Sony GP-VPT2BT Shooting Grip With Wireless Remote Commander

Picture may differ from actual product, there can be accessories and parts not supplied with the actual product.
ID: 583282 Product code: GPVPT2BT.SYU
In stock 6 units
Warranty: 2 years
193.90 €
Delivery options
  • Delivery to Smartpost 1.99 €: 11.04.2025
  • Delivery to Omniva parcel locker 1.99 €: 11.04.2025
  • Courier delivery 3.99 €: 11.04.2025
More detailed specification
barcode - 4548736109520
brand - Sony
Category - Root/Accessories | Exploitation/Photo accessories/Tripods
category_en - Tripods & accessories
category_et - Statiivid ja tarvikud
category_lv - Statīvi un piederumi
category_ru - Штативы и принадлежности
depth - 8
description_en - Bluetooth wireless remote commander
With a compatible camera attached, remote controls for still and movie shooting can be operated while holding the grip normally, without having to touch the camera. Any function assigned to the camera’s C1 button can also be recalled via the remote grip C1 button. No cables required
Bluetooth® wireless communication means that no connecting cables are required to transmit control signals from the grip to the camera. Simply aim and shoot with no cables to get in the way. It’s a tripod too
Spread the grip’s cleverly integrated legs and it becomes a handy, stable tripod, leaving both hands free for vlogging and other applications. Flexible tilt function
A quick tilt function makes it easy to set the ideal camera angle for a wide range of subjects and viewpoints. Whether shooting selfies or a subject, the tilt function lets you get the shot without having to assume uncomfortable postures. Quick, easy direction changes
Quickly and easily position the camera for subject or selfie stills or movies. Improve your chances of getting the shot, even when shooting stills or movies without assistance. Combined with the grip’s easy angle adjustment capability, 90° lock positions also make it possible to shoot in vertical orientation with optimum stability. Contoured for comfort
The grip has been carefully designed to provide optimum stability and comfort, whether attached to a compact or mirrorless interchangeable lens camera. Remote control buttons are easily accessible while holding the grip, for smooth, intuitive operation. Dust and moisture resistant
In addition to an overall grip design that keeps dust and moisture out, the absence of cables means that the camera’s connector covers can stay closed, for maximum system dust and moisture resistance. Compatible with the following Sony cameras: a9 / a9 II a7R IV / a7R III / a7 III a6600 a6400 a6100 RX100 VII RX0 II ZV-1
description_et - Sony GP-VPT2BT käsistatiiv on kaks ühes käepide ja ministatiiv Sony hübriidkaameratele. Käsistatiiv pakub käest filmides rohkem stabiilsust ning võimaldab tänu kallutatavale disainile muuta kiirelt ja sujuvalt ka võttenurka. Käepide ühendub Bluetoothi kaudu kaameraga ning selle integreeritud juhtnuppude kaudu saad pildistada ja suumida otse käepidemelt. Maksimaalse kasutusmugavuse tagamiseks saab käsistatiivi lahti pakkida ministatiiviks ning lisaks on komplektis ka randmerihm. Juhtnupud otse käepidemel – pildistamiseks ei pea kaameratki katsuma Kallutatav ja pööratav disain mugavaks käsitsemiseks ja kadreerimiseks Käepide ja ministatiiv – vlogi on-the-go või jäta käed vabaks Bluetooth ühendus – täiesti juhtmevaba Ergonoomiline käepide Tolmu- ja niiskuskindel Ühildub järgmiste Sony kaameratega: a9 / a9 II a7R IV / a7R III / a7 III a6600 a6400 a6100 RX100 VII RX0 II ZV-1
description_lv - Piekļūstiet tuvāk ar tālummaiņu Piekļūstiet tuvāk uzņemamajam objektam, izmantojot tālvadības pults tālummaiņas sviru, vai lietojiet lēnās tālummaiņas slēdzi, lai veiktu pakāpeniskāku tuvināšanu. Viegli izlīdziniet kadrus ar režģa līniju Pārbaudiet vertikālo un horizontālo izlīdzinājumu: nospiediet režģa līnijas pogu uz tālvadības pults, lai parādītu četru baltu līniju režģi. Ņemiet to līdzi it visur Plāns un kompakts statīvs: ievietojiet to iekļautajā futrāli un ņemiet līdzi it visur bez uztraukumiem. Stingra un viegla alumīnija konstrukcija Šis statīvs ir pietiekami izturīgs, lai ņemtu līdzi visur: tas ir pietiekami viegls, lai nēsātu uz pleca. Ātra un viegla uzstādīšana ar ātro savienotāju Tveriet brīnišķīgus mirkļus: ātri uzstādiet savu Handycam® stabila kadra uzņemšanai un viegli atbrīvojiet, kad esat pabeidzis.
description_ru - С этой компактной, легкой ручкой для камер Cyber-shot™ вы сможете делать великолепные снимки даже на ходу. Настраиваемые углы съемки и мгновенное превращение в штатив, обеспечивает стабильность во время съемки фото и селфи. Благодаря разъему MULTI элементы управления съемкой и зумом находятся непосредственно на ручке, и ими легко пользоваться как правой, так и левой рукой. Кнопки управления непосредственно на ручке – для съемки не нужно трогать камеру Наклонный и вращающийся дизайн для удобного обращения и кадрирования Ручка и мини-штатив - для съемки влога на ходу или свободных рук Соединение Bluetooth – совершенно без проводов Эргономичная ручка Пыле- и влагостойкая Подходит для следующих камер Sony: a9 / a9 II a7R IV / a7R III / a7 III a6600 a6400 a6100 RX100 VII RX0 II ZV-1
description_short_en - 2in1 hand grip & mini tripod Offers more stability Folds out into a mini tripod Wrist strap included For Sony compact- and video cameras
description_short_et - Kaks ühes käepide ja ministatiiv Käepidemel kaamera juhtnupud Juhtmevaba Bluetooth ühendus Voltub lahti ministatiiviks Ühildub Sony hübriidkaameratega
description_short_lv -
description_short_ru - "Два в одном" ручка и мини-штатив На ручке кнопки для управления камерой Беспроводное соединение Bluetooth Раскладывается в мини-штатив Подходит для беззеркальной камеры Sony
Design > Compatibility - Interchangeable Lens Camera; Digital Still Camera/Vlog camera
EAN - 4548736109520
Eans - 4548736109520
feature_group_en - Camera grips
feature_group_et - Kaamera käepidemed
feature_group_lv - Rokturi
feature_group_ru - Рукоятки
Link -
manufacturer_code - GPVPT2BT.SYU
Name - Sony statyw GP-VPT2BT
Name - Sony | Shooting Grip | GP-VPT2BT | No cables required (Bluetooth-wireless); Dust and moisture resistant; Flexible tilt function; Quick, easy direction changes; Becomes a stable tripod, leaving both hands free for vlogging and other applications
name_en - Sony Shooting Grip GP-VPT2BT
name_et - Sony käepide-ministatiiv Shooting Grip GP-VPT2BT
name_lv - Sony rokturis-mini statīvs Shooting Grip GP-VPT2BT
name_ru - Sony ручка для съемки Shooting Grip GP-VPT2BT
Other features > Dimensions (WxDxH) - 49.5 × 42 × 173 (grip); 146.5 × 163 x 133.5 (tripod) mm
Package features > Classification of battery - CL126:NE:2016-12-09
Package features > Composition of battery - CL127:KT:2016-12-09
Package features > Embeeded battery - Yes
Package features > Gross depth (mm) - 80 mm
Package features > Gross height (mm) - 215 mm
Package features > Gross weight - 0.335 kg
Package features > Gross width (mm) - 85 mm
Package features > Packing quantity - 1.00 pc(s)
Package features > Palette Qty - 1182 pc(s)
Package features > Paper/Pasteboard - 100.00 g
Package features > Plastic (No PET) - 25.00 g
Package features > Tare weight (kg) - 0.13 kg
Package features > TI weight (kg) - 0.02 kg
Package features > Type of battery - Accumulator
Package features > Volume (m3) - 0.001462 m³
Package features > WEE classification - CL109:5:2017-04-01
Package features > WEEE tax - Yes
Producer - Sony
ProducerCode - GPVPT2BT.SYU
Producer product family - Shooting Grip
Producer product name - GP-VPT2BT
ShortDescription -
Technical details > Net weight - 0.21 kg
Technical details > Other features - No cables required (Bluetooth-wireless); Dust and moisture resistant; Flexible tilt function; Quick, easy direction changes; Becomes a stable tripod, leaving both hands free for vlogging and other applications
Technical details > Producer - Sony
Technical details > Viewing angle - Up: 80 degrees, Down: 90 degrees; [Tripod] Up: 40 degrees, Down: 90 degrees °
Warranty - 24
Warranty - 24 month(s)
Weight & dimensions > Weight - 215 g
193.90 €
Sony GP-VPT2BT Shooting Grip With Wireless Remote Commander
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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