AgfaPhoto DC8200, Purple

Picture may differ from actual product, there can be accessories and parts not supplied with the actual product.
ID: 1170478 Product code: DC8200PU
In stock 9 units
Warranty: 2 years (Warranty for business entities 1 year)
124.25 €
Delivery options
  • Delivery to Smartpost 1.99 €: 21.03.2025
  • Delivery to Omniva parcel locker 1.99 €: 21.03.2025
  • Courier delivery 3.99 €: 21.03.2025
Main product parameters All parameters
  • Camera type: Mirrorless camera
  • Display size: 2.7"
  • Power source: Li-Ion battery
  • Resolution: 18 Mpix
  • Sensors: CMOS
  • Optiskais zoom: Zoom 8x
  • Type of memory card: SD
  • Type of memory card: SDHC
All parameters
Built-in flashlight : Ir
Camera equipment : with fixed lens
Camera type : Mirrorless camera
Color : Magenta
Display size 2.7"
The size of the digital camera screen used for searching images, viewing and editing taken photos. A bigger display is convenient at use, however, it has to be taken into account that the bigger the display the shorter the battery life of the camera. If the battery life time is more important than the viewing convenience we recommend to buy a camera with a smaller display and a separate image searcher.
Hot Shoe : Nav
Lens mount : Not changeable
Power source Li-Ion battery
The power supply source of a digital camera can be both batteries or accumulator. The advantage of batteries is that they are widely available in stores and the advantage of the accumulator is that it can be charged and used without the need to buy an extra battery. Prior to buying a digital camera you should verify whether its power supply complies with your needs.
Resolution 18 Mpix
The matrix resolution of a digital camera determines the amount of information that the camera can "record" within a single photo. A higher index of resolution means a more detailed image and a higher quality of the image. Cameras with higher resolution require more space on the memory card for storing their photos, therefore we recommend to buy a corresponding capacity memory card with a high resolution camera, for example, a 2Gb card for 8Mpix camera.
Sensors : CMOS
Video resolution : 1080p30
Optiskais zoom Zoom 8x
Optical zoom or zooming-in by means of the optical devices is an important index for taking photos of remote items. For close-ups 3x optical zoom is sufficient, for taking photos of more remote items this index has to be higher.
Type of memory card SD, SDHC
The type of the memory card that can be placed in the digital camera for increasing the space for storing photos. When you buy a photo camera you should take into account that one or two types of memory cards are compatible with each camera. SD (Secure Digital) and CF (Compact Flash) are the most popular formats of memory cards.
External HDD storage for pictures
More detailed specification
Atmiņa - Atmiņas kartes sloti - 1
Atmiņa - Atmiņas kartes tips - SD / SDHC
Atmiņa - Iebūvētā atmiņa - Nav
Attēla stabilizators - Attēla stabilizators - Jā
barcode - 3760265542000
Body - Color - Violet
Body - Depth (mm) - 25
Body - Height (mm) - 60
Body - Package contents - 16 GB SDHC memory card
Body - Package contents - Battery
Body - Package contents - Camera
Body - Package contents - Case
Body - Package contents - USB cable
Body - Package contents - User manual
Body - Weight (with battery and memory card) - 96 g
Body - Width (mm) - 100
brand - Agfaphoto
category_en - Cameras
category_et - Kaamerad
category_lv - Kameras
category_ru - Камеры
description_en - The light and compact AgfaPhoto DC8200 is the perfect companion wherever your adventures take you – the camera fits comfortably in a handbag or even a pocket. However, the small body hides powerful contents: 18-megapixel CMOS sensor, 2.7-inch TFT LCD screen and 8× optical zoom. The camera allows Full HD 1920 × 1080 video recording, and the 18-megapixel sensor ensures clear and sharp images. 18-megapixel CMOS sensor 8× optical zoom Full HD 1920 × 1080 video recording 2.7 inch TFT LCD screen Kit includes a 16 GB SDHC memory card and a case
description_et - Kerge ja kompaktne AgfaPhoto DC8200 on ideaalne kaaslane kõikjal, kuhu seiklused Sind viivad – kaamera mahub mugavalt käekotti või isegi taskusse. Väikses korpuses peitub aga võimekas sisu: 18-megapiksline CMOS sensor, 2,7-tolline TFT LCD ekraan ja 8× optiline suum. Kaamera võimaldab Full HD 1920 × 1080 videosalvestust ning 18-megapiksline sensor tagab selged ja teravad pildid. 18-megapiksline CMOS sensor 8× optiline suum Full HD 1920 × 1080 videosalvestus 2,7-tolline TFT LCD ekraan Komplekti kuulub 16 GB SDHC mälukaart ja vutlar
description_lv -
description_ru -
description_short_en - 18 megapixel CMOS sensor 8× optical zoom Full HD 1920 × 1080 video recording 2.7-inch TFT LCD display Memory card and case included
description_short_et - 18-megapiksline CMOS sensor 8× optiline suum Full HD 1920 × 1080 videosalvestus 2,7-tolline TFT LCD ekraan Komplektis mälukaart ja vutlar
description_short_lv -
description_short_ru - 18-мегапиксельный CMOS-сенсор 8-кратный цифровой зум Запись видео в формате Full HD 1920×1080 2,7-дюймовый TFT-ЖК-экран Карта памяти и чехол в комплекте
Enerģijas avots - Baterija - Iebūvēts litija akumulators
Failitüübid - Video salvestusvorming - AVI
Failu formāti - Video formāts - AVI
feature_group_en - Compact cameras
feature_group_et - Kompaktkaamerad
feature_group_lv - Kompaktās kameras
feature_group_ru - Компактные камеры
File types - Movie format - AVI
Image stabiliser - Image stabiliser - Yes
Kere - Kaal (koos aku ja mälukaardiga) - 96 g
Kere - Komplekti sisu - 16 GB SDHC mälukaart
Kere - Komplekti sisu - Aku
Kere - Komplekti sisu - Kaamera
Kere - Komplekti sisu - Kasutusjuhend
Kere - Komplekti sisu - Randmerihm
Kere - Komplekti sisu - USB kaabel
Kere - Komplekti sisu - Vutlar
Kere - Kõrgus (mm) - 60
Kere - Laius (mm) - 100
Kere - Sügavus (mm) - 25
Kere - Värvus - Lilla
Korpuss - Augstums (mm) - 60
Korpuss - Dziļums (mm) - 25
Korpuss - Iepakojumā ietilpst - 16 GB SDHC atmiņas karte
Korpuss - Iepakojumā ietilpst - Akumulators
Korpuss - Iepakojumā ietilpst - Futrālis
Korpuss - Iepakojumā ietilpst - Kamera
Korpuss - Iepakojumā ietilpst - Lietotāja rokasgrāmata
Korpuss - Iepakojumā ietilpst - Plaukstas locītavas siksna
Korpuss - Iepakojumā ietilpst - USB kabelis
Korpuss - Krāsa - Violeta
Korpuss - Platums (mm) - 100
Korpuss - Svars (ar akumulatoru un atmiņas karti) - 96 g
LCD monitor - Display size (inches) - 2.7
LCD monitor - Display type - TFT LCD
LCD monitor - Ekraani mõõt (tolle) - 2,7
LCD monitor - Ekraani tüüp - TFT LCD
LCD monitors - Displeja izmērs (collas) - 2,7
LCD monitors - Displeja tips - TFT LCD
LCD экран - Размер экрана (дюймы) - 2,7
LCD экран - Тип экрана - TFT LCD
Lens - Optical zoom - 8×
manufacturer_code - DC8200PU
Movie recording - Video recording - Full HD 1920 × 1080
Movie recording - Video resolution - [FullHD] 1920 × 1080 30p
Mälu - Mälukaardi pesade arv - 1
Mälu - Mälukaardi tüüp - SDHC
Mälu - Sisemälu - Puudub
name_en - AgfaPhoto Realishot DC8200, purple
name_et - AgfaPhoto Realishot DC8200, lilla
name_lv - AgfaPhoto Realishot DC8200, purple
name_ru - AgfaPhoto Realishot DC8200, purple
Objektiiv - Optiline suum - 8×
Objektīvs - Optiskā tālummaiņa - 8×
Pildistabilisaator - Pildistabilisaator - Jah
Power source - Battery - Built-in lithium battery
Sensor - Efektiivseid megapiksleid - 18
Sensor - Effective megapixels - 18
Sensor - ISO - 50 – 1600
Sensor - ISO tundlikkuse ulatus - 50 – 1600
Sensor - Largest image size - 4896 × 3672
Sensor - Megapiksleid - 18 megapikslit
Sensor - Megapixels - 18 megapixels
Sensor - Sensori mõõt - 1/3,2"
Sensor - Sensori tüüp - CMOS
Sensor - Sensor size - 1/3.2"
Sensor - Sensor type - CMOS
Sensor - Suurim pildimõõt pikslites - 4896 × 3672
Sensors - Efektīvie megapikseļi - 18
Sensors - ISO - 50 – 1600
Sensors - Lielākais attēla izmērs - 4896 × 3672
Sensors - Megapikseļi - 18 megapikseļi
Sensors - Sensora izmērs - 1/3,2"
Sensors - Sensora tips - CMOS
Storage - Integrated memory - None
Storage - Memory card slots - 1
Storage - Memory card type - SDHC
Videoieraksts - Video ierakstīšana - Full HD 1920 × 1080
Videoieraksts - Video izšķirtspēja - [FullHD] 1920 × 1080 30p
Videosalvestus - Video lahutusvõime - [FullHD] 1920 × 1080 30p
Videosalvestus - Videosalvestus - Full HD 1920 × 1080
Vooluallikas - Element - Integreeritud liitiumaku
Запись видео - Запись видео - Full HD 1920 × 1080
Запись видео - Разрешение видео - [FullHD] 1920 × 1080 30p
Источник питания - Батарейка - Встроенный литиевый аккумулятор
Корпус - Вес (с аккумулятором и картой памяти) - 96 г
Корпус - Высота (мм) - 60
Корпус - Глубина (мм) - 25
Корпус - Комплектация - USB кабель
Корпус - Комплектация - Аккумулятор
Корпус - Комплектация - Камера
Корпус - Комплектация - Ремешок на запястье
Корпус - Комплектация - Руководство пользователя
Корпус - Комплектация - Футляр
Корпус - Комплектация - карта памяти 16 GB SDHC
Корпус - Цвет - Фиолетовый
Корпус - Ширина (мм) - 100
Объектив - Оптический зум - 8×
Память - Встроенная память - Отсутствует
Память - Слоты для карт памяти - 1
Память - Тип карты памяти - SD / SDHC
Сенсор - ISO - 50 – 1600
Сенсор - Макс размер изображения - 4896 × 3672
Сенсор - Мегапиксели - 18 мегапикселей
Сенсор - Размер матрицы - 1/3,2
Сенсор - Тип сенсора - CMOS
Сенсор - Эффективные мегапиксели - 18
Стабилизатор изображения - Стабилизатор изображения - Да
Форматы файлов - Видео формат записи - AVI
124.25 €
AgfaPhoto DC8200, Purple
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