Aqara Ceiling Light T1M | Inteligentna lampa sufitowa | oprawa sufitowa, RGBIC, Zigbee, Matter

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ID: 1067647 Product code: CL-L02D
In stock 18 units
Warranty: 2 years
172.49 €
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  • Courier delivery 3.99 €: on Friday, 28.03.2025
More detailed specification
barcode - 6975833352128
brand - Aqara
BrandCode - AQARA
Category - Root/Smarthome/LED lighting/Smart lighting
Category Code - LFI
category_en - Smart home
category_et - Nutikodu
category_lv - Gudrā māja
category_ru - Смарт дом
Colour - White
Description - Aqara Smart ceiling lamp T1M (CL-L02D).
description_en - Smart, vibrant, sleek
The Aqara Ceiling Light T1M combines dual colour temperature main lighting with customisable RGB ambient light in a smart, energy-efficient fixture. Compatible with home automation systems, it offers versatile control for enhanced smart home integration, enriching everyday living with both functionality and modern style. All-around compatibility
Compatible with most popular ecosystems. It supports Apple HomeKit (including Adaptive Lighting), Amazon Alexa, and Google Home. Matter compatible
This device is Matter-compatible over the Zigbee protocol. To enable Matter, an Aqara Hub with the latest software is required. RGBIC Status Light Ring
Users can use the side light for gradient lighting effects, and it can also function as a status indicator when connected to other smart home devices. For example, when another smart device detects an issue (like a leak or an open door), you can program the external light to show a specific colour. The integrated RGBIC side light can project captivating gradient effects, enhancing your room's ambiance and sophistication with vivid colour transitions. Bright Whites and 16-Million Colours
Thanks to its RGB CCT technology, it features 16 million massive colours, rich dynamic effects, and an interactive experience. Two-colour temperature lamps, 2700K-6500K can provide a better luminous flux, which can easily meet the needs of two-colour temperature lamps with main lighting. Ra90 Lighting and Ultra Long Lifespan
The high colour rendering index (Ra90) provides a strong colour reproduction ability, avoiding distortion in lighting effects and maximising colour realism. It can be used continuously for up to 50,000 hours, making it resistant to burnout and ensuring stable operation. Multi-Control and Home Automation
Multiple smart lighting control options are available, making the T1M compatible with various Aqara Control Devices such as Cube T1 Pro, Mini Switch and Wireless Switch. These options can automatically adjust lighting based on door and window status, keeping you visually informed about changes in your home environment. Even in the event of a network outage, wireless control will continue to operate smoothly. Low Consumption and Easy Connection
Compared to Wi-Fi competitors, the Aqara Ceiling Light T1M does not congest your smart home network. On the contrary, the T1M acts as a mesh repeater, enhancing the reliability of your Zigbee network. Furthermore, it boasts significantly lower idle power consumption, making it both environmentally and budget friendly. Versatile Fit
With no visible flicker, the Aqara Ceiling Light T1M is suitable for various home settings, and is gentle on your eyes, making it ideal for different home environments, such as living rooms, bedrooms, dining rooms, and more. The Ceiling Light T1M is not a DIY item and should be installed by a licensed electrician only. NB! An Aqara hub is required.
description_et - Nutikas, elav, kaunis
Aqara T1M ühendab kahe värvitemperatuuriga põhivalgustuse kohandatava RGB-valgustusega nutikas ja energiasäästlikus valgustis. Ühildub koduautomaatika süsteemidega ja pakub mitmekülgset juhtimist nutika kodu täiustatud integreerimiseks, rikastades igapäevaelu nii funktsionaalsuse kui ka kaasaegse stiiliga. Igakülgne ühilduvus
Ühildub enamike populaarsete ökosüsteemidega, sh Apple HomeKit, Amazon Alexa, Google Home ja Matter. RGBIC olekutuli
Saad kasutada külgvalgustit gradientvalgustuse efektide jaoks ja kui see on ühendatud teiste nutikate koduseadmetega toimib see ka olekuindikaatorina. Näiteks kui mõni teine nutiseade tuvastab probleemi (nt leke või avatud uks), saad programmeerida valgustuse näitama kindlat värvi. Integreeritud RGBIC külgvalgusti suudab projitseerida kütkestavaid gradiendiefekte, täiustades Sinu ruumi õhkkonda ja rafineeritust erksate värviüleminekutega. Erksad valged ja 16 miljonit värvi
Tänu RGB CCT-tehnoloogiale on sellel 16 miljonit värvi, rikkalikud dünaamilised efektid ja interaktiivne kogemus. Kahevärvilised temperatuurilambid, 2700–6500 K, võivad pakkuda paremat valgusvoogu, mis suudab hõlpsasti rahuldada põhivalgustusega kahevärviliste temperatuurilampide vajadusi. Täpne valgustus ja ülipikk eluiga
Kõrge värviedastusindeks (90) tagab tugeva värvide taasesituse, vältides valgusefektide moonutusi ja maksimeerides värvide realistlikkust. Seda saab kasutada pidevalt kuni 50 000 tundi, olles läbipõlemiskindel ja tagades stabiilse töö. Madal tarbimine ja lihtne ühendus
Võrreldes WiFi konkurentidega ei koorma Aqara T1M Sinu nutika kodu võrku. Vastupidi, T1M toimib võrgu laiendajana, suurendades Sinu Zigbee ühenduse töökindlust. Lisaks on sellel märkimisväärselt väiksem tühikäigul töötav energiatarve, muutes selle nii keskkonna- kui ka eelarvesõbralikuks. Mitmekülgne sobivus
Ilma nähtava virvenduseta Aqara laevalgusti T1M sobib erinevatesse kodukeskkondadesse ja on silmadele õrn, mistõttu sobib see elutuppa, magamistuppa, söögituppa ja mujalegi. Laevalgusti peaks paigaldama ainult litsentseeritud elektrik. NB! Tööks on vajalik Aqara Hub, mis on müügil eraldi.
description_lv -
description_ru -
description_short_en - Ceiling lamp with Zigbee connection 2700–6500 K white + RGB CCT light Amazon Alexa, Apple Homekit & Google Home support Color rendering index: 90 Low power consumption
description_short_et - Zigbee ühendusega laelamp 2700–6500 K valge + RGB CCT valgus Amazon Alexa, Apple Homekit & Google Home tugi Värviedastusindeks: 90 Madal voolutarbimine
description_short_lv -
description_short_ru - Потолочный светильник с подключением Zigbee 2700-6500К белый + RGB CCT свет Поддержка Amazon Alexa, Apple Homekit и Google Home Индекс цветопередачи: 90Ra Низкое энергопотребление
Dimensions & weight - Augstums (mm) - 495
Dimensions & weight - Depth (mm) - 75
Dimensions & weight - Dziļums (mm) - 75
Dimensions & weight - Height (mm) - 495
Dimensions & weight - Platums (mm) - 495
Dimensions & weight - Width (mm) - 495
Dimensions - depth - 50
Dimensions - width - 50
EAN - 6975833352128
Eans - 6975833352128
feature_group_en - Lightning
feature_group_et - Valgustid
feature_group_lv - Apgaismojums
feature_group_ru - Осветители
Full Description Line - T1M|ZigBee|Colour White
Functions - configuration using app
Functions - voice control support - Amazon Alexa
Functions - voice control support - Google Assistant
General - Darba temperatūra - -10 – 40 °C
General - Operating temperature - -10 – 40 °C
General parameters - colour - white
General parameters - manufacturer - Aqara
GrossWeight - 3.4500
Height - 0.5400
Illumination - dimmable
Illumination - lamp type - Ceiling Lamp
Illumination - light flux - colored
Illumination - light flux - white
Interfaces - Apple HomeKit
Interfaces - Aqara Home
Interoperability standard - ZigBee
Length - 0.1200
LongDescription EN - Bright Whites and 16 Million Colors
The Aqara T1M ceiling light is designed to fill your space with bright white light and 16 million colors, serving not only as a source of illumination but also as the centerpiece of your home decor. Whether you need to find the perfect white for reading or the right color to set the mood, the Aqara smart ceiling light meets all your needs with its unparalleled versatility. Dynamic RGBIC Ring with Gradient Effects
Step into a world where lighting transcends mediocrity with the Aqara T1M ceiling light's RGBIC ring. This feature offers stunning gradient effects, smoothly transitioning colors and creating a mesmerizing visual experience. Whether it's a gentle sunrise effect to start your day or a lively party mode, the gradient ring adds magic to every moment. Exceptional Color Rendering with Ra90 Rating
With a high color rendering index of Ra90, the Aqara smart ceiling light reveals the true colors of the surrounding objects. Experience a world where colors are more vibrant and realistic. This exceptional color accuracy ensures that every shade is displayed clearly and accurately, enhancing the visual experience. Built to Last: 11 Years of Outstanding Lighting
The Aqara smart ceiling light not only offers aesthetic brilliance but also lasting quality. With an impressive 11-year lifespan, this lighting solution promises long-term reliability. You can trust its enduring performance, making it a solid investment for your smart home.
LongDescription ET - Erksad valged ja 16 miljonit värvi
Aqara T1M laevalgusti on loodud täitma ruumi ereda valge valgusega ja 16 miljoni värviga, olles mitte ainult valgusti allikas, vaid ka teie kodu dekoori keskpunkt. Olgu vajadus leida täiuslik valge lugemiseks või õige värv meeleolu loomiseks, Aqara nutikas laevalgusti vastab kõikidele vajadustele oma võrdlematu mitmekülgsusega. Dünaamiline RGBIC rõngas gradientefektidega
Astuge maailma, kus valgustus ületab keskpärasust Aqara T1M laevalgusti RGBIC rõngaga. See funktsioon pakub hämmastavaid gradientefekte, värve sujuvalt üle kandes, luues hüpnotiseeriva visuaalse kogemuse. Olgu see õrn päikesetõusu efekt päeva alustamiseks või elav peorežiim, gradientrõngas lisab igale hetkele maagiat. Erakordne värviedastus Ra90 reitinguga
Kõrge värviedastusindeksiga Ra90 paljastab Aqara nutikas laevalgusti ümbritsevate esemete tõelised värvid. Kogege maailma, kus värvid on elavamad ja realistlikumad. See erakordne värvitruudus tagab, et iga toon kuvatakse selgelt ja täpselt, parandades visuaalset kogemust. Ehitatud kestma: 11 aastat suurepärast valgustust
Aqara nutikas laevalgusti ei paku ainult esteetilist hiilgust, vaid ka püsivat kvaliteeti. Muljetavaldava 11-aastase elueaga valgustuslahendus lubab pikaajalist usaldusväärsust. Võite usaldada selle püsivat sooritust, muutes selle kindlaks investeeringuks teie nutikodusse.
LongDescription LV - Spilgti balta un 16 miljoni krāsu
Aqara T1M griestu lampa ir radīta, lai piepildītu jūsu telpu ar spilgti baltu gaismu un 16 miljoniem krāsu, kalpojot ne tikai kā apgaismojuma avots, bet arī kā jūsu mājas dekora centrālais elements. Neatkarīgi no tā, vai jums ir jāatrod ideāli balta gaisma lasīšanai vai īstā krāsa, lai radītu noskaņojumu, Aqara viedais griestu apgaismojums atbilst visām jūsu vajadzībām ar savu nepārspējamo daudzpusību. Dinamisks RGBIC gredzens ar gradienta efektiem
Ieejiet pasaulē, kurā apgaismojums ir kas vairāk par viduvējību, izmantojot Aqara T1M griestu lampas RGBIC gredzenu. Šī funkcija piedāvā satriecošus gradienta efektus, vienmērīgu krāsu pāreju un aizraujošu vizuālo pieredzi. Neatkarīgi no tā, vai tas ir maigs saullēkta efekts, lai sāktu savu dienu, vai dzīvīgs ballīšu režīms, gradienta gredzens piešķir burvību katram mirklim. Izcila krāsu atveide ar Ra90 vērtējumu
Ar augstu Ra90 krāsu atveides indeksu, Aqara viedais griestu apgaismojums, atklāj apkārtējo objektu patiesās krāsas. Izbaudiet pasauli, kurā krāsas ir košākas un reālistiskākas. Šī izcilā krāsu precizitāte nodrošina, ka katrs tonis tiek parādīts skaidri un precīzi, uzlabojot vizuālo pieredzi. Izstrādāta ilgmūžībai: 11 gadi izcila apgaismojuma
Aqara viedais griestu apgaismojums piedāvā ne tikai estētisku mirdzumu, bet arī ilgstošu kvalitāti. Ar iespaidīgo 11 gadu kalpošanas laiku, šis apgaismojuma risinājums sola ilgtermiņa uzticamību. Varat uzticēties tā ilgstošajai veiktspējai, padarot to par stabilu ieguldījumu jūsu viedajā mājā.
manufacturer_code - CL-L02D
MediumDescription EN - Aqara Ceiling Light T1M is a smart ceiling lamp that offers high-quality white light and a colorful gradient ring, seamlessly integrating with your lifestyle. Its low energy consumption and compatibility with home automation systems make this lamp a thoughtful addition to any space, designed for longevity and to enhance everyday living. • Bright whites and 16 million colors
• Dynamic RGBIC ring with gradient effects
• Exceptional color reproduction with Ra90 rating
• Built to last: 11 years of great lighting
MediumDescription ET - Aqara Ceiling Light T1M on nutikas laevalgusti, mis pakub kvaliteetset valget või värvilist valgust, integreerudes sujuvalt teie elustiiliga. Madal energiatarbimine ja ühilduvus koduautomaatikasüsteemidega teevad sellest lambist mõtteka lisanduse igasse ruumi, on loodud kestma ja igapäevaelu rikastama. • Erksad valged ja 16 miljonit värvi
• Dünaamiline RGBIC rõngas gradientefektidega
• Erakordne värviedastus Ra90 reitinguga
• Loodud kestma: 11 aastat suurepärast valgustust
MediumDescription LV - Aqara Ceiling Light T1M ir viedā griestu lampa, kas piedāvā augstas kvalitātes baltu gaismu un krāsainu, gradienta gredzenu, kas nemanāmi iekļaujas jūsu dzīvesveidā. Tās zemais enerģijas patēriņš un savietojamība, ar mājas automatizācijas sistēmām, padara šo lampu par pārdomātu papildinājumu jebkurai telpai, kas paredzēta ilgmūžībai un ikdienas dzīves uzlabošanai. • Spilgti balti un 16 miljoni krāsu;
• Dinamisks RGBIC gredzens ar gradienta efektiem;
• Izcila krāsu atveide ar Ra90 vērtējumu;
• Izstrādāta tā, lai kalpotu: 11 gadus lielisks apgaismojums.
Model - CL-L02D
Model name - T1M
Mõõtmed & kaal - Kõrgus (mm) - 495
Mõõtmed & kaal - Laius (mm) - 495
Mõõtmed & kaal - Sügavus (mm) - 75
Name - Aqara Ceiling Light T1M RGBIC, Zigbee, Matter
Name EN - Aqara Smart ceiling lamp T1M
Name ET - Aqara Smart ceiling lamp T1M
NameInWeb EN - Aqara Ceiling Light T1M - Smart Ceiling Light
NameInWeb ET - Aqara Ceiling Light T1M - Nutikas laevalgusti
NameInWeb LV - Aqara Ceiling Light T1M - Viedā LED lampa
Name LV - Aqara Smart ceiling lamp T1M
name_en - Aqara Ceiling Light T1M
name_et - Aqara nutikas laelamp T1M
name_lv - Aqara Ceiling Light T1M
name_ru - Aqara умный потолочный светильник T1M
NetWeight - 3.0000
Nutivalgusti funktsioonid - Funktsioonid - Hämardamine
Nutivalgusti funktsioonid - Funktsioonid - Hääljuhtimine
Nutivalgusti funktsioonid - Funktsioonid - Kaugjuhtimine
Nutivalgusti funktsioonid - Funktsioonid - RGB
Nutivalgusti funktsioonid - Häälabiline - Amazon Alexa
Nutivalgusti funktsioonid - Häälabiline - Google Assistant
Power - Ieejas spriegums (V) - 100 – 240
Power - Input voltage (V) - 100 – 240
Power supply - power supply - mains
Producer - Aqara
ProducerCode - CL-L02D
ProductCode - CL-L02D
ProductionCountry - CN
SalesUnitOfMeasureCode - tk
Shipping Box Depth Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 56 cm
Shipping Box Height Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 56 cm
Shipping box quantity - 3
Shipping Box Weight Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 10.35 kg
Shipping Box Width Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 37 cm
ShortDescription -
Smart home - compatible with - Aqara Camera Hub G2H Pro
Smart home - compatible with - Aqara Camera Hub G3
Smart home - compatible with - Aqara Hub E1
Smart home - compatible with - Aqara Hub M1S
Smart home - compatible with - Aqara Hub M1S Gen 2
Smart home - compatible with - Aqara Hub M2
Smart light functions - Features - Dimmable
Smart light functions - Features - Remote control
Smart light functions - Features - RGB
Smart light functions - Features - Voice control
Smart light functions - Voice assistant - Amazon Alexa
Smart light functions - Voice assistant - Google Assistant
TariffNo - 94051040
Technical data - Adjustable light temperature - Yes
Technical data - Average life (hours) - 50 000
Technical data - Color temperature (K) - 2700 – 6500
Technical data - Colour rendering index (CRI) - 90
Technical data - Gaismas krāsas temperatūra (K) - 2700 – 6500
Technical data - Jauda (W) - 40
Technical data - Krāsu atveides indekss (CRI) - 90
Technical data - Light type - Ceiling light
Technical data - Power (W) - 40
Technical data - Regulējama gaismas krāsas temperatūra - Jā
Technical data - Vidējais kalpošanas laiks (stundas) - 50 000
Tehnilised andmed - Muudetav valguse temperatuur - Jah
Tehnilised andmed - Valgustemperatuur (K) - 2700 – 6500
Tehnilised andmed - Valgusti tüüp - Laelamp
Tehnilised andmed - Vastupidavus (tundi) - 50 000
Tehnilised andmed - Värviedastusindeks (CRI) - 90
Tehnilised andmed - Võimsus (W) - 40
Toide - Sisendvool (V) - 100 – 240
Unit Box Height - 0.54
Unit Box Length - 0.535
Unit Box Width - 0.115
Unit Brutto Volume - 0.03868 cubm
Unit Gross Weight - 3.45 kg
Unit Net Weight - 3 kg
UnitOfMeasureCode - tk
UnitsPerPackage - 1
Vendor Homepage -
Volume - 0.03499200
Warranty - 24 months
Width - 0.5400
Üldine - Töötemperatuur - -10 – 40 °C
Общее - Рабочая температура - -10 – 40 °C
Питание - Наприжение на входе (В) - 100 – 240
Размеры & вес - Высота (мм) - 495
Размеры & вес - Глубина (мм) - 75
Размеры & вес - Ширина (мм) - 495
Технические данные - Индекс цветопередачи (CRI) - 90
Технические данные - Мощность (W) - 40
Технические данные - Регулируемая температура света - Да
Технические данные - Средняя продолжительность жизни (часы) - 50 000
Технические данные - Температура света (K) - 2700 – 6500
Технические данные - Тип светильника - Потолочный светильник
Функции умного светильника - Голосовой помощник - Amazon Alexa
Функции умного светильника - Голосовой помощник - Google Assistant
Функции умного светильника - Особенности - RGB
Функции умного светильника - Особенности - Голосовое управление
Функции умного светильника - Особенности - Диммирование
Функции умного светильника - Особенности - Дистанционное управление
172.49 €
Aqara Ceiling Light T1M | Inteligentna lampa sufitowa | oprawa sufitowa, RGBIC, Zigbee, Matter
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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