Apple Pencil (1st generation)

Picture may differ from actual product, there can be accessories and parts not supplied with the actual product.
ID: 921569 Product code: MQLY3ZM/A
In stock 6 units
Warranty: 2 years (Warranty for business entities 1 year)
136.08 €
Delivery options
  • Delivery to Smartpost 1.99 €: 03.03.2025
  • Delivery to Omniva parcel locker 1.99 €: 03.03.2025
  • Courier delivery 3.99 €: 03.03.2025
More detailed specification
Accessories included - Apple Pencil Lightning connector adapter Extra tip Adapter from USB-C to Apple Pencil (required for pairing the Apple Pencil with a tenth-generation iPad and charging the device)
BrandCode - APPLE
Category - Root/Accessories | Exploitation/GSM accessories/Styli
Category 1 - Apple
Category 2 - Apple Zubehör
Category_1 - Mice and Keyboards
Category_2 - Graphic Tablets
category_en - GSM Accessories > Screen styluses
category_lv - GSM aksesuāri > Ekrāna irbuļi (Stylus)
category_ru - GSM aksesuāri > Ekrāna irbuļi (Stylus)
Code - MQLY3ZM/A
Color - White
Compatible with - iPad Pro 12.9-inch (2nd generation) iPad Pro 12.9-inch (1st generation) iPad Pro 10.5-inch iPad Pro 9.7-inch iPad Air (3rd generation) iPad (10th generation) iPad (9th generation) iPad (8th generation) iPad (7th generation) iPad (6th generation) iPad mini (5th generation)
Connection - Connection type - Lightning / USB-C
Data exchange - Bluetooth - Yes
Description - Apple Pencil greatly expands the creative possibilities of the iPad. And more importantly, yours. It responds to pressure and tilt, letting you easily adjust the thickness of lines, subtly shade surfaces and create a whole range of other effects. It works like a regular pencil, only with pixel precision.
description_en - iPad Pro 9.7", iPad Pro 12.9" (2nd generation), iPad Pro 10.5", iPad (6th generation), iPad mini (5th generation), iPad Air (3rd generation), iPad (7th generation), iPad Pro 12.9'' (1st generation), iPad (8th generation), IPad (9th generation), iPad (10th generation)
description_lv - iPad Pro 9.7", iPad Pro 12.9" (2nd generation), iPad Pro 10.5", iPad (6th generation), iPad mini (5th generation), iPad Air (3rd generation), iPad (7th generation), iPad Pro 12.9'' (1st generation), iPad (8th generation), IPad (9th generation), iPad (10th generation)
description_ru - iPad Pro 9.7", iPad Pro 12.9" (2nd generation), iPad Pro 10.5", iPad (6th generation), iPad mini (5th generation), iPad Air (3rd generation), iPad (7th generation), iPad Pro 12.9'' (1st generation), iPad (8th generation), IPad (9th generation), iPad (10th generation)
Designation - CE
Diameter - 8.9 mm
dimension depth - 20 mm
dimension height - 55 mm
Dimensions - depth - 0.89
Dimensions - height - 17.57
Dimensions - weight - 20.7
Dimensions - width - 0.89
dimension weight - 137 g
dimension width - 220 mm
EAN - 194253687986
ean - 194253687986
EAN - 0194253687986
EANCode - 0194253687986
Eans - 0194253687986
EAN_code - 0194253687986
Features > Case type - Pencil
Features > Colour of product - White
Features > Compatibility - iPad Models: iPad Pro 12.9-inch (2nd generation), iPad Pro 12.9-inch (1st generation), iPad Pro 10.5-inch, iPad Pro 9.7-inch, iPad Air (3rd generation), iPad (10th generation), iPad (9th generation), iPad (8th generation), iPad (7th generation), iPad (6th generation), iPad mini (5th generation)
Features > Material - N/A
General parameters - colour - white
General parameters - manufacturer - Apple
GrossWeight - 0.1350
gross_weight - 0.22 kg
GRUPPE1 - Input Devices
guarantee - 12
guarantee_type - external
Height - 0.0250
Lenght - 175.7 mm
Length - 0.2210
Link -
LongDescription EN - Add Apple Pencil. Erase barriers.
You may never have seen Apple Pencil before, but you already know how to use it. From the first moment, it does what you expect. And then far more. Whether you’re sketching in the park, painting a watercolor portrait, or drafting a blueprint, Apple Pencil gives you a variety of tools in a single instrument. You hold it, but it doesn’t hold you back. Highly responsive. Virtually no lag.
The lightning-fast responsiveness of Apple Pencil separates it from other creative tools. That’s because its latency — the tiny delay between when you begin drawing and the time it appears on the screen — has been reduced to an almost imperceptible level. iPad Pro knows whether you’re using your finger or Apple Pencil. When iPad Pro senses Apple Pencil, the subsystem scans its signal at an astounding 240 times per second, giving it twice the data points it normally collects with your finger. This data, combined with Apple‑designed software, means that there’s only milliseconds between the image you have in your mind and the one you see on the display. Draw lines of any weight. Just apply pressure.
Within its slender case are intricate and accurate pressure sensors, capable of measuring a range of forces. The carefully positioned sensor determines precisely how hard the tip of Apple Pencil is being pressed down. Press harder to draw thicker lines. Or use a gentle touch for wispy hairlines. The variety of creative effects is virtually limitless. Which means you are as well. Add shading with a tilt of the hand.
Two tilt sensors built within the tip of Apple Pencil calculate the exact orientation and angle of your hand. As you naturally write or draw, the relative positions of each of these sensors can be detected by the Multi-Touch display. So you can create shading effects simply by tilting Apple Pencil the way you would a charcoal or conventional pencil. 12 hours of battery life. You supply the creative charge.
Slip off the magnetic cap of Apple Pencil to reveal a Lightning connector that lets you charge Apple Pencil simply by plugging it into iPad Pro. The connector features a slightly elongated design, so that charging is possible even when iPad Pro is inside its Silicone Case. A full charge gives you 12 hours’ worth of scribbling, sketching, annotating, and editing. And if the battery happens to run out while using Apple Pencil, you can just charge it from your iPad Pro for 15 seconds and get 30 minutes of use. Sketch new life into your favorite apps.
Make the most of iOS 9 when you use Apple Pencil with built-in apps. Apple Pencil will also work with iPad apps from the App Store. So you’re sure to find whole other dimensions of creativity and productivity.
LongDescription ET - Võta Apple Pencil pliiats. Kustuta takistused.
Sa ei pruugi olla kunagi varem Apple Pencil pliiatsit näinud, kuid ometigi oskad sa seda juba kasutada. Juba esimesest hetkest teeb see täpselt seda, mida sa ootad. Ja veelgi rohkem. Olgu selleks pargis joonistamine, akvarellportree maalimine või eskiisi visandamine – Apple Pencil pliiats annab sinu käsutusse mitu tööriista ühes seadmes. Seda käes hoides ei hoia sind miski tagasi. Ülikiire reaktsioon. Peaaegu viivitusteta.
Apple Pencil pliiatsi välkkiire reageerimine eristab seda teistest loomevahenditest. Selle põhjuseks on asjaolu, et pliiatsi latentsusaeg – väike viivitus alates sellest, kui alustad joonistamist, kuni ajani, mil see ekraanil kuvatakse – on lühendatud peaaegu märkamatuks. iPad Pro teab, kas kasutad sõrme või Apple Pencil pliiatsit. Kui iPad Pro tajub Apple Pencil pliiatsit, võtab alamsüsteem selle signaali vastu kiirusega 240 korda sekundis, andes seadmele kaks korda rohkem andmepunkte kui tavaliselt sõrme puhul. Need andmed koos Apple’i loodud tarkvaraga tagavad, et sinu mõtteis oleva ja ekraanil nähtava kujundi vahele jääb vaid mõni millisekund. Tõmba erineva jämedusega jooni. Vajutades erineva survega.
Pliiatsi saledas korpuses asuvad keerukad ja täpsed surveandurid, mis suudavad mõõta eri tugevusega jõudu. Hoolikalt valitud asukohas paiknev andur määrab täpselt kindlaks, kui tugevasti Apple Pencil pliiatsi otsa vajutatakse. Vajuta tugevamini, et tõmmata jämedamaid jooni. Või kasuta vaid õrna puudutust, et kujutada peeni juuksekarvakesi. Loominguliste efektide arv on peaaegu piiramatu. Ja seda on ka sinu kasutusvõimalused. Varjude lisamiseks kalluta kätt.
Kaks Apple Pencil pliiatsi otsas olevat kaldeandurit arvutavad sinu käe täpse suuna ja kaldenurga. Sellal, kui sa loomulikul viisil kirjutad või joonistad, tuvastab Multi-Touch ekraan iga anduri suhtelise asukoha. Nii saad varjutuse lisamiseks lihtsalt kallutada Apple Pencil pliiatsit sama moodi, nagu teeksid söe või tavalise pliiatsi kasutamisel. Aku kestab kuni 12 tundi. Loominguline laeng tuleb sinult.
Kui eemaldad Apple Pencil pliiatsilt magnetkorgi, näed selle all Lightning-liidest, mis võimaldab sul pliiatsi laadimiseks iPad Proga ühendada. Liides on natuke väljavenitatud kujuga, et pliiatsit saaks laadida ka siis, kui iPad Pro on silikoonümbrises. Täis laetud akuga saad koguni 12 tundi järjest kritseldada, sketše joonistada, märkmeid teha ja tekste toimetada. Ja kui aku Apple Pencil pliiatsit kasutades tühjaks saab, annab iPad Pro vaid 15-sekundilise laadimise järel sulle 30 minutit kasutamisaega juurde. Lisa oma lemmikrakendustesse hoogu.
Võta iOS 9 pakutavast maksimum, kasutades Apple Pencil pliiatsit koos sisseehitatud rakendustega. Apple Pencil pliiats töötab ka koos App Store’is saadaolevate iPadi rakendustega. Nii avanevad sulle täiesti uued tasandid loovuses ja produktiivsuses.
Manufacturer - Apple
Manufacturer_code - MQLY3ZM/A
MediumDescription EN - Apple Pencil expands the power of iPad and opens up new creative possibilities. It’s sensitive to pressure and tilt so you can easily vary line weight, create subtle shading and produce a wide range of artistic effects — just like a conventional pencil, but with pixel-perfect precision.Package includes Apple Pencil, Lightning adapter, extra tip and USB-C to Apple Pencil Adapter (required to pair and charge 10th-generation iPad).
MediumDescription ET - iPad kasutamisel võib esineda hetki, mil soovid veelgi suuremat täpsust. Seega asusime tööle ja kujundasime uue Apple Pencil pliiatsi, et Multi-Touchi mitmekesiseid võimalusi veelgi avardada. Ja kuigi pliiatsi loomisel kasutatud tehnoloogia on ainulaadne, tundub Apple Pencil juba esmakordsel kättevõtmisel tuttav. See võimaldab sul luua lõputul hulgal efekte, pikslise täpsusega, andes sulle suurema loomevabaduse kui eales varem. Komplekti kuulub Apple Pencil, Lightning adapter, lisaotsik ja USB-C - Apple Pencil adapter (vajalik 10-põlvkonna iPad jaoks).
MediumDescription LV - Apple Pencil paplašina tava iPad spējas un atver jaunas radošās iespējas. Tas ir spiedienjūtīgs un nosaka sagāzumu, lai tu varētu viegli variēt ar līniju biezumu, radīt neuzkrītošu ēnojumu un radīt plašu spektru ar fantastiskiem mākslinieciskiem efektiem. Tik pat vienkārši un intuitīvi kā ar īstu zīmuli - tikai ar pikseļa precizitāti.
Model - MQLY3ZM/A
Name - Apple Pencil (1st Gen) für iPad 10,2" (7.,8.,9 Gen.) und iPad Air 10,9" (3.Gen)
Name - Apple Pencil (1st generation), stylus - white - MQLY3ZM/A
Name - Apple Pencil (1st Generation)
Name - Apple Pencil 1. generacji
Name - Apple | Pencil (1st Generation) | MQLY3ZM/A | Pencil | iPad Models: iPad Pro 12.9-inch (2nd generation), iPad Pro 12.9-inch (1st generation), iPad Pro 10.5-inch, iPad Pro 9.7-inch, iPad Air (3rd generation), iPad (10th generation), iPad (9th generation), iPad (8th generation), iPad (7th generation), iPad (6th generation), iPad mini (5th generation) | White
name - Pencil (1st generation)
Name EN - Apple Pencil (1st gen)
Name ET - Apple Pencil (1st gen)
NameInWeb EN - Apple Pencil, 1. generation - Stylus
NameInWeb ET - Apple Pencil, 1. generatsioon - Puutepliiats
NameInWeb LV - Apple Pencil, 1. paaudze - Stilus
Name LV - Apple Pencil (1st gen)
NetWeight - 0.0210
Other features - Connections: Bluetooth Lightning connector Magnetically retained cap
Package features > Embeeded battery - No
Package features > Gross depth (mm) - 10 mm
Package features > Gross depth master carton - 20.00 mm
Package features > Gross height (mm) - 20.00 mm
Package features > Gross width (mm) - 20 mm
Package features > Gross width master carton - 80.00 mm
Package features > Packing quantity - 1.00 pc(s)
Package features > Palette Qty - 4545 pc(s)
Package features > Paper/Pasteboard - 90.00 g
Package features > Plastic (No PET) - 10.00 g
Package features > Tare weight (kg) - 0.10 kg
Package features > TI weight (kg) - 0.01 kg
Package features > Volume (m3) - 0.000004 m³
Package features > WEE classification - CL109:6:2017-04-01
Package features > WEEE tax - Yes
Packaging data > Gross depth (mm) - 221.00 mm
Packaging data > Gross height (mm) - 25.00 mm
Packaging data > Gross weight (kg) - 0.13 kg
Packaging data > Gross width (mm) - 56.00 mm
Power supply - power supply - accumulator
producer - Apple
Producer - Apple
ProducerCode - MQLY3ZM/A
Producer product family - Pencil (1st Generation)
Producer product name - MQLY3ZM/A
ProductCode - MQLY3ZM/A
ProductionCountry - CN
SalesUnitOfMeasureCode - tk
Screens - Capacitive
ShortDescription -
Stck_Kart - 10
Stck_Pal - 320
Storno - Y
Tablet accessories - Tablet accessory - pen
TariffNo - 84716070
Technical details > Gross weight - 0.22 kg
Technical details > Net weight - 0.12 kg
Technical details > Other features - Apple Pencil expands the power of iPad and opens up new creative possibilities. It’s sensitive to pressure and tilt so you can easily vary line weight, create subtle shading and produce a wide range of artistic effects — just like a conventional pencil, but with pixel-perfect precision
Technical details > Producer - Apple
title_en - Apple Pencil 1st Gen 2022
title_lv - Apple Pencil 1st Gen 2022
title_ru - Apple Pencil 1st Gen 2022
UnitOfMeasureCode - tk
UnitsPerPackage - 1
vendpn - MQLY3ZM/A
Volume - 0.00030940
Warranty - 12
Warranty - 12 month(s)
Warranty Terms - 12 month(s)
Weight - 0,13
weight - 0.0207 kg
Weight - 0.14
Weight - 20.7 g
Width - 0.0560
136.08 €
Apple Pencil (1st generation)
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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