Aqara G4 Doobrell, 1080p Full HD, Face Recognition, Free Cloud And Local Storage, Black

Picture may differ from actual product, there can be accessories and parts not supplied with the actual product.
ID: 951825 Product code: SVD-C03
In stock 6 units
Warranty: 2 years
119.73 €
Delivery options
  • Delivery to Smartpost 1.99 €: 18.03.2025
  • Delivery to Omniva parcel locker 1.99 €: 18.03.2025
  • Courier delivery 3.99 €: 18.03.2025
All parameters
Aperture : Nav norādīts
Atmiņas kartes ligzda : microSD
Colour : Melna
Encoding : Nav Minēts
Feeding : 12V adapteris, Baterijas
FPS at maximum resolution : Nav Minēts
Microphone : Ir
Network connections : Ir
Number of cameras per set : 1
Operating temperature MAX (°C) : 50
Operating temperature MIN (°C) : -18
Resolution : 1920x1080
SIM card socket : Nav
Use : Indoor only
Viewing angle : 162°
Water resistance : N/A
Weight (g) : 163
More detailed specification
barcode - 6970504218659
Battery - Battery type - AA
brand - Aqara
BrandCode - AQARA
Camera - built-in speaker
Camera - human detection
Camera - int. microphone
Camera - night vision
Camera - effective pixels - 2.1
Category - Root/Electronics/Networks and communication/Monitoring/Video intercom
Category Code - HAU
category_en - Smart home
category_et - Nutikodu
category_lv - Gudrā māja
category_ru - Смарт дом
Climate - operating temperature - -18 - 50
Colour - Black
Description - - 162° wide angle and 1080p resolution - 95 dB Chime-Repeater included - MicroSD Storage of up to 512 GB - Free Cloud Storage of up to 7 Days - On-Device Face Recognition and Logs - Face, Loitering and Tamper Alarm - HomeKit, Google, Alexa and IFTTT - Wired or 4-Month Battery-powered
description_en - Let you know who is at the door, quickly & effortlessly
The built-in AI-based face recognition algorithms will let you mark the faces of your family members and frequent visitor in Aqara Home app, reduce false alerts and notifications, and even configure automatic replies or trigger smart home automations, that will work even if the internet connection is down. Multi-ecosystem support & enhanced security with HSV
As a truly battery-powered video doorbell, everything is encrypted before it's stored in iCloud for enhanced security. Video analysis and notifications could happen on all your Apple devices, such as iPad, iPhone, Apple TV. For Google and Alexa users, it also supports local streaming to Nest and Echo smart displays. And, the G4 is planned to recieve Matter support via an OTA update. 7 days of free storage
The G4 offers cloud storage of up to 7 days without any hidden fees. Even in case the outdoor unit is tampered, and up to 6 second clip preceding this event will be sent to the cloud. Protected local storage for 24/7 recording
Use a microSD card of up to 512 GB for 24/7 recording. The microSD card is housed in the Chime Repeater so that it cannot be accessed or tampered from outdoors. Moreover, in the future the videos can be backed up automatically to a NAS for free. Higher resolution & wider angle
Thanks to the 162° wide-angle field of view, a crisp 1080p sensor and infrared night vision, you will view it clearly no matter at day or at night. You can check out and respond to it through two-way audio anytime and anywhere. Hot & cold weather protection
Thank to its IP rating, the G4 is safe to be installed on the porch. It will resist almost any condition: direct sunlight during the hot sunny days, long winters and even rainy days. Dual powering options for the outdoor unit
Various scenarios have been considered for you. You can choose from 6-battery pack, or wire it to a transformer, and the batteries will only be used in case of power outage. Indoor chime-repeater included
The unique Chime-Repeater is equipped with a loud 95 dB speaker and USB-C port for more flexible placement. Apart from that, it can be powered from a powerbank or mini-UPS for battery backup. Voice changing option
To better protect privacy, it is supported to change the voice of the intercom audio to uncle voice, robot voice, and clown voice. Various abnormal state alarms
Face, loitering, and tamper alerts are supported. You will get notified, sound a loud siren or even play a pre-recorded message in case any of these events are detected. Personalized custom ringtones
Ringtones are customizable for both outdoor unit and indoor repeater, and they can be used as a part of automations. Set masking area
Up to 3 designated areas in the screen can be set for privacy protection of neighbors. This function is fully considered for users living in apartment building. G4 is a viable part of Aqara Home alert system
Together with the Aqara Zigbee hubs, the G4 will become not only a security camera that will record what is happening on your porch, but also a loud 95 dB siren that will alarm in case a break in, vibration, water leak or other events are detected. Automations triggered by face detection
Smart home control has become tailored: if you enter your home, only devices you need will be controlled automatically. Also, you will be able to configure different actions that will be triggered in case your family member, dog walker or any other particular person is detected.
description_et - Tea alati, kes on ukse taga
Sisseehitatud tehisintellektil põhinevad näotuvastusalgoritmid võimaldavad Sul Aqara Home rakenduses märkida oma pereliikmete ja sagedaste külastajate näod, vähendada valehäireid ning isegi konfigureerida automaatseid vastuseid või käivitada nutikodu automaatika, mis töötab ka internetiühenduse katkemisel. Mitmekülgne ühilduvus
Enne iCloudi salvestamist krüpteeritakse kõik ära, et turvalisust suurendada. Videoanalüüs ja märguanded toimivad kõigis Sinu Apple’i seadmetes, nagu iPad, iPhone, Apple TV. Google’i ja Alexa kasutajate jaoks toetab see ka kohalikku voogesitust Nesti ja Echo nutiekraanidele. 7 päeva tasuta salvestusruumi
G4 pakub pilvesalvestust kuni 7 päeva ilma varjatud tasudeta. Isegi juhul, kui välisseadet rikutakse, saadetakse kuni 6-sekundiline klipp selle sündmuse kohta pilve. Kohalik salvestusruum ööpäevaringseks salvestamiseks
Ööpäevaringseks salvestamiseks kasuta kuni 512 GB microSD mälukaarti. MicroSD-kaart paikneb Chime Repeateris, et sellele ei pääseks ligi ukse tagant. Kõrgem eraldusvõime ja laiem nurk
Tänu eriti laiale, 162° vaateväljale, teravale 1080p sensorile ja infrapuna öörežiimile näed selgelt nii päeval kui ka öösel. Saad uksetagust alati kontrollida ja sellele vastata kahesuunalise heli kaudu igal ajal ja igal pool. Kaitse kuuma ja külma ilma vastu
G4 talub peaaegu kõiki tingimusi: otsest päikesevalgust kuumadel päikesepaistelistel päevadel, pikka talve ja isegi vihmaseid päevi. Välisseadme kaks toitevõimalust
Saad valida 6 aku vahel või ühendada selle trafoga, et akusid kasutatakse ainult elektrikatkestuse korral. Kaasas Chime-Repeater
Ainulaadne Chime-Repeater on varustatud valju 95 dB kõlariga ja USB-C liidesega, mis tagab paindlikuma paigutuse. Peale selle saab seda aku varundamiseks toita akupangast või mini-UPS kaudu. Hääle muutmise võimalus
Privaatsuse paremaks kaitsmiseks toetatakse hääle muutmist onu, roboti ja klouni hääleks. Isikupärastatud kohandatud helinad
Helinad on kohandatavad nii välisseadme kui ka Chime-Repeater’i jaoks ning neid saab kasutada automaatika osana. Määra maskeerimisala
Naabrite privaatsuse kaitseks saab määrata ekraanil kuni kolm määratud ala. See funktsioon on täielikult loodud kortermajades elavatele kasutajatele. Aqara Home süsteemi osa
Koos Aqara Zigbee Hub’iga saab G4-st mitte ainult turvakaamera, mis salvestab Sinu ukse taga toimuvat, vaid ka vali 95 dB sireen, mis annab häire sissemurdmise, vibratsiooni, veelekke või muude tuvastatud sündmuste korral. Näotuvastusega käivitatud automaatika
Nutika kodu juhtimine on muutunud veelgi personaalsemaks: kui sisened oma koju, juhitakse automaatselt ainult Sulle vajalikke seadmeid. Samuti saad seadistada erinevaid toiminguid, mis käivituvad juhul, kui Sinu pereliige või mõni muu konkreetne inimene tuvastatakse.
description_lv -
description_ru -
description_short_en - Smart video doorbell with WiFi 1920 × 1080 resolution & night vision 162° wide-angle field of view Facial recognition & two-way audio Weatherproof design
description_short_et - WiFi ühendusega nutikas video-uksekell 1920 × 1080 lahutusvõime & öörežiim Eriti lai, 162° vaateväli Näotuvastus & kahesuunaline kõne Ilmastikukindel disain
description_short_lv -
description_short_ru - Умный дверной видеозвонок с подключением к Wi-FiРазрешение 1920×1080 и ночной режимСверхширокое поле зрения 162°Распознавание лиц и двусторонний разговорВсепогодный дизайн
Dimensions - depth - 3.04
Dimensions - height - 14.15
Dimensions - weight - 163
Dimensions - width - 6.5
DSLR lenses - viewing angle - 162
EAN - 6970504218659
Eans - 6970504218659
feature_group_en - Doorbells
feature_group_et - Uksekellad
feature_group_lv - Durvju zvani
feature_group_ru - Дверные звонки
Full Description Line - Model name Doorbell G4|Colour Black|Unit Net Weight 0.4 kg
Functions - configuration using app
Functions - microphone
Functions - motion detection
Functions - speakers
Functions - two-way talk
Functions - voice control support - Amazon Alexa
Functions - voice control support - Google Assistant
General parameters - colour - black
General parameters - manufacturer - Aqara
GrossWeight - 0.5380
Height - 0.1500
Interfaces - Apple HomeKit
Interfaces - Aqara Home
Interfaces - Google Home
Interfaces - Matter
Interfaces - WiFi
Length - 0.1000
LongDescription EN - Local Storage Option
In addition to cloud storage, the G4 offers a local storage option on a MicroSD card, providing extra security and convenience. Security and Privacy
The G4 doorbell features face recognition and loitering-based recording, which can be customized in settings, ensuring both security and privacy. User-Friendly Design
The G4 doorbell is designed to be user-friendly, offering easy installation and convenient control, making it an ideal choice for any homeowner.
LongDescription ET - Kohalik salvestusvõimalus
Lisaks pilvesalvestusele pakub G4 kohalikku salvestusvõimalust MicroSD-kaardil, pakkudes lisaturvalisust ja mugavust. Turvalisus ja privaatsus
G4 uksekell võimaldab näotuvastust ja viivitusega salvestamist, mida saab seadetes kohandada, tagades nii turvalisuse kui ka privaatsuse. Kasutajasõbralik disain
G4 uksekell on loodud kasutajasõbralikuks, pakkudes lihtsat paigaldust ja mugavat juhtimist, muutes selle ideaalseks valikuks igale koduomanikule.
LongDescription LV - Lokālās krātuves opcija
Papildus mākoņkrātuvei G4 piedāvā lokālās atmiņas iespēju MicroSD kartē, nodrošinot papildu drošību un ērtības. Drošība un privātums
G4 durvju zvanam ir sejas atpazīšanas funkcija, ko var pielāgot iestatījumos, nodrošinot gan drošību, gan privātumu. Lietotājam draudzīgs dizains
G4 durvju zvans ir izstrādāts tā, lai tas būtu lietotājam draudzīgs, piedāvājot vienkāršu uzstādīšanu un ērtu vadību, padarot to par ideālu izvēli jebkuram mājas īpašniekam.
manufacturer_code - SVD-C03
MediumDescription EN - Aqara Smart Video Doorbell G4 on a smart doorbell, providing a secure and convenient solution for those looking for a smart doorbell. Requires the Aqara Smart Home Hub, which is sold separately for use! • Local MicroSD card storage
• Face recognition and delayed recording
• Compatible with various ecosystems
• Doorbell inside the house
MediumDescription ET - Aqara Smart Video Doorbell G4 on nutikas uksekell. See on ideaalne lahendus neile, kes soovivad turvalist ja mugavat uksekella. Kasutamiseks vajalik Aqara nutikodu jaam, mis on müügil eraldi!• Kohalik MicroSD-kaardi salvestus
• Näotuvastus ja viivitusega salvestamine
• Ühilduv erinevate ökosüsteemidega
• Uksekell toas
MediumDescription LV - Aqara Smart Video Doorbell G4 uz viedais durvju zvans kas nodrošina drošu un ērtu risinājumu tiem, kas meklē viedo durvju zvanu. Nepieciešams Aqara Smart Home Hub, kas tiek pārdots atsevišķi! • MicroSD kartes krātuve;
• Sejas atpazīšana un aizkavēta ierakstīšana;
• Savietojams ar dažādām ekosistēmām;
• Durvju zvans mājas iekšienē.
Memory card reader - max. memory card capacity - 512
Memory card reader - supported memory cards - micro-SD
MicroSD Card Slot Input/Output connectors - 1
Model - SVD-C03
Model name - Doorbell G4
Name - Aqara G4 Doorbell (Czarny)
Name EN - Aqara Doorbell G4
Name ET - Aqara Doorbell G4
NameInWeb EN - Aqara Smart Video Doorbell G4, 1080p, black - Smart Doorbell with Camera
NameInWeb ET - Aqara Smart Video Doorbell G4, 1080p, must - Nutikas uksekell kaameraga
NameInWeb LV - Aqara Smart Video Doorbell G4, 1080p, melna - Viedais durvju zvans ar kameru
Name LV - Aqara Doorbell G4
name_en - Aqara Smart Video Doorbell G4
name_et - Aqara Smart Video Doorbell G4
name_lv - Aqara Smart Video Doorbell G4
name_ru - Aqara Smart Video Doorbell G4
NetWeight - 0.4000
Power supply - power supply - battery
Power supply - power supply - USB-C
Producer - Aqara
ProducerCode - SVD-C03
ProductCode - SVD-C03
ProductionCountry - CN
SalesUnitOfMeasureCode - tk
Shipping Box Depth Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 10 cm
Shipping Box Height Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 15 cm
Shipping box quantity - 1
Shipping Box Weight Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 0.538 kg
Shipping Box Width Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 7.5 cm
ShortDescription - Aqara Smart Video Doorbell G4 Czarny | Wideodomofon | Dzwonek do drzwi, Kamera monitoring, Apple Homekit, 6x bateria AA LR6, kamera 1080p, Wi-Fi
Smart home - compatible with - Aqara Camera Hub G2H Pro
Smart home - compatible with - Aqara Camera Hub G3
Smart home - compatible with - Aqara Hub E1
Smart home - compatible with - Aqara Hub M1S
Smart home - compatible with - Aqara Hub M1S Gen 2
Smart home - compatible with - Aqara Hub M2
TariffNo - 85176200
Unit Box Height - 0.15
Unit Box Length - 0.1
Unit Box Width - 0.075
Unit Brutto Volume - 0.001125 cubm
Unit Gross Weight - 0.538 kg
Unit Net Weight - 0.4 kg
UnitOfMeasureCode - tk
UnitsPerPackage - 1
USB-C Input/Output connectors - 1
Vendor Homepage -
Volume - 0.00112500
Warranty - 24 months
Width - 0.0750
119.73 €
Aqara G4 Doobrell, 1080p Full HD, Face Recognition, Free Cloud And Local Storage, Black
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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