Xiaomi LCD Writing Tablet 13.5" (Color Edition)

Picture may differ from actual product, there can be accessories and parts not supplied with the actual product.
ID: 980810 Product code: BHR7278GL
In stock >50 units
Warranty: 2 years
32.23 €
Delivery options
  • Delivery to Smartpost 1.99 €: 24.03.2025
  • Delivery to Omniva parcel locker 1.99 €: 24.03.2025
  • Courier delivery 3.99 €: 24.03.2025
Main product parameters All parameters
  • Screen brightness, nits: Nav norādīts
  • Screen size: 13.5"
  • Screen resolution: N/A
  • Bult-in memory: 0
  • Model: Xiaomi LCD Writing Tablet 13.5" (Color Edition)
  • Weight (g): 450 g
  • Processor (Chipset): N/A
  • RAM Memory: Nav norādīts
  • Onboard OS: N/A
  • 4G: Not
  • 5G: Nav
  • Main camera resolution: Nav
  • battery capacity: N/A
Display characteristics
Refresh rate : N/A
Screen brightness, nits : Nav norādīts
Screen size 13.5"

The screen is the most important component of the tablet computer and its size determines the size of the tablet computer. Usually it is the diameter of the screen plus a couple of centimeters of the "holding part".

For convenient use we recommend approximately 10" tablet computers. 7" screen can be considered small and better suitable for children. If the tablet computer has the screen with the size exceeding 10" it means that the device is quite big and can seem inconvenient for an average user.

Screen resolution N/A

Indicates the number of dots the screen contains horizontally and vertically. The higher this parameter the better the sharpness of the image and the more pleasant use.

Display type LCD

This index indicates the colour compliance, brightness, viewing angle and other quality criteria. Any AMOLED, PLS and IPS type device can be considered a high quality screen panel.

Basic information
Color : White
Bult-in memory 0

Nosaka, cik daudz vietas ir planšetnieka "Cietajā diskā". Ja iekārtai nav pieejams atmiņas karšu paplašināšanas spraudnis, tad šis ir ļoti būtisks parametrs, kuru noteikti vajadzētu izvēlēties iegādes brīdī ar pietiekamu rezervi, jo bez paplašināšanas iespējām, ar šo apjomu nāksies sadzīvot visu iekārtas lietošanas laiku.

Vidusmēra filma aizņem ap 1GB vietas. Vidusmēra Android vai iOS spēle vai aplikācija aizņem ~100 Mb. Mūzikas un bilžu faili aizņem vidēji ap 5 Mb, jeb 0.05 Gb (par vienu failu).

Weight (g) : 450 g
Processor parameters
CPU cores N/A

This is a very important parameter because due to quite high resolution the tablet computer is quite demanding as to the CPU resources. Therefore, if you want to use several applications at once you should consider a possibility of buying a tablet with at least 2 core CPU.

Processor (Chipset) N/A

It determines the type of CPU the particular tablet has. Currently several competing models of CPUs are available on the market.

NVIDIA Tegra - the processors of this series have good graphics and processing performance as well as quite good energy efficiency indices. In any case, this is a strong competitor.

SnapDragon - this processor is highly energy efficiency, however, from the point of view of capacity it is more suitable for smartphones.

AMD Fusion - this processor comes from the environment of portable computers, therefore it has excellent performance as regards both graphics and processing, still the architecture of this processor unfortunately is intended only for the use in the Windows, Linux and other desktop computer environments.

Atom - Intel mobile processor with average capacity indices. Similar to AMD Fusion, for the time being it can be used only with the operating systems of desktop computers.

Apple A5 - specialised processor developed by Apple that can be found in iPad tablet computers only. From the capacity point of view - among the leaders.

Random-access memory (RAM)
RAM Memory : Nav norādīts
Graphics card
Graphics card : Nav norādīts
Operating system
Onboard OS N/A

This is among the most important parameters in choosing the tablet computer.

iOS - the tablet computers manufactured by Apple are equipped with the iOS operating system that is very convenient and high-speed, however, this is a closed system where no special configurations and extensions are possible. However, within the iOS currently most applications (apps) are available. iOS is compatible with Apple cloud services for which a fee is charged in most cases.

Android is a free of charge operating system developed by Google, similar to the iOS, however with all the possibilities to make a lot of changes therein. Besides, the Android offers good compatibility with the Google free cloud services - Gmail, Picasa, Youtube, Maps, Google+, Contacts, Calendar etc. The number of the Andoid users is growing most rapidly, therefore, this is a very perspective operating system.

Windows - the classic Microsoft Windows system that allows to use the convenient .EXE applications in the tablet computer. It has to be admitted that currently they are better suited to desktop computers, therefore you should choose this operating system only in cases when there is a Windows application without which you cannot do.

Other (Bada, MeeGo, WebOS, BrewMP, Symbian) - currently on the market of the mobile operating systems also several exotic operating systems are available besides the above listed, still, you should take into account that the biggest fight over this market share is over, therefore you should take care if you choose an operating system which is not iOS, Windows or Android, because, contrary to the classic computers, in most tablet computers it is not possible to change the operating system after buying the tablet.

Ports and equipment
Connection for charging : Other
Wi-Fi Nav

Although no tablet computer with the WiFi function has been seen we have included this parameter just for calming everybody down. Via WiFi the tablet computer can be connected to the Internet router to have the Internet access.

If there is no WiFi router and the Internet connection the sense of buying the tablet computer is quite questionable.

Memory card slot : Nav
Wireless connections
4G : Not
5G : Nav
NFC : Not
GPS : Nav
Bluetooth Nav

Bluetooth allows to connect a keyboard, headphones, microphone, printers and other devices supporting this technology without any wires.

Camera properties
Front camera resolution : Nav
Main camera resolution : Nav
battery capacity N/A

This is an approximate indicator of the number of hours the device can operate with a fully charged battery pack, low CPU loading and the minimum screen brightness setting.

Depending on the loading and use possibilities - sound, wifi, 3G, copying of files, Bluetooth, etc., this index can change downwards very rapidly.

More detailed specification
Accessories included - Tablet Rysik Instrukcja obsługi
category_en - Multimedia / Gadgets > 3D Printing Pens / LCD Writing Tablets
category_lv - Multimēdija / Gadžeti > 3D Drukas pildspalvas / LCD Piezīmju planšetes
category_ru - Multimēdija / Gadžeti > 3D Drukas pildspalvas / LCD Piezīmju planšetes
Code - BHR7278GL
Color - White
Connectors - None
Description - Tablet graficzny MI LCD writing tablet 13.5 cali color edition Rysuj i uwieczniaj chwile z kolorowym tabletem do rysowania. Zapisuj pomysły, inspiracje lub przelewaj swoje myśli. Długi czas pracy na baterii, brak pyłu, tuszu i wygodne pióro ułatwi Ci codzienną pracę. Gradient kolorów dla jeszcze żywszych rysunków
Specjalna kolorowa folia ciekłokrystaliczna z kolorowym wyświetlaczem zapewnia pełną gamę kolorów. Zastosuj nacisk i twórz szersze pociągnięcia.
Użyj nasadki pióra, aby bez wysiłku wyczyścić ekran
Delikatnie dotknij obszaru czujnika Halla nad tabletem górną częścią pióra, aby szybko wyczyścić ekran i zacząć od nowa.
Długopis magnetyczny
Zaprojektowany do trzymania pióra uchwyt jest prosty i skuteczny, magnetycznie zabezpieczając długopis przed zgubieniem.
Lekki, przenośny i łatwy do przenoszenia
Wąska ramka i wysoki stosunek ekranu do obudowy to większa przestrzeń do pisania i szkicowania. Ciesz się rysowaniem gdziekolwiek jesteś.
Niskie zużycie energii zapewnia dłuższą żywotność baterii
Ekran LCD zużywa niewielką ilość energii, gdy ekran jest wyczyszczony. Pojedyncza bateria guzikowa wystarcza na 365 dni, jeśli ekran jest czyszczony 100 razy dziennie.
Dodaj uroku swojemu otoczeniu
Lista zakupów? Notatka, wiadomość, zwykłe "dzień dobry"? Postaw tablet w salonie lub w kuchni, by ożywić swój dom.
Notuj swoje inspiracje
Zapisy spotkań, mapy myśli, szkice - uchwyć iskry inspiracji.
Zablokuj tablet suwakiem
Zabezpiecz zapisy przed usunięciem.
Solidna obudowa z ABS
Przyjemna w dotyku - mocny i wytrzymały materiał zewnętrzny.
description_en - Brand new original, retail pack
Draw on the move, capture moments with a full pallette
Vibrant brushstrokes / One-tap clear screen / Magnetic pen / Lightweight and portable / Dust-free and ink-free / Long battery life
Classic edition boosted with colors
Color gradient partition for true color brushstrokes
Custom-made color liquid crystal film with partition color display, for a full range of color. Apply pressure and create wider strokes for a natural way to create.
Use the pen cap to clear the screen effortlessly
Gently tap the Hall sensor area above the writing tablet with the top of the pen to clear the screen quickly and start fresh.
Portable and highly convenient. A true anywhere, anytime tablet.
Magnetic pen, nook for safe storage
Designed to hold the pen, the nook design is simple and effective, magnetically securing the pen so it isn't left behind.
Lightweight, portable, and easy to carry
Narrow bezel, high screen-to-body ratio, larger canvas for writing and sketching. Enjoy drawing with this lightweight and portable draw pad wherever you go.
Dust-free and ink-free, providing eye protection; long battery life
LCD screen with eye care feature, dust-free, ink-free, and filters blue light
Non-backlit screen for handwriting with natural light reflection, with no harm to eyes. Reusable, avoiding paper waste and protecting forest resources.
Low energy consumption for longer battery life
The zero power LCD screen only consumes a small amount of power when the screen is cleared. The single button cell battery lasts up to 365 days if the screen is cleared 100 times per day*. 100 times per day
Up to 365 days of usage Painting a colorful world on board
Take notes with your partner
Express your affection with loving reminders, notes, and messages.
Jot down your inspirations anytime you want
Meeting minutes, mind maps, design sketches, and colorful brushstrokes to capture sparks of inspiration.
Exquisite attention to detail, premium craftsmanship Clear button - Clear the screen with the top-mounted button
Lock button - Lock to prevent accidental deletion
Thick exterior made of ABS - Comfortable to touch, strong and durable exterior *All data referred to on this page is sourced from Jiqidao Laboratory.
*Data may vary or be inaccurate due to differences in the objective environment and other factors.
Specifications: Product model: MJXHB02WC
Product dimensions: 214 × 300 × 7.2mm
Main materials: ABS, polymer solid liquid-crystal display soft film
Battery type: Button cell battery (CR2025)
description_lv - Zīmējiet kustībā, tveriet mirkļus ar pilnu paleti
Spilgti otas triepieni / Skaidrs ekrāns ar vienu pieskārienu / Magnētiska pildspalva / Viegla un pārnēsājama / Bez putekļiem un tinti / Ilgs akumulatora darbības laiks
Klasiskais izdevums, kas papildināts ar krāsām
Krāsu gradienta nodalījums patiesiem krāsu otas triepieniem
Pēc pasūtījuma izgatavota krāsaina šķidro kristālu plēve ar nodalījuma krāsu displeju pilnam krāsu diapazonam. Piespiediet un izveidojiet plašākus gājienus, lai radītu dabisku veidu.
Izmantojiet pildspalvas vāciņu, lai bez piepūles notīrītu ekrānu
Viegli pieskarieties Hall sensora zonai virs rakstāmplanšetdatora ar pildspalvas augšdaļu, lai ātri notīrītu ekrānu un sāktu no jauna.
Pārnēsājams un ļoti ērts. Patiess planšetdators jebkurā vietā un laikā.
Magnētiska pildspalva, kaktis drošai uzglabāšanai
Pildspalvas noturēšanai paredzētais kaktiņa dizains ir vienkāršs un efektīvs, magnētiski nostiprinot pildspalvu, lai tā nepaliktu aiz muguras.
Viegls, pārnēsājams un viegli pārnēsājams
Šaurs rāmis, augsta ekrāna un korpusa attiecība, lielāks audekls rakstīšanai un skicēšanai. Izbaudiet zīmēšanu ar šo vieglo un pārnēsājamo zīmēšanas paliktni, lai kur jūs dotos.
Bez putekļiem un tinti, nodrošinot acu aizsardzību; ilgs akumulatora darbības laiks
LCD ekrāns ar acu kopšanas funkciju, bez putekļiem, bez tinti un filtrē zilo gaismu
Neizgaismots ekrāns rokrakstam ar dabisku gaismas atspīdumu, nekaitējot acīm. Atkārtoti lietojams, izvairoties no papīra atkritumiem un aizsargājot meža resursus.
Zems enerģijas patēriņš ilgākam akumulatora darbības laikam
Nulles jaudas LCD ekrāns patērē tikai nelielu enerģijas daudzumu, kad ekrāns ir notīrīts. Vienas pogas elementa akumulators darbojas līdz 365 dienām, ja ekrāns tiek notīrīts 100 reizes dienā*. 100 reizes dienā
Lietošanas laiks līdz 365 dienām Krāsainas pasaules gleznošana uz kuģa
Veiciet piezīmes ar savu partneri
Izsakiet savu pieķeršanos ar mīlošiem atgādinājumiem, piezīmēm un ziņojumiem.
Pierakstiet savu iedvesmu jebkurā laikā
Sanāksmju minūtes, domu kartes, dizaina skices un krāsaini otas triepieni, lai tvertu iedvesmas dzirksteles.
Izsmalcināta uzmanība detaļām, izcila meistarība Notīrīt pogu — notīriet ekrānu, izmantojot augšpusē uzstādīto pogu
Bloķēšanas poga — bloķējiet, lai novērstu nejaušu dzēšanu
Bieza ārpuse izgatavota no ABS - Ērts taustei, spēcīga un izturīga ārpuse *Visi šajā lapā minētie dati ir iegūti no Jiqidao Laboratory.
*Dati var atšķirties vai būt neprecīzi objektīvās vides un citu faktoru atšķirību dēļ.
Specifikācijas: Produkta modelis: MJXHB02WC
Produkta izmēri: 214 × 300 × 7,2 mm
Galvenie materiāli: ABS, polimēru cieto šķidro kristālu displeja mīkstā plēve
Baterijas veids: Pogelementu baterija (CR2025)
description_ru - Рисуйте на ходу, ловите моменты с помощью полной палитры
Яркие мазки / Четкий экран одним касанием / Магнитная ручка / Легкий и портативный / Без пыли и чернил / Длительное время автономной работы
Классическое издание, дополненное цветами
Раздел цветового градиента для реалистичных цветных мазков
Цветная жидкокристаллическая пленка на заказ с цветным дисплеем для полного спектра цветов. Надавливайте и создавайте более широкие мазки для естественного творчества.
Используйте колпачок пера, чтобы легко очистить экран
Аккуратно коснитесь области датчика Холла над планшетом кончиком пера, чтобы быстро очистить экран и начать все сначала.
Портативный и очень удобный. Настоящий планшет где угодно и когда угодно.
Магнитная ручка, уголок для безопасного хранения.
Угловой дизайн, предназначенный для хранения ручки, прост и эффективен, он фиксирует ручку с помощью магнита, чтобы она не осталась позади.
Легкий, портативный и удобный для переноски
Узкая рамка, высокое соотношение экрана к корпусу, увеличенный холст для письма и рисования. Наслаждайтесь рисованием с помощью этого легкого и портативного планшета для рисования, где бы вы ни находились.
Без пыли и чернил, обеспечивает защиту глаз; длительное время автономной работы
ЖК-экран с функцией защиты глаз, не содержит пыли, чернил и фильтрует синий свет.
Экран без подсветки для рукописного ввода с естественным отражением света, без вреда для глаз. Многоразовый, позволяющий избежать бумажных отходов и защитить лесные ресурсы.
Низкое энергопотребление для увеличения срока службы батареи
ЖК-экран с нулевым энергопотреблением потребляет лишь небольшое количество энергии, когда экран очищен. Однокнопочного аккумулятора хватает на 365 дней, если экран очищается 100 раз в день*. 100 раз в день
До 365 дней использования Рисуя красочный мир на борту
Делайте заметки вместе с партнером
Выражайте свою привязанность с помощью любящих напоминаний, заметок и сообщений.
Записывайте свое вдохновение в любое время
Протоколы встреч, интеллектуальные карты, дизайнерские эскизы и красочные мазки, чтобы запечатлеть искры вдохновения.
Изысканное внимание к деталям, высочайшее мастерство Кнопка «Очистить» — очистка экрана с помощью кнопки, расположенной сверху.
Кнопка блокировки — блокировка для предотвращения случайного удаления.
Толстый корпус из АБС-пластика. Удобен на ощупь, прочный и долговечный. *Все данные, упомянутые на этой странице, получены из лаборатории Цзицидао.
*Данные могут отличаться или быть неточными из-за различий в объективной среде и других факторов.
Технические характеристики: Модель продукта: MJXHB02WC
Размеры продукта: 214 × 300 × 7,2 мм.
Основные материалы: ABS, полимерный твердый жидкокристаллический дисплей, мягкая пленка.
Тип батареи: таблеточная батарейка (CR2025)
Design > Colour of product - White
Designation - CE+WEEE
dimensionalWeight - 262
dimension depth - 15 mm
dimension height - 350 mm
Dimensions - 300 x 214 x 7,2 mm  
dimension weight - 479 g
dimension width - 245 mm
Display > Display diagonal - 13.5 "
Display > Display technology - LCD
EAN - 6941812726792
ean - 6941812726792
gross_weight - 0.8 kg
guarantee - 24
guarantee_type - normal
Link - https://www.mi.com/global/product/xiaomi-lcd-writing-tablet-13-5-inch-color-edition/
Model - 47303
name - MI LCD writing tablet 13.5 inch color edition
Name - Xiaomi | LCD Writing Tablet 13.5" (Color Edition) | 13.5 " | LCD | White
Networking > 3G - No
Networking > 4G - No
Networking > 5G - No
Networking > Bluetooth - No
Networking > Near Field Communication (NFC) - No
Networking > Wi-Fi - No
Other features -
Package features > Classification of battery - CL126:NE:2016-12-09
Package features > Composition of battery - CL127:KT:2016-12-09
Package features > Embeeded battery - Yes
Package features > Ferrous metals - 0.20 g
Package features > Gross depth (mm) - 10.00 mm
Package features > Gross height (mm) - 320.00 mm
Package features > Gross width (mm) - 230.00 mm
Package features > Packing quantity - 1.00 pc(s)
Package features > Palette Qty - 260 pc(s)
Package features > Paper/Pasteboard - 90.00 g
Package features > PET - 4.00 g
Package features > Plastic (No PET) - 10.00 g
Package features > Tare weight (kg) - 0.10 kg
Package features > TI weight (kg) - 0.01 kg
Package features > Type of battery - Accumulator
Package features > Volume (m3) - 0.00 m³
Package features > WEE classification - CL109:2:2017-04-01
Package features > WEEE tax - Yes
Pen -
producer - XIAOMI
Producer - Xiaomi
producerCode - ?
Producer product name - LCD Writing Tablet 13.5" (Color Edition)
productName - Xiaomi BHR7278GL graphic tablet White
productSize - Normal
sizeX - 350
sizeY - 250
sizeZ - 15
Software -
Special functions -
System Requirements -
Technical details > Gross weight - 0.45 kg
Technical details > Net weight - 0.35 kg
Technical details > Producer - Xiaomi
Technical details > Warranty - 24 month(s)
title_en - Xiaomi Mi LCD Writing Tablet 13.5''
title_lv - Xiaomi Mi LCD Planšets Rakstīšanai 13.5''
title_ru - Xiaomi Mi LCD Планшет для Письма 13.5''
vendpn - 47303
Warranty - 24
warrantyLength - 24
warrantyType - G
weight - 0.6 kg
weight - 480
Wireless communication - No
Workspace -
32.23 €
Xiaomi LCD Writing Tablet 13.5" (Color Edition)
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
All categories