Sony PULSE Explore, White (PS)

Picture may differ from actual product, there can be accessories and parts not supplied with the actual product.
ID: 1063445 Product code: 711719572992
Can be ordered 20 units Availability: 14 days after order approval
Warranty: 2 years (Warranty for business entities 1 year)
240.92 €
Delivery options
  • Delivery to Smartpost 1.99 €: 16.04.2025
  • Delivery to Omniva parcel locker 1.99 €: 16.04.2025
  • Courier delivery 3.99 €: 16.04.2025
Main product parameters All parameters
  • Color: White
  • Microphone: Ir
  • Port: Bluetooth
  • Type: In-Ear
All parameters
Active Noise Cancellation (ANC) : Nav
Color : White
Connection type : True Wireless
Frequency range max, Hz : N/A
Frequency range min, Hz : N/A
Illumination colour : Nav
Lighting : Nav
Microphone : Ir
Microphone type : Fixed
Number of channels : Stereo
Port Bluetooth

The headphones connection to the computer. A cable for a long-term and stable sound experience is the most popular type of connection.

If you want to enjoy the wireless freedom you should choose wireless or bluetooth headphones, still in this case you have to accept the regular replacement of batteries or charging of a battery pack. A computer sound card is required for connecting headphoes to the computer. Prior to buying bluetooth headphones you should verify that your computer has a bluetooth receiver. If there is no receiver ask our managers whether the receiver is included with the selected model of headphones.

Resistance, Ω : N/A
Sensitivity, dB : N/A
Type In-Ear
The type of application of headphones. If headphones are used only for chatting via Skype, ICQ or another communication network we recommend to buy headphones with a microphone.
Weight, g : N/A
More detailed specification
Battery - battery life up to - 5
Battery run time up to - 15 hours
Bluetooth Wireless connections - Yes
BrandCode - SONY
Category Code - HST
Connection - compatibility - Gaming console
Connection - compatibility - Mac
Connection - compatibility - PC
Connection - connector type - Bluetooth
Connection - connector type - USB-A
Description - SONY PS5 Pulse EXPLORE Wireless Earbuds White New Model Experience a new era in gaming audio at home and on the go with the PULSE Explore™ wireless earbuds. Enjoy extraordinary lifelike sound in your favorite games with planar magnetic drivers, and hear every detail with a lossless and lightning-fast PlayStation Link™ wireless connection. Ensure friends hear you loud and clear through two hidden microphones equipped with AI-enhanced noise rejection. Plus, with up to 5 hours of battery life from the earbuds and up to 10 more via the charging case, you can take the PULSE Explore wireless earbuds with you on your adventures.
EAN - 711719572992
Fixing kind - Earbud
Full Description Line - Type Gaming/Wireless|Earbud|1xUSB-C|Bluetooth|Weight 0.3 kg
General parameters - colour - black
General parameters - colour - white
General parameters - manufacturer - Sony
General parameters - type - In-ear
GrossWeight - 0.2790
Headphones features - Headset
Headphones features - Wireless headphones
Headphones features - acoustics - Closed back headphones
Headphones features - distortion -
Headset features - Wireless/Gaming
Height - 0.1000
Length - 0.0740
LongDescription EN - Exceptional Sound Quality
The PULSE Explore™ wireless earbuds are equipped with planar magnetic drivers, reproducing sound with near-perfect accuracy across the entire audible spectrum. This ensures that every detail in your games is heard with extraordinary clarity, immersing you in rich, nuanced soundscapes with deep bass. Experience your games as they were meant to be heard, with every sound rendered in lifelike detail. Advanced Connectivity
Featuring the latest PlayStation Link™ wireless technology, the PULSE Explore™ earbuds offer ultra-low latency and lossless audio transmission. This means that sound is delivered to you at lightning-fast speeds without losing a single detail, making them an ideal choice for gaming and multimedia enjoyment. Versatile Connectivity
These earbuds provide versatile connectivity options, including Bluetooth® technology and simultaneous dual-device connection. This allows you to seamlessly switch audio sources between your gaming console, computer, or mobile device, ensuring a continuous and integrated audio experience. Intuitive Controls
The PULSE Explore™ earbuds come with easy-to-use control buttons, allowing you to conveniently adjust volume and settings without interrupting your gameplay. This means you can stay fully immersed in your game while maintaining control over your audio experience. AI-Enhanced Noise Rejection
Built-in microphones in the earbuds utilize AI-enhanced noise-rejection technology, ensuring your voice is transmitted clearly by isolating and removing unwanted background noises. This is particularly useful for video calls and team communication, ensuring your voice is always clear and understandable. Long Battery Life
The built-in battery in the PULSE Explore™ earbuds provides up to 5 hours of usage, with an additional 10 hours available through the included charging case. This means you can enjoy extended gaming sessions or listen to music without worrying about running out of power.
LongDescription ET - Erakordne helikvaliteet
PULSE Explore™ kõrvaklapid on varustatud plaanar-magnetiliste draiveritega, mis taasesitavad heli peaaegu täiusliku täpsusega kogu kuuldavas spektris. See tähendab, et mängude helid on erakordselt elutruud, pakkudes rikkalikke detaile ja sügavat bassi. Naudi mängude helimaastikke, mis on täis rikkalikke nüansse ja lase end kaasa haarata igas mängus toimuvasse. Täiustatud ühenduvus
PULSE Explore™ kõrvaklapid kasutavad uusimat PlayStation Link™ juhtmevaba tehnoloogiat, mis tagab ülikiire latentsuse ja kadudeta heliedastuse. See tähendab, et heli jõuab sinuni välkkiirelt ja ilma ühegi detailita kaotamata, olles ideaalne valik mängimiseks ja multimeedia nautimiseks. Mitmekülgne ühenduvus
Need kõrvaklapid pakuvad mitmekülgset ühenduvust, sealhulgas Bluetooth® tehnoloogiat ja kahe seadme samaaegset ühendust. See võimaldab sul sujuvalt vahetada heliallikate vahel, olgu selleks siis mängukonsool, arvuti või mobiilseade. Intuitiivsed juhtnupud
PULSE Explore™ kõrvaklappidel on lihtsasti kasutatavad juhtnupud, mis võimaldavad sul mugavalt reguleerida helitugevust ja muuta seadeid ilma mängust välja lülitamata. See tähendab, et saad keskenduda täielikult mängule, hoides samal ajal kontrolli oma helielamuse üle. AI-tõhustatud müravähendus
Kõrvaklappide sisseehitatud mikrofonid kasutavad tehisintellekti tõhustatud müravähendustehnoloogiat, mis aitab sinu häält selgelt edastada, isoleerides ja eemaldades soovimatud taustahelid. See on eriti kasulik videokõnede ja meeskonnatöö puhul, tagades, et sinu hääl on alati selge ja arusaadav. Pikaajaline aku kestvus
PULSE Explore™ kõrvaklappide sisseehitatud aku tagab kuni 5 tundi kasutusaega, lisaks on kaasas laadimiskarp, mis pikendab aku kestvust veel 10 tunni võrra. See tähendab, et saad nautida pikki mängusessioone või kuulata muusikat ilma muretsemata aku tühjenemise pärast.
LongDescription LV - Izcila skaņas kvalitāte
PULSE Explore™ bezvadu austiņas ir aprīkotas ar plakaniem magnētiskiem draiveriem, kas reproducē skaņu ar gandrīz ideālu precizitāti visā dzirdamajā spektrā. Tas nodrošina, ka katra jūsu spēļu detaļa ir dzirdama ārkārtīgi skaidri, iegremdējot jūs bagātīgās, niansētās skaņu ainavās ar dziļu basu. Izbaudiet savas spēles tā, kā tās ir paredzētas, lai tās tiktu sadzirdētas, un katra skaņa tiek atveidota reālistiskā detaļā. Uzlabota savienojamība
PULSE Explore™ austiņas ir aprīkotas ar jaunāko PlayStation Link™ bezvadu tehnoloģiju un piedāvā īpaši zemu aizturi un bez saraustījumiem audio pārraidi. Tas nozīmē, ka skaņa tiek piegādāta jums zibenīgā ātrumā, nezaudējot nevienu detaļu, padarot tās par ideālu izvēli spēlēm un multivides baudīšanai. Daudzpusīga savienojamība
Šīs austiņas nodrošina daudzpusīgas savienojamības iespējas, tostarp Bluetooth® tehnoloģiju un vienlaicīgu divu ierīču savienojumu. Tas ļauj nemanāmi pārslēgt audio avotus starp spēļu konsoli, datoru vai mobilo ierīci, nodrošinot nepārtrauktu un integrētu audio pieredzi. Intuitīvas vadības ierīces
PULSE Explore™ austiņām ir ērti lietojamas vadības pogas, kas ļauj ērti pielāgot skaļumu un iestatījumus, nepārtraucot spēli. Tas nozīmē, ka varat pilnībā iegrimt spēlē, vienlaikus saglabājot kontroli pār savu audio pieredzi. AI uzlabota trokšņu noraidīšana
Iebūvētie mikrofoni austiņās izmanto AI uzlabotu trokšņu novēršanas tehnoloģiju, nodrošinot, ka jūsu balss tiek pārraidīta skaidri, izolējot un novēršot nevēlamos fona trokšņus. Tas ir īpaši noderīgi videozvaniem un komandas saziņai, nodrošinot, ka jūsu balss vienmēr ir skaidra un saprotama. Ilgs akumulatora darbības laiks
Iebūvētais akumulators PULSE Explore™ austiņās nodrošina līdz pat 5 stundām lietošanas laiku, un papildu 10 stundas ar komplektā iekļauto uzlādes futrāli. Tas nozīmē, ka varat baudīt pagarinātas spēļu sesijas vai klausīties mūziku, neuztraucoties par enerģijas trūkumu.
MediumDescription EN - Sony PULSE Explore™ wireless earbuds offer a new era in gaming audio, perfect for gaming enthusiasts. Experience lifelike sound with a portable design, hidden microphones, and a charging case. • Lifelike gaming audio
• Portable design
• Hidden microphones
• Charging case
MediumDescription ET - Sony PULSE Explore™ juhtmevabad kõrvaklapid pakuvad uut ajastut mänguaudios, sobivad suurepäraselt mängusõpradele. Koge elutruud heli, kaasaskantavat disaini, peidetud mikrofone ja laadimiskarpi. • Elutruu helikogemus mängudes
• Kaasaskantav disain
• Peidetud mikrofonid
• Laadimiskarp
MediumDescription LV - Sony PULSE Explore™ bezvadu austiņas piedāvā jaunu spēļu audio ēru, kas ir lieliski piemērotas spēļu entuziastiem. Izbaudiet reālistisku skaņu ar portatīvu dizainu, slēptiem mikrofoniem un uzlādes futrāli. • Dzīvs spēļu audio;
• Pārnēsājams dizains;
• Slēpti mikrofoni;
• Uzlādes futrālis.
Microphone - sensitivity -
Model - PULSE Explore
Name EN - Wireless Headset Sony Playstation Pulse Explore
Name ET - Juhtmevaba Peakomplekt Sony Playstation Pulse Explore
NameInWeb EN - Sony PULSE Explore, white/black - Wireless earbuds
NameInWeb ET - Sony PULSE Explore, valge/must - Juhtmevabad kõrvaklapid
NameInWeb LV - Sony PULSE Explore, balta/melna - Bezvadu austiņas
Name LV - Wireless Headset Sony Playstation Pulse Explore
NetWeight - 0.0750
ProductCode - 711719572992
ProductionCountry - CN
SalesUnitOfMeasureCode - tk
Shipping Box Depth Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 26 cm
Shipping Box Height Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 11.5 cm
Shipping box quantity - 4
Shipping Box Weight Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 1.32 kg
Shipping Box Width Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 16 cm
TariffNo - 85183000
Unit Box Height - 0.1
Unit Box Length - 0.125
Unit Box Width - 0.07
Unit Brutto Volume - 0.001196 cubm
Unit Gross Weight - 0.33 kg
Unit Net Weight - 0.3 kg
UnitOfMeasureCode - tk
UnitsPerPackage - 1
USB-C Input/Output connectors - 1
Vendor Homepage -
Volume - 0.00093980
Warranty - 12 months
Width - 0.1270
240.92 €
Sony PULSE Explore, White (PS)
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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