Logitech Pebble Keys 2, Pink, US

Picture may differ from actual product, there can be accessories and parts not supplied with the actual product.
ID: 996895 Product code: 920-011853
In stock 1 units
Warranty: 2 years (Warranty for business entities 1 year)
39.09 €
Delivery options
  • Delivery to Smartpost 1.99 €: 21.03.2025
  • Delivery to Omniva parcel locker 1.99 €: 21.03.2025
  • Courier delivery 3.99 €: 21.03.2025
Main product parameters All parameters
  • Backlit keyboard: Nav
  • Color: Rozā
  • Connection type: Wireless
  • Keyboard language: ENG
  • Mouse bundle: Nav
  • Use: Home & Office
All parameters
Backlit keyboard : Nav
Color Rozā
The indicated keyboard colour is approximate and can slightly differ from the actual colour of the keyboard.
Connection type : Wireless
Key backlight colour : Nav
Keyboard language ENG
The language of the keyboard keys indicates what kind of characters are displayed on the keys of the keyboard and what additional languages can be used. The keyboard language ENG means that the keyboard has only Latin characters; the keyboards marked as ENG/RU or LAT/RUS have Latin characters as primary characters and also the Cyrillic characters. Prior to buying a keyboard you should verify whether the keyboard language complies with your requirements.
Keyboard size : Tenkeyless (TKL)
Keyboard type : Membrane
Macro keys : Nav
Manufacturer of switches : Nav norādīts
Mouse bundle Nav
This parameter indicates whether a mouse is included with the keyboard. You can receive more detailed information about the specification and connection of the mouse at the manufacturer's website or by calling our managers.
Multimedia keys : Ir
Port Bluetooth, Wireless USB
The connection of the keyboard to the computer. USB and PS/2 ports are available for connecting a keyboard with most modern computers. All the computers that have a PS/2 port support PS/2 keyboards. Prior to buying a keyboard you should verify if your computer supports a USB keyboard.
Switch model : N/A
Switch type : N/A
Use : Home & Office
Computer mice
More detailed specification
Android OS compatibility - Yes
Battery - AAA x2
Battery - batteries included
Battery - Amount of batteries - 2
Battery - Battery type - AAA
Battery Average Run Time - up to 24 mēneši
Battery Included Quantity - 2
Battery Required Quantity - 2
Bluetooth Wireless connections - Yes
Box Height (mm) - 287 mm
Box Length (mm) - 305 mm
Box Weight Brutto (kg) - 4.27 kg
Box Width (mm) - 136 mm
BrandCode - LOGITECH
Breite - 0.14
Built-in Devices - LED Indicator
Category - Datoru piederumi :: Perifērijas ierīces :: Klaviatūras
Category - Root/Electronics/PC peripherals/Keyboards
Category Code - KEY
category_en - GSM Accessories > Bluetooth keyboards
category_lv - GSM aksesuāri > Bluetooth klaviatūras
category_ru - GSM aksesuāri > Bluetooth klaviatūras
Code - 920-011853
Color - Pink
Colour - Rose
Compliant Devices - PCOther
Connection - connector type - Bluetooth
Connectivity Technology - Wireless
Depth - 124 mm
Depth (mm) - 16 mm
Desc - Pieslēguma tips: Bezvada, Kategorija: Standarta, Savienošana ar datoru: Bluetooth, Apgaismojums taustiņiem: Nav, Valodas: ENG, Komplektācija: Klaviatūra, Krāsa: Rozā, Garantija: 2 gadi
Description - PEBBLE KEYS 2 K380S Slim, minimalist Bluetooth® keyboard with customizable keys. Tonal Rose Slim, lightweight, minimalist design made with recycled plastic Pebble Keys 2 K380s plastic content: minimum 49% recycled plastic, excluding plastic in printed wiring assembly (PWA) and packaging Multi-device pairing (up to 3 devices) Customizable Fn shortcut keys with Logi Options+ 2Available on Windows and macOS at logi.com/optionsplus Comfy and quiet laptop-like typing with scooped, low-profile keys
description_en - Device interface: RF wireless communication + Bluetooth
Keyboard shape standard: Mini
Keyboard layout: QWERTY
Keyboard language: US International
Indicator: No
Numeric Keypad: No
Hotkeys: No
Recommended use: Universal
Actuation force: 60 g
Key travel distance: 1.5 mm
Keyboard key switch: Scissor switch
Silent keys: No
Keyboard key life: 10 million characters
Multi-device support: No
Keyboard key profile: Low profile
description_lv - Ierīces interfeiss: RF bezvadu sakari + Bluetooth
Tastatūras formas standarts: Mini
Tastatūras izkārtojums: QWERTY
Tastatūras valoda: US International
Rādītājierīce: Nē
Cipartastatūra: Nē
Karstie taustiņi: Nē
Ieteicamais pielietojums: Universāls
Iedarbināšanas spēks: 60 g
Taustiņa ceļa atstatums: 1.5 mm
Klaviatūras taustiņu slēdzis: Šķērveida slēdzis
Klusie taustiņi: Nē
Tastatūras taustiņu ekspluatācijas ilgums: 10 milijons zīmes
Vairāku ierīču atbalsts: Nē
Tastatūras taustiņa profils: Zema profila
description_ru - Интерфейс устройства: беспроводная радиочастотная связь + Bluetooth
Стандартная форма клавиатуры: Мини
Раскладка клавиатуры: QWERTY
Язык клавиатуры: Международный США
Индикатор: Нет
Цифровая клавиатура: Нет
Горячие клавиши: Нет
Рекомендуемое использование: Универсальный.
Усилие срабатывания: 60 г
Расстояние перемещения ключа: 1,5 мм
Переключатель клавиатуры: ножничный переключатель
Бесшумные клавиши: Нет
Срок службы клавиш клавиатуры: 10 миллионов символов.
Поддержка нескольких устройств: Нет
Профиль клавиш клавиатуры: Низкий профиль
Device Location - External
Dimensions - 124 x 279 x 16 mm
Dimensions - depth - 1.6
Dimensions - height - 12.4
Dimensions - weight - 415
Dimensions - width - 27.9
EAN - 5099206110632
EAN Code - 5099206110632
EANCode - 5099206110632
Eans - 5099206110632
External Color - Rose
Form Factor - Compact
Full Description Line - ENG|Bluetooth|Wireless range 10 m|Windows 11|Windows 10|MacOS|iOS|Android|Colour Rose|Battery AAA x2
General parameters - colour - pink
General parameters - device type - cordless keyboard
General parameters - manufacturer - Logitech
Gewicht - 0.51
GrossWeight - 0.5310
gross_weight - 0.54 kg
GRUPPE1 - Input Devices
GRUPPE2 - Keyboards & Keypads
Height - 0.1400
Height - 16 mm
Height (mm) - 124 mm
Hoehe - 0.03
HSTNUMMER - 920-011853
Image - https://content.it4profit.com/pimg/s/resize/900x900x900x900/231002160011624991.jpg
Image - https://content.it4profit.com/pimg/s/resize/900x900x900x900/231002160011665991.jpg
Image - https://content.it4profit.com/pimg/s/resize/900x900x900x900/231002160011730737.jpg
ImageUrl - https://www.balticdata.lv/Gfx/ProductImages/Info/Product_118969_1.jpg
Included Accessories - Īsa lietotāja rokasgrāmata
Interface -
  • Wireless
  • Bluetooth

  • iOS OS compatibility - Yes
    KB language - ENG
    Key/Button Functions - Back Homepage Menu/Help
    Keyboard - function keys
    Keyboard - form factor - 75%
    Keyboard - key arrangement - US
    Keyboard - keyboard connection type - Bluetooth
    Keyboard - operating range - 10
    Keyboard - type of keyboard - membrane keyboard
    Keyboard Features - Ultra thin Easy-Switch Bluetooth Button Multimedia
    Keyboard features - Wireless/Keyboard only
    KeyboardType - Standard
    KeyCableLength - 10 m
    Laenge - 0.29
    LargeDescHTML -
    Length - 0.0300
    Localization - EN
    Localization - US English
    LongDesc -
    LongDescription EN - Minimalistlik ja kaasaegne
    Uued värvid, uus Sinu. Võta omaks oma tööruum selle värviküllase klaviatuuriga, mis täiendab su lemmiktarvikuid. Sinu töölaud on nüüd tõeline disainiteos. Sinu ruum. Igal pool.
    Minimalistlik, kaasaegne ja kompaktne. Pebble Keys 2 klaviatuur on õhuke, kerge ning varustatud Bluetoothiga, võimaldades sul hõlpsasti töötada kodus, reisil või lemmikkohvikus. Mitme opsüsteemi ühilduvus
    Pebble Keys 2 klaviatuur ühendub Bluetoothi teel su arvuti, tahvelarvuti ja nutitelefoniga. See tuvastab klahvid automaatselt, mäletab otseteid ning pakub sulle su eelistatud opsüsteemi jaoks tuttavat klahvipaigutust. Mugav kasutamine
    Kompaktne disain säästab lauapinda, võimaldades sul oma asjadega mugavamalt toimetada ja nautida ergonoomilist asendit. Vaikne töö
    Klaviatuur on loodud rahu ja vaikust silmas pidades. Logitechi Pebble'i vaikne tehnoloogia tagab tuttava klahviklõpsu tunde, kuid umbes 90% vähem heli.
    LongDescription ET - Minimalistlik ja kaasaegne
    Uued värvid, uus Sinu. Omasta oma tööruum selle värvilise klaviatuuriga, mis täiendab Su lemmiktarvikuid. Sinu lauakorraldus? See on nüüd tõeline disaini avaldus. Sinu ruum. Kõikjal.
    Minimalistlik, kaasaegne ja kompaktne. Pebble Keys 2 klaviatuur on õhuke, kerge ning varustatud Bluetoothiga, võimaldades Sul hõlpsalt töötada kodus, reisil või lemmikkohvikus. Mitme OS-i ühilduvus
    Pebble Keys 2 klaviatuur ühendub Bluetoothi teel Sinu arvuti, tahvelarvuti ja nutitelefoniga. See tuvastab klahvid automaatselt, mäletab otseteid ning pakub Sulle Sinu eelistatud operatsioonisüsteemi jaoks tuttavat klahvipaigutust. Mugav kasutus
    Klaviatuuri kompaktne disain säästab lauapinda, võimaldades Sul oma asjadega mugavamalt toimetada ja nautida ergonoomilist asendit. Vaikne töö
    Klaviatuur on disainitud rahu ja vaikuse nimel. Logitechi Pebble'i vaikne tehnoloogia tagab tuttava klahviklõpsu tunde, kuid umbes 90% vähem heli.
    MacOS OS compatibility - Yes
    MANUFDATASHEET - https://www.logitech.com/en-eu/shop/p/pebble-keys-2?srsltid=AfmBOopF6BTIaJTvwutEy98FGKeHyrjVbZldMtaqJfRO9rgwmLO61Pu9
    MediumDescription EN - Logitech Pebble Keys 2 K380s is a modern and minimalist keyboard with a clear and compact design. Thanks to Bluetooth® technology, it's easy to connect this keyboard to various computers and tablets, offering the freedom of wireless connectivity and a clutter-free workspace. Its stylish design is crafted for those who value aesthetics in their work environment. A special feature is its quiet keys, ensuring that using the keyboard won't disturb others around you. Its versatility and user-friendliness make it an ideal choice for both the office and home office. • Multi-device connection
    • Quiet keys
    • Compact and lightweight
    • Multi-OS compatibility
    MediumDescription ET - Logitech Pebble Keys 2 K380s on kaasaegne ja minimalistlik klaviatuur, millel on selge ja kompaktne disain. Tänu Bluetooth®-tehnoloogiale on selle klaviatuuriga lihtne ühenduda erinevate arvutite ja tahvelarvutitega, pakkudes traadita ühenduvuse vabadust ja laua puhtust. Selle stiilne disain on kujundatud neile, kes hindavad esteetikat oma töökeskkonnas. Eriline omadus on selle vaiksed klahvid, mis tagavad, et klaviatuuri kasutamine ei sega teisi inimesi sinu ümber. Selle mitmekülgsus ja kasutusmugavus teevad sellest ideaalse valiku nii kontorisse kui ka kodukontorisse. • Mitme seadme ühendus
    • Vaiksed klahvid
    • Kompaktne ja kerge
    • Mitme OS-i ühilduvus
    MediumDescription LV - Logitech Pebble Keys 2 K380s ir moderna un minimālistiska stila klaviatūra ar kompaktu dizainu. Pateicoties Bluetooth® tehnoloģijai, šo klaviatūru ir viegli savienot ar dažādiem datoriem un planšetdatoriem, nodrosinot bezvadu savienojamības brīvību un darbvietu bez traucējumiem. Tās stilīgais dizains ir radīts tiem, kas savā darba vidē novērtē estētiku. Īpaša iezīme ir tās klusie taustiņi, kas nodrošina, ka tās lietošana netraucēs apkārtējos. • Vairāku ierīču savienojums;
    • Klusi taustiņi;
    • Kompakta un viegla;
    • Vairāku OS saderība.
    Model - 920-011853
    Model - PEBBLE KEYS 2 K380S
    Name - Klaviatūra Logitech K380s Pebble Keys 2 Rose
    Name - Logitech Pebble Keys 2 K380s Różowy
    Name EN - Keyboard Logitech Pebble Keyboard 2 US (W), rose
    Name ET - Klaviatuur Logitech Pebble Keyboard 2 US (W), roosa
    NameInWeb EN - Logitech Pebble Keys 2 K380s, US, rose - Wireless keyboard
    NameInWeb ET - Logitech Pebble Keys 2 K380s, US, roosa - Juhtmevaba klaviatuur
    NameInWeb LV - Logitech Pebble Keys 2 K380s, US, rozā - Bezvadu klaviatūra
    Name LV - Keyboard Logitech Pebble Keyboard 2 US (W), rose
    NetWeight - 0.4230
    Nominal Weight - 0.423 kg
    NumberOfKeys - -
    PackageContents -
  • Pebble Keys 2 K380s keyboard
  • 2x AAA Alkaline batteries (pre-installed)
  • User documentation
  • Important Info Document (IID)

  • PackageDimensions - -
    Package Type - Box
    PackageWeight - -
    Pack Height (mm) - 136 mm
    Pack Length (mm) - 296 mm
    Packs in Box - 8
    Pack Weight Brutto (kg) - 0.508 kg
    Pack Weight Netto (kg) - 0.4064 kg
    Pack Width (mm) - 31 mm
    Pieces in pack - 1
    Platform Compability - Mac iOS Android Windows iPad
    Power - 2x AAA
    PowerFeatures - Battery life: 36 months
    ProdDesc - Logitech Keyboard 920-011853 / Pebble Keys 2 K380s Pink
    Producer - Logitech
    ProducerCode - 920-011853
    ProductCard - https://content.it4profit.com/itshop/itemcard_cs.jsp?ITEM=230712071603035144&THEME=asbis&LANG=lv
    ProductCategory - Klaviatūras un peles
    ProductCode - 920-011853
    ProductDescription - LOGITECH K380S Multi-Device Bluetooth Keyboard - TONAL ROSE - US INT'L
    ProductionCountry - CN
    ProductPicture - http://www.tdbaltic.ee/images/ds4/920-011853-01.jpg
    ProductPicture2 -
    ProductPicture3 -
    ProductPicture4 -
    ProductType - Input Devices - Keyboard Box
    Requires Peripheral Devices - USB portInternet Connection for Optional Software Download
    SalesUnitOfMeasureCode - tk
    Shipping Box Depth Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 25 cm
    Shipping Box Height Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 4 cm
    Shipping box quantity - 1
    Shipping Box Weight Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 1 kg
    Shipping Box Width Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 10 cm
    ShortDescription -
    Software - -
    Software - additional software -
    Software - operating system support - Android
    Software - operating system support - iOS
    Software - operating system support - iPadOS
    Software - operating system support - macOS
    Software - operating system support - Windows 7
    Software - operating system support - Windows 8
    Software - operating system support - Windows 10
    Software - operating system support - Windows 11
    Stck_Kart - 8
    Stck_Pal - 0
    Storno - Y
    Supports Battery Type Classification - AAA
    SystemRequirements - -
    TariffNo - 84716060
    title_en - Logitech Pebble Keys 2 K380s Keyboard QWERTY
    title_lv - Logitech Pebble Keys 2 K380s Tastatūra QWERTY
    title_ru - Logitech Pebble Keys 2 K380s Клавиатура QWERTY
    Unit Box Height - 0.04
    Unit Box Length - 0.25
    Unit Box Width - 0.1
    Unit Brutto Volume - 0.001 cubm
    Unit Gross Weight - 1 kg
    Unit Net Weight - 0.415 kg
    UnitOfMeasureCode - tk
    UnitsPerPackage - 1
    Vendor - LOGITECH
    Vendor Homepage - www.logitech.com/en-za/products/keyboards/pebble-keys-2.920-011853.html
    Volume - 0.00126000
    Warranty - 2 years
    Warranty - 12/24 months
    Warranty Products Returnable - Yes
    Warranty Term (month) - 24 mēneši
    Warranty validation Criteria - Serial Number
    weight - 0.5 kg
    Weight - 0.415 kg
    Width - 0.3000
    Width - 279 mm
    Width (mm) - 279 mm
    Windows 10 OS compatibility - Yes
    Windows 11 OS compatibility - Yes
    WirelessCompatability - Yes
    Wireless range - 10 m
    Wireless Technology - Bluetooth 3.0
    39.09 €
    Logitech Pebble Keys 2, Pink, US
    Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
    All categories