Redleaf RF06

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ID: 1144125 Product code: RL4380
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Warranty: 2 years (Warranty for business entities 1 year)
Main product parameters All parameters
  • Camera type: Wild Camera
  • Display size: 2.0"
  • Power source: AA Batteries
  • Resolution: 48 Mpix
  • Sensors: Nav norādīts
  • Optiskais zoom: Zoom 0x
  • Type of memory card: microSD
  • Type of memory card: microSDHC
  • Type of memory card: microSDXC
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Built-in flashlight Nav Nav Nav Nav Nav
Camera equipment with fixed lens with fixed lens with fixed lens with fixed lens with fixed lens
Camera type Wild Camera Wild Camera Compact camera Compact camera Compact camera
Color Kamuflāža Kamuflāža Melna Melna Melna
Display size 2.0" 2.0" 2.25" 2.25" 2.0"
Hot Shoe Nav Nav Nav Nav Nav
Lens mount Not changeable Not changeable Not changeable Not changeable Not changeable
Power source AA Batteries Li-Ion battery Li-Ion battery Li-Ion battery Li-Ion battery
Resolution 48 Mpix 46 Mpix 48 Mpix 10 MPix 13.1Mpix
Sensors Nav norādīts Nav norādīts Nav norādīts 1/1.3" CMOS
Video resolution 4K15 4K24 5.7K30 4k120 4K30
Optiskais zoom Zoom 0x Zoom 0x Zoom 0x Zoom 0x Zoom 0x
Type of memory card microSD microSDHC microSDXC microSD microSD microSDHC microSDXC microSD microSDHC microSDXC SD SDHC SDXC
All parameters
Built-in flashlight : Nav
Camera equipment : with fixed lens
Camera type : Wild Camera
Color : Kamuflāža
Display size 2.0"
The size of the digital camera screen used for searching images, viewing and editing taken photos. A bigger display is convenient at use, however, it has to be taken into account that the bigger the display the shorter the battery life of the camera. If the battery life time is more important than the viewing convenience we recommend to buy a camera with a smaller display and a separate image searcher.
Hot Shoe : Nav
Lens mount : Not changeable
Power source AA Batteries
The power supply source of a digital camera can be both batteries or accumulator. The advantage of batteries is that they are widely available in stores and the advantage of the accumulator is that it can be charged and used without the need to buy an extra battery. Prior to buying a digital camera you should verify whether its power supply complies with your needs.
Resolution 48 Mpix
The matrix resolution of a digital camera determines the amount of information that the camera can "record" within a single photo. A higher index of resolution means a more detailed image and a higher quality of the image. Cameras with higher resolution require more space on the memory card for storing their photos, therefore we recommend to buy a corresponding capacity memory card with a high resolution camera, for example, a 2Gb card for 8Mpix camera.
Sensors : Nav norādīts
Video resolution : 4K15
Optiskais zoom Zoom 0x
Optical zoom or zooming-in by means of the optical devices is an important index for taking photos of remote items. For close-ups 3x optical zoom is sufficient, for taking photos of more remote items this index has to be higher.
Type of memory card microSD, microSDHC, microSDXC
The type of the memory card that can be placed in the digital camera for increasing the space for storing photos. When you buy a photo camera you should take into account that one or two types of memory cards are compatible with each camera. SD (Secure Digital) and CF (Compact Flash) are the most popular formats of memory cards.
More detailed specification
barcode - 5901891107371
brand - Redleaf
Camera - Lens angle - 60°
category_en - Cameras
category_et - Kaamerad
category_lv - Kameras
category_ru - Камеры
description_en - The Redleaf RF06 is a reliable trail camera for wildlife monitoring and property protection. Thanks to its fast response time (0.4s), the trail camera is ideal for observing animals, monitoring crops, plots of land or protecting poaching and private land. The camera records 4K videos and 48-megapixel photos. Night mode uses infrared radiation, which is invisible to the naked eye. Camo trail camera The motion sensor works within a range of 60° Records videos and takes photos in the dark (infrared) Reaction to movement in just 0.4 seconds 20-meter infrared range and motion detection Maximum video resolution: 4K 3840 × 2160 @30 fps Maximum photo resolution: 48 MP (8000 × 6000) Built-in sensitive microphone microSD memory card slot (for cards up to 128 GB) When the memory is full, old materials are automatically overwritten 2 inch screen for easy operation The supplied strap and mounting kit allow the camera to be conveniently mounted on trees Powered by 8 AA batteries or a NiMH battery Operating temperature: -20 °C to 60 °C Password data protection Weatherproof IP66 compliant housing 4K video + 48 MP clear image
The Redleaf RF06 Trail Camera captures 4K video and 48MP crystal clear images with clear audio recording, offering higher quality and exciting visual details during the day (records in black and white at night). You can easily see and hear the living world of wildlife. 20 m detection distance and 0.4 s response time
Thanks to its fast response time (0.4s), the trail camera is ideal for observing animals, monitoring crops, plots of land or protecting poaching and private land. The device successfully detects movement from a distance of up to 20 meters. Set the recording time
The Redleaf RF06 camera allows you to flexibly adjust the working schedule of the device according to your needs. Thanks to the possibility of setting specific time intervals, you can decide when the track camera should be active and when it should remain in rest mode. This feature is extremely useful in locations where 24/7 monitoring is not required. You can set the camera to record only at night, in the morning during animal activity or when your property needs protection. This saves battery life and memory card space. Don't lose a single recording
The Redleaf RF06 trail camera ensures uninterrupted operation even when the memory card is almost full. When the memory is full, the oldest video files are automatically overwritten with new recordings. This ensures that the camera always records the latest events and you don't have to manually delete older footage. IP66 waterproof design
The IP66 waterproof and durable housing protects the camera from rain and dust damage. The trail camera also works well in harsh environments such as deserts, grasslands, and tropical rainforests. Protection and security
Access to Redleaf RF06 track camera files and settings can be password protected. Even if the camera falls into the possession of third parties, they cannot check what data the carrier has without the code. Thanks to the special holes on the body, the camera can also be physically fixed using a padlock. Opening the closed case is then much more difficult, which can discourage random people who find the camera in the forest, for example.
description_et - Redleaf RF06 on töökindel rajakaamera eluslooduse jälgimiseks ja vara kaitsmiseks. Tänu kiirele reageerimiseajale (0,4s), on rajakaamera ideaalne loomade vaatlemiseks, põllukultuuride, maatükkide jälgimiseks või salaküttimise ja eramaa kaitsmiseks. Kaamera salvestab 4K videoid ja 48-megapiksliseid fotosid. Öörežiim kasutab infrapunakiirgust, mis on palja silmaga nähtamatu. Kamuflaažtoonides rajakaamera Liikumisandur töötab 60° ulatuses Salvestab videoid ja pildistab pimedas (infrapuna) Reaktsioon liikumisele kõigest 0,4 sekundiga 20-meetrine infrapuna ulatus ja liikumistuvastus Maksimaalne video eraldusvõime: 4K 3840 × 2160 @30 fps Maksimaalne foto eraldusvõime: 48 MP (8000 × 6000) Sisseehitatud tundlik mikrofon microSD mälukaardipesa (kuni 128 GB kaartidele) Kui mälu saab täis, kirjutatakse vanad materjalid automaatselt üle 2-tolline ekraan lihtsaks kasutamiseks Kaasasolev rihm ja kinnituskomplekt võimaldavad kaamera mugavalt puudele paigaldada Toiteallikaks on 8 AA patareid või NiMH akut Töötemperatuur: -20 °C kuni 60 °C Parooliga andmekaitse Ilmastikukindel IP66 standardile vastav korpus 4K video + 48 MP selge pilt
Redleaf RF06 rajakaamera jäädvustab 4K videot ja 48-megapikslisi kristallselgeid pilte koos selge helisalvestusega, pakkudes päevasel ajal kvaliteetsemaid ja põnevaid visuaalseid detaile (öösel salvestab mustvalgelt). Saad hõlpsasti näha ja kuulda metsiku looduse elavat maailma. 20 m tuvastuskaugus ja 0,4 s reageerimisaeg
Tänu kiirele reageerimiseajale (0,4s), on rajakaamera ideaalne loomade vaatlemiseks, põllukultuuride, maatükkide jälgimiseks või salaküttimise ja eramaa kaitsmiseks. Seade tuvastab edukalt liikumise kuni 20 meetri kauguselt. Seadista salvestusaeg
Redleaf RF06 kaamera võimaldab paindlikult kohandada seadme töögraafikut vastavalt oma vajadustele. Tänu kindlate ajavahemike seadistamise võimalusele saad otsustada, millal peaks rajakaamera olema aktiivne ja millal jääma puhkerežiimi. See funktsioon on äärmiselt kasulik kohtades, kus ööpäevaringne jälgimine pole vajalik. Saad seadistada kaamera salvestama ainult öösel, hommikustel loomade tegevuse ajal või siis, kui Su vara vajab kaitset. See säästab aku kasutusaega ja ruumi mälukaardil. Ära kaota ühtki salvestust
Redleaf RF06 rajakaamera tagab katkematu töö ka siis, kui mälukaart on peaaegu täis. Kui mälu on täis, kirjutatakse vanimad videofailid automaatselt uute salvestustega üle. See tagab, et kaamera salvestab alati viimased sündmused ja Sa ei pea vanemaid materjale käsitsi kustutama. IP66 veekindel disain
IP66 veekindel ja vastupidav korpus kaitseb kaamerat vihma ja tolmu kahjustuste eest. Rajakaamera töötab hästi ka rasketes keskkondades, nagu kõrbed, rohumaad ja troopilised vihmametsad. Kaitse ja turvalisus
Redleaf RF06 rajakaamera failidele ja seadistustele juurdepääsu saab kaitsta parooliga. Isegi kui kaamera satub kolmandate isikute valdusesse, ei saa nad ilma koodita kontrollida, millised andmed kandjal on. Tänu korpusel olevatele spetsiaalsetele aukudele saab kaamera tabaluku abil ka füüsiliselt kinnitada. Suletud korpuse avamine on siis palju keerulisem, mis võib heidutada juhuslikke inimesi, kes kaamera näiteks metsast leiavad.
description_lv -
description_ru -
description_short_en - Trail camera in forest camouflage colours 48 megapixel photos & 4K video recording 20 m detection distance and 0.4 s response time Distance of night vision: 20 m IP66 weatherproof design
description_short_et - Kamuflaažitoonides rajakaamera 48-megapikslised fotod ja 4K videosalvestus 20 m tuvastuskaugus ja 0,4 s reageerimisaeg Nähtavus pimedas kuni 20 meetrit IP66 ilmastikukindel disain
description_short_lv -
description_short_ru - Камуфляжная камера-ловушка48-мегапиксельные фотографии и запись видео 4KРасстояние обнаружения 20 м и время отклика 0,4 сВидимость в темноте до 20 метровIP66 защищенный от атмосферных воздействий дизайн
Dimensions & weight - Augstums (mm) - 135
Dimensions & weight - Depth (mm) - 70
Dimensions & weight - Dziļums (mm) - 70
Dimensions & weight - Height (mm) - 135
Dimensions & weight - Platums (mm) - 103
Dimensions & weight - Svars (g) - 260
Dimensions & weight - Weight (g) - 260
Dimensions & weight - Width (mm) - 103
feature_group_en - Trail cameras
feature_group_et - Rajakaamerad
feature_group_lv - Meža/medību kameras
feature_group_ru - Фотоловушки для животных
Functions - Aizsardzība pret apkārtējās vides iedarbību - IP66
Functions - Darbības rādiuss - 20 m
Functions - Display size (inches) - 2.0
Functions - Display type - TFT LCD
Functions - Displeja izmērs (collas) - 2,0
Functions - Ekrāna tips - TFT LCD
Functions - Nakts režīms - Jā
Functions - Night mode - Yes
Functions - Night vision range - Up to 20 m
Functions - Range - 20 m
Functions - Trigger time - 0.4 s
Functions - Weather sealing - IP66
General - Color - Camouflage
General - Darba temperatūra - -20 – 60 °C
General - Iepakojumā ietilpst - Kamera
General - Iepakojumā ietilpst - Mounting straps
General - Iepakojumā ietilpst - Skrūves
General - Iepakojumā ietilpst - USB kabelis
General - Krāsa - Kamuflāža
General - Operating temperature - -20 – 60 °C
General - Package contents - Camera
General - Package contents - Knobs
General - Package contents - Mounting straps
General - Package contents - USB cable
Kaamera - Objektiivi vaatenurk - 60°
manufacturer_code - RL4380
Mälu - Salvestusmeedium - Mälukaart
Mälu - Sobivad mälukaardid - microSD (kuni 128 GB)
Mõõtmed & kaal - Kaal (g) - 260
Mõõtmed & kaal - Kõrgus (mm) - 135
Mõõtmed & kaal - Laius (mm) - 103
Mõõtmed & kaal - Sügavus (mm) - 70
name_en - Redleaf trail camera RF06
name_et - Redleaf rajakaamera RF06
name_lv - Redleaf trail camera RF06
name_ru - Redleaf камера-ловушка RF06
Power - Enerģijas avots - 8 × AA batteries või NiMH rechargable batteries
Power - Power source - 8 × AA batteries või NiMH rechargable batteries
Rajakaamera funktsioonid - Ekraani mõõt (tolle) - 2,0
Rajakaamera funktsioonid - Ekraani tüüp - TFT LCD
Rajakaamera funktsioonid - Ilmastikukindlus - IP66
Rajakaamera funktsioonid - Nähtavus pimedas - Kuni 20 m
Rajakaamera funktsioonid - Reageerimisaeg - 0,4 s
Rajakaamera funktsioonid - Tööraadius - 20 m
Rajakaamera funktsioonid - Öörežiim - Jah
Storage - Compatible memory cards - microSD (up to 128 GB)
Storage - Ieraksta nesēji - Atmiņas karte
Storage - Recording media - Memory Card
Storage - Saderīgas atmiņas kartes - microSD (up to 128 GB)
Toide - Vooluallikas - 8 × AA patareid või NiMH akud
Video & audio - Failu tipi - JPEG
Video & audio - Failu tipi - MP4
Video & audio - File types - JPEG
Video & audio - File types - MP4
Video & audio - Foto funkcija - Jā
Video & audio - Foto izšķirtspēja - 48 MP
Video & audio - Largest image size - 8000 × 6000
Video & audio - Lielākais attēla izmērs - 8000 × 6000
Video & audio - Microphone - Yes
Video & audio - Mikrofons - Yes
Video & audio - Photo function - Yes
Video & audio - Photo resolution - 48 MP
Video & audio - Video ierakstīšana - 4K UHD 3840 × 2160
Video & audio - Video recording - 4K UHD 3840 × 2160
Video & heli - Failitüübid - JPEG
Video & heli - Failitüübid - MP4
Video & heli - Foto funktsioon - Jah
Video & heli - Foto lahutusvõime - 48 MP
Video & heli - Mikrofon - Jah
Video & heli - Suurim pildimõõt pikslites - 8000 × 6000
Video & heli - Videosalvestus - 4K UHD 3840 × 2160
Üldine - Komplekti sisu - Kaamera
Üldine - Komplekti sisu - Kruvid
Üldine - Komplekti sisu - Paigaldusrihmad
Üldine - Komplekti sisu - USB kaabel
Üldine - Töötemperatuur - -20 – 60 °C
Üldine - Värvus - Kamuflaaž
Видео & звук - Запись видео - 4K UHD 3840 × 2160
Видео & звук - Макс размер изображения - 8000 × 6000
Видео & звук - Микрофон - Да
Видео & звук - Разрешение фото - 48 MP
Видео & звук - Форматы файлов - JPEG
Видео & звук - Форматы файлов - MP4
Видео & звук - Функция фото - Да
Камера - Угол обзора объектив - 60°
Общее - Комплектация - USB кабель
Общее - Комплектация - Болты
Общее - Комплектация - Камера
Общее - Комплектация - Ремни крепления
Общее - Рабочая температура - -20 – 60 °C
Общее - Цвет - Камуфляж
Память - Носитель памяти - Карта памяти
Память - Подходящие карты памяти - microSD (up to 128 GB)
Питание - Питание - 8 × AA батарейки или аккумуляторы NiMH
Размеры & вес - Вес (г) - 260
Размеры & вес - Высота (мм) - 135
Размеры & вес - Глубина (мм) - 70
Размеры & вес - Ширина (мм) - 103
Функции камеры-ловушки - Видимость в темноте - До 20 м
Функции камеры-ловушки - Время реагирования - 0.4 s
Функции камеры-ловушки - Ночной режим - Да
Функции камеры-ловушки - Погодная устойчивость - IP66
Функции камеры-ловушки - Рабочий радиус - 20 м
Функции камеры-ловушки - Размер экрана (дюймы) - 2,0
Функции камеры-ловушки - Тип экрана - TFT LCD
59.20 €
Redleaf RF06
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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