Accessories included -
Brand - Philips
BrandCode - PHILIPS
BrandPartCode - HX9042/17
Brush heads - brush head replacement reminder
Brush heads - kids design
Brush heads - bristle stifness - medium soft
Brush heads - brush head - standard
Brush heads - brush heads included - C3 Premium Plaque Control
Brush heads - no. of brush heads included - 2
Brush heads - recommended using period - 90
Category - Root/Household articles/AGD accessories/Brush accessories
Category - Toothbrush Heads
category_en - Health and beauty > Electric toothbrushes and accessories
category_lv - Skaistumam un veselībai > Elektriskās zobu birstes un aksesuāri
category_ru - Skaistumam un veselībai > Elektriskās zobu birstes un aksesuāri
Code - HX9042/17
Color - White
Construction - -
Depth - -
Description - Toothbrush heads Plaque Control HX9042/17 2 pieces Removes up to 10 times more plaque than a regular toothbrush
Thanks to its flexible construction, it removes up to 10 times more plaque from hard-to-reach places, allowing for really deep cleaning of the interdental spaces and along the gum line. Automatically selects the optimal program, giving great results ***
You will achieve the highest possible level of purity with the steam function in BrushSync *. The Philips Sonicare C3 Premium Plaque Defense brush head synchronizes with the BrushSync brush handle Philips Sonicare **** and selects the best brush program and intensity, ensuring extremely effective whitening. Just start brushing.
*** BrushSync pairing program is only compatible with Philips Sonicare brush handles that support this feature Philips Sonicare advanced sonic technology
Philips Sonicare advanced sonic technology forces water into the interdental gaps and removes plaque with brush strokes. You always know when to make an exchange. You always brush effectively.
Brush heads become less effective after 3 months of use, but BrushSync will remind you before this happens. The intelligent toothbrush records how often and how hard you brush your teeth, and informs you when it's time to change your head. Don't have a Philips Sonicare smart toothbrush? All you have to do is monitor the blue bristles, which tells you to replace the head with a new one when it turns white. Tested for the needs of oral care
All Philips Sonicare brush heads are safe and gentle on your teeth and gums. We subject them to comprehensive and demanding tests to be able to guarantee their durability and exceptional effectiveness with every brushing. The click attachment makes it easy to attach the brush head
The C3 Premium Plaque Defense head fits all Philips Sonicare brush handles except PowerUp Battery and Essence. Simple assembly facilitates replacement and cleaning. Up to 4 times larger contact surface ** for easy deep cleaning
Adaptive technology ensures individual cleaning every time you brush your teeth. The soft, rubber side elements mean that the Premium Plaque Defense head adapts to the shape of the teeth and gums and absorbs excessive pressure when brushing, increasing the efficiency of sonic cleaning. The bristles adapt to the shape of the teeth and gums, providing up to four times more contact surface than a regular brush head **, which allows deeper cleaning even in hard-to-reach places.
** Compared to DiamondClean head
description_en - Product Type: Electric toothbrush
Color: White
Brush Heads
Material: Rubber
Number of Brush Heads: 2
Replacement: Yes, replaceable heads
Brush Head System: Click-on
Bristles Hardness: Medium soft
Reminder Bristles: Blue bristles that gradually fade
Health Benefits
Plaque Removal: Removes 10x more plaque*
Size and Use
Toothbrush Size: Standard
Smart Brush Head Recognition: Yes
description_lv - Produkta veids: Elektriskā zobu birste
Krāsa: balta
Suku galviņas
Materiāls: Gumija
Sukas uzgaļu skaits: 2
Nomaiņa: Jā, maināmas galvas
Birstes galvas sistēma: uzklikšķināms
Saru cietība: Vidēji mīksti
Atgādinājuma sari: zili sariņi, kas pakāpeniski izgaist
Ieguvumi veselībai
Aplikuma noņemšana: noņem 10x vairāk aplikuma*
Izmērs un lietošana
Zobu birstes izmērs: Standarta
Viedās sukas galvas atpazīšana: Jā
description_ru - Тип продукта: Электрическая зубная щетка
Белый цвет
Насадки щеток
Материал: Резина
Количество насадок щетки: 2
Замена: Да, сменные головки.
Система насадки щетки: защелкивающаяся
Жесткость щетины: Средняя мягкая.
Щетина-напоминание: синие щетинки, которые постепенно тускнеют.
Польза для здоровья
Удаление налета: удаляет в 10 раз больше налета*
Размер и использование
Размер зубной щетки: Стандартный
Интеллектуальное распознавание насадки щетки: Да
Design > Colour of product - White
DesignFeatures -
Smart Brush Head RecognitionBristle stiffness feel: Medium softMaterial brush head: Soft, flexible rubber sidesReminder bristles: Blue bristle colour fades awaySize: Standard
dimension depth - 25 mm
dimension height - 220 mm
dimension weight - 34 g
dimension width - 60 mm
EAN - 8710103805595
ean - 8710103805595
Eans - 8710103805595
EnergyClass - -
Features - Bristle stiffness feel - Medium soft
Features - Brush head system - Click-on
Features - Compatibility - 2 Series plaque control, 2 Series plaque defense, 3 Series gum health, DiamondClean, DiamondClean Smart, EasyClean, Essence, FlexCare, FlexCare Platinum, FlexCare Platinum Connected, FlexCare+, for Kids, HealthyWhite, HealthyWhite+, PowerUp
Features - Health benefits - Removes 10x more plaque*
Features - Material brush head - Rubber
Features - Number of brush heads included - 2 pc(s)
Features - Product colour - White
Features - Reminder bristles - Blue bristle color fade away
Features - Replacement - Yes
Features - Smart brush head recognition - Yes
Features - Toothbrush size - Standard
Features > Number of brush heads included - 2
General parameters - manufacturer - Philips
GrossWeight - 0.0370
GrossWeight - 0.050 kg
gross_weight - 0.06 kg
GTIN - 8710103805595
GTIN - 8710103817390
GTIN - 18710103805592
guarantee - -2
guarantee_type - normal
Height - -
Height - 0.2200
Length - 0.0200
Link -
LongDesc - 03-12 (143)
LongDesc - Get a clean as unique as your smile. Our Premium plaque control adapts to the contoursof your teeth and gums thanks to soft, flexing sides that give you 4x more surface contactthan a regular brush head for a comfortable, deep clean.
LongDescription EN - Say goodbye to plaque
And thanks to its flexible design, it removes up to 10x more plaque from hard-to-reach areas for a truly deep clean along the gum line and between teeth. Adaptive cleaning technology
You get a personalized clean every time you brush with our adaptive cleaning technology. Soft rubber sides flex to let Premium plaque control adapt to the shape of your teeth and gums, absorbing any excess brushing pressure and enhancing our sonic cleaning power. Bristles can then adjust to the shape of your teeth and gums so you get up to 4x more surface contact than a regular brush head for deeper cleaning in hard-to-reach areas. BrushSync™ mode-pairing
You’ll always get the best possible clean with our BrushSync™ mode-pairing feature. The Philips Sonicare C3 Premium Plaque Control brush head syncs with your BrushSync™ enabled Philips Sonicare toothbrush handle, selecting the optimal brushing mode and intensity level for exceptional cleaning. All you need to do is start brushing. Philips Sonicare technology
Your Sonicare brush head and handle are the ultimate team. Enhancing our sonic technology, they give you unrivaled cleaning. High-speed vibrations in your toothbrush handle power up to 31,000 brush strokes per minute that whip up your toothpaste into plaque fighting bubbles, driving them deep between your teeth and along the gum line for exceptional cleaning. Brush head replacement cues Brush heads become less effective after 3 months of use, but with BrushSync™ you'll be reminded before this happens. Your smart toothbrush will track how often and how hard you brush, and will notify you when it’s time for a replacement. Don’t have a smart Philips Sonicare toothbrush? Just monitor your blue replacement bristles, and when they turn white you’ll know it’s time for a fresh brush head. Brushing with peace of mind
All Philips Sonicare brush heads are safe and gentle on teeth and gums. During tests, each brush head is put through its paces to ensure durability and an exceptional performance every time you brush. Easy to click-on
Your Premium plaque control brush head fits perfectly with any Philips Sonicare toothbrush handle, except PowerUp Battery and Essence. Simply click on and off for easy replacement and cleaning.
LongDescription ET - Eemaldab kuni 10× rohkem kattu kui käsihambahari
Tänu painduvale kujule eemaldab see igemepiiri ja hambavahede puhastamiseks raskesti ligipääsetavatest kohtadest kuni 10 korda rohkem kattu. Kuni 4× parem pinnakontakt tagab hõlpsa sügavpuhastuse
Philipsi kohandatavat puhastustehnoloogiat kasutades saavutate igal harjamisel soovitud puhtuse. Pehmed kummist servad painduvad, võimaldades Premium Plaque Controlil hammaste ja igemete kuju järgi kohanduda, et harjamine ei oleks liiga jõuline ja et puhastamine oleks veelgi tõhusam. Harjased kohanduvad hammaste ja igemete kuju järgi, tagades raskesti ligipääsetavate kohtade sügavpuhastamiseks tavalise harjapeaga võrreldes 4 korda suurema pinnakontakti. Valib parima tulemuse saavutamiseks automaatselt optimaalse režiimi
Philipsi BrushSync™-režiimi ühildumisfunktsioon tagab alati võimalikult hea puhtuse. Philips Sonicare C3 Premium Plaque Controliga harjapea sünkroonitakse BrushSync™-ühilduvusega Philips Sonicare’i hambaharja käepidemega, et valida ainulaadse puhtuse tagamiseks optimaalne harjamisrežiim ja intensiivsuse tase. Teil tuleb vaid harjamist alustada. Töötatud välja Philipsi ainulaadset Sonicare puhastustehnoloogiat täiendama
Sonicare’i harjapea ja käepide toimivad koos hästi. Sonicare’i tehnoloogiat täiustades tagavad need ülima puhtuse. Hambaharja kiire vibreerimine kiirusel kuni 31 000 liigutust minutis muudab hambapasta kattu lõhustavaks vahuks, suunates vahumullid ülima puhtuse tagamiseks sügavale hammaste vahele ja igemepiirile. Teate alati, millal on vahetamise aeg. Tagab alati tõhusa puhastamise
Pärast kolmekuulist kasutamist harjapea tõhusus langeb, kuid tuletame teile seda BrushSync™-i abil enne meelde. Teie nutikas hambahari jälgib, kui tihti ja kui tugevalt te hambaid harjate ning annab teile teada, millal on õige aeg vahetamiseks. Teil ei ole Philips Sonicare’i nutikat hambaharja? Lihtsalt jälgige siniseid vahetatavaid harjasid ja kui need muutuvad valgeks, on õige aeg harjapea vahetada. Testitud, et vastata teie suutervise vajadustele
Kõik Philips Sonicare’i harjapead on hammastele ja igemetele ohutud ning õrnad. Testide ajal pannakse harjapeade omadused proovile, et tagada teile harjamisel alati suurepärane tulemus ja vastupidavus. Külgeklõpsatav disain, et hambaharjapea vahetamine oleks lihtne
Premium Plaque Controliga harjapea sobib ideaalselt iga Philips Sonicare’i hambaharja käepidemega kasutamiseks, eranditeks on PowerUp Battery ja Essence. Lihtsaks vahetamiseks ja puhastamiseks hõlpsasti külgeklõpsatav ja eemaldatav.
LongProductName - Sonicare C3, Premium Plaque Control, 2-pack, Standard size, Click-on, BrushSync mode pairing
LongSummaryDescription - Philips C3 Premium Plaque Defence HX9042/17 2x White sonic toothbrush heads. Number of brush heads included: 2 pc(s), Product colour: White, Material brush head: Rubber
MediumDescription EN - Get a clean as unique as your smile. Philips Premium plaque control adapts to the contours of your teeth and gums thanks to soft, flexing sides that give you 4x more surface contact than a regular brush head for a comfortable, deep clean.For exceptional plaque removal• Up to 10x more plaque removal than a manual toothbrushPhilips Sonicare's deepest clean yet• Up to 4x more surface contact for an effortless deep cleanInnovative technology• Automatically selects optimal mode for ultimate results
• Engineered to boost our unique sonic cleaning powerDesigned to optimize performance• Always know when to replace. Always get an effective clean
• Click-on design for simple brush head placement
• Tested to meet your oral health needs
MediumDescription ET - Säravpuhas naeratus. Philipsi Premium Plaque Control kohandub hammaste ja igemete kontuuriga tänu pehmetele ja painduvatele külgedele, mis tagavad tavalise hambaharjaga võrreldes 4x suurema kokkupuutepinnaga, et puhastada mugavamalt ja põhjalikumalt.
MediumDescription LV - Likvidē līdz pat 10 reizēm vairāk aplikuma, nodrošinot lielisku rezultātu
Izvēlieties savam unikālajam smaidam piemērotu tīrīšanu. Premium Plaque Control birstes uzgalis pielāgojas Jūsu zobu un smaganu formai, pateicoties tā mīkstajiem, lokanajiem sāniem, un nodrošina 4 reizes lielāku saskari ar virsmu nekā parastas birstes uzgalis.Pilnīgai aplikuma likvidēšanai
• Līdz pat 10 reizēm labāka aplikuma likvidēšana nekā ar manuālo zobu suku.Philips Sonicare labākie rezultāti
• Līdz pat 4 reizēm vairāk saskares ar virsmu rūpīgam tīrīšanas rezultātam bez liekām pūlēm.
Model - C3
Name - Philips Sonicare C3 Premium Plaque Defence HX9042/17 | 2 szt. | biały
Name - Philips | Toothbrush replacement | HX9042/17 | Heads | For adults | Number of brush heads included 2 | Number of teeth brushing modes Does not apply | White
name - Toothbrush heads Plaque Control HX9042/17 2 pieces
Name EN - Sparebrush, Philips Sonicare C3 Premium Plaque Control, white
Name ET - Sonicare SMART Plaque hambaharja otsikud, valge
NameInWeb EN - Philips Sonicare C3 Plaque Control, 2 pcs, white - Toothbrush heads
NameInWeb ET - Hambaharja otsikud Philips Sonicare C3 Plaque Control (2 tk)
NameInWeb LV - Philips Sonicare C3 Plaque Control, 2 gab., balta - Uzgaļi elektriskajai zobu birstei
Name LV - Rezerves birstes Sonicare Smart C3, baltas
NetWeight - 0.0340
Other features -
Other features > Special features - Standard size. Medium softness.
Other features > Type - For adults
PackageContents - Brush heads: 2x C3 Premium Plaque Defense
Package features > Embeeded battery - No
Package features > Gross depth (mm) - 60 mm
Package features > Gross height (mm) - 220 mm
Package features > Gross width (mm) - 25 mm
Package features > Packing quantity - 1 pc(s)
Package features > Palette Qty - 5236 pc(s)
Package features > Paper/Pasteboard - 19 g
Package features > Tare weight (kg) - 0.019 kg
Package features > Volume (m3) - 0.00033 m³
Package features > WEEE tax - No
Power - -
Power > Battery type - Does not apply
ProdDesc - Philips Sonicare C3 Premium Plaque Defence Standard sonic toothbrush heads HX9042/17 2-pack Standard size
producer - Philips
Producer - Philips
ProducerCode - HX9042/17
ProductCode - HX9042/17
ProductionCountry - DE
ProductName - C3 Premium Plaque Defence HX9042/17 2x White sonic toothbrush heads
ProductPicture -
ProductPicture2 -
ProductPicture3 -
ProductPicture4 -
Quantity in unit package - 2
SalesUnitOfMeasureCode - tk
ShortDescription - Premium Plaque Control Standard 2 szt.
ShortSummaryDescription - Philips C3 Premium Plaque Defence HX9042/17 2x White sonic toothbrush heads, 2 pc(s), White, Rubber, 2 Series plaque control, 2 Series plaque defense, 3 Series gum health, DiamondClean, DiamondClean..., Medium soft, Click-on
TariffNo - 96032100
Technical details > Accessories included - 2 C3 Premium Plaque Defence brush heads
Technical details > Device type - Heads
Technical details > Gross weight - 0.032 kg
Technical details > Net weight - 0.013 kg
Technical details > Number of teeth brushing modes - Does not apply
Technical details > Producer - Philips
Technical details > Producer product family - Toothbrush replacement
Technical details > Producer product name - HX9042/17
Technology - Brush head system: Click-onPlaque removal: Removes 10 x more plaque
Title - Philips C3 Premium Plaque Defence HX9042/17 2x White sonic toothbrush heads
title_en - Philips C3 Toothbrush heads Standard sonic 2-pack
title_lv - Philips C3 Zobu birstes uzgali Standard sonic 2 gab.
title_ru - Philips C3 Насадки для зубной щетки Standard sonic 2 шт. в упаковке
Type - Toothbrush heads
UnitOfMeasureCode - tk
UnitsPerPackage - 1
vendpn - HX9042/17
Volume - 0.00026400
Warranty - 2 years
WarrantyInfo -
Weight - 0.042 kg
weight - 0.05 kg
Width - -
Width - 0.0600