Braun Black800 Mini

Picture may differ from actual product, there can be accessories and parts not supplied with the actual product.
ID: 975291 Product code: 4000567576693
In stock 6 units
Warranty: 2 years (Warranty for business entities 1 year)
105.91 €
Delivery options
  • Delivery to Smartpost 1.99 €: 11.04.2025
  • Delivery to Omniva parcel locker 1.99 €: 11.04.2025
  • Courier delivery 3.99 €: 11.04.2025
Main product parameters All parameters
  • Camera type: Wild Camera
  • Display size: 2.0"
  • Power source: AA Batteries
  • Resolution: 8 Mpix
  • Sensors: CMOS
  • Optiskais zoom: Zoom 0x
  • Type of memory card: microSD
  • Type of memory card: microSDHC
  • Type of memory card: microSDXC
All parameters
Built-in flashlight : Nav
Camera equipment : with fixed lens
Camera type : Wild Camera
Color : Kamuflāža
Display size 2.0"
The size of the digital camera screen used for searching images, viewing and editing taken photos. A bigger display is convenient at use, however, it has to be taken into account that the bigger the display the shorter the battery life of the camera. If the battery life time is more important than the viewing convenience we recommend to buy a camera with a smaller display and a separate image searcher.
Hot Shoe : Nav
Lens mount : Not changeable
Power source AA Batteries
The power supply source of a digital camera can be both batteries or accumulator. The advantage of batteries is that they are widely available in stores and the advantage of the accumulator is that it can be charged and used without the need to buy an extra battery. Prior to buying a digital camera you should verify whether its power supply complies with your needs.
Resolution 8 Mpix
The matrix resolution of a digital camera determines the amount of information that the camera can "record" within a single photo. A higher index of resolution means a more detailed image and a higher quality of the image. Cameras with higher resolution require more space on the memory card for storing their photos, therefore we recommend to buy a corresponding capacity memory card with a high resolution camera, for example, a 2Gb card for 8Mpix camera.
Sensors : CMOS
Video resolution : 4K10
Optiskais zoom Zoom 0x
Optical zoom or zooming-in by means of the optical devices is an important index for taking photos of remote items. For close-ups 3x optical zoom is sufficient, for taking photos of more remote items this index has to be higher.
Type of memory card microSD, microSDHC, microSDXC
The type of the memory card that can be placed in the digital camera for increasing the space for storing photos. When you buy a photo camera you should take into account that one or two types of memory cards are compatible with each camera. SD (Secure Digital) and CF (Compact Flash) are the most popular formats of memory cards.
External HDD storage for pictures
More detailed specification
barcode - 4000567576693
brand - Braun
Camera - Lens angle - 70°
Camera - Megapikseļi - 8 megapikseļi
Camera - Megapixels - 8 megapixels
Camera - Sensora tips - CMOS
Camera - Sensor type - CMOS
category_en - Cameras
category_et - Kaamerad
category_lv - Kameras
category_ru - Камеры
description_en - With the help of a trail camera you can not only observe wild animals such as wild boars, foxes and the like unnoticed day and night, they are also sometimes used as security against thieves and burglars, as a kind of surveillance camera. With its Scouting Cam Black800 Mini, manufacturer Braun Photo Technik is expanding its extensive range of wildlife cameras to include a particularly small model. Due to the small dimensions of only 104 × 74.6 × 43 mm and its low weight of only 236 grams, the Scouting Cam Black800 Mini is no bigger than a cigarette packet and can be positioned very inconspicuously in nature. The robust plastic housing, kept in camouflage optics for camouflage, cannot be harmed by rain or dust (protection class IP66). Technically, the Braun Scouting Cam Black800 Mini is state-of-the-art. With the high-quality 8 megapixel CMOS image sensor, a high image resolution of up to 20 MP and a video resolution of up to 4K can be achieved. The mini trail camera has a very short trigger time of just 0.2 seconds and a passive infrared sensor, or PIR sensor for short, with a detection radius of 60°. As soon as the daylight becomes weaker, the two black infrared LEDs (high power 850nm) are activated and illuminate the scene. For technical reasons, all recordings are then recorded in black and white at night, with the maximum recording distance being 20 meters. The Braun Scouting Cam Black800 Mini has a 2.0" color TFT display for image control of the recordings, which are saved on a micro SD card (up to 512GB, AVI and JPG format). The Scouting Cam Black800 Mini also delivers videos with a length of three seconds to ten minutes and a resolution of up to 4K (10fps). In addition, useful time-lapse recordings (video or photo) are possible with the wildlife camera. The trigger interval can be programmed between five seconds and 60 minutes. The standby time is around six months. The operating temperatures range from -7 degrees to 40 degrees. In addition, the Braun Scouting Cam Black800 Mini has an integrated microphone, a loudspeaker, password protection and information about date, time, moon phase and temperature. Power is supplied by four AA batteries. The scope of delivery also includes a tree holder and a fastening strap to fix the camera to a tree. Alternatively, it can also be placed independently on a tripod.
description_et - Braun Black800 Mini kaamera on mõeldud jälgimaks loomade liikumist looduses, kuid sobib suurepäraselt ka koduhoovis turvakaamerana kasutamiseks. Black800 Mini rajakaameraga on võimalik salvestada nii päeval kui ka öösel. Tänu kompaktsele suurusele – kõigest 104 × 74.6 × 43 mm – ja kergele, vaid 236 g kaalule, pole Black800 Mini suurem kui sigaretipakk. Tänu sellele saab seda looduses väga silmapaistmatult paigutada. IP66 ilmastikukindel korpus kaitseb kaamerat niiskuse ja mustuse eest, võimaldades seda kasutada mitmesuguste ilmastikutingimuste käes. Maskeeritud disain jääb seejuures looduses märkamatuks. Tehniliselt on Braun Black800 Mini tipptasemel. Kvaliteetse 8-megapikslise CMOS pildisensoriga on võimalik saada kuni 20-megapikslised fotod ja kuni 4K UHD video. Rajakaameral on kiire, kõigest 0,2-sekundiline reageerimisaeg ja passiivne infrapunasensor ehk PIR-sensor, mille tuvastamisraadius on 60°. Niipea kui päevavalgus nõrgeneb, aktiveeruvad kaks musta infrapuna-LEDi (850 nm) ja valgustavad ala. Öösel salvestatakse kõik salvestised mustvalgena ning maksimaalne salvestuskaugus on 20 meetrit. Kaameral on 2-tolline värviline TFT-ekraan seadistuste muutmiseks. Salvestised salvestatakse microSD-kaardile (kuni 512 GB, AVI ja JPG-vormingus). Black800 Mini toob Sinuni videoid pikkusega kolm sekundit kuni kümme minutit ja eraldusvõime kuni 4K (10 kaadrit sekundis). Lisaks on kaameraga võimalik teha kasulikke time-lapse salvestusi (video või foto). Käivitusintervalli saab programmeerida vahemikus viis sekundit kuni 60 minutit. Ooteaeg on umbes kuus kuud. Töötemperatuur on vahemikus -7 kraadi kuni 40 kraadi. Lisaks on Braun Black800 Minil integreeritud mikrofon, kõlar, paroolikaitse ning teave kuupäeva, kellaaja, kuufaasi ja temperatuuri kohta. Toiteallikana kasutab nelja AA patareid. Komplektis on puuhoidik ja kinnitusrihm kaamera puu külge kinnitamiseks. Kaamerat saab paigutada ka statiivile. 8-megapiksline CMOS sensor 4K UHD 10 kaadrit sekundis video Kuni 20-megapikslised fotod Nähtavus pimedas kuni 20 meetrit 0,2-sekundiline reageerimisaeg microSD mälukaardipesa (toetatud kuni 512 GB) IP66 ilmastikukindel disain Toide: 4 × AA patarei
description_lv -
description_ru -
description_short_en - Compact and lightweight trail camera 20 megapixel photos and 4K UHD video Visibility in the dark up to 20 meters 0.2 second trigger time IP66 weatherproof design
description_short_et - Kompaktne ja kerge rajakaamera 20-megapikslised fotod ja 4K UHD video Nähtavus pimedas kuni 20 meetrit 0,2-sekundiline reageerimisaeg IP66 ilmastikukindel disain
description_short_lv -
description_short_ru - Компактная и легкая фотокамера 20-мегапиксельные фото и видео 4K UHD Видимость в темноте до 20 метров Время отклика 0,2 секунды Защита от атмосферных воздействий IP66
Dimensions & weight - Augstums (mm) - 104
Dimensions & weight - Depth (mm) - 43
Dimensions & weight - Dziļums (mm) - 43
Dimensions & weight - Height (mm) - 104
Dimensions & weight - Platums (mm) - 74,6
Dimensions & weight - Svars (g) - 140
Dimensions & weight - Weight (g) - 140
Dimensions & weight - Width (mm) - 74,6
feature_group_en - Trail cameras
feature_group_et - Rajakaamerad
feature_group_lv - Meža/medību kameras
feature_group_ru - Фотоловушки для животных
Functions - Aizsardzība pret apkārtējās vides iedarbību - IP66
Functions - Display size (inches) - 2.0
Functions - Display type - TFT LCD
Functions - Displeja izmērs (collas) - 2,0
Functions - Ekrāna tips - TFT LCD
Functions - Nakts režīms - Jā
Functions - Night mode - Yes
Functions - Night vision range - Up to 20 m
Functions - Trigger time - 0.2 s
Functions - Weather sealing - IP66
General - Color - Camouflage
General - Darba temperatūra - -7 – 40 °C
General - Krāsa - Kamuflāža
General - Operating temperature - -7 – 40 °C
Kaamera - Megapiksleid - 8 megapikslit
Kaamera - Objektiivi vaatenurk - 70°
Kaamera - Sensori tüüp - CMOS
Mälu - Salvestusmeedium - Mälukaart
Mälu - Sobivad mälukaardid - microSD (kuni 512 GB)
Mõõtmed & kaal - Kaal (g) - 140
Mõõtmed & kaal - Kõrgus (mm) - 104
Mõõtmed & kaal - Laius (mm) - 74,6
Mõõtmed & kaal - Sügavus (mm) - 43
name_en - Braun track camera Scouting Cam Black800 Mini
name_et - Braun rajakaamera Scouting Cam Black800 Mini
name_lv - Braun track camera Scouting Cam Black800 Mini
name_ru - Braun камера-ловушка Scouting Cam Black800 Mini
Power - Enerģijas avots - 4 × AA sārma baterijas vai NiMH akumulatori
Power - Power source - 4 × AA alkaline batteries or NiMH rechargable batteries
Rajakaamera funktsioonid - Ekraani mõõt (tolle) - 2,0
Rajakaamera funktsioonid - Ekraani tüüp - TFT LCD
Rajakaamera funktsioonid - Ilmastikukindlus - IP66
Rajakaamera funktsioonid - Nähtavus pimedas - Kuni 20 m
Rajakaamera funktsioonid - Reageerimisaeg - 0,2 s
Rajakaamera funktsioonid - Öörežiim - Jah
Storage - Compatible memory cards - microSD (up to 512 GB)
Storage - Ieraksta nesēji - Atmiņas karte
Storage - Recording media - Memory Card
Storage - Saderīgas atmiņas kartes - microSD (up to 512 GB)
Toide - Vooluallikas - 4 × AA patarei või NiMH aku
Video & audio - Foto funkcija - Jā
Video & audio - Foto izšķirtspēja - 20 MP
Video & audio - Microphone - Yes
Video & audio - Mikrofons - Yes
Video & audio - Photo function - Yes
Video & audio - Photo resolution - 20 MP
Video & audio - Skaļrunis - J
Video & audio - Speaker - Yes
Video & audio - Video ierakstīšana - 4K UHD 3840 × 2160
Video & audio - Video recording - 4K UHD 3840 × 2160
Video & heli - Foto funktsioon - Jah
Video & heli - Foto lahutusvõime - 20 MP
Video & heli - Kõlar - Jah
Video & heli - Mikrofon - Jah
Video & heli - Videosalvestus - 4K UHD 3840 × 2160
Üldine - Töötemperatuur - -7 – 40 °C
Üldine - Värvus - Kamuflaaž
Видео & звук - Динамик - Да
Видео & звук - Запись видео - 4K UHD 3840 × 2160
Видео & звук - Микрофон - Да
Видео & звук - Разрешение фото - 20 MP
Видео & звук - Функция фото - Да
Камера - Мегапиксели - 8 мегапикселей
Камера - Тип сенсора - CMOS
Камера - Угол обзора объектив - 70°
Общее - Рабочая температура - -7 – 40 °C
Общее - Цвет - Камуфляж
Память - Носитель памяти - Карта памяти
Память - Подходящие карты памяти - microSD (up to 512 GB)
Питание - Питание - 4 × AA батарейки или аккумулятора NiMH
Размеры & вес - Вес (г) - 140
Размеры & вес - Высота (мм) - 104
Размеры & вес - Глубина (мм) - 43
Размеры & вес - Ширина (мм) - 74,6
Функции камеры-ловушки - Видимость в темноте - До 20 м
Функции камеры-ловушки - Время реагирования - 0.2 s
Функции камеры-ловушки - Ночной режим - Да
Функции камеры-ловушки - Погодная устойчивость - IP66
Функции камеры-ловушки - Размер экрана (дюймы) - 2,0
Функции камеры-ловушки - Тип экрана - TFT LCD
105.91 €
Braun Black800 Mini
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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