Kodak Cartridge, 76 x 76 mm, 30x

Picture may differ from actual product, there can be accessories and parts not supplied with the actual product.
ID: 573065 Product code: 113819
In stock 2 units
Warranty: 2 years (Warranty for business entities 1 year)
31.92 €
Delivery options
  • Delivery to Smartpost 1.99 €: 31.03.2025
  • Delivery to Omniva parcel locker 1.99 €: 31.03.2025
  • Courier delivery 3.99 €: 31.03.2025
Main product parameters All parameters
  • Built-in flashlight: N/A
  • Photo size: 76 x 76 mm
  • Power supply: N/A
  • Weight: N/A
All parameters
Built-in flashlight : N/A
Photo size : 76 x 76 mm
Power supply : N/A
Producer : Kodak
Weight : N/A
More detailed specification
barcode - 192143001331
brand - Kodak
Category - Root/Accessories | Exploitation/Photo accessories/Wkłady aparatów natychmiastowych
category_en - Recording media
category_et - Salvestusmeedia
category_lv - Datu nesēji
category_ru - Носители информации
depth - 5.5
description_en - Paper cassette for all Kodak 4-pass products with 3×3 inch size. Contains 30 photo papers and ink for durable prints. Kodak Minishot Combo is one of the products that uses Kodak 4Pass technology, a dye-sublimation transfer process that distributes yellow, magenta, and cyan colors on photo paper. The technology provides a very high photo quality. A protective layer makes the images resistant to both bleaching, fingerprints and water, and provides long durability for your precious memories. Fits all Kodak 4-Pass 3×3" products.
description_et - Kodak fotopaberist ja tindist koosnev komplekt sisaldab 30 fotopaberit ja 3 tindikassetti. Kodaki 4-Pass tehnoloogia värvide sublimatsiooni ülekandeprotsessiga tagab väga kõrge fotokvaliteedi. Lisaks muudab pilditele kantav kaitsekiht pildid valgendamise, sõrmejälgede ja vee suhtes vastupidavaks ning tagab Sinu väärtuslike mälestuste pika vastupidavuse.
description_lv -
description_ru -
description_short_en - Set of photo paper and colored ink cartridge Pack of 30 sheets 7.6 × 7.6 cm photo paper 3× three-colored ink cartridges Water resistant & durable photos For Kodak Mini Shot Combo 3
description_short_et - Fotopaberi ja tindikasseti komplekt 30 lehte 7,6 × 7,6 cm fotopaberit Kolm kolmevärvilist tindikassetti Määrdumis- ja veekindlad pildid Kodak Mini Shot Combo 3 kaamerale
description_short_lv -
description_short_ru - Комплект фотобумаги и чернильных картриджей30 листов фотобумаги 7,6 × 7,6 смТри трехцветных чернильных картриджаГрязе- и водонепроницаемые изображенияДля камеры Kodak Mini Shot Combo 3
Eans - 192143001331
feature_group_en - Kodak instant film
feature_group_et - Kodak kiirpildi materjal
feature_group_lv - Kodak fotomateriāls
feature_group_ru - Материал для мгновенной камеры Kodak
gross_weight - 0.15
height - 15.2
manufacturer_code - ICRG-330
Name - Kodak Cartridge 3X3" 30-PACK
name_en - Kodak ink cartridge + photo paper 3x3" 30 sheets
name_et - Kodak tindikassett + fotopaber 3x3" 30 lehte
name_lv - Kodak ink cartridge + photo paper 3x3" 30 sheets
name_ru - Kodak картридж с чернилами + фотобумага 3x3" 30 листов
net_weight - 0.15
Producer - Kodak
ProducerCode - 113819
ShortDescription -
width - 10.7
31.92 €
Kodak Cartridge, 76 x 76 mm, 30x
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
All categories