Razer BlackWidow V4 X, Fortnite Edition

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ID: 1123965 Product code: RZ03-04703600-R3M1
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Warranty: 2 years (Warranty for business entities 1 year)
Main product parameters All parameters
  • Backlit keyboard: Ir
  • Color: Black
  • Color: Raiba
  • Connection type: Wired
  • Keyboard language: ENG
  • Mouse bundle: Nav
  • Use: Gaming
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73.04 €
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Backlit keyboard Ir Nav Nav Nav Nav
Color Black Raiba Black Black Black Black
Connection type Wired Wired Wired Wired Wireless
Key backlight colour RGB Nav Nav Nav Nav
Keyboard language ENG ENG ENG ENG/RUS ENG
Keyboard size Full size Full size Full size Full size Full size
Keyboard type Mechanical Membrane Membrane Membrane Membrane
Macro keys Ir Nav Nav Nav Nav
Manufacturer of switches Razer Nav norādīts Nav norādīts Nav norādīts Nav norādīts
Mouse bundle Nav Nav Ir Nav Nav
Multimedia keys Ir Nav Ir Nav Ir
Port USB cable USB cable USB cable USB cable Wireless USB
Switch model Razer Yellow N/A N/A N/A N/A
Switch type Linear N/A N/A N/A N/A
Use Gaming Home & Office Home & Office Home & Office Home & Office
All parameters
Backlit keyboard : Ir
Color Black, Raiba
The indicated keyboard colour is approximate and can slightly differ from the actual colour of the keyboard.
Connection type : Wired
Key backlight colour : RGB
Keyboard language ENG
The language of the keyboard keys indicates what kind of characters are displayed on the keys of the keyboard and what additional languages can be used. The keyboard language ENG means that the keyboard has only Latin characters; the keyboards marked as ENG/RU or LAT/RUS have Latin characters as primary characters and also the Cyrillic characters. Prior to buying a keyboard you should verify whether the keyboard language complies with your requirements.
Keyboard size : Full size
Keyboard type : Mechanical
Macro keys : Ir
Manufacturer of switches : Razer
Mouse bundle Nav
This parameter indicates whether a mouse is included with the keyboard. You can receive more detailed information about the specification and connection of the mouse at the manufacturer's website or by calling our managers.
Multimedia keys : Ir
Port USB cable
The connection of the keyboard to the computer. USB and PS/2 ports are available for connecting a keyboard with most modern computers. All the computers that have a PS/2 port support PS/2 keyboards. Prior to buying a keyboard you should verify if your computer supports a USB keyboard.
Switch model : Razer Yellow
Switch type : Linear
Use : Gaming
More detailed specification
BrandCode - RAZER
Category - Root/Electronics/PC peripherals/Keyboards
category_en - Computers & Components > Computer peripherals > Keyboards
category_lv - Datortehnika > Datoru perifērija > Klaviatūras
category_ru - Datortehnika > Datoru perifērija > Klaviatūras
Connection - connector type - USB-A
Connection - cord length - 2
description_en - Razer BlackWidow V4 X - Fortnite Edition Keyboard Shape Standard: Full Size (100%) Connectivity Technology.
Device Interface: USB
Keyboard Key Switch: Mechanical keys Backlight Type: RGB LED, Wrist Rest
Recommended Use: Speaker
Product colour: Black
Keyboard Language: American English
Display device: No
Numeric keypad: Yes
Connectivity Technology: Wired
Recommended Use: Speaker
Built-in memory: Yes
Multimedia keys: Yes
Number of programmable (macro) keys: 6
Keyboard key switching technology: Razer Yellow
Key Tops: Double Shot Keys
description_lv - Razer BlackWidow V4 X - Fortnite Edition Tastatūras formas standarts: Pilns izmērs (100%) Savienojamības tehnoloģija: Vadu
Ierīces interfeiss: USB
Klaviatūras taustiņu slēdzis: Mehāniskie taustiņi Fona apgaismojuma veids: RGB LED, Rokas locītavas atslogotājs
Ieteicamais pielietojums: Speļu
Produkta krāsa: Melns
Tastatūras valoda: Amerikāņu angļu valoda
Rādītājierīce: Nē
Cipartastatūra: Jā
Savienojamības tehnoloģija: Vadu
Ieteicamais pielietojums: Speļu
Iebūvētā atmiņa: Jā
Multivides taustiņi: Jā
Programējamo (makro) taustiņu skaits: 6
Tastatūras taustiņa komutācijas tehnoloģija: Razer Yellow
Taustiņu augšdaļas: Dubultšāviena taustiņi
description_ru - Razer BlackWidow V4 X - Fortnite Edition Стандартная форма клавиатуры: полноразмерная (100%) Проводная
Переключатель клавиш клавиатуры: механические клавиши RGB LED, Подставка для запястий
Рекомендуемое использование: колонка
Цвет изделия: черный
Язык клавиатуры: американский английский
Дисплейное устройство: Нет
Цифровая клавиатура: да
Технология подключения: Проводная
Рекомендуемое использование: колонка
Встроенная память: Да
Мультимедийные клавиши: да
Количество программируемых (макро) клавиш: 6
Технология переключения клавиш клавиатуры: Razer Yellow
Верхние клавиши: клавиши двойного выстрела
Dimensions - depth - 15.25
Dimensions - height - 3.96
Dimensions - weight - 1.09
Dimensions - width - 46.6
EAN - 8887910073025
Eans - 8887910073025
General parameters - colour - blue
General parameters - colour - yellow
General parameters - device type - corded keyboard
General parameters - manufacturer - Razer
GrossWeight - 1.5280
gross_weight - 0.6 kg
Height - 0.2000
Keyboard - function keys
Keyboard - hot swappable switches
Keyboard - keyboard backlight
Keyboard - swappable buttons
Keyboard - backlight features - RGB
Keyboard - form factor - 100%
Keyboard - key arrangement - US
Keyboard - keyboard connection type - USB-A
Keyboard - type of keyboard - mechanical keyboard
Length - 0.0530
LongDescription EN - Yellow Switch - smooth and silent
Enhanced with sound dampeners, the Razer™ Yellow Linear Mechanical Switch delivers quick execution that’s smooth and silent. With zero distance between the actuation and reset point, this switch allows you to press keys multiple times as fast as possible. Razer Chroma™ RGB
Razer Chroma™ RGB is customizable RGB lighting that allows you to change your Razer keyboard's illumination with various colors, effects, and animations. It offers millions of color and style options, enabling you to create unique and personalized visual experiences that match your gaming style, setup, and preferences. 6 Macro Keys
Razer BlackWidow V4 X features 6 dedicated macro keys that allow you to record and assign key combinations to optimize your gaming style and improve your gaming performance. Scroll Wheel and 4 Media Keys
The multifunction scroll wheel and 4 media keys enable you to quickly and conveniently control volume, playback, and other media settings. The scroll wheel allows smooth and precise adjustment, while the media keys provide quick access to common functions like play, pause, previous, and next track. These features make keyboard use easier and help players focus on the game or work without taking their hands off the keyboard. Aluminum Construction
The keyboard is made from 5052 aluminum alloy, ensuring a lightweight yet extremely durable and strong construction. This material gives the keyboard a long lifespan and stability.
LongDescription ET - Yellow Switch lülitid
Yellow Switch on Razeri mehaanilised lülitid, mis pakuvad vaikset ja pehmet nupuvajutuse tunnetust. Need on ideaalsed kasutajatele, kes soovivad mängida või töötada madalama müratasemega keskkonnas. Lisaks tagavad Yellow Switch lülitid sujuva ja kiire toimimise, mis sobib nii mängimiseks kui ka sõpradele sõnumite kirjutamiseks. Razer Chroma™ RGB
Razer Chroma™ RGB on kohandatav RGB valgustus, mis võimaldab muuta oma Razeri klaviatuuri valgustust erinevate värvide, efektide ja animatsioonide abil. See pakub miljoneid värvi- ja stiilivõimalusi, võimaldades Sul luua ainulaadseid ja isikupärastatud visuaalseid elamusi, mis sobivad Sinu mängustiili, seadistuse ja eelistustega. 6 makronuppu
Razer BlackWidow V4 X on 6 pühendatud makroklahvi, mis võimaldavad Sul salvestada ja määrata klahvikombinatsioone, et optimeerida oma mängustiili ja parandada oma mängu jõudlust. Rulliknupp ja 4 meedianuppu
Mitmefunktsiooniline rullik ja 4 meedianuppu võimaldavad Sul kiiresti ja mugavalt kontrollida helitugevust, esitust ning teisi meediaseadeid. Rullik võimaldab sujuvat ja täpset reguleerimist, samal ajal kui meedianupud pakuvad kiiret juurdepääsu levinumatele funktsioonidele nagu esita, peata, eelmine ja järgmine lugu. Need funktsioonid muudavad klaviatuuri kasutamise lihtsamaks ja aitavad mängijatel keskenduda mängule või tööle ilma klaviatuurilt käsi eemaldamata. Alumiiniumist konstruktsioon
Klaviatuur on valmistatud 5052 alumiiniumsulamist, mis tagab kerge, kuid äärmiselt vastupidava ja tugeva konstruktsiooni. See materjal annab klaviatuurile pika kasutusea ja stabiilsuse.
MediumDescription EN - The Razer BlackWidow V4 X is a mechanical gaming keyboard equipped with Razer Chroma™ RGB. It features Razer™ Yellow mechanical switches, per-key lighting, along with 6 dedicated macro keys. This is an ideal choice for gamers seeking linear and silent feedback. • Yellow Switch - Linear and Silent
• 6 Dedicated Macro Keys
• Aluminum Construction
MediumDescription ET - Razer BlackWidow V4 X on mehaaniline mänguklaviatuur, mis on varustatud Razer Chroma™ RGB-ga. See sisaldab Razer™ kollaseid mehaanilisi lüliteid, per-klahvi valgustust ning 6 pühendatud makroklahvi. See on ideaalne valik mänguritele, kes otsivad lineaarset ja vaikset tagasisidet. • Yellow Switch - kiired, lineaarsed ja vaiksed
• 6 spetsiaalset makro nuppu
• Alumiiniumist konstruktsioon
MediumDescription LV - Razer BlackWidow V4 X ir mehāniska spēļu klaviatūra, kas aprīkota ar Razer Chroma™ RGB. Tai ir Razer™ Yellow mehāniskie slēdži, katra taustiņa apgaismojums, kā arī 6 īpaši makro taustiņi. Šī ir ideāla izvēle spēlētājiem, kuri meklē taustes un dzirdes atgriezeniskās saites klaviatūru. • Yellow Switch slēdži — lineāri un klusi;
• 6 īpaši makro taustiņi;
• Īpašs multivides rullītis;
• Alumīnija konstrukcija.
Model - BlackWidow V4 X
Name - Razer BlackWidow V4 X - Fortnite Edition
Name EN - Keyboard Razer BlackWidow V4 X Yellow SW. Fortnite Edition ENG
Name ET - Klaviatuur Razer BlackWidow V4 X Yellow SW. Fortnite Edition ENG
NameInWeb EN - Razer BlackWidow V4 X Fortnite Edition, Yellow Switch, mechanical, US, black - Keyboard
NameInWeb ET - Razer BlackWidow V4 X Fortnite Ediiton, Yellow Switch, mehaaniline, US, must - Klaviatuur
NameInWeb LV - Razer BlackWidow V4 X Fortnite Edition, Yellow Switch, mehāniskā, US, melna - Klaviatūra
Name LV - Keyboard Razer BlackWidow V4 X Yellow SW. Fortnite Edition ENG
NetWeight - 0.9560
Producer - Razer
ProducerCode - RZ03-04703600-R3M1
ProductCode - RZ03-04703600-R3M1
ProductionCountry - CN
SalesUnitOfMeasureCode - tk
ShortDescription -
Software - additional software -
TariffNo - 84716060
title_en - Razer BlackWidow V4 X - Fortnite Edition Gaming Keyboard
title_lv - Razer BlackWidow V4 X - Fortnite Edition Spēļu Tastatūra
title_ru - Razer BlackWidow V4 X - Fortnite Edition Gaming Клавиатура
UnitOfMeasureCode - tk
UnitsPerPackage - 1
Volume - 0.00553320
weight - 0.5 kg
Width - 0.5220
73.04 €
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