Tefal Swift Power, Black

Picture may differ from actual product, there can be accessories and parts not supplied with the actual product.
ID: 891995 Product code: TW2925EA
Can be ordered 20 units Availability: 14 days after order approval
Warranty: 2 years (Warranty for business entities 1 year)
111.65 €
Delivery options
  • Delivery to Smartpost 1.99 €: 01.04.2025
  • Delivery to Omniva parcel locker 1.99 €: 01.04.2025
  • Courier delivery 3.99 €: 01.04.2025
Main product parameters All parameters
  • Cleaning type: Dry Cleaning
  • Color: Melna
  • Dust container capacity (l): 1.5 l
  • Maximum power (W): 750 W
  • Operating time (min): Nav
All parameters
Charging time (h) : Nav
Cleaning type : Dry Cleaning
Cleaning with steam : Not
Color : Melna
Conduit length (m) : 5 m
Dust container capacity (l) : 1.5 l
Maximum power (W) : 750 W
Noise level (dB) : 77
Operating time (min) : Nav
Power adjustment : Not
Suction power (Pa) : N/A
Tube type : Telescopic
Type of feeding : Tīkls
Types of nozzles : Paklājiem/Grīdai, Spraugām
Vacuum cleaner type : With container
More detailed specification
BrandCode - TEFAL
Dimensions - depth - 45.1
Dimensions - height - 33.8
Dimensions - weight - 5.33
Dimensions - width - 28.4
EAN - 3221616000919
Filters - filters - EPA filter
Filters - filters - foam filter
Functions - vacuum cleaner functions - dust bag/max level indicator
General parameters - colour - black
General parameters - display - No
General parameters - manufacturer - Tefal
General parameters - noise power - 77
GrossWeight - 5.8000
Height - 0.3400
Length - 0.2900
LongDescription EN - Advanced cyclonic technology
The power of Advanced Cyclonic technology produces a high level of air and dust separation, for strong cleaning performance with long-lasting results. Wide-action cord radius
A 7.6 m radius offers exceptional range, for high-performance cleaning that covers every inch of your home environment. Deep-cleaning results
Packing powerful performance into a compact frame, discover cleaning that couldn't be easier, with a high-efficiency suction head and Effitech motor ensuring a spotless home environment you can take pride in every day. Bagless canister format
Discover all the benefits of a bagless canister vacuum cleaner, designed for maximum convenience and dependable cleaning performance day after day. Compact size
Designed to fit your lifestyle, the compact frame caters to living spaces with limited storage, providing ultimate access during cleaning and total convenience every day. High filtration system
Thanks to its high efficiency filter, SWIFT POWER CYCLONIC filters 99.98% of dust and offers a healthy environment. Easy-to-clean dust container
The convenient bagless format is easier than ever, with a container design that makes cleaning and emptying effortless, while offering all the performance and benefits of modern cyclonic technology.
LongDescription ET - Täiustatud tsüklontehnoloogia
Täiustatud tsüklontehnoloogia võimsus tagab kõrge õhu- ja tolmueralduse taseme, mis tagab usaldusväärsed puhastustulemused ja kauakestvad tulemused. Suur tööraadius 7,6 m tööraadius pakub erakordset ulatust suure jõudlusega puhastamiseks, mis võimaldab puhastada kogu kodu. Sügavpuhastustulemused
Avasta puhastamine, mis ei saa olla lihtsam – tõhus imemispea ja Effitechi mootor tagavad puhta kodukeskkonna, mille üle võid iga päev uhkust tunda. Tolmukotita tolmuimeja
Avasta kõik tolmukotita kanistertolmuimeja eelised, mis on loodud maksimaalse mugavuse ja usaldusväärse puhastustulemuse tagamiseks päevast päeva. Kompaktne suurus
Loodud kohanduma Sinu elustiiliga: kompaktne raam sobib piiratud hoiuruumiga eluruumidesse, pakkudes puhastamise ajal parimat juurdepääsu ja täielikku mugavust iga päev. Kõrge filtreerimissüsteem
Tänu oma suure tõhususega filtrile filtreerib SWIFT POWER CYCLONIC 99,98% tolmust ja tagab tervisliku keskkonna. Kergesti puhastatav tolmuanum
Tolmukotita tolmuimeja on mugavam kui kunagi varem tänu konteineri disainile, mis muudab puhastamise ja tühjendamise vaevatuks, pakkudes samal ajal kõiki kaasaegse tsüklonitehnoloogia eeliseid.
LongDescription LV - SWIFT POWER CYCLONIC putekļu sūcējs, kas nodrošina izcilu putekļu savākšanas veiktspēju un visas kompaktā rāmja ērtības, apvieno spēcīgus rezultātus ar konteinera formātu bez maisa, lai atvieglotu tīrīšanu katru dienu. Uzlabotā cikloniskā tehnoloģija nodrošina augstu gaisa un putekļu atdalīšanas līmeni, nodrošinot ilgstošus tīrīšanas rezultātus. Augstas efektivitātes sūkšanas galva nodrošina optimālu tīrīšanas veiktspēju ar uzlabotu Effitech tehnoloģiju, kas nodrošina nevainojamus rezultātus uz cietām grīdām. Plašs pārklājums ir sasniedzams ar 7,6 m tīrīšanas rādiusu, savukārt kompaktais formāts nodrošina vieglu apstrādi un uzglabāšanu. Tas viss ar nepārspējamajām ērtībām un bezmaisu putekļu sūcēja formāta priekšrocībām.
MediumDescription EN - The SWIFT POWER CYCLONIC vacuum cleaner offers deep-cleaning results in a compact frame, for everyday home solutions made easy. Advanced cyclonic technology comes together with a high-efficiency suction head to deliver dust pick-up performance you can count on day after day, with all the benefits of modern technology in a canister vacuum cleaner and a compact design for easy handling and storage.
MediumDescription ET - Nutikas ja kompaktne puhastus SWIFT POWER CYCLONIC tolmuimeja tagab kompaktses korpuses ideaalsed sügavpuhastustulemused. Täiustatud tsüklontehnoloogia koos tõhusa imemispeaga tagavad tolmuimemise jõudluse, milles võid päevast päeva kindel olla. Kõigi kaasaegse tehnoloogia eelistega kanistertolmuimeja hõlbustab käsitsemist ja hoiustamist.
MediumDescription LV - SWIFT POWER CYCLONIC putekļu sūcējs nodrošina dziļas tīrīšanas rezultātus kompaktā ietvarā, lai ikdienas mājas risinājumi būtu vienkārši. Uzlabotā cikloniskā tehnoloģija ir apvienota ar augstas efektivitātes sūkšanas galvu, lai nodrošinātu putekļu savākšanas veiktspēju, ar kuru varat paļauties katru dienu, ar visām moderno tehnoloģiju priekšrocībām tvertņu putekļu sūcējā un kompaktu dizainu ērtai lietošanai un uzglabāšanai.
Name EN - Vacuum Cleaner Tefal bagless 550W black, swift power cyclonic^
Name ET - Tolmuimeja Tefal, konteiner 550W must, swift power cyclonic^
NameInWeb EN - Tefal 750 W, bagless, black - Vacuum cleaner
NameInWeb ET - Tefal 750 W, must - Tolmuimeja
NameInWeb LV - Tefal, 750 W, bez maisiņa, melna - Putekļu sūcējs
Name LV - Putekļu sūcējs ar konteineru 550W Tefal, melns^
NetWeight - 4.9000
Nozzles - nozzles - sofa brush
Nozzles - nozzles - two position carpet & hard floor nozzle
Power supply - power cord length - 5
Power supply - power supply - mains
ProductCode - TW2925
ProductionCountry - CN
TariffNo - 85081100
UnitOfMeasureCode - tk
UnitsPerPackage - 1
Vacuum cleaner - automatic cable rewind
Vacuum cleaner - telescopic tube
Vacuum cleaner - dustbin / dustbag capacity - 1.5
Vacuum cleaner - dust collection method - container
Vacuum cleaner - motor power - 750
Vacuum cleaner - type - bagless
Vacuum cleaner - working range - 7.6
Volume - 0.04486300
Width - 0.4550
111.65 €
Tefal Swift Power, Black
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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