Vogels 3223, Full-Motion TV wall mount, 19-43"

Picture may differ from actual product, there can be accessories and parts not supplied with the actual product.
ID: 1107496 Product code: TVM3223
Can be ordered 7 units Availability: 14 days after order approval
Warranty: 2 years (Warranty for business entities 1 year)
79.50 €
Delivery options
  • Delivery to Smartpost 1.99 €: 01.04.2025
  • Delivery to Omniva parcel locker 1.99 €: 01.04.2025
  • Courier delivery 3.99 €: 01.04.2025
Main product parameters All parameters
  • Maximum load (1 screen), kg: 15.00
  • Maximum screen diagonal, inches: 43
  • Minimum screen diagonal, inches: 19
All parameters
Colour : Melna
Maximum load (1 screen), kg : 15.00
Maximum screen diagonal, inches : 43
Minimum screen diagonal, inches : 19
Notebook holder : Nav
Number of supported screens : 1
Rotation : Not
Swivel : Ir
Tilt : Is
Type of attachment : Sienas
VESA support : 75 x 75, 100 x 100, 200 x 100, 200 x 200
More detailed specification
BrandCode - VOGELS
EAN - 8712285349669
General parameters - colour - black
General parameters - manufacturer - Vogel's
GrossWeight - 3.7080
Height - 0.0800
Length - 0.4000
LongDescription EN - Stylish and Secure Design
The Vogel's Comfort Full Motion wall mount combines safety, design, and viewing comfort. This strong and durable wall mount is specially designed for intensive use and provides an optimal viewing experience. The mount allows you to rotate the TV up to 120° and tilt it up to 20° (10° forward and backward). The Comfort Full Motion wall mount is suitable for TVs with sizes ranging from 19 to 43 inches and weighing up to 15 kg.
Optimal TV Enjoyment
The Vogel's Comfort Full Motion wall mount allows you to fully enjoy your TV. With OneFinger™ movement, you can easily adjust the TV to the perfect viewing angle using just one finger. The secret lies in the special bearings that make TV rotation smooth and effortless.
Easy Installation
Installing your Comfort Full Motion wall mount is straightforward. Vogel's makes everything easy at every step. The package includes a drilling template, screws, Fischer® DuoPower plugs, cable ties, and a butterfly. For marking the first drilling hole, use our free DrillRight™ AR app. Quick installation instructions can be found in the Quick Installation Guide. Detailed instructions and installation videos are available online.
TÜV Certified
Comfort Full Motion wall mounts are TÜV certified. This means they have been successfully tested three times their maximum weight capacity. Therefore, they meet the highest safety requirements. Comfort Full Motion wall mounts come with a 10-year warranty.
LongDescription ET - Stiilne ja turvaline disain
Vogel's Comfort Full Motion seinakinnitus ühendab endas ohutuse, disaini ja vaatamismugavuse. See tugev ja vastupidav seinakinnitus on spetsiaalselt loodud intensiivseks kasutamiseks ning tagab optimaalse vaatamiselamuse. Alus võimaldab pöörata telerit kuni 120° ja kallutada seda kuni 20° (10° ette- ja tahapoole). Comfort Full Motion seinaalus sobib teleritele suurusega 19 kuni 43 tolli ja kaaluga kuni 15 kg.
Optimaalne telerinauding
Vogel's Comfort Full Motion seinakinnitus võimaldab sul telerist maksimaalselt rõõmu tunda. Ühe sõrmega saad seada ideaalse vaatenurga, kuna kinnitus on varustatud OneFinger™ liikumisega. Saladus peitub erilistes laagrites, mis teevad teleri pööramise väga sujuvaks ja lihtsaks.
Lihtne paigaldus
Sinu Comfort Full Motion seinakinnitust on lihtne paigaldada. Vogel's teeb kõik lihtsaks igal sammul. Pakendis sisaldub puurimismall, kruvid, Fischer® DuoPower tüüblid, kaablivõru ja liblikas. Esimese puurimisaugu märkimiseks kasuta Vogel's-i tasuta DrillRight™ AR-rakendust. Üksikasjalik juhend ja paigaldusvideo on saadaval veebis.
TÜV sertifitseeritud
Comfort Full Motion seinakinnitused on TÜV sertifitseeritud. See tähendab, et need on edukalt testitud kolme korda nende maksimaalse kaalukandevõime ulatuses. Seega vastavad nad kõrgeimatele ohutusnõuetele. Comfort Full Motion seinakinnitustel on 10-aastane garantii.
MediumDescription EN - The Vogel's Comfort Full Motion wall mount ensures you a smooth and comfortable TV viewing experience. This stylish and secure TV wall mount is specially designed for intensive use and provides optimal viewing comfort. You can rotate the TV up to 120° and tilt it by 20° (10° forward and backward). This wall mount is suitable for TVs with sizes ranging from 19 to 43 inches and weighing up to 15 kg. • Smooth OneFinger™ movement thanks to covered bearings and precision steel tracks
• Keep your TV always horizontally and vertically level
• Cable clamp included: Guide cables from the TV to the wall
• Worry-free tilting - Avoid reflections and tilt from -10° to 10°
• Rotate your TV smoothly up to 120°
MediumDescription ET - Vogel's Comfort Full Motion seinakinnitus tagab sulle sujuva ja mugava teleri vaatamiskogemuse. See stiilne ja turvaline teleri seinakinnitus on spetsiaalselt loodud intensiivseks kasutamiseks ning tagab optimaalse vaatamismugavuse. Sul on võimalik pöörata telerit kuni 120° ja kallutada seda 20° (10° ettepoole ja tahapoole). See seinakinnitus sobib teleritele suurusega 19 kuni 43 tolli ja kaaluga kuni 15 kg. • Sujuv OneFinger™ liikumine tänu kaetud laagritele ja täpsusterastraatidele
• Hoia oma teler alati horisontaalselt ja vertikaalselt tasasel pinnal
• Kaablite klamber kaasas: Juhenda kaableid telerist seinani
• Muretu kallutamine - Vältige peegeldusi ja kallutage kuni -10° kuni 10°
• Pööra oma telerit sujuvalt kuni 120°
MediumDescription LV - Vogel Comfort Full Motion sienas stiprinājums nodrošina vienmērīgu un ērtu TV skatīšanās pieredzi. Šis drošais televizora sienas stiprinājums ir īpaši izstrādāts intensīvai lietošanai un nodrošina optimālu skatīšanās komfortu. Varat pagriezt televizoru līdz 120° un noliekt par 20° (10° uz priekšu un atpakaļ). Šis sienas stiprinājums ir piemērots televizoriem, kuru izmēri ir no 19 līdz 43 collām un svars līdz 15 kg. • Vienmērīga OneFinger™ kustība, pateicoties gultņiem un precīzām tērauda sliedēm;
• Televizors vienmēr horizontāli un vertikāli vienā līmenī;
• Komplektā vadu skava;
• Noliekšana bez raizēm – izvairieties no atspīdumiem ar noliekšanu no -10° līdz 10°;
• Vienmērīgi pagrieziet televizoru līdz 120°.
Mounting and bases - VESA adjustable
Mounting and bases - Max. weight - 15
Mounting and bases - Screen size - 19 - 43
Mounting and bases - settings - tilt
Mounting and bases - settings - turn
Mounting and bases - type - Wall mount
Mounting and bases - VESA - 75x75
Mounting and bases - VESA - 100x100
Mounting and bases - VESA - 200x100
Mounting and bases - VESA - 200x200
Name EN - Wall Mount Vogels Comfort Turn 120º 19-43''
Name ET - LCD kinnitus Vogels Comfort Turn 120º 19-43''
NameInWeb EN - Vogel's Comfort Full-Motion, 19" - 43", black - TV wall mount
NameInWeb ET - Vogel's Comfort Full-Motion, 19" - 43", must - Teleri seinakinnitus
NameInWeb LV - Vogel's Comfort Full-Motion, 19" - 43", melna - Sienas stiprinājums televizoriem
Name LV - Sienas stiprinājums Comfort Vogels Turn 120º 19-43''
NetWeight - 3.4800
ProductCode - TVM3223
ProductionCountry - CN
TariffNo - 83025000
UnitOfMeasureCode - tk
UnitsPerPackage - 1
Volume - 0.00928000
Width - 0.2900
79.50 €
Vogels 3223, Full-Motion TV wall mount, 19-43"
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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