Philips 34M2C6500, 34"

Picture may differ from actual product, there can be accessories and parts not supplied with the actual product.
ID: 1120461 Product code: 34M2C6500/00
In stock 46 units
Warranty: 2 years
770.35 €
Delivery options
  • Courier delivery 3.99 €: 02.04.2025
Main product parameters All parameters
  • Curved: Ir
  • Panel Type: OLED
  • Refresh rate: 175 Hz
  • Response time: 0.03ms
  • Contrast ratio: 1000000:1
  • Brightness: 1000cd/m2
  • Size: 34"
  • Resolution: UWWQHD 3440x1440
We offer to buy Philips 34" a monitor with UWWQHD 3440x1440 resolution.
  • The compatibility with the modern graphics cards and video players will be ensured by HDMI input.
  • DisplayPort port ensures the receipt of a higher quality picture from the computer graphics card supporting this technology.
  • The speakers system built in the monitor allows to listen to music and enjoy films with sound without making it necessary to buy additional speakers.
Display characteristics
AMD FreeSync : Nav
Curved : Ir
Panel Type OLED

Teh monitor panel is the main feature of the visible part of the screen or the technology where the display of the colour dots (pixels) is implemented.

TN is the standard technology with average contract, brightness and colour compliance indices.

IPS is the matrix with high colour compliance and good response speed, therefore it is well suited for graphics tasks and photo editing. IPS matrix provide an excellent viewing angle maintaining the colours and contrast from almost any angle.

VA matrix ensures superior colour compliance, however, the response time of this matrix is lagging behind that of the IPS and TN; the viewing angle is somewhere between both these technologies.

The TN type monitor is fully sufficient for an average user. If you have more money available the VA or IPS can be chosen.

Refresh rate : 175 Hz
Touchscreen : NO
VESA DisplayHDR : DisplayHDR True Black 400
Response time 0.03ms
The response time of the monitor screen determines how fast the monitor will display moving images (films, games, animations, etc.). The response time is measured in miliseconds. The less the response time the better the ability of the monitor to display moving images. recommends to buy monitors with 5ms response time or lower.
Contrast ratio 1000000:1

Ekrāna kontrasts nosaka attēla asumu. Tā ir atšķirība starp vistumšāko (pilnīgi melnu) un visgaišāko (pilnīgi baltu) pikseli. Jo lielāks kontrasts, jo skaidrāk salasāms teksts uz ekrāna, kontrasts arī nosaka, cik izteiksmīgas līnijas būs redzamas monitora attēlā.

Augsts kontrasts ir nozīmīgs faktors izvēloties monitoru biroja, vai mācību vajadzībām, kad lielākoties tiek strādāts ar tekstuālu informāciju.

Mājas vajadzībām svarīgāks izvēles rādītājs ir gaišums un attēla reakcijas laiks. Kontrastu labāk novērtēt tumšā istabā.
Lielākais LCD monitoru trūkums ir tas, ka samazinot attēla spilgtumu, kontrasts var pazust.

Brightness 1000cd/m2

Monitora gaišums ir attēla redzamības rādītājs, kas nosaka, cik labi saskatāms ir attēls pie spēcīga ārējā apgaismojuma (saules gaisma, gaiša telpa, utt.). LCD monitoru gaišums tiek mērīts kandelās uz kvadrātmetru (Cd/m2).
Izvēloties monitoru jāņem vērā - jo lielāks gaišuma rādītājs, jo labāka attēla redzamība.

Ikdienas vajadzībām iesaka iegādāties monitoru ar gaišumu, ne mazāku par 250 cd/m2.

Basic information
Application : Gaming
Aspect ratio : 21:9
Color : Gray
Size 34"

The size of the monitor screen is measured in inches across the diagonal. The screen size must be proportionate to the resolution of the screen for achieving the maximum utilisation of the desktop and details of the image.

Mainly two forms of LCD monitors are available: with standard width and height proportion 4:3 or the widescreen proportion 16:9 or 16:10. A widescreen monitor is wider and its resolution is higher than that of the monitors with standard proportion.

The bigger the monitor size the higher resolution usually is supported. Possibilities to increase the resolution of the screen usually depend on the size and possibilities of the monitor and the type of the video card.

Resolution UWWQHD 3440x1440

The resolution of the monitor screen determines the number of colour dots (pixels) a monitor can display. It refers to the clarity of the text and images displayed on the screen. The higher the resolution the sharper the items look.

The applied resolution depends on the resolution supported by the monitor. LCD monitors, including the screens of laptop computers usually work best if their local resolution has been set. The setting of this resolution for the monitor is not mandatory, but usually it is recommended to set it for ensuring the highest possible sharpness of texts and images. The bigger the monitor size the higher resolution usually is supported.

Possibilities to increase the resolution of the screen usually depend on the size and possibilities of the monitor and the type of the video card.
• 19 inches screen (standard proportions): 1280x1024 pixels
• 20 inches screen (standard proportions): 1600x1200 pixels
• 22 inches screen (widescreen): 1680x1050 pixels
• 24 inches screen (widescreen): 1900x1200 pixels

Flicker-free : Ir
Height adjustment : Ir
Pivot : Nav
Swivel : And
Tilt : YES
VESA wall mount : 100x100 mm
Ports and equipment

D-SUB is the classic (analogous) monitor connection plug. This standard is gradually disappearing from the market giving the place to the higher quality HDMI or DisplayPort (digital) plugs.

If the resolution of the monitor is FullHD or below the average user will experience no problems with this connection. Those who want to achieve higher image quality and resolution should look for the monitor with the DisplayPort or HDMI connection slot.

DisplayPort 1

DisplayPort is the digital connection for transmitting the image via a single wire at a high quality level. Contrary to the HDMI, this connection allows to connect several external monitors to the computer via a single connector.

Prior to buying the monitor with the DisplayPort you should verify whether your computer has the DisplayPort plug available!


DVI is a digital standard and ensures high image quality, however, thanks to the big size of the plug and the inability of the standard to develop further due to a few technical restrictions this type of connection is gradually losing its popularity to modern HDMI and DisplayPort standards.

DVI is compatible with HDMI and transitions of both directions are available.

DVI is not compatible with DisplayPort, however, there are DualMode DisplayPort connectors which contains the HDMI/DVI signal, and in the relevant direction DisplayPort -> DVI can transmit an image.

If the monitor resolution exceeds 1920px in any direction a graphics card with the DVI-D Dual Link support and the relevant quality cable will be required.

Before buying a monitor you should verify whether your graphics card has the corresponding connection slot!

HDMI port 2

HDMI is the digital high quality image transmission standard that allows to connect the monitor to the computer via a thin cable by using an elegant small-size connector. HDMI is compatible with DVI if the relevant transition or cable is used.

Speakers Ir

Some monitors may have built-in speakers that quite often allow to give up external speakers thus freeing a space on the desk and saving money. The sound quality of built-in speakers is quite moderate and therefore we recommend to use this possibility just for infrequent needs.

For enjoying music, movies and games we recommend buying the corresponding quality and capacity speakers.

USB-C Power Delivery : Nav
USB-C video input : 0
More detailed specification
Accessories included - Przewód HDMI Przewód DisplayPort Przewód USB typu upstream Przewód zasilający Wspornik VESA
Aspect ratio - 21:9
Auto Pivot - No
Bluetooth - No
Brand - Philips
BrandPartCode - 34M2C6500/00
Brightness - 1000 nits
Category - Computer Monitors
Category - Root/Electronics/PC peripherals/Monitors
category_en - Computers & Components > Monitors and accessories > LCD monitors
category_lv - Datortehnika > Monitori un aksesuāri > LCD monitori
category_ru - Datortehnika > Monitori un aksesuāri > LCD monitori
Certificates - CB
Certificates - CE
Certificates - EAC
Certificates - ETL
Certificates - FCC
Certificates - MEPS
Certificates - PSB
Certificates - RoHS
Certificates - TUV
Certificates - UKCA
Code - 34M2C6500/00
Color - Gray
Curved - 1800 R
Depth - 164 mm
Depth with stand - 311 mm
Description - Krystalicznie czysty obraz na ekranie UltraWide QHD o rozdzielczości 3440 x 1440 pikseli Monitory Philips wyświetlają krystalicznie czysty obraz UltraWide w rozdzielczości Quad HD 3440 x 1440 pikseli. Najwyższej jakości matryca o dużym zagęszczeniu pikseli i kącie widzenia 178/178 stopni pozwala tchnąć życie w każdy obraz i każdą grafikę. Format UltraWide 21:9 umożliwia osiągnięcie większej wydajności, ponieważ zapewnia więcej miejsca do porównywania elementów obok siebie i pozwala wyświetlać większą liczbę kolumn arkuszy kalkulacyjnych. Te wyświetlające krystalicznie czysty obraz monitory firmy Philips to idealny wybór dla wymagających projektantów pracujących z oprogramowaniem CAD/CAM lub finansistów używających na co dzień dużych arkuszy kalkulacyjnych. DisplayHDR TrueBlack 400 zapewnia niesamowite szczegóły w cieniach Ten monitor Philips ma certyfikat VESA DisplayHDR True Black 400. Zachwycająco szczegółowe odwzorowanie cieni dzięki głębszej czerni zapewnia wspaniałe doznania wizualne w porównaniu ze standardowymi monitorami o tej samej szczytowej luminacji. Ten monitor Philips obsługuje kilka trybów HDR, każdy z nich zoptymalizowany pod kątem określonych zastosowań: gry w HDR, filmy w HDR, zdjęcia w HDR i poziom certyfikatu VESA DisplayHDR. Zaokrąglona konstrukcja monitora zapewnia realistyczne wrażenia podczas oglądania Zaokrąglona konstrukcja monitora gwarantuje użytkownikom niezapomniane wrażenia. Zaokrąglony ekran zapewnia przyjemne, ale subtelne wrażenia, które skupiają się na Twojej osobie. Technologia QD OLED zapewnia doskonałe kolory i żywe obrazy Technologia QD-OLED to hybrydowe podejście, które łączy panele OLED i technologię Quantum Dot. Wiążąc w sobie to, co najlepsze z obu, technologia QD-OLED gwarantuje wysoki kontrast, głęboką czerń, nieograniczone kąty widzenia, a także wyższą maksymalną jasność i żywsze kolory. Technologia Ultra Wide-Color zapewnia szerszą gamę kolorów i żywszy obraz Technologia Ultra Wide-Color zapewnia szersze spektrum kolorów i w efekcie lepszy obraz. Szersza gama kolorów wynikająca z zastosowania technologii Ultra Wide-Color oznacza bardziej naturalną zieleń, żywą czerwień i głębsze odcienie niebieskiego. Technologia Ultra Wide-Color ożywia multimedia i obrazy, a nawet pozytywnie wpływa na produktywność urządzenia. VESA ClearMR 9000: najwyższa jakość obrazu Dotychczasowe metody testowania rozmytego ekranu były mierzone za pomocą MRPT. VESA Certified ClearMR działa jako alternatywa dla MRPT, a rozmycie jest testowane za pomocą cyfrowej kamery o dużej prędkości. W przypadku monitorów, które są wysyłane i certyfikowane przez VESA Certified ClearMR, możesz mieć pewność, że uzyskasz dokładną ocenę jakości rozmycia monitora. Każdy certyfikat jest definiowany przez zakres CMR, a VESA ClearMR 9000 uzyskał najwyższy poziom. Ten monitor sklasyfikowany jako ClearMR 9000, ma jedną z najwyższych klasyfikacji jakości obrazu, co oznacza mniejsze ogólne rozmycie. Technologia Ambiglow pozwala uzyskać poświatę, która potęguje wrażenia Ambiglow to nowy wymiar wrażeń wizualnych. Innowacyjna technologia Ambiglow wzbogaca oglądany obraz, emitując z panelu monitora podświetlenie. Szybki procesor analizuje sygnał wejściowy i nieustannie dostosowuje kolor i jasność światła do wyświetlanego na monitorze obrazu. Technologia Philips Ambiglow, stworzona przede wszystkim z myślą o oglądaniu filmów i programów sportowych oraz graniu w gry, zapewnia niepowtarzalne, bardziej realistyczne wrażenia podczas oglądania. Tryb gry SmartImage zoptymalizowany do potrzeb graczy Nowy monitor Philips jest przeznaczony dla graczy. Jego menu ekranowe, do którego można szybko uzyskać dostęp, oferuje wiele opcji. Tryb FPS (ang. First Person Shooting) poprawia wygląd ciemniejszych obszarów, pomagając dostrzec w grze ukryte w ciemności przedmioty. Tryb Racing charakteryzuje się krótszym czasem reakcji, żywszymi kolorami oraz odpowiednio dostosowanym obrazem. Tryb RTS (ang. Real Time Strategy) udostępnia funkcję specjalną SmartFrame, która pozwala wyróżnić określone obszary i zmienić ustawienia rozmiaru i obrazu. Z kolei opcje Gamer 1 i Gamer 2 umożliwiają dostosowanie ustawień pod kątem różnych gier i ich zapisanie w celu uzyskania najlepszych rezultatów. Smart Crosshair: większa celność i zabawa Kolor celownika jest ustawiony domyślnie. Gdy funkcja Smart Crosshair jest włączona, kolor zmieni się jako kolor uzupełniający do koloru tła. Funkcja Smart Crosshair zwiększa celność, dzięki czemu można łatwiej dostrzec wrogów. Technologia MultiView umożliwia jednoczesne podłączenie i wyświetlanie dwóch urządzeń Monitor Philips z matrycą o ultrawysokiej rozdzielczości i z technologią MultiView obsługuje szeroką gamę źródeł sygnału. Technologia MultiView umożliwia aktywne podłączenie dwóch urządzeń i jednoczesne wyświetlanie obrazu z każdego z nich, dzięki czemu można na przykład sprawnie wykonywać w tym samym czasie wiele zadań na komputerze stacjonarnym i notebooku. Dostosowanie nachylenia, obrotu i wysokości zapewnia idealną pozycję oglądania Podstawa Compact Ergo monitora Philips jest niezwykle elastyczna: umożliwia odchylenie, obrót i regulację wysokości, tak aby każdy użytkownik monitora mógł dobrać kąt oglądania do własnych potrzeb oraz zapewnić maksymalny komfort oglądania i wydajność pracy.
description_en - Screen diagonal: 34"
Display technology:QD OLED
HD Type:Wide Quad HD
Screen resolution: 3440 x 1440
Point size:0,232 x 0,232
Response time:0.03 ms
Contrast ratio (typical):1000000:1
Display brightness (typical):1000 cd/m²
Vertical viewing angle:178 °
Horizontal viewing angle:178 °
Horizontal scanning frequency:30 - 275
Screen diagonal size (metric): 86.36cm
Own format ratio:21:9
Vertical scanning frequency:48 - 175
The color scheme:99.3 %
Number of screen colors:1.07 billion colors
Dynamic contrast (marketing designation):Mega Infinity DCR
Touch screen:No
Adobe RGB coverage:97.8 %
Support for HDR technology (High Dynamic Range):Yes
HDR (High Dynamic Range) Technology:Display HDR 400 True Black
Screen Bending Rating:1800R
Color coverage standard:DCI-P3 The color of the product:Gray
description_lv - Ekrāna diagonāle: 34"
Displeja tehnoloģija: QD OLED
HD Tips: plašs kvadrāts HD
Ekrāna izšķirtspēja: 3440 x 1440
Punkta izmērs: 0,232 x 0,232
Reakcijas laiks: 0.03 ms
Kontrasts (tipisks):1000000: 1
Displeja spilgtums (tipisks): 1000 cd / m2
Vertikālais skata leņķis: 178 °
Horizontālais skata leņķis: 178 °
Horizontālā skenēšanas frekvence: 30-275
Ekrāna diagonāles izmērs (Metric.): 86.36cm
Vietējā formāta attiecība: 21: 9
Vertikālā skenēšanas frekvence: 48 - 175
Krāsu shēma: 99.3 %
Ekrāna krāsu skaits: 1,07 miljardi krāsu
Dinamiskais kontrasts (mārketinga Apzīmējums): Mega Infinity DCR
Skārienekrāns: Nē
Adobe RGB pārklājums: 97.8 %
HDR (High Dynamic Range) tehnoloģijas atbalsts: Jā
HDR (High Dynamic Range) tehnoloģija:Display HDR 400 True Black
Ekrāna lieces vērtējums: 1800P
Krāsu pārklājuma standarts: DCI-P3 Produkta krāsa: Pelēka
description_ru - Диагональ экрана: 34"
Технология дисплея:QD OLED
Тип HD:Wide Quad HD
Разрешение экрана: 3440 x 1440
Размер точки:0,232 x 0,232
Время отклика:0.03 ms
Контрастность (типичная):1000000:1
Яркость дисплея (типичная):1000 cd/m²
Угол обзора по вертикали:178 °
Угол обзора по горизонтали:178 °
Горизонтальная частота сканирования:30 - 275
Размер диагонали экрана (метрич.): 86.36cm
Собственное форматное соотношение:21:9
Вертикальная частота сканирования:48 - 175
Цветовая гамма:99.3 %
Количество цветов экрана:1,07 миллиардов цветов
Динамическая контрастность (маркетинговое обозначение):Mega Infinity DCR
Сенсорный экран:Нет
Adobe RGB охват:97.8 %
Поддержка технологии HDR (High Dynamic Range):Да
Технология HDR (High Dynamic Range):Display HDR 400 True Black
Рейтинг изгиба экрана:1800Р
Стандарт цветового охвата:DCI-P3 Цвет товара:Серый
Design - Market positioning - Gaming
Design - Product colour - Grey
Designation - CE+WEEE
dimension depth - 895 mm
dimension height - 515 mm
dimension weight - 10620 g
dimension width - 225 mm
Display - Adobe RGB coverage - 97.8%
Display - Colour gamut - 99.3%
Display - Colour gamut standard - DCI-P3
Display - Contrast ratio (typical) - 1000000:1
Display - DDC/CI - Yes
Display - Display brightness (peak) - 450 cd/m²
Display - Display brightness (typical) - 1000 cd/m²
Display - Display diagonal - 86.4 cm (34")
Display - Display diagonal (metric) - 86.36 cm
Display - Display number of colours - 1.07 billion colours
Display - Display resolution - 3440 x 1440 pixels
Display - Display technology - QD-OLED
Display - Dynamic contrast ratio marketing name - Mega Infinity DCR
Display - HD type - Wide Quad HD
Display - High Dynamic Range (HDR) supported - Yes
Display - High Dynamic Range (HDR) technology - DisplayHDR 400 True Black
Display - Horizontal scan range - 30 - 275 kHz
Display - Maximum refresh rate - 175 Hz
Display - Native aspect ratio - 21:9
Display - Pixel pitch - 0.2315 x 0.2315 mm
Display - Response time - 0.03 ms
Display - Screen curvature rating - 1800R
Display - Screen shape - Curved
Display - sRGB coverage (typical) - 148.8%
Display - Touchscreen - No
Display - Vertical scan range - 48 - 175 Hz
Display - Viewable size, horizontal - 80 cm
Display - Viewable size, vertical - 33.7 cm
Display - Viewing angle, horizontal - 178°
Display - Viewing angle, vertical - 178°
Display > Aspect ratio - 21:9
Display > Display - 3440 x 1440 pixels
Display > Display diagonal - 34 "
Display > HD type - WQHD
Display > Maximum refresh rate - 175 Hz
Display > Panel type - LED
Display > Response time - 0.03 ms
Display > Viewing angle, horizontal - 178 °
Display > Viewing angle, vertical - 178 °
Display surface - Matt
Dot pitch - 0.2315 mm
Dynamic contrast - Mega Contrast
EAN - 8712581806262
ean - 8712581806262
Eans - 8712581806262
Energy class - F
Energy label - Pobierz
Ergonomics - Adjustable height (max) - 13 cm
Ergonomics - Cable lock slot - Yes
Ergonomics - Cable lock slot type - Kensington
Ergonomics - Height adjustment - Yes
Ergonomics - On Screen Display (OSD) - Yes
Ergonomics - On Screen Display (OSD) languages - Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Czech, German, Dutch, English, Spanish, Finnish, French, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian
Ergonomics - Panel mounting interface - 100 x 100 mm
Ergonomics - Swivel angle range - -30 - 30°
Ergonomics - Swivelling - Yes
Ergonomics - Tilt adjustment - Yes
Ergonomics - Tilt angle range - -5 - 15°
Ergonomics - VESA mounting - Yes
Ergonomics > Height adjustment - No
Ergonomics > VESA mounting - Yes
Frequency, horizontal max. - 275 kHz
Frequency, horizontal min. - 30 kHz
Frequency, vertical max. - 175 Hz
Frequency, vertical min. - 48 Hz
gross_weight - 10.64 kg
GTIN - 8712581806262
guarantee - 36
guarantee_type - external
Height - 367 mm
Height adjustment - Yes
Height with stand - 555 mm
I/O connectors - 1 x 3,5 mm minijack
I/O connectors - 1 x DisplayPort
I/O connectors - 1 x USB (Type B)
I/O connectors - 2 x HDMI
I/O connectors - 2 x USB 3.0
Link -
LongDesc - CrystalClear images with UltraWide QHD 3440 x 1440 pixelsThese Philips screens deliver Crystal Clear, UltraWide Quad HD 3440 x 1440 pixel images. Utilising high-performance panels with high-density pixel count and 178/178 wide viewing angles, these new displays will make your images and graphics come alive. The UltraWide 21:9 format enables more productivity with more room for side-by-side comparisons and more viewable spreadsheet columns. Whether you are a demanding professional requiring extremely detailed information for CAD-CAM solutions or a financial wizard working on huge spreadsheets, Philips displays deliver Crystal Clear images.DisplayHDR™ True Black 400 delivers incredible shadow detailsThis Philips monitor is certified with VESA DisplayHDR™ True Black 400, delivering stunningly accurate shadow details with deeper blacks for a remarkable visual experience compared with conventional monitors of the same peak luminance. This Philips monitor comes with several HDR modes, each optimised for your usage scenarios: HDR Game, HDR Movie, HDR Photo and VESA DisplayHDR-certified level.Curved display design for a more immersive experienceDesktop monitors offer a personal user experience, which suits a curved design very well. The curved screen provides a pleasant yet subtle immersion effect, which focuses on you at the centre of your desk.QD OLED for superior colours and vibrant visualsQD-OLED represents a hybrid approach that marries OLED panels and quantum dot technology. By combining what's best of both, QD-OLED guarantees high contrast, deep blacks and unlimited viewing angles, with a higher peak brightness and more vibrant colours.Ultra Wide-Color wider range of colours for a vivid pictureUltra Wide-Color Technology delivers a wider spectrum of colours for a more brilliant picture. The Ultra Wide-Color wider "colour gamut" produces more natural-looking greens, vivid reds and deeper blues. Bring media entertainment, images and even productivity more alive with vivid colours from Ultra Wide-Color Technology.VESA ClearMR 9000: for the highest image qualityPreviously, methods to test blurry image quality were measured through MRPT. VESA Certified ClearMR acts as an alternative to MRPT in which blur is tested with a digital high-speed camera. For monitors that are sent in and certified through VESA Certified ClearMR, you can rest assured that you will have an accurate assessment of the monitor's blur quality. Each certification is defined through a CMR range, with the highest tier being VESA ClearMR 9000. As this monitor is certified as ClearMR 9000, it has the highest classification of image quality, meaning the least amount of overall blur.Ambiglow intensifies entertainment with a halo of lightAmbiglow adds a new dimension to your viewing experience. The innovative Ambiglow technology enhances the content on the screen by creating a halo of light from the monitor. Its fast processor analyses the incoming image content and continuously adapts the colour and brightness of the emitted light to match the image. Especially suited for watching movies, sports or playing games, Philips Ambiglow offers you a unique and immersive viewing experience.SmartImage game mode optimised for gamersThe new Philips gaming display has quick-access OSD fine-tuned for gamers, offering you multiple options. "FPS" mode (First person shooting) improves dark themes in games, allowing you to see hidden objects in dark areas. "Racing" mode adapts the display with the fastest response time and high colour, along with image adjustments. "RTS" mode (Real-time strategy) has a special SmartFrame mode that enables highlighting of specific area and allows for size and image adjustments. Gamer 1 and Gamer 2 enable you to save personal customised settings based on different games, ensuring best performance.Smart Crosshair: for better aim and more funColour of Crosshair is set by default. When Smart Crosshair is on, the colour will change as a complementary colour to the background colour. Smart Crosshair enhances the aiming accuracy so you can spot the enemies more easily.MultiView enables simultaneous dual connection and viewWith the ultra-high resolution Philips MultiView display, you can now experience a world of connectivity. MultiView enables active dual connect and view so that you can work with multiple devices like a PC and notebook simultaneously, for complex multitasking.Tilt, swivel and height-adjust for an ideal viewing positionThe Compact Ergo Base is a people-friendly Philips monitor base that tilts, swivels and height-adjusts so each user can position the monitor for maximum viewing comfort and efficiency.
LongProductName - QD OLED gaming monitor, 34", 21:9, 3440 x 1440 px, 175 Hz, HDMI 2.0 x 2, DisplayPort 1.4 x 1, 813 x 555 x 311 mm, 7.72 kg
LongSummaryDescription - Philips Evnia 34M2C6500/00. Display diagonal: 86.4 cm (34"), Display resolution: 3440 x 1440 pixels, HD type: Wide Quad HD, Display technology: QD-OLED, Response time: 0.03 ms, Native aspect ratio: 21:9, Viewing angle, horizontal: 178°, Viewing angle, vertical: 178°. Built-in USB hub, USB hub version: 3.2 Gen 1 (3.1 Gen 1). VESA mounting, Height adjustment. Product colour: Grey
Matrix type - QD OLED
Model - 34M2C6500/00
Multimedia > Built-in speaker(s) - No
Multimedia > TV tuner integrated - No
name - Display Evnia 34M2C6500 34-inches Curved QD OLED
Name - Philips 34M2C6500/00 Evnia 6000 | 34 " | LED | WQHD | 21:9 | 175 Hz | 0.03 ms | 3440 x 1440 pixels | HDMI ports quantity 2
Name - Philips Evnia 34M2C6500 - 34" | QD OLED | UWQHD | 0.03ms | 175Hz | HDR
Networking > Ethernet LAN (RJ-45) ports - No
Number of colors - 1,07 mld
Operational conditions - Operating relative humidity (H-H) - 20 - 80%
Operational conditions - Operating temperature (T-T) - 0 - 40 °C
Operational conditions - Storage temperature (T-T) - -20 - 60 °C
Optional accessory -
Other features -
Other features - Certification - CB
Маркування CE
Other features - Compatible operating systems - Mac OS X
Windows 11 / 10
Other features - Low input lag - Yes
Other features - Mean time between failures (MTBF) - 30000 h
Package features > Embeeded battery - No
Package features > Gross depth (mm) - 900.00 mm
Package features > Gross height (mm) - 226.00 mm
Package features > Gross width (mm) - 525.00 mm
Package features > Packing quantity - 1.00 pc(s)
Package features > Palette Qty - 20 pc(s)
Package features > Paper/Pasteboard - 2500.00 g
Package features > Plastic (No PET) - 420.00 g
Package features > Tare weight (kg) - 2.92 kg
Package features > Volume (m3) - 0.11 m³
Package features > WEE classification - CL109:2:2017-04-01
Package features > WEEE tax - Yes
Packaging content - Cables included - DisplayPort, HDMI, USB
Packaging content - Stand included - Yes
Packaging data - Package depth - 525 mm
Packaging data - Package height - 226 mm
Packaging data - Package weight - 10.6 kg
Packaging data - Package width - 900 mm
Performance - Flicker-free technology - Yes
Performance - Low Blue Light technology - Yes
Ports & interfaces - Built-in USB hub - Yes
Ports & interfaces - DisplayPorts quantity - 1
Ports & interfaces - DisplayPort version - 1.4
Ports & interfaces - HDCP - Yes
Ports & interfaces - HDCP version - 1.4/2.2
Ports & interfaces - HDMI - Yes
Ports & interfaces - HDMI ports quantity - 2
Ports & interfaces - HDMI version - 2.0
Ports & interfaces - Headphone out - Yes
Ports & interfaces - Number of USB Type-B upstream ports quantity - 1
Ports & interfaces - USB hub version - 3.2 Gen 1 (3.1 Gen 1)
Ports & interfaces - USB Type-A downstream ports quantity - 2
Ports & interfaces > DisplayPorts quantity - 1
Ports & interfaces > HDMI ports quantity - 2
Power - Power consumption (off) - 0.3 W
Power - Power consumption (standby) - 0.5 W
Power - Power consumption (typical) - 98.9 W
Power consumption - 98.9 W
producer - Philips
Producer - Philips
ProducerCode - 34M2C6500/00
ProductName - 34M2C6500/00
Recycling data - Total amount of recycled materials used for making - 85%
Refresh rate - 175 Hz
Resolution - 3440 x 1440
Response time - 0.03 s
Screen size (diag.) - 34''
ShortDescription -
ShortSummaryDescription - Philips Evnia 34M2C6500/00, 86.4 cm (34"), 3440 x 1440 pixels, Wide Quad HD, QD-OLED, 0.03 ms, Grey
Speakers built-in - Yes
Static contrast - 1 000 000:1
Technical details > Gross weight - 10.64 kg
Technical details > Net weight - 7.72 kg
Technical details > Producer - Philips
Technical details > Producer product name - 34M2C6500/00 Evnia 6000
Technical details > USB-C - No
Technical details > USB-C power delivery - N/A
Title - Philips Evnia 34M2C6500/00 computer monitor 86.4 cm (34") 3440 x 1440 pixels Wide Quad HD QD-OLED Grey
title_en - Philips 34M2C6500/00 Wide Quad HD 3440 x 1440 Evnia Gaming Monitor 34"
title_lv - Philips 34M2C6500/00 Wide Quad HD 3440 x 1440 Evnia Spēļu monitors 34"
title_ru - Philips 34M2C6500/00 Wide Quad HD 3440 x 1440 Evnia игровой монитор 34"
Touch screen - No
Transreflective technology - LED
TV tuner built-in - No
vendpn - 34M2C6500/00
VESA - 100 x 100
Viewing angle, horizontal - 178 °
Viewing angle, vertical - 178 °
Visible area, horizontal - 800.1 mm
Visible area, vertical - 337.1 mm
Warranty -
Warranty - 24
Warranty - 24 month(s)
WarrantyInfo -
Web camera - None
Weight - 6.15 kg
weight - 7.72 kg
Weight & dimensions - Depth (without stand) - 164 mm
Weight & dimensions - Depth (with stand) - 311 mm
Weight & dimensions - Height (without stand) - 367 mm
Weight & dimensions - Height (with stand) - 555 mm
Weight & dimensions - Weight (without stand) - 6.15 kg
Weight & dimensions - Weight (with stand) - 7.72 kg
Weight & dimensions - Width (without stand) - 813 mm
Weight & dimensions - Width (with stand) - 813 mm
Weight with stand - 7.72 kg
Width - 813 mm
WiFi - No
770.35 €
Philips 34M2C6500, 34"
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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