Xiaomi Mi Bedside Lamp 2 EU BHR5969EU 400 lm, LED lamp, 220 - 240 V, 25000 h

Picture may differ from actual product, there can be accessories and parts not supplied with the actual product.
ID: 834571 Product code: BHR5969EU
In stock >50 units
Warranty: 2 years (Warranty for business entities 1 year)
53.68 €
Delivery options
  • Delivery to Smartpost 1.99 €: 01.04.2025
  • Delivery to Omniva parcel locker 1.99 €: 01.04.2025
  • Courier delivery 3.99 €: 01.04.2025
More detailed specification
Accessories included - User manual Lamp Charger
barcode - 6934177780639
brand - Xiaomi
Category - Root/Smarthome/LED lighting/Smart lighting
category_en - For garden, repair and home > Lighting > Desk lamps
category_en - Smart home
category_et - Nutikodu
category_lv - Dārzam, remontam un mājai > Apgaismojums > Galda lampas
category_lv - Gudrā māja
category_ru - Dārzam, remontam un mājai > Apgaismojums > Galda lampas
category_ru - Смарт дом
Code - BHR5969EU
Color - White
depth - 15
Description - Increased lighting versatility The maximum brightness of the lamp has been increased to 400 lumens for full brightness during daytime use. The minimum brightness can be set to less than 2 lumens, ensuring a comfortable sleep. A natural wake-up call Activate the morning wake-up mode by simulating the rays of the rising sun. Let the morning sun rays make your day easier. Comfortable sleep The lowest brightness of less than 2 lumens will provide warm light, perfect when we want to regenerate and take a break after a hard day. Professional light combining technology makes the night even more beautiful The highest quality LEDs combined with a unique, advanced light combining technology and a two-layer lampshade allowed for a smooth and even surface of the lamp. Colors are emitted uniformly across the entire surface of the case, enhancing the visual experience. Soft light, more beautiful, brighter and more practical The lamp body is smooth and crystal clear like jade. The simple and intimate design makes it easier to integrate into home life, brighter and more practical. Control the light with your voice The Mi Bedside Lamp 2 works with the Apple HomeKit and Mi Home applications, allowing you to personalize lighting modes and control with your voice. Hey Siri, change the bedside lamp color to yellow You can use iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch and the app on your Mac to easily control the lamp with voice, touch, and set automatic actions. Mi Ai Speaker, change the bedside lamp color to white Connect the light with the Mi Home app to unlock the full potential of functions and control. Control your lights using the app, set alarm clocks, and manage numerous modes and lighting patterns. Touch control. Simple and convenient. When the light is off, tap the brightness bar to turn the light on. A convenient solution when checking the lamp at night. High standard of production, like a work of art The special optical structure and professional light combining technology were created using precise shot-blasting and CNC cutting techniques, which make the lamp light perfectly fit into any bedroom.
description_en - Fill the whole room with soft light
Greater range of light | Bright and soft light | Bedside lamp | Smart voice control
Unlike traditional designs, this lamp uses advanced reverse molding and additional heat dissipation design to make light emanate from the entire lamp body.
To create a nice warm atmosphere or just to light up a room for everyday use.
With a brightness of up to 400 lumens, the lamp will easily illuminate a typical bedroom. With its lowest brightness of just 2 lumens, it can also be a handy bedside lamp to help you unwind while you sleep.
The lowest brightness at 2 lumens is enough to calm your mind without disturbing your sleep.
Set the tone with a premium bulb combined with dual-layer light mixing technology. The multi-colored light is evenly mixed to create the perfect mood for the night.
Enjoy the soft light of Mi Bedside Lamp 2 as you curl up with a book and use touch controls to make you feel right at home. It's cleaner lighting that's brighter, looks better and is easier to use
Mi Bedside Lamp 2 supports voice control, so you can enter the era of smart lighting. No need to get out of bed to turn off the light. Simply turn the light on or off, or adjust brightness, color or color temperature with Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant.
It connects to both Apple HomeKit and the Mi Home app and can be connected to other smart devices and even controlled by the Google Assistant or Amazon Alexa, allowing for full integration with your personalized smart home. The possibilities are limited only to your imagination.
For use with Siri and home apps on iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Mac computers. Control with one touch, voice and even automation for simple and safe operation.
Enables long-distance control and connectivity to a smart home
When the lamp is off, tap anywhere on the slider to turn it on, making it easy to turn on the light in the dark
The specialized optical structure and color mixing method creates a warm, soft light that allows the lamp to blend easily into your home.
description_en - Fill the whole room with soft light Larger light coverage Bright and soft light Night light Smart Voice Control Brighter, more practical full-body shine design
Unlike traditional designs, this second generation lamp uses advanced inversion molding and an auxiliary heat dissipation design to let the light emanate from the full body of the lamp. Fill the whole room with soft light to create a nice, warm atmosphere or just to light up the room for everyday use. A better lighting experience day or night
With brightness up to 400 lumens, the lamp can easily light up a typical bedroom. At its lowest brightness of just 2 lumens, it can also be handy nightlight to help out your mind at ease as you sleep. Wake up ready for the day
Like waking up to the sunrise, Mi Bedside Lamp 2 lets your body follow its natural circadian rhythm. Morning wake-up Set power on/off time Fall asleep with your mind at ease
The lowest brightness off 2 lumens is enough to put your mind at ease without disturbing your sleep. Delayed power off Sunset sleep assistance Create a cozy mood
Enjoy the gentle light of Mi Bedside Lamp 2 as you curl up with a book and make use of its touch controls for an easy experience that lets you feel right at home. It's a more pure lighting experience that is brighter, looks better, and is easier to use. Color control Color temperature control 1700–6500K Brightness control Color cycling Light mixing technology to set the perfect night atmosphere
Set the right tone with a top-of-the-line bulb combined with dual-layer light mixing technology. Multicolored light is mixed evenly to create the perfect mood for the night. Multiple ways to control your lamp
Connects with both Apple HomeKit and the Mi Home app, and can be connected to other smart devices and even controlled by your Google Assistant or Amazon Alexa, allowing it to be full integrated into your personalized smart home experience. The possibilities are only limited to your imagination. Usable with Siri and home apps on iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Mac computers. Control with a tap, with your voice, or even through automation for a simple and secure experience. Quickly connect to the Mi Home app to enable long-distance control and smart home connectivity. Intuitive touch controls
Slide to adjust settings. With the lamp turned off, touch anywhere on the slider to turn to turn it on, making it easy to turn on the light in the dark. No more grasping for the light switch in the dark. A carefully crafted masterpiece
The specialized optical structure and color mixing method creates the warm, gentle light that lets the lamp easily blend in with your home. Mi Bedside Lamp 2 has met the following compliance standards and tests Supports Apple Homekit and supports Siri voice control and automization for simple and secure control Harsh noise performance testing Approx. 25000 hour lifespan, or 4 hours of use per day for 17 years WiFi Alliance Certified to provide a good WLAN connectability and functionality experience to users Prevents static interference
description_et - Täida terve tuba pehme valgusega Suurem valgustusala Ere ja pehme valgustus Öine režiim Hääljuhtimine Eredam, parem valgustatus
Uus korpuse disain täidab ümbritseva ruumi pehme valgusega täielikult ja ühtlaselt. Mi Bedside Lamp 2 aitab luua mõnusa meeleolu. Parem valgustuskogemus nii päeval kui ka öösel
Lambi heledus ulatub kuni 400 luumenini – see suudab tüüpilise magamistoa lihtsa vaevaga valgusega täita. Kui seadistada lamp madalaima heleduse, 2 luumeni peale, on see öölambina suurepärane. Loomulik ärkamine
Alusta hommikut ärkamise režiimiga, mis simuleerib päikesetõusu. Las need hommikused päikesekiired aitavad Sul päeva alustada. Äratuse režiim Kellaaja seadmine Muretu uinumine
Madalaim heledus on nüüd 2 luumenit – see tagab hubase ja rahustava valgustuse, mis ei häiri Sinu und. Viivitusrežiim Päikeseloojangu režiim Loo hubane meeleolu
Vali värv vastavalt oma tujule. Seadista need mängimiseks, lugemiseks või muudeks tegevusteks. Muuda lambi heledustaset kiiresti ja mugavalt, seadista automaatseid puhke- ja unetsükleid. Värvi reguleerimine Värvitemperatuuri reguleerimine (1700–6500 K) Heleduse reguleerimine Mitu juhtimisvõimalust
Mi Bedside Lamp 2 töötab koos rakendustega Apple HomeKit ja Mi Home, võimaldades Sul isikupärastada valgustusrežiime hääljuhtimisega. Valgust saab hõlpsasti automaatselt hääle ja puutetoimingute abil juhtida, kasutades rakendusi oma iPhone’is, iPad’is, Apple Watch’is ja Mac’is. Lambil on ka Google Assistant ja Amazon Alexa tugi. Puutetundlik juhtpaneel
Kui tuli on kustunud, puuduta öölambi sisselülitamiseks heledusriba. Mugav lahendus öösel valgustuse juhtimiseks. Hoolikalt valmistatud meistriteos
Spetsiaalne optiline struktuur ja professionaalne valguse kombineerimise tehnoloogia võimaldavad lambil igasse koju sulanduda.
description_lv -
description_lv - Aizpildiet visu istabu ar mīkstu gaismu
Lielāks gaismas | spilgtas un mīkstas gaismas | gultas lampas | viedās balss vadības diapazons
Atšķirībā no tradicionālajiem dizainiem, šajā lampā tiek izmantota uzlabota Reversā formēšana un papildu siltuma izkliedes dizains, lai gaisma izplūst no visa luktura korpusa.
Lai radītu jauku siltu atmosfēru vai vienkārši apgaismotu telpu ikdienas lietošanai.
Ar spilgtumu līdz 400 lūmeniem lampa viegli apgaismos tipisku Guļamistabu. Ar zemāko spilgtumu, kas ir tikai 2 lūmeni, tas var būt arī ērts gultas lukturis, kas palīdzēs jums atpūsties miega laikā.
Zemākais spilgtums pie 2 lūmeniem ir pietiekams, lai nomierinātu prātu, netraucējot miegu.
Iestatiet signālu ar augstākās kvalitātes spuldzi, kas apvienota ar divslāņu gaismas sajaukšanas tehnoloģiju. Daudzkrāsainā gaisma ir vienmērīgi sajaukta, lai radītu perfektu noskaņu naktī.
Izbaudiet mīkstu gaismu Mi gultas lampa 2, Kā jūs saritināties ar grāmatu un izmantot touch kontroli, lai jūs justos kā mājās. Tas ir tīrāks apgaismojums, kas ir gaišāks, izskatās labāk un ir vieglāk lietojams
Mi gultas lampa 2 atbalsta balss vadību, lai jūs varētu iekļūt viedā apgaismojuma laikmetā. Nav nepieciešams izkļūt no gultas, lai izslēgtu gaismu. Vienkārši ieslēdziet vai izslēdziet gaismu vai pielāgojiet spilgtumu, krāsu vai krāsu temperatūru, izmantojot Amazon Alexa vai Google Assistant.
Tas savienojas gan ar Apple HomeKit, gan ar Mi Home lietotni, un to var savienot ar citām viedierīcēm un pat kontrolēt Google palīgs vai Amazon Alexa, ļaujot pilnībā integrēties ar jūsu personalizēto viedo māju. Iespējas ir ierobežotas tikai ar jūsu iztēli.
Lietošanai ar Siri un mājas lietotnēm iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Mac datoros. Vadība ar vienu pieskārienu, balsi un pat automatizāciju vienkāršai un drošai darbībai.
Nodrošina tālsatiksmes kontroli un savienojamību ar viedo māju
Kad lampa ir izslēgta, pieskarieties jebkur uz slīdni, lai to ieslēgtu, padarot to viegli, lai ieslēgtu gaismu tumsā
Specializētā optiskā struktūra un krāsu sajaukšanas metode rada siltu, mīkstu gaismu, kas ļauj lampai viegli saplūst jūsu mājās.
description_ru -
description_ru - Наполните всю комнату мягким светом
Больший диапазон освещения | Яркий и мягкий свет | Прикроватная лампа | Интеллектуальное голосовое управление
В отличие от традиционных конструкций, в этой лампе используется усовершенствованное обратное формование и дополнительная конструкция рассеивания тепла, благодаря чему свет исходит от всего корпуса лампы.
Для создания приятной теплой атмосферы или просто для освещения комнаты для повседневного использования.
При яркости до 400 люмен лампа легко осветит обычную спальню. Обладая минимальной яркостью всего в 2 люмена, он также может стать удобной прикроватной лампой, которая поможет вам расслабиться во время сна.
Минимальной яркости в 2 люмена достаточно, чтобы успокоить ваш разум, не нарушая сна.
Задайте тон с помощью лампы премиум-класса в сочетании с технологией двухслойного смешивания света. Разноцветный свет равномерно смешивается, создавая идеальное настроение на ночь.
Наслаждайтесь мягким светом Mi Bedside Lamp 2, свернувшись калачиком с книгой, и используйте сенсорное управление, чтобы чувствовать себя как дома. Это более чистое освещение, которое ярче, выглядит лучше и которым проще пользоваться
Mi Bedside Lamp 2 поддерживает голосовое управление, так что вы можете вступить в эру интеллектуального освещения. Не нужно вставать с кровати, чтобы выключить свет. Просто включите или выключите свет или отрегулируйте яркость, цвет или цветовую температуру с помощью Amazon Alexa или Google Assistant.
Он подключается как к Apple HomeKit, так и к приложению Mi Home, а также может быть подключен к другим интеллектуальным устройствам и даже управляться Google Assistant или Amazon Alexa, обеспечивая полную интеграцию с вашим персонализированным умным домом. Возможности ограничены только вашим воображением.
Для использования с приложениями Siri и home на iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, компьютерах Mac. Управление одним касанием, голосом и даже автоматизация для простой и безопасной эксплуатации.
Обеспечивает дистанционное управление и подключение к "умному дому"
Когда лампа выключена, нажмите в любом месте ползунка, чтобы включить ее, что упрощает включение освещения в темноте
Специальная оптическая структура и метод смешивания цветов создают теплый, мягкий свет, который позволяет лампе легко вписаться в интерьер вашего дома.
description_short_en - Smart WRGB bedside lamp Brightness: 2–400 lm Color temperature: 1700–6500 K App & voice control WiFi & Bluetooth 4.2
description_short_et - Nutikas WRGB laualamp Valgusvoog: 2–400 lm Värvitemperatuur: 1700–6500 K Nutirakenduse & hääle kaudu juhitav WiFi & Bluetooth 4.2 ühendus
description_short_lv -
description_short_ru - Умная настольная лампа WRGB Световой поток: 2-400 лм Температура цвета: 1700-6500 К Управляется с помощью смарт-приложения и голоса Соединение Wi-Fi и Bluetooth 4.2
Designation - CE+WEEE
dimensionalWeight - 1162
dimension depth - 200 mm
dimension height - 140 mm
Dimensions - 140 x 200 mm
Dimensions & weight - Augstums (mm) - 200
Dimensions & weight - Depth (mm) - 140
Dimensions & weight - Dziļums (mm) - 140
Dimensions & weight - Height (mm) - 200
Dimensions & weight - Platums (mm) - 140
Dimensions & weight - Width (mm) - 140
dimension weight - 1000 g
dimension width - 140 mm
EAN - 6934177780639
ean - 6934177780639
Eans - 6934177780639
Features - Bulb lifetime - 25000 h
Features - Bulb type - LED
Features - Color Rendering Index (CRI) - 80
Features - Interface - Wi-Fi
Features - Luminous flux - 400 lm
Features - Product colour - White
Features - Type - Smart table lamp
Features - Wi-Fi standards - 802.11b
Features - Wi-Fi standards - 802.11g
Features - Wi-Fi standards - Wi-Fi 4 (802.11n)
feature_group_en - Lightning
feature_group_et - Valgustid
feature_group_lv - Apgaismojums
feature_group_ru - Осветители
General - Iepakojumā ietilpst - Gaismeklis
General - Iepakojumā ietilpst - Lādētājs
General - Package contents - Charger
General - Package contents - Light
gross_weight - 0.8 kg
gross_weight - 1.175
guarantee - 24
guarantee_type - normal
height - 25.5
Light source - LED
Link - https://www.mi.com/global/mi-bedside-lamp-2/specs/
manufacturer_code - BHR5969EU
Max power (per source) - 9 W
Model - BHR5969EU
Mõõtmed & kaal - Kõrgus (mm) - 200
Mõõtmed & kaal - Laius (mm) - 140
Mõõtmed & kaal - Sügavus (mm) - 140
name - Bedside Lamp 2
Name - Xiaomi Mi Bedside Lamp 2 EU | BHR5969EU | 25000 h | LED lamp | 220 - 240 V
Name - Xiaomi Mi Bedside Lamp 2 EU | Lampka nocna | Regulacja barw RGB, Wi-Fi, MJCTD02YL
name_en - Xiaomi Mi Bedside Lamp 2
name_et - Xiaomi Mi nutivalgusti Bedside Lamp 2
name_lv - Xiaomi Mi Bedside Lamp 2
name_ru - Xiaomi Mi умный светильник Bedside Lamp 2
Nutivalgusti funktsioonid - Bluetooth versioon - Bluetooth 4.2
Nutivalgusti funktsioonid - Funktsioonid - Ajastamine
Nutivalgusti funktsioonid - Funktsioonid - Hämardamine
Nutivalgusti funktsioonid - Funktsioonid - Hääljuhtimine
Nutivalgusti funktsioonid - Funktsioonid - Kaugjuhtimine
Nutivalgusti funktsioonid - Funktsioonid - RGB
Nutivalgusti funktsioonid - Funktsioonid - Taimer
Nutivalgusti funktsioonid - Häälabiline - Amazon Alexa
Nutivalgusti funktsioonid - Häälabiline - Google Assistant
Nutivalgusti funktsioonid - Häälabiline - Siri
Nutivalgusti funktsioonid - Juhtmevaba võrk - WiFi IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n
Other features - Communication 802.11 b/g/n Bluetooth 4.2 BLE 2.4G Wi-Fi Compatibility Amazon Alexa Android 4.4 and higher Apple HomeKit Google Assistant iOS 9 and higher
Other features - Operating relative humidity (H-H) - 0 - 85%
Other features - Operating temperature (T-T) - -10 - 40 °C
Package features > Embeeded battery - No
Package features > Gross depth (mm) - 150 mm
Package features > Gross height (mm) - 255 mm
Package features > Gross width (mm) - 150 mm
Package features > Packing quantity - 1.00 pc(s)
Package features > Palette Qty - 216 pc(s)
Package features > Paper/Pasteboard - 90.00 g
Package features > Plastic (No PET) - 10.00 g
Package features > Tare weight (kg) - 0.10 kg
Package features > TI weight (kg) - 0 kg
Package features > Volume (m3) - 0.0057375 m³
Package features > WEE classification - CL109:3:2017-04-01
Package features > WEEE tax - Yes
Packaging content - Quantity per pack - 1 pc(s)
PDF - https://www.blobs.lt/products/8/6/9/8/5/3/3de8ce713bb15d24ff813ca9d0431514/original.pdf
Power - Mains
Power - AC input frequency - 50 - 60 Hz
Power - AC input voltage - 220-240 V
Power - Input voltage - 220-240 V
Power - Rated power - 9 W
Power > Voltage - 220 - 240 V
producer - XIAOMI
Producer - Xiaomi
producerCode - BHR5969EU
Producer product name - BHR5969EU
productName - Xiaomi Mi Bedside Lamp 2 EU
productSize - Normal
Screw mount - none
ShortDescription -
sizeX - 255
sizeY - 152
sizeZ - 150
Smart light functions - Bezvadu - WiFi IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n
Smart light functions - Bluetooth versija - Bluetooth 4.2
Smart light functions - Bluetooth version - Bluetooth 4.2
Smart light functions - Features - Dimmable
Smart light functions - Features - Remote control
Smart light functions - Features - RGB
Smart light functions - Features - Scheduling
Smart light functions - Features - Timer
Smart light functions - Features - Voice control
Smart light functions - Voice assistant - Amazon Alexa
Smart light functions - Voice assistant - Google Assistant
Smart light functions - Voice assistant - Siri
Smart light functions - Wireless - WiFi IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n
Technical data - Average life (hours) - 25 000
Technical data - Color temperature (K) - 1700 – 6500
Technical data - Gaismas krāsas temperatūra (K) - 1700 – 6500
Technical data - Gaismas plūsma (lm) - 400
Technical data - Jauda (W) - 9
Technical data - Light type - Night light
Technical data - Luminous flux (lm) - 400
Technical data - Power (W) - 9
Technical data - Vidējais kalpošanas laiks (stundas) - 25 000
Technical details > Bulb lifetime - 25000 h
Technical details > Gross weight - 1.175 kg
Technical details > Luminous flux - 400 lm
Technical details > Net weight - 1.075 kg
Technical details > Other features - WiFi IEEE 802.11 b/g/n 2.4GHz, Bluetooth 4.2 BLE
Technical details > Producer - Xiaomi
Technical details > Producer product family - Mi Bedside Lamp 2 EU
Technical details > Type - LED lamp
Tehnilised andmed - Valgustemperatuur (K) - 1700 – 6500
Tehnilised andmed - Valgusti tüüp - Öölamp
Tehnilised andmed - Valgusvoog (lm) - 400
Tehnilised andmed - Vastupidavus (tundi) - 25 000
Tehnilised andmed - Võimsus (W) - 9
title_en - Xiaomi Mi Bedside Lamp 2 Smart table lamp
title_lv - Xiaomi Mi Bedside Lamp 2 Viedā galda lampa
title_ru - Xiaomi Mi Bedside Lamp 2 Интеллектуальная настольная лампа
Type - Night
vendpn - 39493
Warranty - 24
Warranty - 24 month(s)
warrantyLength - 12
warrantyType - G
weight - 0.6 kg
weight - 1175
Weight & dimensions - Depth - 140 mm
Weight & dimensions - Height - 200 mm
width - 15
Üldine - Komplekti sisu - Laadija
Üldine - Komplekti sisu - Valgusti
Общее - Комплектация - Зарядка
Общее - Комплектация - Лампа
Размеры & вес - Высота (мм) - 200
Размеры & вес - Глубина (мм) - 140
Размеры & вес - Ширина (мм) - 140
Технические данные - Мощность (W) - 9
Технические данные - Световой поток (lm) - 400
Технические данные - Средняя продолжительность жизни (часы) - 25 000
Технические данные - Температура света (K) - 1700 – 6500
Технические данные - Тип светильника - Ночник
Функции умного светильника - Bluetooth версия - Bluetooth 4.2
Функции умного светильника - Беспроводная сеть - WiFi IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n
Функции умного светильника - Голосовой помощник - Amazon Alexa
Функции умного светильника - Голосовой помощник - Google Assistant
Функции умного светильника - Голосовой помощник - Siri
Функции умного светильника - Особенности - RGB
Функции умного светильника - Особенности - Голосовое управление
Функции умного светильника - Особенности - Диммирование
Функции умного светильника - Особенности - Дистанционное управление
Функции умного светильника - Особенности - Таймер
Функции умного светильника - Особенности - Установка времени
53.68 €
Xiaomi Mi Bedside Lamp 2 EU BHR5969EU 400 lm, LED lamp, 220 - 240 V, 25000 h
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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