Razer DeathAdder V3

Picture may differ from actual product, there can be accessories and parts not supplied with the actual product.
ID: 950099 Product code: RZ01-04640100-R3M1
In stock >50 units
Warranty: 2 years
65.12 €
Delivery options
  • Delivery to Smartpost 1.99 €: 21.03.2025
  • Delivery to Omniva parcel locker 1.99 €: 21.03.2025
  • Courier delivery 3.99 €: 21.03.2025
Main product parameters All parameters
  • Use: Gaming
  • Color: Melna
  • Connection type: Cable
  • Connection type: USB cable
  • Type: Optical
Basic information
Use Gaming

The application is a guide to determine whether the mouse is more suitable for a desktop or a laptop.

Notebook mice are small in size and therefore suitable for working on the move.

If you will be using your laptop mostly at a specific workstation, it is advisable to buy a desktop mouse, which has a standard size, so it is more comfortable for long periods of time at the computer. Standard mice are connected to the laptop with a cord for long-lasting stable operation. Wireless mice, on the other hand, require periodic battery changes.

Gaming mice have more buttons, more precise optics and better resolution. For more advanced gaming, TopPC.ee recommends a gaming mouse with wired data transmission.

For everyday use, TopPC.ee recommends a laser mouse with PS/2 or USB connectivity.

Color Melna
The colour of the mouse surface. This parameter is approximate and can slightly differ from the actual colour of the mouse.
Number of buttons : 6
Lighting : Nav
Illumination colour : Nav
Ports and equipment
Connection type Cable

Datu pārraide nosaka, kā pele savienota ar datoru.

Vada savienojums ir klasisks, ātrs un pārbaudīts veids (elektriskais kabelis ar USB vai PS/2 kontaktu).

Savukārt bezvadu savienojums prasa periodisku bateriju maiņu, vai akumulatora uzlādi, toties piedāvā brīvību lietot peli neraizējoties par brīžiem traucējošo vadu. Šādas peles ir ideālas darbam ar portatīvo datoru, pie kura tās tiek pievienotas ar bluetooth vai infrared palīdzību. Taču jāņem vērā, ka parasti tās sver nedaudz vairāk par vadu pelēm, tām ne vienmēr ir stabils savienojums.

Connection type : USB cable
Manufacturer of switches : Razer
Switch model : Optical Mouse Switches Gen-3
Weight (g) : 59
Cord length (m) : 1.8
Type Optical

There are optical and laser mice.

A laser mouse has a higher accuracy and low energy consumption, they can also operate on glass and mirror surfaces.

Optic mice are currently used most often due to their attractive quality/price ratio. They do not have any mechanical parts, therefore they are fast and accurate.

Susceptibility (DPI) : 30000
Sensor manufacturer : Razer
Sensor model : Focus Pro 30K Optical
Polling Rate (Hz) : 1000
More detailed specification
Acceleration (G) - 70
barcode - 8886419334071
brand - Razer
BrandCode - RAZER
Category - Datoru piederumi :: Perifērijas ierīces :: Datorpeles
Category - Root/Electronics/PC peripherals/Mice and touchpads
Category 1 - Eingabegeräte
Category 2 - Mäuse
Category_1 - Mice and Keyboards
Category_2 - Gaming Mice
category_en - Computers & Components > Computer peripherals > Mouses
category_en - Peripherals
category_et - Lisaseadmed
category_lv - Datortehnika > Datoru perifērija > Peles
category_lv - Papildus ierīces
category_ru - Datortehnika > Datoru perifērija > Peles
category_ru - Дополнительные устройства
Code - RZ01-04640100-R3M1
Color - Black
Connection - connector type - USB-A
Connection - cord length - 2.1
Depth - 68 mm
Desc - Tips: Optiskā, Savienojums: Ar vadu, Savienojuma veids: USB, Kategorija: Datorspēlēm, Pogu skaits: 6, Krāsa: Melna, Barošana: USB, DPI jutība: 30000 dpi, Garantija: 2 gadi
description_en - 59g Ultra-lightweight Design Refined Ergonomic Form Razer™ Focus Pro 30K Optical Sensor For the pro
Victory takes on a new shape with the Razer DeathAdder V3. Refined and reforged with the aid of top esports pros, its iconic ergonomic form is now more than 25% lighter than its predecessor, backed by a set of cutting-edge upgrades to push the limits of competitive play. Wired for performance. Razer™ 8K Hz HyperPolling Technology
Experience unrivalled responsiveness with a mouse capable of sending up to 8 times more data in a second, effectively reducing input delay from 1 to 1/8th of a millisecond—the edge every pro needs to stay ahead of the competition. Ultra-lightweight at 59g – Zero Excess, Full Performance
With its incredible weight optimization, the Razer DeathAdder V3 is one of the lightest ergonomic esports mice ever created—all while improving upon its user experience. Mid-to-large sized mouse without weight and drag Split key cover for better click tactility Ergonomic form Honed To Perfection
Developed in partnership with top esports pros, the iconic shape of the Razer DeathAdder has been further improved to continue its legacy of award-winning handling and comfort. Repositioned buttons & scroll wheel for easier accessibility Raised arch for greater palm support Added ring finger ledge for better grip and support Razer Focus Pro 30K optical sensor
Teaming up with Pixart, an industry leader in smart sensor solutions, we’re proud to present to you the world’s most precise optical sensor. Take a closer look as we break down the upgrades in our breakthrough tech. Unlock ultra-fine adjustments: Enable Asymmetric Cut-off to individually set a lift-off and landing distance that’s tuned to your playstyle—with 26 granular levels of height adjustment compared to only 3 in the previous version. Auto-calibrates across different surfaces: With Smart Tracking, the Razer™ Focus Pro Optical Sensor is able to maintain a consistent lift-off distance no matter what surface it’s used on, allowing for greater control and accuracy. Higher responsiveness & more consistent tracking: With Motion Sync, the Razer™ Focus Pro Optical Sensor syncs its signals to the exact intervals your PC extracts information, ensuring you’ll get the most current updates of your mouse position for more consistent tracking. Other best-in-class features Smooth touch finish: The mouse is coated with an all-new finish that feels soft and smooth, yet remains easy to grip. Razer Optical Mouse Switches Gen-3: 90-million click lifecycle with no double-clicking issues and a blistering 0.2ms actuation. Razer Speedflex cable: Woven for greater flexibility and designed to produce minimal drag. 8 programmable controls: Includes 6 fully configurable buttons for macros and shortcuts, including a function to toggle between 5 DPI stages. 5 onboard memory: The mouse stores up to 5 profiles as well as the last used Razer Synapse profile, including all calibrated settings such as DPI, Polling rate, Lift-off distance. Razer HyperShift: Effectively double your inputs at the touch of a button, as you activate an additional set of custom keybinds and DPI stage on the mouse.
description_en - Type: Optical
Connection: with wire
Connection type: USB
Number of buttons: 6
Power supply: USB
DPI sensitivity: 3000 dpi
description_et - 59 g ülikerge disain Täiustatud ergonoomiline kuju Razer™ Focus Pro 30K optiline sensor Professionaalile loodud
Võit saab Razer DeathAdder V3 abil uue kuju. Selle ikooniline ergonoomiline disain, mis on viimistletud ja taastatud parimate e-spordi proffide abiga, on nüüd enam kui 25% kergem kui selle eelkäija, mida toetavad tipptasemel täiendused, et nihutada võistlusmängu piire. Juhtmega ühendus jõudluse tagamiseks. Razer™ 8K Hz HyperPolling.
Koge ületamatut reageerimisvõimet hiirega, mis suudab sekundis saata kuni 8 korda rohkem andmeid, vähendades tõhusalt sisestusviivitust 1 millisekundilt 1/8 millisekundini – eelis, mida vajab iga proff, et konkurentidest ees püsida. Ülimalt kerge kaaluga 59 g – ei midagi üleliigset, täielik jõudlus
Tänu uskumatule kaalu optimeerimisele on Razer DeathAdder V3 üks kergemaid ergonoomilisi mängurihiiri, mis eales loodud – parandades samal ajal kasutajakogemust. Keskmise kuni suure suurusega hiir ilma üleliigse kaaluta Poolitatud klahvikate parema klõpsu tunnetuse tagamiseks Ergonoomiline vorm, täiuslikkuseni täiustatud
Tippmänguritega koostöös välja töötatud Razer DeathAdder'i ikoonilist kuju on veelgi täiustatud: Muudetud asendiga nupud ja kerimisratas hõlbustavad ligipääsetavust Tõstetud kaar suurema peopesa toe tagamiseks Lisatud sõrmusesõrme serv parema haarde ja toe tagamiseks Razer Focus Pro 30K optiline sensor
Koostöös Pixartiga – valdkonna liidriga nutikate andurite lahenduste vallas – sündis Razer Focus Pro 30K, maailma kõige täpsem optiline sensor. Avasta ülipeened reguleerimisvõimalused: lülita sisse Asymmetric Cut-off, et määrata individuaalselt Sinu mängustiili jaoks kohandatud hiire maandumiskaugus – 26 detailset maandumiskauguse reguleerimise taset võrreldes ainult 3 tasemega eelmisel versioonil. Automaatne kalibreerimine erinevatel pindadel: nutika jälgimise abil suudab Razer™ Focus Pro optiline andur säilitada ühtlast tõstekaugust olenemata sellest, millisel pinnal seda kasutatakse, võimaldades paremat kontrolli ja täpsust. Suurem reageerimisvõime ja järjekindlam jälgimine: Motion Sync'iga sünkroonib Razer Focus Pro optiline andur oma signaalid täpsete intervallidega, mille jooksul sinu arvuti teavet välja võtab, tagades, et saad järjepidevamaks jälgimiseks kõige värskemad värskendused oma hiire asukoha kohta. Oma klassi parimad funktsioonid Sile viimistlus: hiir on kaetud täiesti uue viimistlusega, mis tundub käele pehme ja sile, kuid jääb kergesti haaratavaks Razer Gen-3 optilised hiirelülitid: 90 miljoni klikiline elutsükkel ilma topeltklõpsamise probleemideta ja muljetavaldav 0,2 ms käivitus. Razer Speedflex kaabel: punutud kaabel tagamaks suurem paindlikkus ja minimaalne takistus. 8 nuppu: sisaldab 6 täielikult seadistatavat nuppu makrode ja otseteede jaoks, sealhulgas 5 DPI astme vahel vahetamiseks. Sisemälu: hiir salvestab kuni 5 profiili ja viimati kasutatud Razer Synapse'i profiili, sealhulgas kõik kalibreeritud sätted, nagu DPI, pollimissagedus, tõstekaugus. Razer HyperShift: kahekordista tõhusalt oma sisendeid ühe nupuvajutusega, kui aktiveerid hiirel täiendava kohandatud klahvikombinatsiooni ja DPI-astme.
description_lv -
description_lv - Tips: Optiskā
Savienojums: Ar vadu
Savienojuma veids: USB
Pogu skaits: 6
Barošana: USB
DPI jutība: 3000 dpi
description_ru -
description_ru - Тип: Оптический
Подключение: с проводом
Тип подключения: USB
Количество кнопок: 6
Питание: USB
Чувствительность DPI: 3000 dpi
description_short_en - 8-button gaming mouse Precise Focus Pro 30 000 dpi optic sensor Lagless wired connection with Razer SpeedFlex cable Refined ergonomic shape Ultralight – 59 g
description_short_et - 8-nupuline mängurihiir Ülitäpne Razer Focus Pro 30 000 dpi optiline sensor Viivitusteta juhtmega ühendus koos Razer SpeedFlex kaabliga Täiustatud ergonoomiline kuju Ülikerge disain – vaid 59 g
description_short_lv -
description_short_ru - 8-кнопочная игровая мышьСверхточный оптический сенсор Razer Focus Pro с разрешением 30 000 dpiПроводное соединение без задержек с кабелем Razer SpeedFlexУлучшенная эргономичная формаУльтралегкий дизайн - всего 59 г
Design - Form factor - Right-hand
Design - Material - Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)
Design - Product colour - Black
Design - Surface coloration - Monochromatic
Design > Colour of product - Black
dimensionalWeight - 226
Dimensions - depth - 4.4
Dimensions - height - 12.8
Dimensions - weight - 0.059
Dimensions - width - 6.8
EAN - 8886419334071
Eans - 8886419334071
EAN_code - 8886419334071
feature_group_en - Mice
feature_group_et - Hiired
feature_group_lv - Peles
feature_group_ru - Мышки
General - Color - Black
General - Height (mm) - 44
General - Length (mm) - 128
General - Package contents - Mouse
General - System requirements - Free USB port
General - Weight (g) - 59
General - Width (mm) - 68
General parameters - colour - black
General parameters - device type - corded mouse
General parameters - manufacturer - Razer
GrossWeight - 0.2200
Gross Weight Kg - 0,2
gross_weight - 0.15 kg
Height - 0.1790
Height - 44 mm
height - 1596
Hiir - Andmeedastus - 8000 Hz HyperPolling
Hiir - Hiire disain - Paremakäeline
Hiir - Hiire tüüp - Juhtmega hiir
Hiir - Kerimisrullik - Jah
Hiir - Kiirendus - 70G
Hiir - Klahvide arv - 5
Hiir - Liides - USB
Hiir - Muud omadused - Punutud kaabel
Hiir - Profiilid - Jah (kuni 5 profiili)
Hiir - Sensori tundlikkus - 30 000 dpi
Hiir - Sensori tüüp - Optiline
Hiir - Sensori tüüp - Razer Focus Pro 30K
ImageUrl - https://www.balticdata.lv/Gfx/ProductImages/Info/Product_108345_1.jpeg
Interface - USB
LargeDescHTML -
Length - 0.0600
LongDesc -
LongDescription EN - Fast tracking
The Razer Deathadder V3 features a Focus Pro 30,000 DPI optical sensor with 8000Hz hyperpolling, providing unparalleled precision and speed for gamers. This advanced sensor ensures smooth and accurate tracking of even the smallest movements, making it the perfect tool for competitive gaming. Lightweight design
In addition to its advanced sensor, the Razer Deathadder V3 boasts a lightweight and ergonomic design that weighs in at just 59g. This lightweight design makes it easy to maneuver the mouse quickly and precisely, while the ergonomic shape ensures maximum comfort during extended gaming sessions. With its lightweight and ergonomic design, the Razer Deathadder V3 is the perfect mouse for gamers looking for a comfortable and agile gaming experience.
LongDescription ET - Kiire sensor
Razer Deathadder V3-l on Focus Pro 30 000 DPI optiline sensor koos 8000Hz hüperpollinguga, mis pakub mängijatele enneolematut täpsust ja kiirust. See edasijõudnud sensor tagab sujuva ja täpse jälgimise isegi kõige väiksemate liigutuste puhul, muutes selle täiuslikuks tööriistaks võistlusmängimisel. Kergekaaluline disain
Lisaks oma võimsale sensorile pakub Razer Deathadder V3 ka kergekaalulist ja ergonoomilist disaini, mis kaalub vaid 59g. See kerge disain võimaldab hiirt kiiresti ja täpselt liigutada, samas kui ergonoomiline kuju tagab maksimaalse mugavuse pikemaajaliste mängusessioonide ajal. Oma kergekaalulise ja ergonoomilise disainiga on Razer Deathadder V3 täiuslik hiir mängijatele, kes otsivad mugavat ja kiiret mängukogemust.
Management features > Switch type - Optical
Manufacturer - Razer
Manufacturer Code - RZ01-04640100-R3M1
Manufacturer Name - Razer
manufacturer_code - RZ01-04640100-R3M1
Manufacturer_code - RZ01-04640100-R3M1
MANUFDATASHEET - https://www.razer.com/gaming-mice/razer-deathadder-v3/RZ01-04640100-R3U1#specs
MediumDescription EN - The Razer Deathadder V3 is a premium gaming mouse designed to give you the ultimate competitive edge. With its advanced 30,000 DPI optical sensor and lightning-fast response time of 1/8 of a millisecond, you can track your movements with pinpoint accuracy and lightning-fast speed. The ergonomic and lightweight 59g design ensures maximum comfort during extended gaming sessions. With its durable construction and customizable buttons, the Razer Deathadder V3 is the perfect weapon for any serious gamer looking to dominate the competition.
MediumDescription ET - Razer Deathadder V3 on kvaliteetne mänguhiir, mis on loodud tagama Sulle parima konkurentsieelise. Tänu sellele hiirele saad täpselt jälgida oma liikumisi tänu edasijõudnud 30 000 DPI optilisele sensorile ja ülikiirele reageerimisajale, mis on ainult 1/8 millisekundit. Ergonoomiline ja kergekaaluline 59g disain tagab mugavuse pikkade mängusessioonide ajal. Tugeva ehituse ja kohandatavate nuppudega on Razer Deathadder V3 täiuslik relv igale tõsisele mängurile, kes soovib domineerida konkurentsi üle.
MediumDescription LV - Razer Deathadder V3 ir premium klases spēļu datorpele, kas izstrādāta, lai sniegtu vislabāko sniegumu un priekšrocību pie augstās konkurences. Ar uzlaboto 30000 DPI optisko sensoru un ātro reakcijas laiku, 1/8 milisekundes, jūs varat izsekot savām kustībām ar precizitāti un zibens ātrumu. Ergonomiskais un vieglais 59 g dizains, nodrošina maksimālu komfortu ilgstošu spēļu sesiju laikā.
Model - RZ01-04640100-R3M1
Mouse - Acceleration - 70G
Mouse - Acceleration (max) - 70 G
Mouse - Built-in memory - Yes
Mouse - Buttons durability (million clicks) - 90
Mouse - Buttons type - Pressed buttons
Mouse - Device interface - USB Type-A
Mouse - Interfaces - USB
Mouse - mouse connection type - USB-A
Mouse - Mouse design - Right-handed
Mouse - Mouse tracking speed - 750 ips
Mouse - Mouse type - Wired mouse
Mouse - Movement detection technology - Optical
Mouse - Movement resolution - 30000 DPI
Mouse - Number of keys - 5
Mouse - Number of programmable buttons - 6
Mouse - Number of scroll wheels - 1
Mouse - Other - Braided cable
Mouse - Polling rate - 8000 Hz HyperPolling
Mouse - Profiles - Yes (up to 5 profiles)
Mouse - Programmable mouse buttons - Yes
Mouse - Purpose - Gaming
Mouse - Scrolling directions - Vertical
Mouse - Scroll type - Wheel
Mouse - Scroll wheel - Yes
Mouse - sensitivity - 30000
Mouse - sensor - optical
Mouse - Sensor sensitivity - 30 000 dpi
Mouse - Sensor type - Optical
Mouse - Sensor type - Razer Focus Pro 30K
MouseCableLength - -
MouseType -
  • Optical
  • Gaming

  • MPN - RZ01-04640100-R3M1
    Name - Datorpele Razer DeathAdder V3 Black
    Name - Razer DeathAdder V3
    Name - Razer DeathAdder V3 Gaming Mouse (Black)
    Name - Razer | Gaming Mouse | DeathAdder V3 | Wired | Optical | Gaming Mouse | Black | No
    Name EN - Wired Mouse Razer DeathAdder V3
    Name ET - Juhtmega Hiir Razer DeathAdder V3
    NameInWeb EN - Razer DeathAdder V3, black - Wired Optical Mouse
    NameInWeb ET - Razer DeathAdder V3, must - Juhtmega optiline hiir
    NameInWeb LV - Razer DeathAdder V3, melna - Datorpele
    Name LV - Wired Mouse Razer DeathAdder V3
    name_en - Razer mouse DeathAdder V3 Gaming
    name_et - Razer hiir DeathAdder V3 Gaming
    name_lv - Razer mouse DeathAdder V3 Gaming
    name_ru - Razer мышь DeathAdder V3 Gaming
    NetWeight - 0.1060
    NumberOfMouseButtons - 6
    Other features > Sensor type - Optical
    PackageContents -
  • Razer DeathAdder V3
  • Important Product Information Guide

  • PackageDimensions - -
    Package features > Embeeded battery - No
    Package features > Gross depth (mm) - 58.00 mm
    Package features > Gross depth master carton - 395 mm
    Package features > Gross height (mm) - 175.00 mm
    Package features > Gross height master carton - 200 mm
    Package features > Gross width (mm) - 108.00 mm
    Package features > Gross width master carton - 130 mm
    Package features > Net weight master carton - 1.05 kg
    Package features > Packing quantity - 1.00 pc(s)
    Package features > Palette Qty - 788 pc(s)
    Package features > Paper/Pasteboard - 200.00 g
    Package features > Plastic (No PET) - 70.00 g
    Package features > Tare weight (kg) - 0.27 kg
    Package features > Tare weight master carton - 0.175 kg
    Package features > Volume (m3) - 0.00 m³
    Package features > WEE classification - CL109:5:2017-04-01
    Package features > WEEE tax - Yes
    PackageWeight - 0.200 kg
    Packaging content - User guide - Yes
    Packaging data - Package height - 176 mm
    Packaging data - Package weight - 470 g
    Packaging data - Package width - 70 mm
    Packaging data - Quantity per pack - 1 pc(s)
    Pele - Aptaujas biežums - 8000 Hz HyperPolling
    Pele - Interfeisi - USB
    Pele - Mouse design - Right-handed
    Pele - Other - Braided cable
    Pele - Paātrinājums - 70G
    Pele - Peles tips - Pele ar vadu
    Pele - Profili - Jā (līdz 5 profiliem)
    Pele - Ritināšanas ritenītis - Jā
    Pele - Sensora jutība - 30 000 dpi
    Pele - Sensora tips - Optiskais
    Pele - Sensora tips - Razer Focus Pro 30K
    Pele - Taustiņu skaits - 5
    Power - Corded
    Power - Power source - Cable
    PowerFeatures - -
    ProdDesc - DeathAdder V3 Wired Black Gaming Mouse
    Producer - Razer
    producerCode - RZ01-04640100-R3M1
    ProducerCode - RZ01-04640100-R3M1
    Producer product family - Gaming Mouse
    Producer product name - DeathAdder V3
    ProductCode - RZ01-04640100-R3M1
    ProductionCountry - CN
    productName - Razer DeathAdder V3 mouse Gaming Right-hand USB Type-A Optical 30000 DPI
    ProductPicture - http://www.tdbaltic.ee/images/ds4/RZ01-04640100-R3M1-01.jpg
    ProductPicture2 - http://www.tdbaltic.ee/images/ds4/RZ01-04640100-R3M1-02.jpg
    ProductPicture3 - http://www.tdbaltic.ee/images/ds4/RZ01-04640100-R3M1-03.jpg
    ProductPicture4 -
    productSize - Normal
    Resoliution - 30000 dpi
    SalesUnitOfMeasureCode - tk
    ShortDescription -
    Short description - Razer Mouse DeathAdder V3 Gaming black für Rechtshänder, Kabelgebunden, ultra leicht
    sizeX - 105
    sizeY - 180
    sizeZ - 60
    Software - -
    Software - additional software -
    SystemRequirements - -
    TariffNo - 84716070
    Technical details > Buttons - 6
    Technical details > Device type - Gaming Mouse
    Technical details > Gross weight - 0.47 kg
    Technical details > Net weight - 0.2 kg
    Technical details > Producer - Razer
    Technical details > RGB LED light - No
    Technical details > Sensor DPI - 30000 DPI
    Technical details > Type - Wired
    Technical details > Wireless connection - No
    title_en - Razer DeathAdder V3 Optical Mouse
    title_lv - Razer DeathAdder V3 Optiskā Datorpele
    title_ru - Razer DeathAdder V3 Оптическая Компьютерная Мышь
    UnitOfMeasureCode - tk
    UnitsPerPackage - 1
    Vispārīgi - Augstums (mm) - 44
    Vispārīgi - Garums (mm) - 128
    Vispārīgi - Iepakojumā ietilpst - Pele
    Vispārīgi - Krāsa - Melna / sudrabota
    Vispārīgi - Platums (mm) - 68
    Vispārīgi - Sistēmas prasības - Brīvs USB ports
    Vispārīgi - Svars (g) - 59
    Volume - 0.00112770
    Warranty - -
    Warranty - 24
    Warranty - 24 month(s)
    warrantyLength - 24
    warrantyType - G
    Weight - 0,15
    Weight - 0.059 kg
    weight - 0.1 kg
    Weight - 0.22
    weight - 215
    Weight & dimensions - Depth - 128 mm
    Weight & dimensions - Height - 44 mm
    Weight & dimensions - Weight - 59 g
    Weight & dimensions - Width - 68 mm
    Weight & dimensions > Weight - 59 g
    Width - 0.1050
    Width - 128 mm
    WirelessCompatibility - No
    Üldine - Kaal (g) - 59
    Üldine - Komplekti sisu - Hiir
    Üldine - Kõrgus (mm) - 44
    Üldine - Laius (mm) - 68
    Üldine - Nõuded arvutile - Vaba USB pesa
    Üldine - Pikkus (mm) - 128
    Üldine - Värvus - Must
    Мышка - Дизайн мыши - Для праворуких
    Мышка - Интерфейс - USB
    Мышка - Колесико - Да
    Мышка - Профили - Да (до 5 профилей)
    Мышка - Прочие свойства - Плетеный кабель
    Мышка - Тип датчика - Razer Focus Pro 30K
    Мышка - Тип датчика - Оптический сенсор
    Мышка - Тип мышки - Проводная мышь
    Мышка - Ускорение - 70G
    Мышка - Частота данных - 8000 Hz HyperPolling
    Мышка - Число клавиш - 5
    Мышка - Чувствительность сенсора - 30 000 dpi
    Общие характеристики - Вес (г) - 59
    Общие характеристики - Высота (мм) - 44
    Общие характеристики - Длина (мм) - 128
    Общие характеристики - Комплектация - Мышка
    Общие характеристики - Системные требования - Свободный USB порт
    Общие характеристики - Цвет - Черный
    Общие характеристики - Ширина (мм) - 68
    65.12 €
    Razer DeathAdder V3
    Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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