Philips 27M1C5200W, 27"

Picture may differ from actual product, there can be accessories and parts not supplied with the actual product.
ID: 966039 Product code: 27M1C5200W/00
Can be ordered 27 units Availability: 14 days after order approval
Warranty: 2 years
204.44 €
Delivery options
  • Courier delivery 3.99 €: 12.03.2025
Main product parameters All parameters
  • Curved: Ir
  • Panel Type: VA
  • Refresh rate: 240 Hz
  • Response time: 4ms
  • Contrast ratio: 1000:1
  • Brightness: 300cd/m2
  • Size: 24.5"
  • Resolution: FHD 1920x1080
We offer to buy Philips 24.5" a monitor with FHD 1920x1080 resolution.
  • Thanks to FullHD (1920px X 1080px) resolution this monitor will be perfectly suitable for enjoying BlueRay quality films in the full screen mode.
Display characteristics
AMD FreeSync : Ir
Curved : Ir
Panel Type VA

Teh monitor panel is the main feature of the visible part of the screen or the technology where the display of the colour dots (pixels) is implemented.

TN is the standard technology with average contract, brightness and colour compliance indices.

IPS is the matrix with high colour compliance and good response speed, therefore it is well suited for graphics tasks and photo editing. IPS matrix provide an excellent viewing angle maintaining the colours and contrast from almost any angle.

VA matrix ensures superior colour compliance, however, the response time of this matrix is lagging behind that of the IPS and TN; the viewing angle is somewhere between both these technologies.

The TN type monitor is fully sufficient for an average user. If you have more money available the VA or IPS can be chosen.

Refresh rate : 240 Hz
Touchscreen : NO
VESA DisplayHDR : Nav
Response time 4ms
The response time of the monitor screen determines how fast the monitor will display moving images (films, games, animations, etc.). The response time is measured in miliseconds. The less the response time the better the ability of the monitor to display moving images. recommends to buy monitors with 5ms response time or lower.
Contrast ratio 1000:1

Ekrāna kontrasts nosaka attēla asumu. Tā ir atšķirība starp vistumšāko (pilnīgi melnu) un visgaišāko (pilnīgi baltu) pikseli. Jo lielāks kontrasts, jo skaidrāk salasāms teksts uz ekrāna, kontrasts arī nosaka, cik izteiksmīgas līnijas būs redzamas monitora attēlā.

Augsts kontrasts ir nozīmīgs faktors izvēloties monitoru biroja, vai mācību vajadzībām, kad lielākoties tiek strādāts ar tekstuālu informāciju.

Mājas vajadzībām svarīgāks izvēles rādītājs ir gaišums un attēla reakcijas laiks. Kontrastu labāk novērtēt tumšā istabā.
Lielākais LCD monitoru trūkums ir tas, ka samazinot attēla spilgtumu, kontrasts var pazust.

Brightness 300cd/m2

Monitora gaišums ir attēla redzamības rādītājs, kas nosaka, cik labi saskatāms ir attēls pie spēcīga ārējā apgaismojuma (saules gaisma, gaiša telpa, utt.). LCD monitoru gaišums tiek mērīts kandelās uz kvadrātmetru (Cd/m2).
Izvēloties monitoru jāņem vērā - jo lielāks gaišuma rādītājs, jo labāka attēla redzamība.

Ikdienas vajadzībām iesaka iegādāties monitoru ar gaišumu, ne mazāku par 250 cd/m2.

Basic information
Application : Home & Office
Aspect ratio : 16:9
Color : Black, Gray
Size 24.5"

The size of the monitor screen is measured in inches across the diagonal. The screen size must be proportionate to the resolution of the screen for achieving the maximum utilisation of the desktop and details of the image.

Mainly two forms of LCD monitors are available: with standard width and height proportion 4:3 or the widescreen proportion 16:9 or 16:10. A widescreen monitor is wider and its resolution is higher than that of the monitors with standard proportion.

The bigger the monitor size the higher resolution usually is supported. Possibilities to increase the resolution of the screen usually depend on the size and possibilities of the monitor and the type of the video card.

Resolution FHD 1920x1080

The resolution of the monitor screen determines the number of colour dots (pixels) a monitor can display. It refers to the clarity of the text and images displayed on the screen. The higher the resolution the sharper the items look.

The applied resolution depends on the resolution supported by the monitor. LCD monitors, including the screens of laptop computers usually work best if their local resolution has been set. The setting of this resolution for the monitor is not mandatory, but usually it is recommended to set it for ensuring the highest possible sharpness of texts and images. The bigger the monitor size the higher resolution usually is supported.

Possibilities to increase the resolution of the screen usually depend on the size and possibilities of the monitor and the type of the video card.
• 19 inches screen (standard proportions): 1280x1024 pixels
• 20 inches screen (standard proportions): 1600x1200 pixels
• 22 inches screen (widescreen): 1680x1050 pixels
• 24 inches screen (widescreen): 1900x1200 pixels

Flicker-free : Ir
Height adjustment : Nav
Pivot : Ir
Swivel : And
Tilt : YES
VESA wall mount : 100x100 mm
Ports and equipment

D-SUB is the classic (analogous) monitor connection plug. This standard is gradually disappearing from the market giving the place to the higher quality HDMI or DisplayPort (digital) plugs.

If the resolution of the monitor is FullHD or below the average user will experience no problems with this connection. Those who want to achieve higher image quality and resolution should look for the monitor with the DisplayPort or HDMI connection slot.

DisplayPort 1

DisplayPort is the digital connection for transmitting the image via a single wire at a high quality level. Contrary to the HDMI, this connection allows to connect several external monitors to the computer via a single connector.

Prior to buying the monitor with the DisplayPort you should verify whether your computer has the DisplayPort plug available!


DVI is a digital standard and ensures high image quality, however, thanks to the big size of the plug and the inability of the standard to develop further due to a few technical restrictions this type of connection is gradually losing its popularity to modern HDMI and DisplayPort standards.

DVI is compatible with HDMI and transitions of both directions are available.

DVI is not compatible with DisplayPort, however, there are DualMode DisplayPort connectors which contains the HDMI/DVI signal, and in the relevant direction DisplayPort -> DVI can transmit an image.

If the monitor resolution exceeds 1920px in any direction a graphics card with the DVI-D Dual Link support and the relevant quality cable will be required.

Before buying a monitor you should verify whether your graphics card has the corresponding connection slot!

HDMI port 2

HDMI is the digital high quality image transmission standard that allows to connect the monitor to the computer via a thin cable by using an elegant small-size connector. HDMI is compatible with DVI if the relevant transition or cable is used.

Speakers Nav

Some monitors may have built-in speakers that quite often allow to give up external speakers thus freeing a space on the desk and saving money. The sound quality of built-in speakers is quite moderate and therefore we recommend to use this possibility just for infrequent needs.

For enjoying music, movies and games we recommend buying the corresponding quality and capacity speakers.

USB Hub : NO
USB-C Power Delivery : Nav
USB-C video input : 0
More detailed specification
Accessories included - Przewody: Przewód HDMI, przewód DisplayPort, przewód zasilający Dokumentacja użytkownika
Aspect ratio - 16:9
Auto Pivot - No
Bluetooth - No
Brand - Philips
BrandPartCode - 25M2N5200P/00
BrandPartCode - 27M1C5200W/00
Brightness - 300 cd/m²
Category - Computer Monitors
category - Monitors|By Type|Curved Displays
Category - Root/Electronics/PC peripherals/Monitors
Category 1 - Displays
Category 2 - Monitore
category_en - Computers & Components > Monitors and accessories > LCD monitors
category_lv - Datortehnika > Monitori un aksesuāri > LCD monitori
category_ru - Datortehnika > Monitori un aksesuāri > LCD monitori
Certificates - CB
Certificates - CE
Certificates - CU
Certificates - FCC Class B
Certificates - RoHS
Certificates - TUV
code - 27M1C5200W/00
Code - 27M1C5200W/00
Color - Black
Curved - 1500 R
Depth - 83 mm
Depth with stand - 236 mm
Description - Wrażenia z gry na najwyższym poziomie
Zaprojektowany z myślą o intensywnej rozgrywce, monitor ten wyposażono w technologię Sync, szybką częstotliwość odświeżania 240 Hz oraz czas reakcji 0,5 ms, który zapewnia nieprzerwaną grę. Ponadto, dzięki funkcji SmartImage HDR, można podziwiać piękne obrazy. Niezwykle wysoka częstotliwość odświeżania 240 Hz zapewniająca rozgrywkę praktycznie bez opóźnień
Podczas grania w najbardziej wciągające gry akcji niezwykle wysoka częstotliwość odświeżania 240 Hz zapewnia niesamowicie płynne, pozbawione opóźnień wrażenia. Ten monitor Philips odświeża obraz nawet 240 razy na sekundę, czyli znacznie częściej niż standardowe monitory. Częstotliwość odświeżania 240 Hz zapewnia doskonałą płynność ruchu i wyrazistość obrazu, co jest szczególnie ważne w przypadku dynamicznych gier, takich jak gry FPS i gry wyścigowe. Dzięki monitorowi Philips Momentum o częstotliwości odświeżania 240 Hz sceny akcji w grach są pozbawione migotania i zjawiska powidoku. Ten monitor umożliwia głębsze zanurzenie się w świecie gry i bardzo realistyczną rozgrywkę. Niewielkie opóźnienie wejścia skraca czas przesyłania sygnału z urządzeń do monitora
Opóźnienie wejścia to ilość czasu, jaki upływa między wykonaniem działania za pomocą podłączonych urządzeń i wyświetleniem wyniku na ekranie. Niewielkie opóźnienie wejścia skraca czas opóźnienia pomiędzy wprowadzeniem polecenia za pomocą urządzenia a odebraniem go przez monitor, znacznie poprawiając jakość grania w gry szczególnie wymagające płynności, na przykład szybkie gry turniejowe. Zaokrąglona konstrukcja monitora zapewnia realistyczne wrażenia podczas oglądania
Zaokrąglona konstrukcja monitora gwarantuje użytkownikom niezapomniane wrażenia. Zaokrąglony ekran zapewnia przyjemne, ale subtelne wrażenia, które skupiają się na Twojej osobie. Monitor z panelem VA pozwala cieszyć się wspaniałej jakości obrazem i szerokimi kątami widzenia
Monitor LED VA Philips korzysta z zaawansowanej technologii wielofunkcyjnego dopasowania obrazu w pionie, która zapewnia niezwykle wysoki współczynnik kontrastu statycznego, a co za tym idzie bardzo żywy, jasny obraz. Jest idealnym rozwiązaniem zarówno w przypadku standardowych zastosowań biurowych, jak i w przypadku wyświetlania zdjęć, stron internetowych, filmów i gier oraz korzystania z wymagających aplikacji graficznych. Zoptymalizowana technologia zarządzania pikselami zapewnia dodatkowo niezwykle szerokie kąty widzenia 178/178 stopni co przekłada się na znakomitą wyrazistość obrazu. Funkcja SmartImage HDR zapewnia optymalną jakość obrazu w trybie HDR
Wybierz jeden z trybów SmartImage HDR, który najlepiej odpowiada Twoim potrzebom. Gry w HDR: optymalizacja pod kątem gier wideo. Dzięki jaśniejszej bieli i ciemniejszej czerni sceny w grach są wyraźne i ujawniają więcej szczegółów. Łatwo dostrzec wrogów ukrywających się w ciemnych zakamarkach i cieniach. Film w HDR: idealny do oglądania filmów w HDR. Zapewnia lepszy kontrast i jasność, co z kolei zapewnia bardziej realistyczne wrażenia i uczucie zanurzenia podczas oglądania. Zdjęcia w HDR: lepsze kolory: czerwony, zielony i niebieski dla wyraźnych efektów wizualnych. DisplayHDR: certyfikat VESA DisplayHDR*. Ustawienia osobiste: umożliwiają dostosowanie ustawień w menu obrazu. * Należy zapoznać się ze specyfikacją HDR. Tryb LowBlue i technologia Flicker-free są przyjazne dla oczu
Tryb LowBlue i technologia Flicker-free zostały opracowane w celu zmniejszenia zmęczenia wzroku spowodowanego patrzeniem w monitor przez wiele godzin. Klawisz przełączania menu EasySelect umożliwia szybki dostęp do menu ekranowego
Dyskretnie umieszczony klawisz przełączania menu EasySelect umożliwia szybkie i łatwe dostosowywanie ustawień monitora w menu ekranowym. Dostosowanie nachylenia, obrotu i wysokości zapewnia idealną pozycję oglądania
Podstawa Compact Ergo monitora Philips jest niezwykle elastyczna: umożliwia odchylenie, obrót i regulację wysokości, tak aby każdy użytkownik monitora mógł dobrać kąt oglądania do własnych potrzeb oraz zapewnić maksymalny komfort oglądania i wydajność pracy. Ekran 16:9 Full HD zapewnia doskonałą szczegółowość
Jakość obrazu ma znaczenie. Zwykłe monitory zapewniają pewien poziom jakości, jednak Ty z pewnością oczekujesz więcej. Ten monitor oferuje ulepszoną rozdzielczość Full HD 1920 x 1080. Rozdzielczość Full HD zapewnia wyrazistość detali, co w połączeniu z wysokim poziomem jasności, niewiarygodnym kontrastem i naturalnymi kolorami powoduje, że obraz zachwyca realizmem. Szybki czas reakcji 0,5 ms zapewnia wyraźny obraz i płynną grę
Monitor Philips Momentum z technologią MPRT i czasem reakcji 0,5 ms skutecznie eliminuje smugi i rozmycie obrazu, zapewniając ostrzejszy i bardziej przejrzysty obraz w grach. Dynamiczna akcja i dramatyczne przejścia będą płynnie odwzorowane. Najlepszy wybór do emocjonujących i wymagających płynności gier.
description_en - Screen diagonal: 27"
Screen resolution: 1920 x 1080
Matrix Type:VA
Point size:0,311 x 0,311
Contrast ratio (typical):3000:1
Display brightness (typical):300 cd/m²
Screen Format:Curved
VESA mount:No
Energy Efficiency Class (SDR): E
Color of product:Black
description_lv - Ekrāna diagonāle: 27 "
Ekrāna izšķirtspēja: 1920 x 1080
Matricas tips: VA
Punkta izmērs: 0,311 x 0,311
Kontrasts (tipisks): 3000: 1
Displeja spilgtums (tipisks): 300 cd / m2
Ekrāna formāts: izliekts
VESA stiprinājums: Nē
Энергgoefektivitātes klase (SDR): E
Preces Krāsa: Melna
description_ru - Диагональ экрана: 27 "
Разрешение экрана: 1920 x 1080
Тип матрицы:VA
Размер точки:0,311 x 0,311
Контрастность (типичная):3000:1
Яркость дисплея (типичная):300 cd/m²
Формат экрана:Curved
крепление VESA:Нет
Класс энергоэффективности (SDR): E
Цвет товара:Черный
Design - Market positioning - Gaming
Design - Product colour - Black
Design - Product colour - Grey
dimension depth - 935 mm
dimension height - 510 mm
dimension weight - 10090 g
dimension width - 195 mm
Display - Anti-glare screen - Yes
Display - Backlight type - W-LED
Display - Colour depth - 8 bit
Display - Contrast ratio (typical) - 1000:1
Display - Contrast ratio (typical) - 3000:1
Display - DDC/CI - Yes
Display - Display brightness (typical) - 300 cd/m²
Display - Display brightness (typical) - 400 cd/m²
Display - Display diagonal - 62.2 cm (24.5")
Display - Display diagonal - 68.6 cm (27")
Display - Display diagonal (metric) - 62.2 cm
Display - Display diagonal (metric) - 68.5 cm
Display - Display number of colours - 16.7 million colours
Display - Display resolution - 1920 x 1080 pixels
Display - Display sRGB - Yes
Display - Display technology - LCD
Display - Dynamic contrast ratio marketing name - Mega Infinity DCR
Display - Haze rate - 25%
Display - HD type - Full HD
Display - High Dynamic Range (HDR) technology - High Dynamic Range 10 (HDR10)
Display - Horizontal scan range - 30 - 255 kHz
Display - LED backlight - Yes
Display - Maximum refresh rate - 240 Hz
Display - Native aspect ratio - 16:9
Display - NTSC coverage (typical) - 93.4%
Display - NTSC coverage (typical) - 98%
Display - Panel type - IPS
Display - Panel type - VA
Display - Pixel density - 81.59 ppi
Display - Pixel density - 89.91 ppi
Display - Pixel pitch - 0.2832 x 0.2802 mm
Display - Pixel pitch - 0.3114 x 0.3114 mm
Display - Response time - 1 ms
Display - Response time (fast) - 0.5 ms
Display - Screen curvature rating - 1500R
Display - Screen shape - Curved
Display - Screen shape - Flat
Display - sRGB coverage (typical) - 110%
Display - sRGB coverage (typical) - 121%
Display - Surface hardness - 3H
Display - Touchscreen - No
Display - Vertical scan range - 48 - 240 Hz
Display - Viewable size, horizontal - 54.4 cm
Display - Viewable size, horizontal - 59.8 cm
Display - Viewable size, vertical - 30.3 cm
Display - Viewable size, vertical - 33.6 cm
Display - Viewing angle, horizontal - 178°
Display - Viewing angle, vertical - 178°
Display > Aspect ratio - 16:9
Display > Contrast ratio (typical) - 3000:1
Display > Display - 1920 x 1080
Display > Display brightness - 300 cd/m²
Display > Display diagonal - 27 "
Display > Display surface - Non-glare
Display > HD type - FHD
Display > Maximum refresh rate - 240 Hz
Display > Panel type - VA
Display > Response time - 0,5 ms
Display > Touchscreen - No
Display > Viewing angle, horizontal - 178 °
Display > Viewing angle, vertical - 178 °
Display surface - Matt
Dot pitch - 0.3114 mm
Dynamic contrast - Mega Contrast
EAN - 8712581800697
ean - 8712581800697
Eans - 8712581800697
Energy class - E
Energy label - Pobierz
Ergonomics - Cable lock slot - Yes
Ergonomics - Cable lock slot type - Kensington
Ergonomics - Height adjustment - 13 cm
Ergonomics - Height adjustment - Yes
Ergonomics - LED indicators - Operation, Stand-by
Ergonomics - On Screen Display (OSD) languages - Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Czech, German, Dutch, English, Spanish, Finnish, French, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian
Ergonomics - Panel mounting interface - 100 x 100 mm
Ergonomics - Pivot - Yes
Ergonomics - Pivot angle - -90 - 90°
Ergonomics - Plug and Play - Yes
Ergonomics - Swivel angle range - -30 - 30°
Ergonomics - Swivel angle range - -45 - 45°
Ergonomics - Swivelling - Yes
Ergonomics - Tilt adjustment - Yes
Ergonomics - Tilt angle range - -5 - 20°
Ergonomics - VESA mounting - Yes
Ergonomics > Height adjustment - 13 cm
Ergonomics > Height adjustment - No
Ergonomics > Pivot - No
Ergonomics > Swivelling - Yes
Ergonomics > Tilt adjustment - Yes
Ergonomics > Tilt angle - -5/20 °
Ergonomics > VESA mounting - Yes
Ergonomics > VESA mounting interfaces - 100 x 100 mm
Frequency, horizontal max. - 255 kHz
Frequency, horizontal min. - 30 kHz
Frequency, vertical max. - 240 Hz
Frequency, vertical min. - 48 Hz
gross_weight - 10.3 kg
GTIN - 8712581799601
GTIN - 8712581800697
guarantee - 36
guarantee_type - external
Height - 366 mm
Height (max) - 0 mm
Height adjustment - Yes
Height with stand - 544 mm
I/O connectors - 1 x Audio out
I/O connectors - 1 x DisplayPort
I/O connectors - 2 x HDMI
Link -
LongDesc - A gaming monitor that has the best of both worlds. With SmartContrast, along with the combination of AMD FreeSync Premium technology and 280 Hz refresh rate, this product promises fluid and lag free gaming without compromising on imaging.
LongDesc - Designed for high-intensity gameplay, this monitor is equipped with Sync Technology, a speedy 240Hz refresh rate, and a 0.5ms response time for tear-free gameplay. In addition, beautiful imagery is also showcased with SmartImage HDR.
LongProductName - Curved Gaming Monitor 27M1C5200W Full HD gaming monitor
LongProductName - Gaming Monitor 25M2N5200P Full HD gaming monitor
LongSummaryDescription - Philips Evnia 27M1C5200W/00. Display diagonal: 68.6 cm (27"), Display resolution: 1920 x 1080 pixels, HD type: Full HD, Display technology: LCD, Native aspect ratio: 16:9, Viewing angle, horizontal: 178°, Viewing angle, vertical: 178°. VESA mounting, Height adjustment. Product colour: Black
LongSummaryDescription - Philips Evnia 5000 25M2N5200P/00. Display diagonal: 62.2 cm (24.5"), Display resolution: 1920 x 1080 pixels, HD type: Full HD, Display technology: LCD, Response time: 1 ms, Native aspect ratio: 16:9, Viewing angle, horizontal: 178°, Viewing angle, vertical: 178°. Built-in USB hub. VESA mounting, Height adjustment. Product colour: Grey
Manufacturer - Philips
Matrix type - VA
Model - 27M1C5200W
MPN - 27M1C5200W/00
Multimedia - Built-in camera - No
Multimedia - Built-in speaker(s) - No
Multimedia > Built-in speaker(s) - No
Multimedia > TV tuner integrated - No
Name - 68,5cm/27" (1920x1080) Philips 27M1C5200W Evnia 5000 Series LED FHD 240Hz 0,5ms Curved Gaming 2xHDMI DP Pivot VESA Black
name - Monitor Evnia Curved VA 27 inches 240Hz 27M1C5200W
name - Philips Evnia 5000 27M1C5200W, 68,6 cm (27 Zoll) 240Hz, Adaptive Sync, VA - DP, 2xHDMI
Name - Philips Evnia M1C5200W - 27'' | VA | Full HD | 240Hz
Name - Philips | Monitor | 27M1C5200W/00 | 27 " | VA | FHD | 16:9 | 240 Hz | 0,5 ms | 1920 x 1080 | 300 cd/m² | HDMI ports quantity 2
Networking > Ethernet LAN (RJ-45) ports - No
Number of colors - 16,7 mln
Operational conditions - Non-operating altitude - 0 - 12192 m
Operational conditions - Operating altitude - 0 - 3658 m
Operational conditions - Operating relative humidity (H-H) - 20 - 80%
Operational conditions - Operating temperature (T-T) - 0 - 40 °C
Operational conditions - Storage temperature (T-T) - -20 - 60 °C
Optional accessory -
Other features -
Other features - Delta E - 2
Other features - EasyRead mode - Yes
Other features - Exterior finish type - Textured
Other features - LowBlue mode - Yes
Other features - Low input lag - Yes
Other features - Mean time between failures (MTBF) - 50000 h
Other features - Philips SmartUniformity - 93 - 105%
Other features - Picture enhancement - SmartImage game
Other features - Recyclable packaging material - 100%
Other features - Regulatory Approvals - CB; CE Mark; FCC Class B; ICES-003; CU-EAC; EAEU RoHS; TUV/ISO9241-307; TUV-BAUART
Package features > Embeeded battery - No
Package features > Gross depth (mm) - 611.00 mm
Package features > Gross height (mm) - 236.00 mm
Package features > Gross width (mm) - 544.00 mm
Package features > Packing quantity - 1.00 pc(s)
Package features > Palette Qty - 24 pc(s)
Package features > Paper/Pasteboard - 3536.00 g
Package features > Plastic (No PET) - 884.00 g
Package features > Tare weight (kg) - 4.42 kg
Package features > Volume (m3) - 0.08 m³
Package features > WEE classification - CL109:2:2017-04-01
Package features > WEEE tax - Yes
Packaging content - Manual - Yes
Packaging content - Stand included - Yes
Packaging data - Package depth - 188 mm
Packaging data - Package height - 420 mm
Packaging data - Package height - 508 mm
Packaging data - Package weight - 7.6 kg
Packaging data - Package weight - 10 kg
Packaging data - Package width - 730 mm
Packaging data - Package width - 930 mm
Performance - AMD FreeSync - No
Performance - AMD FreeSync - Yes
Performance - AMD FreeSync type - FreeSync Premium
Performance - Component video sync - Separate sync
Performance - Flicker-free technology - Yes
Performance - NVIDIA G-SYNC - No
Performance - VESA Adaptive Sync support - Yes
Ports & interfaces - Audio output - Yes
Ports & interfaces - Built-in USB hub - Yes
Ports & interfaces - DisplayPorts quantity - 1
Ports & interfaces - DisplayPort version - 1.4
Ports & interfaces - HDCP - Yes
Ports & interfaces - HDCP version - 1.4/2.2
Ports & interfaces - HDMI - Yes
Ports & interfaces - HDMI ports quantity - 2
Ports & interfaces - HDMI version - 2.0
Ports & interfaces - Number of upstream ports - 1
Ports & interfaces - USB Type-A downstream ports quantity - 4
Ports & interfaces - USB upstream port type - USB Type-B
Ports & interfaces > DisplayPorts quantity - 1
Ports & interfaces > HDMI ports quantity - 2
Power - AC input frequency - 50 - 60 Hz
Power - AC input voltage - 100 - 240 V
Power - Energy efficiency class (SDR) - E
Power - Energy efficiency scale - A to G
Power - Power consumption (off) - 0.3 W
Power - Power consumption (standby) - 0.5 W
Power - Power consumption (typical) - 18.7 W
Power - Power consumption (typical) - 23.7 W
Power - Power supply type - Internal
Power > Energy efficiency class - E
Power consumption - 23.7 W
producer - Philips
Producer - Philips
ProducerCode - 27M1C5200W/00
ProductName - 25M2N5200P/00
ProductName - 27M1C5200W/00
Refresh rate - 240 Hz
Resolution - 1920 x 1080 (FHD 1080)
Response time - 0.5 ms
Screen size (diag.) - 27"
ShortDescription - 27'' | VA | Full HD | 240Hz
ShortSummaryDescription - Philips Evnia 27M1C5200W/00, 68.6 cm (27"), 1920 x 1080 pixels, Full HD, LCD, Black
ShortSummaryDescription - Philips Evnia 5000 25M2N5200P/00, 62.2 cm (24.5"), 1920 x 1080 pixels, Full HD, LCD, 1 ms, Grey
Speakers built-in - No
Static contrast - 3 000:1
Sustainability - Doesn't contain - Mercury, PVC/BFR
Technical details > Gross weight - 10.03 kg
Technical details > Net weight - 5.61 kg
Technical details > Producer - Philips
Technical details > Producer product family - Monitor
Technical details > Producer product name - 27M1C5200W/00
Technical details > USB-C - No
Technical details > USB-C power delivery - N/A
Title - Philips Evnia 27M1C5200W/00 computer monitor 68.6 cm (27") 1920 x 1080 pixels Full HD LCD Black
Title - Philips Evnia 5000 25M2N5200P/00 computer monitor 62.2 cm (24.5") 1920 x 1080 pixels Full HD LCD Grey
title_en - Philips Evnia 5000 Monitor 27" / 1920 x 1080 / 240 Hz
title_lv - Philips Evnia 5000 Monitors 27" / 1920 x 1080 / 240 Hz
title_ru - Philips Evnia 5000 Монитор 27" / 1920 x 1080 / 240 Hz
Touch screen - No
Transreflective technology - LED
TV tuner built-in - No
vendpn - 27M1C5200W/00
VESA - 100 x 100
Viewing angle, horizontal - 178 °
Viewing angle, vertical - 178 °
Visible area, horizontal - 597.888 mm
Visible area, vertical - 336.312 mm
Warranty -
Warranty - 24
Warranty - 24 month(s)
WarrantyInfo -
Web camera - None
Weight - 4.15 kg
weight - 8 kg
Weight - 10.08
Weight & dimensions - Depth (without stand) - 64 mm
Weight & dimensions - Depth (without stand) - 83 mm
Weight & dimensions - Depth (with stand) - 236 mm
Weight & dimensions - Depth (with stand) - 239 mm
Weight & dimensions - Height (without stand) - 331 mm
Weight & dimensions - Height (without stand) - 366 mm
Weight & dimensions - Height (with stand) - 508 mm
Weight & dimensions - Height (with stand) - 544 mm
Weight & dimensions - Weight (without stand) - 3.3 kg
Weight & dimensions - Weight (without stand) - 4.15 kg
Weight & dimensions - Weight (with stand) - 4.64 kg
Weight & dimensions - Weight (with stand) - 5.61 kg
Weight & dimensions - Width (without stand) - 557 mm
Weight & dimensions - Width (without stand) - 611 mm
Weight & dimensions - Width (with stand) - 557 mm
Weight & dimensions - Width (with stand) - 611 mm
Weight with stand - 5.61 kg
Width - 611 mm
WiFi - No
204.44 €
Philips 27M1C5200W, 27"
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
All categories