EIZO CG2700X, 27"

Pilt võib erineda tegelikust tootest, võib esineda tarvikuid ja osi, mis ei ole tegeliku tootega kaasas.
ID: 942454 Tootekood: CG2700X
Saab tellida 1 üksused Kättesaadavus: 14 päeva pärast tellimuse kinnitamist
Garantii: 2 aastat (Garantii ettevõtjatele 1 aasta)
3,196.67 €
  • Kulleri kohaletoimetamine 3,99 €: 01.04.2025
Peamised tooteparameetrid Kõik parameetrid
  • Curved: Ei ole
  • Paneeli tüüp: IPS
  • Refresh rate: 60 Hz
  • reageerimise aeg: 13ms
  • Kontrast: 1400:1
  • Heledus: 500dc/m2
  • Mõõt: 27"
  • Lahutusvõime: 4K UHD 3840x2160
Pakume osta EIZO 27" monitori 4K UHD 3840x2160 resolutsiooniga.
  • Selle monitori IPS-maatriks tagab kõrged värvikorrespondentsiparameetrid, suurepärase pildikontrasti ja hea nähtavuse kõigi vaatenurkade alt.
  • Ühilduvus kaasaegsete graafikakaartide ja videomängijatega tagatakse HDMI-sisendi abil.
  • DisplayPort port tagab kvaliteetsema pildi saamise seda tehnoloogiat toetavalt arvutigraafikakaardilt.
Näidiku omadused
AMD FreeSync : Ei ole
Curved : Ei ole
Paneeli tüüp IPS

Monitori paneel määrab ära ekraani nähtava osa peamise omaduse ehk tehnoloogia, millega toimub värviliste punktide (pikselite) kuvamine.

TN on standardne tehnoloogia keskmiste kontrastsuse, heleduse ja värvuse vastavuse näitajatega.

IPS on kõrge värvuste vastavusega maatriks hea kujutise reageerimiskiirusega ja seetõttu on hästi sobiv graafikatöödeks ja fotode töötlemiseks. IPS maatriks pakub suurepärast vaatenurka, säilitades värvused ja kontrastsuse peaaegu mistahes nurga all.

VA maatrikss tagab suurepärast värvuste vastavuse, siiski reageerimisaja poolest see maatriks jääb maha IPS ja TN, omakorda vaatenurk on kusagil nende tehnoloogiate poolt pakutavate vahepeal.

Keskmisele kasutajale piisab täelikult TN tüüpi monitorist, juhul, kui on rohkem raha, võib osta VA või IPS, vastavalt.

Puuteekraan : Ei ole
Refresh rate : 60 Hz
VESA DisplayHDR : Nav
reageerimise aeg 13ms
Monitori (kuvari) ekraani reageerimisaeg määrab ära selle, kui kiirelt monitor kujutab liikuvaid kujutisi (filme, mänge, animatsioone, jmt.). Reageerimisaega mõõdetakse millisekundites. Mida lühem on reageerimisaeg, seda paremini suudab monitor kuvada liikuvaid kujutisi.
Dateks soovitab soetada monitori 5ms, või lühema reageerimisajaga.
Kontrast 1400:1

Ekraani kontrastsus määrab ära kujutise teravuse. See on erinevus kõige tumedama (täiesti musta) ja kõige heledama (täiesti valge) pikseli vahel. Mida suurem on kontrastsus, seda selgemini on loetav tekst ekraanil, kontrastsus määrab ära samuti selle, kui väljendusrikkad jooned on nähtavad monitori kujutisel.

Suur kontrastsus on tähtis faktor monitori valimisel büroo või õpingute vajadusteks, kui peamiselt töötatakse teksti-infoga.

Koduseks kasutamiseks on tähtsamad valikuparameetrid heledus ja reageerimisaeg. Kontrastsust on parem hinnata pimedas toas.
Suurim LCD monitoride puudus on see, et vähendades kujutise heledust, kontrastsus võib kaduda.

Heledus 500dc/m2

Monitori heledus on kujutise nähtavuse näitaja, mis määrab, kuivõrd hästi on nähtav kujutis tugeva välisvalgustuse juures (päikesevalgus, valge ruum, jmt.). LCD monitoride heledust mõõdetakse kandelates ruutmeetrile (Cd/m2).
Monitori valimisel peab arvestama sellega, et mida suurem on heleduse näitaja, seda paremini on nähtav kujutis.

Igapäevasteks vajadusteks soovitab TopPC.ee soetada monitori, mille heledus on mitte alla 250 cd/m2.

Kuvasuhe : 16:9
Mõõt 27"

Monitori (kuvari) ekraani suurus tähendab diagonaali pikkust, mõõdetuna tollides. Ekraani suurus peab olema vastav ekraani eristusvõimele, et saavutada maksimaalset tööpinna kasutamist ja kujutise detailiseerimist.

Peamiselt on kättesaadavad kahe eri kujuga LCD monitorid: standardse laiuse ja kõrguse suhtega vahekorras 4:3 või siis laiekraan, vahekorras 16:9 või 16:10. Laiekraan-monitor on laiem, ja selle eristusvõime on suurem, kui standardse vahekorraga monitoridel.

Mida suurem on monitor, seda suuremat eristusvõimet see tavaliselt toetab. Võimalused suurendada ekraani eristusvõimet on sõltuvad monitori suurusest ja võimalustest, aga samuti ka videokaardi tüübist.

Taotlus : Creative
Värv : Must
Lahutusvõime 4K UHD 3840x2160

Monitori (kuvari) ekraani eristusvõime määrab ära selle, kui palju värvipunkte (piksleid) monitor suudab kuvada. See kehtib ekraani nähtava teksti ja kujutise teravuse kohta. Mida suurem see on, seda teravamatena näivad punktid.

Kasutatav eristusvõime oleneb monitori poolt toetatavast eristusvõimest. LCD monitorid, kaasa arvatud sülearvutite ekraane, toimivad tavaliselt kõige paremini juhul, kui on seadistatud nende keskmisele eristusvõimele. Monitoril ei pea ilmtingimata olema seadistatud see eristusvõime, kuid tavaliselt on see soovitatav seada selleks,et tagada võimalikult teravat tekstide ja kujutiste kuvamist. Mida suurem on monitor, seda suuremat eristusvõimet see tavaliselt toetab.

Võimalused suurendada ekraani eristusvõimet on sõltuvad monitori suurusest ja võimalustest, aga samuti ka videokaardi liigist.
• 19 tolline ekraan (standardse suhtega): 1280x1024 pikslit
• 20 tolline ekraan (standardse suhtega): 1600x1200 pikslit
• 22 tolline ekraan (laiekraan): 1680x1050 pikslit
• 24 tolline ekraan (laiekraan): 1900x1200 pikslit

Flicker-free : Ir
Kõrguse reguleerimine : On
Pivot : On
Pööratav : Ja
Tilt : On
VESA seinakinnitus : 100x100 mm
Sadamad ja seadmed
Kõlarid Ei ole

Mõnedes monitorides(kuvarites) võivad olla integreeritud kõlarid, mis sageli tagavad võimaluse ära öelda arvutikõlaritest, vabastades ruumi laual ning säästes vahendeid. Monitorisse integreeritud kõlarite helikvaliteet on võrdlemisis tagasihoidlik, seoses sellega soovitame kasutada seda võimalust ainult episoodilisteks vajadusteks.

Muusika, filmide ja mängude nautimiseks soovitame soetada vastava kvaliteediga ja võimsusega kõlarid.

Ühenduskoht D-Sub Ei ole

D-SUB on klassikaline (analoog-) monitoride ühendamise pistikupesa. See standard vähehaaval kaob turult, andes teed palju kvaliteetsematele HDMI või DisplayPort (digitaalsetele) pistikutele.

Juhul, kui monitori eristusvõime on võrdne või väiksem, kui FullHD, siis sellise liidesega keskmisel kasutajal ei ole probleeme. Kõrgema kujutise kvaliteedi ja eristusvõime soovijatel tuleb aga kindlasti leida monitor DisplayPort või HDMI liidesega.

Ühenduskoht DisplayPort 1

DisplayPort on digitaalne liides kujutise edastamiseks ühe juhtme kaudu kõrge kvaliteediga. Erinevalt HDMI liidesest, see liides võimaldab ühendada arvutiga mitut välist monitori, kasutades üht ühenduskaablit.

Enne, kui soetate monitori, mil on DisplayPort, veenduge selles, et Teie arvutil on olemas DisplayPort pistikupesa!

Ühenduskoht DVI Ei ole

DVI on digitaalne standard ja tagab kõrge kujutise kvaliteedi, siiski pistiku suurte mõõtmete ja standardi suutmatuse tõttu areneda edasi mitmete tehniliste piirangute tõttu see liides vähehaaval kaotab oma aktuaalsust, loovutades koha moodsatele HDMI ja DisplayPort standarditele.

DVI on ühitatav HDMI liidesega ja on saadaval adapterid mõlemas suunas.

DVI pole ühitatav DisplayPort liidesega, see-eest võivad olla saadaval DualMode DisplayPort liidesed, mis sarnaselt DVI konnektoritele, mis edastab D-sub signaali, ka need DualMode DisplayPort edastavad HDMI/DVI signaale ja vastavas suunas DisplayPort -> DVI suudab edastada kujutist.

Juhul, kui monitori eristusvõime ületab 1920px mistahes suunas, on vajalik graafikakaart DVI-D Dual Link toega ja vastava kvaliteediga kaabel.

Enne, kui soetate monitori, veenduge, kas arvuti graafikakaardil on vastav ühenduspesa!

Ühenduskoht HDMI 1

HDMI on digitaalse, kõrgekvaliteetse kujutise edastamise standard, mis võimaldab arvutiga ühendada monitori peene kaabli abil, kasutades elegantset, väikesemõõtmelist pistikut. HDMI on ühitatav DVI-ga, juhul, kui kasutatakse vastavat adapterit või kaablit.

USB Hub : On
USB-C toitevarustus : 92W
USB-C video sisend : 1
Täpsem spetsifikatsioon
Brand - EIZO
BrandPartCode - CG2700X
Category - Computer Monitors
Category - Root/Electronics/PC peripherals/Monitors
Category_1 - Monitors and TV
Category_2 - LED Monitors up to 27 inches
Design - Feet colour - Black
Design - Market positioning - Graphics design
Design - Product colour - Black
Display - Adobe RGB coverage - 99%
Display - Colour gamut standard - Adobe RGB
Display - Contrast ratio (typical) - 1450:1
Display - DCI-P3 coverage - 98%
Display - Display brightness (typical) - 500 cd/m²
Display - Display diagonal - 68.6 cm (27")
Display - Display diagonal (metric) - 68.4 cm
Display - Display number of colours - 1.07 billion colours
Display - Display resolution - 3840 x 2160 pixels
Display - Display technology - LCD
Display - HD type - 4K Ultra HD
Display - High Dynamic Range (HDR) supported - Yes
Display - High Dynamic Range (HDR) technology - Hybrid Log-Gamma (HLG)
Display - Horizontal scan range - 25 - 137 kHz
Display - Maximum refresh rate - 60 Hz
Display - Native aspect ratio - 16:9
Display - Panel type - IPS
Display - Pixel density - 164 ppi
Display - Pixel pitch - 0.155 x 0.155 mm
Display - Response time - 13 ms
Display - Screen shape - Flat
Display - sRGB coverage (typical) - 100%
Display - Touchscreen - No
Display - Vertical scan range - 23 - 61 Hz
Display - Viewable size, horizontal - 59.6 cm
Display - Viewable size, vertical - 33.5 cm
Display - Viewing angle, horizontal - 178°
Display - Viewing angle, vertical - 178°
EANCode - 4995047063643
Eans - 4995047063643
EAN_code - 4995047063643
Ergonomics - Adjustable height (max) - 15.5 cm
Ergonomics - Height adjustment - Yes
Ergonomics - On Screen Display (OSD) - Yes
Ergonomics - On Screen Display (OSD) languages - Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, Swedish
Ergonomics - Panel mounting interface - 100 x 100 mm
Ergonomics - Pivot - Yes
Ergonomics - Pivot angle - 0 - 90°
Ergonomics - Swivel angle range - 0 - 344°
Ergonomics - Swivelling - Yes
Ergonomics - Tilt adjustment - Yes
Ergonomics - Tilt angle range - -5 - 35°
Ergonomics - VESA mounting - Yes
GRUPPE1 - Displays
GRUPPE2 - Lcd Monitor
GTIN - 4995047063643
LongDesc - This flagship 27-inch monitor marks a new generation of ColorEdge with a new exterior design. With 4K UHD (3840 x 2160) resolution, 500 cd/m2 high brightness, and HDR gamma support, the monitor reproduces content in remarkable detail. USB Type-C® connectivity provides a streamlined experience so professionals in video editing, game development, photography, and more can focus on creating.4K UHD ResolutionThe ColorEdge CG2700X displays at 4K UHD (3840 x 2160) resolution, which is four times the size of Full HD. The remarkable detail ensures that high resolution content is displayed crisply. The 27-inch screen provides ample space for displaying 4K content natively or Full HD content in full with enough space to show toolbars, palettes, and other windows or applications. This makes the monitor versatile for video editing, 3DCG creation, game development, photography, and other creative fields.Single Cable Connection with USB Type-CThe ColorEdge CG2700X features USB Type-C connectivity that allows you to display video, transmit USB signals, and supply power to a connected device such as a tablet or notebook PC. This convenient multi-purpose connectivity makes it faster and easier to connect when moving between workstations or working remotely.Power DeliveryThe ColorEdge CG2700X reliably charges a MacBook Pro or other high-end laptops with 94 W power delivery. This eliminates the need for a laptop's bulky power supply unit, freeing up space in your bag and on the desk.Stable Network ConnectionWhile many modern laptops are not equipped with a dedicated LAN port, the monitor has one directly built in for stable wired connection. Connecting a laptop via USB Type-C provides access to the network through the monitor for sharing creative assets and files, carrying out post production work remotely, and enables network-based color management via ColorNavigator Network.EIZO MAC Address Clone Utility software temporarily assigns the MAC address of a connected PC to the monitor, granting network access to authenticated devices, and preventing network access from unauthenticated devices.Built-In Sensor to Automate Your WorkflowColorEdge were the first monitors in the world to have a built-in calibration sensor for color critical applications. The ColorEdge CG2700X's built-in sensor can be set to calibrate the monitor automatically at designated times. This eliminates the need for a third-party calibration device and ensures your screen stays color-accurate. In addition, the sensor swings onto the screen, taking up minimal space and allowing you to continue working even during calibration.ColorNavigator 7 Color Management SoftwareA monitor needs to be calibrated at regular intervals to maintain color accuracy. EIZO's proprietary ColorNavigator 7 software provides an intuitive and highly precise solution to color management. It allows you to schedule automatic recalibration, calibrate all color modes simultaneously, and conduct correlation with external sensors to match the studio's internal color management framework. Calibration information is saved to the monitor instead of the operating system so users do not have to recalibrate even when using a different PC.ColorNavigator Network Color Management SoftwareColorNavigator Network provides centralized quality control (QC) of ColorEdge monitors for studios, printing houses, and other enterprises with multiple creators and editors who work on shared projects. With NetAgent or ColorNavigator 7 installed on the workstation, administrators can manage multiple ColorEdge monitors via web browser enabling quality control even from remote locations. ColorNavigator Network is hosted on a secure cloud server to free you from the initial investment and running costs of providing your own server.Vivid Colors Reproduced to Industry StandardsThe monitor's wide color gamut faithfully reproduces 98% of the DCI-P3 standard used in digital cinema and supports the BT.2020 standard used in broadcasting. In addition, it covers 99% of the Adobe RGB color space so images shot in Adobe RGB will be displayed correctly. It also covers almost the entire ISO-coated and US web-coated CMYK color spaces used in printing.3D LUT for Accurate Color DisplayThe monitor uses a 3D LUT which adjusts colors individually on an RGB cubic table. With the supported ColorNavigator 7 software’s emulation function, creators can check how content will appear to their audience. The 3D LUT also improves the monitor's additive color mixture (combination of RGB), which is a key factor in its ability to display neutral gray tones.10-Bit Simultaneous DisplayUsing the DisplayPort or HDMI input, the ColorEdge monitor offers 10-bit simultaneous display* from a 16-bit look-up-table (LUT) which means it can show more than one billion colors simultaneously. This is 64 times more colors than you get with 8-bit display, resulting in smooth color gradations and reduced Delta-E between two adjacent colors.*A graphics board and software which support 10-bit output are also necessary for 10-bit display. Equipment that supports DeepColor is required for 10-bit display when connected via HDMI.Broadcast and Cinema PresetsPreset modes for DCI-P3, BT.709, and BT.2020 ensure you can work in the appropriate color spaces and gamma values. In addition, preset modes for PQ (DCI and BT.2100) and HLG (BT.2100) are available for viewing HDR content. With the built-in calibration sensor, you can conveniently adjust or maintain the brightness setting for each preset.HDR Gamma SupportThe ColorEdge CG2700X features a high brightness level of 500 cd/m2. It supports HLG (hybrid log-gamma) and the PQ (perceptual quantization) curve for displaying and editing HDR (high dynamic range) video content. The optimized gamma curves render images to appear more true to how the human eye perceives the real world compared to SDR (standard dynamic range). This ensures professional creators can reliably display HDR content for editing and color grading.True Black DisplayIn compliance with the DCI standard, the monitor offers a high contrast ratio of 1450:1* for producing true blacks that are otherwise difficult to display on a typical LCD monitor. CG Series monitors are also equipped with a retardation film which allows tones to retain their depth even when viewed from an angle.*Typical value when DUE Priority is set to "Brightness".DCI-4K CroppingThe DCI 4K Cropping function allows the user to display a DCI 4K (4096 x 2160) signal and crop content outside the bounds of the panel's native 4K UHD (3840 x 2160) resolution. Users can select from three options that determines which part of the image is cropped.Nearest Neighbor InterpolationThe ColorEdge CG2700X offers Nearest Neighbor interpolation setting as an option for image scaling and resampling. When upscaling, Nearest Neighbor copies and aligns pixels to the closest adjacent position, maintaining color fidelity. When Nearest Neighbor is turned off, the monitor uses an interpolation method that balances gradation of the surrounding pixels for smooth color tone. Editors can easily choose the interpolation method best suited to the project via the monitor's OSD menu to ensure content looks as intended when upscaling to 4K. Luminance WarningThe monitor includes a function that shows the areas of the image that cannot be displayed correctly at the current brightness settings. These areas are marked in yellow or magenta and can be viewed for brightness levels of 300, 500, 1000, and 4000 cd/m2.4K ZoomEnlarge areas of the screen to confirm small details and check focus accuracy in images using the 4K zoom function. It is quickly and easily accessible using the monitor's front buttons.BT.709 Out of Gamut WarningThe monitor includes a Gamut Warning preset that when selected, indicates areas of a BT.2020 image that cannot be reproduced using BT.709 by converting them to shades of gray. An additional mode called BT.709 Clipping allows the editor to view BT.2020 images within the BT.709 color space, simulating how it would look to their audience in an HDTV environment.Automatic Color SettingsTo ensure color settings stay consistent throughout production, the monitor includes a Sync Signal function which automatically adjusts the monitor's settings, such as input range and input color format, according to the video signal.Adjusted at the Factory for Smooth Color GradationsThe gamma level for each ColorEdge monitor is adjusted at the factory by measuring the R, G, and B gamma values from 0 - 255, then using the monitor's 16-bit look-up-table (LUT) to select the 256 most appropriate tones and achieve the desired value. This ensures the smoothest color gradations in your images.Stable Color in Just 3 MinutesA typical monitor takes 30 minutes or more for its brightness, chromaticity, and tone characteristics to stabilize. The ColorEdge CG2700X takes a mere 3 minutes. Whether you are working in a studio or taking the monitor with you on location, you get reliable color display soon after turning the monitor on.Stable Display Using Industry-First AIThe color and brightness of an LCD monitor can shift due to changes in ambient temperature and the temperature of the monitor itself. ColorEdge CG Series monitors are equipped with a temperature sensor for accurately measuring the temperature inside the monitor, as well as estimating the temperature of the surrounding environment. With this temperature sensing and estimation technology, the monitor adjusts in real-time so gradations, color, brightness, and other characteristics continue to be displayed accurately. Furthermore, EIZO uses AI (artificial intelligence)* in the estimation algorithm of the CG2700X so it can distinguish between various temperature changing patterns to calculate even more accurate correction.*Patent no. 6723964Uniformity Across the ScreenLCD monitors commonly exhibit fluctuations in brightness and chromaticity across the screen, affecting color accuracy. To counter this, ColorEdge monitors are equipped with EIZO's patented digital uniformity equalizer (DUE) technology which corrects deviations in every tone across the screen to ensure stable display.Punched Metal DesignThe ColorEdge CG2700X's sleek, new design incorporates punched metal on the back side that allows for more airflow, keeping the monitor cool without a noisy fan. A carrying handle on the back of the monitor allows you to easily move it to other locations.Light Shielding HoodThe ColorEdge CG2700X comes bundled with a light shielding hood that effectively prevents glare on the screen caused by ambient lighting. The hood is newly designed to be lightweight and easily attaches to the monitor magnetically without needing to connect separate parts.Ergonomic StandAdjust the screen to the most comfortable angle and reposition it to show your work to a colleague or client. The monitor comes with a versatile stand that offers height, tilt, and swivel adjustments. The stand is also equipped with a quick release that allows you to easily remove the screen from the stand with a single touch.Multiple InputsIn addition to USB Type-C, the monitor is equipped with DisplayPort and HDMI inputs. It also includes four USB ports (USB 3.1 Gen 1: Type A x 2, USB 2.0: Type-A x 2) for connecting additional devices or peripherals.
LongProductName - 26.9" (68.4 cm) IPS, 4K (3840 x 2160), 500 cd/m2, 13 ms, 1450:1, Adobe RGB, HDR, USB Type-C, Power Delivery, HDMI, DP, LAN, 34 W
LongSummaryDescription - EIZO ColorEdge CG2700X. Display diagonal: 68.6 cm (27"), Display resolution: 3840 x 2160 pixels, HD type: 4K Ultra HD, Display technology: LCD, Response time: 13 ms, Native aspect ratio: 16:9, Viewing angle, horizontal: 178°, Viewing angle, vertical: 178°. Built-in USB hub, USB hub version: 2.0 / 3.2 Gen 1 (3.1 Gen 1). VESA mounting, Height adjustment. Product colour: Black
Manufacturer - Eizo
Manufacturer_code - CG2700X
Multimedia - Built-in camera - No
Multimedia - Built-in speaker(s) - No
Name - EIZO CG2700X ColorEdge - 27 - LED, WQHD, USB-C, IPS, black
Name - EIZO ColorEdge CG2700X - 26,9'' | IPS | 4K
Network - Ethernet LAN - Yes
Operational conditions - Operating relative humidity (H-H) - 20 - 80%
Operational conditions - Operating temperature (T-T) - 0 - 35 °C
Other features - Built-in calibration sensor - Yes
Other features - Certification - CB, CE, UKCA, TUV/GS, cTUVus, FCC-B, CAN ICES-3 (B), TUV/S, PSE, VCCI-B, RCM, EAC, RoHS, WEEE, TUV/Ergonomics
Other features - Hardware calibration - Yes
Packaging content - Cables included - AC, HDMI, USB Type-A to USB Type-B, USB Type-C
Packaging content - Quick start guide - Yes
Packaging content - Stand included - Yes
Packaging content - Sun hood included - Yes
Performance - AMD FreeSync - No
Performance - Flicker-free technology - Yes
Performance - NVIDIA G-SYNC - No
Ports & interfaces - Built-in KVM switch - Yes
Ports & interfaces - Built-in USB hub - Yes
Ports & interfaces - DisplayPorts quantity - 1
Ports & interfaces - HDCP - Yes
Ports & interfaces - HDMI - Yes
Ports & interfaces - HDMI ports quantity - 1
Ports & interfaces - Number of USB Type-B upstream ports quantity - 1
Ports & interfaces - Number of USB Type-C upstream ports quantity - 1
Ports & interfaces - USB hub version - 2.0 / 3.2 Gen 1 (3.1 Gen 1)
Ports & interfaces - USB Power Delivery (USB PD) - Yes
Ports & interfaces - USB Power Delivery up to - 94 W
Ports & interfaces - USB Type-A downstream ports quantity - 4
Ports & interfaces - USB Type-C DisplayPort Alternate Mode - Yes
Ports & interfaces - USB upstream port type - USB Type-B, USB Type-C
Power - AC input frequency - 50 - 60 Hz
Power - AC input voltage - 100 - 240 V
Power - Energy consumption (SDR) per 1000 hours - 36 kWh
Power - Energy efficiency class (HDR) - Not available
Power - Energy efficiency class (SDR) - G
Power - Energy efficiency scale - A to G
Power - European Product Registry for Energy Labelling (EPREL) code - 1216962
Power - Power consumption (max) - 225 W
Power - Power consumption (standby) - 0.5 W
Power - Power consumption (typical) - 34 W
Producer - Eizo
ProducerCode - CG2700X
ProductName - CG2700X
ShortDescription - 26,9'' | IPS | 4K
ShortSummaryDescription - EIZO ColorEdge CG2700X, 68.6 cm (27"), 3840 x 2160 pixels, 4K Ultra HD, LCD, 13 ms, Black
Stck_Kart - 1
Stck_Pal - 2
Storno - Y
Title - EIZO ColorEdge CG2700X computer monitor 68.6 cm (27") 3840 x 2160 pixels 4K Ultra HD LCD Black
URL - https://www.eizoglobal.com/products/coloredge/cg2700x/#tab02
WarrantyInfo - 5-Year Manufacturer's Warranty
Weight - 14,35
Weight & dimensions - Depth (without stand) - 86.2 mm
Weight & dimensions - Depth (with stand) - 245 mm
Weight & dimensions - Height (without stand) - 390 mm
Weight & dimensions - Height (with stand) - 415.9 mm
Weight & dimensions - Weight (without stand) - 6.8 kg
Weight & dimensions - Weight (with stand) - 9.8 kg
Weight & dimensions - Width (without stand) - 638 mm
Weight & dimensions - Width (with stand) - 638 mm
3,196.67 €
EIZO CG2700X, 27"
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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