Zyxel WAX510D

Picture may differ from actual product, there can be accessories and parts not supplied with the actual product.
ID: 563669 Product code: WAX510D-EU0101F
Can be ordered 2 units Availability: 14 days after order approval
Warranty: 3 years
276.23 €
Delivery options
  • Delivery to Smartpost 1.99 €: 16.04.2025
  • Delivery to Omniva parcel locker 1.99 €: 16.04.2025
  • Courier delivery 3.99 €: 16.04.2025
Main product parameters All parameters
  • Speed index: 1800
  • Type of device: Access Point
  • Wi-Fi standard: Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax)
Basic information
Speed index : 1800
Type of device Access Point

Access Point - bezvadu piekļuves punkts, kas nodrošina kabeļu tīkla paplašināšanas pārraidi bezvadu tīklā izmantojot vienu LAN pieslēgvietu. Access point nav rūteris, un nespēj sadalīt vienu interneta pieslēguma adresi vairākiem datoriem, tamdēļ šo iekārtu slēdziet tikai aiz esoša kabeļu rūtera.

Router, jeb maršrutētājs - bezvadu piekļuves punkts, kas nodrošina viena interneta pieslēguma sadalīšanu vairākiem datoriem, gan caur tīkla vadiem, gan bezvadu tīklā. Parasti bezvadu maršrutētājam ir viena kabeļu interneta pieslēgvieta, četras datoru pieslēgvietas (kuras var papildināt, izmantojot switch komutatoru) un antenas, kas nodrošina apraidi datoriem un citām WiFi iekārtām.

Range Extender - bezvadu tīkla apraides attāluma pastiprinātājs. Paredzēts esoša signāla pastiprināšanai, lai palielinātu uzveršanas un pārraides attālumu.

Wifi adapter - Bezvadu tīkla karte, paredzēta datora pieslēgšanai pie bezvadu WiFi rūtera vai piekļuves punkta. PCI, PCI-E ir paredzēti galddatoriem, savukārt PCMCIA un USB - portatīvajiem datoriem. Jāpiebilst, ka lielākā daļa portatīvo datoru jau rūpnīcā tiek komplektēti ar bezvadu tīkla kartēm.

USB tīkla karte ir pēdējā izvēle, jo USB2.0 caurlaidības ātrums ir samērā zems ~22MB/s, kas nozīmē to, ka netiks izmantots bezvadu tīkla maksimālais iespējamais ātrums. Ja ir iespēja, labāk izvēlēties kādu citu pieslēguma veidu.

Wi-Fi standard : Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax)
3G/4G support Nav

A possibility to put the SIM card of mobile operators or the USB Dongle adapter in the router providing access to the 3G mobile Internet.

Prior to buying a router with the 3G support you should verify whether the device supports the 3G USB Dongle receiver of the particular mobile communications operator at the manufacturer's website.

Band mode Dual-Band

SingleBand is a standard wireless technology characteristic of all the modern wireless devices.

DualBand is 2.4GHz with an additional 5.0GHz channel providing better receiving of the signal and more stable high-speed operation. For using this function both devices, i.e. the router and the wireless network card, have to support the DualBand mode.

Ethernet 100/1000

LAN or ethernet cables connection slots operational mode.

10/100 MB.s is the standard speed characteristic of almost all the routers.

10/100/1000 MB.s, or GigaBit is tens of times faster standard which, in combination of GigaBit LAN network cards, provides great data transmission speed advantages between computers connected within the internal network. This solution is usually required in offices where large data volumes are copied between computers or fast Internet connection is used (no ~30 MB/s) simultaneously in several computers.


Ports and equipment
LAN ports : 1
More detailed specification
Accessories included - Płyta montażowa Śruby mocujące
Antenna - Built-in
Antenna - Antenna gain level (max) - 6 dBi
Antenna - Antennas quantity - 2
Antenna - Antenna type - Internal
Antenna gain - 6 dBi
Antennas quantity - 4
Antenna type - Dual-optimized antenna
ARTIKEL1 - WAX510D 802.11AX WIFI 6
Brand - Zyxel
BrandPartCode - WAX510D-EU0101F
Breite - 0.22
Category - Wireless Access Points
Category 1 - Netzwerk
Category 2 - Accesspoints
Certificates - Certification - FCC Part 15B
EN 301 489-1
EN 301 489-17
Certification - FCC Part 15C, FCC Part 15E, ETSI EN 300 328, EN 301 893, LP0002, FCC Part 15B, EN 301 489-1, EN 301 489-17, EN55022, EN55024, EN61000-3-2/-3, EN60601-1-2, BSMI CNS13438, Safety EN 60950-1, IEC 60950-1, BSMI CNS14336-1
Color - White
Description - Prawdziwe WiFi 6 WAX510D to prawdziwie nowa generacja bezprzewodowego punktu dostępowego (WiFi 6), szczególnie dla firm, które chcą znaleźć właściwą równowagę między wydajnością a budżetem. Wbudowany chipset WiFi 6 drugiej generacji (Qualcomm 802.11ax 2.0) umożliwia punktowi dostępowemu korzystanie z pełnego zakresu technologii WiFi 6, w tym łącza uplink OFDMA i MU-MIMO, których nie można znaleźć we wcześniejszych wersjach 802.11 produkty topór. WAX510D może się pochwalić imponującym czterordzeniowym procesorem z 2 akumulatorami sieciowymi, które gwarantują płynną i konsekwentnie szybką obsługę przez cały czas. Punkt dostępu dostosowany do Twoich potrzeb Rozumiemy, że zamontowanie punktu dostępu do sufitu nie zawsze jest możliwe ze względu na trudne warunki, takie jak magazyny, budynki historyczne lub stylowe hotele, w których estetyka budynku jest priorytetem. WAX510D jest wyposażony w podwójnie zoptymalizowaną antenę, którą można wybrać, umożliwiając montaż punktu dostępu na ścianie lub suficie bez uszczerbku dla wydajności i zasięgu. Najmądrzejszy wybór WAX510D jest nie tylko wydajny w dostarczaniu imponujących wysokich prędkości z płynnym i spójnym dostarczaniem do klientów bezprzewodowych, ale także jest wydajny w zakresie zasilania. WAX510D może zapewnić imponującą wydajność, jednocześnie utrzymując zużycie PoE w standardzie PoE +, dzięki czemu możesz cieszyć się najnowszą ofertą technologii WiFi 6 bez konieczności inwestowania w aktualizację tradycyjnej architektury przełączania. Zarządzaj tak, jak chcesz! Dzięki obsłudze NebulaFlex Pro, skalowalnego, opartego na chmurze systemu zarządzania firmy Zyxel, WAX510D może być zarządzany przez NCC (Nebula Control Center), lokalny kontroler lub po prostu działać samodzielnie (bez kontrolera). Możesz wybrać sposób, który najlepiej odpowiada Twoim potrzebom.
Design - Placement - Ceiling, Wall
Design - Product colour - White
Designation - CE+WEEE
dimension depth - 80 mm
dimension height - 300 mm
Dimensions - 180 x 180 x 39 mm  / 7.09 x 7.09 x 1.54 cale
Dimensions W x D x H, mm - 180 x 180 x 39
dimension weight - 780 g
dimension width - 120 mm
ean - 4718937610303
EAN - 4718937610303
EANCode - 4718937610303
Ethernet LAN (RJ-45) ports quantity - 1
Features - 2.4 GHz - Yes
Features - 5 GHz - Yes
Features - Maximum data transfer rate - 1775 Mbit/s
Features - Maximum data transfer rate (2.4 GHz) - 575 Mbit/s
Features - Maximum data transfer rate (5 GHz) - 1200 Mbit/s
Features - MIMO - Yes
Features - MIMO type - Multi User MIMO
Features - Networking standards - IEEE 802.11a, IEEE 802.11ac, IEEE 802.11ax, IEEE 802.11b, IEEE 802.11g, IEEE 802.11n
Features - VLAN support - Yes
Features - Wi-Fi Multimedia (WMM)/(WME) - Yes
Gewicht - 0.87
GRUPPE1 - Network
GRUPPE2 - Wireless Lan Ap
GTIN - 4718937610303
guarantee - -1
guarantee_type - external
Height - 62.000000
Hoehe - 0.07
Laenge - 0.23
Length - 215.000000
Logistics data - Harmonized System (HS) code - 85176990
LongDesc - True WiFi 6The WAX510D is truly the next generation of wireless (WiFi 6) AP, especially for businesses looking to strike the right balance between performance and budget. Its built-in 2nd Generation WiFi 6 (Qualcomm 802.11ax 2.0) chipset allows the access point to take advantage of the full range of WiFi 6 technologies including uplink OFDMA and MU-MIMO, which can’t be found in the earlier releases of 802.11ax products. The WAX510D boasts an impressive quad-core processor with 2 network accumulators to guarantee that a smooth and consistently fast service is provided to each client at all times.Mount wherever you want without compromiseAn access point that fits your needWe understand that mounting an access point to the ceiling isn’t always possible due to the challenging environments like warehouses, historical buildings or stylish hotels were the aesthetics of the building are a priority. The WAX510D is equipped with a dual-optimized antenna that is selectable, allowing the access point to be mounted on the wall or on the ceiling without compromising on performance and coverage.The smartest choiceThe WAX510D is not only efficient at delivering impressive high speeds with smooth and consistent delivery to wireless clients, but also it’s efficient on power. The WAX510D can deliver its impressive performance while keeping the consumption of PoE within the PoE+ standard, so that you can enjoy the latest WiFi 6 technology offering without the need to invest in upgrading your traditional switching architecture.Manage it your way!As it comes with support for NebulaFlex Pro, Zyxel’s scalable, cloud-based management system, the WAX510D can be managed via NCC (Nebula control Center), on-premises controller or simply operate alone (controller less). You can choose the way that is best suited to your needs.
LongProductName - WAX510D, Single Pack 802.11ax 2x2, Dual Optimized Antenna, exclude Power Adaptor, EU and UK, Unified AP, ROHS-1 year NCC Pro Pack icense bundled, WIFI 6
LongSummaryDescription - Zyxel WAX510D. 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz, Maximum data transfer rate: 1775 Mbit/s. Security algorithms: WPA, WPA-Enterprise, WPA-PSK. Power over Ethernet (PoE). Product colour: White
MAC address filtering - Yes
Management, monitoring, configuration - L2-isolation MAC filtering Rogue AP detection EAP IEEE 802.1X RADIUS authentication Nebula Cloud managed Controller-managed Standalone ZON Utility Discovery of Zyxel switches, APs and gateways Centralized and batch configurations IP configuration IP renew Device factory reset Device reboot Device locating Web GUI access Firmware upgrade Password configuration One-click quick association with Zyxel AP Configurator (ZAC)
Management features - Web-based management - Yes
Manufacturer - Zyxel
Manufacturer - ZYXEL NETWORKS
ManufacturerPartNumber - WAX510D-EU0101F
MPN - WAX510D-EU0101F
name - WAX510D SP 802.11ax 2x2 1Y NCC Pro Pack Bundle
Name - Zyxel WIFI6 AX3000 WAX510D
Network architecture - GigabitEthernet
Number of antennas - 2
Operating frequency - 2,4 GHz
Operating frequency - 5 GHz
Operating relative humidity range, % - 10-95
Operating temperature range (T-T), °C - 0-50
Operational conditions - Operating relative humidity (H-H) - 10 - 90%
Operational conditions - Operating temperature (T-T) - 0 - 50 °C
Operational conditions - Storage relative humidity (H-H) - 10 - 95%
Operational conditions - Storage temperature (T-T) - -30 - 70 °C
Other features - Specyfikacje środowiskowe Temperatura - 0 ° C do 50 ° C / 32 ° F do 122 ° F Wilgotność - 10% do 95% (bez kondensacji)
Packaging data - Package depth - 215 mm
Packaging data - Package height - 64 mm
Packaging data - Package weight - 770 g
Packaging data - Package width - 229 mm
PeriodofWarranty - 3 Y
Power - AC input voltage - 12 V
Power - Input current - 1.5 A
Power - Power consumption (typical) - 17 W
Power - Power over Ethernet (PoE) - Yes
Power over Ethernet (PoE) Support - Yes
Power supply - PoE (802.3) przy: pobór mocy 17 W. Wejście DC: 12 VDC 1,5 A.
producer - Zyxel
ProductName - WAX510D
Security - WPA WPA-PSK WPA-Enterprise (WPA/WPA2/WPA3)
Security - Security algorithms - WPA, WPA-Enterprise, WPA-PSK
ShortSummaryDescription - Zyxel WAX510D, 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz, 1775 Mbit/s, WPA, WPA-Enterprise, WPA-PSK
Software -
Special functions -
Standards - 802.11a
Standards - 802.11ac
Standards - 802.11ax
Standards - 802.11b
Standards - 802.11g
Standards - 802.11n
Stck_Kart - 5
Stck_Pal - 0
Storage temperature range (T-T), °C - -30-70
Storno - Y
System Requirements -
Title - Zyxel WAX510D 1775 Mbit/s White Power over Ethernet (PoE)
URL - https://www.zyxel.com/products_services/802-11ax--WiFi-6--Dual-Radio-Unified-Access-Point-WAX510D/overview
vendpn - WAX510D-EU0101F
WarrantyInfo -
Weight - 0.810000
Weight - 453 g
Weight & dimensions - Depth - 180 mm
Weight & dimensions - Height - 39 mm
Weight & dimensions - Weight - 453 g
Weight & dimensions - Width - 180 mm
Weight, g - 453
Width - 230.000000
Wireless standard - 802.11 a
Wireless standard - 802.11 ac
Wireless standard - 802.11 ax
Wireless standard - 802.11 b
Wireless standard - 802.11 g
Wireless standard - 802.11 n
276.23 €
Zyxel WAX510D
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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