The size of paper that can be placed in the printer feeder and printed in the particular printer. If this index of the printer is, for example, A4 it means that this particular printer can print for sure also smaller size paper, for example, A5. This possibility has certain restrictions that can be found in the detailed specification of the printing size and type of paper supported.
Canon MAXIFY GX6050

- Courier delivery 3.99 €: 11.03.2025

- Max. print size: A4
- Native resolution: 1200 x 600 dpi
- Print speed (monochrome): 22 ppm
- Type: Inkjet
- Cartridges: 4
The resolution of the printer determines the number of dots that the printer printing head can print horizontally and vertically. By applying various additional methods a printer can print a higher resolution result. This parameter indicates the natural resolution of the printer without using compression. A higher resolution means a higher image quality and detail.
The average index of the number of black and white pages with 5% average coverage that can be printed by this printer per minute.
The type of printing is the main criterion for selecting the princter because it determines the printer application.
Ink - this technology will be suitable for the users who want to print colour photos at high quality. The costs per print-out are quite high, also ink cartridges dry out when the printer is on stand-by for a long time.
Black and white laser - the best type of printing from the economic point of view, produces good quality print-outs of black and white documents at the lowest cost per print-out. The best buy for the home and office needs. Printers of more expensive models have considerably bigger toner cartridges which will certainly pay back if more than ten pages per day are printed.
Colour laser - this technology allows to print black and white laser print-outs at the same costs per page as with the black and white laser printer and to produce colour print-outs at comparatively low costs per print-out.
The quality of the colour printing by this technology is much lower than with the ink printing, therefore this device is worth buying only if tens of colour graphics, models, product samples photos and colour logos have to be printed every day. This technology currently is not suitable for printing photos.
The size of paper that can be placed in the printer feeder and printed in the particular printer. If this index of the printer is, for example, A4 it means that this particular printer can print for sure also smaller size paper, for example, A5. This possibility has certain restrictions that can be found in the detailed specification of the printing size and type of paper supported.
ADF means automatic document feeding. This is implemented by means of a special scanner cover where it is possible to place several pages at once, for example, a pack of copied or scanned documents.
Double-sided printing that is quite often implemented as a semi-automated function which means that the printer prints one side of the page and then the user has to put all the pack of print-outs in the feeder manually.
There can also be Duplex printers that are able to turn the page during the printing process. Prior to buying the printer you should read the detailed specification about how the Duplex function is implemented.
The number of toners or cartridges that the particular printer has. In case of ink printing a higher number of cartridges means better printing quality and more economical replacement of cartridges.
A possibility to connect the device to the phone line and phone for sending and receiving fax messages.
A possibility to place a printed paper in the feeder and to receive a scanned document in the computer as a file.
A very useful function if the printer is used from various computers connected in a network. If there is LAN connection it is possible to place the printer at any place where the network and power connection is available and to produce print-outs from any computer without the necessity to connect the printer to any particular computer and to maintain this computer switched on.
This is an obsolete standard and required only in few cases when a company uses DOS software that cannot print from any other ports except LPT. This type of connection is very slow, therefore in most cases a printer with LPT has also the much faster USB or LAN connection.
The most stable, convenient and fastest connection of the printer if the printer is located close to the computer and is used for printing from one computer. The USB connection slot is available with almost all portable computers and desktop computers.
A possibility to connect this printer to the computer via the Bluetooth wireless connection. Usually this type of connection is available for portable computers of average or expensive category. Desktop computers usually do not have the Bluetooth, therefore it will be necessary to buy a low priced USB Bluetooth transmitter for being able to use this functionality.
An excellent way of connecting a computer within a wireless network if you use exclusively wireless network connection at home or at office or if the printer is placed at a location where it is not possible to connect a LAN cable.
Brand - Canon
BrandCode - CANON
BrandPartCode - 4470C006
Category - Multifunction Printers
Category 1 - Drucker & Scanner
Category 2 - Multifunktionsdrucker
Category_1 - Printing
Category_2 - Ink-Jet Printers - Multifuncional
Code - 4470C006
Copying - Copier resize - 25 - 400%
Copying - Copying - Colour copying
Copying - copy speed (black & white) - 22.2
Copying - Copy speed (black, draft, A4) - 22.2 cpm
Copying - copy speed (color) - 12.2
Copying - Copy speed (colour, draft, A4) - 12.2 cpm
Copying - Copy speed (colour, normal quality, A4) - 12.7 cpm
Copying - Duplex copying - Yes
Copying - Duplex copying mode - Auto/Manual
Copying - Edge erase function - Yes
Copying - format - A4
Copying - ID-card copy function - Yes
Copying - Maximum number of copies - 99 copies
Copying - N-in-1 copy function - Yes
Copying - N-in-1 copy function (N=) - 2, 4
Design - Built-in display - Yes
Design - Colour display - Yes
Design - Control type - Touch
Design - Display - LCD
Design - Display diagonal - 6.86 cm (2.7")
Design - Market positioning - Home & office
Design - Product colour - Black, Yellow
Design > Colour of product - Grey/Black
Dimensions - depth - 25.4
Dimensions - height - 39.9
Dimensions - weight - 11.6
Dimensions - width - 41
EAN - 4549292173475
EANCode - 4549292173475
EAN_code - 4549292173475
Features - Duplex functions - Copy, Print
Features - Ink tank system - Yes
Features - Maximum duty cycle - 45000 pages per month
Features - Number of print cartridges - 4
Features - Printing colours - Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow
Features - Replacement cartridges - GI-56 BK
GI-56 C
GI-56 M
GI-56 Y
Features > Product type - Colour Inkjet Multifunction Printer
Functions - MFP functions - copier
Functions - MFP functions - printer
Functions - MFP functions - skanner
General parameters - colour - white
General parameters - manufacturer - Canon
Gewicht - 15.04
GrossWeight - 9.1000
Gross weight - 13.9 kg
GRUPPE1 - Printer/Copier/Fax
GRUPPE2 - Inkjet Business Prnt
GTIN - 4549292173475
Height - 0.3500
Hoehe - 0.36
HSTNUMMER - 4470C006
Input & output capacity - Auto document feeder (ADF) - Yes
Input & output capacity - Auto document feeder (ADF) input capacity - 50 sheets
Input & output capacity - Paper tray 1 input capacity - 100 sheets
Input & output capacity - Paper tray 2 input capacity - 250 sheets
Input & output capacity - Total input capacity - 350 sheets
Input & output capacity - Total number of input trays - 2
Interfaces - LAN (network, RJ45)
Interfaces - USB-A 2.0
Interfaces - WiFi
Interfaces - WiFi standards - AirPrint
Interfaces - WiFi standards - IEEE 802.11a
Interfaces - WiFi standards - IEEE 802.11b
Interfaces - WiFi standards - IEEE 802.11g
Interfaces - WiFi standards - IEEE 802.11n
Laenge - 0.55
Length - 0.5550
Link -
Logistics data - Harmonized System (HS) code - 84433100
LongDesc -
LongDescription EN - Economical Printing
Enjoy the benefits of an ultra-high page yield with up to 6,000 pages in black and white and 14,000 pages in color, ensuring cost-effective printing solutions. Connectivity Options
Equipped with Wi-Fi connectivity, the GX6050 allows for seamless integration into your existing network, enabling easy printing from smartphones, tablets, and laptops. Fast Print Speeds
Keep up with the demands of your business with fast print speeds, ensuring that your documents are ready when you need them. Versatile Functionality
Not just a printer, the GX6050 offers scanning and copying capabilities, making it a versatile addition to any office environment.
LongDescription ET - Ökonoomne printimine
Saavuta märkimisväärne lehekülgede arv – kuni 6000 mustvalget ja 14000 värvilist lehte ühe tindikomplektiga, pakkudes seeläbi ökonoomseid printimisvõimalusi. Ühenduvuse valikud
Wi-Fi ühenduvusega GX6050 hõlbustab olemasolevasse võrgusüsteemi lihtsat lisandumist, muutes printimise nutiseadmetest ja sülearvutitest mugavaks ja vaevatuks. Kiired printimiskiirused
Järgi oma ettevõtte nõudmisi kiirete printimiskiirustega, tagades, et dokumendid on valmis siis, kui neid vajad. Mitmekülgne funktsionaalsus
Canon GX6050 ei ole ainult printer, vaid pakub ka skaneerimis- ja koopiamisvõimalusi, muutes selle mitmekülgseks lisaks igale kontorikeskkonnale.
LongDescription LV - Zemas izmaksas, kas nepieaug
Samaziniet uzņēmuma drukāšanas izmaksas ar milzīgiem drukāšanas apjomiem — 14 000 lappuses ar krāsu tintes pudeļu komplektu vai 6000 lappuses ar melnās tintes pudeli. Pārslēdzieties uz ekonomisko režīmu, lai gūtu vēl lielākus ietaupījumus. Izturīgi dokumenti lielā ātrumā
Drukājiet izcilus biznesa kvalitātes dokumentus ar asām detaļām ātrumā, kas neļaus nokavēt nevienu termiņu, — 24 attēli/min melnbaltajā režīmā un 15,5 attēli/min krāsu režīmā. Ērti pārvaldiet dokumentu darbplūsmu ar uzņēmumiem paredzētām funkcijām. Kompakts, tomēr ļoti jaudīgs
Atvieglojiet darbu ar intensīvu grafiku, izmantojot 50 lokšņu automātisko dokumentu padevēju, noliecamu 6,9 cm krāsu skārienekrānu un papīra padevi ar līdz 350 loksnēm. Apstrādājiet daudzveidīgus materiālus — drukājiet pat 1,2 m garus plakātus. Maksimāli palieliniet efektivitāti
Esiet atbildīgs ar energoefektīvu drukāšanu ar tintes strūklprinteri, kuram ir tintes pudelītes lielam drukāšanas apjomam, kas palīdz samazināt atkritumus. Apkopes kasetne, ko var nomainīt pats lietotājs, līdz minimumam samazina dīkstāvi. Savienojuma izveide
Drukājiet, skenējiet, kopējiet un izveidojiet savienojumu ar mākoņpakalpojumu, izmantojot lietotni Canon PRINT. Saderīgs ar Apple AirPrint (iOS) un Mopria (Android) un izmanto Ethernet savienojumu, kā arī divu joslu Wi-Fi atbalstu. Canon PRINT lietojumprogramma
Izbaudiet vienkāršo savienošanu, lai ar Canon PRINT lietojumprogrammu drukātu no ierīces savās rokās. Bez piepūles drukājiet, kopējiet un skenējiet no viedierīcēm, pārbaudiet printera statusu un izveidojiet savienojumu ar mākoni, lai vēl elastīgāk kontrolētu darbību.
LongProductName - MAXIFY GX6050 Wireless 3-in-1 Refillable MegaTank
LongSummaryDescription - Canon MAXIFY GX6050 MegaTank. Print technology: Inkjet, Printing: Colour printing, Maximum resolution: 600 x 1200 DPI. Copying: Colour copying. Scanning: Colour scanning, Optical scanning resolution: 300 x 300 DPI. Duplex functions: Copy, Print. Maximum ISO A-series paper size: A4. Wi-Fi. Direct printing. Product colour: Black, Yellow
Manufacturer - Canon
Manufacturer_code - 4470C006AA
MediumDescription EN - Canon MAXIFY GX6050 is a high-efficiency, refillable ink tank printer designed for small and medium-sized businesses. Offering low running costs, high yield, and versatile functionality, it's perfect for those needing reliable, high-quality printing solutions. Features include fast print speeds, Wi-Fi connectivity, and the ability to print up to 6,000 pages in black and white or 14,000 pages in color from a single set of ink bottles. • High-efficiency ink tank system
• Low running costs
• Fast print speeds
• Wi-Fi connectivity
MediumDescription ET - Canon MAXIFY GX6050 on kõrge efektiivsusega, täidetava tindimahutiga printer, mis on mõeldud väikestele ja keskmise suurusega ettevõtetele. Pakkudes madalaid jooksvaid kulusid, suurt saagikust ja mitmekülgset funktsionaalsust, on see ideaalne neile, kes vajavad usaldusväärseid, kvaliteetseid printimislahendusi. Omadusteks on kiired printimiskiirused, Wi-Fi ühenduvus ja võime printida ühest tindikomplektist kuni 6 000 lehekülge mustvalgelt või 14 000 lehekülge värviliselt. • Kõrge efektiivsusega tindimahuti süsteem
• Madalad jooksvad kulud
• Kiired printimiskiirused
• Wi-Fi ühenduvus
MediumDescription LV - Izbaudiet ražīgu biznesa kvalitātes druku ar MegaTank, izmantojot uzpildāmas tintes kasetnes lielam drukas apjomam. Paļaujieties uz biznesa kvalitātes izdrukām un ārkārtīgi zemām ekspluatācijas izmaksām. • Augstas efektivitātes tintes tvertnes sistēma;
• Zemas ekspluatācijas izmaksas;
• Liels drukas ātrums;
• Wi-Fi savienojums.
MPN - 4470C006
Name - Canon MAXIFY GX6050 | Inkjet | Colour | Colour Inkjet Multifunction Printer | A4 | Wi-Fi | Grey/Black
Name - Canon Maxify GX6050, multifunction printer (grey/black, USB, WLAN, LAN, scan, copy)
Name - T Canon MAXIFY GX6050 Tinte-Multifunktionssystem 3in1 A4 LAN WLAN ADF Duplex
Name EN - MF-Inkprinter Canon Maxify GX6050, white
Name ET - MF-Tindiprinter Canon Maxify GX6050, valge
NameInWeb EN - Canon Maxify GX6050, WiFi, LAN, USB, duplex, white - Multifunctional color inkjet printer
NameInWeb ET - Canon Maxify GX6050, WiFi, LAN, USB, kahepoolne, valge - Multifunktsionaalne värvi-tindiprinter
NameInWeb LV - Canon Maxify GX6050, WiFi, LAN, USB, duplekss, balta - Daudzfunkciju tintes printeris
Name LV - MF-Inkprinter Canon Maxify GX6050, white
NetWeight - 6.6000
Network - Ethernet LAN - Yes
Network - Ethernet LAN data rates - 10,100 Mbit/s
Network - Mobile printing technologies - Apple AirPrint, Canon Easy-PhotoPrint, Mopria Print Service, PIXMA Cloud Link
Network - Security algorithms - WEP, WPA-PSK, WPA2-PSK
Network - Wi-Fi - Yes
Network - Wi-Fi standards - 802.11b, 802.11g, Wi-Fi 4 (802.11n)
Networking > Ethernet LAN - Yes
Networking > Wi-Fi - Yes
Operational conditions - Operating relative humidity (H-H) - 10 - 90%
Operational conditions - Operating temperature (T-T) - 5 - 35 °C
Package features > Embeeded battery - No
Package features > Gross depth (mm) - 560 mm
Package features > Gross height (mm) - 335 mm
Package features > Gross width (mm) - 480 mm
Package features > Packing quantity - 1.00 pc(s)
Package features > Palette Qty - 24 pc(s)
Package features > Paper/Pasteboard - 2000 g
Package features > Plastic (No PET) - 300 g
Package features > Tare weight (kg) - 2.3 kg
Package features > Volume (m3) - 0.090048 m³
Package features > WEE classification - CL109:6:2017-04-01
Package features > WEEE tax - Yes
Paper handling - Custom media length - 127 - 1200 mm
Paper handling - Custom media width - 89 - 216 mm
Paper handling - Envelopes sizes - Com-10, DL
Paper handling - ISO A-series sizes (A0...A9) - A4, A5, A6
Paper handling - ISO B-series sizes (B0...B9) - B5
Paper handling - Maximum ISO A-series paper size - A4
Paper handling - Paper tray media types - Banner, Envelopes, Glossy paper, High resolution paper, Matte paper, Photo paper, Plain paper, Semi-glossy paper
Paper handling - Paper tray media weight - 64 - 105 g/m²
Paper handling - Photo paper sizes - 18x25,10x15,13x18,20x25
Paper handling > Maximum print size - A4
Performance - Sound pressure level (printing) - 49 dB
Performance > Copying - Yes
Performance > Duplex functions - Yes
Performance > Faxing - No
Performance > Printing - Colour
Performance > Print technology - Inkjet
Performance > Scanning - Colour
Ports & interfaces - Direct printing - Yes
Ports & interfaces - Optional connectivity - Ethernet, Wireless LAN
Ports & interfaces - USB connector - USB Type-B
Ports & interfaces - USB port - Yes
Ports & interfaces > Interface - USB, Ethernet, Wi-Fi
Power - AC input frequency - 50 - 60 Hz
Power - AC input voltage - 100 - 240 V
Power - Energy Star Typical Electricity Consumption (TEC) - 0.14 kWh/week
Power - Power consumption (copying) - 21 W
Power - Power consumption (off) - 0.2 W
Power - Power consumption (standby) - 1.6 W
Printer - double sided printing
Printer - LCD screen
Printer - appropriate paper weight - 64 - 105
Printer - black and white print speed - 24
Printer - color print speed - 15.5
Printer - first page print speed (black and white) - 7
Printer - first page print speed (color) - 8
Printer - format - A4 printer
Printer - paper bin capacity - 250
Printer - printer type - color-multifunctional
Printer - printing resolution - 600x1200 dpi
Printer - printing technology - ink
Printer - supported operating systems - iOS
Printer - supported operating systems - macOS
Printer - supported operating systems - Windows 7
Printer - supported operating systems - Windows 8
Printer - supported operating systems - Windows 10
Printer - supported operating systems - Windows 11
Printing - Duplex printing - Yes
Printing - Duplex printing mode - Auto
Printing - Maximum resolution - 600 x 1200 DPI
Printing - Printing - Colour printing
Printing - Print speed (ISO/IEC 24734) black - 24 ppm
Printing - Print speed (ISO/IEC 24734) colour - 15.5 ppm
Printing - Print technology - Inkjet
Printing > Print speed (ISO/IEC 24734) colour - 15.5 ipm
Printing > Print speed (ISO/IEC 24734) mono - 24 ipm
Print technology > Maximum resolution - 600 x 1200 DPI
Producer product name - MAXIFY GX6050
ProductCode - 4470C006
ProductionCountry - CN
ProductName - GX6050 MegaTank
SalesUnitOfMeasureCode - tk
Scanner - format - A4
Scanner - scanning resolution (optical) - 1200x1200 dpi
Scanning - Input colour depth - 16 bit
Scanning - Input greyscale depth - 16 bit
Scanning - Optical scanning resolution - 300 x 300 DPI
Scanning - Output colour depth - 8 bit
Scanning - Output greyscale depth - 8 bit
Scanning - Scanner type - Flatbed & ADF scanner
Scanning - Scanning - Colour scanning
Scanning - Scan speed (black) - 22.2 ppm
Scanning - Scan speed (colour) - 16.9 ppm
Scanning - Scan technology - CIS
Scanning - Scan to - E-mail, Network folder, USB
Scanning > Maximum scan resolution - 1200 x 1200 DPI
ShortSummaryDescription - Canon MAXIFY GX6050 MegaTank, Inkjet, Colour printing, 600 x 1200 DPI, A4, Direct printing, Black, Yellow
Stck_Kart - 1
Stck_Pal - 24
Storno - Y
System requirements - Mac operating systems supported - Mac OS X 10.12 Sierra, Mac OS X 10.13 High Sierra, Mac OS X 10.14 Mojave, Mac OS X 10.15 Catalina
System requirements - Other operating systems supported - Android, iOS
System requirements - Server operating systems supported - Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 10, Windows 7, Windows 8.1
TariffNo - 84433100
Technical details > Functions - Wi-Fi, Ethernet, Print, Copy, Scan, Cloud
Technical details > Net weight - 11.6 kg
Technical details > Producer - Canon
Technical_details - Maxify GX6050, multifunction printer Efficient printing in a business environment: The Maxify GX6050 is an A4 multifunction printer with scan and copy functions that brings flexible network capability to the office via LAN or WLAN. It also prints extremely efficiently, because the GX6050 works with refillable ink tanks instead of classic ink cartridges - for maximum range and low printing costs. The GX6050 supports direct printing from mobile devices with Android or iOS and has a scanner with a document feeder on the top of the device. It is operated via the touchscreen on the front. Type: multifunction printer Color: grey/black EAN code: 4549292173475 Manufacturer No.: 4470C006AA Series: Maxify Smart home: compatible | Alexa, Google Assistant Connections: 1x RJ-45, 1x USB-B 2.0 Communication: WiFi direct printing, WLAN Formats: A4, A5, B5, DL (DIN long), Legal, Letter, 10x15 cm, 13x18 cm, 20x25 cm Media: glossy paper, plain paper Operation: function keys Display: 6.9 cm (2.7") color touchscreen Consumables: Inks: GI-56 BK (black, up to 6000 pages/ISO), GI-56 C (cyan), GI-56 M (magenta), GI-56 Y (yellow (each up to 14000 pages/ISO) Compatible: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 Subjects: Paper | Tray 1: 250 sheets, Tray 2: 100 sheets Volume: Standby | 49dB Printer: Print Area | 210x297mm Printer: Resolution | color | 600x1200dpi Printer: Resolution | Black | 600x1200dpi Printer: inks/heads | 2 Printer: Printing Technology | Kind | Color inkjet printing Printer: Print Volume | one-time monthly peak usage | 45000 sheets Printer: Speed | Black | Black (ISO A4): 24 ppm Printer: Speed | color | Color (ISO A4): 15.5 ppm Printer: Speed | lasers first page after | 8s Copier: maximum copies | 99 Copier: Speed | Black | Black (ISO): 12.7 ppm Copier: Speed | color | Color (ISO): 12 ppm Copier: Zoom | 25% - 400% Copier: Appearance | 2 pages per sheet, 4 pages per sheet Scanner: Color | 1200x1200dpi Scanner: Black | 1200x1200dpi Scanner: Scan Feeder | 50 sheets Scanner: feeder, flatbed Power supply: mains voltage | AC 100 - 240V (50Hz/60Hz) Power supply: energy consumption | Operation | 21 watts Power supply: energy consumption | Standby | 0.9 watts Feature: Duplex unit (printing), Apple AirPrint, Mopria-certified, Adjustable media formats: 89 x 127 to 216 x 1200 mm. Media weights supported: 64 to approx. 275 gsm. Copy functions: Document copy, two-sided copy, manual two-sided copy with ADF, collate (only with ADF), erase frame (only with flatbed), ID card copy. The device supports PIXMA Cloud Link and Canon Print Service Plugin (Android). Dimensions: device | Width: 399mm x Height: 254mm x Depth/Length: 410mm Weight: 11.6 kg
Title - Canon MAXIFY GX6050 MegaTank Inkjet A4 600 x 1200 DPI Wi-Fi
UnitOfMeasureCode - tk
UnitsPerPackage - 1
Volume - 0.09421125
Warranty - 12
Warranty - 12 month(s)
WarrantyInfo - 2 years
Weight - 14.9
Weight - 15,10
Weight & dimensions - Depth - 410 mm
Weight & dimensions - Height - 254 mm
Weight & dimensions - Weight - 11.6 kg
Weight & dimensions - Width - 399 mm
Width - 0.4850