Platinet PMG5

Picture may differ from actual product, there can be accessories and parts not supplied with the actual product.
ID: 550816 Product code: PMG5
In stock >50 units
Warranty: 2 years
33.25 €
Delivery options
  • Courier delivery 3.99 €: 14.04.2025
Main product parameters All parameters
  • Connection Type: Bluetooth
  • Speakers: Portable Speaker
All parameters
Color : Black
Connection Type : Bluetooth
Frequency range max, Hz : N/A
Frequency range min, Hz : N/A
Lighting : Ir
Lighting Colour : RGB
Power supply : Battery
Resistance, Ω : N/A
RMS Jauda (W) : 5W
Sensitivity, dB : N/A
Speaker type : Aktīvais
Speakers Portable Speaker

The number of speakers in the acoustic system determines the volume of sound of the system you have selected. If you want to just listen to music and watch films or want to place speakers on the computer table you should choose 2.0 Stereo or 2.1 (stereo+subwoofer) speakers. If you want to enjoy the Dolby digital spatial sound when you are watching DVD films or playing EAX games you should buy the system of speakers 5.1 or above.

Volume control : Built in
Weight, kg : 0.380
More detailed specification
barcode - 5907595439732
Barošanas avots - Akumulatora ietilpība - 1200 mAh
Brand - Platinet
brand - Platinet
BrandPartCode - PMG5
Category - Portable & Party Speakers
category_en - Audio
category_et - Audio
category_lv - Audio
category_ru - Аудио
Connectivity - Range - 10 m
depth - 10
description_en - A multi-functional Platinet Bluetooth speaker and LED lamp is compatible with your smartphone, tablet and other devices that have Bluetooth connectivity. But in addition to enjoying completely wireless music you can also use the speaker as an LED lamp that has multi-colored flashing lights with 5 different flashing modes. The loudspeaker has been equipped with IPX4 water-resistant class, which allows trouble-free operation of the device even during intense rainfall. Rubber coated housing increases scratch resistance and improves grip. The device has a special handle, so that the speaker can be attached to a jacket or backpack. This multi-functional Bluetooth speaker/LED lamp is equipped with a 1200 mAh lithium battery, integrated microphone and up to 10 meters of working range..
description_et - See mitmekülgne Platinet Bluetooth kõlar ja LED lamp ühildub Sinu nutitelefoni, tahvelarvuti ja teiste seadmetega, millel on Bluetooth funktsionaalsus. Kuid lisaks täielikult juhtmevabale muusika nautimisele saad kõlarit kasutada ka efektse LED valgustina. Mitmevärvilist LED valgust on võimalik 5 erinevas režiimis vilkuma panna. Lisaks sobib kõlar ideaalselt ka välistes tingimustes kasutamiseks tänu kõlari vastupidavale ja kriimustuskindlale kummeeritud korpusele. Mugav käepide lubab kõlarit pea kõikjale kinnitada. Samuti on kõlaril ka IPX4 veekindlus, mis lubab Sul kõlarit muretult kasutada ka vihmasajus. Bluetooth kõlar/LED lamp on varustatud 1200 mAh liitiumakuga, integreeritud mikrofoniga ja kuni 10-meetrise tööraadiusega.
description_lv -
description_ru - Мультифункциональная колонка Bluetooth и LED лампа для твоего телефона, планшета и других устройств которые имеют Bluetooth функцию. В добавок к прослушиванию музыки через Bluetooth, ты сможешь управлять LED лампой. LED имеет 5 режимов освещения. Колонка отлично подходит для использования на улице, благодаря своему крепкому корпусу. Устройство имеет водозащиту IPX4, можно использовать даже в дождливую погоду. 1200 mAh аккумулятор долгую работу и радиус работы составляет до 10 метров.
description_short_en - Wireless speaker & LED lamp Bluetooth connectivity 1200 mAh lithium battery IPX4 water resistant Multi-colored LED lights
description_short_et - Juhtmevaba kõlar ja LED lamp ühes Bluetooth ühendus 1200 mAh liitiumaku IPX4 veekindlus Mimevärviline LED valgustus
description_short_lv - Bezvadu skaļrunis un LED lampa Bluetooth savienojums 1200 mAh litija akumulators IPX4 ūdensnoturība Daudzkrāsu LED apgaismojums
description_short_ru - Беспроводная колонка и LED лампа в одном Dluetooth система 1200 mAh аккумулятор Водозащита IPX4 Цветная LED подсветка
feature_group_en - Wireless speakers
feature_group_et - Juhtmevabad kõlarid
feature_group_lv - Bezvadu skaļruņi
feature_group_ru - Беспроводные колонки
General - Weather sealing - IPX4
General - Weather sealing - Splash proof
GTIN - 5907595439732
height - 12.5
Input - Battery capacity - 1200 mAh
Kõlar - Integreeritud mikrofon - Jah
LongDesc - Wireless outdoor speaker with dynamic LED lighting, hands-free function, rubber-coated, IPX4 waterproof design. The speaker offers a very clear sound and a good bass system. Thanks to the bluetooth A2DP profile, play music wirelessly from any Bluetooth compatible device (Smartphone, Ipad, Notebook etc.).Technical specifications:Dimensions: 90 x 50 mmWeight: 210GOutput power of the speaker: 5W, 4 0hmCharging input: DC 5V 500mAhConductor: 45mmBattery power: 1200mAhSNR:> 80dBTHD: LongProductName - PLATINET SPEAKERS PMG5 BLUETOOTH LED IPX4 5W [43973]
LongSummaryDescription - Platinet PMG5
manufacturer_code - 43973
name_en - Platinet wireless speaker + LED lamp Bluetooth 5W IPX4 PMG5
name_et - Platinet juhtmevaba kõlar + LED lamp Bluetooth 5W IPX4 PMG5
name_lv - Platinet Bluetooth skaļrunis + LED lampa 5W IPX4 PMG5
name_ru - Platinet Bluetooth колонка + LED лампа 5W IPX4 PMG5
ProductName - PMG5
Savienojums - Darbības rādiuss - 10 m
ShortSummaryDescription - Platinet PMG5
Skaļrunis - Iebūvētais mikrofons - Jā
Speaker - Integrated microphone - Yes
Title - Platinet PMG5 portable/party speaker
Toide - Aku mahutavus - 1200 mAh
Vispārīgi - Aizsardzība pret apkārtējās vides iedarbību - IPX4
Vispārīgi - Aizsardzība pret apkārtējās vides iedarbību - Šļakstu drošs
WarrantyInfo - 2 years
width - 5.5
Ühendus - Tööraadius - 10 m
Üldine - Ilmastikukindlus - IPX4
Üldine - Ilmastikukindlus - Pritsmekindel
Колонка - Встроенный микрофон - Да
Общее - Погодная устойчивость - IPX4
Общее - Погодная устойчивость - Защита от брызг
Питание - Емкость аккумулятора - 1200 mAh
Подключение - Рабочий радиус - 10 м
33.25 €
Platinet PMG5
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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