Benq GW3290QT, 31.5"

Picture may differ from actual product, there can be accessories and parts not supplied with the actual product.
ID: 966470 Product code: 9H.LLHLA.TBE
In stock 6 units
Warranty: 3 years
369.87 €
Delivery options
  • Courier delivery 3.99 €: 14.03.2025
Main product parameters All parameters
  • Curved: Nav
  • Panel Type: IPS
  • Refresh rate: 75 Hz
  • Response time: 5ms
  • Contrast ratio: 1000:1
  • Brightness: 350cd/m2
  • Size: 31.5"
  • Resolution: WQHD 2560x1440
We offer to buy Benq 31.5" a monitor with WQHD 2560x1440 resolution.
  • IPS matrix for this monitor provides high colour correspondence parameters, superior picture contrast and good visibility from eventually all viewing angles.
  • The compatibility with the modern graphics cards and video players will be ensured by HDMI input.
  • DisplayPort port ensures the receipt of a higher quality picture from the computer graphics card supporting this technology.
  • The speakers system built in the monitor allows to listen to music and enjoy films with sound without making it necessary to buy additional speakers.
  • 5ms fast response time makes this monitor perfectly suitable for enjoying computer games and dynamic films.
  • The especially high WQHD 2560x1440 resolution due to the increased desktop size makes this monitor a great choice for graphics professionals and video editing experts.
Display characteristics
AMD FreeSync : Nav
Curved : Nav
Panel Type IPS

Teh monitor panel is the main feature of the visible part of the screen or the technology where the display of the colour dots (pixels) is implemented.

TN is the standard technology with average contract, brightness and colour compliance indices.

IPS is the matrix with high colour compliance and good response speed, therefore it is well suited for graphics tasks and photo editing. IPS matrix provide an excellent viewing angle maintaining the colours and contrast from almost any angle.

VA matrix ensures superior colour compliance, however, the response time of this matrix is lagging behind that of the IPS and TN; the viewing angle is somewhere between both these technologies.

The TN type monitor is fully sufficient for an average user. If you have more money available the VA or IPS can be chosen.

Refresh rate : 75 Hz
Touchscreen : NO
VESA DisplayHDR : Nav
Response time 5ms
The response time of the monitor screen determines how fast the monitor will display moving images (films, games, animations, etc.). The response time is measured in miliseconds. The less the response time the better the ability of the monitor to display moving images. recommends to buy monitors with 5ms response time or lower.
Contrast ratio 1000:1

Ekrāna kontrasts nosaka attēla asumu. Tā ir atšķirība starp vistumšāko (pilnīgi melnu) un visgaišāko (pilnīgi baltu) pikseli. Jo lielāks kontrasts, jo skaidrāk salasāms teksts uz ekrāna, kontrasts arī nosaka, cik izteiksmīgas līnijas būs redzamas monitora attēlā.

Augsts kontrasts ir nozīmīgs faktors izvēloties monitoru biroja, vai mācību vajadzībām, kad lielākoties tiek strādāts ar tekstuālu informāciju.

Mājas vajadzībām svarīgāks izvēles rādītājs ir gaišums un attēla reakcijas laiks. Kontrastu labāk novērtēt tumšā istabā.
Lielākais LCD monitoru trūkums ir tas, ka samazinot attēla spilgtumu, kontrasts var pazust.

Brightness 350cd/m2

Monitora gaišums ir attēla redzamības rādītājs, kas nosaka, cik labi saskatāms ir attēls pie spēcīga ārējā apgaismojuma (saules gaisma, gaiša telpa, utt.). LCD monitoru gaišums tiek mērīts kandelās uz kvadrātmetru (Cd/m2).
Izvēloties monitoru jāņem vērā - jo lielāks gaišuma rādītājs, jo labāka attēla redzamība.

Ikdienas vajadzībām iesaka iegādāties monitoru ar gaišumu, ne mazāku par 250 cd/m2.

Basic information
Application : Home & Office
Aspect ratio : 16:9
Color : White
Size 31.5"

The size of the monitor screen is measured in inches across the diagonal. The screen size must be proportionate to the resolution of the screen for achieving the maximum utilisation of the desktop and details of the image.

Mainly two forms of LCD monitors are available: with standard width and height proportion 4:3 or the widescreen proportion 16:9 or 16:10. A widescreen monitor is wider and its resolution is higher than that of the monitors with standard proportion.

The bigger the monitor size the higher resolution usually is supported. Possibilities to increase the resolution of the screen usually depend on the size and possibilities of the monitor and the type of the video card.

Resolution WQHD 2560x1440

The resolution of the monitor screen determines the number of colour dots (pixels) a monitor can display. It refers to the clarity of the text and images displayed on the screen. The higher the resolution the sharper the items look.

The applied resolution depends on the resolution supported by the monitor. LCD monitors, including the screens of laptop computers usually work best if their local resolution has been set. The setting of this resolution for the monitor is not mandatory, but usually it is recommended to set it for ensuring the highest possible sharpness of texts and images. The bigger the monitor size the higher resolution usually is supported.

Possibilities to increase the resolution of the screen usually depend on the size and possibilities of the monitor and the type of the video card.
• 19 inches screen (standard proportions): 1280x1024 pixels
• 20 inches screen (standard proportions): 1600x1200 pixels
• 22 inches screen (widescreen): 1680x1050 pixels
• 24 inches screen (widescreen): 1900x1200 pixels

Flicker-free : Ir
Height adjustment : Ir
Pivot : Ir
Swivel : And
Tilt : YES
VESA wall mount : 100x100 mm
Ports and equipment

D-SUB is the classic (analogous) monitor connection plug. This standard is gradually disappearing from the market giving the place to the higher quality HDMI or DisplayPort (digital) plugs.

If the resolution of the monitor is FullHD or below the average user will experience no problems with this connection. Those who want to achieve higher image quality and resolution should look for the monitor with the DisplayPort or HDMI connection slot.

DisplayPort 1

DisplayPort is the digital connection for transmitting the image via a single wire at a high quality level. Contrary to the HDMI, this connection allows to connect several external monitors to the computer via a single connector.

Prior to buying the monitor with the DisplayPort you should verify whether your computer has the DisplayPort plug available!


DVI is a digital standard and ensures high image quality, however, thanks to the big size of the plug and the inability of the standard to develop further due to a few technical restrictions this type of connection is gradually losing its popularity to modern HDMI and DisplayPort standards.

DVI is compatible with HDMI and transitions of both directions are available.

DVI is not compatible with DisplayPort, however, there are DualMode DisplayPort connectors which contains the HDMI/DVI signal, and in the relevant direction DisplayPort -> DVI can transmit an image.

If the monitor resolution exceeds 1920px in any direction a graphics card with the DVI-D Dual Link support and the relevant quality cable will be required.

Before buying a monitor you should verify whether your graphics card has the corresponding connection slot!

HDMI port 1

HDMI is the digital high quality image transmission standard that allows to connect the monitor to the computer via a thin cable by using an elegant small-size connector. HDMI is compatible with DVI if the relevant transition or cable is used.

Speakers Ir

Some monitors may have built-in speakers that quite often allow to give up external speakers thus freeing a space on the desk and saving money. The sound quality of built-in speakers is quite moderate and therefore we recommend to use this possibility just for infrequent needs.

For enjoying music, movies and games we recommend buying the corresponding quality and capacity speakers.

USB-C Power Delivery : 65W
USB-C video input : 1
More detailed specification
Accessories included - QSG, Instrukcje dotyczące bezpieczeństwa, Karta gwarancyjna
Aspect ratio - 16:9
Auto Pivot - Yes
Bluetooth - No
Brand - BenQ
BrandPartCode - 9H.LLHLA.TBE
Brightness - 350 nits
Built-in speakers - Yes
Category - Computer Monitors
Category - Root/Electronics/PC peripherals/Monitors
Category_1 - Monitors and TV
Category_2 - LED Monitors 31 inches and up
Certificates - TUV
Color - White
Connections - DisplayPort
Connections - HDMI
Connections - USB-C
Depth - 62.6 mm
Depth with stand - 251.5 mm
Description - 32 calowy ergonomiczny monitor do pracy i nauki w domu 2K QHD USB-C | GW3290QT Szybki transfer danych przez USB-C i wygodne ładowanie 65 W Wbudowane głośniki i mikrofonem z redukcją szumów dla czystego wokalu Ergonomiczny i szykowny design uzupełnia każde pomieszczenie Maksymalizacja wydajności dzięki prostocie
Równoważ pracę i życie w sposób efektywny i łatwy. Dzięki GW3290QT przełączanie między urządzeniami i czynnościami stało się jeszcze łatwiejsze, ponieważ jeden kabel USB-C i zintegrowany koncentrator USB łączą wszystko. Zaprezentuj swój gust dzięki nienagannym detalom i jakości, GW3290QT prezentuje konfigurowalny projekt, który pasuje do każdego stylu życia. Wszechstronna łączność kieruje Twoim przepływem pracy
Pojedynczy kabel USB-C zapewnia jednocześnie szybki transfer danych i zasilanie 65 W dla Twojego laptopa. Przemyślanie rozmieszczone porty przesyłają dane i zasilanie do telefonu oraz zwiększają wygodę korzystania z różnych urządzeń osobistych. Rozszerz do wielu ekranów
Podłącz swój komputer, aby utworzyć konfigurację z wieloma monitorami, aby uzyskać dodatkowe miejsce na ekranie i uporządkowaną przestrzeń roboczą dzięki połączeniu szeregowemu. Wykorzystaj obrót w pionie, aby dostosować widoki na wielu wyświetlaczach. Dostosuj, aby uzyskać wyższą wydajność
Ergonomiczna konstrukcja umożliwia łatwe dostosowanie wysokości, nachylenia, obrotu i obrotu monitora, zwiększając wydajność w idealnie komfortowym środowisku użytkownika. Zobacz cały obraz i ciesz się obrazami w ich pełnym kontekście. Wyjątkowa kreacja spotyka się z wysoką funkcjonalnością
Opcjonalna nakładka podstawy monitora GC01 dekoruje i porządkuje. Wykonuj zadania szybko i stylowo. Wyraźny wokal w każdym środowisku
Bez względu na środowisko, GW3290QT z łatwością zapewnia najlepszą jakość dźwięku. Wskakuj na spotkania z czystym wokalem transmitowanym przez głośniki z filtrem szumów i mikrofon z redukcją szumów. Rób zdjęcia, zapisuj i udostępniaj swoje pomysły
Oprogramowanie bez zewnętrznego pobierania. Uaktualnij swoje pomysły na spotkania i wyraź swoje wiadomości w dyskusjach za pomocą obrazów. Dzięki EnSpire zapisywanie uchwyconych chwil ze znacznikami w czasie rzeczywistym stało się prostsze dzięki kilku kliknięciom na ekranie. Zobacz więcej dzięki zachwycającym szczegółom
2K QHD zapewnia więcej miejsca na zawartość na ekranie, zapewniając jednocześnie wspaniałe szczegóły nawet w mniejszych czcionkach. Niezależnie od tego, czy chodzi o scenariusze pracy, czy zajęcia rekreacyjne, GW3290QT bez wysiłku wyświetla żywy kontrast i realistyczne obrazy. Przełączaj się płynnie jednym kliknięciem
Wygodnie rozmieszczone przyciski do przełączania między mikrofonem, głośnikiem i potrzebami ochrony wzroku. Użyj 5-kierunkowego kontrolera jako nawigatora w jednym miejscu, aby uzyskać dostęp do wszystkich ustawień. Inteligentna optymalizacja zapewniająca idealną jasność treści
Czujnik Brightness Intelligence, który jest przystosowany do długiego użytkowania od dnia do nocy, wykrywa zmiany oświetlenia w środowisku oglądania i aktywnie dostosowuje jasność ekranu, zapewniając komfortowe wrażenia podczas oglądania. BI Gen2 pozwala na większy stopień regulacji dzięki dostosowywaniu jasności ekranu do twoich preferencji, jednocześnie dbając o twoje oczy. Certyfikat TÜV Rheinland
Globalny urząd ds. bezpieczeństwa TÜV Rheinland potwierdza, że technologia GW3290QT pozbawiona migotania i charakteryzująca się niskim poziomem niebieskiego światła, jest rzeczywiście przyjazna dla ludzkiego oka. Certyfikat Eyesafe 2.0 gwarantuje, że wyświetlacz redukuje niebieskie światło, zachowując jednocześnie żywe kolory. Technologia Brightness Intelligence
Technologia Brightness Intelligence (B.I.Tech.) wykrywa intensywność treści, aby uniknąć prześwietlenia jasnych scen, jednocześnie poprawiając ciemne obszary, aby zachować wyraźną widoczność. Wydajność wyświetlacza jest idealna zarówno do pracy, jak i zabawy, chroniąc Twój wzrok dzięki doskonałej jakości obrazu.
Design - Feet colour - White
Design - Market positioning - Home
Design - Product colour - White
dimension depth - 180 mm
dimension height - 500 mm
dimension weight - 12500 g
dimension width - 920 mm
Display - Anti-glare screen - Yes
Display - Aspect ratio - 16:9
Display - Backlight type - LED
Display - Colour gamut standard - sRGB
Display - Contrast ratio (typical) - 1000:1
Display - Display brightness (typical) - 350 cd/m²
Display - Display diagonal - 80 cm (31.5")
Display - Display number of colours - 1.073 billion colours
Display - Display resolution - 2560 x 1440 pixels
Display - Display technology - LED
Display - HD type - Quad HD
Display - Maximum refresh rate - 75 Hz
Display - Native aspect ratio - 16:9
Display - Panel type - IPS
Display - Pixel density - 93 ppi
Display - Response time - 5 ms
Display - Screen shape - Flat
Display - sRGB coverage (typical) - 99%
Display - Viewing angle, horizontal - 178°
Display - Viewing angle, vertical - 178°
Display > Aspect ratio - 16:9
Display > Display - 2560 x 1440 pixels
Display > Display brightness - 350 cd/m²
Display > Display diagonal - 31.5 "
Display > Maximum refresh rate - 75 Hz
Display > Panel type - IPS
Display > Response time - 5 ms
Display > Viewing angle, horizontal - 178 °
Display > Viewing angle, vertical - 178 °
Display diagonal, " - 32
Display resolution, pixels - 2560 x 1440
Display surface - Matt
EAN - 4718755089497
ean - 4718755089497
Eans - 4718755089497
EAN_code - 4718755089497
Energy class - F
Energy label - Pobierz
Ergonomics - Height adjustment - 11 cm
Ergonomics - Height adjustment - Yes
Ergonomics - Number of OSD languages - 18
Ergonomics - On Screen Display (OSD) - Yes
Ergonomics - On Screen Display (OSD) languages - Arabic, Simplified Chinese, Czech, Dutch, English, French, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Swedish
Ergonomics - Panel mounting interface - 100 x 100 mm
Ergonomics - Pivot - Yes
Ergonomics - Pivot angle - -90 - 90°
Ergonomics - Swivel angle range - -20 - 20°
Ergonomics - Swivelling - Yes
Ergonomics - Tilt adjustment - Yes
Ergonomics - Tilt angle range - -5 - 20°
Ergonomics - VESA mounting - Yes
Ergonomics > Height adjustment - Yes
Ergonomics > Pivot - Yes
Ergonomics > Swivelling - Yes
Ergonomics > Tilt adjustment - Yes
Ergonomics > VESA mounting - Yes
Ergonomics > VESA mounting interfaces - 100x100 mm
GTIN - 0840046048143
GTIN - 840046048143
GTIN - 4718755089497
guarantee - 36
guarantee_type - external
Height - 428.7 mm
Height - 927.000000
Height (max) - 597.7 mm
Height adjustment - Yes
Height with stand - 488.1 mm
I/O connectors - 1 x HDMI
I/O connectors - 1 x USB (Type C)
I/O connectors - 2 x DisplayPort
I/O connectors - 2 x USB 3.1
Length - 187.000000
Link -
LongDesc - Maximizing Productivity with SimplicityBalance work and life efficiently and easily. With the GW3290QT, switching between devices and activities became even more effortless as one USB-C cable and integrated USB-hub connects all. Showcase your taste with impeccable details and quality, the GW3290QT presents a customizable design that accommodates every lifestyle.Versatile Connectivity Directs Your WorkflowPerfect ports reduce cable clutter. One single USB-C™ cable simultaneously provides fast data transfer and 65W power delivery for your laptop. The thoughtfully-placed ports downstreams data and power to your phone and heightens convenience for various personal devices.*Cables included in the package come in the color black.Expand to Multiple DisplaysConnect your computer to create a multi-monitor setup for extra screen real estate and a decluttered workspace by daisy-chaining. Utilize pivot rotation to customize views on multiple displays.View More with Stunning Details2K QHD showcases more space for contents on screen while delivering stunning details even in smaller fonts. Whether in working scenarios or leisure activities, GW3290QT effortlessly presents vivid contrast and lifelike images.Tailored Modes for Multi-UsageCoding ModeDevised to make every color pop out for easy readability with optimized contrast and saturation of dark mode.M-Book ModeDedicated to minimize the visual differences between the monitor and the connected MacBook series product.Adjust for Higher EfficiencyThe ergonomic design offers easy customization of the height, tilt, pivot and swivel of the monitor, boosting efficiency in an ideally comfortable user environment. See the whole picture and enjoy images in their full context.Switch Seamlessly with One ClickConveniently-placed buttons for switching between microphone, speaker, and Eye-Care needs. Utilize the 5-way controller as one-stop navigator to reach all settings.Clear-Cut Vocals in Any EnvironmentNo matter the environment, GW3290QT easily provides the best audio quality. Jump into meetings with clear vocals transmitted through Noise Filter Speakers and Noise Cancellation Microphone.Noise Filter SpeakersOptimized noise-filtering technology within the built-in speakers help reduce background sound on the other end, leaving only clear vocals for better communication.Noise Cancellation MicrophoneWith the integrated Noise Cancellation Microphone*, ambient sound is filtered in your environment while bringing out important vocal cues.Separating Signal from Noise*The Noise Cancellation Microphone only works on laptops and other external PCs when connected via USB-C.Smart Optimization for Perfect Content BrightnessWelcoming long usages from day to night, the Brightness Intelligence sensor detects light changes in your viewing environment and actively adjusts screen brightness for comfortable viewing experiences. B.I. Gen2 allows higher degree of adjustability via customizable screen brightness to your preferences while caring for your eyes.Eye-CareULeave it to the compatible software Eye-CareU on GW3290QT to remind you of time, lighting, and posture as you focus on what you do best. The pop-up access works as an assistant, allowing quick navigation and setting via its quick on-screen control.TÜV Rheinland CertificationGlobal safety authority TÜV Rheinland certifies GW3290QT's Flicker-Free and Low Blue Light as truly friendly to the human eye. Eyesafe certification ensures that the display reduces blue light while maintaining vivid color.Low Blue Light Plus TechnologyThe technology keeps vivid color while filtering out shorter, higher energy blue-violet radiation harmful to the eyes.Flicker-Free TechnologyThe exclusive BenQ Flicker-Free Technology eliminates flickering at all brightness levels to reduce eye strain, fatigue, and headaches.Color Weakness ModeThe red and green filters on the monitor help individuals with color deficiency distinguish colors more easily.ePaper ModeThe simulated e-book effect with clear black and white reading layout makes a better reading experience.Distinctive Creation meets High FunctionalityThe compatible accessory monitor base cover GC01 decorates and organizes. Get your tasks done fast, and with style.Personalize Your SpaceDecorate with style and fun. Bring your collection to life and complement your working environment with passion and joy.Hold Cables Neat and TidyKeep your cords untangled and easy to use while the downstream USB-C™ port delivers data and power to your phone.Arrange with SimplicityNo more scatter and search as the functional base design organizes stationery and clears your desk surface for higher productivity.
LongProductName - 31.5", 2K QHD, USB-C, IPS, 2560x1440, 350 nits, 75 Hz, 99% sRGB, Thunderbolt 3, Eye Care
LongSummaryDescription - BenQ GW3290QT. Display diagonal: 80 cm (31.5"), Display resolution: 2560 x 1440 pixels, HD type: Quad HD, Display technology: LED, Response time: 5 ms, Native aspect ratio: 16:9, Viewing angle, horizontal: 178°, Viewing angle, vertical: 178°. Built-in speaker(s). Built-in USB hub. VESA mounting, Height adjustment. Product colour: White
Manufacturer - BENQ
Manufacturer - BenQ
ManufacturerPartNumber - 9H.LLHLA.TBE
Manufacturer_code - 9H.LLHLA.TBE
Matrix type - TFT IPS
Model - GW3290QT
Multimedia - Built-in camera - No
Multimedia - Built-in speaker(s) - Yes
Multimedia - Number of speakers - 2
Multimedia - RMS rated power - 4 W
Multimedia > Built-in speaker(s) - No
Multimedia > TV tuner integrated - No
Name - BenQ GW3290QT, LED monitor - 32 - white, QHD, USB-C, 75 Hz, IPS
Name - BenQ GW3290QT - 31,5'' | IPS | QHD | 75Hz
Name - Benq | Monitor | GW3290QT | 31.5 " | IPS | 16:9 | 75 Hz | 5 ms | 2560 x 1440 pixels | 350 cd/m² | HDMI ports quantity 1
name - Monitor 31.5 inches GW3290QT 2K 5ms/IPS/HDMI/75Hz
Networking > Ethernet LAN (RJ-45) ports - No
Number of colors - 1,07 mld
Optional accessory -
Other features -
Package features > Embeeded battery - No
Package features > Gross depth (mm) - 800.00 mm
Package features > Gross height (mm) - 690.00 mm
Package features > Gross width (mm) - 350.00 mm
Package features > Packing quantity - 1.00 pc(s)
Package features > Palette Qty - 25 pc(s)
Package features > Paper/Pasteboard - 700.00 g
Package features > Plastic (No PET) - 100.00 g
Package features > Tare weight (kg) - 0.80 kg
Package features > Volume (m3) - 0.19 m³
Package features > WEE classification - CL109:2:2017-04-01
Package features > WEEE tax - Yes
Packaging content - Stand included - Yes
Performance - Flicker-free technology - Yes
Performance - Game mode - Yes
Performance - Low Blue Light technology - Yes
Performance - Smart modes - Custom, Game, M-Book, Movie, Standard, ePaper
PeriodofWarranty - 36 M
Ports & interfaces - Built-in USB hub - Yes
Ports & interfaces - DisplayPorts quantity - 1
Ports & interfaces - DisplayPort version - 1.2
Ports & interfaces - HDCP - Yes
Ports & interfaces - HDCP version - 1.4
Ports & interfaces - HDMI - Yes
Ports & interfaces - HDMI ports quantity - 1
Ports & interfaces - HDMI version - 1.4
Ports & interfaces - Headphone out - Yes
Ports & interfaces - Thunderbolt 3 ports quantity - 1
Ports & interfaces - USB Power Delivery (USB PD) - Yes
Ports & interfaces - USB Power Delivery up to - 65 W
Ports & interfaces - USB Type-A downstream ports quantity - 3
Ports & interfaces - USB Type-C DisplayPort Alternate Mode - Yes
Ports & interfaces - USB Type-C downstream ports quantity - 1
Ports & interfaces > DisplayPorts quantity - 1
Ports & interfaces > HDMI ports quantity - 1
Power - AC input voltage - 100 - 240 V
Power - Energy consumption (SDR) per 1000 hours - 32 kWh
Power - Energy efficiency class (SDR) - F
Power - Energy efficiency scale - A to G
Power - European Product Registry for Energy Labelling (EPREL) code - 1392381
Power - Power consumption (max) - 152 W
Power - Power consumption (off) - 0.2 W
Power - Power consumption (standby) - 0.3 W
Power - Power consumption (typical) - 25 W
Power - Power supply type - Internal
Power consumption - 25 W
producer - Benq
Producer - BenQ
ProducerCode - 9H.LLHLA.TBE
ProductName - GW3290QT
Refresh rate - 75 Hz
Resolution - 2560 x 1440
Response time - 5 ms
Screen size (diag.) - 31.5''
ShortDescription - 31,5'' | IPS | QHD | 75Hz
ShortSummaryDescription - BenQ GW3290QT, 80 cm (31.5"), 2560 x 1440 pixels, Quad HD, LED, 5 ms, White
Speaker power, W - 2 x 2
Speakers built-in - Yes
Static contrast - 1 000:1
Sustainability - Sustainability certificates - ENERGY STAR, EPEAT Bronze, TCO
TCO Certified - Yes
Technical details > Gross weight - 6.70 kg
Technical details > Net weight - 5.90 kg
Technical details > Producer - Benq
Technical details > Producer product family - Monitor
Technical details > Producer product name - GW3290QT
Technical details > USB-C - Yes
Technical details > USB-C power delivery - 65W
Title - BenQ GW3290QT computer monitor 80 cm (31.5") 2560 x 1440 pixels Quad HD LED White
Touch screen - No
Touch sensitive screen - No
Transreflective technology - LED
TV tuner built-in - No
vendpn - 9H.LLHLA.TBE
VESA - 100 x 100
Viewing angle, horizontal - 178 °
Viewing angle, vertical - 178 °
Warranty -
Warranty - 36
Warranty - 36 month(s)
WarrantyInfo -
Web camera - None
Weight - 7.2 kg
Weight - 12,35
Weight - 12.400000
Weight & dimensions - Depth (without stand) - 62.6 mm
Weight & dimensions - Depth (with stand) - 251.5 mm
Weight & dimensions - Height (without stand) - 428.7 mm
Weight & dimensions - Height (with stand) - 597.7 mm
Weight & dimensions - Weight (without stand) - 7.2 kg
Weight & dimensions - Weight (with stand) - 15.8 kg
Weight & dimensions - Width (without stand) - 714.6 mm
Weight & dimensions - Width (with stand) - 714.6 mm
Weight with stand - 10.1 kg
Width - 510.000000
Width - 714.6 mm
WiFi - No
369.87 €
Benq GW3290QT, 31.5"
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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