Speedlink Lavel

Picture may differ from actual product, there can be accessories and parts not supplied with the actual product.
ID: 637122 Product code: SL-810007-BK
In stock >50 units
Warranty: 2 years (Warranty for business entities 1 year)
33.25 €
Delivery options
  • Courier delivery 3.99 €: 14.04.2025
Main product parameters All parameters
  • Connection Type: Cable
  • Speakers: 2.0 (Stereo)
All parameters
Color : Black
Connection Type : Cable
Frequency range max, Hz : 20000
Frequency range min, Hz : 120
Lighting : Ir
Lighting Colour : RGB
Power supply : USB
Resistance, Ω : 4
RMS Jauda (W) : 20W
Sensitivity, dB : N/A
Speaker type : Aktīvais
Speakers 2.0 (Stereo)

The number of speakers in the acoustic system determines the volume of sound of the system you have selected. If you want to just listen to music and watch films or want to place speakers on the computer table you should choose 2.0 Stereo or 2.1 (stereo+subwoofer) speakers. If you want to enjoy the Dolby digital spatial sound when you are watching DVD films or playing EAX games you should buy the system of speakers 5.1 or above.

Volume control : Built in
Weight, kg : 1.2
Sound card
More detailed specification
barcode - 4027301574876
brand - SpeedLink
category_en - Audio
category_et - Audio
category_lv - Audio
category_ru - Аудио
depth - 25.5
description_en - Want a sleek set of speakers, understated lighting in a range of funky colours and flexible connectivity? Then the LAVEL Stereo Speakers are perfect for you! You can connect them to your output device either using the jack plug or via Bluetooth®, and they also feature a headphone jack if you want to enjoy the sound all to yourself. The speakers will put on a colourful light show with their LED lighting, which shines through the sleek black protective metal grilles. They also feature a front control panel for quick and convenient lighting-mode, volume-level and track-selection control. USB-powered stereo speakers 3.5 mm jack plug and Bluetooth® for audio-output device connectivity Practical front control panel, including headphone jack Multi-colour LED lighting with continuous colour cycling (can be deactivated) Protective metal grilles LED status indicator Soft foam feet for non-slip grip Output power (RMS): 10 W, 20 W peak power Drivers: 2 × 3" (7.6 cm) Frequency: 120–20 000 Hz Impedance: 2 × 2Ω Connection: 3.5 mm jack plug, USB-A connector USB/jack-plug cable length: 2 m Cable length between satellites: 1 m Dimensions: 87 × 108 × 200 mm (W × D × H) Weight: 1,200 g
description_et - Speedlink Lavel stereokõlarid on varustatud stiilse mitmevärvilise LED valgustusega ning erinevate ühendustega. Speedlink Lavel USB-toitelised kõlarid sobivad kasutamiseks nii arvuti kui nutitelefoniga – kõlarid on varusatud nii 3,5 mm pistiku kui ka Bluetooth ühendusega. Kõlarite tagasihoidlik disain sobitub iga interjööriga ning stiilsust lisab mitmevärviline LED valgustus, mis särab mahedalt läbi kõlari elemente kaitsvate metallvõrede. Esipaneelil asetsevad mugavad juhtnupud ning ka praktiline kõrvaklapipesa. USB toide 3,5 mm pistik ja Bluetooth nutiseadmega ühendamiseks Mugavad juhtnupud esipaneelil Kõrvaklapipesa Mitmevärviline LED valgustus Pehmed libisemiskindlad jalad Kaitsvad metallvõred LED indikaatortuli Võimsus: 10 W RMS, 20 W max Elemendid: 2 × 3" (7,6 cm) Sagedusdiapasoon: 120–20 000 Hz Takistus: 2 × 2Ω Kaabli pikkus: 2 meetrit Kõlaritevahelise kaabli pikkus: 1 meeter Mõõtmed: 87 × 108 × 200 mm Kaal: 1200 g
description_lv - Vai meklējat skaļruņus ar elegantu dizainu, stilīgu apgaismojumu un elastīgām savienojuma iespējām? Tādā gadījumā Speedlink LAVEL stereo skaļruņi ir ideāli piemēroti tieši tev! Skaļruņus ir iespējams savienot ar skaņas izvades ierīci, vai nu izmantojot spraudni vai Bluetooth®, pieejama arī austiņu ligzda, ja vēlaties baudīt mūziku pilnīgā vienatnē. Pateicoties LED apgaismojumam, šie skaļruņi ieslēdz īstu gaismas šovu, kas caurspīd gludās melnās aizsargrestītes. Priekšējais panelis sniedz iespēju ātri un ērti izvēlēties apgaismojuma režīmu, skaļuma līmeni un atskaņojamo skaņdarbu. Stereo skaļruņi ar USB barošanu 3,5 mm spraudnis un Bluetooth® savienojumam ar skaņas izvades ierīci Praktisks priekšējais kontrolpanelis, tai skaitā austiņu ieeja Daudzkrāsu LED apgaismojums ar nepārtrauktu krāsu ciklošanu (iespējams atslēgt) Metāla aizsargrestītes LED statusa indikators Mīkstas putu kājiņas neslīdošai saķerei Izejas jauda: (RMS): 10 W, 20 W maks. jauda Draiveri: 2 × 3" (7,6 cm) Frekvenču diapazons: 120–20 000 Hz Pretestība: 2 × 2Ω Savienojums: 3,5 mm spraudnis, USB-A savienotājs USB/spraudņa kabeļa garums: 2 m Kabeļa garums starp satelītskaļruņiem: 1 m Izmēri: 87 × 108 × 200 mm (Plat. × Dziļ. × Augst.) Svars 1 200 g
description_ru -
description_short_en - Stylish USB powered stereo speakers Power: 10 W RMS Multi-color LED lighting Controls & headphone jack on the front panel 3.5 mm plug & Bluetooth for smart devices
description_short_et - Stiilsed USB-toitega stereokõlarid Võimsus: 10 W RMS Mitmevärviline LED valgustus Esipaneelil juhtnupud & kõrvaklapipesa 3,5 mm pistik & Bluetooth nutiseadmega ühendamiseks
description_short_lv - Stilīgi USB stereo skaļruņi Jauda: 10 W RMS Daudzkrāsu LED apgaismojums Vadības funkcijas un austiņu ieeja uz priekšējā paneļa 3,5 mm spraudnis un Bluetooth savienojums viedierīcēm
description_short_ru -
feature_group_en - Speakers
feature_group_et - Kõlarid
feature_group_lv - Skaļruņi
feature_group_ru - Колонки
gross_weight - 1.349
height - 23
Kõlar - Kaal - 1200 g
Kõlar - Sagedusdiapasoon - 120 – 20 000 Hz
Kõlar - Võimsus - 10 W RMS
Kõlar - Ühendus - 3,5 mm
Kõlar - Ühendus - Bluetooth
Kõlar - Ühendus - USB
manufacturer_code - SL-810007-BK
name_en - Speedlink speakers Lavel (SL-810007-BK)
name_et - Speedlink kõlarid Lavel (SL-810007-BK)
name_lv - Speedlink skaļruņi Lavel (SL-810007-BK)
name_ru - Speedlink колонки Lavel (SL-810007-BK)
net_weight - 1.168
Speaker - Connector - 3.5 mm
Speaker - Connector - Bluetooth
Speaker - Connector - USB
Speaker - Frekvenču diapazons - 120 – 20 000 Hz
Speaker - Frequency response - 120 – 20 000 Hz
Speaker - Izejas jauda - 10 W RMS
Speaker - Power output - 10 W RMS
Speaker - Savienojums - 3,5 mm
Speaker - Savienojums - Bluetooth
Speaker - Savienojums - USB
Speaker - Svars - 1,2 kg
Speaker - Weight - 1200 g
width - 11.5
Колонк - Вес - 1,2 кг
Колонк - Диапазон частот - 120 – 20 000 Hz
Колонк - Мощность - 10 W RMS
Колонк - Соединение - 3,5 мм
Колонк - Соединение - Bluetooth
Колонк - Соединение - USB
33.25 €
Speedlink Lavel
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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