Pentax WG-90, blue

Picture may differ from actual product, there can be accessories and parts not supplied with the actual product.
ID: 1051704 Product code: 02144
In stock 5 units
Warranty: 2 years (Warranty for business entities 1 year)
353.07 €
Delivery options
  • Delivery to Smartpost 1.99 €: 11.03.2025
  • Delivery to Omniva parcel locker 1.99 €: 11.03.2025
  • Courier delivery 3.99 €: 11.03.2025
Main product parameters All parameters
  • Camera type: Mirrorless camera
  • Display size: 2.7"
  • Power source: Li-Ion battery
  • Resolution: 16 MPix
  • Sensors: CMOS
  • Optiskais zoom: Zoom 5x
  • Type of memory card: SD
  • Type of memory card: SDHC
  • Type of memory card: SDXC
All parameters
Built-in flashlight : Ir
Camera equipment : with fixed lens
Camera type : Mirrorless camera
Color : Melna
Display size 2.7"
The size of the digital camera screen used for searching images, viewing and editing taken photos. A bigger display is convenient at use, however, it has to be taken into account that the bigger the display the shorter the battery life of the camera. If the battery life time is more important than the viewing convenience we recommend to buy a camera with a smaller display and a separate image searcher.
Hot Shoe : Nav
Lens mount : Not changeable
Power source Li-Ion battery
The power supply source of a digital camera can be both batteries or accumulator. The advantage of batteries is that they are widely available in stores and the advantage of the accumulator is that it can be charged and used without the need to buy an extra battery. Prior to buying a digital camera you should verify whether its power supply complies with your needs.
Resolution 16 MPix
The matrix resolution of a digital camera determines the amount of information that the camera can "record" within a single photo. A higher index of resolution means a more detailed image and a higher quality of the image. Cameras with higher resolution require more space on the memory card for storing their photos, therefore we recommend to buy a corresponding capacity memory card with a high resolution camera, for example, a 2Gb card for 8Mpix camera.
Sensors : CMOS
Video resolution : 1080p30
Optiskais zoom Zoom 5x
Optical zoom or zooming-in by means of the optical devices is an important index for taking photos of remote items. For close-ups 3x optical zoom is sufficient, for taking photos of more remote items this index has to be higher.
Type of memory card SD, SDHC, SDXC
The type of the memory card that can be placed in the digital camera for increasing the space for storing photos. When you buy a photo camera you should take into account that one or two types of memory cards are compatible with each camera. SD (Secure Digital) and CF (Compact Flash) are the most popular formats of memory cards.
External HDD storage for pictures
More detailed specification
Atmiņa - Atmiņas kartes sloti - 1
Atmiņa - Atmiņas kartes tips - SD
Atmiņa - Atmiņas kartes tips - SD / SDHC
Atmiņa - Atmiņas kartes tips - SD / SDHC / SDXC
Atmiņa - Iebūvētā atmiņa - 68 MB
Attēla stabilizators - Attēla stabilizatora dizains - Digitālais stabilizators
Attēla stabilizators - Attēla stabilizators - Jā
Attēlu uzņemšana - Režīmi - Automātisks
Attēlu uzņemšana - Režīmi - Programma
Attēlu uzņemšana - Scēnu režīmi - Jā
Attēlu uzņemšana - Uzņemšanas režīmi - Automātisks
Attēlu uzņemšana - Uzņemšanas režīmi - Automātiskā taimera aizture
Attēlu uzņemšana - Uzņemšanas režīmi - Sērijveida foto uzņemšana
Baltās krāsas balanss - Baltā balansa režīmi - Automātisks
Baltās krāsas balanss - Baltā balansa režīmi - Daylight
Baltās krāsas balanss - Baltā balansa režīmi - Fluorescent light
Baltās krāsas balanss - Baltā balansa režīmi - Kvēlspuldze
Baltās krāsas balanss - Baltā balansa režīmi - Manuāls
Baltās krāsas balanss - Baltā balansa režīmi - Ēna
barcode - 0027075306493
barcode - 027075306493
Body - Color - Black
Body - Depth (mm) - 29.5
Body - Height (mm) - 61.5
Body - Package contents - AC adapter
Body - Package contents - Camera
Body - Package contents - Lithium battery D-LI92
Body - Package contents - Macro stand
Body - Package contents - Shoulder strap
Body - Package contents - USB cable
Body - Weather sealing - Crushproof (up to 100 kgf)
Body - Weather sealing - Dustproof
Body - Weather sealing - Freeze proof (up to -10 °C)
Body - Weather sealing - Shockproof (up to 1.6 m fall)
Body - Weather sealing - Waterproof (up to 14 m of depth)
Body - Weight (body only) - 173 g
Body - Weight (with battery and memory card) - 194 g
Body - Width (mm) - 122.5
brand - Pentax
category_en - Cameras
category_et - Kaamerad
category_lv - Kameras
category_ru - Камеры
description_en - A heavy-duty body for solid protection against water, dust, shock and freeze
The PENTAX WG-90 is designed for serious outdoor photography, featuring dependable protective features: waterproof down to a depth of 14 meters, for up to two hours of continuous operation; dustproof against dirt and stains; shockproof against a fall from a height of 1.6 meters; crushproof against weights up to 100kgf (kilogram force), and freeze-proof against temperatures as low as -10°C. Thanks to this heavy-duty construction, the WG-90 performs superbly and dependably even in harsh, demanding outdoor conditions. 5× optical zoom lens to capture a wide range of high-resolution images
The WG-90 delivers sharp, clear, high-resolution images with a high dynamic range and low noise, thanks to the combination of a back-illuminated CMOS image sensor with approximately 16.0 effective megapixels and outstanding light reception efficiency, and a high-performance imaging engine. Within its compact, lightweight body, the WG-90 features a five-times optical zoom lens with a focal-length coverage from 5mm to 25mm (equivalent to approx. 28mm to 140mm in the 35mm format) to accommodate a wide range of scenes and subjects, from sweeping landscapes to long-distance telephoto shooting. When coupled with its Digital Zoom function, you can extend the zoom range by approximately 36 times. Outdoor-friendly LCD monitor
The WG-90’s 2.7-inch LCD monitor, with 16:9 proportions and approximately 230,000 dots, is treated with the advanced AR (Anti-Reflection) coating to minimize annoying glare and reflections. Its Outdoor View Setting mode lets you optimize the monitor’s brightness level for ambient lighting conditions — whether it’s outdoor shooting under the harsh sunshine or nighttime photography — to improve the visibility of an on-screen image. The brightness level can be raised or lowered in two steps to each side. A choice of 25 scene modes
The WG-90 allows you to choose the desired scene mode from 25 options, including: Auto Picture, which automatically selects the most appropriate shooting mode for a given scene or subject to preserve it in a beautiful image; Landscape, which vividly expresses green shades of trees and blue shades of the sky; and Underwater and Underwater Movie, which reproduce natural colors of the underwater world by optimizing white balance to reduce the bluish color cast. Flash Off + Flash On option for two-image consecutive shooting
In the Underwater mode, this creative option comes in handy when shooting underwater creatures. With a single shutter release, the WG-90 automatically captures two images — one without flash and another with flash — to minimize the time and trouble for camera control and let you concentrate on the image composition. A selection of Image Tone modes, identical with those featured in PENTAX Digital SLR models
The WG-90 provides six distinctive Image Tone modes to add the desired finishing touch to captured images, depending on the subject or your creative intensions. They include: Cross Process, which emulates a unique color scheme associated with a cross-processing film development technique; Vibrant, which applies bright, rich, vivid colors; and Slide Film, which creates dynamic, high-contrast images resembling those produced by reversal film. User-friendly tools for macro photography
Macro photography lets you capture close-up images of small subjects, such as tiny petals and insects, in great detail. The WG-90’s 1cm Macro mode lets you capture the subject from as close as one centimeter away. It features six LED Macro Lights, which are ideally positioned around the circumference of the lens barrel. In the Macro Lighting mode, these lights allow you to adjust the illumination intensity to five different levels to assure the ideal lighting condition, while also preventing unwanted shade areas. The Digital Microscope mode comes in handy when you want to swiftly switch from normal shooting to macro photography using six LED Macro Lights. The WG-90 allows you to creatively and effortlessly capture the amazing microscopic world, which is normally undetectable with the naked eye. A macro stand is included as a standard accessory to stabilize the WG-90 at the minimum focusing distance of one centimeter during extended observation and shooting. Interval Movie for time-compressed movie clips
The Interval Movie mode automatically captures a series of images at a fixed interval, then links them together to create a single interval (time lapse) movie clip. You can choose the desired interval setting from one, five, 10, 30 or 60 minutes. The WG-90 also features an Interval Shot mode to automatically record a series of still images at a desired interval, without linking them into a movie clip. Creative, flexible processing of captured images
The WG-90’s Ink Rubbing filter allows you to casually save your catches as creative digital images. By applying this filter to a captured image, you can effortlessly create a unique image resembling an ink stamp. Since the filtering effect can be adjusted at five levels, you can even create a high-contrast, monochromatic image of your catch. The WG-90 also provides other creative functions to process captured images in a unique, creative way. They include a selection of digital filters and original picture frames, which are designed to shift tones, add special visual effects, dramatize images, or create various types of ambience. Full HD Movie recording The WG-90 provides a choice of three movie recording modes: Full HD Movie (at 16:9 proportions, at a frame rate of 30 frames per second); High Speed Movie for recording slow-motion movies; and Underwater Movie designed exclusively for underwater recording. In the Movie and Underwater Movie modes, you can take advantage of the Movie SR (Shake Reduction) mode to minimize camera shake and subject shake. You can even pick out a single frame from a captured movie clip and save it as a still image, or divide a movie clip into segments. The camera also provides an HDMI terminal (type D) for easy connection to and playback on a TV monitor or other audio-visual devices. Other creative tools
The WG-90 features other user-friendly, creative tools designed to facilitate camera operation or provide creative functions, including: Smile Capture, which automatically releases the shutter when the camera detects a smiling face; Self-Portrait Assist, which blinks an LED lamp when the camera detects the face of a portrait subject; self-timer; and compatibility with an optional remote controller. Worksite-friendly, heavy-duty design
Equipped with a rugged body assuring impeccable protection against water, dust, freeze and shock, the WG-90 is designed to perform dependably and superbly at construction worksites. Brightness-adjustable Macro Light mode
The WG-90’s Macro Light mode lets you turn on six LED Macro Lights positioned around the circumference of the lens barrel, and use them as a lighting device in the dark, at five brightness levels. Since this mode can be used during macro photography, it comes in handy when you want to illuminate a small space while minutely adjusting the brightness level.
description_et - 16-megapiksline CMOS-pildisensor 5× optilise suumiga 28–140 mm (35 mm ekvivalendina) objektiiv Varustatud kuue LED-makrovalgustiga Välistingimustesse sobiv 2,7-tolline LCD-ekraan Vee-, põrutus-, muljumis- ja külmumiskindel korpus Vastupidav korpus
PENTAX WG-90 on mõeldud tõsiseks välifotograafiaks ja see on varustatud töökindlate kaitsefunktsioonidega. Kaamera on veekindel kuni 14 meetri sügavuseni (kuni kaks tundi); tolmukindel; põrutuskindel kuni 1,6 meetri kõrguselt kukkudes; muljumiskindel kuni 100 kgf; külmumiskindel kuni -10 °C juures. Tänu vastupidavale konstruktsioonile töötab WG-90 suurepäraselt ja töökindlalt isegi karmides ja nõudlikes välitingimustes. 5× optilise suumiga objektiiv
WG-90 pakub teravaid, selgeid ja kõrge eraldusvõimega pilte suure dünaamilise ulatusega ja madala müratasemega tänu 16-megapikslisele tagantvalgustatud CMOS-pildisensorile, suurepärasele valguse vastuvõtutõhususele ning suure jõudlusega protsessorile. Sellel kompaktsel ja kergel kaameral on viiekordse optilise suumiga 5–25 mm (28–140 mm 35 mm ekvivalendina) objektiiv. See võimaldab jäädvustada erinevaid stseene ja objekte, alates laiadest maastikest kuni telefotodeni. Digital Zoom funktsiooniga saad suurendada suumivahemikku ligikaudu 36 korda. Välistingimustesse sobiv LCD-ekraan
WG-90 2,7-tolline LCD-ekraan on kaetud peegeldusvastase kihiga, et minimeerida häirivat pimestamist ja peegeldusi. Selle välivaate seadistusrežiim võimaldab Sul optimeerida monitori heledustaset ümbritsevate valgustingimuste jaoks – olgu selleks siis karmi päikesepaiste all õues pildistamine või öine pildistamine –, et parandada ekraanipildi nähtavust. Full HD videosalvestus
WG-90 võimaldab valida kolme videosalvestusrežiimi vahel: Full HD Movie (suhtega 16 : 9, 30 kaadrit/s); High Speed Movie aegluubis videote salvestamiseks; ja Underwater Movie, mis on mõeldud ainult veealuseks salvestamiseks. Video edastamiseks teistesse seadmetesse on kaamera küljel olemas HDMI (Type D) liides. Movie ja Underwater Movie režiimides saad kaamera ja objekti värisemise minimeerimiseks ära kasutada Movie SR (Shake Reduction) režiimi. Interval Movie funktsioon
Interval Movie režiim jäädvustab automaatselt kindla intervalliga pildiseeria, seejärel seob need kokku, et luua ühe intervalliga videoklipp. Saad valida soovitud intervalli 1, 5, 10, 30 või 60 minuti vahel. Kaameral on ka Interval Shot režiim, mis võimaldab automaatselt salvestada soovitud intervalliga fotode seeriaid, ilma neid videoklipiga sidumata. Makrofotograafia
Makrofotograafia võimaldab jäädvustada väga detailselt lähivõtteid väikestest objektidest, nagu pisikesed kroonlehed ja putukad. WG-90 1 cm makrorežiim võimaldab jäädvustada objekti juba ühe sentimeetri kauguselt. Sellel on kuus LED-makrovalgustit, mis asetsevad ideaalselt ümber objektiivi. Macro Lighting režiimis võimaldavad need tuled reguleerida valgustuse intensiivsust viiele erinevale tasemele, et tagada ideaalne valgustus, vältides samal ajal ka soovimatuid varjualasid.
description_lv -
description_ru -
description_short_en - 16 megapixel CMOS sensor 5× optical zoom (28–140 mm) FullHD 1920 × 1080 30p video recording 2.7-inch LCD display Adventure- and weatherproof body
description_short_et - 16-megapiksline CMOS sensor 5× optiline suum (28–140 mm) FullHD 1920 × 1080 30p videosalvestus 2,7-tolline LCD-ekraan Seiklus- ja ilmastikukindel korpus
description_short_lv -
description_short_ru - 16-мегапиксельный CMOS-сенсор 5-кратный оптический зум (28–140 мм) Запись видео FullHD 1920 × 1080 30p 2,7-дюймовый ЖК-экран Жилье для приключений и непогоды
Ekspozīcijas mērīšana - Ekspozīcijas kompensācija - 1/3 EV solis
Ekspozīcijas mērīšana - Ekspozīcijas kompensācija - ±2 EV
Ekspozīcijas mērīšana - Režīmi - Centrēti svērtā vidējā mērīšana
Ekspozīcijas mērīšana - Režīmi - Punktveida
Ekspozīcijas mērīšana - Režīmi - Vairāksegmentu (izvērtējošā) mērīšana
Enerģijas avots - Baterija - Litija akumulators D-LI92
Enerģijas avots - Izturība - 300 kadri (CIPA)
Exposure metering - Exposure compensation - 1/3 EV increments
Exposure metering - Exposure compensation - ±2 EV
Exposure metering - Modes - Center weighted average
Exposure metering - Modes - Multi-segment (evaluative)
Exposure metering - Modes - Spot
Features - HDR - Yes
Features - Time lapse - Yes
feature_group_en - Compact cameras
feature_group_et - Kompaktkaamerad
feature_group_lv - Kompaktās kameras
feature_group_ru - Компактные камеры
Flash - Flash modes - Flash off
Flash - Flash modes - Flash on
Flash - Flash modes - Red-eye reduction
Flash - Flash type - Built-in flash
Flash - Range - 0.2 – 5.5 meters
Focusing - Close focus distance - 1 – 60 cm
Focusing - Face detection - Yes
Focusing - Focus distance - 50 cm – ∞
Fokusēšana - Fokusēšanas attālums - 50 cm – ∞
Fokusēšana - Sejas atpazīšana - Jā
Fokusēšana - Tuvas fokusēšanas attālums - 1 – 60 cm
Iezīmes - HDR - Jā
Iezīmes - Intervāla fotografēšana - Jā
Image stabiliser - Image stabiliser - Yes
Image stabiliser - Image stabilizer design - Digital stabilization
Interface - USB - USB-C 2.0
Interface - Video - microHDMI (Type D)
Interfeiss - USB - USB-C 2.0
Interfeiss - Video - microHDMI (Type D)
Katik - Elektrooniline katik - Jah
Katik - Katik - Elektrooniline katik
Katik - Katik - Mehaaniline katik
Katik - Säriajad - 1/4000 – 1/4 s
Kere - Ilmastikukindlus - Külmumiskindel (kuni -10 °C)
Kere - Ilmastikukindlus - Purunemiskindel (kuni 100 kg raskuse all)
Kere - Ilmastikukindlus - Põrutuskindel (kuni 1,6 m kõrguselt kukkudes)
Kere - Ilmastikukindlus - Tolmukindel
Kere - Ilmastikukindlus - Veekindel (kuni 14 m sügavusel)
Kere - Kaal (ainult kere) - 173 g
Kere - Kaal (koos aku ja mälukaardiga) - 194 g
Kere - Komplekti sisu - Kaamera
Kere - Komplekti sisu - Kaamerarihm
Kere - Komplekti sisu - Liitiumaku D-LI92
Kere - Komplekti sisu - Makrotugi
Kere - Komplekti sisu - USB kaabel
Kere - Komplekti sisu - Vooluadapter
Kere - Kõrgus (mm) - 61,5
Kere - Laius (mm) - 122,5
Kere - Sügavus (mm) - 29,5
Kere - Värvus - Must
Korpuss - Aizsardzība pret apkārtējās vides iedarbību - Putekļdrošs
Korpuss - Aizsardzība pret apkārtējās vides iedarbību - Sala drošs (līdz -10 °C)
Korpuss - Aizsardzība pret apkārtējās vides iedarbību - Spiediendrošs (līdz 100 kg)
Korpuss - Aizsardzība pret apkārtējās vides iedarbību - Trieciendrošība (kritienā no augstuma līdz 1,6 m)
Korpuss - Aizsardzība pret apkārtējās vides iedarbību - Ūdensdrošība (līdz 14 m dziļumam)
Korpuss - Augstums (mm) - 61,5
Korpuss - Dziļums (mm) - 29,5
Korpuss - Iepakojumā ietilpst - AC adapteris
Korpuss - Iepakojumā ietilpst - Kamera
Korpuss - Iepakojumā ietilpst - Litija akumulators D-LI92
Korpuss - Iepakojumā ietilpst - Macro stand
Korpuss - Iepakojumā ietilpst - Plecu siksna
Korpuss - Iepakojumā ietilpst - USB kabelis
Korpuss - Krāsa - Melna / sudrabota
Korpuss - Platums (mm) - 122,5
Korpuss - Svars (ar akumulatoru un atmiņas karti) - 194 g
Korpuss - Svars (tikai korpuss) - 173 g
LCD monitor - Display size (inches) - 2.7
LCD monitor - Display type - LCD
LCD monitor - Ekraani mõõt (tolle) - 2,7
LCD monitor - Ekraani tüüp - LCD
LCD monitor - Pildipunkte - 230 000
LCD monitor - Screen dots - 230 000
LCD monitors - Displeja izmērs (collas) - 2,7
LCD monitors - Displeja tips - LCD
LCD monitors - Rastra punkti - 230 000
LCD экран - Размер экрана (дюймы) - 2,7
LCD экран - Тип экрана - LCD
LCD экран - Точек экрана - 230 000
Lens - Aperture - f/3.5 – 5.5
Lens - Focal length - 28 – 140 mm
Lens - Optical zoom - 5x
manufacturer_code - 02144
Movie recording - Other formats - [HD] 1280 × 720 30p
Movie recording - Other formats - [HD] 1280 × 720 60p
Movie recording - Other formats - [HD] 1280 × 720 120p
Movie recording - Slow motion video - Yes
Movie recording - Video recording - Full HD 1920 × 1080
Movie recording - Video resolution - [FullHD] 1920 × 1080 30p
Muu - HDR võte - Jah
Muu - Intervallvõte - Jah
Mälu - Mälukaardi pesade arv - 1
Mälu - Mälukaardi tüüp - SD
Mälu - Mälukaardi tüüp - SDHC
Mälu - Mälukaardi tüüp - SDXC
Mälu - Sisemälu - 68 MB
name_en - Pentax WG-90, blue
name_et - Pentax WG-90, sinine
name_lv - Pentax WG-90, blue
name_ru - Pentax WG-90, синий
Objektiiv - Ava - f/3.5 – 5.5
Objektiiv - Objektiivi fokaalvahemik - 28 – 140 mm
Objektiiv - Optiline suum - 5x
Objektīvs - Apertūra - f/3.5 – 5.5
Objektīvs - Fokusa attālums - 28 – 140 mm
Objektīvs - Optiskā tālummaiņa - 5x
Pildistabilisaator - Pildistabilisaator - Jah
Pildistabilisaator - Pildistabilisaatori disain - Digitaalne stabilisaator
Pildistamine - Stseeniprogrammid - Jah
Pildistamine - Särirežiimid - Auto
Pildistamine - Särirežiimid - Programm
Pildistamine - Võtterežiimid - Auto
Pildistamine - Võtterežiimid - Iseavaja viivisega
Pildistamine - Võtterežiimid - Sarivõte
Power source - Battery - D-LI92 lithium battery
Power source - Battery life - 300 shots (CIPA)
Sensor - Aspect ratio - 1 : 1
Sensor - Aspect ratio - 16 : 9
Sensor - Efektiivseid megapiksleid - 16
Sensor - Effective megapixels - 16
Sensor - ISO - 125 – 6400
Sensor - ISO tundlikkuse ulatus - 125 – 6400
Sensor - Külgede suhe - 1 : 1
Sensor - Külgede suhe - 16 : 9
Sensor - Largest image size - 4608 × 3456
Sensor - Megapiksleid - 16 megapikslit
Sensor - Megapixels - 16 megapixels
Sensor - Sensori suurus - 1/2,3" tüüpi
Sensor - Sensori tüüp - CMOS
Sensor - Sensor size - 1/2.3" type
Sensor - Sensor type - CMOS
Sensor - Smallest image size - 640 × 480
Sensor - Suurim pildimõõt pikslites - 4608 × 3456
Sensor - Väikseim pildimõõt pikslites - 640 × 480
Sensors - Efektīvie megapikseļi - 16
Sensors - ISO - 125 – 6400
Sensors - Lielākais attēla izmērs - 4608 × 3456
Sensors - Malu attiecības - 1 : 1
Sensors - Malu attiecības - 16 : 9
Sensors - Mazākais attēla izmērs - 640 × 480
Sensors - Megapikseļi - 16 megapikseļi
Sensors - Sensora izmērs - 1/2,3" tips
Sensors - Sensora tips - CMOS
Shooting - Drive modes - Auto
Shooting - Drive modes - Continuous
Shooting - Drive modes - Self timer delay
Shooting - Exposure modes - Auto
Shooting - Exposure modes - Program
Shooting - Scene modes - Yes
Shutter - Electronic shutter - Yes
Shutter - Shutter - Electronic shutter
Shutter - Shutter - Mechanical sutter
Shutter - Shutter speed - 1/4000 – 1/4 s
Slēdzis - Elektroniskais aizvars - Jā
Slēdzis - Slēdzis - Elektroniskais slēdzis
Slēdzis - Slēdzis - Mehāniskais slēdzis
Slēdzis - Slēdža ātrums - 1/4000 – 1/4 s
Storage - Integrated memory - 68 MB
Storage - Memory card slots - 1
Storage - Memory card type - SD
Storage - Memory card type - SDHC
Storage - Memory card type - SDXC
Särimõõtmine - Režiimid - Keskmestatud
Särimõõtmine - Režiimid - Multi-segment (hindav)
Särimõõtmine - Režiimid - Punkt
Särimõõtmine - Särikompensatsioon - 1/3 EV sammuga
Särimõõtmine - Särikompensatsioon - ±2 EV
Teravustamine - Näotuvastus - Jah
Teravustamine - Teravustamiskaugus - 50 cm – ∞
Teravustamine - Teravustamiskaugus lähivõttel - 1 – 60 cm
Videoieraksts - Citi formāti - [HD] 1280 × 720 30p
Videoieraksts - Citi formāti - [HD] 1280 × 720 60p
Videoieraksts - Citi formāti - [HD] 1280 × 720 120p
Videoieraksts - Lēnas kustības video - Yes
Videoieraksts - Video ierakstīšana - Full HD 1920 × 1080
Videoieraksts - Video izšķirtspēja - [FullHD] 1920 × 1080 30p
Videosalvestus - Aegluubis video - Jah
Videosalvestus - Muud mõõdud - [HD] 1280 × 720 30p
Videosalvestus - Muud mõõdud - [HD] 1280 × 720 60p
Videosalvestus - Muud mõõdud - [HD] 1280 × 720 120p
Videosalvestus - Video lahutusvõime - [FullHD] 1920 × 1080 30p
Videosalvestus - Videosalvestus - Full HD 1920 × 1080
Vooluallikas - Aku vastupidavus - 300 kaadrit (CIPA)
Vooluallikas - Element - D-LI92 liitiumaku
Välklamp - Töökaugus - 0,2 – 5,5 meetrit
Välklamp - Välgurežiimid - Punasilmsuse vähendamine
Välklamp - Välgurežiimid - Sundvälk
Välklamp - Välgurežiimid - Välgukeeld
Välklamp - Välklambi tüüp - Integreeritud välklamp
Värvustasakaal - Värvustasakaalu valikud - Auto
Värvustasakaal - Värvustasakaalu valikud - Fluorestsentslamp
Värvustasakaal - Värvustasakaalu valikud - Hõõglamp
Värvustasakaal - Värvustasakaalu valikud - Manuaal
Värvustasakaal - Värvustasakaalu valikud - Päevavalgus
Värvustasakaal - Värvustasakaalu valikud - Varjus
White balance - White balance modes - Auto
White balance - White balance modes - Daylight
White balance - White balance modes - Fluorescent light
White balance - White balance modes - Manual
White balance - White balance modes - Shade
White balance - White balance modes - Tungsten
Zibspuldze - Diapazons - 0,2 – 5,5 metri
Zibspuldze - Zibspuldzes režīmi - Sarkano acu efekta samazināšana
Zibspuldze - Zibspuldzes režīmi - Zibspuldze ieslēgta
Zibspuldze - Zibspuldzes režīmi - Zibspuldze izslēgta
Zibspuldze - Zibspuldzes tips - Iebūvēta zibspuldze
Ühendused - USB - USB-C 2.0
Ühendused - Video - microHDMI (Type D)
Баланс белого - Режимы баланса белого - Автоматический
Баланс белого - Режимы баланса белого - В тени
Баланс белого - Режимы баланса белого - Дневной свет
Баланс белого - Режимы баланса белого - Лампа накаливания
Баланс белого - Режимы баланса белого - Мануальный
Баланс белого - Режимы баланса белого - Флуоресцентная лампа
Вспышка - Охват - 0.2 – 5.5 м
Вспышка - Режимы вспышки - Запрет вспышки
Вспышка - Режимы вспышки - Принудительная вспышка
Вспышка - Режимы вспышки - Уменьшение эффекта красных глаз
Вспышка - Тип вспышки - Встроенная вспышка
Замер экспозиции - Компенсация - 1/3 EV шаг
Замер экспозиции - Компенсация - ±2 EV
Замер экспозиции - Режимы - Мульти-сегментный (оценочный)
Замер экспозиции - Режимы - Точечный
Замер экспозиции - Режимы - Центрально-взвешенный
Запись видео - Другие размеры - [HD] 1280 × 720 30p
Запись видео - Другие размеры - [HD] 1280 × 720 60p
Запись видео - Другие размеры - [HD] 1280 × 720 120p
Запись видео - Замедленное видео - Да
Запись видео - Запись видео - Full HD 1920 × 1080
Запись видео - Разрешение видео - [FullHD] 1920 × 1080 30p
Затвор - Затвор - Механический затвор
Затвор - Затвор - Электронный затвор
Затвор - Скорость затвора - 1/4000 – 1/4 сек
Затвор - Электронный затвор - Да
Источник питания - Батарейка - Литиевый аккумулятор D-LI92
Источник питания - Выносливость - 300 снимков (CIPA)
Корпус - Вес (с аккумулятором и картой памяти) - 194 г
Корпус - Вес (только корпус) - 173 г
Корпус - Высота (мм) - 61,5
Корпус - Глубина (мм) - 29,5
Корпус - Комплектация - USB кабель
Корпус - Комплектация - Адаптер питания
Корпус - Комплектация - Камера
Корпус - Комплектация - Литиевый аккумулятор D-LI92
Корпус - Комплектация - Макро опора
Корпус - Комплектация - Ремешок
Корпус - Погодная устойчивость - Защита от воды (глубина до 14 м)
Корпус - Погодная устойчивость - Защита от падений (при падении с высоты до 1,6 м)
Корпус - Погодная устойчивость - Морозоустойчив до -10 °C
Корпус - Погодная устойчивость - Пылезащищенный
Корпус - Погодная устойчивость - Устойчив к давлению (при весе до 100 кг)
Корпус - Цвет - Черный
Корпус - Ширина (мм) - 122,5
Объектив - Диафрагма - f/3.5 – 5.5
Объектив - Оптический зум - 5x
Объектив - Фокусный диапазон - 28 – 140 мм
Память - Встроенная память - 68 MB
Память - Слоты для карт памяти - 1
Память - Тип карты памяти - SD
Память - Тип карты памяти - SD / SDHC
Память - Тип карты памяти - SD / SDHC / SDXC
Параметры - HDR режим - Да
Параметры - Интервальная съемка - Да
Сенсор - ISO - 125 – 6400
Сенсор - Макс размер изображения - 4608 × 3456
Сенсор - Мегапиксели - 16 мегапикселей
Сенсор - Мин. размер изображения - 640 × 480
Сенсор - Размер матрицы - 1/2.3" тип
Сенсор - Соотношение сторон - 1 : 1
Сенсор - Соотношение сторон - 16 : 9
Сенсор - Тип сенсора - CMOS
Сенсор - Эффективные мегапиксели - 16
Соединения - USB - USB-C 2.0
Соединения - Видео - microHDMI (Type D)
Стабилизатор изображения - Дизайн стабилизатора - Цифровой стабилизатор
Стабилизатор изображения - Стабилизатор изображения - Да
Съемка - Режимы съемки - Автоматический
Съемка - Режимы съемки - Автоспуск с задержкой
Съемка - Режимы съемки - Непрерывная съемка
Съемка - Режимы съемки - Программа
Съемка - Сценовые программы - Да
Фокусировка - Мин. расстояние фокусировки - 1 – 60 см
Фокусировка - Распознавание лиц - Да
Фокусировка - Расстояние фокусировки - 50 см – ∞
353.07 €
Pentax WG-90, blue
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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