Western Digital P10, 4TB, Black

Pilt võib erineda tegelikust tootest, võib esineda tarvikuid ja osi, mis ei ole tegeliku tootega kaasas.
ID: 349474 Tootekood: WDBA3A0040BBK-WESN
Laos 9 üksused
Garantii: 3 aastat
158.35 €
  • Tarne Smartpostile 1,99 €: kolmapäeval, 19.03.2025
  • Omniva pakiautomaati kohaletoimetamine 1,99 €: kolmapäeval, 19.03.2025
  • Kulleri kohaletoimetamine 3,99 €: kolmapäeval, 19.03.2025
Peamised tooteparameetrid Kõik parameetrid
  • Maht: 4 TB
  • Toiteviis: Micro-B
Kaal (g) : 330
Maht 4 TB
Kõvaketta maht on andmete mahutavuse näitaja. Mida rohkem on gigabaite, seda suurema mahutavusega on ketas. Ühe DivX filmi keskmine maht on 1.3Gb, ühe Mp3 muusikafaili maht 10Mb (1/100 gigabaidist). Tehke valik teie vajadustele vastava mahuga kõvaketta kasuks.
Värv : Must
Sadamad ja seadmed
Toiteviis Micro-B
Väline kõvaketas on elektroonikaseade, mil on teatud võimsus ja voolutarbimine. Kõvaketta valimisel peab arvestama, kas seda kasutatakse kohtades, kus on kättesaadav vooluvõrgu püsiühendus(220V pistikupesa, väline toiteplokk), või kohtades, kus ainukeseks toiteallikaks on sülearvuti akumulaator (USB- või akumulaatortoide).
Valides ketta USB-toitega, pidage meeles, et see tarbib sülearvuti akumulaatori energiat, seepärast akumulaatori kestvusaeg ketta kasutamise ajal väheneb märgatavalt.
USB 3.2

Kõvaketta sideliides on ühendus arvutiga, seepärast veenduge kõvaketta soetamisel, et teie arvutil on vastav liitmik, mis vastab kõvaketta liidesele.

Mugav USB liides tagab võimaluse ühendada välise kõvaketta praktiliselt kõigi tänapäevaste arvutitega ja töötada sellel salvestatud andmetega, nii tööl kui ka kodus.

Standardne USB 2.0 liides:

Lähimate aastate jooksul USB 2.0 asendatakse uue USB 3.0 liidesega:

Täpsem spetsifikatsioon
Box Weight Brutto (kg) - 0.23 kg
Breite - 0.11
Cable Included - USB Type A to Micro-B Cable
Category - Datoru piederumi :: Datu nesēji :: Ārējie cietie diski
Category - Root/Accessories | Exploitation/Data storage device/External disks and casings
Category 1 - Festplatten
Category 2 - Externe Festplatten
Category Code - HE2
Category_1 - Hard Drives and Pendrives
Category_2 - Internal SSD - M.2
Climate - operating temperature - 5 - 35
Colour - Black
Connection - USB Standard - USB 3.2 Gen 1
Data Channel External - USB 3.2 Gen 1
Depth (mm) - 118 mm
Desc - Izmērs: 2.5", Apjoms: 4 TB, Maksimālais lasīšanas ātrums: 140 MB/s, Interfeiss: USB 3.2, Krāsa: Melna, Garantija: 2 gadi
Description - The WD_BLACK™ P10 Game Drive gives your console or PC the performance-enhancing tools it needs to keep your competitive edge. Its a top-tier external HDD in capacities up to 5TB, built specifically for gamers looking to expand the potential of their console or PC by saving their game library in an on-the-go form factor. Now, with WD_BLACK™ P10 Game Drive, you can drive your game the way you choose. As your game library grows, you'll need space to save your new treasured titles, along with extra room to save your old favorites. The WD_BLACK™ P10 Game Drive comes in up to 5TB that can save up to 125 games3, so you don't have to compromise which games to delete on your console or PC in order to make room for new ones.
Dimensions - 118 x 88 x 20.8mm
Dimensions - depth - 8.8
Dimensions - height - 1.28
Dimensions - width - 11.8
EAN - 718037871011
EANCode - 0718037871011
Eans - 718037871011
EAN_code - 0718037871011
External Color - Black
External Data Bit Rate - 5 Gbps
Form Factor - 2,5"
Full Description Line - P10 Game Drive|4TB|USB 3.2|2,5"|Colour Black|Dimensions 118 x 88 x 20.8mm
General parameters - colour - black
General parameters - manufacturer - Western Digital
Gewicht - 0.34
GrossWeight - 0.3000
GRUPPE1 - Hard Drive/Optical
GRUPPE2 - Mobile Drives
Hard Drive Internal Form Factor - 2.5"
HDD Capacity - 4TB
HDD Family name - P10 Game Drive
Height - 0.1450
Height (mm) - 20.8 mm
Hoehe - 0.04
Image - https://content.it4profit.com/pimg/s/resize/900x900x900x900/190919160025128259.jpg
ImageUrl - https://www.balticdata.lv/Gfx/ProductImages/Info/Product_52716_1.jpg
Included Accessories - Quick Start Guide
Interfaces - Micro USB (Type B)
Laenge - 0.15
LargeDescHTML -
Length - 0.0400
LongDescription EN - Expand Your Kingdom
As your gaming library expands, the need for space for your new cherished titles, as well as extra room for storing your old favorites, becomes evident. The WD_BLACK P10 gaming drive offers 4TB of capacity, so you don't have to ponder which games to delete from your console or computer to make room for the new ones. Wherever You Go, Your Games Follow
Initiate your game swiftly, no matter where you find yourself. The WD_BLACK P10 gaming drive's easily portable and highly durable form allows you to take your library along wherever you venture. Simply connect, log in, and you're prepared to play any game from your prized collection. Crafted for Excellence
Everything that goes into WD_BLACK devices is meticulously designed to enhance your gaming experience, regardless of the game you're playing. With speeds up to 130MB/s and an additional 4TB of capacity, the WD_BLACK P10 gaming drive elevates the performance of your console or computer, enabling you to play without constraints. Our Legacy Carries On
Gamers entrust WD_BLACK with their lives and progress. Our mission with WD_Black is straightforward: a brand dedicated to refining and enhancing game storage. Providing reliability, optimized speed boosts, expansion, and a 3-year limited warranty, you can rest assured that your WD_BLACK P10 gaming drive has your back as you seek to conquer the realm of video games.
LongDescription ET - Laienda oma kuningriiki
Kui sinu mänguraamatukogu kasvab, vajad sa ruumi oma uutele kallitele pealkirjadele, samuti lisaruumi oma vanade lemmikute salvestamiseks. WD_BLACK P10 mänguketas pakub 4 TB mahutavust, nii et sa ei pea mõtlema, milliseid mänge oma konsoolilt või arvutist kustutada, et teha ruumi uutele. Kuhu iganes sa lähed, mängud järgnevad sulle
Alusta mängu kiiresti, olenemata sellest, kus sa oled. WD_BLACK P10 mänguketta kergesti kaasaskantav ja väga vastupidav vorm võimaldab sul oma raamatukogu kaasa võtta kuhu iganes lähed. Ühenda lihtsalt, logi sisse ja oled valmis mängima mis tahes mängu oma hinnatud kollektsioonist. Ehitatud paremuseks
Kõik, mis läheb WD_BLACK seadmetesse, on spetsiaalselt loodud sinu mängu edendamiseks, olenemata sellest, mida sa mängid. Kiirustega kuni 130MB/s ja 4 TB lisamahuga surub WD_BLACK P10 mänguketas sinu konsooli või arvuti uuele jõudluse tasemele, võimaldades sul mängida ilma piiranguteta. Meie pärand elab edasi
Mängijad usaldavad WD_BLACKi oma elude ja salvestustega. Meie missioon WD_Blackiga on lihtne: bränd, mis on pühendatud mängude salvestamisele ja täiustamisele. Pakkudes usaldusväärsust, optimeeritud kiiruse tõukeid, laienemist ja 3-aastast piiratud garantiid, võid olla kindel, et sinu WD_BLACK P10 mänguketas on sinu seljataga, kui otsid videomängude suurust.
Manufacturer - Western Digital
Manufacturer_code - WDBA3A0040BBK-WESN
Maximum Non-Operating Ambient Temperature - 65 °C
Maximum Operating Ambient Temperature - 35 °C
Maximum Sequential Read Rate - 140 MB/s
MediumDescription EN - The WD_BLACK™ P10 Game Drive gives your console or PC the performance-enhancing tools it needs to keep your competitive edge. • Interface: USB 3.2 Gen 1
• Connector: Micro B
• Compatibility: Playstation™ 4 Pro or PS4 with system software version 4.50 or higher; Xbox One™; Windows® 8.1, 10; macOS 10.11+
MediumDescription ET - WD_BLACK P10 mänguketas on mõeldud konsoolidele ja arvutitele, pakkudes neile vajalikke jõudlust parandavaid tööriistu. See on tipptasemel väline HDD mahutavusega 4 TB, mis on loodud spetsiaalselt mängijatele, kes soovivad laiendada oma konsooli või arvuti potentsiaali, salvestades oma mänguraamatukogu kaasaskantavas vormingus.
MediumDescription LV - WD_Black ™ P10 Game Drive ir augstākās klases ārējais cietais disks, kas izstrādāts spēlētājiem, kuri vēlas paplašināt sava datora, vai spēļu konsoles potenciālu.• Interfeiss: USB 3.2 Gen 1
• Savienojums: Micro B
• Saderība: Playstation ™ 4 Pro un PS4 ar sistēmas programmatūras versiju 4.50, vai jaunāku; Xbox One ™; Windows® 8.1, 10; macOS 10.11+
Memory / storage - storage type - external storage
Memory / storage - transfer rate - 140
Minimum Non-Operating Ambient Temperature - -20 °C
Minimum Operating Ambient Temperature - 5 °C
Name - 2,5" WD BLACK P10 GAME DRIVE 4TB BLACK USB 3.2 6,4cm 2,5Zoll Black RTL
Name - WD Black P10 Game Drive 4TB
Name - Western Digital WD_Black P10 Game Drive 4TB, USB 3.0 Micro-B (WDBA3A0040BBK-WESN)
Name - Ārējais cietais disks Western Digital P10 Game Drive 4TB Black
Name EN - Ext.HDD WD 4TB P10 Game Drive
Name ET - Väl.HDD WD 4TB P10 Game Drive
NameInWeb EN - Western Digital P10 Game Drive, 4 TB - External hard-drive
NameInWeb ET - Western Digital P10 Game Drive, 4 TB - Väline kõvaketas
NameInWeb LV - Ārējais HDD cietais disks P10 Game Drive, Western Digital / 4TB
Name LV - Ext.HDD WD 4TB P10 Game Drive
NetWeight - 0.2100
Nominal Weight - 0.23 kg
Package Type - Box
Packs in Box - 1
Pack Weight Brutto (kg) - 0.3 kg
Pack Weight Netto (kg) - 0.23 kg
Pieces in pack - 1
Producer - WD
ProducerCode - WDBA3A0040BBK-WESN
ProductCard - https://content.it4profit.com/itshop/itemcard_cs.jsp?ITEM=190916070247351195&THEME=asbis&LANG=lv
ProductCategory - Cietie diski
ProductCode - WDBA3A0040BBK-WESN
ProductDescription - HDD External WD_BLACK (4TB, USB 3.2)
ProductType - HDD External
Retail Packaging Net Weight Carton - 0 kg
Retail Packaging Net Weight Plastic - 0 kg
SalesUnitOfMeasureCode - tk
Shipping Box Depth Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 17.5 cm
Shipping Box Height Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 11 cm
Shipping box quantity - 1
Shipping Box Weight Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 0.341 kg
Shipping Box Width Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 4 cm
ShortDescription - 2,5" | 4TB | USB3.2 Gen1 | kompatybilny z: Palystation 4Pro,PS4;Xbox One; Windows 8.1, 10 ; mac OS 10.11+
Software - operating system support - macOS 11 (Big Sur)
Software - operating system support - PlayStation 4
Software - operating system support - PlayStation 5
Software - operating system support - Windows 10
Software - operating system support - Windows 11
Software - operating system support - Xbox One
Software - operating system support - Xbox Series S
Software - operating system support - Xbox Series X
Stck_Kart - 0
Stck_Pal - 0
Storage Capacity - 4 TB
Storage device - HDD / Flash memory capacity - 4000
Storage device - type - hard drive
Storno - N
TariffNo - 84717050
Type of External Drive - Hard Disk Drive
Unit Box Height - 0.11
Unit Box Length - 0.175
Unit Box Width - 0.04
Unit Brutto Volume - 0.00077 cubm
Unit Gross Weight - 0.341 kg
Unit Net Weight - 0.23 kg
UnitOfMeasureCode - tk
UnitsPerPackage - 1
USB 3.2 Interface - Yes
Vendor Homepage - shop.westerndigital.com/products/portable-drives/wd-black-p10-game-drive-usb-3-2-hdd#WDBA2W0020BBK-WESN
Volume - 0.00060900
Warranty - 36L months
Warranty Products Returnable - Yes
Warranty Term (month) - 36 mēneši
Warranty validation Criteria - Serial Number
Weight - 0,34
Weight - 0.34
Width - 0.1050
Width (mm) - 88 mm
158.35 €
Western Digital P10, 4TB, Black
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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