Razer DeathAdder Essential, Black

Picture may differ from actual product, there can be accessories and parts not supplied with the actual product.
ID: 746407 Product code: RZ01-03850100-R3M1
In stock >50 units
Warranty: 2 years
25.75 €
Delivery options
  • Delivery to Smartpost 1.99 €: 02.04.2025
  • Delivery to Omniva parcel locker 1.99 €: 02.04.2025
  • Courier delivery 3.99 €: 02.04.2025
Main product parameters All parameters
  • Use: Gaming
  • Color: Melna
  • Connection type: Cable
  • Connection type: USB cable
  • Type: Optical
Basic information
Use Gaming

The application is a guide to determine whether the mouse is more suitable for a desktop or a laptop.

Notebook mice are small in size and therefore suitable for working on the move.

If you will be using your laptop mostly at a specific workstation, it is advisable to buy a desktop mouse, which has a standard size, so it is more comfortable for long periods of time at the computer. Standard mice are connected to the laptop with a cord for long-lasting stable operation. Wireless mice, on the other hand, require periodic battery changes.

Gaming mice have more buttons, more precise optics and better resolution. For more advanced gaming, TopPC.ee recommends a gaming mouse with wired data transmission.

For everyday use, TopPC.ee recommends a laser mouse with PS/2 or USB connectivity.

Color Melna
The colour of the mouse surface. This parameter is approximate and can slightly differ from the actual colour of the mouse.
Number of buttons : 6
Lighting : Ir
Illumination colour : RGB
Ports and equipment
Connection type Cable

Datu pārraide nosaka, kā pele savienota ar datoru.

Vada savienojums ir klasisks, ātrs un pārbaudīts veids (elektriskais kabelis ar USB vai PS/2 kontaktu).

Savukārt bezvadu savienojums prasa periodisku bateriju maiņu, vai akumulatora uzlādi, toties piedāvā brīvību lietot peli neraizējoties par brīžiem traucējošo vadu. Šādas peles ir ideālas darbam ar portatīvo datoru, pie kura tās tiek pievienotas ar bluetooth vai infrared palīdzību. Taču jāņem vērā, ka parasti tās sver nedaudz vairāk par vadu pelēm, tām ne vienmēr ir stabils savienojums.

Connection type : USB cable
Manufacturer of switches : Razer
Switch model : Razer Mechanical Switches
Weight (g) : 96
Cord length (m) : 1.8
Type Optical

There are optical and laser mice.

A laser mouse has a higher accuracy and low energy consumption, they can also operate on glass and mirror surfaces.

Optic mice are currently used most often due to their attractive quality/price ratio. They do not have any mechanical parts, therefore they are fast and accurate.

Susceptibility (DPI) : 6400
Sensor manufacturer : N/A
Sensor model : N/A
Polling Rate (Hz) : N/A
More detailed specification
Acceleration (G) - 60–120 inches per second and 15g of acceleration
barcode - 8886419333265
brand - Razer
BrandCode - RAZER
Category - Datoru piederumi :: Perifērijas ierīces :: Datorpeles
Category - Root/Electronics/PC peripherals/Mice and touchpads
Category 1 - Eingabegeräte
Category 2 - Mäuse
Category_1 - Mice and Keyboards
Category_2 - Gaming Mice
category_en - Computers & Components > Computer peripherals > Mouses
category_en - Peripherals
category_et - Lisaseadmed
category_lv - Datortehnika > Datoru perifērija > Peles
category_lv - Papildus ierīces
category_ru - Datortehnika > Datoru perifērija > Peles
category_ru - Дополнительные устройства
Code - RZ01-03850100-R3M1
Color -
  • Black
  • Green RGB

  • Connection - connector type - USB-A
    Connection - cord length - 1.8
    depth - 10
    Depth - 61.7 mm
    Desc - Tips: Optiskā, Savienojums: Ar vadu, Savienojuma veids: USB, Kategorija: Datorspēlēm, Pogu skaits: 5, Krāsa: Melna, Barošana: USB, DPI jutība: 6400 dpi, Garantija: 2 gadi
    description_en - DeathAdder Essential - a comfortable and fast gaming mouse from Razer. Play even more, play even better!
    - Optical sensor: Guarantees minimal response time and maximum guidance accuracy.
    - Ergonomic body: made of soft-touch plastic that is pleasant to the touch, repeats the curve of the palm, providing a reliable grip and easy control.
    - Programmable buttons: Set up macros and reassign functions depending on the style of the game.
    - USB cable 2.1 m long: easily reach the rear panel of the PC.
    - Plug & Play: Windows, MacOS, or Linux and no additional software, you only need a free USB-A port.
    Technical characteristics:
    - Sensor type: Optical
    - Sensor resolution: 6400 DPI
    - Power supply: 5V, 150mA
    - Maximum acceleration: 30G
    - Maximum speed: 220 IPS
    - Long life buttons: 10 million clicks
    - Programmable buttons
    - Number of programmable buttons: 5
    - Green LED backlight
    - USB cable length: 2.1 m
    - Size 61.7x127x42.7 mm
    - Weight: 96г
    Note: You can download the proprietary software for mouse programming on Razer's official site.
    description_en - True 6,400 DPI Optical Sensor Ergonomic Form Factor 5 Hyperesponse Buttons 10 million-click life cycle Proven history of performance The essential gaming mouse
    For more than a decade, the Razer DeathAdder line has been a mainstay in the global esports arena. It has garnered a reputation for reliability that gamers swear by due to its proven durability and ergonomics. Now, we’re making it even more accessible with its latest successor—the Razer DeathAdder Essential. Proven history of performance
    The Razer DeathAdder family is one of the most renowned and recognized gaming mice in the world. With over 9 million units sold worldwide and dozens of celebrated awards, it comes as no surprise that the Razer DeathAdder has built up a cult following since its inception. Check out its milestones below. Ergonomic form
    The Razer DeathAdder Essential retains the classic ergonomic form that’s been a hallmark of previous Razer DeathAdder generations. Its sleek and distinct body is designed for comfort, allowing you to maintain high levels of performance throughout long gaming marathons, so you’ll never falter in the heat of battle. 5 Hyperesponse Buttons
    Independently programmable Hyperesponse buttons give you advanced controls for a competitive edge. Up to 10 Million Clicks
    The multi-award winning Razer™ Mechanical Switches last up to 10 million clicks for longer lifespan and extreme reliability. 6,400 DPI Optical Sensor
    Allows fast and precise mouse swipes that offer greater control for the most essential gaming needs.
    description_et - 6400 dpi optiline sensor Ergonoomiline kuju 5 Hyperesponse nuppu Vastupidavus üle 10 miljoni kliki Hiir, milleta ei saa
    Razer DeathAdderi perekond on üks tuntumaid ja tunnustatud mängurihiiri maailmas. Kogu maailmas on müüdud üle 9 miljoni ühiku ja tähistatud kümneid auhindu – pole üllatav, et Razer DeathAdder on alates selle loomisest üles ehitanud kultuse. See on tõestanud end nii usaldusväärsuses, vastupidavuses kui kasutusmugavuseks. Ergonoomiline disain
    Razer DeathAdder Essential 2021 säilitab klassikalise ergonoomilise kuju, mis on varasemate DeathAdder hiirte seas heakskiidetud. Selle mugav disain on loodud pikkadeks mängutundideks. 5 Hyperesponse nuppu
    Iseseisvalt seadistatavad ning pika elueaga Hyperesponse nupud annavad Sulle eelise konkurentide eest. Kuni 10 miljonit klikki
    Auhinnatud Razeri mehhaanilised klahvid kestavad lausa üle 10 miljoni kliki.
    description_lv - 6 400 DPI optiskais sensors Ergonomiska forma 5 Hyperesponse pogas Izturība līdz 10 milj. klikšķu Pārbaudīts sniegums Bāzes datorspēļu pele Jau vairāk nekā desmit gadus Razer DeathAdder sērija ieņem stabilu pozīciju globālajā e‑sporta arēnā. Tā ir izpelnījusies spēlētāju uzticību, pateicoties savai pārbaudītajai ilgizturībai un ergonomikai. Tagad mēs to padarām vēl pieejamāku ar jaunāko pēcteci – Razer DeathAdder Essential. Pārbaudīts sniegums
    Razer DeathAdder saimē ietilpst vienas no slavenākajām un atzītākajām datorspēļu pelēm visā pasaulē. Vairāk nekā 9 milj. pārdotu vienību un desmitiem prestižu apbalvojumu, nav nekāds pārsteigums, ka Razer DeathAdder ir radījis ap sevi veselu kultu. Ar svarīgākajām priekšrocībām iepazīstieties zemāk. Ergonomiska forma
    Pele Razer DeathAdder Essential ir saglabājusi klasisko ergonomisko formu, kas ir iepriekšējo Razer DeathAdder paaudžu raksturīga iezīme. Tās vienlaidus un atšķirīgais korpuss ir radīts komfortam, ļaujot jums saglabāt augstu veiktspējas līmeni ilgstošu spēļu sesiju laikā, lai jūs nekad cīņas karstumā nepakluptu. 5 Hyperesponse pogas
    Individuāli programmējamas Hyperesponse pogas nodrošina uzlabotas vadības iespējas taktiskai priekšrocībai. Līdz 10 miljoniem klikšķu
    Daudzkārt apbalvoto Razer™ mehānisko slēdžu izturība ir līdz 10 miljoniem klikšķu, tādējādi tie garantē ilgāku darbmūžu un ārkārtīgu uzticamību. 6 400 DPI optiskais sensors
    Ļauj veikt ātras un precīzas peles kustības, kas piedāvā augstāka līmeņa kontroli vissvarīgākajām geiminga vajadzībām.
    description_lv - DeathAdder Essential – ērta un ātra spēļu pele no Razer. Spēlējiet vēl vairāk, spēlējiet vēl labāk!
    - Optiskais sensors: garantē minimālu reakcijas laiku un maksimālu vadības precizitāti.
    - Ergonomisks korpuss: izgatavots no mīksta pieskāriena plastmasas, kas ir patīkami pieskarties, atkārto plaukstas izliekumu, nodrošinot uzticamu satvērienu un vieglu vadību.
    - Programmējamās pogas: iestatiet makro un atkārtoti piešķiriet funkcijas atkarībā no spēles stila.
    - USB kabelis 2,1 m garš: viegli sasniedziet datora aizmugurējo paneli.
    - Plug & Play: Windows, MacOS vai Linux un bez papildu programmatūras, jums ir nepieciešams tikai bezmaksas USB-A ports.
    Tehniskie parametri:
    - Sensora tips: optiskais
    - Sensora izšķirtspēja: 6400 DPI
    - Barošana: 5V, 150mA
    - Maksimālais paātrinājums: 30G
    - Maksimālais ātrums: 220 IPS
    - Ilgstošas ​​darbības pogas: 10 miljoni klikšķu
    - Programmējamās pogas
    - Programmējamo pogu skaits: 5
    - Zaļš LED fona apgaismojums
    - USB kabeļa garums: 2,1 m
    - Izmēri 61,7x127x42,7 mm
    - Svars: 96 g
    Piezīme. Patentēto programmatūru peles programmēšanai varat lejupielādēt Razer oficiālajā vietnē.
    description_ru -
    description_ru - DeathAdder Essential - удобная и быстрая игровая мышка от Razer. Играй еще больше, играй еще лучше!
    - Оптический сенсор: Гарантирует минимальное время отклика и максимальную точность наведения.
    - Эргономичный корпус: Из приятного на ощупь софт-тач пластика, повторяет изгиб ладони, обеспечивая надежный хват и легкое управление.
    - Программируемые кнопки: Настраивай макросы и переназначай функции в зависимости от стиля игры.
    - USB кабель длиной 2.1 м: с легкостью достанет до задней панели ПК.
    - Plug & Play: Windows, MacOS, или Linux и никакого дополнительного ПО, тебе нужен только свободный USB-A порт.
    Технические характеристики:
    - Тип датчика: Оптический
    - Разрешение сенсора: 6400 DPI
    - Питание: 5В, 150мА
    - Максимальное ускорение: 30G
    - Максимальная скорость: 220 IPS
    - Вермя жизни кнопок: 10 миллионов нажатий
    - Программируемые кнопки
    - Количество программируемых кнопок: 5
    - Зелёная LED-подсветка
    - Длина USB кабеля: 2.1 м
    - Размеры ШхДхВ: 61,7x127x42,7 мм
    - Вес: 96г
    Примечание: Скачать фирменное ПО для программирования мышки можно на официальном сайте Razer.
    description_short_en - 5-button gaming mouse Ultra precise 6400 dpi sensor Fully adjustable hyperesponse buttons 1000 Hz Ultrapolling, 30 G acceleration Ergonomic design for right-handed users
    description_short_et - 5-nupuline mängurihiir Täpne 6400 dpi optiline sensor Seadistatavad Hyperesponse nupud 1000 Hz Ultrapolling, 30 G kiirendus Ergonoomiline disain paremakäelistele
    description_short_lv - 5 pogu datorspēļu pele Īpaši precīzs 6400 dpi sensors Pilnībā pielāgojamas Hyperesponse pogas 1000 Hz aptaujas biežums, 30 G paātrinājums Ergonomisks dizains – piemērots labročiem
    description_short_ru - 5-кнопочная игровая мышь Точный оптический сенсор 6400 dpi Настраиваемые кнопки Hyperesponse 1000 Hz Ultrapolling, 30 G ускорение Эргономичный дизайн для правшей
    Design - Ergonomic design - Yes
    Design - Form factor - Right-hand
    Design - Product colour - Black
    Design - Surface coloration - Monochromatic
    Design > Colour of product - Black
    dimensionalWeight - 169
    Dimensions - depth - 4.27
    Dimensions - height - 12.7
    Dimensions - weight - 0.096
    Dimensions - width - 6.17
    EAN - 8886419333265
    Eans - 8886419333265
    EAN_code - 8886419333265
    feature_group_en - Mice
    feature_group_et - Hiired
    feature_group_lv - Peles
    feature_group_ru - Мышки
    General - Cable length - 180 cm
    General - Height (mm) - 43
    General - Length (mm) - 127
    General - System requirements - Free USB port
    General - Weight (g) - 96
    General - Width (mm) - 73
    General parameters - colour - black
    General parameters - device type - corded mouse
    General parameters - manufacturer - Razer
    GrossWeight - 0.1800
    Gross Weight Kg - 0,2
    gross_weight - 0.11 kg
    Height - 0.1570
    height - 15.7
    Height - 42.7 mm
    Hiir - Andmeedastus - 1000 Hz Ultrapolling
    Hiir - Kiirendus - 30G
    Hiir - Klahvide arv - 5
    Hiir - Liides - USB 2.0
    Hiir - Sensori tundlikkus - 6400 dpi
    Hiir - Valgustus - Roheline
    ImageUrl - https://www.balticdata.lv/Gfx/ProductImages/Info/Product_78583_1.jpg
    Interface - USB
    LargeDescHTML -
    Length - 0.0450
    Link - https://www2.razer.com/au-en/gaming-mice/razer-deathadder-black
    Logistics data - Harmonized System (HS) code - 8471607000
    LongDesc -
    Manufacturer - Razer
    Manufacturer Code - RZ01-03850100-R3M1
    Manufacturer Name - Razer
    manufacturer_code - RZ01-03850100-R3M1
    Manufacturer_code - RZ01-03850100-R3M1
    MANUFDATASHEET - https://www.razer.com/gaming-mice/razer-deathadder-essential/RZ01-03850100-R3M1
    For more than a decade, the Razer DeathAdder line has been a mainstay in the global esports arena. It has garnered a reputation for reliability that gamers swear by due to its proven durability and ergonomics. Now, we’re making it even more accessible with its latest successor—the Razer DeathAdder Essential.
    MediumDescription ET - • 6400dpi optiline sensor
    • Razeri mehaanilised nupulülitid
    • Ergonoomiline paremakäeline disain koos tekstuurse kummist küljekattega
    • Roheline RGB valgustus
    MediumDescription LV - • Optiskais sensors 6400 DPI;
    • Razer mehāniskie slēdži;
    • Ergonomiska, labās rokas forma ar teksturētu sānu gumiju;
    • Zaļš fona apgaismojums.
    Model - RZ01-03850100-R3M1
    Mouse - Acceleration - 30G
    Mouse - Acceleration (max) - 30 G
    Mouse - Buttons durability (million clicks) - 10
    Mouse - Buttons quantity - 5
    Mouse - Buttons type - Pressed buttons
    Mouse - Customizable movement resolution - Yes
    Mouse - Device interface - USB Type-A
    Mouse - Interfaces - USB 2.0
    Mouse - Lightning - Green
    Mouse - mouse connection type - USB-A
    Mouse - Mouse tracking speed - 220 ips
    Mouse - Movement detection technology - Optical
    Mouse - Movement resolution - 6400 DPI
    Mouse - Number of keys - 5
    Mouse - Number of programmable buttons - 5
    Mouse - Number of scroll wheels - 1
    Mouse - Polling rate - 1000 Hz Ultrapolling
    Mouse - Programmable mouse buttons - Yes
    Mouse - Purpose - Gaming
    Mouse - Scrolling directions - Vertical
    Mouse - Scroll type - Wheel
    Mouse - sensitivity - 6400
    Mouse - sensor - optical
    Mouse - Sensor sensitivity - 6400 dpi
    MouseCableLength - 2.1 m
    MouseType -
  • Optical
  • Gaming

  • MPN - RZ01-03850100-R3M1
    Name - Razer DeathAdder Essential
    Name - Razer DeathAdder Essential 2021 Black
    Name - Razer Deathadder Essential black - RZ01-03850100-R3M1
    Name - Razer DeathAdder Essential Czarna
    Name - Razer | Essential Ergonomic Gaming mouse | Wired | Infrared | Gaming Mouse | Black | DeathAdder
    Name EN - Wired Mouse Razer DeathAdder Essential, black
    Name ET - Juhtmega Hiir Razer DeathAdder Essential, must
    NameInWeb EN - Razer Deathadder Essential, black - Wired Optical Mouse
    NameInWeb ET - Razer Deathadder Essential, must - Juhtmega optiline hiir
    NameInWeb LV - Razer Deathadder Essential, optiskā, melna - Datorpele ar vadu
    Name LV - Wired Mouse Razer DeathAdder Essential, black
    name_en - Razer mouse DeathAdder Essential 2021, black
    name_et - Razer hiir DeathAdder Essential 2021, must
    name_lv - Razer mouse DeathAdder Essential 2021, black
    name_ru - Razer mouse DeathAdder Essential 2021, black
    NetWeight - 0.1090
    NumberOfMouseButtons - -
    Other features > Sensor type - Infrared
    PackageContents - -
    PackageDimensions - -
    Package features > Embeeded battery - No
    Package features > Gross depth (mm) - 155 mm
    Package features > Gross depth master carton - 325 mm
    Package features > Gross height (mm) - 50 mm
    Package features > Gross height master carton - 190 mm
    Package features > Gross width (mm) - 100 mm
    Package features > Gross width master carton - 220 mm
    Package features > Net weight master carton - 1.89 kg
    Package features > Packing quantity - 10 pc(s)
    Package features > Palette Qty - 1270 pc(s)
    Package features > Paper/Pasteboard - 95.00 g
    Package features > Plastic (No PET) - 5.00 g
    Package features > Tare weight (kg) - 0.10 kg
    Package features > Tare weight master carton - 0.136 kg
    Package features > Volume (m3) - 0.000775 m³
    Package features > WEE classification - CL109:5:2017-04-01
    Package features > WEEE tax - Yes
    PackageWeight - 0.200 kg
    Packaging data - Package height - 157 mm
    Packaging data - Package type - Box
    Packaging data - Package weight - 197 g
    Packaging data - Package width - 100 mm
    Packaging data - Quantity per pack - 1 pc(s)
    Pele - Apgaismojums - Zaļš
    Pele - Aptaujas biežums - 1000 Hz Ultrapolling
    Pele - Interfeisi - USB 2.0
    Pele - Paātrinājums - 30G
    Pele - Sensora jutība - 6400 dpi
    Pele - Taustiņu skaits - 5
    Ports & interfaces > Device interface - USB 2.0
    Power - Corded
    Power - Power source - Cable
    PowerFeatures - -
    ProdDesc - Razer DeathAdder Essential Black Mouse
    Producer - Razer
    producerCode - RZ01-03850100-R3M1
    ProducerCode - RZ01-03850100-R3M1
    Producer product family - Essential Ergonomic Gaming mouse
    ProductCode - RZ01-03850100-R3M1
    ProductionCountry - CN
    productName - Razer DeathAdder Essential mouse Gaming Right-hand USB Type-A Optical 6400 DPI
    ProductPicture - http://www.tdbaltic.ee/images/ds4/RZ01-03850100-R3M1-01.jpg
    ProductPicture2 - http://www.tdbaltic.ee/images/ds4/RZ01-03850100-R3M1-02.jpg
    ProductPicture3 -
    ProductPicture4 -
    productSize - Normal
    Resoliution - 6400 dpi
    SalesUnitOfMeasureCode - tk
    ShortDescription -
    Short description - Razer Mouse DeathAdder Essential Gaming black für Rechtshänder, Kabelgebunden 2,1 m
    sizeX - 100
    sizeY - 53
    sizeZ - 160
    Software - -
    Software - additional software -
    SystemRequirements - -
    TariffNo - 84716070
    Technical details > Buttons durability - Ultra-large non-slip
    Technical details > Device type - Gaming Mouse
    Technical details > Gross weight - 0.189 kg
    Technical details > Net weight - 0.089 kg
    Technical details > Number of buttons - 5
    Technical details > Other features - Ergonomic right-handed design; Zero-acoustic Ultraslick mouse feet
    Technical details > Producer - Razer
    Technical details > Product name - DeathAdder
    Technical details > Sensor DPI - 3500 DPI
    Technical details > Sensors - Precision 3.5G infrared sensor
    Technical details > Type - Wired
    Technical details > Warranty - 24 month(s)
    Technical details > Wireless connection - No
    title_en - Razer DeathAdder Essential Gaming Mouse
    title_lv - Razer DeathAdder Essential Spēļu pele
    title_ru - Razer DeathAdder Essential игровая мышь
    UnitOfMeasureCode - tk
    UnitsPerPackage - 1
    Vispārīgi - Augstums (mm) - 43
    Vispārīgi - Garums (mm) - 127
    Vispārīgi - Kabeļa garums - 180 cm
    Vispārīgi - Platums (mm) - 73
    Vispārīgi - Sistēmas prasības - Brīvs USB ports
    Vispārīgi - Svars (g) - 96
    Volume - 0.00070650
    Warranty - -
    Warranty - 24
    warrantyLength - 24
    warrantyType - G
    Weight - 0,20
    Weight - 0.096 kg
    weight - 0.096 kg
    Weight - 0.2
    weight - 210
    Weight & dimensions - Depth - 127 mm
    Weight & dimensions - Height - 43 mm
    Weight & dimensions - Weight - 96 g
    Weight & dimensions - Width - 62 mm
    Weight & dimensions > Height (max) - 44 mm
    Weight & dimensions > Mouse weight - 148 g
    Width - 0.1000
    width - 5.1
    Width - 127 mm
    WirelessCompatibility - No
    Üldine - Juhtme pikkus - 180 cm
    Üldine - Kaal (g) - 96
    Üldine - Kõrgus (mm) - 43
    Üldine - Laius (mm) - 73
    Üldine - Nõuded arvutile - Vaba USB pesa
    Üldine - Pikkus (mm) - 127
    Мышка - Интерфейс - USB 2.0
    Мышка - Освещение - Зеленая
    Мышка - Ускорение - 30G
    Мышка - Частота данных - 1000 Гц Ultrapolling
    Мышка - Число клавиш - 5
    Мышка - Чувствительность сенсора - 6400 dpi
    Общие характеристики - Вес (г) - 96
    Общие характеристики - Высота (мм) - 43
    Общие характеристики - Длина (мм) - 127
    Общие характеристики - Длина кабеля - 180 см
    Общие характеристики - Системные требования - Свободный USB порт
    Общие характеристики - Ширина (мм) - 73
    25.75 €
    Razer DeathAdder Essential, Black
    Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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