Kui suuri paberilehti võib paigutada trükkimiseks lehe etteandealusele ja trükkida antud printeriga. Juhul, kui printeril see näitaja on näit. A4, siis see printer kindlasti suudab trükkida ka väiksema formaadiga paberit, näit A5. See võimalus kehtib küll teatud piirini, mille võimaluste väljaselgitamiseks palume lugeda üksikasjalikku tootekirjeldust, trükitavate formaatide ja paberiliikide toe kohta.
Hewlett Packard Laser MFP 178nw Color

- Kulleri kohaletoimetamine 3,99 €: 21.03.2025

- Max. printimise mõõt: A4
- Printimise resolutsioon: 600 x 600 dpi
- Printimiskiirus (mono): 18 lk/min
- Printimisviis: Värvi laser
- Arvu kassetid: 4
Printeri eristusvõime määrab ära selle, mitu punkti (pikselit) horisontaal- ja vertikaalsuunas suudab välja trükkida printeri trükipea. Kasutades erinevaid abimeetodeid, suudab printer välja trükkida kõrge eristusvõimega tulemuse. See parameeter näitab ära printeri loomuliku eristusvõime, ilma kompressiooni kasutamiseta. Suurem eristusvõime tähendab kõrgemat kujutise kvaliteeti ja paremat detailide kujutamist.
Keskmine näitaja selle kohta, mitu mustvalget lehekülge 5% keskmise kaetuse juures see printer suudab trükkida ühe minuti jooksul.
Trükkimise moodus on peamine printeri valikukriteerium, kuna määrab ära printeri kasutatavuse.
Tindi- - antud tehnoloogia sobib neile, kes soovivad trükkida värvifotosid kõrge kvaliteediga. Kulud ühele trükisele on küllalt suured, kuna tindikassett kuivab, kaua kasutamata seistes.
Mustvalge laseri - säästlikkuse mõttes kasulikuim trükimoodus, mis annab hea kvaliteediga mustvalgete dokumentide väljatrükid madalaima trükise omahinnaga. Parim ost kodu ja büroo vajadusteks. Kallimate mudelite printeritel on oluliselt mahukamad toonerikassetid, mis pikaajaliselt, juhul, kui trükkida üle kümne lehe päevas, kindlasti tasuvad end ära.
Värviline laser - antud tehnoloogia võimaldab trükkida mustvalge laseri trükiseid selle sama lehe omahinnnaga, kui mustvalged laserprinterid, ning samuti ka teostada värvilist trükkimist suhteliselt madalate trükikuludega iga lehe kohta.
Värvuste trükikvaliteet on sel tehnoloogial palju madalam, kui tinditrükil, seetõttu tasub sellist seadet soetada ainult sel juhul, kui iga päev on vajalik trükkida kümneid värvilisi graafikuid, makette, tootenäidiste fotosid ja värvilisi logosid. Fotode trükkimiseks antud tehnoloogia praeguse seisuga pole sobiv.
Kui suuri paberilehti võib paigutada trükkimiseks lehe etteandealusele ja trükkida antud printeriga. Juhul, kui printeril see näitaja on näit. A4, siis see printer kindlasti suudab trükkida ka väiksema formaadiga paberit, näit A5. See võimalus kehtib küll teatud piirini, mille võimaluste väljaselgitamiseks palume lugeda üksikasjalikku tootekirjeldust, trükitavate formaatide ja paberiliikide toe kohta.
Kui palju toonerit või kassette on antud printeril. Tindiga trükkimise korral, suurem kassettide arv tähendab paremat trükikvaliteeti ja säästlikumat kassettide vahetamist.
Keskmine näitaja selle kohta, mitu mustvalget lehekülge 5% keskmise kaetuse juures see printer suudab trükkida ühe minuti jooksul.
Mõlemapoolse trükkimise võimalus, mida sageli realiseeritakse poolautomaatselt, mis tähendab seda, et printer trükib lehed ühelt poolt, juhul, kui pärast seda kasutajal on vajadus kõik trükkida teiselt poolt, siis peab ta kogu trükitud paki uuesti käsitsi panema etteande-alusele.
Võivad olla ka Duplex printerid, mis ise suudavad lehe ümber pöörata trükkimise protsessis. Enne, kui soetate printeri, palume hoolikalt läbi lugeda üksikasjaliku tootekirjelduse selle kohta, kuidas realiseeritakse Duplex funktsiooni.
Võimalus seadet ühendada telefoniliiniga ja telefoniga, et saata ja vastu võtta faksisaadetisi.
Võimalus paigutada trükitud dokumente etteandealusele ja saada dokumendi skaneeritud kujul arvutis, failina.
Väga kasulik funktsioon juhul, kui printerit kasutatakse mitme võrku ühendatud arvutiga. Juhul, kui on olemas LAN liides, on printerit võimalus paigutada suvalisse kohta, kus on olemas võrk ja elektrivõrgu pistikupesa, ja teostada trükkimist suvaliselt arvutilt ilma vajaduseta ühendada printerit selle konktreetse arvutiga ning hoida seda arvutit pidevalt sisselülitatuna.
See on juba vananenud standard, ja on vajalik ainult üksikutel juhtudel, kui ettevõte kasutab DOS tarkvara, mis ei oska trükkida teiste liidestega ühendatuna, kui ainult LPT. See ühenduse moodus on väga aeglane, seetõttu suuremal osal printeritest on paralleelselt LPT on olemas ka palju kiire USB või LAN liides.
Stabiilseim, mugavaim ja kiireim printeri ühendamise moodus, juhul, kui printer asub kõrvuti arvutiga ja seda kasutatakse trükkimiseks ühelt arvutilt. USB liides on olemas praktiliselt kõigil sülearvutitel ja lauaarvutitel.
Võimalus ühendada antud printerit arvutiga, kasutades Bluetooth juhtmevaba ühendust. Tavaliselt antud ühendus on olemas keskmise ja kallima klassi sülearvutitele. Lauaarvutites Bluetooth on harva, seetõttu, et kasutada seda funktsiooni, on vajalik väikese lisatasu eest soetada USB Bluetooth saatja.
Suurepärane moodus, kuidas ühendada printerit juhtmevabasse võrku, juhul, kui kodus või büroos on kasutusel ainult juhtmevaba võrguühendus, või siis printerit hoitakse kohas, kuhu ei ole võimalust vedada LAN kaablit.
ADF - -
ADFCapacity - -
Application - Office
Brand - HP
Brand-specific features - HP Auto-On/Auto-Off - Yes
Brand-specific features - HP dynamic security - Yes
Brand-specific features - HP GTIN (EAN/UPC) - 193015507203, 193015507210, 193015507241, 193905621613, 193015507258, 193015507265
Brand-specific features - HP GTIN (EAN/UPC) - 195697898266
Brand-specific features - HP GTIN (EAN/UPC) with options - (ABT) 193015507203; (ABY) 193015507210; (ACQ) 193015507241; (B13) 193905621613; (B19) 193015507258; (BAZ) 193015507265
Brand-specific features - HP GTIN (EAN/UPC) with options - (ABT) 193015507333; (ABY) 193015507340; (ACQ) 193015507371; (B13) 193905621620; (B19) 193015507388; (BAZ) 193015507395
BrandCode - HP
BrandPartCode - 4ZB96A#B19
CardReader - -
Category - Biroja tehnika :: Multifunkcionālie (Daudzfunkciju) printeri
Category - Multifunction Printers
Category - Root/Electronics/PC peripherals/Printers, 3D printers and plotters/Inkjet printer
Certificates - Certification - EN 61000-3-2: 2014, EN 61000-3-3: 2013, EN55024: 2010, EN 55032: 2012/AC: 2013, 47 CFR Part 15, Subpart B I ANSI C63.4-2009, ICES-003 Issue 5, KN32, KN35, GB/T 9254-2008, GB17625.1-2012, CISPR22: 2008, CISPR32: 2012, CNS 13438 (Other EMC approvals as required by individual countries.)
Code - 4ZB96A#B19
Color - Black
Color - White
ColorMono - Color
Color printing - Yes
ColourFaxing - -
Connectors - 1 x USB (Typ B)
Connectors - RJ-45
ControlPanel - 2-line LCD
Copier specifications - Copy speed (black, normal mode, A4 size): black: Up to 18 copies / min Color: Up to 4 copies / min Copy resolution (black text): Up to 600 × 600 dpi (flatbed); Up to 600 × 600 dpi Copy resolution (text and graphics in color): Up to 600 × 600 dpi (flatbed); Up to 600 × 600 dpi Limiting the number of copies / extending the settings: 25 to 400% Copies, up to 999 copies
Copying - Auto fit function - Yes
Copying - Background adjustment function - Yes
Copying - Copier resize - 25 - 400%
Copying - Copying - Colour copying
Copying - copying resolution (black & white) - 600x600 dpi
Copying - copying resolution (color) - 600x600 dpi
Copying - copy speed (black & white) - 18
Copying - Copy speed (black, normal quality, A4) - 14 cpm
Copying - copy speed (color) - 4
Copying - Copy speed (colour, normal quality, A4) - 4 cpm
Copying - Duplex copying - Yes
Copying - ID-card copy function - Yes
Copying - Maximum copy resolution - 600 x 600 DPI
Copying - Maximum number of copies - 999 copies
Copying - N-in-1 copy function - Yes
Copying - N-in-1 copy function (N=) - 2
Copying - N-in-1 copy function (N=) - 4
Copying - N-in-1 copy function (N=) - 4, 2
Copying - Time to first copy (black, normal) - 12.6 s
Copying - Time to first copy (colour, normal) - 32.1 s
CopySpeed - Yes
Depth - 363 mm
Desc - Krāsu tips: Krāsains, 1 mēneša noslodze: 20 000 lpp, Drukāšanas tehnoloģija: LED, Izšķirtspēja: 600 x 600 dpi, Ātrums (melnbalts): 18 lpp/min., Ātrums (krāsains): 4 lpp/min., Operatīvā atmiņa: 128Mb, Max papīra formāts: A4, Duplex režīms: Nav, Pieslēguma tips: USB 2.0, Wifi: Ir, Faksa funkcionalitāte: Nav, Atmiņa faksam: Nav, Kopēšanas funkcionalitāte: Ir, Kopēšanas ātrums (melnbalts): 18 kopijas/min., Kopēšanas ātrums (krāsains): 4 kopijas/min., Skenēšanas funkcionalitāte: Ir, Skenēšanas izšķirtspēja: 600 x 600 dpi, Garantija: 2 gadi
Description - HP Multifunctional printer Color Laser MFP 178nw 4ZB96A An efficient, colorful laser multifunction device at an affordable price
Printer that supports dynamic security. Intended for use only with cartridges with original HP integrated circuit. Cartridges from other manufacturers' integrated circuits may not work, and those that work today may not work in the future. The most efficient, colorful, laser multifunction device in the world in its class. Print, scan and copy, high-quality colors and printing and scanning from your phone. The ideal solution for 1-5 users printing less than 1,500 pages per month. Get quality you can count on and expressive, black text and crisp, colorful graphics with the all-in-one multitool at an affordable price. Fast and easy printing with a multifunctional device that has been designed to fit any space. Printing, scanning and copying from virtually anywhere, and simple configuration in the phone. Uncompromising laser print quality - This unusually small laser printer ensures exceptional quality of every printout. Expressive black text, high-quality color - Clear text, deep blacks and sharp, colorful graphics. Favorable price - Reliable, high-performance laser printer at an affordable price. Printer power in the palm of your hand - Simple configuration, printing and scanning from your phone using the HP Smart app. Your device, your choice - Easy printing from smartphones and tablets. Larger range of printing features - Easily share resources, access your device, and print over wireless and Ethernet.
Design - Built-in display - Yes
Design - Control type - Buttons
Design - Display - LCD
Design - Display number of lines - 2 lines
Design - Market positioning - Home & office
Design - Product colour - Grey
Design - Product colour - Grey, White
Designation - CE+WEEE
DigitalSending - -
dimensionalWeight - 16339
dimension depth - 290 mm
dimension height - 410 mm
Dimensions - depth - 36.3
Dimensions - height - 28.8
Dimensions - weight - 12.94
Dimensions - width - 40.6
dimension weight - 13000 g
dimension width - 430 mm
Duplex printing - Manual
DuplexPrinting - Yes
DutyCycle - 20000 pages
Duty cycle (monthly) - 20000 sheets/month
EAN - 193015507258
ean - 193015507258
Eans - 0193015507258
Ethernet - 10/100 Mb/s
Extended warranty -
Extension options -
Fax - Faxing - No
Faxing - No
FaxQuality - -
Fax specifications -
FaxSpeed - -
Features - All-In-One-multitasking - Yes
Features - Country of origin - China
Features - Digital sender - Yes
Features - Duplex functions - Scan
Features - HP segment - Small medium business
Features - Maximum duty cycle - 20000 pages per month
Features - Number of print cartridges - 4
Features - Page description languages - SPL
Features - Printing colours - Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow
Features - Recommended duty cycle - 100 - 500 pages per month
FirstPageOut - 12.4 s
Format - A4
Format - A5
Format - A6
Format - B5
Format - Oficio 216 x 340
Functions - Copier
Functions - Printer
Functions - Scanner
Functions - MFP functions - copier
Functions - MFP functions - printer
Functions - MFP functions - skanner
General parameters - colour - gray
General parameters - colour - white
General parameters - manufacturer - HP
GrossWeight - 16.000 kg
GrossWeight - 16.1000
GTIN - 193015507258
GTIN - 0193015507258
guarantee - 12
guarantee_type - external
HDD - -
Height - 0.3950
Height - 288.7 mm
ImageUrl - https://www.balticdata.lv/Gfx/ProductImages/Info/Product_50684_1.jpg
Input & output capacity - Maximum input capacity - 150 sheets
Input & output capacity - Maximum number of input trays - 1
Input & output capacity - Maximum output capacity - 50 sheets
Input & output capacity - Paper input type - Paper tray
Input & output capacity - Paper tray 1 input capacity - 150 sheets
Input & output capacity - Total input capacity - 150 sheets
Input & output capacity - Total number of input trays - 1
Input & output capacity - Total output capacity - 50 sheets
Installed memory - 128 MB
InterfaceandConectivity -
Interfaces - WiFi
Interfaces - WiFi standards - AirPrint
Interfaces - WiFi standards - IEEE 802.11b
Interfaces - WiFi standards - IEEE 802.11g
Interfaces - WiFi standards - IEEE 802.11n
LanguagesFonts -
LargeDescHTML -
Length - 0.4600
Logistics data - Harmonized System (HS) code - 84433100
Logistics data - Layers per pallet - 6 pc(s)
Logistics data - Master (outer) cases per pallet - 24 pc(s)
Logistics data - Pallet gross weight - 395 g
Logistics data - Products per pallet - 24 pc(s)
LongDesc -
LongDesc - Get productive MFP performance – world's smallest colour laser in it's class.[1] Print, scan, and copy, produce high-quality colour results, and print and scan from your phone.[2]Dynamic security enabled printer Certain HP printers are intended to work only with cartridges that have a new or reused HP chip or electronic circuitry. These printers use dynamic security measures to block cartridges using a non-HP chip or electronic circuitry. Periodic firmware updates will maintain the effectiveness of these measures and block cartridges that previously worked. Reused HP chips and electronic circuitry enable the use of reused, remanufactured, and refilled cartridges.
LongProductName - Color Laser MFP 178nw
LongSummaryDescription - HP Color Laser MFP 178nw, Color, Printer for Print, copy, scan, Scan to PDF. Print technology: Laser, Printing: Colour printing, Maximum resolution: 600 x 600 DPI, Print speed (colour, normal quality, A4/US Letter): 4 ppm. Copying: Colour copying, Maximum copy resolution: 600 x 600 DPI. Scanning: Colour scanning, Optical scanning resolution: 600 x 600 DPI. Duplex functions: Scan. Maximum ISO A-series paper size: A4. Wi-Fi. Direct printing. Product colour: Grey, White
MANUFDATASHEET - http://h20195.www2.hp.com/v2/getpdf.aspx/4AA7-4978EEP.pdf
Max. memory capacity - 128 MB
Max. printing speed (color) - 4 p/min
Max. printing speed (mono) - 18 p/min
MaxPrintArea - 216 x 356 mm
Media kind - Bond paper
Media kind - Colored paper
Media kind - Glossy paper
Media kind - Labels
Media kind - Paper
Media kind - Preprinted paper
Media kind - Recycled paper
Media kind - Thick paper
Media kind - Thin paper
MediaSizes - A4; A5; A6; B5 (JIS); Oficio
MediaTypes -
MediaWeightMax - 220 g/m²
MediaWeights - 60 to 220 g/m²
MediumDescription EN - Dynamic security enabled printer. Only intended to be used with cartridges using an
HP original chip. Cartridges using a non-HP chip may not work, and those that work today may not work in the future.
MediumDescription ET - Dünaamilise turvalisuse toega printer. Mõeldud kasutamiseks kassettidega, milles kasutatakse ainult HP originaalelektroonikat. Kassetid, milles on muudetud või mitte-HP elektroonika, ei pruugi toimida ja need, mis toimivad täna, ei pruugi homme toimida.
HP multifunktsionaalsed personaalsed laserprinterid on mõeldud eraisikutele või väikestele töögruppidele, kes vajavad taskukohast ja usaldusväärset multifunktsionaalset seadet.
MediumDescription LV - Daudzfunkciju lāzerprinteris Color Laser 178nw, HP / 4ZB96A#B19Iegūstiet produktīvu daudzfunkciju lāzerprintera veiktspēju - pasaulē mazākais krāsu lāzers savā klasē. Drukājiet, skenējiet un kopējiet, iegūstiet augstas kvalitātes krāsu izdrukas, kā arī drukājiet un skenējiet no sava viedtālruņa.
Memory - 128 MB
MemoryMax - 128 MB
Model - 178nw
MultipleCopies - 999
Name - Daudzfunkciju printeris HP Color Laser MFP 178nw
Name - HP Color Laser MFP 178nw USB WiFi AirPrint
name - Multifunctional printer Color Laser MFP 178nw 4ZB96A
Name EN - MF-Color laser printer HP MFP 178nw
Name ET - MF-Värvi laserprinter HP MFP 178nw
NameInWeb EN - HP MFP 178nw, WiFi, white/gray - Multifunctional Color Laser Printer
NameInWeb ET - HP MFP 178nw, WiFi, valge/hall - Multifunktsionaalne värvi-laserprinter
NameInWeb LV - Daudzfunkciju lāzerprinteris Color Laser 178nw, HP
Name LV - MF-Color laser printer HP MFP 178nw
NetWeight - 12.9400
Network - Cabling technology - 10/100Base-T(X)
Network - Ethernet LAN - Yes
Network - Ethernet LAN data rates - 10,100 Mbit/s
Network - Mobile printing technologies - Apple AirPrint
Network - Mobile printing technologies - Google Cloud Print
Network - Mobile printing technologies - Google Cloud Print, Apple AirPrint, Mopria Print Service
Network - Mobile printing technologies - Mopria Print Service
Network - Security algorithms - IPSec
Network - Security algorithms - SNMPv2
Network - Security algorithms - SNMPv2, IPSec
Network - Wi-Fi - Yes
Network - Wi-Fi Direct - Yes
Network - Wi-Fi standards - 802.11b
Network - Wi-Fi standards - 802.11b, 802.11g, Wi-Fi 4 (802.11n)
Network - Wi-Fi standards - 802.11g
Network - Wi-Fi standards - Wi-Fi 4 (802.11n)
OperatingSystems - -
Operational conditions - Operating relative humidity (H-H) - 10 - 80%
Operational conditions - Operating temperature (T-T) - 10 - 30 °C
Operational conditions - Storage temperature (T-T) - -20 - 40 °C
Original consumables - HP 117A original black toner W2070A HP 117A original W2071A blue toner HP 117A original yellow toner W2072A HP 117A original purple toner W2073A
Other features -
Other features - Number of users - 5 user(s)
Other features - Pallet dimensions (W x D x H) - 1014 x 944 x 2390 mm
Other features - Recommended system requirements - Windows 7 or newer, Intel® Pentium® IV 1 GHz 32-bit or 64-bit processor or higher, 1 GB RAM, 16 GB HDD
PackageContents -
Packaging content - Bundled software - Common Installer, V3 Print Driver with Lite SM, TWAIN/WIA Driver, HP MFP Scan, OCR program
Packaging content - Cables included - AC
Packaging content - Cartridge(s) included - Yes
Packaging content - Included cartridge capacity (black) - 700 pages
Packaging content - Included cartridge capacity (CMY) - 500 pages
Packaging content - Manual - Yes
Packaging content - Power cord included - Yes
Packaging content - Quick installation guide - Yes
Packaging content - Warranty card - Yes
Packaging data - Package depth - 466 mm
Packaging data - Package height - 398 mm
Packaging data - Package weight - 16.1 kg
Packaging data - Package width - 501 mm
PaperHandling - 150
Paper handling - Custom media length - 148.5 - 356 mm
Paper handling - Custom media width - 76 - 216 mm
Paper handling - ISO A-series sizes (A0...A9) - A4
Paper handling - ISO A-series sizes (A0...A9) - A4, A5, A6
Paper handling - ISO A-series sizes (A0...A9) - A5
Paper handling - ISO A-series sizes (A0...A9) - A6
Paper handling - JIS B-series sizes (B0...B9) - B5
Paper handling - Maximum ISO A-series paper size - A4
Paper handling - Maximum print size - 216 x 356 mm
Paper handling - Non-ISO print media sizes - Oficio
Paper handling - Paper tray media types - Bond paper
Paper handling - Paper tray media types - Glossy paper
Paper handling - Paper tray media types - Heavy paper
Paper handling - Paper tray media types - Labels
Paper handling - Paper tray media types - Plain paper
Paper handling - Paper tray media types - Recycled paper
Paper handling - Paper tray media types - Thick paper
Paper handling - Paper tray media types - Thick paper, Heavy paper, Bond paper, Plain paper, Labels, Recycled paper, Glossy paper
Paper handling - Paper tray media weight - 60 - 220 g/m²
PaperHandlingOutput - 50
PaperHandlingTotal - 150
Paper input tray - 150 sheets
Paper output tray - 50 sheets
Paper weight (max) - 220 g/m²
Paper weight (min) - 60 g/m²
PapperTraysMax - -
PapperTraysStandard - 1
Performance - Built-in processor - Yes
Performance - Internal memory - 128 MB
Performance - Maximum internal memory - 128 MB
Performance - Processor frequency - 800 MHz
Performance - Sound power level (printing) - 6.5 dB
Photo printing - No
PictBridge - No
Ports & interfaces - Direct printing - Yes
Ports & interfaces - Standard interfaces - USB 2.0
Ports & interfaces - USB port - Yes
Power - AC input frequency - 50/60 Hz
Power - AC input voltage - 110 - 240 V
Power - Energy Star Typical Electricity Consumption (TEC) - 1.093 kWh/week
Power - Power consumption (off) - 0.2 W
Power - Power consumption (PowerSave) - 0.2 W
Power - Power consumption (printing) - 300 W
Power - Power consumption (ready) - 38 W
Power - Power consumption (sleep) - 1.9 W
Printer - LCD screen
Printer - black and white print speed - 18
Printer - color print speed - 4
Printer - first page print speed (black and white) - 12.4
Printer - first page print speed (color) - 25.3
Printer - format - A4 printer
Printer - month print load - 20000
Printer - number of nozzles - 4
Printer - paper bin capacity - 150
Printer - printer type - color-multifunctional
Printer - printing resolution - 600x600 dpi
Printer - printing technology - laser
Printer - supported operating systems - Windows 7
Printer - supported operating systems - Windows 8
Printer - supported operating systems - Windows 10
Printer - supported operating systems - Windows 11
Printer language - SPL
Printer processor - 800 MHz
PrintFeatures - -
PrintFormat - A4
Printing - Booklet printing function - Yes
Printing - Duplex printing - Yes
Printing - Duplex printing mode - Manual
Printing - Maximum resolution - 600 x 600 DPI
Printing - N-in-1 print function - Yes
Printing - Poster printing function - Yes
Printing - Printing - Colour printing
Printing - Print margins (top, bottom, right, left) - 5 mm
Printing - Print resolution black - 600 x 600 DPI
Printing - Print resolution colour - 600 x 600 DPI
Printing - Print speed (black, normal quality, A4/US Letter) - 18 ppm
Printing - Print speed (colour, normal quality, A4/US Letter) - 4 ppm
Printing - Print technology - Laser
Printing - Secure printing - Yes
Printing - Time to first page (black, normal) - 12.4 s
Printing - Time to first page (colour, normal) - 25.3 s
Printing - Warm-up time - 38 s
Printing - Watermark printing - Yes
Printing supplies performance - HP 117A oryginalny czarny toner W2070A - 1000 stron HP 117A oryginalny błękitny toner W2071A - 700 stron HP 117A oryginalny żółty toner W2072A - 700 stron HP 117A oryginalny purpurowy toner W2073A - 700 stron
Printing type - Laser
PrintQuality - 600 x 600 dpi
Print resolution - 600 x 600 dpi
PrintSpeed - 4 ppm
PrintSpeedFeatures - -
PrintSpeedMono - 18 ppm
PrintTechnology - Laser
Processor - 800 MHz
ProdDesc - HP Color LaserJet 178nw AIO All-in-One Printer - A4 Color Laser, Print/Copy/Scan, LAN, WiFi, 18ppm, 100-500 pages per month (replaces M183fw)
Producer - HP
producer - HP Inc.
producerCode - 4ZB96A
ProducerCode - 4ZB96A
ProductCode - 4ZB96A#B19
ProductionCountry - CN
productName - HP Color Laser MFP 178nw, Color, Printer for Print, copy, scan, Scan to PDF
ProductName - HP Color Laser MFP 178nw, Color, Printer for Print, copy, scan, Scan to PDF
ProductPicture - http://www.tdbaltic.ee/images/ds4/4ZB96A-01.jpg
ProductPicture2 -
ProductPicture3 -
ProductPicture4 -
productSize - Normal
SalesUnitOfMeasureCode - tk
Scanner - scanning resolution (optical) - 600x600 dpi
Scanner - supported op. systems - Windows 7
Scanner - supported op. systems - Windows 8
Scanner - supported op. systems - Windows 10
Scanner - supported op. systems - Windows 11
Scanner specifications - Scanner type: Flat File format containing the scanned image: PDF, JPG, TIFF Scanning resolution, optical: Up to 600 × 600 dpi Standard features of digital document distribution: Scanning to the WSD platform; Scan to PC Scanning initiation modes: Scanning and copying from the front panel, scanning software for HP all-in-one devices, user application via TWAIN or WIA
Scanning - Yes
Scanning - Document formats supported - PDF
Scanning - Greyscale levels - 256
Scanning - Image formats supported - JPG
Scanning - Image formats supported - TIFF
Scanning - Image formats supported - TIFF, JPG
Scanning - Input colour depth - 24 bit
Scanning - Maximum scan area - 216 x 297 mm
Scanning - Maximum scan resolution - 19200 x 19200 DPI
Scanning - Optical scanning resolution - 600 x 600 DPI
Scanning - Scan drivers - TWAIN
Scanning - Scan drivers - WIA
Scanning - Scan drivers - WIA, TWAIN
Scanning - Scanner type - Flatbed scanner
Scanning - Scanning - Colour scanning
Scanning - Scan technology - CIS
Scanning - Scan to - Software
Scanning - Scan to - Software, TWAIN, WIA
Scanning - Scan to - TWAIN
Scanning - Scan to - WIA
Scanning - TWAIN version - 1.9
ScanQuality - 600 dpi
ScanQualityEH -
ScanSize - 216 x 356 mm
ScanType - Flatbed
Security - -
ShortDescription -
ShortSummaryDescription - HP Color Laser MFP 178nw, Color, Printer for Print, copy, scan, Scan to PDF, Laser, Colour printing, 600 x 600 DPI, A4, Direct printing, Grey, White
sizeX - 460
sizeY - 370
sizeZ - 480
SoftwareIncluded - SPL
Supported operating systems - Windows 7
Supported operating systems - Windows 8
Supported operating systems - Windows 8.1
Supported operating systems - Windows 10
Supported operating systems - Windows Server 2008
Supported operating systems - Windows Server 2012
Supported operating systems - Windows Server 2016
Sustainability - Doesn't contain - Mercury
Sustainability - Sustainable technologies and materials - Mercury free
SystemRequirements - -
System Requirements - Intel Pentium IV 1 GHz processor 32/64-bit or newer 1 GB of RAM 16 GB of free hard disk space
System requirements - Mac operating systems supported - Mac OS X 10.11 El Capitan
System requirements - Mac operating systems supported - Mac OS X 10.11 El Capitan, Mac OS X 10.14 Mojave, Mac OS X 10.13 High Sierra, Mac OS X 10.12 Sierra
System requirements - Mac operating systems supported - Mac OS X 10.12 Sierra
System requirements - Mac operating systems supported - Mac OS X 10.13 High Sierra
System requirements - Mac operating systems supported - Mac OS X 10.14 Mojave
System requirements - Server operating systems supported - Windows Server 2008 R2
System requirements - Server operating systems supported - Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2016
System requirements - Server operating systems supported - Windows Server 2012
System requirements - Server operating systems supported - Windows Server 2016
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 7
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 11
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 8
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 11
TariffNo - 84433100
Technical details - Master (outer) cases per pallet layer - 4 pc(s)
Title - HP Color Laser MFP 178nw, Color, Printer for Print, copy, scan, Scan to PDF
UnitOfMeasureCode - tk
UnitsPerPackage - 1
URL - https://www8.hp.com
vendpn - 4ZB96A
Volume - 0.08994150
Warranty - 1 year
Warranty - One-year limited hardware warranty
WarrantyInfo - One-year limited hardware warranty; For more info please visit us at https://www.support.hp.com
warrantyLength - 12
warrantyType - F
Weight - 12.940 Kg
weight - 16100
Weight & dimensions - Depth - 363 mm
Weight & dimensions - Height - 288.7 mm
Weight & dimensions - Weight - 12.9 kg
Weight & dimensions - Width - 406 mm
Width - 0.4950
Width - 406 mm
Wireless - Yes
Wireless communication - WiFi