HyperX Alloy Origins Core PBT, HX Red

Picture may differ from actual product, there can be accessories and parts not supplied with the actual product.
ID: 905474 Product code: 639N7AA#ABA
In stock 11 units
Warranty: 2 years
129.95 €
Delivery options
  • Delivery to Smartpost 1.99 €: on Wednesday, 19.03.2025
  • Delivery to Omniva parcel locker 1.99 €: on Wednesday, 19.03.2025
  • Courier delivery 3.99 €: on Wednesday, 19.03.2025
Main product parameters All parameters
  • Backlit keyboard: Ir
  • Color: Black
  • Connection type: Wired
  • Keyboard language: ENG
  • Mouse bundle: Nav
  • Use: Gaming
All parameters
Backlit keyboard : Ir
Color Black
The indicated keyboard colour is approximate and can slightly differ from the actual colour of the keyboard.
Connection type : Wired
Key backlight colour : RGB
Keyboard language ENG
The language of the keyboard keys indicates what kind of characters are displayed on the keys of the keyboard and what additional languages can be used. The keyboard language ENG means that the keyboard has only Latin characters; the keyboards marked as ENG/RU or LAT/RUS have Latin characters as primary characters and also the Cyrillic characters. Prior to buying a keyboard you should verify whether the keyboard language complies with your requirements.
Keyboard size : Tenkeyless (TKL)
Keyboard type : Mechanical
Macro keys : Ir
Manufacturer of switches : HyperX
Mouse bundle Nav
This parameter indicates whether a mouse is included with the keyboard. You can receive more detailed information about the specification and connection of the mouse at the manufacturer's website or by calling our managers.
Multimedia keys : Ir
Port USB cable
The connection of the keyboard to the computer. USB and PS/2 ports are available for connecting a keyboard with most modern computers. All the computers that have a PS/2 port support PS/2 keyboards. Prior to buying a keyboard you should verify if your computer supports a USB keyboard.
Switch model : HX Red
Switch type : Linear
Use : Gaming
Computer mice
More detailed specification
Brand - HP
Brand-specific features - HP GTIN (EAN/UPC) - 196548062195, 196548062225, 196337969780, 196548062232, 196548062249, 196548062256, 196548243617, 196337969803, 196548243624
Brand-specific features - HP GTIN (EAN/UPC) with options - (A2N) 196548062195; (AB8) 196548062225; (ABA) 196337969780; (ABD) 196548062232; (ABE) 196548062249; (ABF) 196548062256; (ABU) 196548243617; (UUW) 196337969803; (UUZ) 196548243624
BrandPartCode - 639N7AA
Category - Datoru piederumi :: Perifērijas ierīces :: Klaviatūras
Category - Keyboards
Category Code - KEY
category_en - Computers & Components > Computer peripherals > Keyboards
category_lv - Datortehnika > Datoru perifērija > Klaviatūras
category_ru - Datortehnika > Datoru perifērija > Klaviatūras
Code - 639N7AA#ABA
Colour - Black
Desc - Pieslēguma tips: Vada, Kategorija: Datorspēlēm, Savienošana ar datoru: USB, Apgaismojums taustiņiem: Ir, Valodas: ENG, Komplektācija: Klaviatūra, Krāsa: Melna, Garantija: 2 gadi
Description - HyperX Alloy Origins Core PBT HX Red - Mechanical Gaming Keyboard - High-quality, durable PBT keycaps - Responsive HyperX Mechanical Switches - Built strong: Aircraft-grade aluminum body - Compact tenkeyless design to maximize space
description_en - The HyperX Alloy Origins Core PBT is an ultra-compact, sturdy tenkeyless keyboard featuring custom HyperX mechanical switches designed to give gamers the best blend of style, performance, and reliability. This variant ups durability by adding pre-installed PBT keycaps with side-printing. HyperX’s mechanical key switches are built with exposed LEDs so more of the light output is visible, providing more brilliant, stunning lighting. They’re also tuned with an actuation force and travel distance that is elegantly balanced for responsiveness and accuracy. Alloy Origins Core is built with a full aluminum body so it stays rigid and stable, and also features keyboard feet for three different tilt levels. Its compact TKL design creates space for mouse movement in desktop setups where space is at a premium, and it also features a detachable USB-C cable for portability. Customize your lighting, craft macros, and adjust Game Mode with powerful, easy-to-use HyperX NGENUITY Software.
High-quality, durable PBT keycaps
These PBT keycaps feel great and are even more durable. The side printing on the keycaps helps ensure important keyboard functions a easily visible and wear down less over time.
Responsive HyperX Mechanical Switches(1)
HyperX-designed key switches blend responsiveness and accuracy, featuring a short travel time and low actuation force. They’re also reliable, rated for 80 million keypresses with no loss of quality.
Built strong: Aircraft-grade aluminum body
The aluminum casing keeps the keyboard structurally sound and stable when the action gets intense and the game hangs in the balance; battle after battle, night after night.
Compact tenkeyless design to maximize space
The sleek tenkeyless form factor gives you more space for rapid mouse movements, especially in desktop setups that are too tight for a full-sized keyboard.
Radiant RGB lighting effects
HyperX mechanical switches feature an exposed LED for brighter, more luminous RGB lighting.
Advanced customization with HyperX NGENUITY software
Customize Game Mode, take greater control over lighting effects, and set up your own macros.
Three adjustable keyboard angles
Adjust the two-step keyboard feet for three different angle settings (3°, 7°, or 11°), whichever makes your wrists the most comfortable.
Game Mode, 100% anti-ghosting, and N-key rollover
Ensure that all your keypresses register and that you’re not accidentally taking yourself out of the game in key moments.
description_lv - HyperX Alloy Origins Core PBT ir īpaši kompakta, izturīga beztaustiņu tastatūra ar pielāgotiem HyperX mehāniskajiem slēdžiem, kas izstrādāti, lai sniegtu spēlētājiem vislabāko stila, veiktspējas un uzticamības sajaukumu. Šis variants palielina izturību, pievienojot iepriekš instalētus PBT taustiņu vāciņus ar sānu apdruku. HyperX mehāniskie taustiņu slēdži ir veidoti ar atklātām gaismas diodēm, lai būtu redzama lielāka gaismas izvade, nodrošinot spožāku un satriecošāku apgaismojumu. Tie ir arī noregulēti ar iedarbināšanas spēku un pārvietošanās attālumu, kas ir eleganti līdzsvarots, lai nodrošinātu atsaucību un precizitāti. Alloy Origins Core ir izgatavots ar pilnu alumīnija korpusu, lai tas paliktu stingrs un stabils, un tam ir arī tastatūras pēdas trīs dažādiem slīpuma līmeņiem. Tā kompaktais TKL dizains rada vietu peles kustībai galddatoru iestatījumos, kur vietas ir ļoti maz, un tam ir arī noņemams USB-C kabelis pārnēsāšanai. Pielāgojiet savu apgaismojumu, izveidojiet makro un pielāgojiet spēles režīmu, izmantojot jaudīgu, viegli lietojamu programmatūru HyperX NGENUITY.
Augstas kvalitātes, izturīgi PBT taustiņu vāciņi
Šie PBT taustiņu vāciņi jūtas lieliski un ir vēl izturīgāki. Sānu apdruka uz tastatūras vāciņiem palīdz nodrošināt, ka svarīgas tastatūras funkcijas ir viegli pamanāmas un laika gaitā mazāk nolietojas.
Atsaucīgi HyperX mehāniskie slēdži (1)
HyperX izstrādātie taustiņu slēdži apvieno reaģētspēju un precizitāti, tiem ir īss ceļojuma laiks un mazs iedarbināšanas spēks. Tie ir arī uzticami, un tie ir paredzēti 80 miljoniem taustiņu nospiešanas, nezaudējot kvalitāti.
Būvēts spēcīgs: Lidmašīnas klases alumīnija korpuss
Alumīnija korpuss nodrošina, ka tastatūra ir strukturāli stabila un stabila, kad darbība kļūst intensīva un spēle paliek līdzsvarā; cīņa pēc kaujas, nakti pēc nakts.
Kompakts bez atslēgas dizains, lai maksimāli palielinātu vietu
Gludais bezatslēgas formas faktors sniedz vairāk vietas ātrām peles kustībām, jo ​​īpaši galddatoru iestatījumos, kas ir pārāk šauri pilna izmēra tastatūrai.
Starojoši RGB apgaismojuma efekti
HyperX mehāniskajiem slēdžiem ir redzama gaismas diode, kas nodrošina spilgtāku un spilgtāku RGB apgaismojumu.
Uzlabota pielāgošana ar HyperX NGENUITY programmatūru
Pielāgojiet spēles režīmu, labāk kontrolējiet apgaismojuma efektus un iestatiet savus makro.
Trīs regulējami tastatūras leņķi
Pielāgojiet divpakāpju tastatūras pēdas trīs dažādiem leņķa iestatījumiem (3°, 7° vai 11°), atkarībā no tā, kurš plaukstas locītavām ir ērtākais.
Spēles režīms, 100% pretspoguļu novēršana un N-taustiņu apgāšanās
Pārliecinieties, vai visi jūsu taustiņu nospiešanas tiek reģistrēti un ka jūs nejauši neizraujat sevi no spēles svarīgākajos brīžos.
description_ru - HyperX Alloy Origins Core PBT — это сверхкомпактная и прочная клавиатура без десятикнопок со специальными механическими переключателями HyperX, разработанная для того, чтобы предоставить геймерам лучшее сочетание стиля, производительности и надежности. Этот вариант повышает долговечность за счет добавления предустановленных колпачков клавиш из ПБТ с боковой печатью. Механические переключатели клавиш HyperX оснащены открытыми светодиодами, поэтому видима большая часть светового потока, обеспечивая более яркое и потрясающее освещение. Они также имеют элегантно сбалансированную силу срабатывания и расстояние перемещения, обеспечивающую отзывчивость и точность. Alloy Origins Core имеет полностью алюминиевый корпус, поэтому он остается жестким и устойчивым, а также оснащен ножками для клавиатуры с тремя различными уровнями наклона. Его компактный дизайн TKL создает пространство для перемещения мыши на настольных компьютерах, где пространство ограничено, а также оснащен съемным кабелем USB-C для портативности. Настраивайте освещение, создавайте макросы и настраивайте игровой режим с помощью мощного и простого в использовании программного обеспечения HyperX NGENUITY.
Высококачественные и прочные колпачки для клавиш из ПБТ.
Эти колпачки для клавиш из ПБТ превосходны на ощупь и еще более долговечны. Боковая печать на колпачках клавиш помогает сделать важные функции клавиатуры легко видимыми и уменьшить их износ с течением времени.
Адаптивные механические переключатели HyperX(1)
Клавишные переключатели, разработанные HyperX, сочетают в себе быстроту реагирования и точность, характеризуются коротким временем хода и низкой силой срабатывания. Они также надежны: рассчитаны на 80 миллионов нажатий клавиш без потери качества.
Прочная конструкция: корпус из авиационного алюминия.
Алюминиевый корпус сохраняет конструкцию клавиатуры прочной и устойчивой, когда действие становится интенсивным и игра висит на волоске; битва за битвой, ночь за ночью.
Компактный дизайн без ключа для максимального увеличения пространства
Изящный форм-фактор без десятиклавиш дает больше места для быстрых движений мыши, особенно в настольных компьютерах, которые слишком тесны для полноразмерной клавиатуры.
Сияющие световые эффекты RGB
Механические переключатели HyperX оснащены открытым светодиодом, обеспечивающим более яркое и яркое освещение RGB.
Расширенные возможности настройки с помощью программного обеспечения HyperX NGENUITY.
Настройте игровой режим, получите больший контроль над световыми эффектами и настройте свои собственные макросы.
Три регулируемых угла наклона клавиатуры
Отрегулируйте двухпозиционные ножки клавиатуры, установив три различных угла наклона (3°, 7° или 11°), в зависимости от того, какой из них будет наиболее удобным для ваших запястий.
Игровой режим, 100% защита от ореолов и одновременное нажатие N клавиш
Убедитесь, что все ваши нажатия клавиш регистрируются и что вы случайно не выходите из игры в ключевые моменты.
Design - Backlight - Yes
Design - Backlight colour - Multi
Design - Backlight type - RGB LED
Design - LED indicators - Yes
Design - Material - Thermoplastic polyester (PBT)
Design - Product colour - Black
Design - Protection features - Spill resistant
Design - Surface coloration - Monochromatic
Dimensions - 360x132.5x34.5
EAN - 196337969780
Features - Anti-ghosting - Yes
Features - Cable length - 1.8 m
Features - Detachable cable - Yes
Full Description Line - USB|ENG|Windows 11|Windows 10|Windows 8|Windows 7|Included Accessories Detachable USB cable, HyperX keycap puller, 1x HyperX-designed ESC Keycap, 1x HyperX-designed spacebar, Quick Start Guide|Colour Black
gross_weight - 0.35 kg
GTIN - 0196337969780
GTIN - 196337969780
GTIN - 0196337969797
GTIN - 196337969797
GTIN - 0196337969803
GTIN - 196337969803
GTIN - 0196548062195
GTIN - 196548062195
GTIN - 0196548062201
GTIN - 196548062201
GTIN - 0196548062218
GTIN - 196548062218
GTIN - 0196548062225
GTIN - 196548062225
GTIN - 0196548062232
GTIN - 196548062232
GTIN - 0196548062249
GTIN - 196548062249
GTIN - 0196548062256
GTIN - 196548062256
GTIN - 0196548062263
GTIN - 196548062263
GTIN - 0196548062270
GTIN - 196548062270
GTIN - 0196548062287
GTIN - 196548062287
GTIN - 0196548062294
GTIN - 196548062294
GTIN - 0196548243617
GTIN - 196548243617
GTIN - 0196548243624
GTIN - 196548243624
GTIN - 0196548367634
GTIN - 196548367634
ImageUrl - https://www.balticdata.lv/Gfx/ProductImages/Info/Product_111343_1.png
Included Accessories - Detachable USB cable, HyperX keycap puller, 1x HyperX-designed ESC Keycap, 1x HyperX-designed spacebar, Quick Start Guide
KB language - ENG
Keyboard - Actuation force - 45 g
Keyboard - Built-in memory - Yes
Keyboard - Connectivity technology - Wired
Keyboard - Device interface - USB
Keyboard - Keyboard form factor - Tenkeyless (80 - 87%)
Keyboard - Keyboard keys operating life - 80 million characters
Keyboard - Keyboard key switch - Mechanical
Keyboard - Keyboard key switch technology - HyperX Red
Keyboard - Numeric keypad - No
Keyboard - Pointing device - No
Keyboard - Polling rate - 1000 Hz
Keyboard - Recommended usage - Gaming
Keyboard - Rollover - N-key rollover
Keyboard backlight - Yes
Keyboard features - Keyboard only/Gaming
LargeDescHTML - The HyperX Alloy Origins Core PBT is an ultra-compact, sturdy tenkeyless keyboard featuring custom HyperX mechanical switches designed to give gamers the best blend of style, performance, and reliability. This variant ups durability by adding pre-installed PBT keycaps with side-printing. HyperX’s mechanical key switches are built with exposed LEDs so more of the light output is visible, providing more brilliant, stunning lighting. They’re also tuned with an actuation force and travel distance that is elegantly balanced for responsiveness and accuracy. Alloy Origins Core is built with a full aluminum body so it stays rigid and stable, and also features keyboard feet for three different tilt levels. Its compact TKL design creates space for mouse movement in desktop setups where space is at a premium, and it also features a detachable USB-C cable for portability. Customize your lighting, craft macros, and adjust Game Mode with powerful, easy-to-use HyperX NGENUITY Software.High-quality, durable PBT keycapsThese PBT keycaps feel great and are even more durable. The side printing on the keycaps helps ensure important keyboard functions a easily visible and wear down less over time.Responsive HyperX Mechanical Switches(1)HyperX-designed key switches blend responsiveness and accuracy, featuring a short travel time and low actuation force. They’re also reliable, rated for 80 million keypresses with no loss of quality.Built strong: Aircraft-grade aluminum bodyThe aluminum casing keeps the keyboard structurally sound and stable when the action gets intense and the game hangs in the balance; battle after battle, night after night.Compact tenkeyless design to maximize spaceThe sleek tenkeyless form factor gives you more space for rapid mouse movements, especially in desktop setups that are too tight for a full-sized keyboard.Radiant RGB lighting effectsHyperX mechanical switches feature an exposed LED for brighter, more luminous RGB lighting.Advanced customization with HyperX NGENUITY softwareCustomize Game Mode, take greater control over lighting effects, and set up your own macros.Three adjustable keyboard anglesAdjust the two-step keyboard feet for three different angle settings (3°, 7°, or 11°), whichever makes your wrists the most comfortable.Game Mode, 100% anti-ghosting, and N-key rolloverEnsure that all your keypresses register and that you’re not accidentally taking yourself out of the game in key moments.
LongDesc - Durable PBT Keycaps on a Super-Compact DesignThe HyperX Alloy Origins Core PBT is an ultra-compact, sturdy tenkeyless keyboard featuring custom HyperX mechanical switches designed to give gamers the best blend of style, performance, and reliability. This variant ups durability by adding pre-installed PBT keycaps with side-printing. HyperX’s mechanical key switches are built with exposed LEDs so more of the light output is visible, providing more brilliant, stunning lighting. They’re also tuned with an actuation force and travel distance that is elegantly balanced for responsiveness and accuracy. Alloy Origins Core is built with a full aluminum body so it stays rigid and stable, and also features keyboard feet for three different tilt levels. Its compact TKL design creates space for mouse movement in desktop setups where space is at a premium, and it also features a detachable USB-C cable for portability. Customize your lighting, craft macros, and adjust Game Mode with powerful, easy-to-use HyperX NGENUITY Software.
LongProductName - HyperX Alloy Origins Core PBT HX Red - Mechanical Gaming Keyboard
LongSummaryDescription - HyperX Alloy Origins Core PBT HX Red - Mechanical Gaming Keyboard. Keyboard form factor: Tenkeyless (80 - 87%), Connectivity technology: Wired, Device interface: USB, Keyboard key switch: Mechanical. Backlight type: RGB LED. Cable length: 1.8 m. Recommended usage: Gaming. Product colour: Black
Model - 639N7AA#ABA
Mouse - Mouse included - No
Name - Klaviatūra HyperX Alloy Origins PBT Red
Other features - Compatibility - PC, PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One
Other features - Compatible operating systems - NGENUITY
Packaging content - Number of products included - 1 pc(s)
Packaging data - Package type - Box
Packaging data - Package weight - 900 g
Packaging data - Quick start guide - Yes
Power - Power consumption - 500 mA
Power - Power source type - USB
Producer - HyperX
ProductName - HyperX Alloy Origins Core PBT HX Red - Mechanical Gaming Keyboard
Shipping Box Depth Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 40 cm
Shipping Box Height Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 5 cm
Shipping box quantity - 1
Shipping Box Weight Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 1.18 kg
Shipping Box Width Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 17.7 cm
ShortSummaryDescription - HyperX Alloy Origins Core PBT HX Red - Mechanical Gaming Keyboard, Tenkeyless (80 - 87%), Wired, USB, Mechanical, RGB LED, Black
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 10, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1
Technical details - General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR) URL - https://kaas.hpcloud.hp.com/pdf-public/pdf_8666243_en-US-1.pdf
Title - HyperX Alloy Origins Core PBT HX Red - Mechanical Gaming Keyboard
title_en - HyperX PBT Keyboard
title_lv - HyperX PBT Klaviatūra
title_ru - HyperX PBT Kлавиатура
Unit Box Height - 0.05
Unit Box Length - 0.4
Unit Box Width - 0.177
Unit Brutto Volume - 0.00354 cubm
Unit Gross Weight - 1.18 kg
Unit Net Weight - 0.89 kg
URL - https://www8.hp.com
USB Interface - Yes
Vendor Homepage - hyperx.com/products/hyperx-alloy-origins-core-pbt-mechanical-gaming-keyboard?variant=42582335979677
Warranty - 24 months
WarrantyInfo - 2 year
weight - 0.3 kg
Weight & dimensions - Keyboard dimensions (WxDxH) - 360 x 132.5 x 34.5 mm
Weight & dimensions - Keyboard weight - 890 g
Windows 7 OS compatibility - Yes
Windows 8 OS compatibility - Yes
Windows 10 OS compatibility - Yes
Windows 11 OS compatibility - Yes
129.95 €
HyperX Alloy Origins Core PBT, HX Red
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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