Kodak Professional Tri-X 400, Black & White

Picture may differ from actual product, there can be accessories and parts not supplied with the actual product.
ID: 812929 Product code: 1074418
In stock 4 units
Warranty: 2 years (Warranty for business entities 1 year)
35.84 €
Delivery options
  • Delivery to Smartpost 1.99 €: 27.03.2025
  • Delivery to Omniva parcel locker 1.99 €: 27.03.2025
  • Courier delivery 3.99 €: 27.03.2025
Main product parameters All parameters
  • Built-in flashlight: Is
  • Photo size: 35 mm
  • Power supply: Capacitor
  • Weight: 110 g
All parameters
Built-in flashlight : Is
Photo size : 35 mm
Power supply : Capacitor
Producer : Kodak
Weight : 110 g
More detailed specification
barcode - 041771074418
barcode - 41771074418
brand - Kodak
Category - Root/PHOTO | Video/Digital cameras/Aparaty jednorazowe
category_en - Cameras
category_et - Kaamerad
category_lv - Kameras
category_ru - Камеры
depth - 11
description_en - Ready to shoot with the push of a button, this Kodak Tri-X 400 Single-Use Flash Camera is pre-loaded with a 27-exposure roll of highly versatile Tri-X 400 black-and-white negative film, making it ideal for parties, events, weddings, and more. The camera has a wide-angle lens with a fixed focus range and fixed shutter speed for simplicity, and it includes a clear window viewfinder for lining up your shots. For indoor and low light conditions, the camera also includes a built-in flash, which automatically recharges after use.
description_et - Ühekordse kaameraga on pildistamine imelihtne ning tänu kompaktsele disainile saab seda ka mugavalt kõikjale kaasa võtta. Tänu integreeritud välgule saab pildistada ka hämaras – nii toas kui ka õues. 27 mustvalget kaadrit ISO 400 keskmise tundlikkusega Kodak T-MAX jmt ilmutusprotsessiga NB! Fotosid ei saa ilmutada Photopointi laborites.
description_lv -
description_ru -
description_short_en - Disposable camera with flash 27 exposures Black & white film Film speed: ISO 400 Compatible with Kodak T-MAX and other developers
description_short_et - Ühekordne välguga kaamera Mustvalge film ISO 400 keskmise tundlikkusega 27 kaadrit Kodak T-MAX jmt ilmutusprotsessiga
description_short_lv -
description_short_ru - Одноразовая вспышка 27 кадров Черно-белая пленка ISO 400 со средней чувствительностью Процессы проявки Kodak T-MAX и другие
Eans - 041771074418
feature_group_en - Disposable cameras
feature_group_et - Ühekordsed kaamerad
feature_group_lv - Vienreizlietojamās fotokameras
feature_group_ru - Одноразовые камеры
manufacturer_code - 1074418
Name - Kodak Professional Tri-X B&W 400 - 27 Exposure SUC
name_en - Kodak single use camera Professional Tri-X 400 Black & White 400/27
name_et - Kodak ühekordne kaamera Professional Tri-X 400 Black & White 400/27
name_lv - Kodak single use camera Professional Tri-X 400 Black & White 400/27
name_ru - Kodak одноразовая камера Professional Tri-X 400 Black & White 400/27
Producer - Kodak
ProducerCode - 118831
ShortDescription -
Specifications - Exposures - 27
Specifications - Flash - Yes
Specifications - Sensitivity - ISO 400
Specifikācijas - Ekspozīcijas - 27
Specifikācijas - Jutība - ISO 400
Specifikācijas - Zibspuldze - Jā
Tehnilised andmed - Kaadrite arv - 27
Tehnilised andmed - Tundlikkus - ISO 400
Tehnilised andmed - Välk - Jah
width - 12
Спецификации - Вспышка - Да
Спецификации - Число кадров - 27
Спецификации - Чувствительность - ISO 400
35.84 €
Kodak Professional Tri-X 400, Black & White
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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