Accessories included - - Oprogramowanie na CD
- Kabel USB
Active power - 400 W
Alarm - -
Apparent power - 650 VA
Backup time (100% load) - 1 min
Battery - Automatic battery test - Yes
Battery - Battery technology - Sealed Lead Acid (VRLA)
Battery - Cold start - Yes
Battery - Hot-swap battery - No
Battery - Typical backup time at half load - 9 min
BatteryType - Automatic battery test, deep-discharge protection, cold-start capable, replaceable batteries
Category Code - UPW
Chassis type - Rack
Chassis type - Tower
Color - Black
Connectors - 1 x USB (Typ B)
Connectors - RJ-45
ControlPanel - LCD (UPS status and measurements, configuration of UPS settings)
Depth - 285 mm
Description - Eaton Ellipse PRO 650 IEC The Eaton Ellipse PRO 650–1600VA is a line interactive UPS specifically developed to protect workstations running demanding applications. The Ellipse PRO features an LCD display for real-time status and measurements. It also features EcoControl power outlets, which enable energy savings up to 20 percent and Advanced Surge Reduction (ASR) that complies fully with the requirements of the IEC 616431-1 standard.
Description - Eaton Ellipse PRO 650 IEC
UPS Eaton Ellipse PRO 650-1600 VA jest zasilaczem UPS line-interactive specyficznie zaprojektowanym do ochrony stacji roboczych obsługujących wymagające aplikacje. Ellipse PRO wyróżnia się wyświetlaczem LCD pokazującym w czasie rzeczywistym stan pracy i wyniki pomiarów. Zasilacz posiada także gniazda wyjściowe z funkcją EcoControl, które umożliwiają oszczędność energii nawet do 20% oraz posiada zaawansowany ogranicznik przepięć (ASR), który całkowicie spełnia wymagania normy IEC 616431-1.
Link do specyfikacji:
Design - Display type - LCD
Design - Form factor - Tower
Design - LED indicators - Yes
Design - Product colour - Black
Design - Rack capacity - 2U
Design - Safety - IEC/EN 62040-1, IEC/EN 62040 -2, CB, CE
Designation - CE+WEEE
Desktop/pedestal Mounting Type - Yes
dimensionalWeight - 3584
dimension depth - 140 mm
dimension height - 320 mm
Dimensions - - Wysokość: 260 mm
- Szerokość: 82 mm
- Głębokość: 285 mm
Dimensions - 260 x 82 x 285mm
dimension weight - 7580 g
dimension width - 390 mm
ean - 743172437334
EANCode - 0743172437334
Environment requirements -
Features - Emergency Power Off (EPO) - Yes
Features - Input frequency - 50/60 Hz
Features - Input operation voltage (max) - 285 V
Features - Input operation voltage (min) - 150 V
Features - Output frequency - 50 Hz
Features - Output operation voltage (max) - 240 V
Features - Output operation voltage (min) - 220 V
Features - Output power - 400 W
Features - Output power capacity - 0.65 kVA
Features - Surge protection - Yes
Features - Surge protection features - Fax
Features - Surge protection features - Modem
Features - Surge protection features - Network
Features - Surge protection features - Telephone
Features - UPS topology - Line-Interactive
FormFactor -
Full Description Line - 400 Watts|650 VA|Topology LineInteractive|Input ports Single, IEC320 C14|Output power connector type IEC 320 C13|1xUSB|Desktop/pedestal|Rack
GrossWeight - 7.500 kg
GRUPPE1 - Power Protection
GRUPPE2 - UPS (Uninterruptable Power Supply)
guarantee - 36
guarantee_type - normal
Height - 260 mm
InputConnections - (1) IEC-320-C14
InputFrequency - 50/60 Hz autoselect
Input ports - Single, IEC320 C14
Input power ports - IEC-C14
InputVoltage - 165 V - 285 V (adjustable to 150 V - 285 V)
InterfacePorts - -
Logistics data - Harmonized System (HS) code - 85078000
LongDesc - The Eaton Ellipse PRO 650–1600VA is a line interactive UPS specifically developed to protect workstations running demanding applications. The Ellipse PRO features an LCD display for real-time status and measurements. It also features EcoControl power outlets, which enable energy savings up to 20 percent and Advanced Surge Reduction (ASR) that complies fully with the requirements of the IEC 616431-1 standard.
name - UPS Ellipse PRO 650 IEC ELP650IEC
Number of phases input - 1 (230V)
Other features - - Do montażu Rack wymagany opcjonalny zestaw !
- Zakres napięcia wejściowego: 165-285V (230V) 50-60Hz
- Napięcie wyjściowe: 230V (regulowane 220/230/240V)
- Automatyczny test baterii akumulatorów
- Ochrona przed głębokim rozładowaniem
- Funkcja "zimnego startu"
- Wymienialne baterie
Other features - Nominal input voltage - 230 V
OutputConnections - (3) C13, (1) C13 surge only
OutputFrequency - -
Output power capacity, VA - 650 VA
Output power capacity, W - 400 Watts
Output power connector type - IEC 320 C13
Output power ports - 4 x IEC-C13
OutputVoltage - 230 V (adjustable to 220 V - 230 V - 240 V)
PackageContents - -
Ports & interfaces - AC outlets quantity - 4 AC outlet(s)
Ports & interfaces - AC outlet types - C13 coupler
Ports & interfaces - Ethernet LAN (RJ-45) ports - 1
Ports & interfaces - Modem (RJ-11) ports - 1
Ports & interfaces - Power plug - C14 coupler
Ports & interfaces - USB 2.0 ports quantity - 1
PowerVAW - 650 VA
PowerW - 400 W
ProdDesc - 650VA/400W UPS, line-interactive, IEC 3+1
producer - Eaton
producerCode - ELP650IEC
productName - Eaton Ellipse PRO 650 IEC uninterruptible power supply (UPS) Line-Interactive 0.65 kVA 400 W 4 AC outlet(s)
ProductPicture -
ProductPicture2 -
ProductPicture3 -
ProductPicture4 -
productSize - Normal
Rack Mounting Type - Yes
RechargeTime - -
RJ45 - -
Runtime - 9/5
Shipping Box Depth Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 39 cm
Shipping Box Height Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 32 cm
Shipping box quantity - 1
Shipping Box Weight Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 7.65 kg
Shipping Box Width Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 14 cm
sizeX - 140
sizeY - 320
sizeZ - 400
SmartSlot - -
Software - Eaton UPS Companion
Special functions - - Wyświetlacz LCD wskazujący stan pracy i pomiary w czasie rzeczywistym
- Dostarcza niezakłóconą energię na wyjściu z automatyczną regulacją napięcia (AVR)
- Funkcja EvoCOntrol umożliwia oszczędność energii (do 20%)
- Zaawansowany ogranicznik przepięć (norma IEC 616431-1)
- Wygodna i wyjątkowo płaska konstrukcja dla łatwej instalacji w dowonym pomieszczeniu
- Port USB i oprogramowanie Eaton UPS Companion
- Chroni podłączone sieci danych (Ethernet/Internet/linie telefoniczne)
Stck_Kart - 9998
Stck_Pal - 4
Storno - Y
Topology - LineInteractive
Topology - Line interactive
Unit Box Height - 0.32
Unit Box Length - 0.39
Unit Box Width - 0.14
Unit Brutto Volume - 0.01747 cubm
Unit Gross Weight - 7.65 kg
Unit Net Weight - 6.6 kg
UPS Architecture - line-interactive
USB - Yes
USB Communication ports - 1
Vendor Homepage -
vendpn - ELP650IEC
Warranty - 2 years
Warranty - 24 months
warrantyLength - 36
warrantyType - F
WaveformType - -
Weight - 6.6 kg
Weight - 6.600 Kg
weight - 7766
Weight & dimensions - Depth - 285 mm
Weight & dimensions - Height - 260 mm
Weight & dimensions - Weight - 6.6 kg
Weight & dimensions - Width - 82 mm
Width - 82 mm