Nacon Gaming Daija Arcade Stick

Picture may differ from actual product, there can be accessories and parts not supplied with the actual product.
ID: 1108075 Product code: 3665962013184
Can be ordered 3 units Availability: 14 days after order approval
Warranty: 2 years (Warranty for business entities 1 year)
269.31 €
Main product parameters All parameters
  • Connection: Wads
  • Force Feedback: Nav
All parameters
Colour : Melna
Connection Wads
Wireless game controllers do not require a wired connection and therefore provide considerable freedom of movement and great experience of the magnificence of games.USB flash disc has become an equally popular accessory to a mobile phone, therefore we recommend to buy a high capacity flash disc. A usual measure of the volume of a flash disc is a DivX film occupying approximately 1.3Gb, therefore we recommend to buy at least a 2Gb flash disc for transporting films. If you want to be able to carry the contents of a DVD in your pocket you should buy an 8Gb or bigger flash disc.
Force Feedback Nav
Force feedback is a great addition to the experience of enjoying games, they allow to feel various obstacles and surfaces in games by vibration. If you are a demanding gamer recommends to buy a gaming controller with ForceFeedback.
Lighting : Nav
Lighting Colour : N/A
Platform : PC, Xbox
Type Gamepad, Joystick
Each genre of computer games has its own specifics how to make the gaming more convenient, therefore racing games have steering wheels, for flight simulators and 3D FPS games there is a Joystick, there is also the classic RumblePad for comfortable enjoyment of all types of games laying on a couch. Select the type of gaming controller that suits your preferences.Wireless game controllers do not require a wired connection and therefore provide considerable freedom of movement and great experience of the magnificence of games.USB flash disc has become an equally popular accessory to a mobile phone, therefore we recommend to buy a high capacity flash disc. A usual measure of the volume of a flash disc is a DivX film occupying approximately 1.3Gb, therefore we recommend to buy at least a 2Gb flash disc for transporting films. If you want to be able to carry the contents of a DVD in your pocket you should buy an 8Gb or bigger flash disc.
Weight, Kg : N/A
More detailed specification
BrandCode - Nacon Gaming
Connection - connector type - USB-A
Connection - cord length - 3
EAN - 3665962013184
Gaming accessories - removable joysticks
Gaming accessories - accessory type - controls
Gaming accessories - compatible with - PC
Gaming accessories - compatible with - Xbox One
Gaming accessories - compatible with - Xbox Series S
Gaming accessories - compatible with - Xbox Series X
Gaming accessories - controls - joysticks
Gaming accessories - kit contains - controller
General parameters - colour - black
General parameters - manufacturer - Nacon
GrossWeight - 4.5600
Height - 0.2900
Length - 0.1550
LongDescription EN - Reach the TopThe Daija Arcade Stick is designed in collaboration with Kayane, a leading esports player who set a record for tournament wins in the fighting game category at the age of 20. This stick is intended for true fighting game enthusiasts who want to achieve professional-level performance.
Professional Design and ButtonsEvery detail is carefully considered in the design of the arcade stick. The button layout is created by a top manufacturer known among professional players. Intuitive software allows you to customize buttons quickly and easily while maintaining quality, stability, and incredible accuracy.
Comfort That Takes You to the Next LevelThe Daija Arcade Stick offers exceptional comfort. The textured palm rest provides stable and comfortable support so you can continue playing for as long as you want. The choice of two different sticks allows you to select the best solution for every situation.
Quality and DurabilityThe arcade stick's sticks and buttons are made by SANWA, a top manufacturer known among professional fighting game players. This ensures top-quality and durability.
CustomizabilityAll buttons are fully customizable using the NACON Daija Arcade Stick software on PC and Mac computers. You can easily create gaming profiles with this intuitive and user-friendly software.
Button LockActivate the button lock feature to prevent accidental presses and interruptions during intense battles.
Choose Your StyleCustomize the appearance of your arcade stick with a choice of three front panels or create your own design using the template available on our website.
All-in-OneEverything you need is included in the arcade stick kit - a 3-meter removable USB-A to USB-C cable, two sticks, and two tools to quickly and easily customize your arcade stick. Your gaming experience will be perfect and professional.
LongDescription ET - Jõua TippuDaija Arcade Stick on disainitud koostöös Kayane'iga, juhtiva e-spordi mängijaga, kes juba 20-aastaselt püstitas võidetud turniiride rekordi võitlusmängude kategoorias. See pulk on mõeldud tõelisele võitlejamängude entusiastile, kes soovib saavutada professionaalse taseme jõudlust.
Professionaalne Disain ja NupudIga detail on arkaadipulga disainis hoolikalt läbi mõeldud. Nuppude paigutus on loodud professionaalsete mängijate seas tuntud tipptootja poolt. Intuitiivne tarkvara võimaldab nuppe kiiresti ja lihtsalt kohandada, tagades samal ajal kvaliteedi, stabiilsuse ja uskumatu täpsuse.
Mugavus, Mis Viib Su Järgmisele TasemeleDaija Arcade Stick pakub erakordset mugavust. Tekstuuriga peopesatugi tagab stabiilse ja mugava toe, nii et saad jätkata mängimist nii kaua kui soovid. Kahe erineva pulga valik võimaldab sul valida parima lahenduse igas olukorras.
Kvaliteet ja VastupidavusArkaadipulga pulgad ja nupud on valmistatud SANWA poolt, professionaalsete võitlusmängude mängijate seas tuntud tipptootjalt. See tagab esmaklassilise kvaliteedi ja vastupidavuse.
KohandatavusKõik nupud on täielikult kohandatavad, kasutades NACON Daija Arcade Stick tarkvara PC ja Mac arvutitel. Saad hõlpsalt luua mänguprofiile selle intuitiivse ja kasutajasõbraliku tarkvara abil.
NupulukustusAktiveeri nupulukustuse funktsioon, et vältida juhuslikke vajutusi ja katkestusi intensiivsetes võitlustes.
Vali Enda StiilKohanda oma arkaadipulga välimust kolme esipaneeli valikuga või loo enda disain, kasutades meie veebisaidil saadaval olevat malli.
Kõik ÜhesKõik, mida vajad, on komplektis - 3 meetrine eemaldatav USB-A - USB-C kaabel, kaks pulka, ja kaks tööriista, et kiiresti ja lihtsalt oma arkaadipulka kohandada. Sinu mängukogemus saab olema täiuslik ja professionaalne.
MediumDescription EN - Experience fighting games like never before with a controller designed for professional esports players. The Daija Arcade Stick is built from premium materials and fully customizable, offering unparalleled professional performance.
• Esports Performance: The Daija Arcade Stick is designed in collaboration with Kayane, a leading esports player who set a record for tournament wins in the fighting game category at the age of 20.
• Professional Design: Every detail of the arcade stick's design has been carefully considered to deliver esports performance. Intelligent button placement and intuitive software allow you to customize buttons quickly and easily.
• Ultimate Comfort: Textured palm rest, two different sticks, and a button lock feature ensure an extremely comfortable user experience.
MediumDescription ET - Koge võitlusmänge nagu ei kunagi varem koos juhtpulgaga, mis on loodud professionaalsete e-spordi mängijate jaoks. Daija Arcade Stick on ehitatud esmaklassilisest materjalist ja täielikult kohandatav, pakkudes enneolematut professionaalset jõudlust. • E-spordi Jõudlus: Daija Arcade Stick on loodud koostöös Kayane'iga, juhtiva e-spordi mängijaga, kes juba 20-aastaselt püstitas võidetud turniiride rekordi võitlusmängude kategoorias.
• Professionaalne Disain: Arkaadipulga disainis on arvestatud igat detaili, pakkudes e-spordi jõudlust. Nuppude intelligentne paigutus ja intuitiivne tarkvara võimaldavad nuppe kiiresti ja lihtsalt kohandada.
• Ülim Mugavus: Tekstuuriga peopesatugi, kaks erinevat pulka ja nupulukustuse funktsioon tagavad äärmiselt mugava kasutajakogemuse.
MediumDescription LV - Izbaudiet cīņas spēles kā vēl nekad ar kontrolieri, kas paredzēts profesionāliem esporta spēlētājiem. Daija Arcade Stick ir izgatavots no augstākās kvalitātes materiāliem un ir pilnībā pielāgojams, piedāvājot nepārspējamu profesionālu veiktspēju. • Esports Performance: Daija Arcade Stick ir izstrādāts sadarbībā ar Kayane, vadošo esporta spēlētāju, kurš 20 gadu vecumā uzstādīja rekordu, turnīru uzvarās cīņas spēļu kategorijā;
• Profesionāls dizains: katra arkādes kontroles sviras dizaina detaļa ir rūpīgi pārdomāta, lai nodrošinātu e-sporta veiktspēju. Inteliģentais pogu izvietojums un intuitīvā programmatūra ļauj ātri un viegli pielāgot pogas;
• Izcils komforts: teksturēts plaukstu balsts, divas dažādas kontroles sviras un pogu bloķēšanas funkcija, nodrošina neticami ērtu lietošanas pieredzi.
Name EN - Gamepad Nacon Daija Arcade Stick X1/Series X/S
Name ET - Pult Nacon Daija Arcade Stick X1/Series X/S
NameInWeb EN - Nacon Daija Arcade Stick, Xbox, black - Controller
NameInWeb ET - Nacon Daija Arcade Stick, Xbox, must - Juhtpult
NameInWeb LV - Nacon Daija Arcade Stick, Xbox, melna - Kontrolieris
Name LV - Gamepad Nacon Daija Arcade Stick X1/Series X/S
NetWeight - 4.0000
Power supply - power supply - USB
ProductCode - 3665962013184
ProductionCountry - CN
SalesUnitOfMeasureCode - tk
TariffNo - 84716070
UnitOfMeasureCode - tk
UnitsPerPackage - 1
Volume - 0.01977800
Width - 0.4400
269.31 €
Nacon Gaming Daija Arcade Stick
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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