Audio - Built-in microphone - Yes
Audio - Built-in speaker(s) - Yes
barcode - 6975253983902
Battery - solar panel support
Battery - capacity - 6000
Brand - Reolink
brand - Reolink
BrandCode - Reolink
BrandPartCode - 6975253983902
Camera - built-in speaker
Camera - human detection
Camera - int. microphone
Camera - night vision
Camera - camera type - outdoor camera
Camera - effective pixels - 8
Camera - Grozāma horizontāli - 355°
Camera - Grozāma vertikāli - 140°
Camera - Horizontal swivel - 355°
Camera - Lens viewing angle, diagonal - 110°
Camera - Lens viewing angle, horizontal - 90°
Camera - Lens viewing angle, vertical - 47°
Camera - Megapikseļi - 8 megapikseļi
Camera - Megapixels - 8 megapixels
Camera - Sensora izmērs - 1/3" type
Camera - Sensora tips - CMOS
Camera - Sensor size - 1/3" type
Camera - Sensor type - CMOS
Camera - Vertical swivel - 140°
Category - Root/Electronics/Networks and communication/Monitoring/Monitoring IP
Category - Security Cameras
category_en - Cameras
category_et - Kaamerad
category_lv - Kameras
category_ru - Камеры
Climate - operating temperature - -10 - 55
Code - B4GPT4K06SP
Connectivity - Connectivity - Mobile internet
description_en - 3G/4G LTE trail camera 4K Ultra HD 8MP video Animal Detection & Recognition Battery/Solar-Powered No-Glow Night Vision 355° rotatable, 140° tiltable Exactly! 4K 8MP Now Comes with PT
For the first time in the industry, the 4G wildlife camera features pan-tilt functionality and true 4K 8MP resolution without interpolation. You can watch wildlife activities live in 360° view or remotely download 4K videos and images stored on a microSD card. Sharp Night Vision
The camera features crystal-clear night vision thanks to the F1.6 large aperture and 940 nm no-glow infrared LEDs, the latter of which are specially designed for wildlife monitoring as they are invisible at night, thus not disturbing the animals. Smart Detection
Smarter than other 4G cameras, Go Ranger PT can recognize bucks, antlerless deer, and turkeys from other objects, in addition to detecting people, vehicles and animals. It will be triggered to take snapshots and send notifications within 0.5s, so you'll stay informed of what is going on with the wildlife. Next-Level Nature Observer
Through the Reolink App, you can view 4K live feeds from anywhere, for up to 20 minutes at a time. With 355° pan & 90° tilt, it can flexibly rotate between the preset points so as to monitor crucial areas with a click. Two Modes for Different Needs Picture Mode. The Go Ranger PT is equipped with a high-end 4K sensor that gives you industry-leading image and video quality. In picture mode, once motion is detected, it captures multiple photos in succession and retains the highest-quality ones. Video Mode. The Go Ranger PT comes with a microphone and speaker, capable of recording up to 5 minutes of videos with sound if desired, and you can play back and download the videos at any time. This mode also supports taking photos before videos. Flexible Recording microSD Card. Save snapshots or recordings of live view and detection events locally on the microSD card (32GB pre-installed, max. 128GB) for remote playback or download. Reolink Cloud. You can also upload your recorded 4K videos to the Reolink Cloud. Collaborating with Amazon Web Services, it ensures your data is always kept confidential. FTP Server. Go Ranger PT also offers the option to save your recordings to an FTP server, ensuring centralized and secure management of your surveillance data. Standalone for Wild Adventure
Go Ranger PT is built for the wilderness, connected by a 3G/4G LTE cellular network and constantly powered thanks to the adjustable solar panel, so you don't have to drive to the site every now and then for battery replacement. Everything is so effortlessly under your control. Non-Stop Solar Energy
The 6W Reolink Solar Panel 2 delivers continuous, uninterrupted power for your security needs. With the adjustable bracket and a 4m long cable, you can enjoy flexible installation and optimize sunlight absorption throughout the day regardless of the camera position. Weatherproof
Designed to be weatherproof, it braves any weather and is therefore suitable for outdoors. Timelapse
Quickly learn about change over days or months with timelapse clips.
description_et - „Reolink Go Ranger (G450) on vajadusel rohkem kui statsionaarne valvekaamera, aga sobib ka selleks. Päikesepaneel tagab autonoomsuse, kaamera jääb looduses märkamatuks, selle võib kaasa võtta matkale või valvama maakodu.” (ajakiri Digi, oktoober 2024) 3G/4G LTE rajakaamera 4K Ultra HD 8 MP videosalvestus Looma, inimese ja sõiduki tuvastamine Toide aku või päikesepaneeli kaudu Nähtavus pimedas kuni 10 meetrit 355° pööratav, 140° kallutatav Esmakordselt on 4G rajakaameral kallutatav funktsioon ja tõeline 4K 8-megapiksline eraldusvõime ilma interpolatsioonita. Saad jälgida metsloomade ja lindude tegevusi otse 355° vaatega või kaugjuhtimisega alla laadida 4K videoid ja pilte, mis on salvestatud microSD-kaardile. Terav öörežiim
Kaameral on kristallselge öörežiim tänu f/1.6 avale ja 940 nm infrapuna LED-idele. Viimased on spetsiaalselt loodud metsloomade jälgimiseks, olles öösel nähtamatud, et mitte loomi häirida. Nutikas tuvastamine
Teistest 4G-kaameratest nutikam Go Ranger PT suudab lisaks inimeste, sõidukite ja loomade tuvastamisele ära tunda ka hirvi ja kalkuneid. See käivitatakse 0,5 sekundi jooksul hetktõmmiste tegemiseks ja märguannete saatmiseks, et saaksid toimuvaga kursis olla. Järgmise taseme loodusvaatleja
Reolink rakenduse kaudu saad vaadata 4K otsepilti kõikjalt, korraga kuni 20 minutit. 355° pööratava ja 90° kallutatava disainiga saab seda eelseadistatud punktide vahel paindlikult pöörata, et jälgida olulisi alasid kiiresti. Kaks režiimi erinevatele vajadustele Pildirežiim. Go Ranger PT on varustatud tipptasemel 4K-sensoriga, mis tagab imelise pildi- ja videokvaliteedi. Pildirežiimis jäädvustab see pärast liikumise tuvastamist mitu fotot järjest ja säilitab kõrgeima kvaliteediga fotod. Videorežiim. Go Ranger PT-s on integreeritud mikrofon ja kõlar, mis suudavad soovi korral salvestada kuni 5 minutit videoid koos heliga ning saad videoid igal ajal taasesitada ja alla laadida. See režiim toetab ka pildistamist enne video tegemist. Paindlik salvestus Salvesta otsevaate ja tuvastussündmuste hetktõmmised või salvestused kohapeal microSD-kaardile (eelinstallitud 32 GB, maksimaalselt toetab 128 GB) taasesitamiseks või allalaadimiseks. Samuti saad oma salvestatud 4K videod üles laadida Reolink Cloud pilveteenusesse. Go Ranger PT pakub ka võimalust salvestada oma salvestised FTP-serverisse, tagades Sinu jälgimisandmete tsentraliseeritud ja turvalise haldamise. Metsikute seikluste jaoks loodud
Go Ranger PT on loodud eraldatud kohtade jaoks. See ühendub 3G/4G LTE mobiilsidevõrguga ja tänu reguleeritavale päikesepaneelile ei pea Sa aeg-ajalt aku vahetamiseks kohale sõitma. Kõik on pingevabalt Sinu kontrolli all. Päikeseenergia
6 W Reolink Solar Panel 2 tagab Sinu turvavajaduste jaoks pideva ja katkematu toite. Reguleeritava kinnituse ja 4 m pikkuse kaabli abil saad nautida paindlikku paigaldust ja optimeerida päikesevalguse neeldumist kogu päeva jooksul olenemata kaamera asendist. Ilmastikukindel
Loodud ilmastikukindlaks, peab see vastu iga ilmaga ja sobib seetõttu õues kasutamiseks. Timelapse
Timelapse klippide abil saad kiiresti teada päevade või kuude jooksul toimunud muutuste kohta.
description_lv -
description_ru -
description_short_en - 355° 3G/4G LTE trail camera 3840 × 2160 15 fps video recording Animal/person detection, two-way audio Night vision range up to 10 meters Solar panel included
description_short_et - 355° pööratav 3G/4G LTE rajakaamera 3840 × 2160 15 kaadrit/s videosalvestus Looma- ja inimesetuvastus, kahesuunaline kõne Nähtavus pimedas kuni 10 meetrit Komplektis päikesepaneel
description_short_lv -
description_short_ru - Поворотная на 355° камера наблюдения 3G/4G LTE Запись видео 3840 × 2160, 15 кадров в секунду Обнаружение животных и людей, двусторонняя связь Видимость в темноте до 10 метров Солнечная панель в комплекте
Design - Form factor - Dome
Design - Mounting type - Ceiling/wall
Design - Product colour - Camouflage
Design - Weatherproof - Yes
dimensionalWeight - 1920
Dimensions & weight - Augstums (mm) - 122
Dimensions & weight - Depth (mm) - 98
Dimensions & weight - Dziļums (mm) - 98
Dimensions & weight - Height (mm) - 122
Dimensions & weight - Platums (mm) - 98
Dimensions & weight - Svars (g) - 496
Dimensions & weight - Weight (g) - 496
Dimensions & weight - Width (mm) - 98
Dimensions - depth - 10.5
Dimensions - height - 13.3
Dimensions - weight - 496
Dimensions - width - 10.5
DSLR lenses - viewing angle - 355
EAN - 6975253983902
Eans - 6975253983902
feature_group_en - Trail cameras
feature_group_et - Rajakaamerad
feature_group_lv - Meža/medību kameras
feature_group_ru - Фотоловушки для животных
Functions - configuration using app
Functions - live view
Functions - motion detection
Functions - two-way talk
Functions - Aizsardzība pret apkārtējās vides iedarbību - Aizsardzība pret putekļu un laika apstākļu ietekmi
Functions - Darbības rādiuss - 10 m
Functions - Nakts režīms - Jā
Functions - Night mode - Yes
Functions - Night vision range - Up to 10 m
Functions - Other functions - 360° view
Functions - Other functions - Animal detection
Functions - Other functions - Human detection
Functions - Other functions - Vehicle detection
Functions - Range - 10 m
Functions - Weather sealing - Weather- and dustproof
General - Color - Camouflage
General - Darba temperatūra - -10 – 55 °C
General - Iepakojumā ietilpst - Fastening screws
General - Iepakojumā ietilpst - Kamera
General - Iepakojumā ietilpst - microSD card (32 GB)
General - Iepakojumā ietilpst - Mount
General - Iepakojumā ietilpst - Solar panel
General - Iepakojumā ietilpst - USB-C kabelis
General - Iepakojumā ietilpst - Īsā pamācība
General - Krāsa - Kamuflāža
General - Operating temperature - -10 – 55 °C
General - Package contents - Camera
General - Package contents - Fastening screws
General - Package contents - microSD card (32 GB)
General - Package contents - Mount
General - Package contents - Quick Start guide
General - Package contents - Solar panel
General - Package contents - USB-C cable
General parameters - colour - camo
General parameters - manufacturer - Reolink
General parameters - protection level - IP65
GrossWeight - 1.9000
GTIN - 6975253983902
Height - 0.2000
Image sensor - Number of sensors - 1
Image sensor - Optical sensor size - 25.4 / 3 mm (1 / 3")
Image sensor - Sensor type - CMOS
Interfaces - 4G LTE
Interfaces - USB-C
Kaamera - Liikumine horisontaalselt - 355°
Kaamera - Liikumine vertikaalselt - 140°
Kaamera - Megapiksleid - 8 megapikslit
Kaamera - Sensori suurus - 1/3" tüüpi
Kaamera - Sensori tüüp - CMOS
Length - 0.2400
Lens system - Number of lenses - 1
LongDesc - Explore the wilderness like never before with the first 4K wildlife camera and enjoy remote access to nature with 4G LTE. Powered by 6W Reolink Solar Panel 2, it provides an eco-friendly solution for wildlife observation. 360° view allows you to observe the wild from every angle.No Wi-Fi?4G LTE's Got Your BackNo Wi-Fi? No problem! With 4G LTE support, your security system is always online, ensuring continuous protection even in areas without Wi-Fi coverage.360° Complete CoverageExperience a comprehensive 360° view around your home and effortlessly monitor every corner of your space, ensuring nothing escapes your watchful eye.Unleash 4K 8MP Visual BrillianceDive into 4K 8MP unparalleled clarity and experience breathtakingly vivid footage without missing a single detail.Animal Detection & RecognitionDetect and recognize animals and send precise alerts of buck, antlerless deer, and turkeys from other objects.Wildlife in Focus,Day and NightCapture crystal-clear night vision thanks to the F1.6 large aperture and 940nmno-glow infrared LEDs.Non-Glow Night VisionCapture clear nighttime footage of the wild without disturbing wildlife animals.Talk Anytime, from AnywhereEngage in seamless communication with our two-way audio feature, allowing you to listen and talk to people in front of your camera in real-time from anywhere.Long-Lasting Power in Eco-Friendly StyleExperience uninterrupted surveillance with a rechargeable battery and efficient 6W solar panel, ensuring reliable operation even in off-grid locations.Magical Time Lapse VideosEasily observe hours, days, or even weeks of footage condensed into just a few captivating minutes.
LongDescription EN - High-Resolution Viewing
Experience wildlife like never before with the Go Ranger PT's 4K 8MP resolution, providing crystal-clear images and videos. The 360° pan and 90° tilt capabilities ensure comprehensive coverage of the surrounding environment. Advanced Night Vision
Equipped with 940nm no-glow infrared LEDs and an F1.6 large aperture, the camera captures detailed nighttime images without disturbing the wildlife, making it ideal for ecological studies and remote monitoring. Intelligent Detection and Alerts
Go Ranger PT differentiates between various types of wildlife such as deer and turkeys, as well as people and vehicles. Instant notifications keep you updated on any activity, enhancing security and observational capabilities. Flexible Power Options
Operate continuously with a solar panel or rechargeable battery, ensuring you never miss a moment. The adjustable solar panel maximizes energy efficiency, making it sustainable and cost-effective. Secure and Versatile Storage
Store your footage locally on a pre-installed 32GB microSD card (expandable up to 128GB) or upload it to Reolink Cloud for additional security. An FTP server option also offers centralized data management for professional needs. Remote Access and Control
Control and view your camera remotely through the Reolink app. Adjust settings, view live footage, and play back recorded clips from anywhere, at any time, ensuring you are always connected to the wild.
LongDescription ET - Kõrglahutusega vaatamine
Koge loodust nagu kunagi varem Go Ranger PT 4K 8MP eraldusvõimega, mis tagab kristallselged pildid ja videod. 360° pöörde- ja 90° kallutusvõimalused tagavad ümbritseva keskkonna põhjaliku katvuse. Täiustatud pimedas nägemine
Varustatud 940nm nähtamatute infrapuna-LEDide ja suure F1.6 avaga, jäädvustab kaamera üksikasjalikke öiseid pilte ilma loomi häirimata, muutes selle ideaalseks ökoloogilisteks uuringuteks ja kaugseireks. Intelligentne tuvastamine ja hoiatused
Go Ranger PT eristab erinevaid metsloomi, nagu hirved ja kalkunid, samuti inimesi ja sõidukeid. Kohesed teavitused hoiavad teid igast tegevusest kursis, suurendades turvalisust ja vaatlusvõimekust. Paindlikud toitevalikud
Töötage pidevalt päikesepaneeli või taaslaetava akuga, tagades, et ükski hetk ei jää märkamata. Reguleeritav päikesepaneel maksimeerib energiaefektiivsust, muutes selle jätkusuutlikuks ja kulutõhusaks. Turvaline ja mitmekülgne salvestus
Salvestage oma materjal lokaalselt microSD-kaardile (laiendatav kuni 128GB) või laadige see üles Reolink Cloud'i lisaturvalisuse tagamiseks. FTP-serveri valik pakub ka professionaalsetele vajadustele keskset andmehaldust. Kaugjuurdepääs ja kontroll
Juhtige ja vaadake oma kaamerat kaugelt Reolinki rakenduse kaudu. Reguleerige seadeid, vaadake otsepilti ja esitage salvestatud klippe igal ajal ja kõikjal, tagades, et olete alati loodusega ühenduses.
LongDescription LV - Augstas izšķirtspējas skatīšanās
Izbaudiet savvaļas dzīvniekus kā nekad agrāk ar Go Ranger PT 4K 8MP izšķirtspēju, nodrošinot kristāldzidrus attēlus un video. 360° panoramēšanas un 90° slīpuma maiņa, nodrošina visaptverošu apkārtējās vides pārklājumu. Uzlabotā nakts redzamība
Kamera ir aprīkota ar 940 nm nespīdošām infrasarkanajām gaismas diodēm un F1.6 lielu diafragmas atvērumu, tāpēc kamera uzņem detalizētus nakts attēlus, netraucējot savvaļas dzīvniekiem, padarot to ideāli piemērotu ekoloģiskajiem pētījumiem un attālinātai uzraudzībai. Viedā noteikšana un brīdinājumi
Go Ranger PT atšķir dažādus savvaļas dzīvnieku veidus, kā piemēram, briežus un tītarus, kā arī cilvēkus un transportlīdzekļus. Tūlītējie paziņojumi sniedz jums jaunāko informāciju par jebkuru darbību, uzlabojot drošību un novērošanas iespējas. Elastīgas barošanas iespējas
Nepārtraukta darbība ar saules paneli vai uzlādējamu akumulatoru, nodrošinot, ka jūs nekad nepalaižat garām nevienu mirkli. Regulējamais saules panelis palielina energoefektivitāti, padarot to ilgtspējīgu un rentablu. Droša un daudzpusīga uzglabāšana
Saglabājiet savus uzņemtos materiālus lokāli iepriekš instalētā 32 GB microSD kartē (paplašināma līdz 128 GB) vai augšupielādējiet to pakalpojumā Reolink Cloud, lai nodrošinātu papildu drošību. FTP servera opcija piedāvā arī centralizētu datu pārvaldību profesionālām vajadzībām. Attālā piekļuve un kontrole
Kontrolējiet un skatiet kameru attālināti, izmantojot Reolink lietotni. Pielāgojiet iestatījumus, skatiet tiešraides materiālus un atskaņojiet ierakstītos klipus no jebkuras vietas un jebkurā laikā, nodrošinot, ka vienmēr esat savienots ar savvaļas vidi.
LongProductName - 1/3" CMOS sensor, 3840X2160 (8 Mpix) @15fps, H.264/H.265, 3G/4G, 6000mAh, D98 x 122 mm
LongSummaryDescription - Reolink Go Series G450 with Solar Panel 2 - 4K 4G LTE PT Wildlife Cam, Animal Detection & Recognition, 360° View, 32GB microSD card. Type: IP security camera, Placement supported: Outdoor, Connectivity technology: Wired & Wireless. Mounting type: Ceiling/wall, Product colour: Camouflage, Form factor: Dome. Lens viewing angle, horizontal: 90°, Lens viewing angle, vertical: 47°, Lens viewing angle, diagonal: 110°. Sensor type: CMOS, Optical sensor size: 25.4 / 3 mm (1 / 3"). Night vision distance: 10 m, LED type: IR, Infra-red wavelength: 940 nm
Management features - Reset button - Yes
manufacturer_code - B4GPT4K06SP
MediumDescription EN - Reolink Go Ranger PT is a groundbreaking 4K 8MP wildlife camera with 360° pan-tilt functionality. This camera offers an all-around view of wildlife activities, day and night, without disturbing the animals thanks to its no-glow night vision. Powered by a solar panel or battery, it features smart animal detection and recognition, and can send notifications within 0.5 seconds of detecting movement. Perfect for remote wildlife monitoring. • 4K 8MP Ultra HD with 360° view
• No-glow night vision for undisturbed wildlife observation
• Smart detection of animals, people, and vehicles
• Solar or battery powered
• Supports microSD card and Reolink Cloud storage
MediumDescription ET - Reolink Go Ranger PT-ga on suurepärane 4K 8MP looduskaamera, millel on 360° pööramis- ja kallutusfunktsioon. See kaamera pakub kõikehõlmavat vaadet looduselule ööpäevaringselt, häirimata loomi tänu oma nähtamatule öövaatele. Toiteallikaks on päikesepaneel või aku, kaameral on nutikas loomade tuvastamise ja äratundmise funktsioon ning see saadab teavitused liikumise tuvastamisel 0,5 sekundi jooksul. Ideaalne kaugseireks looduses. • 4K 8MP Ultra HD 360° vaatega
• Nähtamatu öönägemine loomade häirimata jätmiseks
• Nutikas tuvastus loomadele, inimestele ja sõidukitele
• Päikese- või akutoide
• Toetab microSD-kaarti ja Reolink Cloud salvestust
MediumDescription LV - Reolink Go Ranger PT ir revolucionāra 4K 8MP savvaļas dzīvnieku novērošanas kamera ar 360° panoramēšanas funkcionalitāti. Šī kamera piedāvā visaptverošu skatu uz savvaļas aktivitātēm gan dienā, gan naktī, netraucējot dzīvniekus, pateicoties tās bezspīdēšanas nakts redzamībai. Darbojas no saules paneļiem vai akumulatoru, tajā ir gudra dzīvnieku noteikšana un atpazīšana, un tā var nosūtīt paziņojumus 0,5 sekunžu laikā pēc kustības noteikšanas. Lieliski piemērota attālai savvaļas dzīvnieku uzraudzībai. • 4K 8MP Ultra HD ar 360° skatu;
• Nakts redzamība bez spīdēšanas, netraucētai savvaļas dzīvnieku novērošanai;
• Vieda dzīvnieku, cilvēku un transportlīdzekļu noteikšana;
• Darbojas no saules enerģijas vai akumulatora;
• Atbalsta microSD karti un Reolink Cloud krātuvi.
Memory card reader - max. memory card capacity - 128
Memory card reader - supported memory cards - micro-SD
Mälu - Salvestusmeedium - Mälukaart
Mälu - Salvestusmeedium - Võrgumälu
Mälu - Sobivad mälukaardid - microSD (kuni 128 GB)
Mõõtmed & kaal - Kaal (g) - 496
Mõõtmed & kaal - Kõrgus (mm) - 122
Mõõtmed & kaal - Laius (mm) - 98
Mõõtmed & kaal - Sügavus (mm) - 98
Name - Reolink Go Series G450 with Solar Panel 2
Name - Reolink | Hunting Camera with Solar Panel | Go Series G450 | PTZ | 8 MP | Fixed | Micro SD, Max. 128 GB
Name EN - Reolink Go Series G450 + Solar Panel 2 Smart Camera
Name ET - Reolink Go Series G450 + Solar Panel 2 Smart Camera
NameInWeb EN - Reolink Go Ranger PT + Solar Panel 2, 8 MP, 4G LTE, battery powered, night vision - Hunting Camera with Solar Panel
NameInWeb ET - Reolink Go Ranger PT + Solar Panel 2, 8 MP, 4G LTE, akutoide, öörežiim - Rajakaamera koos päiksepaneeliga
NameInWeb LV - Reolink Go Ranger PT + Solar Panel 2, 8 MP, 4G LTE, nakts redzamība - IP kamera ar akumulatoru
Name LV - Reolink Go Series G450 + Solar Panel 2 Smart Camera
name_en - Reolink trail camera Go Ranger PT + Solar Panel 2
name_et - Reolink rajakaamera Go Ranger PT + Solar Panel 2
name_lv - Reolink trail camera Go Ranger PT + Solar Panel 2
name_ru - Reolink камера-ловушка Go Ranger PT + Solar Panel 2
NetWeight - 1.7000
Network - 3G standards - WCDMA
Network - 4G standard - LTE-FDD
Network - Bluetooth - No
Network - Ethernet interface type - Fast Ethernet
Network - Ethernet LAN - Yes
Network - Mobile network connection - Yes
Network - Mobile network generation - 4G
Network - SIM card slot - Yes
Network - SIM card type - NanoSIM
Network - Supported network protocols - SSL, TCP/IP, UDP, UPNP, SMTP, NTP, P2P
Network - Wi-Fi - No
Night vision - Infra-red wavelength - 940 nm
Night vision - LED type - IR
Night vision - Night vision - Yes
Night vision - Night vision distance - 10 m
Night vision - Number of illumination LEDs - 8
Operational conditions - Operating relative humidity (H-H) - 10 - 90%
Operational conditions - Operating temperature (T-T) - -10 - 55 °C
Packaging content - Manual - Yes
Packaging content - Mounting kit - Yes
Packaging content - Number of cameras - 1
Packaging content - Packaging content - 1* Go Series G330
1* Mount
1* Camouflage Skin
1* Reset Needle
1* Pack of Screws
1* Surveillance Sticker
1* Mounting Template
1* USB Cable
1* Quick Start Guide
Packaging content - Screws included - Yes
Performance - Antennas quantity - 1
Performance - Antenna type - External
Performance - Connectivity technology - Wired & Wireless
Performance - Infrared (IR) cut-off filter - Yes
Performance - Placement supported - Outdoor
Performance - Preset points - Yes
Performance - PTZ control - Yes
Performance - Type - IP security camera
Performance - Virtual assistant - Google Assistant
Ports & interfaces - USB port - Yes
Power - Akumulatora ietilpība - 6000 mAh
Power - Battery capacity - 6000 mAh
Power - Enerģijas avots - Saules panelis
Power - Enerģijas avots - Uzlādējams akumulators
Power - Power source - Rechargeable battery
Power - Power source - Solar panel
Power - Power source type - Battery
Power supply - power supply - accumulator
Power supply - power supply - solar
Producer - Reolink
producerCode - Go Series G450 with Solar Panel
ProducerCode - Go Series G450 with Solar Panel 2
ProductCode - B4GPT4K06SP
ProductionCountry - CN
ProductName - Go Series G450 with Solar Panel 2 - 4K 4G LTE PT Wildlife Cam, Animal Detection & Recognition, 360° View, 32GB microSD card
productName - Reolink Go Series G450 with Solar Panel 2 - 4K 4G LTE PT Wildlife Cam, Animal Detection & Recognition, 360° View, 32GB microSD card
productSize - Normal
Rajakaamera funktsioonid - Ilmastikukindlus - Ilmastiku- ja tolmukindel
Rajakaamera funktsioonid - Lisafunktsioonid - 360° vaade
Rajakaamera funktsioonid - Lisafunktsioonid - Inimese tuvastamine
Rajakaamera funktsioonid - Lisafunktsioonid - Looma tuvastamine
Rajakaamera funktsioonid - Lisafunktsioonid - Sõiduki tuvastamine
Rajakaamera funktsioonid - Nähtavus pimedas - Kuni 10 m
Rajakaamera funktsioonid - Tööraadius - 10 m
Rajakaamera funktsioonid - Öörežiim - Jah
SalesUnitOfMeasureCode - tk
Security - Detection distance - 10 m
Security - Intelligent Video Surveillance (IVS) system features - Human detection
Security - Intelligent Video Surveillance (IVS) system features - Human detection, Pet detection, Vehicle detection
Security - Intelligent Video Surveillance (IVS) system features - Pet detection
Security - Intelligent Video Surveillance (IVS) system features - Vehicle detection
Security - Motion sensor - Yes
Security - Motion sensor technology - Passive infrared (PIR) sensor
ShortDescription -
ShortSummaryDescription - Reolink Go Series G450 with Solar Panel 2 - 4K 4G LTE PT Wildlife Cam, Animal Detection & Recognition, 360° View, 32GB microSD card, IP security camera, Outdoor, Wired & Wireless, Google Assistant, External, Ceiling/wall
sizeX - 240
sizeY - 200
sizeZ - 200
Storage - Built-in HDD - No
Storage - Card reader integrated - Yes
Storage - Compatible memory cards - MicroSD (TransFlash)
Storage - Compatible memory cards - microSD (up to 128 GB)
Storage - Ieraksta nesēji - Atmiņas karte
Storage - Ieraksta nesēji - NAS
Storage - Maximum memory card size - 128 GB
Storage - Recording media - Memory Card
Storage - Recording media - NAS
Storage - Saderīgas atmiņas kartes - microSD (up to 128 GB)
TariffNo - 85258300
Title - Reolink Go Series G450 with Solar Panel 2 - 4K 4G LTE PT Wildlife Cam, Animal Detection & Recognition, 360° View, 32GB microSD card
Toide - Aku mahutavus - 6000 mAh
Toide - Vooluallikas - Laetav aku
Toide - Vooluallikas - Päikesepaneel
UnitOfMeasureCode - tk
UnitsPerPackage - 1
Video & audio - Microphone - Yes
Video & audio - Mikrofons - Yes
Video & audio - Skaļrunis - J
Video & audio - Speaker - Yes
Video & audio - Video compression - H.264
Video & audio - Video compression - H.265
Video & audio - Video ierakstīšana - 4K UHD 3840 × 2160
Video & audio - Video recording - 4K UHD 3840 × 2160
Video & heli - Kõlar - Jah
Video & heli - Mikrofon - Jah
Video & heli - Videosalvestus - 4K UHD 3840 × 2160
Video & heli - Videotihenduse standard - H.264
Video & heli - Videotihenduse standard - H.265
Video - Bit rate - 64 Kbps - 4096 Kbps
Video - Frame rate - 15 fps
Video - Maximum resolution - 3840 x 2160 pixels
Video - Supported graphics resolutions - 3840 x 2160
Video - Supported video modes - 2160p
Video - Total megapixels - 8 MP
Video - Video compression formats - H.264
Video - Video compression formats - H.264, H.265
Video - Video compression formats - H.265
Video - Video formats supported - H.264
Video - Video formats supported - H.264, H.265
Video - Video formats supported - H.265
Video - Video recording - Yes
Video - Video streaming - Yes
Volume - 0.00960000
WarrantyInfo -
warrantyLength - 24
warrantyType - G
weight - 1890
Weight & dimensions - Diameter - 9.8 cm
Weight & dimensions - Height - 122 mm
Weight & dimensions - Weight - 496 g
Width - 0.2000
Ühenduvus - Ühendused - Mobiilne internet
Üldine - Komplekti sisu - Kaamera
Üldine - Komplekti sisu - Kiirjuhend
Üldine - Komplekti sisu - Kinnitus
Üldine - Komplekti sisu - Kinnituskruvid
Üldine - Komplekti sisu - microSD kaart (32 GB)
Üldine - Komplekti sisu - Päikesepaneel
Üldine - Komplekti sisu - USB-C kaabel
Üldine - Töötemperatuur - -10 – 55 °C
Üldine - Värvus - Kamuflaaž
Видео & звук - Динамик - Да
Видео & звук - Запись видео - 4K UHD 3840 × 2160
Видео & звук - Микрофон - Да
Видео & звук - Стандарт сжатия видео - H.264
Видео & звук - Стандарт сжатия видео - H.265
Камера - Вертикальный поворот - 140°
Камера - Горизонтальный поворот - 355°
Камера - Мегапиксели - 8 мегапикселей
Камера - Размер матрицы - 1/3" тип
Камера - Тип сенсора - CMOS
Общее - Комплектация - microSD карта (32 GB)
Общее - Комплектация - USB-C cable
Общее - Комплектация - Быстрая инструкция
Общее - Комплектация - Винты крепления
Общее - Комплектация - Камера
Общее - Комплектация - Крепление
Общее - Комплектация - Солнечная панель
Общее - Рабочая температура - -10 – 55 °C
Общее - Цвет - Камуфляж
Память - Носитель памяти - Карта памяти
Память - Носитель памяти - Сетевая память
Память - Подходящие карты памяти - microSD (up to 128 GB)
Питание - Емкость аккумулятора - 6000 мАч
Питание - Питание - Перезаряжаемый аккумулятор
Питание - Питание - Солнечная панель
Размеры & вес - Вес (г) - 496
Размеры & вес - Высота (мм) - 122
Размеры & вес - Глубина (мм) - 98
Размеры & вес - Ширина (мм) - 98
Соединение - Соединения - Mobile internet
Функции камеры-ловушки - Видимость в темноте - До 10 м
Функции камеры-ловушки - Дополнительные функции - 360° вид
Функции камеры-ловушки - Дополнительные функции - Обнаружение животного
Функции камеры-ловушки - Дополнительные функции - Обнаружение транспортного средства
Функции камеры-ловушки - Дополнительные функции - Обнаружение человека
Функции камеры-ловушки - Ночной режим - Да
Функции камеры-ловушки - Погодная устойчивость - Защита от погодных условий и пыли
Функции камеры-ловушки - Рабочий радиус - 10 м