Huawei FreeBuds 5i, White

Picture may differ from actual product, there can be accessories and parts not supplied with the actual product.
ID: 928575 Product code: 55036654
In stock 24 units
Warranty: 2 years
65.09 €
Delivery options
  • Delivery to Smartpost 1.99 €: on Thursday, 03.04.2025
  • Delivery to Omniva parcel locker 1.99 €: on Thursday, 03.04.2025
  • Courier delivery 3.99 €: on Thursday, 03.04.2025
Main product parameters All parameters
  • Color: White
  • Microphone: Ir
  • Port: Bluetooth
  • Type: In-Ear
All parameters
Active Noise Cancellation (ANC) : Ir
Color : White
Connection type : True Wireless
Frequency range max, Hz : N/A
Frequency range min, Hz : N/A
Illumination colour : Nav
Lighting : Nav
Microphone : Ir
Microphone type : Fixed
Number of channels : Stereo
Port Bluetooth

The headphones connection to the computer. A cable for a long-term and stable sound experience is the most popular type of connection.

If you want to enjoy the wireless freedom you should choose wireless or bluetooth headphones, still in this case you have to accept the regular replacement of batteries or charging of a battery pack. A computer sound card is required for connecting headphoes to the computer. Prior to buying bluetooth headphones you should verify that your computer has a bluetooth receiver. If there is no receiver ask our managers whether the receiver is included with the selected model of headphones.

Resistance, Ω : N/A
Sensitivity, dB : N/A
Type In-Ear
The type of application of headphones. If headphones are used only for chatting via Skype, ICQ or another communication network we recommend to buy headphones with a microphone.
Weight, g : 40
More detailed specification
barcode - 6941487282562
brand - Huawei
Category - Root/Accessories | Exploitation/GSM accessories/Headset
Category 1 - Multimedia
Category 2 - Headsets Consumer
Category_1 - Audio
Category_2 - Wireless Headsets with microphone
category_en - Audio
category_et - Audio
category_lv - Audio
category_ru - Аудио
Code - 55036654
Connectivity - Bluetooth version - Bluetooth 5.2
Connectivity - Connector - Bluetooth
Connectivity - Control buttons - For smart device control
Connectivity - Control buttons - For volume control
Connectivity - Control buttons - Turning noise-cancelling on/off
Connectivity - Suitable devices - Devices with Bluetooth connection
Connectivity - Suitable operating systems - Android
Connectivity - Suitable operating systems - Apple iOS
depth - 10
description_en - High resolution audio Excellent fit to the ear 42 dB multi-mode active noise cancellation Convenient touch control Up to 28 hours of music playback with charging case IP54 rating - suitable for exercise Compact and comfortable
FreeBuds 5i earbuds are shorter and 11% lighter than the previous generation of FreeBuds. With three sizes of soft, skin-friendly silicone ear tips, you can enjoy customized wearing comfort. The lightweight charging case keeps the earbuds always at hand. High resolution audio
Huawei FreeBuds 5i have been awarded with the Hi-Res Audio Wireless certificate. These earbuds have a wider frequency range, high-resolution sound and multiple EQs to suit different genres of music. The headphones' 10mm dynamic drivers work with a polymer composite membrane to deliver high-quality sound in the low, mid and high frequencies, making them ideal for listening to pop music. Adjustable noise cancelling
Choose between different noise cancelling modes: Ultra, General or Cozy to adjust the noise reduction according to where you are at the moment – at home, office, cafe, airport, etc. AI noise cancellation for clear calls
AI noise cancellation separates voices from the surrounding noise, so you can be heard clearly and loudly even when answering phone calls. Universal connection
The AI Life app makes it easy to manage and switch devices connected to your headphones. Open the charging case to pair the earbuds with a nearby Huawei phone or tablet via automatic quick connection. Smart connections, smooth transfers
Huawei FreeBuds 5i can be connected to two devices at the same time, including TV, computer, tablet, mobile phone and more. When you connect the headset to your computer to participate in a video meeting and receive an incoming call on your phone, simply double-tap the headset to answer the call immediately. Selfies
Huawei FreeBuds 5i allows you to take a picture with your phone just by double-tapping the earbud, so taking professional-quality pictures is as easy as striking a pose. Bring music to your workout
The IP54 rating of the earbuds means that you can enjoy music with Huawei FreeBuds 5i even while exercising. Powerful all-day battery life
Together with the charging case, the FreeBuds 5i earbuds provide a full 28 hours of music enjoyment (6 hours without the charging case). And there's no need to worry if the earbuds aren't fully charged – FreeBuds 5i supports quick charging, giving you 4 hours of listening time after just 15 minutes of charging. Intuitive touch control
Control your music and phone calls with easily customizable touch controls instead of constantly pulling your phone out of your pocket. Long press: Noise cancellation on/Noise cancellation off/Awareness mode Double tap: Play/pause sound or answer/end call
Optional settings: playing the previous or next track, voice assistant selection Swipe up/down: Increase/decrease volume
description_et - Huawei Freebuds 5i on oma hinnaklassis tõenäoliselt parim TWS-nööbipaar. Mugavust vähendab kuularite paigutus karbis, aga kui otsikute sobitamine kõrvadega õnnestub, siis on helipilt ilus ja müra sumbub hästi. (ajakiri Digi, märts 2023) Kõrge lahutusvõimega heli Suurepärane kohanduvus kõrvaga Erksad kõrged noodid ja sügavad bassihelid tänu 10 mm dünaamilisele draiverile Adaptiivne EQ optimeerib kuulamiskogemust 42 dB mitmerežiimiline aktiivne mürasummutus Mugav puutetundlik juhtimine Telefonikaamera kaugjuhtimine Kuni 28 tundi muusikaudingut koos laadimiskarbiga IP54 reiting – sobivad trenni tegemiseks Kompaktne ja mugav
FreeBuds 5i kõrvaklapid on lühemad ja 11% kergemad kui eelmise põlvkonna FreeBuds'id. Kolmes suuruses pehmete nahasõbralike silikoonist kõrvaotsakutega saad nautida kohandatud kandmismugavust. Kerge laadimiskorpus hoiab kõrvaklapid alati käepärast. Kõrge lahutusvõimega heli
Huawei FreeBuds 5i on pärjatud Hi-Res juhtmevaba heli sertifikaadiga. Nendel kõrvaklappidel on laiem sagedusala, kõrge eraldusvõimega heli ja kohanduv EQ, mis optimeerib kuulamiskogemust ja sobiv erinevate muusikažanritega. Kõrvaklappide 10 mm dünaamilised draiverid töötavad koos polümeerkomposiitmembraaniga, et edastada kvaliteetset heli madalatel, keskmistel ja kõrgetel sagedustel, tehes need ideaalseks popmuusika kuulamiseks. Kohandatav mürasummutus
Vali erinevate mürasummutusrežiimide vahel: Ultra, General või Cozy, et kohandada mürasummutust vastavalt sellele, kus parajasjagu viibid – kodus, kontoris, kohvikus, lennujaamas vms. AI mürasummutus selgete kõnede jaoks
AI mürasummutus eristab hääli ümbritsevast mürast, nii et ka telefonikõnedele vastates on Sind selgelt ja valjult kuulda. Universaalne ühendus
AI Life rakendus muudab kõrvaklappidega ühendatud seadmete haldamise ja vahetamise lihtsaks. Ava laadimiskarp, et siduda kõrvaklapid lähedal asuva Huawei telefoni või tahvelarvutiga automaatse kiirühenduse kaudu. Nutikad ühendused, sujuvad edastused
Huawei FreeBuds 5i saab korraga ühendada kahe seadmega, sealhulgas teleri, arvuti, tahvelarvuti, mobiiltelefoni ja muuga. Kui ühendad kõrvaklapid arvutiga, et osaleda videokoosolekul ja saad telefoni sissetuleva kõne, puuduta lihtsalt kaks korda kõrvaklappi, et kõnele kohe vastata. Selfie
Huawei FreeBuds 5i võimaldab telefoniga pilti teha vaid kõrvaklappi topeltpuudutades, nii et professionaalse kvaliteediga piltide tegemine on sama lihtne kui poosi võtmine. Too muusika trenni
Kõrvaklappide IP54 reiting tähendab, et saad Huawei FreeBuds 5i'ga muusikat nautida ka trennis. Võimas akukestvus terveks päevaks
Koos laadimiskarbiga tagavad FreeBuds 5i kõrvaklapid tervelt 28 tundi muusikanaudingut (6 tundi ilma laadimiskarbita). Ja pole põhjust muretseda, kui kõrvaklapid pole täielikult laetud – FreeBuds 5i toetab kiirlaadimist, andes vaid 15--minutilise laadimise järel 4 tundi kuulamisaega. Intuitiivne puutetundlik juhtjmine
Juhi oma muusikat ja telefonikõnesid hõlpsalt kohandatavate puutetundlike juhtnuppude abil, selle asemel, et telefoni pidevalt taskust välja tõmmata. Pikk vajutus: mürasummutus sisse/mürasummutus välja/Awareness režiim Topeltpuudutus: Esita/peata heli või vasta/lõpeta kõne
Valikulised seaded: eelmise või järgmise loo esitamine, häälassistendi valik Nipsa üles/alla: helitugevuse suurendamine/vähendamine
description_lv -
description_ru -
description_short_en - Wireless in-ear headphones Dynamic sound with bright high notes and deep bass 42 dB multi-mode active noise cancellation Noise cancelling microphone and touch control Battery lasts up to 28 hours with the charging case
description_short_et - Juhtmevabad kõrvasisesed kõrvaklapid Dünaamiline heli erksate kõrgete nootide ja sügava bassiga 42 dB mitme režiimiga aktiivne mürasummutus Mürasummutusega mikrofon ja puutetundlik juhtimine Aku kestab koos laadimiskarbiga kuni 28 tundi
description_short_lv -
description_short_ru - Беспроводные наушники-вкладыши Динамичный звук с яркими высокими нотами и глубокими басами Многорежимное активное шумоподавление 42 дБ Микрофон с шумоподавлением и сенсорное управление Аккумулятора хватает на 28 часов с зарядным кейсом
Design - Headphone design - In-ear
Design - Headphone type - Headphones with microphone
Design - Headphone type - Noise isolating headphones
Design - Headphone type - Wireless headphones
Design > Wearing style - In-ear
Disain - Kõrvaklappide disain - Kõrvasisesed
Disain - Kõrvaklappide tüüp - Juhtmevabad kõrvaklapid
Disain - Kõrvaklappide tüüp - Kõrvaklapid koos mikrofoniga
Disain - Kõrvaklappide tüüp - Mürasummutavad kõrvaklapid
Dizains - Austiņu dizains - Ausīs liekamas (In-ear)
Dizains - Austiņu tips - Austiņas ar mikrofonu
Dizains - Austiņu tips - Bezvadu austiņas
Dizains - Austiņu tips - Troksni izolējošas austiņas
EAN - 6941487282562
Eans - 6941487282562
EAN_code - 6941487282562
Enerģijas avots - Akumulatora ietilpība - 55 mAh
Enerģijas avots - Akumulatora ietilpība - 410 mAh (charging case)
Enerģijas avots - Akumulatora tips - Litija jonu akumulators
Enerģijas avots - Darbības laiks - 6 hours (with noise cancelling)
Enerģijas avots - Darbības laiks - 7 hours 30 minutes (without noise cancelling)
Enerģijas avots - Darbības laiks - 18 hours 30 minutes (with charging case) (with noise cancelling)
Enerģijas avots - Darbības laiks - 28 hours (with charging case ) (without noise cancelling)
Enerģijas avots - Enerģijas avots - Uzlādējams akumulators
Enerģijas avots - Uzlādes laiks - 1 hour
Enerģijas avots - Ātrā uzlāde - 15 minutes = 4 hours
Enerģijas avots - Ātrā uzlāde - Jā
feature_group_en - Headphones
feature_group_et - Kõrvaklapid
feature_group_lv - Austiņas
feature_group_ru - Наушники
General - Color - White
General - Package contents - Charging case
General - Package contents - Headphones
General - Package contents - Quick Start guide
General - Package contents - S,M,L silicone earpads
General - Package contents - USB-C cable
General - Weather sealing - Dustproof
General - Weather sealing - IP54
General - Weather sealing - Splash proof
General - Weight (g) - 4.9
gross_weight - 0.14
height - 3.5
Kõrvaklapid - Elemendid - 10 mm
Kõrvaklapid - Heli - Stereo
Link -
Manufacturer - Huawei
Manufacturer - HUAWEI
manufacturer_code - 55036654
Manufacturer_code - NO
Microphone - Microphone type - Integrated microphone
Microphone - Microphone type - Noise-cancelling microphone
Mikrofon - Mikrofoni tüüp - Integreeritud mikrofon
Mikrofon - Mikrofoni tüüp - Mürasummutusega mikrofon
Mikrofons - Mikrofona tips - Ar fona trokšņu filtrēšanu
Mikrofons - Mikrofona tips - Iebūvēts
MPN - 55036654
Name - Huawei FreeBuds 5i, Headphones (white, Bluetooth, ANC, USB-C)
Name - Huawei Freebuds 5i białe ANC
Name - Huawei FreeBuds 5i white
Name - Huawei | FreeBuds | 5i | In-ear Bluetooth | Ceramic White | ANC
name_en - Huawei wireless earbuds FreeBuds 5i, white
name_et - Huawei juhtmevabad kõrvaklapid FreeBuds 5i, valge
name_lv - Huawei wireless earbuds FreeBuds 5i, white
name_ru - Huawei беспроводные наушники FreeBuds 5i, белые
Other features > Colour - Ceramic White
Package features > Classification of battery - CL126:NE:2016-12-09
Package features > Composition of battery - CL127:KT:2016-12-09
Package features > Embeeded battery - Yes
Package features > Gross depth (mm) - 100.00 mm
Package features > Gross depth master carton - 220 mm
Package features > Gross height (mm) - 35.00 mm
Package features > Gross height master carton - 150 mm
Package features > Gross weight - 0.14 kg
Package features > Gross width (mm) - 100.00 mm
Package features > Gross width master carton - 280 mm
Package features > Net weight master carton - 1.98 kg
Package features > Packing quantity - 1.00 pc(s)
Package features > Palette Qty - 4937 pc(s)
Package features > Paper/Pasteboard - 90.00 g
Package features > Plastic (No PET) - 10.00 g
Package features > Tare weight (kg) - 0.10 kg
Package features > Tare weight master carton - 0.092 kg
Package features > TI weight (kg) - 0.005 kg
Package features > Type of battery - Accumulator
Package features > Volume (m3) - 0.00 m³
Package features > WEE classification - CL109:6:2017-04-01
Package features > WEEE tax - Yes
Ports & interfaces > USB charging port - Yes
Power source - Battery capacity - 55 mAh
Power source - Battery capacity - 410 mAh (charging case)
Power source - Battery life - 6 hours (with noise cancelling)
Power source - Battery life - 7 hours 30 minutes (without noise cancelling)
Power source - Battery life - 18 hours 30 minutes (with charging case) (with noise cancelling)
Power source - Battery life - 28 hours (with charging case ) (without noise cancelling)
Power source - Battery type - Lithium ion battery
Power source - Charging time - 1 hour
Power source - Fast charging - 15 minutes = 4 hours
Power source - Fast charging - Yes
Power source - Power source - Rechargeable battery
Producer - Huawei
ProducerCode - 187930
Producer product family - FreeBuds
Producer product name - 5i
Savienojamība - Bluetooth versija - Bluetooth 5.2
Savienojamība - Piemērotas ierīces - Ierīces ar Bluetooth savienojumu
Savienojamība - Piemērotas operētājsistēmas - Android
Savienojamība - Piemērotas operētājsistēmas - Apple iOS
Savienojamība - Savienojums - Bluetooth
Savienojamība - Vadības pogas - Skaņas skaļuma regulēšanai
Savienojamība - Vadības pogas - Turning noise-cancelling on/off
Savienojamība - Vadības pogas - Viedierīces vadībai
ShortDescription -
Skaļruņi - Draiveri - 10 mm
Skaļruņi - Skaņa - Stereo
Speakers - Drivers - 10 mm
Speakers - Sound - Stereo
Technical details > ANC - Yes
Technical details > Bluetooth version - 5.2
Technical details > Connector type - Bluetooth
Technical details > Net weight - 0.04 kg
Technical details > Other features - IP54; Press control: twice/long press; Swipe control: up/down
Technical details > Producer - Huawei
Technical details > Wireless connection - Yes
Toide - Aku kestvus - 6 tundi (mürasummutusega)
Toide - Aku kestvus - 7 tundi 30 minutit (ilma mürasummutuseta)
Toide - Aku kestvus - 18 tundi 30 minutit (laadimiskarbiga) (mürasummutusega)
Toide - Aku kestvus - 28 tundi (laadimiskarbiga) (ilma mürasummutuseta)
Toide - Aku mahutavus - 55 mAh
Toide - Aku mahutavus - 410 mAh (laadimiskarp)
Toide - Aku tüüp - Liitium-ioon aku
Toide - Kiirlaadimine - 15 minutit = 4 tundi
Toide - Kiirlaadimine - Jah
Toide - Laadimisaeg - 1 tund
Toide - Vooluallikas - Laetav aku
Vispārīgi - Aizsardzība pret apkārtējās vides iedarbību - IP54
Vispārīgi - Aizsardzība pret apkārtējās vides iedarbību - Putekļdrošs
Vispārīgi - Aizsardzība pret apkārtējās vides iedarbību - Šļakstu drošs
Vispārīgi - Iepakojumā ietilpst - Austiņas
Vispārīgi - Iepakojumā ietilpst - Charging case
Vispārīgi - Iepakojumā ietilpst - S, M un L silikona ausu spilventiņi
Vispārīgi - Iepakojumā ietilpst - USB-C kabelis
Vispārīgi - Iepakojumā ietilpst - Īsā pamācība
Vispārīgi - Krāsa - Balta
Vispārīgi - Svars (g) - 4,9
Warranty - 24
Warranty - 24 month(s)
Weight - 0,14
width - 10
Ühendus - Bluetooth versioon - Bluetooth 5.2
Ühendus - Juhtnupud - Helitugevuse reguleerimiseks
Ühendus - Juhtnupud - Mürasummutuse sisse/välja lülitamiseks
Ühendus - Juhtnupud - Nutiseadme juhtimiseks
Ühendus - Sobivad operatsioonisüsteemid - Android
Ühendus - Sobivad operatsioonisüsteemid - Apple iOS
Ühendus - Sobivad seadmed - Bluetooth ühendusega seadmed
Ühendus - Ühendus - Bluetooth
Üldine - Ilmastikukindlus - IP54
Üldine - Ilmastikukindlus - Pritsmekindel
Üldine - Ilmastikukindlus - Tolmukindel
Üldine - Kaal (g) - 4,9
Üldine - Komplekti sisu - Kiirjuhend
Üldine - Komplekti sisu - Kõrvaklapid
Üldine - Komplekti sisu - Laadimiskarp
Üldine - Komplekti sisu - S, M ja L mõõdus silikoonpadjad
Üldine - Komplekti sisu - USB-C kaabel
Üldine - Värvus - Valge
Дизайн - Дизайн наушников - В уши
Дизайн - Тип наушников - Беспроводные наушники
Дизайн - Тип наушников - Наушники с микрофоном
Дизайн - Тип наушников - Шумопоглощающие наушники
Источник питания - Быстрая зарядка - 15 минут = 4 часа
Источник питания - Быстрая зарядка - Да
Источник питания - Время зарядки - 1 час
Источник питания - Емкость аккумулятора - 55 мAh
Источник питания - Емкость аккумулятора - 410 mAh (коробка для зарядки)
Источник питания - Питание - Перезаряжаемый аккумулятор
Источник питания - Срок службы аккумулятора - 6 часов (с шумоподавлением)
Источник питания - Срок службы аккумулятора - 7 часов 30 минут (без шумоподавления)
Источник питания - Срок службы аккумулятора - 18 часов 30 минут (c зарядной коробкой) (с шумоподавлением)
Источник питания - Срок службы аккумулятора - 28 часов (с зарядной коробкой) (без шумоподавления)
Источник питания - Тип аккумулятора - Литий-ионовый аккумулятор
Колонки - Звук - Стерео
Колонки - Элементы - 10 мм
Микрофон - Тип микрофона - Встроенный
Микрофон - Тип микрофона - С шумоизоляцией
Общее - Вес (г) - 4,9
Общее - Комплектация - S, M и L силиконовые подушечки
Общее - Комплектация - USB-C cable
Общее - Комплектация - Быстрая инструкция
Общее - Комплектация - Коробка для зарядки
Общее - Комплектация - Наушники
Общее - Погодная устойчивость - IP54
Общее - Погодная устойчивость - Защита от брызг
Общее - Погодная устойчивость - Пылезащищенный
Общее - Цвет - Белый
Соединение - Bluetooth версия - Bluetooth 5.2
Соединение - Кнопки управления - Для включения/отключения шумоподавления
Соединение - Кнопки управления - Для регуляции громкости звука
Соединение - Кнопки управления - Для управления смарт-устройством
Соединение - Совместимые оп-системы - Android
Соединение - Совместимые оп-системы - Apple iOS
Соединение - Совместимые устройства - Bluetooth устройства
Соединение - Соединение - Bluetooth
65.09 €
Huawei FreeBuds 5i, White
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