Reolink Go Series G440, 2160p(4K), 8MP, 4G, White

Picture may differ from actual product, there can be accessories and parts not supplied with the actual product.
ID: 1075846 Product code: REO-GO-G440
In stock >50 units
Warranty: 2 years
246.64 €
Delivery options
  • Delivery to Smartpost 1.99 €: 01.04.2025
  • Delivery to Omniva parcel locker 1.99 €: 01.04.2025
  • Courier delivery 3.99 €: 01.04.2025
All parameters
Aperture : Nav norādīts
Atmiņas kartes ligzda : microSD
Colour : Balta
Encoding : H.264, H.265
Feeding : Baterijas, PoE, USB
FPS at maximum resolution : 15
Microphone : Ir
Network connections : 3G, 4G
Number of cameras per set : 1
Operating temperature MAX (°C) : 55
Operating temperature MIN (°C) : -10
Resolution : 3840x2160
SIM card socket : Mikro
Use : Indoor/Outdoor
Viewing angle : 90°
Water resistance : IP64
Weight (g) : 496
More detailed specification
Audio - Audio system - 2-way
Audio - Built-in microphone - Yes
Audio - Built-in speaker(s) - Yes
barcode - 6975253983261
Battery - solar panel support
Battery - capacity - 21.6
Brand - Reolink
brand - Reolink
BrandCode - Reolink
BrandPartCode - 6975253983261
Camera - built-in lights
Camera - built-in speaker
Camera - human detection
Camera - int. microphone
Camera - night vision
Camera - camera type - outdoor camera
Camera - effective pixels - 8
Camera - Grozāma horizontāli - 355°
Camera - Grozāma vertikāli - 140°
Camera - Horizontal swivel - 355°
Camera - Lens viewing angle, diagonal - 110°
Camera - Lens viewing angle, horizontal - 90°
Camera - Lens viewing angle, vertical - 47°
Camera - Megapikseļi - 8 megapikseļi
Camera - Megapixels - 8 megapixels
Camera - Pan range - 0 - 355°
Camera - Sensora izmērs - 1/2.7" type
Camera - Sensora tips - CMOS
Camera - Sensor size - 1/2.7" type
Camera - Sensor type - CMOS
Camera - Tilt angle range - 0 - 140°
Camera - Vertical swivel - 140°
Category - Root/Electronics/Networks and communication/Monitoring/Monitoring IP
Category - Security Cameras
Category 1 - Netzwerk
Category 2 - Netzwerkkameras
category_en - Smart home
category_et - Nutikodu
category_lv - Gudrā māja
category_ru - Смарт дом
Climate - operating temperature - -10 - 55
Code - B4GPT4K04
Connectivity - Connectivity - Mobile internet
description_en - Smart 4K 8MP Wireless 4G LTE PT Battery Camera with Color Night Vision 4K 8MP Ultra HD Battery/Solar Powered Smart Detection 355° Pan & 140° Tilt 4G LTE Now Comes with 4K & PT
Experience the industry-leading blend of 3G/4G LTE connectivity, stunning 4K, and smooth pan-tilt with this solar-powered battery camera. Offering unmatched convenience and portable security, it grants you peace of mind in any location, at any moment. No WiFi? 4G LTE's Got Your Back
Needs a Nano SIM card and a cellular data plan before using. 360° View in 4K Clarity
Equipped with 4K 8MP (3840x2160) resolution, this camera delivers incredibly detailed footage, and with 355° pan and 140° tilt capabilities, it achieves an all-around coverage. By setting preset points, you can check all the priority monitoring areas with a single click. Two Night Vision Modes
In addition to clear black & white night vision, Go Series G440 also offers vivid color night vision powered by spotlights, even in total darkness. Never miss any hard-to-see details at night. Smart Detection, Double Warning
By distinguishing people, vehicles, and animals, this camera informs you of events that matter in real time and greatly cuts down false alarms. Simultaneously, motion spotlights and siren will also be activated as an extra deterrence, or you can choose to control them manually via the Reolink App/Client. Eco-Friendly & Cost-Saving Rechargeable Battery. Go Series G440 is equipped with a battery that can be charged quickly. A full charge allows for long wireless runtime! Solar Panel. The 6W Reolink Solar Panel 2 delivers continuous, uninterrupted power for your security needs. By adjusting the panel angle as needed, you can optimize sunlight absorption throughout the day. Everything Under Control, Anywhere & Anytime Real-Time Alert. Once suspicious events are detected, the camera will send you instant alerts via push notifications and emails. You can also set detection sensitivity for more accurate alerts. Live View. Watch real-time video feeds from your property and keep an eye on what matters most, anytime, anywhere. Smart Playback. Filter the stored video recordings by event type and timeline to find the clip you need in just a snap. Customizable Detection Zone. By customizing detection zones, you can choose where you want to be alerted and where you don't. The Magic of Time Lapse
Time-lapse videos show an enchanting world where long-term events take place in minutes or seconds. Secure Storage Options
Save your motion recordings locally to a microSD card (up to 128GB, 32GB pre-installed). Survive Rain, Snow, and Wind
This weatherproof smart IP camera works perfectly both inside and outside your home, even in harsh weather conditions.
description_et - 3G/4G LTE turvakaamera 3840 × 2160 videosalvestus Nähtavus pimedas kuni 10 meetrit Nutikas inimese/sõiduki/looma tuvastamine Kahesuunaline kõne Laetav aku või päikeseenergia 355° pööratav ja 140° kallutatav disain IP64 ilmastikukindel disain 4G LTE nüüd koos 4K ja PT-ga
Koge selle akukaameraga 3G/4G LTE ühendust, hämmastavat 4K-formaati ja sujuvat panoraami. See pakub mugavust ja kaasaskantavat turvalisust, mis tagab Sulle meelerahu igal pool ja igal hetkel. WiFi puudub? 4G LTE on Sinu jaoks olemas
Vajab enne kasutamist Nano SIM-kaarti ja mobiilside andmesideplaani. 360° vaade 4K-selguses
See kaamera on varustatud 4K 8 MP (3840 × 2160) lahutusvõimega, mis tagab uskumatult üksikasjaliku pildimaterjali ning 355° pöörde- ja 140° kallutusvõimalusega saavutab kõikehõlmava katvuse. Eelseadistatud punktide abil saad ühe klõpsuga kontrollida kõiki esmatähtsaid jälgimisalasid. Kaks öövaatlusrežiimi
Lisaks selgele mustvalgele öönägemisele pakub turvakaamera ka elavat värvilist öönägemist, mida toidavad prožektorid, isegi täielikus pimeduses. Sul ei jää enam kunagi öösel raskesti nähtavad detailid märkamata. Keskkonnasõbralik ja kulusäästlik Taaslaetav aku. Go PT Ultra on akuga, mida saab kiiresti laadida. Täislaeng võimaldab pikka juhtmevaba tööaega! Päikesepaneel. 6W Reolink päikesepaneel 2 abil saab umbes 10-minutilise laadimisega anda piisavalt energiat igapäevaseks kasutamiseks. Reguleerides paneeli nurka vastavalt vajadusele, saad optimeerida päikesevalguse neeldumist kogu päeva jooksul. Kõik kontrolli all, igal pool ja igal ajal Reaalajas häire. Kui kahtlased sündmused on tuvastatud, saadab kaamera Sulle koheselt teateid ka e-kirjade kaudu. Täpsemate teavituste saamiseks saad määrata ka tuvastamise tundlikkust. Otsepilt. Vaata reaalajas videovooge oma kinnisvarast ja hoia silma peal sellel, mis on kõige tähtsam, igal ajal ja igal pool. Nutikas taasesitus. Filtreeri jäädvustatud videosalvestusi sündmuse tüübi ja ajajoone järgi, et leida vajaminev klipp hetkega. Kohandatav tuvastustsoon. Tuvastustsoonide kohandamisega saad valida, kus soovid, et Sind hoiatatakse ja kus mitte. Kiirendatud video maagia
Timelapse videod näitavad lummavat maailma, kus pikaajalised sündmused toimuvad minutite või sekundite jooksul. Nutikas tuvastamine, topelthoiatus
Eristades inimesi, sõidukeid ja loomi, teavitab kaamera Sind reaalajas olulistest sündmustest ja vähendab oluliselt valehäireid. Samaaegselt aktiveeruvad täiendava hoiatusena ka prožektor ja sireen või saad neid käsitsi juhtida Reolinki rakenduse kaudu. Turvalise salvestamise võimalused
Salvesta oma liikumised kohalikult microSD-kaardile (kuni 128 GB, 32 GB on eelpaigaldatud). Talub vihma, lund ja tuult
See ilmastikukindel nutikas IP-kaamera töötab suurepäraselt nii kodus kui ka väljas, isegi rasketes ilmastikutingimustes.
description_lv -
description_ru -
description_short_en - High-quality 3G/4G LTE security camera 3840 × 2160 recording, clear picture day & night Two-way audio, integrated siren & spotlight Smart person, vehicle & pet detection IP64 weatherproof design
description_short_et - Kvaliteetne 3G/4G LTE turvakaamera 3840 × 2160 salvestus, selge pilt päeval & öösel Kahesuunaline kõne, integreeritud sireen & valgusti Nutikas inimese, sõiduki & looma tuvastamine IP64 ilmastikukindel disain
description_short_lv -
description_short_ru - Высококачественная камера видеонаблюдения 3G/4G LTEЗапись 3840×2160, четкое изображение днем ​​и ночьюДвусторонний вызов, встроенная сирена и светУмное обнаружение людей, транспортных средств и животныхIP64 защищенный от атмосферных воздействий дизайн
Design - Form factor - Dome
Design - International Protection (IP) code - IP64
Design - Mounting type - Wall
Design - Product colour - White
Design - Protection features - Waterproof
Design - Weatherproof - Yes
Design > Chassis type - Dome
Design > Protection features - IP64
Dimensions & weight - Augstums (mm) - 122
Dimensions & weight - Height (mm) - 122
Dimensions & weight - Platums (mm) - 98
Dimensions & weight - Svars (g) - 496
Dimensions & weight - Weight (g) - 496
Dimensions & weight - Width (mm) - 98
Dimensions - height - 9.8
Dimensions - weight - 496
Dimensions - width - 12.2
DSLR lenses - viewing angle - 120
EAN - 6975253983261
Eans - 6975253983261
feature_group_en - Security cameras
feature_group_et - Turvakaamerad
feature_group_lv - Drošības kameras
feature_group_ru - Камеры наблюдения
Functions - configuration using app
Functions - light sensor
Functions - live view
Functions - motion detection
Functions - siren
Functions - two-way talk
Functions - Aizsardzība pret apkārtējās vides iedarbību - IP64
Functions - Features - AI human detection
Functions - Features - Alarm
Functions - Features - Animal detection
Functions - Features - Built-in spotlight
Functions - Features - Configurable detection area
Functions - Features - Integrated light sensor
Functions - Features - Motion detection
Functions - Features - Night vision
Functions - Features - Remote control
Functions - Features - Rotatable design
Functions - Features - Two-way talk
Functions - Features - Vehicle detection
Functions - Features - Voice control
Functions - Night vision range - Up to 10 m
Functions - Voice assistant - Amazon Alexa
Functions - Voice assistant - Google Assistant
Functions - voice control support - Google Assistant
Functions - Weather sealing - IP64
General - Color - White
General - Darba temperatūra - -10 – 55 °C
General - Krāsa - Balta
General - Operating temperature - -10 – 55 °C
General parameters - colour - white
General parameters - manufacturer - Reolink
General parameters - protection level - IP64
GrossWeight - 1.0240
GTIN - 6975253983261
Height - 0.1620
Image sensor - Number of sensors - 1
Image sensor - Optical sensor size - 25.4 / 2.7 mm (1 / 2.7")
Image sensor - Sensor type - CMOS
Interfaces - 4G LTE
Interfaces - Google Home
Interfaces - USB-C
Kaamera - Liikumine horisontaalselt - 355°
Kaamera - Liikumine vertikaalselt - 140°
Kaamera - Megapiksleid - 8 megapikslit
Kaamera - Sensori suurus - 1/2,7" tüüpi
Kaamera - Sensori tüüp - CMOS
Length - 0.1350
Lens system - Digital zoom - 16x
Lens system - Fixed focus - Yes
Lens system - Zoom capability - Yes
Lens system > Lens type - Fixed
Link -
LongDescription EN - 4K Ultra HD and Flexible Viewing Angle
The Reolink Go G440 camera is equipped with a 4K 8MP (3840x2160) resolution, ensuring exceptionally detailed image quality. With 355° panoramic and 140° tilt control, the camera covers a wide field of view, allowing easy monitoring of all crucial areas with just one press of a button. This makes the camera an ideal solution for both indoor and outdoor use, providing a complete overview.
Wireless Operation and Solar Power
The Reolink Go G440 operates completely wirelessly, using a rechargeable battery and solar panel, ensuring continuous and uninterrupted power. This makes the camera a flexible solution for locations without electrical connections. The solar panel allows the camera to be charged with sunlight, reducing energy costs and increasing sustainability.
Smart Detection and Alerts
The camera distinguishes between people, vehicles, and animals, providing real-time notifications for only significant events. Additionally, the camera can activate motion-sensor-based spotlights and a siren, enhancing security and serving as an additional deterrent. Users can manage and customize these features via the Reolink App/Client.
Color Night Vision and Weather Resistance
The Reolink Go G440 offers two night vision modes: color and black-and-white, ensuring clear visibility even in complete darkness. The camera is built to withstand various weather conditions, including rain, snow, and wind, making it a reliable solution for all seasons.
Real-Time Monitoring and Secure Recording
The camera allows for real-time monitoring and recording, offering smart playback features that simplify finding and analyzing recordings. Recordings can be securely stored on a microSD card (up to 128GB, with 32GB pre-installed), providing additional security and access to important data.
LongDescription ET - 4K Ultra HD ja paindlik vaateväli
Reolink Go G440 kaamera on varustatud 4K 8MP (3840x2160) resolutsiooniga, mis tagab erakordselt detailse pildikvaliteedi. Tänu 355° panoraam- ja 140° kaldenurga juhtimisele katab kaamera laia vaatevälja, võimaldades hõlpsalt jälgida kõiki olulisi piirkondi vaid ühe nupuvajutusega. See muudab kaamera ideaalseks lahenduseks nii sise- kui ka välistingimustes, pakkudes täielikku ülevaadet.
Juhtmevaba töö ja päikeseenergia toide
Reolink Go G440 töötab täiesti juhtmevabalt, kasutades laaditavat akut ja päikesepaneeli, mis tagab pideva ja katkematu toite. See muudab kaamera paindlikuks lahenduseks igasugustes asukohtades, kus puudub elektriühendus. Päikesepaneel võimaldab kaamerat laadida ka päikesevalguse abil, vähendades energiakulusid ja suurendades jätkusuutlikkust.
Nutika tuvastamise ja hoiatuste funktsioonid
Kaamera eristab inimesi, sõidukeid ja loomi, pakkudes reaalajas teavitusi ainult oluliste sündmuste kohta. Lisaks saab kaamera aktiveerida liikumisanduri põhised prožektorid ja sireeni, mis suurendavad turvalisust ja toimivad täiendava hoiatavana. Kasutajad saavad neid funktsioone hallata ja kohandada Reolink App/Client rakenduse kaudu.
Värviline öönägemine ja ilmastikukindlus
Reolink Go G440 pakub kahte öönägemisrežiimi: värvilist ja must-valget, mis tagavad selge pildi ka täielikus pimeduses. Kaamera on ehitatud vastu pidama erinevatele ilmastikutingimustele, sealhulgas vihmale, lumele ja tuulele, muutes selle usaldusväärseks lahenduseks igal aastaajal.
Reaalajas jälgimine ja turvaline salvestamine
Kaamera võimaldab reaalajas jälgimist ja salvestamist, pakkudes nutikaid taasesituse funktsioone, mis lihtsustavad salvestiste leidmist ja analüüsi. Salvestisi saab turvaliselt talletada microSD-kaardile (kuni 128GB, 32GB on eelinstallitud), pakkudes lisaturvalisust ja ligipääsu olulistele andmetele.
LongDescription LV - 4K Ultra HD un elastīgs skata leņķis
Kamera Reolink Go G440 ir aprīkota ar 4K 8MP (3840x2160) izšķirtspēju, nodrošinot īpaši detalizētu attēla kvalitāti. Ar 355° panorāmas un 140° slīpuma vadību, kamera aptver plašu redzes lauku, ļaujot viegli pārraudzīt visas svarīgākās zonas, tikai nospiežot vienu pogu. Tas padara kameru par ideālu risinājumu gan iekštelpu, gan āra lietošanai, nodrošinot pilnīgu pārskatu. Bezvadu darbība un saules enerģija
Reolink Go G440 darbojas pilnīgi bezvadu režīmā, izmantojot uzlādējamu akumulatoru un saules paneli (nopērkams atsevišķi), nodrošinot nepārtrauktu barošanu. Tas padara kameru par elastīgu risinājumu vietām bez elektrības pieslēguma. Saules panelis ļauj uzlādēt kameru ar saules gaismu, samazinot enerģijas izmaksas un palielinot ilgtspējību. Viedā noteikšana un brīdinājumi
Kamera atšķir cilvēkus, transportlīdzekļus un dzīvniekus, nodrošinot reāllaika paziņojumus tikai par nozīmīgiem notikumiem. Turklāt, kamera var aktivizēt uz kustības sensoru balstītus prožektorus un sirēnu, uzlabojot drošību un kalpojot kā papildu atbaidīšanas līdzeklis. Lietotāji var pārvaldīt un pielāgot šīs funkcijas, izmantojot Reolink lietotni. Krāsu nakts redzamība un laikapstākļu izturība
Reolink Go G440 piedāvā divus nakts redzamības režīmus: krāsainu un melnbaltu, nodrošinot skaidru redzamību pat pilnīgā tumsā. Kamera ir veidota tā, lai izturētu dažādus laikapstākļus, tostarp lietus, sniegu un vēju, padarot to par uzticamu risinājumu visos gadalaikos.
LongSummaryDescription - Reolink Go Series G440. Type: IP security camera, Placement supported: Indoor & outdoor, Connectivity technology: Wireless. Mounting type: Wall, Product colour: White, Form factor: Dome. Lens viewing angle, horizontal: 90°, Lens viewing angle, vertical: 47°, Lens viewing angle, diagonal: 110°. Sensor type: CMOS, Optical sensor size: 25.4 / 2.7 mm (1 / 2.7"). Digital zoom: 16x
Manufacturer - Reolink
manufacturer_code - B4GPT4K04
MediumDescription EN - The Reolink Go G440 is a smart 4K 8MP wireless battery- and solar-powered security camera that offers 4G LTE connectivity, pan and tilt control, and color night vision. This camera is an ideal choice for ensuring security in locations without WiFi connectivity. It enables real-time monitoring, smart detection, and is weatherproof, ensuring peace of mind in any location at any time.
• 4K 8MP Ultra HD image quality
• Wireless battery and solar panel power
• Smart detection of people, vehicles, and animals
• 355° panorama and 140° tilt for a wider field of view
• Color and black-and-white night vision
• Operates over 4G LTE network, does not require WiFi connection
MediumDescription ET - Reolink Go G440 on nutikas 4K 8MP juhtmevaba aku- ja päikeseenergial töötav valvekaamera, mis pakub 4G LTE ühendust, panoraam- ja kaldenurga juhtimist ning värvilist öönägemist. See kaamera on ideaalne valik turvalisuse tagamiseks kohtades, kus puudub WiFi-ühendus. Kaamera võimaldab reaalajas jälgimist, nutikat tuvastamist ja on ilmastikukindel, tagades meelerahu igas asukohas ja igal ajal.
• 4K 8MP Ultra HD pildikvaliteet
• Juhtmevaba aku- ja päikesepaneelitoide
• Nutikas inimeste, sõidukite ja loomade tuvastamine
• 355° panoraam ja 140° kaldenurk laiemaks vaateväljaks
• Värviline ja must-valge öönägemine
• Töötab 4G LTE võrgu kaudu, ei vaja WiFi-ühendust
MediumDescription LV - Reolink Go G440 ir vieda 4K 8MP bezvadu drošības kamera, kas darbināma ar akumulatoru un saules enerģiju, kas piedāvā 4G LTE savienojumu, panoramēšanas un slīpuma vadību, un krāsu nakts redzamību. Šī kamera ir ideāla izvēle, lai nodrošinātu drošību vietās bez WiFi savienojuma. Tā nodrošina reāllaika uzraudzību, viedo noteikšanu un ir izturīga pret laikapstākļiem, nodrošinot sirdsmieru jebkurā vietā un laikā. • 4K 8MP Ultra HD attēla kvalitāte
• Bezvadu, akumulatora un saules paneļa barošana
• Vieda cilvēku, transportlīdzekļu un dzīvnieku noteikšana
• 355° panorāmēšana un 140° slīpuma kontrole plašākam redzes laukam
• Krāsu un melnbalta nakts redzamība
• Darbojas 4G LTE tīklā, nav nepieciešams WiFi savienojums
Memory > Memory slots - MicroSD (Max. 128GB)
Memory card reader - max. memory card capacity - 128
Memory card reader - supported memory cards - micro-SD
Mälu - Salvestusmeedium - 128 GB sisemälu
Mälu - Salvestusmeedium - Mälukaart
Mälu - Salvestusmeedium - Võrgumälu
Mõõtmed & kaal - Kaal (g) - 496
Mõõtmed & kaal - Kõrgus (mm) - 122
Mõõtmed & kaal - Laius (mm) - 98
Name - Reolink Go Series G440
Name - Reolink Go Series G440 Battery-4G
Name - Reolink | 4K 4G LTE Wire Free Camera | Go Series G440 | Dome | 8 MP | Fixed | IP64 | H.265 | MicroSD (Max. 128GB)
Name EN - Reolink Go Series G440 4K 4G LTE Wire Free Smart Camera
Name ET - Reolink Go Series G440 4K 4G LTE Wire Free Smart Camera
NameInWeb EN - Reolink Go Series G440, 8MP, 4K, 4G LTE, white - Outdoor security camera
NameInWeb ET - Reolink Go Series G440, 8MP, 4K, 4G LTE, valge - Väliturvakaamera
NameInWeb LV - Reolink Go Series G440, 8MP, 4K, 4G LTE, balta - IP kamera ar akumulatoru
Name LV - Reolink Go Series G440 4K 4G LTE Wire Free Smart Camera
name_en - Reolink security camera Go PT Ultra G440 4K 8MP 4G LTE
name_et - Reolink turvakaamera Go PT Ultra G440 4K 8MP 4G LTE
name_lv - Reolink security camera Go PT Ultra G440 4K 8MP 4G LTE
name_ru - Reolink камера наблюдения Go PT Ultra G440 4K 8MP 4G LTE
NetWeight - 0.5100
Network - 3G standards - HSPA+, UMTS, WCDMA
Network - 4G standard - LTE-TDD & LTE-FDD
Network - Bluetooth - No
Network - Ethernet LAN - No
Network - Mobile network connection - Yes
Network - Mobile network generation - 4G
Network - Wi-Fi - No
Night vision - Infra-red wavelength - 850 nm
Night vision - LED type - IR
Night vision - Night vision - Yes
Night vision - Night vision distance - 10 m
Night vision - Number of illumination LEDs - 2
Operational conditions - Operating temperature (T-T) - -10 - 55 °C
Package features > Classification of battery - CL126:NE:2016-12-09
Package features > Composition of battery - CL127:KT:2016-12-09
Package features > Embeeded battery - Yes
Package features > Gross depth (mm) - 217.00 mm
Package features > Gross height (mm) - 125.00 mm
Package features > Gross width (mm) - 159.00 mm
Package features > Packing quantity - 1.00 pc(s)
Package features > Palette Qty - 401 pc(s)
Package features > Paper/Pasteboard - 190.00 g
Package features > Plastic (No PET) - 10.00 g
Package features > Tare weight (kg) - 0.20 kg
Package features > TI weight (kg) - 0.05 kg
Package features > Type of battery - Battery
Package features > Volume (m3) - 0.00 m³
Package features > WEE classification - CL109:5:2017-04-01
Package features > WEEE tax - Yes
Packaging content - Number of cameras - 1
Performance - Built-in light - Yes
Performance - Colour temperature - 6500 K
Performance - Connectivity technology - Wireless
Performance - Placement supported - Indoor & outdoor
Performance - PTZ control - Yes
Performance - Type - IP security camera
Performance - Virtual assistant - Google Assistant
Performance > Video compression formats - H.265
Picture quality > Camera type - Outdoor
Ports & interfaces - USB port - Yes
Power - Battery capacity - 6000 mAh
Power - Enerģijas avots - Saules panelis
Power - Enerģijas avots - Uzlādējams akumulators
Power - Power source - Rechargeable battery
Power - Power source - Solar panel
Power - Power source type - Battery, Solar, USB
Power - Rechargeable battery - Yes
Power supply - power supply - USB-C
Producer - Reolink
ProducerCode - Go Series G440
ProductCode - B4GPT4K04
ProductionCountry - CN
ProductName - Go Series G440
SalesUnitOfMeasureCode - tk
Security - Alert notification type - E-mail, Push notification
Security - Intelligent Video Surveillance (IVS) system features - Human detection, Vehicle detection
Security - Motion sensor - Yes
Security - Motion sensor technology - Passive infrared (PIR) sensor
Security - Video motion detection - Yes
ShortDescription -
ShortSummaryDescription - Reolink Go Series G440, IP security camera, Indoor & outdoor, Wireless, Google Assistant, 6500 K, Wall
Storage - Built-in HDD - No
Storage - Card reader integrated - Yes
Storage - Compatible memory cards - MicroSD (TransFlash)
Storage - Ieraksta nesēji - 128 GB sisemälu
Storage - Ieraksta nesēji - Atmiņas karte
Storage - Ieraksta nesēji - NAS
Storage - Maximum memory card size - 128 GB
Storage - Recording media - 128 GB sisemälu
Storage - Recording media - Memory Card
Storage - Recording media - NAS
TariffNo - 85258300
Technical details > Gross weight - 1.14 kg
Technical details > Net weight - 0.94 kg
Technical details > Producer - Reolink
Technical details > Producer product family - 4K 4G LTE Wire Free Camera
Technical details > Producer product name - Go Series G440
Title - Reolink Go Series G440 Dome IP security camera Indoor & outdoor 3840 x 2160 pixels Wall
Toide - Vooluallikas - Laetav aku
Toide - Vooluallikas - Päikesepaneel
Turvakaamera funktsioonid - Funktsioonid - Alarm
Turvakaamera funktsioonid - Funktsioonid - Hääljuhtimine
Turvakaamera funktsioonid - Funktsioonid - Inimese tuvastamine
Turvakaamera funktsioonid - Funktsioonid - Integreeritud valgussensor
Turvakaamera funktsioonid - Funktsioonid - Kahesuunaline kõne
Turvakaamera funktsioonid - Funktsioonid - Kaugjuhtimine
Turvakaamera funktsioonid - Funktsioonid - Kohandatav tuvastusala
Turvakaamera funktsioonid - Funktsioonid - Liikumisandur
Turvakaamera funktsioonid - Funktsioonid - Looma tuvastamine
Turvakaamera funktsioonid - Funktsioonid - Pööratav disain
Turvakaamera funktsioonid - Funktsioonid - Sisseehitatud valgusti
Turvakaamera funktsioonid - Funktsioonid - Sõiduki tuvastamine
Turvakaamera funktsioonid - Funktsioonid - Öörežiim
Turvakaamera funktsioonid - Häälabiline - Amazon Alexa
Turvakaamera funktsioonid - Häälabiline - Google Assistant
Turvakaamera funktsioonid - Ilmastikukindlus - IP64
Turvakaamera funktsioonid - Nähtavus pimedas - Kuni 10 m
UnitOfMeasureCode - tk
UnitsPerPackage - 1
Video & audio - Audio - Iebūvēti skaļruņi
Video & audio - Audio - Integrated microphone
Video & audio - Audio - Integrated speaker
Video & audio - Video compression - H.265
Video & audio - Video ierakstīšana - 4K UHD 3840 × 2160
Video & audio - Video recording - 4K UHD 3840 × 2160
Video & heli - Heli - Integreeritud kõlar
Video & heli - Heli - Integreeritud mikrofon
Video & heli - Videosalvestus - 4K UHD 3840 × 2160
Video & heli - Videotihenduse standard - H.265
Video - Frame rate - 15 fps
Video - Maximum resolution - 3840 x 2160 pixels
Video - Total megapixels - 8 MP
Video - Video compression formats - H.265
Video - Video recording - Yes
Video > Maximum video resolution - 3840 x 2160 pixels
Video > Megapixel - 8 MP
Volume - 0.00492075
Warranty - 24
Warranty - 24 month(s)
Weight & dimensions - Diameter - 9.8 cm
Weight & dimensions - Height - 122 mm
Weight & dimensions - Weight - 496 g
Width - 0.2250
Ühenduvus - Ühendused - Mobiilne internet
Üldine - Töötemperatuur - -10 – 55 °C
Üldine - Värvus - Valge
Видео & звук - Аудио - Встроенные стереодинамики
Видео & звук - Аудио - Встроенный микрофон
Видео & звук - Запись видео - 4K UHD 3840 × 2160
Видео & звук - Стандарт сжатия видео - H.265
Камера - Вертикальный поворот - 140°
Камера - Горизонтальный поворот - 355°
Камера - Мегапиксели - 8 мегапикселей
Камера - Размер матрицы - 1/2.7" тип
Камера - Тип сенсора - CMOS
Общее - Рабочая температура - -10 – 55 °C
Общее - Цвет - Белый
Память - Носитель памяти - 128 GB sisemälu
Память - Носитель памяти - Карта памяти
Память - Носитель памяти - Сетевая память
Питание - Питание - Перезаряжаемый аккумулятор
Питание - Питание - Солнечная панель
Размеры & вес - Вес (г) - 496
Размеры & вес - Высота (мм) - 122
Размеры & вес - Ширина (мм) - 98
Соединение - Соединения - Mobile internet
Функции камеры безопасности - Видимость в темноте - До 10 м
Функции камеры безопасности - Голосовой помощник - Amazon Alexa
Функции камеры безопасности - Голосовой помощник - Google Assistant
Функции камеры безопасности - Особенности - Alarm
Функции камеры безопасности - Особенности - Rotatable design
Функции камеры безопасности - Особенности - Встроенный свет
Функции камеры безопасности - Особенности - Встроенный световой сенсор
Функции камеры безопасности - Особенности - Голосовое управление
Функции камеры безопасности - Особенности - Датчик движение
Функции камеры безопасности - Особенности - Двухнаправленный звонок
Функции камеры безопасности - Особенности - Дистанционное управление
Функции камеры безопасности - Особенности - Назначение отслеживаемой зоны
Функции камеры безопасности - Особенности - Ночное
Функции камеры безопасности - Особенности - Обнаружение автомобиля
Функции камеры безопасности - Особенности - Обнаружение животного
Функции камеры безопасности - Особенности - Обнаружение человека
Функции камеры безопасности - Погодная устойчивость - IP64
246.64 €
Reolink Go Series G440, 2160p(4K), 8MP, 4G, White
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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