Accessories included -
Accessories included - Pebble Keys 2 K380s for Mac 2 AAA batteries (placed in the device) Pebble 2 M350s Mouse 1 AA alkaline battery (placed in the device) Product documentation Important Information Document (IID)
Battery - batteries included
Battery Included Quantity - 3
Battery Required Quantity - 3
Box Height (mm) - 149 mm
Box Length (mm) - 369 mm
Box Weight Brutto (kg) - 2.83 kg
Box Width (mm) - 154 mm
BrandCode - LOGITECH
Built-in Devices - LED Indicator
Category - Root/Electronics/PC peripherals/Keyboard and mouse sets
category_en - GSM Accessories > Bluetooth keyboards
category_lv - GSM aksesuāri > Bluetooth klaviatūras
category_ru - GSM aksesuāri > Bluetooth klaviatūras
Color - Graphite
Compliant Devices - PCOtherMac
Connection - Wireless
Connection - connector type - Bluetooth
Connectivity Technology - Wireless
Depth (mm) - 16 mm
Description -
Description - It's up to you how you express yourself Go beyond the box. Beat mediocrity. Beat boredom. Add some color to your everyday life with Pebble 2 Combo for Mac. Mouse and keyboard in even better colors and even smarter technology. Designed to stand out Let the world see who you are with Pebble 2 Combo for Mac. A minimalist, slim keyboard and mouse designed to stand out. Recycled plastic doesn't have to be boring We do not stop at a unique design, we make every effort to ensure that our products are made in a responsible manner. Pebble 2 for Mac comes in multiple colors and is made from over 45% recycled plastic15 Pebble 2 Combo for Mac Plastic Case includes: Pebble Keys 2 K380s for Mac Keyboard, at least 49% recycled plastic, and Pebble 2 M350s Mouse at least 58% recycled plastic, excluding plastic in printed wiring assemblies (PWA) and packaging. so you can choose a color that suits your climate. Always ready when you need them Compact and ready for big moves. The lightweight and portable design of the Pebble 2 Combo for Mac means you can slip your keyboard and mouse into your bag anytime, anywhere. Easy device switching Switch between 3 Apple devices with the Easy-Switch button. Compatible with macOS, iPadOS, iOS Shhh, quiet typing and clicking Did you hear that? NO? Perfectly. Keep your workflow low-key with round, quiet, low-profile keys for a familiar laptop typing experience and 90% less clicking noise17. 90% quieter clicking noises compared to Logitech M185. Left click dBA level measured at an independent laboratory at a distance of 1 meter. thanks to Silent Touch technology.
description_en - Slim, lightweight, minimalist design for Mac made with recycled plastic: Pebble 2 Combo for Mac plastic content includes Pebble Keys 2 K380s for Mac minimum 49% recycled plastic and Pebble Mouse 2 M350s minimum 58% recycled plastic, excluding plastic in printed wiring assembly (PWA) and packaging.
Multi-device pairing (up to 3 Apple devices)
Customizable middle button and 10 Fn shortcut keys with Logi Options+ App (Available on Windows and macOS at
Silent clicks with Silent Touch Technology: Click noise reduced by over 90% compared to Logitech M185. Left click and typing dBA level measured by an independent lab at 1 meter.
Comfy and quiet laptop-like typing with scooped, low-profile keys
Keyboard Features:
Special Keys: Show desktop, brightness up, brightness down, voice dictation, emoji menu, screen capture
Customisable keys with Logi Options+ App: F4-F12 and volume up shortcut keys (Available on Windows and macOS at
Mouse Features:
Number of Buttons: 3 (Left/Right-click, Scroll-wheel with middle click)
Customizable button with Logi Options+ App: 1 (scroll wheel with middle click) (Available on Windows and macOS at
Sensor Technology: High-precision optical tracking
DPI range: 400-4000 dpi (fully adjustable with 100 dpi increments)
Nominal value: 1000 dpi
description_lv - Plāns, viegls, minimālistisks Mac datora dizains, kas izgatavots no otrreizēji pārstrādātas plastmasas: Pebble 2 Combo for Mac plastmasas saturs ietver Pebble Keys 2 K380s operētājsistēmai Mac vismaz 49% otrreizēji pārstrādātas plastmasas un Pebble Mouse 2 M350s vismaz 58% pārstrādāta plastmasas, izņemot plastmasu drukātajā vadu komplektā ( PWA) un iepakojumu.
Vairāku ierīču savienošana pārī (līdz 3 Apple ierīcēm)
Pielāgojama vidējā poga un 10 Fn īsinājumtaustiņi ar lietotni Logi Options+ (pieejama operētājsistēmām Windows un macOS vietnē
Klusi klikšķi ar Silent Touch tehnoloģiju: klikšķu troksnis ir samazināts par vairāk nekā 90%, salīdzinot ar Logitech M185. Kreisais klikšķis un ierakstiet dBA līmeni, ko mēra neatkarīga laboratorija 1 metra attālumā.
Ērta un klusa klēpjdatoram līdzīga rakstīšana ar zema profila taustiņiem
Tastatūras funkcijas:
Īpašie taustiņi: rādīt darbvirsmu, palielināt spilgtumu, samazināt spilgtumu, balss diktēšana, emocijzīmju izvēlne, ekrāna tveršana
Pielāgojami taustiņi ar lietotni Logi Options+: F4-F12 un skaļuma palielināšanas īsinājumtaustiņi (pieejami Windows un macOS vietnē
Peles funkcijas:
Pogu skaits: 3 (kreisais/labais klikšķis, ritināšanas ritenis ar vidējo klikšķi)
Pielāgojama poga ar lietotni Logi Options+: 1 (ritināšanas ritenis ar vidējo klikšķi) (pieejama operētājsistēmās Windows un macOS vietnē
Sensoru tehnoloģija: augstas precizitātes optiskā izsekošana
DPI diapazons: 400-4000 dpi (pilnībā regulējams ar 100 dpi soli)
Nominālvērtība: 1000 dpi
description_ru - Тонкий, легкий, минималистичный дизайн для Mac, изготовленный из переработанного пластика: пластиковый комплект Pebble 2 Combo для Mac включает в себя Pebble Keys 2 K380s для Mac, минимум 49 % переработанного пластика, и Pebble Mouse 2 M350s, минимум 58 % переработанного пластика, за исключением пластика в печатных узлах ( PWA) и упаковка.
Сопряжение нескольких устройств (до 3 устройств Apple)
Настраиваемая средняя кнопка и 10 сочетаний клавиш Fn с приложением Logi Options+ (доступно для Windows и macOS на странице
Бесшумные щелчки благодаря технологии Silent Touch: шум щелчков снижен более чем на 90 % по сравнению с Logitech M185. Щелкните левой кнопкой мыши и введите уровень дБА, измеренный независимой лабораторией на расстоянии 1 метр.
Удобный и тихий набор текста, как на ноутбуке, с закругленными низкопрофильными клавишами.
Особенности клавиатуры:
Специальные клавиши: отображение рабочего стола, увеличение яркости, уменьшение яркости, голосовая диктовка, меню смайлов, снимок экрана.
Настраиваемые клавиши с помощью приложения Logi Options+: клавиши F4–F12 и сочетания клавиш увеличения громкости (доступно в Windows и macOS на сайте
Особенности мыши:
Количество кнопок: 3 (щелкните левой/правой кнопкой мыши, колесо прокрутки со средним щелчком)
Настраиваемая кнопка с помощью приложения Logi Options+: 1 (колесо прокрутки со средним щелчком) (доступно в Windows и macOS на сайте
Сенсорная технология: высокоточное оптическое отслеживание
Диапазон разрешения: 400–4000 точек на дюйм (полностью регулируется с шагом 100 точек на дюйм)
Номинальное значение: 1000 т/д
Designation - CE+WEEE
Device Location - External
dimension depth - 50 mm
dimension height - 370 mm
Dimensions - 106,7 x 58,7 x 26,62 mm
Dimensions - 124 x 279 x 16 mm
Dimensions - depth - 1.6
Dimensions - height - 12.4
Dimensions - width - 27.9
dimension weight - 668 g
dimension width - 140 mm
ean - 5099206117051
EAN - 5099206117051
EAN Code - 5099206117051
EANCode - 5099206117051
Eans - 5099206117051
External Color - Graphite
Form Factor - Compact
General parameters - colour - black
General parameters - device type - cordless desktop
General parameters - manufacturer - Logitech
GrossWeight - 1.3800
gross_weight - 0.79 kg
GRUPPE1 - Input Devices
GRUPPE2 - Keyboards & Keypads
guarantee - 24
guarantee_type - external
Height - 0.1400
Height (mm) - 124 mm
HSTNUMMER - 920-012244
Illuminated keypad - No
Illumination - No
Image -
Included Accessories - USB Receiver Īsa lietotāja rokasgrāmata
Interface - USB
Keyboard - function keys
Keyboard - form factor - 75%
Keyboard - key arrangement - US
Keyboard - keyboard connection type - Bluetooth
Keyboard - operating range - 10
Keyboard - type of keyboard - membrane keyboard
Keyboard Features - Multimedia Function Easy-Switch Bluetooth Button
Length - 0.0300
Localization - US English
LongDescription EN - Minimalistic and Modern
Logitech Pebble Combo 2 - keyboard and mouse characterized by a modern and stylish design. New colors, new you. These products are created to blend with your carefully chosen lifestyle and enhance your workspace, showcasing a true statement of design. Whether your criteria are aesthetic or functional, this set satisfies both. Quiet Operation
Both devices are designed with peace and quiet in mind. Thanks to Logitech's Pebble technology, you can enjoy the sensation of clicking, but with about 90% less noise, whether it's the keyboard keys or the mouse clicks. Wireless Connection Everywhere
Both the keyboard and mouse are equipped with Bluetooth, allowing you to easily connect them to different devices, whether it's a computer, tablet, or smartphone. Whether you're at home, on the go, or at your favorite café, Pebble Combo 2 is always with you. Natural Shape and Ergonomics
The Pebble Keys 2 keyboard has a compact design that saves desk space and enables ergonomic use. At the same time, the Pebble 2 M350s mouse is designed to be exceptionally thin, but it fits naturally and comfortably in your hand, thanks to its soft and rounded edges. Made for Mac
Made specifically for Apple Mac, which makes it more compatible and easier to use.
LongDescription ET - Minimalistlik ja kaasaegne
Logitechi Pebble Combo 2 for Mac - klaviatuur ja hiir, mida iseloomustab kaasaegne ja stiilne disain. Uued värvid, uus Sinu. Need tooted on loodud selleks, et sobituda Sinu hoolikalt valitud elustiiliga ja kaunistada Sinu töölauda, tuues esile disaini tõelise avalduse. Olgu Sinu valikukriteeriumid esteetilised või funktsionaalsed, see komplekt rahuldab mõlemad. Vaikne töö
Mõlemad seadmed on disainitud rahu ja vaikuse nimel. Tänu Logitechi Pebble'i tehnoloogiale saad nautida klõpsu tunde, kuid tehes umbes 90% vähem müra, olgu tegu klaviatuuri klahvide või hiire klõpsuga. Juhtmevaba ühendus kõikjal
Nii klaviatuur kui ka hiir on varustatud Bluetoothiga, võimaldades Sul neid hõlpsalt ühendada erinevate seadmetega, olgu selleks arvuti, tahvelarvuti või nutitelefon. Ükskõik, kas oled kodus, reisil või lemmikkohvikus, Pebble Combo 2 on alati Sinuga. Looduslik kuju ja ergonoomika
Pebble Keys 2 klaviatuuril on kompaktne disain, mis säästab lauapinda ja võimaldab ergonoomilist kasutust. Samal ajal on Pebble 2 M350s hiir loodud olema eriti õhuke, kuid sobib su käes loomulikult ja mugavalt, tänu selle pehmetele ja ümaratele külgedele. Loodud Mac jaoks
Klaviatuur ja hiir on loodud spetsiaalselt Apple Mac jaoks, tagades parema ühilduvuse ja kasutusmugavuse!
MediumDescription EN - Logitech Pebble Combo 2 for Mac consists of the stylish K380s keyboard and the M350s mouse, both featuring a minimalist and modern design. They are created for users who appreciate aesthetics and functionality in their work environment. Thanks to Bluetooth® technology, both the keyboard and the mouse can be easily connected to various devices, ensuring wireless connectivity freedom and a clean desk. The keyboard's quiet keys and the mouse's quiet clicks ensure that others around you are not disturbed. Their lightweight and compact design make them an ideal choice for the office, home office, and travel. • Wireless connection to multiple devices
• Quiet keys and clicks
• Compact, lightweight, and travel-ready
• Clear and minimalist design
MediumDescription ET - Logitech Pebble Combo 2 for Mac koosneb stiilsest K380s klaviatuurist ja M350s hiirest, mis on mõlemad minimalistliku ja kaasaegse disainiga. Need on loodud kasutajatele, kes hindavad esteetikat ja funktsionaalsust oma töökeskkonnas. Tänu Bluetooth®-tehnoloogiale saab nii klaviatuuri kui hiirt hõlpsasti ühendada erinevate seadmetega, tagades traadita ühenduvuse vabaduse ja laua puhtuse. Klaviatuuri vaiksed klahvid ja hiire vaikne klõps tagavad, et teised sinu ümber ei segataks. Nende kerge ja kompaktne disain teeb need ideaalseks valikuks nii kontorisse, kodukontorisse kui ka reisimisel. • Mitme seadme juhtmevaba ühendus
• Vaiksed klahvid ja klõps
• Kompaktne, kerge ja reisimiseks valmis
• Loodud spetsiaalselt Apple Mac jaoks
• Selge ja minimalistlik disain
MediumDescription LV - Logitech Pebble Combo 2 for Mac sastāv no stilīgās K380s klaviatūras un M350s datorpeles, kur abas ir ar minimālistisku un mūsdienīgu dizainu. Tās ir radītas lietotājiem, kuri savā darba vidē novērtē estētiku un funkcionalitāti. Pateicoties Bluetooth® tehnoloģijai gan klaviatūru, gan peli var viegli savienot ar dažādām ierīcēm, nodrošinot bezvadu savienojamības brīvību un tīru galdu. Klaviatūras un datorpeles klusie taustiņi nodrošina, ka apkārtējie netiek traucēti. To vieglais un kompaktais dizains, padara tos par ideālu izvēli birojam, mājas birojam un ceļojumiem. • Bezvadu savienojums ar vairākām ierīcēm;
• Klusi taustiņi;
• Kompakts un viegls komplekts;
• Minimālistisks dizains.
Model - 920-012244
Mouse - silent
Mouse - mouse connection type - Bluetooth
Mouse - operating range - 10
Mouse - sensitivity - 4000
Mouse - sensor - optical
Mouse Features - Scrolling Wheel
Mouse included - Yes
Movement Resolution - 1000 dpi
Name - Logitech Pebble 2 Combo for Mac
name - Pebble Combo for Mac To nal Graphite 920-01224
Name EN - Desktop Logitech Pebble 2 Combo for Mac US (W), graphite
Name ET - Desktop Logitech Pebble 2 Combo for Mac US (W), must
NameInWeb EN - Logitech Pebble 2 Combo for Mac, US, black - Wireless keyboard and mouse
NameInWeb ET - Logitech Pebble 2 Combo for Mac, US, must - Juhtmevaba klaviatuur ja hiir
NameInWeb LV - Logitech Pebble 2 Combo for Mac, US, melna - Bezvadu klaviatūra ar peli
Name LV - Desktop Logitech Pebble 2 Combo for Mac US (W), graphite
NetWeight - 0.8800
No. of buttons - 3
No. of scroll wheels - 1
Nominal Weight - 0.423 kg
Other features -
Package Type - Box
Pack Height (mm) - 134 mm
Pack Length (mm) - 362 mm
Packs in Box - 4
Pack Weight Brutto (kg) - 0.661 kg
Pack Weight Netto (kg) - 0.5288 kg
Pack Width (mm) - 36 mm
Pieces in pack - 1
Platform Compability - Mac Linux iOS Windows iPad
Pointing Device Technology - Optical
Pointing Device Type - Mouse
Power - Batteries / rechargeable AA
Power - Batteries / rechargeable AAA
producer - Logitech
Producer - Logitech
ProducerCode - 920-012244
ProductCard -
ProductCategory - Klaviatūras un peles
ProductCode - 920-012244
ProductDescription - LOGITECH Pebble 2 for MAC Bluetooth Keyboard Combo - TONAL GRAPHITE - US INT'L
ProductionCountry - CN
ProductType - Input Devices - Keyboard Box
Range - 10 m
Requires Peripheral Devices - USB portInternet Connection for Optional Software Download
Resolution (max) - 4000 dpi
Resolution (min) - 400 dpi
SalesUnitOfMeasureCode - tk
Separator - 11750Keyboard]]>Klawiatura]]>0
Separator - 11750Mysz]]>1
ShortDescription -
Software - additional software -
Software - operating system support - iOS
Software - operating system support - iPadOS
Software - operating system support - macOS
Stck_Kart - 0
Stck_Pal - 0
Storno - N
Supported operating systems - Android
Supported operating systems - Chrome OS
Supported operating systems - iOS
Supported operating systems - iPadOS
Supported operating systems - Linux
Supported operating systems - Mac OS
Supported operating systems - Windows
Supports Battery Type Classification - AA/AAA
TariffNo - 84716060
title_en - Logitech Pebble 2 Combo Keyboard QWERTY
title_lv - Logitech Pebble 2 Combo Komplekts QWERTY
title_ru - Logitech Pebble 2 Combo Клавиатура QWERTY
Type - Mini
UnitOfMeasureCode - tk
UnitsPerPackage - 1
Usage - Office
vendpn - 920-012244
Volume - 0.00126000
Warranty Products Returnable - Yes
Warranty Term (month) - 24 mēneši
Warranty validation Criteria - Serial Number
weight - 0.75 kg
Weight - 76 g
Weight - 415 g
Width - 0.3000
Width (mm) - 279 mm
Wireless Technology - Bluetooth/RF