The size of paper that can be placed in the printer feeder and printed in the particular printer. If this index of the printer is, for example, A4 it means that this particular printer can print for sure also smaller size paper, for example, A5. This possibility has certain restrictions that can be found in the detailed specification of the printing size and type of paper supported.
Fujifilm Instax Link Wide A White

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- Max. print size: Photo 6.2x9.9 cm
- Native resolution: 300 x 300 dpi
- Print speed (monochrome): 5 lpp/min
- Type: LED
- Cartridges: Nav norādīts
The resolution of the printer determines the number of dots that the printer printing head can print horizontally and vertically. By applying various additional methods a printer can print a higher resolution result. This parameter indicates the natural resolution of the printer without using compression. A higher resolution means a higher image quality and detail.
The average index of the number of black and white pages with 5% average coverage that can be printed by this printer per minute.
The type of printing is the main criterion for selecting the princter because it determines the printer application.
Ink - this technology will be suitable for the users who want to print colour photos at high quality. The costs per print-out are quite high, also ink cartridges dry out when the printer is on stand-by for a long time.
Black and white laser - the best type of printing from the economic point of view, produces good quality print-outs of black and white documents at the lowest cost per print-out. The best buy for the home and office needs. Printers of more expensive models have considerably bigger toner cartridges which will certainly pay back if more than ten pages per day are printed.
Colour laser - this technology allows to print black and white laser print-outs at the same costs per page as with the black and white laser printer and to produce colour print-outs at comparatively low costs per print-out.
The quality of the colour printing by this technology is much lower than with the ink printing, therefore this device is worth buying only if tens of colour graphics, models, product samples photos and colour logos have to be printed every day. This technology currently is not suitable for printing photos.
The size of paper that can be placed in the printer feeder and printed in the particular printer. If this index of the printer is, for example, A4 it means that this particular printer can print for sure also smaller size paper, for example, A5. This possibility has certain restrictions that can be found in the detailed specification of the printing size and type of paper supported.
ADF means automatic document feeding. This is implemented by means of a special scanner cover where it is possible to place several pages at once, for example, a pack of copied or scanned documents.
Double-sided printing that is quite often implemented as a semi-automated function which means that the printer prints one side of the page and then the user has to put all the pack of print-outs in the feeder manually.
There can also be Duplex printers that are able to turn the page during the printing process. Prior to buying the printer you should read the detailed specification about how the Duplex function is implemented.
The number of toners or cartridges that the particular printer has. In case of ink printing a higher number of cartridges means better printing quality and more economical replacement of cartridges.
A possibility to connect the device to the phone line and phone for sending and receiving fax messages.
A possibility to place a printed paper in the feeder and to receive a scanned document in the computer as a file.
A very useful function if the printer is used from various computers connected in a network. If there is LAN connection it is possible to place the printer at any place where the network and power connection is available and to produce print-outs from any computer without the necessity to connect the printer to any particular computer and to maintain this computer switched on.
This is an obsolete standard and required only in few cases when a company uses DOS software that cannot print from any other ports except LPT. This type of connection is very slow, therefore in most cases a printer with LPT has also the much faster USB or LAN connection.
The most stable, convenient and fastest connection of the printer if the printer is located close to the computer and is used for printing from one computer. The USB connection slot is available with almost all portable computers and desktop computers.
A possibility to connect this printer to the computer via the Bluetooth wireless connection. Usually this type of connection is available for portable computers of average or expensive category. Desktop computers usually do not have the Bluetooth, therefore it will be necessary to buy a low priced USB Bluetooth transmitter for being able to use this functionality.
An excellent way of connecting a computer within a wireless network if you use exclusively wireless network connection at home or at office or if the printer is placed at a location where it is not possible to connect a LAN cable.
Atbalstītais papīrs - Papīra tipi - Fotopapīrs
Atbalstītais papīrs - Piemērots fotomateriāls - Fujifilm instax WIDE
barcode - 074101204759
barcode - 74101204759
barcode - 0074101204759
barcode - 4547410455632
Battery - Lithium-Ion rechargeable
brand - Fujifilm
Category - Root/Electronics/PC peripherals/Printers, 3D printers and plotters/Inkjet printer
Category Code - INS
Category_1 - Printing
Category_2 - Printer - Accessories
category_en - Printers & accessories
category_et - Printerid ja tarvikud
category_lv - Printeri un piederumi
category_ru - Принтеры и принадлежности
Colour - White
Connectivity - Bluetooth - Bluetooth 4.2
Description - Fujifilm instax Link WIDE Smartphone Printer
description_en - Instax Link Wide is a wide-format photo printer that creates the largest photos in the Instax product range, packed with mandatory features for endless fun and creativity. In addition to the photo printer, the set also includes a convenient wrist strap and a special stand. Fun, simple and creative prints
Not only does the Instax Link Wide allow you to capture everything in a photo, but the free downloadable Instax Mini Wide smart app also adds a whole new dimension. Connect your smartphone to the printer wirelessly via Bluetooth and add text to photos, resize, apply a filter, play with contrast, and more. Just slide the photo on your smartphone up and print it. In addition, you can choose between two image color modes – Instax-Rich mode for rich colors and Instax-Natural mode for natural image quality. Personalize your photos and choose from over 30 editable templates to create greeting cards, invitations, and more. Apply a QR code to your photo to link to a URL, listen to recorded sounds, and view secret messages and locations – just scan the QR code with your smartphone. Sketch, edit, and customize
And that's not all! Get creative with Sketch, Edit & Print to import text and sketches when customizing your photos. With Collage Print, you can add multiple images to create fun collages. You can also choose from more than 1600 stickers to add to your photo in the app. Print photos from your smartphone via Bluetooth Uses Fujifilm Instax Wide papers Paper size: 86 × 108 mm Photo size: 62 × 99 mm Bluetooth 4.2 connection Print time: save image - photo output: about 12 seconds Built-in lithium-ion battery Approx. 100 prints (a full charge, depending on usage conditions) Convenient wrist strap and stand included
description_et - Instax Link Wide on Instax-i tootevaliku suurimaid fotosid loov laiformaadiline fotoprinter, mis on täis kohustuslikke funktsioone lõputu lõbu ja loovuse jaoks. Lisaks fotoprinterile on komplektis kaasas ka mugav randmerihm ja spetsiaalne alus printeri hoiustamiseks. Lõbusad, lihtsad ja loomingulised väljatrükid
Instax Link Wide mitte ainult ei võimalda Sul kõike fotole jäädvustada, vaid tasuta allalaaditav Instax Mini Wide nutirakendus lisab ka hoopis teise mõõtme. Ühenda oma nutitelefon printeriga juhtmevabalt Bluetoothi kaudu ja lisa fotodele teksti, muuda nende suurust, pane peale filter, mängi kontrastiga jpm. Lihtsalt libista nutitelefonis olev foto üles ja prindi see välja. Lisaks saad valida kahe pildi värvirežiimi vahel – Instax-Rich režiim rikkalike värvide jaoks ja Instax-Natural režiim loomuliku pildikvaliteedi jaoks. Isikupärasta oma fotod ja vali enam kui 30 redigeeritava malli hulgast, et luua õnnitluskaarte, kutseid jpm. Rakenda oma fotole QR-kood, et linkida URL-ile, kuulata salvestatud helisid ning vaadata salasõnumeid ja asukohti – lihtsalt skanni QR-koodi oma nutitelefoniga. Visanda, redigeeri ja kohanda
Ja see pole veel kõik! Ole loov Sketch, Edit & Print funktsiooniga, et importida teksti ja visandeid oma fotode kohandamisel. Funktsiooni Collage Print abil saad lõbusate kollaažide loomiseks lisada mitu pilti. Samuti saad rakenduses valida enam kui 1600 kleebise hulgast, mida oma fotole lisada. Prindi nutitelefonist fotosid Bluetoothi kaudu Kasutab Fujifilm Instax Wide pabereid Paberi suurus: 86 × 108 mm Foto suurus: 62 × 99 mm Bluetooth 4.2 ühendus Printimisaeg: pildi salvestamine - foto väljund: umbes 12 sekundit Sisseehitatud liitium-ioon aku Ligikaudu 100 väljatrükki (täislaadimisel, sõltuvalt kasutustingimustest) Komplektis spetsiaalne randmerihm ja alus printeri hoiustamiseks
description_lv -
description_ru -
description_short_en - Pocket-sized photo printer Print & customize photos directly from your smart device Bluetooth connectivity 62 × 99 mm sized photos Approximately 100 prints with one charge
description_short_et - Taskusse mahtuv fotoprinter Prindi ja kujunda fotod otse nutiseadmest 62 × 99 mm fotod Bluetooth ühenduvus Ligikaudu 100 väljatrükki ühe laadimisega
description_short_lv -
description_short_ru - Карманный фотопринтер Печатайте и создавайте фотографии прямо со своего смарт-устройства 62 × 99 мм фотографии Подключение по Bluetooth Около 100 печатных фото за одну зарядку
Design - Color - White
Design - Depth (mm) - 33.7
Design - Height (mm) - 139
Design - Weight (g) - 340
Design - Width (mm) - 127.5
Dimensions - 139mm×127.5mm×33.7mm(excluding projecting parts)
Disain - Kaal (g) - 340
Disain - Kõrgus (mm) - 139
Disain - Laius (mm) - 127,5
Disain - Sügavus (mm) - 33,7
Disain - Värvus - Valge
Dizains - Augstums (mm) - 139
Dizains - Dziļums (mm) - 33.7
Dizains - Krāsa - Balta
Dizains - Platums (mm) - 127.5
Dizains - Svars (g) - 340
Eans - 4547410455632
EAN_code - 4547410455632
feature_group_en - Printers
feature_group_et - Printerid
feature_group_lv - Printeri
feature_group_ru - Принтеры
Full Description Line - Battery Lithium-Ion rechargeable|Colour White|Dimensions 139mm×127.5mm×33.7mm(excluding projecting parts)|Weight 0.34 kg
General - Power (W) - 3
General - Power source - Lithium battery
General - Type - Photo printer
General - Type - Smartphone printer
Manufacturer - Fujifilm
manufacturer_code - 16719574
Manufacturer_code - 16719574
Name - Fujifilm Instax Link Wide A White
Name - Fujifilm Instax Wide Link, photo printer
name_en - Fujifilm Instax Link Wide, ash white
name_et - Fujifilm fotoprinter Instax Link Wide, ash white
name_lv - Fujifilm Instax Link Wide, ash white
name_ru - Fujifilm фотопринтер Instax Link Wide, ash white
Paper support - Instant film type - Fujifilm instax WIDE
Paper support - Paper sizes - 86 × 108 mm
Paper support - Paper types - Photo paper
Printera specifikācijas - Drukas izšķirtspēja - 318 dpi
Printera specifikācijas - Drukas tehnoloģija - OLED
Printera specifikācijas - Drukas ātrums - Foto: 12 sek.
Printeri tehnilised andmed - Prindi lahutusvõime - 318 dpi
Printeri tehnilised andmed - Printimiskiirus - Foto: 12 s
Printeri tehnilised andmed - Printimistehnoloogia - OLED
Printer specifications - Print resolution - 318 dpi
Printer specifications - Print speed - Photo: 12 s
Printer specifications - Print technology - OLED
Producer - Fuji
ProducerCode - 16719574
Savienojamība - Bluetooth - Bluetooth 4.2
Shipping Box Depth Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 17 cm
Shipping Box Height Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 16.5 cm
Shipping box quantity - 1
Shipping Box Weight Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 0.6 kg
Shipping Box Width Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 7.5 cm
ShortDescription -
Technical_details - Instax Link WIDE, photo printer Fujifilm's Instax Link WIDE makes it easy to share moments together with instant photos. This photo printer connects to a smartphone or tablet via Bluetooth - simply select an image, design it using the app, add text or filters as required, and print. You can also print scenes from video clips, add QR messages, add sound, create collages and much more. The Instax Link WIDE is powered by a battery and is therefore just as mobile as a smartphone or tablet. Photos are already output after approx. 12 seconds.
Toetatud paberitüübid - Paberiformaadid - 86 × 108 mm
Toetatud paberitüübid - Paberitüübid - Fotopaber
Toetatud paberitüübid - Sobiv pildimaterjal - Fujifilm instax WIDE
Unit Brutto Volume - 0.002104 cubm
Unit Gross Weight - 0.6 kg
Unit Net Weight - 0.34 kg
Vendor Homepage -
Vispārīgi - Barošanas avots - Litija akumulators
Vispārīgi - Jauda (W) - 3
Vispārīgi - Tips - Photo printer
Vispārīgi - Tips - Viedtālruņa printeris
Warranty - 24 months
Weight - 0,59
Ühenduvus - Bluetooth - Bluetooth 4.2
Üldine - Toide - Liitiumaku
Üldine - Tüüp - Fotoprinter
Üldine - Tüüp - Taskuprinter
Üldine - Võimsus (W) - 3
Дизайн - Вес (г) - 340
Дизайн - Высота (мм) - 139
Дизайн - Глубина (мм) - 33.7
Дизайн - Цвет - Белый
Дизайн - Ширина (мм) - 127.5
Общее - Мощность (W) - 3
Общее - Питание - Литиевый аккумулятор
Общее - Тип холодильника - Портативный принтер
Общее - Тип холодильника - Фотопринтер
Поддерживаемая бумага - Подходящий матриал - Fujifilm instax WIDE
Поддерживаемая бумага - Размеры бумаги - 86 × 108 мм
Поддерживаемая бумага - Типы бумаги - Фотобумага
Соединение - Bluetooth - Bluetooth 4.2
Технические данные принтера - Разрешение принтера - 318 dpi
Технические данные принтера - Скорость печати - Фото: 12 с
Технические данные принтера - Технология печати - OLED