.03.2025
Все параметры
Вес (г) : 410
Гнездо для карты памяти : microSD
Гнездо для SIM-карты : Nav
Диафрагма : Не указано
Кодирование : H.264, H.265
Количество камер в комплекте : 1
Кормление : 12V adapteris
Микрофон : Ir
Применение : Indoor/Outdoor
Рабочая температура MAX (°C) : 50
Рабочая температура MIN (°C) : -30
Разрешение : 2304×1296
Сетевые подключения : Ir, Nav
Цвет : Balta
Bодостойкость : IP66
FPS при максимальном разрешении : 25
Yгол обзора : 88°
Более подробная спецификация
Audio - Built-in microphone - Yes
Audio - Built-in speaker(s) - Yes
barcode - 6971927238194
Brand - Imou
brand - Imou
BrandPartCode - IPC-S7CP-3M0WE
Camera - Focal length - 3.6 mm
Camera - Fokusa attālums - 3.6 mm
Camera - Grozāma horizontāli - 355°
Camera - Grozāma vertikāli - +90°
Camera - Horizontal swivel - 355°
Camera - Lens viewing angle, diagonal - 107°
Camera - Lens viewing angle, horizontal - 88°
Camera - Lens viewing angle, vertical - 45°
Camera - Megapikseļi - 3 MP
Camera - Megapixels - 3 MP
Camera - Pan range - 0 - 355°
Camera - Sensora izmērs - 1/2.8" type
Camera - Sensora tips - CMOS
Camera - Sensor size - 1/2.8" type
Camera - Sensor type - CMOS
Camera - Tilt angle range - 0 - 90°
Camera - Vertical swivel - +90°
Camera design - Eyeball
Category - Security Cameras
Category Code - NCI
category_en - Smart home
category_et - Nutikodu
category_lv - Gudrā māja
category_ru - Смарт дом
Connectivity - Bezvadu - WiFi 6
Connectivity - Bezvadu - WiFi IEEE802.11 b/g/n/ax
Connectivity - Connectivity - Ethernet
Connectivity - Connectivity - WiFi
Connectivity - Wireless - WiFi 6
Connectivity - Wireless - WiFi IEEE802.11 b/g/n/ax
Description - Cruiser 2C supports 0°-355° pan and 0°-90° tilt to fully protect your home with a 360-degree view. IMOU Cruiser 2C offers 2 different camera pixel options, so you can choose the one that suits you best.
description_en - 355° WiFi 6 security camera 2304 × 1296 recording Clear image day & night Two-way talk Built-in spotlights & a siren Human & vehicle detection Smart tracking IP66 weatherproof design Panoramic pan & tilt for 360° protection
Cruiser 2C supports 0°-355° pan and 0°-90° tilt to fully protect your home with a 360-degree view. Chooose the best for you
IMOU Cruiser 2C offers 2 different camera pixel options, so you can choose the one that suits you best. Powered by lMOU SENSE™ precision Al
IMOU SENSE™ is a self-developed Al algorithm under the IMOU brand, the usage of cutting-edge technology in the industry allows your Cruiser 2C to be up to 50% more accurate than ordinary products and feedback the detection result to you within 0.02 seconds. Accurate human and vehicle detection
Powered by IMOU SENSE™, the newly upgraded AI human and vehicle detection can effectively reduce false alarms caused by mosquitoes and tree shaking. The effective detection range can reach 22 meters for persons and 44 meters¹ for cars, respectively ensuring that detection is truly "accurate". Smart tracking
Automatically track any person or animal that comes into view. Light the night up with smartness
Cruiser 2C can adjust different night vision modes according to your needs, whether you want the night vision to remain in full color all the time or want to turn on full color only when there is an event to save energy, it can always satisfy you. Smart mode. The camera will automatically turn into color mode from infrared mode when suspicious motion is detected. Full-color mode. Thanks to the built-in spotlights, your night vision is now turned up and in full color. Infrared mode. Advanced IR algorithm provide clear black-and-white pictures even in darkness. Off mode. Night vision and spotlights are all turned off. Put your camera further with Wi-Fi 6
Cruiser 2C supports the latest Wi-Fi 6 standard with higher data transfer rates and better wall penetration, allowing your security range wider. Deter unwelcome visitors
Cruiser 2C keeps an eye on your house, when someone breaks in, the spotlights and siren will turn on to deter the unwelcome visitor. Protect according to your preferences Customizable detection zone Favorite point setting Customizable alarm sound Scheduling Professional protection to weather any storm
With IP66 water-resistance, Cruiser 2C is able to against dust penetration and can easily handle rain and wind, keeping you safe around the clock. Connect your home from anywhere
A built-in speaker and a microphone with the echo cancellation feature allow you to interact with pets and family from anywhere. Diversified storage SD Card NVR: record for a much longer time or operate multiple cameras Cloud: 30-day free trial for every new user
description_et - 355° pööratav WiFi 6 turvakaamera 2304 × 1296 videosalvestus Selge pilt päeval ja öösel Kahesuunaline kõne Inimese- ja sõidukituvastus Nutikas jälgimine Kohandatav tuvastusala Sisseehitatud valgustid ja sireen IP66 ilmastikukindel disain Panoraamvaade ja kallutamine 360° kaitseks
Cruiser 2C toetab 0–355° panoraami ja 0–90° kallet, et kaitsta Sinu kodu täielikult 360-kraadise vaatega. Kvaliteetne videosalvestus
Imou Cruiser 2C turvakaamera pakub 2304 × 1296 videosalvestust ning koostöös uudse videokodeeringuga jõuab Sinuni hämmastavalt detailne pilt, isegi öösel. IMOU SENSE
IMOU SENSE™ on Imou väljatöötatud tehisintellekti algoritm, mis hõlmab video-, heli-, navigatsiooni- ja tajualgoritme. Tipptehnoloogia kasutamine tööstuses võimaldab Sinu Imou seadmel olla kuni 50% täpsem kui tavalised kaamerad. Täpne inimeste ja sõidukite tuvastamine
Äsja täiustatud IMOU SENSE™-i tehisintellekt inimeste ja sõidukite tuvastamiseks vähendab tõhusalt putukate ja puude liikumisest põhjustatud valehäireid. Tõhus tuvastuskaugus võib ulatuda 22 meetrini inimeste ja 44 meetrini autode puhul, tagades, et tuvastamine on tõeliselt täpne. Nutikas jälgimine
Jälgi automaatselt kõiki nähtavaid inimesi või loomi. Valgusta öö nutikalt
Turvakaamera tagab kristallselge pildi öösel isegi kuni 30 meetri kauguselt. Kaamera toetab nelja öörežiimi, et saavutada selge pilt ka täielikus pimeduses. Infrapunarežiim: täiustatud infrapuna algoritmid tagavad selge mustvalge pildi isegi täielikus pimeduses. Värvirežiim: tänu sisseehitatud valgustile saad nüüd ka öösel värve näha. Selle režiimiga saad oma koduhoovi mugavalt valgustada. Nutikas režiim: saad nautida mustvalget ja värvilist pilti vastavalt vajadusele. Valgustid lähevad automaatselt tööle, kui on tuvastatud kahtlane liikumine. Väljalülitatud režiim: lülitab välja nii öörežiimi kui ka valgustuse. Vii oma kaamera WiFi 6 abil kaugemale
Cruiser 2C toetab uusimat WiFi 6 standardit suurema andmeedastuskiirusega, võimaldades laiendada Sinu turvavälja. Hoia ära soovimatud külastajad
Turvakaamera hoiab Sinu majal silma peal. Kui keegi üritab sisse murda, lülitub sisse 110 dB sireen, et soovimatut külastajat eemale peletada. Kaitse vastavalt eelistustele Lemmikpunkti seadistus Kohandatav tuvastamisala Kohandatav helialarm Ajakava Professionaalne kaitse iga tormi eest
IP66 veekindlusega Cruiser 2C on võimeline kaitsma tolmu sissetungimist ning talub kergesti vihma ja tuult, hoides Sind ööpäevaringselt kaitstuna. Ühendu oma koduga kõikjalt
Sisseehitatud kõlar ja kajasummutusfunktsiooniga mikrofon võimaldavad Sul perega suhelda kõikjalt. Paindlik salvestusruum Kuni 256 GB microSD-kaart NVR: salvesta palju kauem või kasuta mitut kaamerat Imou Cloud: 30-päevane tasuta prooviperiood iga uue kasutaja jaoks
description_lv -
description_ru -
description_short_en - 355° WiFi 6 security camera 2304 × 1296 recording, clear image day & night Two-way talk, built-in spotlights & a siren Human & vehicle detection, smart tracking IP66 weatherproof design
description_short_et - 355° pööratav WiFi 6 turvakaamera 2304 × 1296 salvestus, selge pilt päeval & öösel Kahesuunaline kõne, sisseehitatud valgustid & sireen Inimese- & sõidukituvastus, nutikas jälgimine IP66 ilmastikukindel disain
description_short_lv -
description_short_ru - Поворотная на 355° камера видеонаблюдения Wi-Fi 6Запись 2304×1296, четкое изображение днем ​​и ночьюДвусторонняя связь, встроенное освещение и сиренаОбнаружение людей и транспортных средств, интеллектуальное отслеживаниеIP66 защищенный от атмосферных воздействий дизайн
Design - Form factor - Turret
Design - Housing material - Plastic
Design - International Protection (IP) code - IP66
Design - Mounting type - Ceiling/wall
Design - Product colour - White
Design - Protection features - Dust resistant
Design - Protection features - Dust resistant, Water resistant
Design - Protection features - Water resistant
dimensionalWeight - 1024
Dimensions - 120.7 × 136.2× 183.3 mm
Dimensions & weight - Augstums (mm) - 189.3
Dimensions & weight - Depth (mm) - 120,7
Dimensions & weight - Dziļums (mm) - 120,7
Dimensions & weight - Height (mm) - 189.3
Dimensions & weight - Platums (mm) - 136,2
Dimensions & weight - Svars (g) - 409
Dimensions & weight - Weight (g) - 409
Dimensions & weight - Width (mm) - 136.2
Environment - Outdoor
feature_group_en - Security cameras
feature_group_et - Turvakaamerad
feature_group_lv - Drošības kameras
feature_group_ru - Камеры наблюдения
Focal length - 3.6 - 4mm
Full Description Line - Cruiser 2C|Sensor size 1/2.8”|Pixel Resolution 3 Mega Pixel|Microphone Built-in|1xRJ45|Supports card capacities up to 256GB|Power supply requirements 12V1A|Dimensions 120.7 × 136.2× 183.3 mm|box quantity 1
Functions - Aizsardzība pret apkārtējās vides iedarbību - IP66
Functions - Features - AI human detection
Functions - Features - Alarm
Functions - Features - Built-in spotlight
Functions - Features - Configurable detection area
Functions - Features - External antenna
Functions - Features - Motion detection
Functions - Features - Night vision
Functions - Features - Remote control
Functions - Features - Rotatable design
Functions - Features - Smart tracking
Functions - Features - Two-way talk
Functions - Features - Vehicle detection
Functions - Night vision range - Up to 30 m
Functions - Weather sealing - IP66
General - Color - White
General - Darba temperatūra - -30 – 50 °C
General - Iepakojumā ietilpst - AC adapteris
General - Iepakojumā ietilpst - Mounting kit
General - Iepakojumā ietilpst - Security camera
General - Krāsa - Balta
General - Material - Plastic
General - Materiāls - Plastmasa
General - Operating temperature - -30 – 50 °C
General - Package contents - AC adapter
General - Package contents - Mounting kit
General - Package contents - Security camera
GTIN - 6971927238194
Image sensor - Number of sensors - 1
Image sensor - Optical sensor size - 25.4 / 2.8 mm (1 / 2.8")
Image sensor - Progressive scan - Yes
Image sensor - Sensor type - CMOS
Kaamera - Fookuskaugus - 3,6 mm
Kaamera - Liikumine horisontaalselt - 355°
Kaamera - Liikumine vertikaalselt - +90°
Kaamera - Megapiksleid - 3 megapikslit
Kaamera - Sensori suurus - 1/2,8" tüüpi
Kaamera - Sensori tüüp - CMOS
Lens system - Digital zoom - 8x
Lens system - Fixed focal length - 3.6 mm
Lens system - Number of lenses - 1
Lens system - Zoom capability - Yes
LongDesc - Cruiser 2C3MP/5MPSmart Tracking | Al Human & Vehicle Detection | Powered by IMOU SENSE™ | Smart Full-color Night VisionPanoramic pan & tilt for 360° protectionCruiser 2C supports 0°-355° pan and 0°-90° tilt to fully protect your home with a 360-degree view.Chooose the best for youIMOU Cruiser 2C offers 2 different camera pixel options, so you can choose the one that suits you best.Powered by lMOU SENSE™ precision AlIMOU SENSE™ is a self-developed Al algorithm under the IMOU brand, the usage of cutting-edge technology in the industry allows your Cruiser 2C to be up to 50% more accurate than ordinary products and feedback the detection result to you within 0.02 seconds.Accurate human and vehicle detectionPowered by IMOU SENSE™, the newly upgraded AI human and vehicle detection can effectively reduce false alarms caused by mosquitoes and tree shaking. The effective detection range can reach 22 meters for persons and 44 meters¹ for cars, respectively ensuring that detection is truly "accurate".Smart trackingAutomatically track any person or animal that comes into view.Light the night up with smartnessCruiser 2C can adjust different night vision modes according to your needs, whether you want the night vision to remain in full color all the time or want to turn on full color only when there is an event to save energy, it can always satisfy you.Smart modeThe camera will automatically turn into color mode from infrared mode when suspicious motion is detected.Put your camera further with Wi-Fi 6Cruiser 2C supports the latest Wi-Fi 6 standard with higher data transfer rates and better wall penetration, allowing your security range wider. Deter unwelcome visitorsCruiser 2C keeps an eye on your house, when someone breaks in, the spotlights and siren will turn on to deter the unwelcome visitor.Protect according to your preferences- Customizable detection zone- Favorite point setting- Customizable alarm sound- SchedulingProfessional protection to weather any stormWith IP66 water-resistance, Cruiser 2C is able to against dust penetration and can easily handle rain and wind, keeping you safe around the clock.Connect your home from anywhereA built-in speaker and a microphone with the echo cancellation feature allow you to interact with pets and family from anywhere.Imou Protect - Level up your securityImou Protect is a subscription service that is able to empower your IMOU products with advanced cloud computing technology and upgrade your security experiences.
LongProductName - 3 MP, 1/2.8” Progressive CMOS, 2304 x 1296, 3.6 mm, H.264&H.265, 8x Zoom, Mic, micro SD, Wi-Fi, Ethernet, PoE, DC 12V 1A, IP66, 409 g
LongSummaryDescription - Imou Cruiser 2C 2K. Type: IP security camera, Placement supported: Outdoor, Connectivity technology: Wired & Wireless. Mounting type: Ceiling/wall, Product colour: White, Form factor: Turret. Lens viewing angle, horizontal: 88°, Lens viewing angle, vertical: 45°, Lens viewing angle, diagonal: 107°. Sensor type: CMOS, Optical sensor size: 25.4 / 2.8 mm (1 / 2.8"). Digital zoom: 8x, Fixed focal length: 3.6 mm
Management features - Reset button - Yes
manufacturer_code - IPC-S7CP-3M0WE
Microphone - Built-in
Model name - Cruiser 2C
Mälu - Salvestusmeedium - Mälukaart
Mälu - Salvestusmeedium - Väline salvestaja
Mälu - Salvestusmeedium - Võrgumälu
Mälu - Sobivad mälukaardid - microSD (kuni 256 GB)
Mõõtmed & kaal - Kaal (g) - 409
Mõõtmed & kaal - Kõrgus (mm) - 183,3
Mõõtmed & kaal - Laius (mm) - 136,2
Mõõtmed & kaal - Sügavus (mm) - 120,7
name_en - Imou security camera Cruiser 2C 3MP
name_et - Imou turvakaamera Cruiser 2C 3MP
name_lv - Imou security camera Cruiser 2C 3MP
name_ru - Imou камера наблюдения Cruiser 2C 3MP
Network - Bluetooth - No
Network - Ethernet interface type - Fast Ethernet
Network - Ethernet LAN - Yes
Network - Wi-Fi - Yes
Network - Wi-Fi standards - 802.11b
Network - Wi-Fi standards - 802.11b, 802.11g, Wi-Fi 4 (802.11n), Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax)
Network - Wi-Fi standards - 802.11g
Network - Wi-Fi standards - Wi-Fi 4 (802.11n)
Network - Wi-Fi standards - Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax)
Night vision - Night vision - Yes
Night vision - Night vision distance - 30 m
Operating temperature range - -30°C~+50°C
Operational conditions - Operating relative humidity (H-H) - 0 - 95%
Operational conditions - Operating temperature (T-T) - -30 - 50 °C
Packaging content - AC adapter included - Yes
Packaging content - Mounting brackets included - Yes
Packaging content - Mounting kit - Yes
Packaging content - Number of cameras - 1
Packaging content - Quick start guide - Yes
Packaging content - Screws included - Yes
Packaging content - Waterproof connector - Yes
Performance - Auto-tracking - Yes
Performance - Connectivity technology - Wired & Wireless
Performance - Day/night mode - Yes
Performance - Placement supported - Outdoor
Performance - Type - IP security camera
Pixel Resolution - 3 Mega Pixel
Ports & interfaces - Ethernet LAN (RJ-45) ports - 1
Power - DC output current - 1 A
Power - DC output voltage - 12
Power - Enerģijas avots - Maiņstrāvas (AC) adapteris
Power - Power consumption (max) - 12 W
Power - Power consumption (W) - 12
Power - Power source - AC adapter
Power - Power source type - DC, PoE
Power supply requirements - 12V1A
producerCode - IPC-S7CP-3M0WE
ProductName - Cruiser 2C 2K
productName - Imou Cruiser 2C 2K Turret IP security camera Outdoor 2304 x 1296 pixels Ceiling/wall
productSize - Normal
RJ45 Input/Output connectors - 1
Security - Built-in siren - Yes
Security - Intelligent Video Surveillance (IVS) system features - Human detection
Security - Intelligent Video Surveillance (IVS) system features - Human detection, Vehicle detection
Security - Intelligent Video Surveillance (IVS) system features - Vehicle detection
Security - Siren noise level - 110 dB
Security - Video motion detection - Yes
Sensor size - 1/2.8”
Shipping Box Depth Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 16 cm
Shipping Box Height Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 20 cm
Shipping box quantity - 1
Shipping Box Weight Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 0.78 kg
Shipping Box Width Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 15.5 cm
ShortSummaryDescription - Imou Cruiser 2C 2K, IP security camera, Outdoor, Wired & Wireless, Ceiling/wall, White, Turret
sizeX - 160
sizeY - 200
sizeZ - 160
Storage - Built-in HDD - No
Storage - Card reader integrated - Yes
Storage - Compatible memory cards - MicroSD (TransFlash)
Storage - Compatible memory cards - microSD (up to 256 GB)
Storage - Ieraksta nesēji - Atmiņas karte
Storage - Ieraksta nesēji - External recorder
Storage - Ieraksta nesēji - NAS
Storage - Maximum memory card size - 256 GB
Storage - Recording media - External recorder
Storage - Recording media - Memory Card
Storage - Recording media - NAS
Storage - Saderīgas atmiņas kartes - microSD (up to 256 GB)
Supports card capacities up to - 256GB
Sustainability - Compliance certificates - CE
System requirements - Mobile operating systems supported - Android
System requirements - Mobile operating systems supported - Android, iOS
System requirements - Mobile operating systems supported - iOS
Title - Imou Cruiser 2C 2K Turret IP security camera Outdoor 2304 x 1296 pixels Ceiling/wall
Toide - Vooluallikas - Vooluadapter
Toide - Voolutarve (W) - 12
Turvakaamera funktsioonid - Funktsioonid - Alarm
Turvakaamera funktsioonid - Funktsioonid - Inimese tuvastamine
Turvakaamera funktsioonid - Funktsioonid - Kahesuunaline kõne
Turvakaamera funktsioonid - Funktsioonid - Kaugjuhtimine
Turvakaamera funktsioonid - Funktsioonid - Kohandatav tuvastusala
Turvakaamera funktsioonid - Funktsioonid - Liikumisandur
Turvakaamera funktsioonid - Funktsioonid - Nutikas jälgimine
Turvakaamera funktsioonid - Funktsioonid - Pööratav disain
Turvakaamera funktsioonid - Funktsioonid - Sisseehitatud valgusti
Turvakaamera funktsioonid - Funktsioonid - Sõiduki tuvastamine
Turvakaamera funktsioonid - Funktsioonid - Väline antenn
Turvakaamera funktsioonid - Funktsioonid - Öörežiim
Turvakaamera funktsioonid - Ilmastikukindlus - IP66
Turvakaamera funktsioonid - Nähtavus pimedas - Kuni 30 m
Unit Box Height - 0.2
Unit Box Length - 0.16
Unit Box Width - 0.155
Unit Brutto Volume - 0.00496 cubm
Unit Gross Weight - 0.78 kg
Unit Net Weight - 0.409 kg
Vendor Homepage -
Video & audio - Audio - Iebūvēti skaļruņi
Video & audio - Audio - Integrated microphone
Video & audio - Audio - Integrated speaker
Video & audio - Digital zoom - 8×
Video & audio - Digitālā tālummaiņa - 8
Video & audio - Video compression - H.264
Video & audio - Video compression - H.265
Video & audio - Video ierakstīšana - 2304 × 1296
Video & audio - Video recording - 2304 × 1296
Video & heli - Digitaalne suum - 8×
Video & heli - Heli - Integreeritud kõlar
Video & heli - Heli - Integreeritud mikrofon
Video & heli - Videosalvestus - 2304 × 1296
Video & heli - Videotihenduse standard - H.264
Video & heli - Videotihenduse standard - H.265
Video - Frame rate - 30 fps
Video - Maximum resolution - 2304 x 1296 pixels
Video - Total megapixels - 3 MP
Video - Video compression formats - H.264
Video - Video compression formats - H.264, H.265
Video - Video compression formats - H.265
Warranty - 24 months
WarrantyInfo -
warrantyLength - 24
warrantyType - F
weight - 780
Weight & dimensions - Depth - 136.2 mm
Weight & dimensions - Height - 183.3 mm
Weight & dimensions - Weight - 409 g
Weight & dimensions - Width - 120.7 mm
Ühenduvus - Juhtmevaba võrk - WiFi 6
Ühenduvus - Juhtmevaba võrk - WiFi IEEE802.11 b/g/n/ax
Ühenduvus - Ühendused - Ethernet
Ühenduvus - Ühendused - WiFi
Üldine - Komplekti sisu - Kinnituskomplekt
Üldine - Komplekti sisu - Turvakaamera
Üldine - Komplekti sisu - Vooluadapter
Üldine - Materjal - Plastik
Üldine - Töötemperatuur - -30 – 50 °C
Üldine - Värvus - Valge
Видео & звук - Аудио - Встроенные стереодинамики
Видео & звук - Аудио - Встроенный микрофон
Видео & звук - Запись видео - 2304 × 1296
Видео & звук - Стандарт сжатия видео - H.264
Видео & звук - Стандарт сжатия видео - H.265
Видео & звук - Цифровой зум - 8
Камера - Вертикальный поворот - +90°
Камера - Горизонтальный поворот - 355°
Камера - Мегапиксели - 3 MP
Камера - Размер матрицы - 1/2.8" тип
Камера - Тип сенсора - CMOS
Камера - Фокусное расстояние - 3.6 мм
Общее - Комплектация - Адаптер питания
Общее - Комплектация - Камера наблюдения
Общее - Комплектация - Комплект крепления
Общее - Материал - Пластик
Общее - Рабочая температура - -30 – 50 °C
Общее - Цвет - Белый
Память - Носитель памяти - Внешнее записывающее устройство
Память - Носитель памяти - Карта памяти
Память - Носитель памяти - Сетевая память
Память - Подходящие карты памяти - microSD (up to 256 GB)
Питание - Питание - AC адаптер питания
Питание - Потребление тока (W) - 12
Размеры & вес - Вес (г) - 409
Размеры & вес - Высота (мм) - 183,3
Размеры & вес - Глубина (мм) - 120.7
Размеры & вес - Ширина (мм) - 136,2
Соединение - Беспроводная сеть - WiFi 6
Соединение - Беспроводная сеть - WiFi IEEE802.11 b/g/n/ax
Соединение - Соединения - Ethernet
Соединение - Соединения - WiFi
Функции камеры безопасности - Видимость в темноте - До 30 м
Функции камеры безопасности - Особенности - Alarm
Функции камеры безопасности - Особенности - Rotatable design
Функции камеры безопасности - Особенности - Внешняя антенна
Функции камеры безопасности - Особенности - Встроенный свет
Функции камеры безопасности - Особенности - Датчик движение
Функции камеры безопасности - Особенности - Двухнаправленный звонок
Функции камеры безопасности - Особенности - Дистанционное управление
Функции камеры безопасности - Особенности - Назначение отслеживаемой зоны
Функции камеры безопасности - Особенности - Ночное
Функции камеры безопасности - Особенности - Обнаружение автомобиля
Функции камеры безопасности - Особенности - Обнаружение человека
Функции камеры безопасности - Особенности - Умное отслеживание
Функции камеры безопасности - Погодная устойчивость - IP66
55,16 €
Imou Cruiser 2C, 1296p, 3MP, White
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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