Picture may differ from actual product, there can be accessories and parts not supplied with the actual product.
ID: 966194 Product code: TAPOS200D
In stock 4 units
Warranty: 2 years
27.46 €
Delivery options
  • Delivery to Smartpost 1.99 €: on Friday, 28.03.2025
  • Delivery to Omniva parcel locker 1.99 €: on Friday, 28.03.2025
  • Courier delivery 3.99 €: on Friday, 28.03.2025
More detailed specification
barcode - 4897098680193
Battery - Battery type - CR2032
Brand - TP-Link
brand - TP-Link
BrandCode - TPLINK
BrandPartCode - TAPO S200D
Category - Dimmers
Category Code - LFI
category_en - Smart home
category_et - Nutikodu
category_lv - Gudrā māja
category_ru - Смарт дом
Climate - operating temperature - 0 - 40
Colour - White
Connectivity - Piemērotas operētājsistēmas - Android 5.0 vai jaunāka
Connectivity - Piemērotas operētājsistēmas - iOS 10 vai jaunāka
Connectivity - Suitable operating systems - Android 5.0 or newer
Connectivity - Suitable operating systems - iOS 10 or later
depth - 0.9
Description - - Smart Actions – Control and set multiple smart lights, electronics, and other Tapo smart devices. - Local Instant Control – Get instant, app-free control over your smart devices with the smart remote dimmer switch. - Control From Multiple Locations – Control your smart lights from multiple locations with more than one dimmer switch. - Customized Actions – Single tap, double tap, and rotating options enable you to trigger multiple smart actions. - Flexible Mounting – Place the smart remote dimmer switch wherever you want, and your lighting control are always within reach.
description_en - Smart Actions – Control and set multiple smart lights, electronics, and other Tapo smart devices. Local Instant Control – Get instant, app-free control over your smart devices with the smart remote dimmer switch. Control From Multiple Locations – Control your smart lights from multiple locations with more than one dimmer switch. Customized Actions – Single tap, double tap, and rotating options enable you to trigger multiple smart actions. Flexible Mounting – Place the smart remote dimmer switch wherever you want, and your lighting control are always within reach. Long Battery Life – The battery will last more than one year. Smart Control at Your Fingertips
Tapo S200D adds local instant control to your smart lights, simplifying how you control home illumination. Share it with your family members or guests to set the perfect light ambiance for their mood. Don’t bother opening up an app. Multi-Location Dimming
Control your smart light from multiple locations with more than one dimmer switch. This way, your single-pole dimmer turns into a 3-way or even 4-way dimmer without rewiring.
Ideal for living rooms, halls, and stairways. Personalized Lighting Scenes
Easily design scenarios for your daily routine or special activities by customizing brightness. Trigger a preset scene to control multiple lights in just one or two taps. Flexible Mounting
Replace your old wall plate with the included screws, or stick the button anywhere with the provided adhesives. You can also attach the switch without a wall plate on any magnetic surface. Place it wherever you want, and your lighting controls are always within reach. Over 1 Year of Battery Life
The Smart Button uses one of the most common CR2032 coin cell batteries, supporting a battery life of over one year. Works with the Tapo Hub
Connect Tapo S200D to the Tapo Hub to unlock more versatile settings for Tapo smart lights (Hub sold separately). Customizable Actions
Use the Tapo app to define what a single tap, double tap, and rotation trigger based on your personalized needs. Just spark your imagination. Single Tap: Turn the light on/off Double Tap: Change the lighting effect Rotate: Change the brightness or light temperature
description_et - Nutikad toimingud: juhi mitut valgustit, elektroonikat ja muid Tapo nutiseadmeid Kohalik kiirjuhtimine – nutika lüliti abil saad oma nutiseadmeid koheselt ilma rakendusteta juhtida Kohandatud toimingud: ühe puudutuse, topeltpuudutuse ja pööramisega saad käivitada mitu toimingut Paindlik paigaldus – aseta nutikas lüliti kuhu iganes soovid Pikk aku tööiga – aku kestab üle ühe aasta Tapo Hub on tööks vajalik Nutikas juhtimine Sinu käeulatuses
Tapo S200D teeb Sinu nutika valgustuse juhtimise kiiremaks ja lihtsamaks. Jaga seda oma pereliikmete või külalistega, et luua nende meeleolu jaoks ideaalne valguskeskkond. Ära vaeva end nutitelefoni rakenduse avamisega. Mitme asukohaga hämardamine
Juhi oma nutikat valgustust mitmest kohast rohkem kui ühe lülitiga. See on suurepärane lahendus nii elutuppa, esikusse kui ka trepi juurde. Isikupärastatud valgusstseenid
Heledust kohandades saad hõlpsalt kujundada stsenaariume oma igapäevarutiini või eritegevuste jaoks. Käivita eelseadistatud stseen, et juhtida mitut valgust vaid ühe või kahe puudutusega. Paindlik paigaldus
Asenda oma vana seinaplaat või kleebi nupp ükskõik kuhu. Lüliti saab kinnitada ka ilma seinaplaadita mis tahes magnetpinnale. Aseta see kuhu iganes soovid ja Sinu valgustuse juhtnupud on alati käeulatuses. Aku eluiga üle ühe aasta
Nutikas nupp kasutab üht kõige levinumat CR2032 patareid, mis kestab üle ühe aasta. Töötab Tapo Hubiga
Ühenda nutikas lüliti Tapo Hubiga (müügil eraldi), et avada Tapo nutivalgustuse mitmekülgsemad seaded. Kohandatavad toimingud
Kasuta Tapo rakendust, et määrata, mida käivitab üks puudutus, topeltpuudutus ja pööramine. Lihtsalt lase oma kujutlusvõimel lennata. Üks puudutus: lülita valgus sisse/välja Topeltpuudutus: muuda valgusefekti Pööramine: muuda heledust või valguse temperatuuri NB! Tööks on vajalik TP-Link Tapo Hub, mis on müügil eraldi.
description_lv -
description_ru -
description_short_en - Tapo series smart dimmer switch Control your smart home lights Customizable functions The battery will last more than one year Easy & comfortable to use
description_short_et - Tapo seeria nutikas lüliti Juhi oma nutikodu valgustust Kohandatavad funktsioonid Energiasäästlik – patarei kestab üle aasta Lihtne ja mugav kasutada
description_short_lv -
description_short_ru - Умная кнопка серии Tapo Управляйте умными домашними устройствами и освещением Настраиваемые функции, возможность будильника Энергосбережение - батарея работает больше года Легко и удобно использовать
Design - Case design - External
Design - Control type - Buttons
Design - Control type - Buttons, Rotary
Design - Control type - Rotary
Design - Dimmable - Yes
Design - Operating frequency - 886 - 922 MHz
Design - Product colour - White
dimensionalWeight - 59
Dimensions - 86 × 86 × 23.7 mm
Dimensions & weight - Augstums (mm) - 86
Dimensions & weight - Depth (mm) - 23.7
Dimensions & weight - Dziļums (mm) - 23.7
Dimensions & weight - Height (mm) - 86
Dimensions & weight - Platums (mm) - 86
Dimensions & weight - Width (mm) - 86
Dimensions - height - 2.37
Dimensions - width - 8.6
EAN - 4897098680193
feature_group_en - Switches
feature_group_et - Lülitid
feature_group_lv - Slēdži
feature_group_ru - Переключатели
Full Description Line - Tapo S200D|Colour White|Dimensions 86 × 86 × 23.7 mm
General parameters - colour - white
General parameters - manufacturer - TP-Link
GrossWeight - 0.1220
gross_weight - 140
GTIN - 4897098680193
GTIN - 4897098680209
GTIN - 4897098687819
Height - 0.0350
height - 1.1
Included Accessories - Wall Plate × 1
CR2032 Battery × 1
Anti-slip Tape × 1
Double-sided Tape × 1
Quick Start Guide
Length - 0.0900
LongDesc - Set the Mood with Remote Lighting Control.Smart Remote Dimmer SwitchSimplified Light ControlSwitch your lights on/off or create diverse moods by dimming the lights, simplifying how you control home illumination.Tailored Applications ModesRedefine what single tap, double taps, and rotation could trigger based on personalized needs. Just spark your imagination.One Click to Emit AlarmClick Tapo S200D to let other family members conscious of any abrupt affair.
LongDescription EN - Smart control
Tapo S200D adds instant local control to your smart lights, making it easier to manage your home lighting. Share this feature with family members or guests to create the right lighting mood. Multi-Location Dimming
Control your smart lighting from multiple locations with more than one dimmer switch. This transforms your single dimmer into a 3- or 4-way dimmer without the need for repositioning. Personalized Lighting Scenes
Customize your lighting for your daily routine or special activities. Activate preset scenes to control multiple lights with just one or two clicks. Flexible Installation
Replace your old wall plate with the included screws or attach the button anywhere using the included stickers. You can also mount the switch without a wall plate on a magnetic surface.
LongDescription ET - Nutikas valgustuse juhtimine
Tapo S200D lisab kohese kohaliku juhtimise võimaluse sinu nutivalgustitele, muutes kodu valgustuse juhtimise lihtsamaks. Jaga seda võimalust pereliikmete või külalistega, et luua meeleolu sobiv valgustus. Mitme asukoha dimmerdamine
Juhi oma nutivalgustust mitmest asukohast rohkem kui ühe dimmer-lülitiga. Nii muutub sinu ühepoolne dimmer 3- või 4-suunaliseks dimmeriks ilma ümberpaigutamiseta. Isikupärased valgustusstsenaariumid
Kohanda valgustust oma igapäevase rutiini või eriliste tegevuste jaoks. Käivita eelseadistatud stseen, et juhtida mitut valgustust vaid ühe või kahe klõpsuga. Paindlik paigaldus
Asenda vana seinaplaat kaasasolevate kruvidega või kinnita nupp kuhu iganes kaasasolevate kleepsude abil. Saad lülitit ka kinnitada ilma seinaplaadita magnetpinnale.
LongProductName - Smart Remote Dimmer Switch
LongSummaryDescription - TP-Link Tapo Smart Remote Dimmer Switch. Type: Smart dimmer. Case design: External, Control type: Buttons, Rotary, Product colour: White. Power source: Battery, Battery type: CR2032. Width: 86 mm, Depth: 23.7 mm, Height: 86 mm. Package type: Box
manufacturer_code - TAPOS200D
MediumDescription EN - Tapo S200D is a smart dimmer switch that allows you to control and configure various lights and other Tapo smart devices. It's an excellent choice for those who want to smartly manage their home lighting. To use it, you'll need the TP-Link Tapo H100 hub, which is sold separately. • Versatile Actions
• Convenient Usage
• Control from Multiple Locations
• Long Battery Life
MediumDescription ET - Tapo S200D on nutikas dimmer lüliti, mis võimaldab sul juhtida ja seadistada erinevaid valgusteid ning teisi Tapo nutiseadmeid. See on suurepärane valik neile, kes soovivad oma kodu valgustust nutikalt juhtida. Kasutamiseks on vajalik TP-Link Tapo H100 keskjaam, mis on müügil eraldi. • Mitmekülgsed tegevused
• Mugav kasutamine
• Juhtimine mitmest asukohast
• Pikk aku kestvus
MediumDescription LV - Tapo S200D ir viedais reostata slēdzis, kas ļauj kontrolēt un konfigurēt dažādus apgaismojumus un citas Tapo viedierīces. Tā ir lieliska izvēle tiem, kas vēlas gudri pārvaldīt savas mājas apgaismojumu. Lai to izmantotu, jums būs nepieciešams TP-Link Tapo H100 centrmezgls, kas tiek pārdots atsevišķi. • Daudzpusīgas darbības;
• Ērta lietošana;
• Vadība no vairākām vietām;
• Ilgs akumulatora darbības laiks.
Model name - Tapo S200D
Mõõtmed & kaal - Kõrgus (mm) - 86
Mõõtmed & kaal - Laius (mm) - 86
Mõõtmed & kaal - Sügavus (mm) - 23,7
Name EN - Tapo Smart Remote Dimmer Switch
Name ET - TP-Link Smart Remote Dimmer Switch
NameInWeb EN - TP-Link Tapo Smart Dimmer Switch S200D, white - Smart dimmer switch
NameInWeb ET - TP-Link Tapo Smart Dimmer Switch S200D, valge - Nutikas lüliti
NameInWeb LV - TP-Link Tapo Smart Dimmer Switch S200D, balta - Viedais slēdzis
Name LV - Tapo Smart Remote Dimmer Switch
name_en - TP-Link Smart Dimmer Switch Tapo S200D
name_et - TP-Link nutilüliti Smart Dimmer Switch Tapo S200D
name_lv - TP-Link Smart Dimmer Switch Tapo S200D
name_ru - TP-Link контроллер умного дома Smart Dimmer Switch Tapo S200D
NetWeight - 0.1000
Operational conditions - Operating temperature (T-T) - 0 - 40 °C
Packaging data - Package type - Box
Performance - Type - Smart dimmer
Power - Battery type - CR2032
Power - Power source - Battery
Power supply - power supply - battery
producerCode - Tapo S200D
ProductCode - TAPOS200D
ProductionCountry - CN
ProductName - Smart Remote Dimmer Switch
productName - TP-Link Tapo Smart Remote Dimmer Switch
productSize - Normal
Shipping Box Depth Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 11 cm
Shipping Box Height Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 3.5 cm
Shipping box quantity - 1
Shipping Box Weight Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 0.122 kg
Shipping Box Width Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 9 cm
ShortSummaryDescription - TP-Link Tapo Smart Remote Dimmer Switch, Smart dimmer, External, Buttons, Rotary, White, 886 - 922 MHz, Battery
sizeX - 110
sizeY - 30
sizeZ - 90
Smart home - compatible with - TP-Link Tapo H100
TariffNo - 85176200
Title - TP-Link Tapo Smart Remote Dimmer Switch
Unit Box Height - 0.035
Unit Box Length - 0.11
Unit Box Width - 0.09
Unit Brutto Volume - 0.0003465 cubm
Unit Gross Weight - 0.122 kg
Unit Net Weight - 0.1 kg
UnitOfMeasureCode - tk
UnitsPerPackage - 1
Vendor Homepage -
Volume - 0.00034650
Warranty - 24 months
WarrantyInfo -
warrantyLength - 24
warrantyType - G
weight - 125
Weight & dimensions - Depth - 23.7 mm
Weight & dimensions - Height - 86 mm
Weight & dimensions - Width - 86 mm
width - 0.3
Width - 0.1100
Ühenduvus - Sobivad operatsioonisüsteemid - Android 5.0 või uuem
Ühenduvus - Sobivad operatsioonisüsteemid - iOS 10 või uuem
Подключение - Совместимые оп-системы - Android 5.0 или новее
Подключение - Совместимые оп-системы - iOS 10 или новее
Размеры & вес - Высота (мм) - 86
Размеры & вес - Глубина (мм) - 23,7
Размеры & вес - Ширина (мм) - 86
27.46 €
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