Canon MAXIFY MB5155

Pilt võib erineda tegelikust tootest, võib esineda tarvikuid ja osi, mis ei ole tegeliku tootega kaasas.
ID: 901396 Tootekood: 0960C029
Kaubad ei ole hetkel saadaval Me ei võta vastu tellimusi selle toote tarnimiseks. Meil ei ole teavet selle kohta, millal see toode saadaval on. Meie tarnijad ei anna praegu teavet toote võimaliku tarneaja ja võimaliku hinna kohta, kui see uuesti müügile tuleb. veebisait annab teavet selle toote kohta ainult teavitamise eesmärgil, et kliendid saaksid toodet näha ja võrrelda seda praegu müügil olevate toodetega.

Garantii: 2 aastat (Garantii ettevõtjatele 1 aasta)
Peamised tooteparameetrid Kõik parameetrid
  • Max. printimise mõõt: A4
  • Printimise resolutsioon: 1200 x 600 dpi
  • Printimiskiirus (mono): 24 lk/min
  • Printimisviis: Tindid
  • Arvu kassetid: 4
Sarnased tooted
See toode Canon MAXIFY MB5155
Hewlett Packard LaserJet MFP M234SDN, Openbox
Canon MAXIFY GX3050
Canon MAXIFY GX4050
Canon MAXIFY MB5450
Näita sarnaseid andmeid. Peida sarnased andmed.
230,69 €
243,36 €
479,46 €
537,11 €
140,35 €
Max. printimise mõõt A4 A4 A4 A4 A4
Printimise resolutsioon 1200 x 600 dpi 600 x 600 dpi 1200 x 600 dpi 1200 x 600 dpi 1200 x 600 dpi
Printimiskiirus (mono) 24 lk/min 30 lk/min 18 lk/min 18 lk/min 24 lk/min
Printimisviis Tindid Mustvalge laser Tindid Tindid Tindid
Arvu kassetid 4 1 4 4 4
Funktsioon ADF On On Ei ole On On
Funktsioon Duplex On On On On On
Funktsioon Faks On Ei ole Ei ole On On
Funktsioon Koopiamasin On On On On On
Funktsioon Skänner On On On On On
Sadamad ja seadmed
Ühendus LAN On On Ei ole On On
Ühendus LPT Ei ole Ei ole Ei ole Ei ole Ei ole
Ühendus USB2.0 On On On On On
Traadita ühendused
Ühendus Bluetooth Ei ole Ei ole Ei ole Ei ole Ei ole
WiFi ühendus On Ei ole On On On
Max. printimise mõõt A4

Kui suuri paberilehti võib paigutada trükkimiseks lehe etteandealusele ja trükkida antud printeriga. Juhul, kui printeril see näitaja on näit. A4, siis see printer kindlasti suudab trükkida ka väiksema formaadiga paberit, näit A5. See võimalus kehtib küll teatud piirini, mille võimaluste väljaselgitamiseks palume lugeda üksikasjalikku tootekirjeldust, trükitavate formaatide ja paberiliikide toe kohta.

Printimise resolutsioon 1200 x 600 dpi

Printeri eristusvõime määrab ära selle, mitu punkti (pikselit) horisontaal- ja vertikaalsuunas suudab välja trükkida printeri trükipea. Kasutades erinevaid abimeetodeid, suudab printer välja trükkida kõrge eristusvõimega tulemuse. See parameeter näitab ära printeri loomuliku eristusvõime, ilma kompressiooni kasutamiseta. Suurem eristusvõime tähendab kõrgemat kujutise kvaliteeti ja paremat detailide kujutamist.

Printimiskiirus (mono) 24 lk/min

Keskmine näitaja selle kohta, mitu mustvalget lehekülge 5% keskmise kaetuse juures see printer suudab trükkida ühe minuti jooksul.

Printimisviis Tindid

Trükkimise moodus on peamine printeri valikukriteerium, kuna määrab ära printeri kasutatavuse.

Tindi- - antud tehnoloogia sobib neile, kes soovivad trükkida värvifotosid kõrge kvaliteediga. Kulud ühele trükisele on küllalt suured, kuna tindikassett kuivab, kaua kasutamata seistes.

Mustvalge laseri - säästlikkuse mõttes kasulikuim trükimoodus, mis annab hea kvaliteediga mustvalgete dokumentide väljatrükid madalaima trükise omahinnaga. Parim ost kodu ja büroo vajadusteks. Kallimate mudelite printeritel on oluliselt mahukamad toonerikassetid, mis pikaajaliselt, juhul, kui trükkida üle kümne lehe päevas, kindlasti tasuvad end ära.

Värviline laser - antud tehnoloogia võimaldab trükkida mustvalge laseri trükiseid selle sama lehe omahinnnaga, kui mustvalged laserprinterid, ning samuti ka teostada värvilist trükkimist suhteliselt madalate trükikuludega iga lehe kohta.

Värvuste trükikvaliteet on sel tehnoloogial palju madalam, kui tinditrükil, seetõttu tasub sellist seadet soetada ainult sel juhul, kui iga päev on vajalik trükkida kümneid värvilisi graafikuid, makette, tootenäidiste fotosid ja värvilisi logosid. Fotode trükkimiseks antud tehnoloogia praeguse seisuga pole sobiv.

Kui suuri paberilehti võib paigutada trükkimiseks lehe etteandealusele ja trükkida antud printeriga. Juhul, kui printeril see näitaja on näit. A4, siis see printer kindlasti suudab trükkida ka väiksema formaadiga paberit, näit A5. See võimalus kehtib küll teatud piirini, mille võimaluste väljaselgitamiseks palume lugeda üksikasjalikku tootekirjeldust, trükitavate formaatide ja paberiliikide toe kohta.

Arvu kassetid 4

Kui palju toonerit või kassette on antud printeril. Tindiga trükkimise korral, suurem kassettide arv tähendab paremat trükikvaliteeti ja säästlikumat kassettide vahetamist.

Funktsioon ADF On

Keskmine näitaja selle kohta, mitu mustvalget lehekülge 5% keskmise kaetuse juures see printer suudab trükkida ühe minuti jooksul.

Funktsioon Duplex On

Mõlemapoolse trükkimise võimalus, mida sageli realiseeritakse poolautomaatselt, mis tähendab seda, et printer trükib lehed ühelt poolt, juhul, kui pärast seda kasutajal on vajadus kõik trükkida teiselt poolt, siis peab ta kogu trükitud paki uuesti käsitsi panema etteande-alusele.

Võivad olla ka Duplex printerid, mis ise suudavad lehe ümber pöörata trükkimise protsessis. Enne, kui soetate printeri, palume hoolikalt läbi lugeda üksikasjaliku tootekirjelduse selle kohta, kuidas realiseeritakse Duplex funktsiooni.

Funktsioon Faks On

Võimalus seadet ühendada telefoniliiniga ja telefoniga, et saata ja vastu võtta faksisaadetisi.

Funktsioon Koopiamasin On

Võimalus paigutada trükitud dokumente etteandealusele ja kopeerida.

Funktsioon Skänner On

Võimalus paigutada trükitud dokumente etteandealusele ja saada dokumendi skaneeritud kujul arvutis, failina.

Sadamad ja seadmed
Ühendus LAN On

Väga kasulik funktsioon juhul, kui printerit kasutatakse mitme võrku ühendatud arvutiga. Juhul, kui on olemas LAN liides, on printerit võimalus paigutada suvalisse kohta, kus on olemas võrk ja elektrivõrgu pistikupesa, ja teostada trükkimist suvaliselt arvutilt ilma vajaduseta ühendada printerit selle konktreetse arvutiga ning hoida seda arvutit pidevalt sisselülitatuna.

Ühendus LPT Ei ole

See on juba vananenud standard, ja on vajalik ainult üksikutel juhtudel, kui ettevõte kasutab DOS tarkvara, mis ei oska trükkida teiste liidestega ühendatuna, kui ainult LPT. See ühenduse moodus on väga aeglane, seetõttu suuremal osal printeritest on paralleelselt LPT on olemas ka palju kiire USB või LAN liides.

Ühendus USB2.0 On

Stabiilseim, mugavaim ja kiireim printeri ühendamise moodus, juhul, kui printer asub kõrvuti arvutiga ja seda kasutatakse trükkimiseks ühelt arvutilt. USB liides on olemas praktiliselt kõigil sülearvutitel ja lauaarvutitel.

Traadita ühendused
Ühendus Bluetooth Ei ole

Võimalus ühendada antud printerit arvutiga, kasutades Bluetooth juhtmevaba ühendust. Tavaliselt antud ühendus on olemas keskmise ja kallima klassi sülearvutitele. Lauaarvutites Bluetooth on harva, seetõttu, et kasutada seda funktsiooni, on vajalik väikese lisatasu eest soetada USB Bluetooth saatja.

WiFi ühendus On

Suurepärane moodus, kuidas ühendada printerit juhtmevabasse võrku, juhul, kui kodus või büroos on kasutusel ainult juhtmevaba võrguühendus, või siis printerit hoitakse kohas, kuhu ei ole võimalust vedada LAN kaablit.

Täpsem spetsifikatsioon
Accessories included - - Series maxify MB5150
- Power cord
- Installations and ink tanks
- Configuration CD for Windows (drivers for Mac available on the Internet)
- Manual user instructions
- Cable fax / phone
Bundled software: Printer driver and fax driver, Quick Utility Toolbox, IJ Network Device Setup Utility, Easy-WebPrint EX
Application - Home
Application - Office
Brand - Canon
BrandPartCode - 0960C026
Category - Multifunction Printers
Category - Root/Electronics/PC peripherals/Printers, 3D printers and plotters/Inkjet printer
Color - Black
Color printing - Yes
Connectors - 1 x USB (Typ B)
Connectors - 1 x USB 2.0
Connectors - RJ-12
Connectors - RJ-45
Copier specifications - - Copy Speed (approximate): ADF (color): 11.5 rpm
- ADF (monochrome): 22.0 rpm
- Multiple Copy: Up to 99 sheets
- Reduction / Enlargement: 25-400%, fit to page
- Setting copy quality: Standard, High
- Copy Features: Frame Erase, sorting, 2-Up, 4-Up
Copying - Copier resize - 25 - 400%
Copying - Copying - Colour copying
Copying - Maximum number of copies - 99 copies
Copying - N-in-1 copy function - Yes
Copying - N-in-1 copy function (N=) - 2, 4
Depth - 391 mm
Description - MB5155 series maxify
The unique color multifunction device - printer, scanner, copier and fax-enabled mobile devices and cloud services, high speed printing (24 ipm in mono), and easy network integration.
A small office, a very high efficiency
A fully-functional printer, scanner, copier and fax machine to smaller offices, which counts high-quality monochrome printing, and color, and economical operation. Resistant markers and rubbing pigment inks DRHD provide a strong blacks, vivid colors and sharp text. The device series maxify MB5155 Canon prints in A4 format with a very high rate (24 ipm in mono and 15.5 ipm in color), and the time to first page (FPOT) is only 6 seconds. On the other hand, single pass duplex scanning enables you to work even faster than before.
Very cost-effective printing
Saving is a priority - from low power consumption of only 0.2 kWh (indicator TEC) after replaced individually with color ink tanks. Black cartridges provide the performance at the level of 2,500 pages, and color cartridges - at 1,500 pages (ISO), which reduces downtime office. An optional 4-color multipack enables even more economical printing.
Improved performance and ease of use
Print, copy, scan and fax service are simple steps through the use of the device series maxify MB5150 Canon's large, color touch screen TFT 8.8 cm (3.5 inches) and improved user interface. In addition to the large capacity paper tray (250 sheets) and the automatic document feeder 50-sheet printer offers duplex printing and handling a variety of paper sizes and types - from plain paper A4 through labels, envelopes and photo paper after two-sided copying identity documents - easily perform common printing tasks in the office.
Support mobile devices and cloud services, willingness to work
Support Google Cloud Print Apple AirPrint (iOS), Mopria and Canon PRINT lets you quickly and easily print from and scan to mobile devices. It is possible to print from cloud services, and even scan and save documents in the popular cloud services including Google Drive, Dropbox, Evernote, OneNote, onedrive and Concur. Mode access point that makes mobile devices can connect to the printer without using a Wi-Fi network.
Comprehensive monitoring functions and maintenance
IP address filtering makes only a selected number of users can receive access. In turn, the service e-mail SMTP allows you to safely scan to e-mail. System administrators can quickly and easily configure the printer and block some operations, such as scan to USB.
Easily integrated
SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) allows you to easily integrate the printer into an existing office network. Standard SNMP supports a wide range of maintenance functions and monitoring, including the reading of the ink level, error status, and page counts.
Design - Built-in display - Yes
Design - Colour display - Yes
Design - Control type - Touch
Design - Display diagonal - 7.37 cm (2.9")
Design - Market positioning - Business
Design - Product colour - Black
Design - Touchscreen - Yes
dimension depth - 430 mm
dimension height - 535 mm
dimension weight - 13000 g
dimension width - 460 mm
Duplex printing - Automatic
Duty cycle (monthly) - 1500 sheets/month
ean - 4549292077346
Eans - 4549292077346
Ethernet - 10/100 Mb/s
Extended warranty -
Extension options -
Fax - Faxing - Colour faxing
Fax - Fax memory - 250 pages
Fax - Fax resolution (black) - 300 x 300 DPI
Fax - Fax resolution (colour) - 200 x 200 DPI
Fax - Fax speed dialing (max numbers) - 100
Fax - Fax transmission speed - 3 sec/page
Fax - Modem speed - 33.6 Kbit/s
Fax specifications - - Type Fax Super G3 / Colour
- Resolution fax: Monochrome mode: max. 300 x 300 dpi
- Color mode: 200 x 200 dpi: Fax Speed
- Monochrome mode: about 3 s (33.6 kb / s), color mode: about 1 min (33.6 kb / s)
- Fax memory: Max. 250 pages
- Coded speed dialing: Max. 100 locations
- Select group: Max. 99 locations
Features - Maximum duty cycle - 30000 pages per month
Features - Number of print cartridges - 4
Features - Printing colours - Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow
Features - Recommended duty cycle - 200 - 1500 pages per month
Format - 100 x 150 mm
Format - 130 x 180 mm
Format - 200 x 250 mm
Format - A4
Format - A5
Format - B5
Functions - Copier
Functions - Fax
Functions - Printer
Functions - Scanner
GTIN - 4058154123485
GTIN - 4549292077339
GTIN - 4549292077346
guarantee - 12
guarantee_type - external
Height - 291 mm
Input & output capacity - Auto document feeder (ADF) - Yes
Input & output capacity - Auto document feeder (ADF) input capacity - 50 sheets
Input & output capacity - Maximum input capacity - 250 sheets
Input & output capacity - Paper input type - Cassette
Input & output capacity - Total input capacity - 250 sheets
Input & output capacity - Total number of input trays - 1
Logistics data - Harmonized System (HS) code - 84433100
LongDesc - A heavy-duty multifunction colour inkjet printer, scanner, copier and fax, with support for mobile devices and cloud services, fast 24 ipm mono print speed and easy network integration.Small office, huge productivityA fully featured printer, scanner, copier and fax designed for smaller offices that still need great mono and colour print quality while being economical to run. Marker- and friction-resistant DRHD Pigment inks produce strong blacks, deep colours and crisp text. The Canon MAXIFY MB5150 Series prints A4 at an ultra-fast 24 ipm in mono and 15.5 ipm in colour, plus a first page out time (FPOT) is just 6 seconds, while single pass two-sided scanning means you can scan faster than ever.Superb print economyFrom its low energy consumption of just 0.2kWh (TEC) to the individually replaceable colour cartridges, economy is a priority. Black cartridges provide an ISO yield of 2,500 pages and colour cartridges 1,500 pages, letting your office work with fewer interruptions. The optional 4-colour multipack offers even more cost-effective printing.Increased productivity and ease of usePrinting, copying, scanning or faxing is simple, with the Canon MAXIFY MB5150 Series’ large 8.8 cm (3.5”) TFT colour touchscreen and improved user interface. In addition to its high-capacity 250-sheet feeder and 50-sheet automatic document feeder, the printer’s double-sided printing and support for a variety of paper sizes and types – from A4 plain paper, to labels, envelopes, photo paper and even two-sided ID card copying – make light work of common office print jobs.Mobile-ready, cloud-ready, work-readySupport for Google Cloud Print, Apple AirPrint (iOS), Mopria and the Canon PRINT app provide quick and simple printing and scanning from mobile devices. You can print from the cloud and even scan and save documents to popular cloud services, including Google Drive, Dropbox, Evernote, OneNote, OneDrive and Concur. Access Point mode means mobile device users can connect to the printer without a Wi-Fi network.Comprehensive monitoring and maintenance capabilitiesIP address filtering means only a select number of users can be given access, while SMTP email support allows secure scan-to-email. System administrators can quickly and easily configure the printer and restrict certain operations, such as scan-to-USB.Effortless network integrationSimple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) compatibility makes it easy to integrate the printer into an existing office network. The SNMP standard enables a range of maintenance monitoring functions, including ink levels, error status, and page count.
LongProductName - MAXIFY MB5155, 600x1200 dpi, A4, ADF, 33.6 Kbps, USB 2.0, Ethernet, WLAN, 463 x 394 x 291 mm
LongSummaryDescription - Canon MAXIFY MB5155. Print technology: Inkjet, Printing: Colour printing, Maximum resolution: 600 x 1200 DPI. Copying: Colour copying. Scanning: Colour scanning, Optical scanning resolution: 1200 x 1200 DPI. Faxing: Colour faxing. Maximum ISO A-series paper size: A4. Wi-Fi. Product colour: Black
Max. printing speed (color) - 15.5 p/min
Max. printing speed (mono) - 24 p/min
Media kind - Paper
Media kind - Photo paper
Model - Maxify MB5155
Name - Canon MAXIFY MB5155
name - Maxify MB5155 0960C029AA
Network - Cabling technology - 10/100Base-T(X)
Network - Ethernet LAN - Yes
Network - Ethernet LAN data rates - 10,100 Mbit/s
Network - Mobile printing technologies - Apple AirPrint, Google Cloud Print
Network - Security algorithms - WEP, WPA-PSK, WPA2-PSK
Network - Wi-Fi - Yes
Network - Wi-Fi standards - 802.11b, 802.11g, Wi-Fi 4 (802.11n)
Operational conditions - Operating relative humidity (H-H) - 10 - 80%
Operational conditions - Operating temperature (T-T) - 15 - 30 °C
Original consumables - - Ink Dual Resistant High Density: 4 ink tanks (black, cyan, magenta, yellow)
Tanks XL:
- PGI-2500XL BK
- PGI-2500XL C
- PGI-2500XL M
- PGI-2500XL Y
Other features - Power supply:
- Voltage AC 100-240 V, 50/60 Hz
Power consumption:
- Standby mode (off the scanner lamp) Connection to the PC via USB: approximately 0.9 W
- Off .: approximately 0.2 W
- Copy (PC connection via USB): about 25
Type and dimensions of the display:
- Color touch screen 8.8 cm
Other features - Downloadable software - MAXIFY Printing Solutions, Canon Print Service
Other features - Noise level - 54 dB
Packaging content - Bundled software - Canon Quick Toolbox, Scanning Utility, Easy-WebPrint EX
Paper handling - Custom media length - 127 - 355.6 mm
Paper handling - Custom media width - 89 - 215.9 mm
Paper handling - Envelopes sizes - 10, C5, DL, Monarch
Paper handling - ISO A-series sizes (A0...A9) - A4, A5
Paper handling - ISO B-series sizes (B0...B9) - B5
Paper handling - Maximum ISO A-series paper size - A4
Paper handling - Paper tray media types - Envelopes, Glossy paper, High resolution paper, Matte paper, Plain paper, Semi-glossy paper
Paper handling - Paper tray media weight - 64 - 105 g/m²
Paper handling - Photo paper sizes - 10x15,13x18,20x25
Paper input tray - Automatic Document Feeder: Up to 50 sheets
Paper output tray -
Paper weight (max) - 275 g/m²
Paper weight (min) - 64 g/m²
Performance - Card reader integrated - No
Photo printing - Yes
Ports & interfaces - Standard interfaces - Ethernet, USB 2.0, Wireless LAN
Ports & interfaces - USB 2.0 ports quantity - 1
Ports & interfaces - USB port - Yes
Power - AC input frequency - 50 - 60 Hz
Power - AC input voltage - 100 - 240 V
Power - Energy Star Typical Electricity Consumption (TEC) - 0.2 kWh/week
Power - Power consumption (copying) - 25 W
Power - Power consumption (off) - 0.2 W
Power - Power consumption (standby) - 1.7 W
Printer processor -
Printing - Duplex printing - Yes
Printing - Duplex printing mode - Auto
Printing - Maximum resolution - 600 x 1200 DPI
Printing - Printing - Colour printing
Printing - Print technology - Inkjet
Printing - Time to first page (black, normal) - 6 s
Printing - Time to first page (colour, normal) - 7 s
Printing supplies performance - Zbiorniki XL:
- PGI-2500XL BK 2500 stron
- PGI-2500XL C 1755 stron
- PGI-2500XL M 1295 stron
- PGI-2500XL Y 1520 stron
Uśredniona wydajność zbiorników z kolorowym atramentem (CMY): 1500 stron
Printing type - Inkjet
Print resolution - 1200 x 600 dpi
producer - Canon
Producer - Canon
ProducerCode - 0960C029
ProductName - MB5155
Scanner specifications - - Scanner Type: Flatbed, ADF
- Scanner Technology: Colour scanner CIS 2x
- Scanner Resolution (Optical): Max. 1200 x 1200 dpi resolution
- Duplex scanning: Available (Single-pass)
- Scan Speed (ADF) in approximately: 23 rpm Double-sided color: Double-sided 23 rpm, black-and-white
- Maximum document size: Scanner glass: A4, LTR (216 x 297 mm) ADF: A4, LTR, LGL
- Depth of color scanning (input / output): 48 bits / 24 bits, 16 bits / 8 bits
- Functions: Scan to e-mail, scan to network folder, scan-to-cloud, scan to USB memory
Scanning - Duplex scanning - Yes
Scanning - Input colour depth - 48 bit
Scanning - Maximum scan area - 216 x 297 mm
Scanning - Optical scanning resolution - 1200 x 1200 DPI
Scanning - Output colour depth - 24 bit
Scanning - Scanner type - Flatbed & ADF scanner
Scanning - Scanning - Colour scanning
Scanning - Scan technology - CIS
Scanning - Scan to - Cloud, E-mail, HTTP, USB
ShortDescription - atrament | kolor | A4 | druk | kopia | skan | dupleks | USB | WiFi
ShortSummaryDescription - Canon MAXIFY MB5155, Inkjet, Colour printing, 600 x 1200 DPI, Colour copying, A4, Black
Supported operating systems - Android
Supported operating systems - iOS
Supported operating systems - Mac OS
Supported operating systems - Windows 7
Supported operating systems - Windows 8
Supported operating systems - Windows 8.1
Supported operating systems - Windows 10
Supported operating systems - Windows Phone
Supported operating systems - Windows Server 2008
Supported operating systems - Windows Server 2012
Supported operating systems - Windows Vista
System Requirements - Minimum system requirements:
- Windows: Internet Explorer 8, Internet connection or CD-ROM
- Mac: Safari 5 and internet connection
- Display: 1024 × 768 or higher
System requirements - Mac operating systems supported - Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite, Mac OS X 10.11 El Capitan, Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard, Mac OS X 10.7 Lion, Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion, Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks
System requirements - Mobile operating systems supported - Android, Windows RT, iOS
System requirements - Server operating systems supported - Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 10 Education, Windows 10 Education x64, Windows 10 Enterprise, Windows 10 Enterprise x64, Windows 10 Home, Windows 10 Home x64, Windows 10 Pro, Windows 10 Pro x64, Windows 7 Enterprise, Windows 7 Enterprise x64, Windows 7 Home Basic, Windows 7 Home Basic x64, Windows 7 Home Premium, Windows 7 Home Premium x64, Windows 7 Professional, Windows 7 Professional x64, Windows 7 Starter, Windows 7 Starter x64, Windows 7 Ultimate, Windows 7 Ultimate x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 Enterprise, Windows 8 Enterprise x64, Windows 8 Pro, Windows 8 Pro x64, Windows 8 x64, Windows 8.1, Windows 8.1 Enterprise, Windows 8.1 Enterprise x64, Windows 8.1 Pro, Windows 8.1 Pro x64, Windows 8.1 x64, Windows Vista Business, Windows Vista Business x64, Windows Vista Enterprise, Windows Vista Enterprise x64, Windows Vista Home Basic, Windows Vista Home Basic x64, Windows Vista Home Premium, Windows Vista Home Premium x64, Windows Vista Ultimate, Windows Vista Ultimate x64, Windows XP Home, Windows XP Home x64, Windows XP Professional, Windows XP Professional x64
Title - Canon MAXIFY MB5155 Inkjet A4 600 x 1200 DPI Wi-Fi
vendpn - 0960C029AA
Warranty -
WarrantyInfo -
Weight - 11.4 kg
Weight & dimensions - Depth - 394 mm
Weight & dimensions - Height - 291 mm
Weight & dimensions - Weight - 11.4 kg
Weight & dimensions - Width - 463 mm
Width - 463 mm
Wireless communication - WiFi
230.69 €
Canon MAXIFY MB5155
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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