Picture may differ from actual product, there can be accessories and parts not supplied with the actual product.
ID: 1147688 Product code: AEMAG-002
In stock >50 units
Warranty: 2 years
48.90 €
Delivery options
  • Delivery to Smartpost 1.99 €: on Friday, 21.03.2025
  • Delivery to Omniva parcel locker 1.99 €: on Friday, 21.03.2025
  • Courier delivery 3.99 €: on Friday, 21.03.2025
More detailed specification
barcode - 810116382163
brand - GoPro
category_en - Action camera accessories
category_et - Seikluskaamerate tarvikud
category_lv - Sporta/piedzīvojumu kameru piederumi
category_ru - Принадлежности для экшн-камер
description_en - The Magnetic Latch Ball Joint Mount makes it easy to move your HERO13 Black between GoPro mounting setups1 so your camera can rotate and tilt to capture new angles. Magnets line up the adapter with your camera, then auto-engaging latches lock it in without thumb screws and release it with a pinch. Built tough with a metal shell, this mount is ready for action. Includes 1 Magnetic Latch Ball Joint Head and a Ball Joint Socket Mounting Buckle Lets you easily and quickly swap HERO13 Black between mounting setups¹ without thumb screws Ball joint gives you flexibility to rotate and tilt your mounted camera for additional versatility Ball joint latch securely locks your camera in place, but easily unlocks when you want to adjust the capture angle Magnets align your camera with the mount and helps lock it in when the camera is latched onto the adapter Symmetrical design allows you to attach your camera to the mount facing either direction Two-button pinching action immediately releases the camera Ball joint head can be easily swapped into the built-in ball socket of GoPro’s 3-Way 2.0 or the ball socket adapter included with GoPro’s Extension Pole Durable metal construction keeps the adapter rigid and secure Compatible with most GoPro mounts (not compatible with Shorty, Head Strap, Tripods, Max Grip or Volta)
description_et - Vaheta kinnitusi ja vaatenurki ilma hetkegi kaotamata
GoPro Magnetic Latch Ball Joint Mount muudab HERO13 Blacki kinnituste vahetamise lihtsamaks kui kunagi varem, et saaksid kaamerat erinevate nurkade jäädvustamiseks pöörata ja kallutada. Magnetic Latch Ball Joint Mount kasutab kaamera joondamiseks sisseehitatud magneteid, nii et Sul ei jää muud teha, kui see paika klõpsata – isegi pöidlakruvi pole vaja. Kaamera vabastamiseks vajuta lihtsalt lukke. Komplektis 1 Magnetic Latch Ball Joint Head ja Ball Joint Socket Mounting Buckle Võimaldab hõlpsalt ja kiiresti vahetada HERO13 Black kinnituste vahel ilma pöidlakruvita Kuulliigend annab paindlikkuse kaamera pööramiseks ja kallutamiseks Kuulliigendi lukk lukustab kaamera kindlalt paigale, kuid avaneb hõlpsasti, kui soovid võttenurka reguleerida Magnetiline kahe lukuga disain joondub kaameraga ja aitab seda lukustada, kui kaamera on adapterisse surutud Sümmeetriline disain võimaldab kinnitada kaamera mõlemas suunas Kahe luku pigistamine vabastab kaamera koheselt Kuulliigendi pea saab hõlpsasti vahetada GoPro 3-Way 2.0 sisseehitatud kuulpesa või GoPro Extension Pole'iga kaasas olevasse kuulpesa adapterisse Vastupidav metallkonstruktsioon hoiab adapteri jäiga ja turvalisena Ühildub enamiku GoPro kinnitustega (ei ühildu: Shorty, Head Strap, Tripods, Max Grip ega Volta)
description_lv -
description_ru -
description_short_en - Magnetic GoPro mount with a ball joint Allows quick switching between mounts Compatible with most GoPro mounts Secure hold, quick release For GoPro HERO13 Black
description_short_et - Magnetiline kuulliigendiga GoPro kiirkinnitus Võimaldab kaamerat kinnituste vahel kiirelt tõsta Ühildub enamiku GoPro kinnitustega Turvaline kinnitus, kiire vabastamine GoPro HERO13 Black seikluskaamerale
description_short_lv -
description_short_ru - Магнитное быстрое крепление GoPro с шаровым шарниромПозволяет быстро поднять камеру между креплениямиСовместим с большинством креплений GoProНадежная посадка, быстрый выпускДля экшн-камеры GoPro HERO13 Black
feature_group_en - Action cam mounts
feature_group_et - Seikluskaamera kinnitused
feature_group_lv - Piedzīvojumu kameru stiprinājumi
feature_group_ru - Крепления для экшн-камер
General - Compatible models - GoPro HERO13 Black
General - Mount type - Quick release mount
General - Savietojamie modeļi - GoPro HERO13 Black
Height - 45.000000
Length - 145.000000
Manufacturer - GOPRO
ManufacturerPartNumber - AEMAG-002
manufacturer_code - AEMAG-002
name_en - GoPro Magnetic Latch Ball Joint Mount (HERO13 Black)
name_et - GoPro Magnetic Latch Ball Joint Mount (HERO13 Black)
name_lv - GoPro Magnetic Latch Ball Joint Mount (HERO13 Black)
name_ru - GoPro Magnetic Latch Ball Joint Mount (HERO13 Black)
PeriodofWarranty - 2 Y
Weight - 0.090000
Width - 100.000000
Üldine - Kinnituse tüüp - Kiirkinnitus
Üldine - Sobivad kaameramudelid - GoPro HERO13 Black
Общее - Совместимые модели камер - GoPro HERO13 Black
Общее - Тип крепления - Быстросъемное крепление
48.90 €
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