The size of paper that can be placed in the printer feeder and printed in the particular printer. If this index of the printer is, for example, A4 it means that this particular printer can print for sure also smaller size paper, for example, A5. This possibility has certain restrictions that can be found in the detailed specification of the printing size and type of paper supported.
Oki MC883dn

- Courier delivery 3.99 €: 01.04.2025

- Max. print size: A3
- Native resolution: 1200 x 1200 dpi
- Print speed (monochrome): 35 lpp/min
- Type: Laser Colour Printer
- Cartridges: 4
The resolution of the printer determines the number of dots that the printer printing head can print horizontally and vertically. By applying various additional methods a printer can print a higher resolution result. This parameter indicates the natural resolution of the printer without using compression. A higher resolution means a higher image quality and detail.
The average index of the number of black and white pages with 5% average coverage that can be printed by this printer per minute.
The type of printing is the main criterion for selecting the princter because it determines the printer application.
Ink - this technology will be suitable for the users who want to print colour photos at high quality. The costs per print-out are quite high, also ink cartridges dry out when the printer is on stand-by for a long time.
Black and white laser - the best type of printing from the economic point of view, produces good quality print-outs of black and white documents at the lowest cost per print-out. The best buy for the home and office needs. Printers of more expensive models have considerably bigger toner cartridges which will certainly pay back if more than ten pages per day are printed.
Colour laser - this technology allows to print black and white laser print-outs at the same costs per page as with the black and white laser printer and to produce colour print-outs at comparatively low costs per print-out.
The quality of the colour printing by this technology is much lower than with the ink printing, therefore this device is worth buying only if tens of colour graphics, models, product samples photos and colour logos have to be printed every day. This technology currently is not suitable for printing photos.
The size of paper that can be placed in the printer feeder and printed in the particular printer. If this index of the printer is, for example, A4 it means that this particular printer can print for sure also smaller size paper, for example, A5. This possibility has certain restrictions that can be found in the detailed specification of the printing size and type of paper supported.
ADF means automatic document feeding. This is implemented by means of a special scanner cover where it is possible to place several pages at once, for example, a pack of copied or scanned documents.
Double-sided printing that is quite often implemented as a semi-automated function which means that the printer prints one side of the page and then the user has to put all the pack of print-outs in the feeder manually.
There can also be Duplex printers that are able to turn the page during the printing process. Prior to buying the printer you should read the detailed specification about how the Duplex function is implemented.
The number of toners or cartridges that the particular printer has. In case of ink printing a higher number of cartridges means better printing quality and more economical replacement of cartridges.
A possibility to connect the device to the phone line and phone for sending and receiving fax messages.
A possibility to place a printed paper in the feeder and to receive a scanned document in the computer as a file.
A very useful function if the printer is used from various computers connected in a network. If there is LAN connection it is possible to place the printer at any place where the network and power connection is available and to produce print-outs from any computer without the necessity to connect the printer to any particular computer and to maintain this computer switched on.
This is an obsolete standard and required only in few cases when a company uses DOS software that cannot print from any other ports except LPT. This type of connection is very slow, therefore in most cases a printer with LPT has also the much faster USB or LAN connection.
The most stable, convenient and fastest connection of the printer if the printer is located close to the computer and is used for printing from one computer. The USB connection slot is available with almost all portable computers and desktop computers.
A possibility to connect this printer to the computer via the Bluetooth wireless connection. Usually this type of connection is available for portable computers of average or expensive category. Desktop computers usually do not have the Bluetooth, therefore it will be necessary to buy a low priced USB Bluetooth transmitter for being able to use this functionality.
An excellent way of connecting a computer within a wireless network if you use exclusively wireless network connection at home or at office or if the printer is placed at a location where it is not possible to connect a LAN cable.
Application - Working groups
Category - Root/Electronics/PC peripherals/Printers, 3D printers and plotters/Inkjet printer
Category_1 - Printing
Category_2 - Ink-Jet Printers - Multifuncional
Color - Black
Color - Gray
Color printing - Yes
Connectors - 1 x USB 2.0
Copier specifications - Typ: Podłoga/biurko Metoda skanowania: Kolor CIS Metoda drukowania: Technologia elektrofotograficzna kolorowego cyfrowego wydruku LED Regulacja gęstości kopii: 7 poziomów (manualnych) Rozdzielczość skanowania: Do 600 × 600 dpi Rozdzielczość zapisu: Do 1200 × 1200 dpi Dopuszczalny oryginał: Arkusz, książka Format oryginału: Skaner płaski: A3, A4, A5, A6, B4, B5, Letter, Legal 13, Legal 13.5, Legal 14, Executive, Tabloid (11" x 17"), Statement, Folio Automatyczny podajnik dokumentów: A3, A4, A5, A6, B4, B5, Letter, Legal 13, Legal 13.5, Legal 14, Executive, Tabloid (11" x 17"), Statement, Folio Format papieru do kopiowania: A3, A4, A5, A6, B4, B5, B6, Letter, Legal 13, Legal 13.5, Legal 14, Executive, Tabloid (11" x 17"), Statement, Folio, 8K, 16K, koperty, pocztówka, pocztówka zwrotna Skalowanie kopiowania: 25-400% Maksymalna liczba kopii: 999 arkuszy Szybkość kopiowania: 35 kopii na minutę w formacie A4 w kolorze, 35 kopii na minutę w formacie A4 w czerni Czas uzyskania pierwszej kopii W kolorze: około 10 sekund; w czerni: około 10 sekund
Depth - 600 mm
Description - Duża szybkość drukowania i kopiowania w połączeniu z większą wydajnością materiałów eksploatacyjnych sprawiają, że MC883 jest idealnym rozwiązaniem dla wymagających grup roboczych. Łącząc dużą szybkość druku do 35 str./min z zaawansowanymi funkcjami skanowania, kopiowania i faksowania oraz z łatwym w obsłudze panelem sterowania, ta elastyczna i wysoce wydajna drukarka obejmuje inteligentne rozwiązania oprogramowania i integruje się z szeroką gamą rozwiązań zewnętrznych.
Designation - CE+WEEE
dimension depth - 730 mm
dimension height - 815 mm
dimension weight - 78000 g
dimension width - 690 mm
Duplex printing - Automatic
Duty cycle (monthly) - 10000 sheets/month
ean - 5031713072812
Eans - 5031713072812
EAN_code - 5031713072812
Ethernet - 10/100/1000 Mb/s
Extended warranty -
Extension options -
Fax specifications - Obsługiwane linie: PSTN, PBX Interfejs: RJ-11 × 2 (liniowe, telefoniczne) Rozdzielczość transmisji: Tryb normalny: 8 punktów/mm × 3,85 linii/mm, Jakość dobra/fotograficzna: 8 punktów/mm × 7,7 linii/mm, Jakość bardzo dobra 16 punktów/mm × 15,4 linii/mm Szybkość komunikacji:Super G3: 33,6 kb/s Metoda kodowania: MH, MR, MMR, JBIG Tryb komunikacji: ITU-T G3, Super G3 Oryginalny rozmiar transmisji: Maks. A3, długość 420 mm Format papieru: Max. A3, Min. A5 Czas transmisji: Około 2 s/stronę Pamięć: Maks. 8192 strony (256 MB) Inne funkcje: Szybkie wybieranie numerów (1000 lokalizacji), rozgłaszanie (32 grupy, 100 lokalizacji/grup), skanowanie dwustronne, poufny faks w standardzie F-Code, opóźniona transmisja, LDAP, faks PC, zapisywanie i dystrybucja PDF
Format - 8K
Format - 16K
Format - A3
Format - A4
Format - A5
Format - A6
Format - B4
Format - B5
Format - B6
Functions - Copier
Functions - Fax
Functions - Printer
Functions - Scanner
guarantee - 36
guarantee_type - external
Height - 700 mm
Installed memory - 1280 MB
Manufacturer - Oki
Manufacturer_code - 45850304
Max. printing speed (color) - 35 p/min
Max. printing speed (mono) - 35 p/min
Model - MC883dn
Name - OKI MC883DN
Name - OKI MC883dn D / S / K / F
name - Urządzenie wielofunkcyjne MFP MC883dn A3 45850304
Original consumables - Pojemnik z tonerem - czarny 45862840 Pojemnik z tonerem - żółty 45862837 Pojemnik z tonerem, magenta 45862838 Pojemnik z tonerem - cyjan 45862839 Wysokowydajny pojemnik z tonerem, żółty 45862814 Toner magenta o dużej pojemności 45862815 Toner cyjan o dużej pojemności 45862816 Toner czarny o bardzo dużej pojemności 45862818
Other features -
Paper input tray - 300 arkuszy
Paper output tray - 100 arkuszy
Paper weight (max) - 256 g/m²
Paper weight (min) - 64 g/m²
Photo printing - No
PictBridge - No
Printer language - Epson FX
Printer language - IBM ProPrinter
Printer language - PCL 5c
Printer language - PCL 6 (XL)
Printer language - PDF
Printer language - PostScript 3
Printer language - XPS
Printer processor -
Printing supplies performance - 45862840 - 3000 stron 45862837, 45862838, 45862839 - 7000 stron 45862818 - 15000 stron 45862814, 45862815, 45862816 - 10000 stron
Printing type - LED
Print resolution - 1200 x 1200 dpi
producer - OKI
Producer - OKI
ProducerCode - 45850304
Scanner specifications - Rozdzielczość skanowania: Maks. 600 × 600 dpi Szybkość skanowania: Maks. 50 obrazów na minutę w kolorze, 50 obrazów na minutę w czerni Interfejsy: 1000BASE-T/100BASE-TX/10BASE-T, USB 2.0 (High Speed), (opcjonalnie) bezprzewodowa sieć LAN (IEEE802.11a/b/g/n), host USB 2.0 (High Speed) Obsługiwany protokół: SMB, FTP(S), TWAIN, WIA2.0 Format wyjściowy: Bezpieczny plik PDF, skompresowany plik PDF, JPEG, TIFF, XPS Sterownik: TWAIN, WIA2.0 (Windows Vista lub nowszy), ICA (Mac OS X 10.6 lub nowszy)
ShortDescription - laser | kolor | A3 | druk | kopia | skan | USB 2.0 | Gigabit LAN | USB Host | 250GB HDD | 1.26GB RAM | Dupleks druku i skanu | ADF z dupleksem | Zszywacz offline
Supported operating systems - Linux
Supported operating systems - Mac OS
Supported operating systems - Windows 7
Supported operating systems - Windows 8
Supported operating systems - Windows 8.1
Supported operating systems - Windows Server 2003
Supported operating systems - Windows Server 2008
Supported operating systems - Windows Server 2012
Supported operating systems - Windows Vista
System Requirements -
vendpn - 45850304
Warranty - 36 miesięcy
Weight - 64 kg
Weight - 64,00
Width - 563 mm
Wireless communication - Optional