Pilt võib erineda tegelikust tootest, võib esineda tarvikuid ja osi, mis ei ole tegeliku tootega kaasas.
ID: 675069 Tootekood: 3QA55A#B19
Saab tellida 33 üksused Kättesaadavus: 14 päeva pärast tellimuse kinnitamist
Garantii: 2 aastat (Garantii ettevõtjatele 1 aasta)
761.75 €
  • Kulleri kohaletoimetamine 3,99 €: 01.04.2025
Peamised tooteparameetrid Kõik parameetrid
  • Max. printimise mõõt: A4
  • Printimise resolutsioon: 600 x 600 dpi
  • Printimiskiirus (mono): 27 lk/min
  • Printimisviis: Värvi laser
  • Arvu kassetid: 4
Max. printimise mõõt A4

Kui suuri paberilehti võib paigutada trükkimiseks lehe etteandealusele ja trükkida antud printeriga. Juhul, kui printeril see näitaja on näit. A4, siis see printer kindlasti suudab trükkida ka väiksema formaadiga paberit, näit A5. See võimalus kehtib küll teatud piirini, mille võimaluste väljaselgitamiseks palume lugeda üksikasjalikku tootekirjeldust, trükitavate formaatide ja paberiliikide toe kohta.

Printimise resolutsioon 600 x 600 dpi

Printeri eristusvõime määrab ära selle, mitu punkti (pikselit) horisontaal- ja vertikaalsuunas suudab välja trükkida printeri trükipea. Kasutades erinevaid abimeetodeid, suudab printer välja trükkida kõrge eristusvõimega tulemuse. See parameeter näitab ära printeri loomuliku eristusvõime, ilma kompressiooni kasutamiseta. Suurem eristusvõime tähendab kõrgemat kujutise kvaliteeti ja paremat detailide kujutamist.

Printimiskiirus (mono) 27 lk/min

Keskmine näitaja selle kohta, mitu mustvalget lehekülge 5% keskmise kaetuse juures see printer suudab trükkida ühe minuti jooksul.

Printimisviis Värvi laser

Trükkimise moodus on peamine printeri valikukriteerium, kuna määrab ära printeri kasutatavuse.

Tindi- - antud tehnoloogia sobib neile, kes soovivad trükkida värvifotosid kõrge kvaliteediga. Kulud ühele trükisele on küllalt suured, kuna tindikassett kuivab, kaua kasutamata seistes.

Mustvalge laseri - säästlikkuse mõttes kasulikuim trükimoodus, mis annab hea kvaliteediga mustvalgete dokumentide väljatrükid madalaima trükise omahinnaga. Parim ost kodu ja büroo vajadusteks. Kallimate mudelite printeritel on oluliselt mahukamad toonerikassetid, mis pikaajaliselt, juhul, kui trükkida üle kümne lehe päevas, kindlasti tasuvad end ära.

Värviline laser - antud tehnoloogia võimaldab trükkida mustvalge laseri trükiseid selle sama lehe omahinnnaga, kui mustvalged laserprinterid, ning samuti ka teostada värvilist trükkimist suhteliselt madalate trükikuludega iga lehe kohta.

Värvuste trükikvaliteet on sel tehnoloogial palju madalam, kui tinditrükil, seetõttu tasub sellist seadet soetada ainult sel juhul, kui iga päev on vajalik trükkida kümneid värvilisi graafikuid, makette, tootenäidiste fotosid ja värvilisi logosid. Fotode trükkimiseks antud tehnoloogia praeguse seisuga pole sobiv.

Kui suuri paberilehti võib paigutada trükkimiseks lehe etteandealusele ja trükkida antud printeriga. Juhul, kui printeril see näitaja on näit. A4, siis see printer kindlasti suudab trükkida ka väiksema formaadiga paberit, näit A5. See võimalus kehtib küll teatud piirini, mille võimaluste väljaselgitamiseks palume lugeda üksikasjalikku tootekirjeldust, trükitavate formaatide ja paberiliikide toe kohta.

Arvu kassetid 4

Kui palju toonerit või kassette on antud printeril. Tindiga trükkimise korral, suurem kassettide arv tähendab paremat trükikvaliteeti ja säästlikumat kassettide vahetamist.

Funktsioon ADF On

Keskmine näitaja selle kohta, mitu mustvalget lehekülge 5% keskmise kaetuse juures see printer suudab trükkida ühe minuti jooksul.

Funktsioon Duplex On

Mõlemapoolse trükkimise võimalus, mida sageli realiseeritakse poolautomaatselt, mis tähendab seda, et printer trükib lehed ühelt poolt, juhul, kui pärast seda kasutajal on vajadus kõik trükkida teiselt poolt, siis peab ta kogu trükitud paki uuesti käsitsi panema etteande-alusele.

Võivad olla ka Duplex printerid, mis ise suudavad lehe ümber pöörata trükkimise protsessis. Enne, kui soetate printeri, palume hoolikalt läbi lugeda üksikasjaliku tootekirjelduse selle kohta, kuidas realiseeritakse Duplex funktsiooni.

Funktsioon Faks On

Võimalus seadet ühendada telefoniliiniga ja telefoniga, et saata ja vastu võtta faksisaadetisi.

Funktsioon Koopiamasin On

Võimalus paigutada trükitud dokumente etteandealusele ja kopeerida.

Funktsioon Skänner On

Võimalus paigutada trükitud dokumente etteandealusele ja saada dokumendi skaneeritud kujul arvutis, failina.

Sadamad ja seadmed
Ühendus LAN On

Väga kasulik funktsioon juhul, kui printerit kasutatakse mitme võrku ühendatud arvutiga. Juhul, kui on olemas LAN liides, on printerit võimalus paigutada suvalisse kohta, kus on olemas võrk ja elektrivõrgu pistikupesa, ja teostada trükkimist suvaliselt arvutilt ilma vajaduseta ühendada printerit selle konktreetse arvutiga ning hoida seda arvutit pidevalt sisselülitatuna.

Ühendus LPT Ei ole

See on juba vananenud standard, ja on vajalik ainult üksikutel juhtudel, kui ettevõte kasutab DOS tarkvara, mis ei oska trükkida teiste liidestega ühendatuna, kui ainult LPT. See ühenduse moodus on väga aeglane, seetõttu suuremal osal printeritest on paralleelselt LPT on olemas ka palju kiire USB või LAN liides.

Ühendus USB2.0 On

Stabiilseim, mugavaim ja kiireim printeri ühendamise moodus, juhul, kui printer asub kõrvuti arvutiga ja seda kasutatakse trükkimiseks ühelt arvutilt. USB liides on olemas praktiliselt kõigil sülearvutitel ja lauaarvutitel.

Traadita ühendused
Ühendus Bluetooth Ei ole

Võimalus ühendada antud printerit arvutiga, kasutades Bluetooth juhtmevaba ühendust. Tavaliselt antud ühendus on olemas keskmise ja kallima klassi sülearvutitele. Lauaarvutites Bluetooth on harva, seetõttu, et kasutada seda funktsiooni, on vajalik väikese lisatasu eest soetada USB Bluetooth saatja.

WiFi ühendus Ei ole

Suurepärane moodus, kuidas ühendada printerit juhtmevabasse võrku, juhul, kui kodus või büroos on kasutusel ainult juhtmevaba võrguühendus, või siis printerit hoitakse kohas, kuhu ei ole võimalust vedada LAN kaablit.

Täpsem spetsifikatsioon
Accessories included - HP Color LaserJet Enterprise MFP M480f printer Original HP LaserJet black toner cartridge (approx. 2,400 pages) Original HP LaserJet blue, purple and yellow toner cartridges (approx. 2,100 pages each) Introductory guide 1 Power cable
ADF - -
ADFCapacity - -
Application - Office
Brand - HP
Brand-specific features - HP Auto-On/Auto-Off - Yes
Brand-specific features - HP GTIN (EAN/UPC) - 193905216802, 193905216819, 193905216826, 193905216833, 193905216840, 193905216857
Brand-specific features - HP GTIN (EAN/UPC) with options - (ABT) 193905216802; (ABY) 193905216819; (ACQ) 193905216826; (B13) 193905216833; (B19) 193905216840; (BAZ) 193905216857
BrandPartCode - 3QA55A#B19
CardReader - -
Category - Multifunction Printers
Category 1 - Drucker & Scanner
Category 2 - Multifunktionsdrucker
Category_1 - Printing
Category_2 - Laser Printers - Multifunctional
category_en - Computers & Components > Printers and accessories > Laser printers
category_lv - Datortehnika > Printeri un piederumi > Lāzerprinteri
category_ru - Datortehnika > Printeri un piederumi > Lāzerprinteri
Certificates - Certification - CISPR 22:2008 (International) Class A, CISPR 32:2012 (International)/ EN 55032:2012, CISPR 35:2016 (International)/ EN 55035:2017, EN 55024:2010 +A1:2015, EN 61000-3-2:2014, EN 61000-3-3:2013, FCC CFR 47 Part 15 Class A, ICES-003, Issue 6 Class A. Other EMC approvals as required by individual countries.
Color - White
ColorMono - Color
Color printing - Yes
ColourFaxing - -
Connectors - 1 x USB (Typ B)
ControlPanel - 4.3-inch (10.9 cm) color touchscreen
Copier specifications -
Copying - Auto fit function - Yes
Copying - Book copy function - Yes
Copying - Copier resize - 25 - 400%
Copying - Copying - Colour copying
Copying - Copy speed (black, normal quality, A4) - 27 cpm
Copying - Copy speed (colour, normal quality, A4) - 27 cpm
Copying - Duplex copying - Yes
Copying - Duplex copying mode - Auto
Copying - ID-card copy function - Yes
Copying - Maximum copy resolution - 600 x 600 DPI
Copying - Maximum number of copies - 9999 copies
Copying - N-in-1 copy function - Yes
Copying - Time to first copy (black, normal) - 9.6 s
Copying - Time to first copy (colour, normal) - 11.3 s
CopySpeed - Yes
Depth - 398.78 mm
Depth - 472 mm
Description - HP's entry-level enterprise colour MFP with speeds up to 28ppm and the strongest security features. HP Office laser multifunction printers are designed for small and medium-sized businesses and small work teams in larger companies, providing increased productivity, simplified workflows and lower costs. This printer is designed to work only with cartridges that have a new or reused HP chip and uses dynamic security measures to lock out non-HP chip cartridges. Periodic firmware updates will maintain the effectiveness of these measures and block cartridges that previously worked. The reused HP chip enables the use of reused, remanufactured and refilled cartridges. Easy to use, easy to manage HP FutureSmart firmware can be updated with the latest features to optimise your investment for years to come. Centralise control of your print environment with HP Web Jetadmin and help increase business efficiency. Easily enable workflows across your fleet with a consistent user interface and intuitive tablet-like icons. Set up this MFP quickly and easily manage device settings to increase productivity. The world's most secure printing The operating code (BIOS) is automatically checked at start-up and repairs itself if it is tampered with. Common Criteria certified to continuously monitor memory activity to detect and stop attacks in real time. Firmware is automatically checked at startup to determine if it is authentic code digitally signed by HP. Outbound printer network connections are checked to stop suspicious requests and thwart malware. Increase productivity to empower workgroups Give workgroups what they need to succeed with hundreds of HP and third-party solutions and card reader support. Optimise workflows, reduce steps and errors, and support mobile workers with optional MFP apps that meet your specific business needs. Help ensure the security of confidential information with PIN/Pull code printing for print jobs. Stay connected with an optional wireless, Bluetooth Low Energy and NFC Touch-to-Print accessory.   Sustainability is smart business Help save paper right out of the box. Duplex printing is set by default to automatically save. Help reduce paper and toner waste by printing only the jobs you really need with the HP Roam for Business solution. Save energy without sacrificing performance this MFP is ENERGY STAR and Blue Angel certified. Remove barriers and help meet compliance and accessibility standards with the HP Accessibility Kit (includes Braille and tactile overlay, HP Access handle and BigKeys LX keyboard) and HP Accessibility Assistant compatibility.
description_en - Printing technology: Laser, Printing: Color printing, Maximum resolution: 600 x 600 DPI, Frustration rate (colored, normal quality, A4/US Letter): 27 ppm. Copying: Color copying, Maximum copy resolution: 600 x 600 DPI. Scanning: Colored scanning, Optical scanning resolution: 600 x 600 DPI. Faxing: Sending colored fax. Duplexing functions: Print, Copy, Scan. Maximum ISO A-series paper size: A4. Direct printing. Product color: White, Black
description_lv - Drukāšanas tehnoloģija: Lāzers, Printēšana: Krāsainā drukāšana, Maksimālā izšķirtspēja: 600 x 600 DPI, Drukšanas ātrums (krāsains, normāla kvalitāte, A4/US Letter): 27 ppm. Kopēšana: Krāsainā kopēšana, Maksimālā kopijas izšķirtspēja: 600 x 600 DPI. Skenēšana: Krāsainā skenēšana, Optiskās skenēšanas izšķirtspēja: 600 x 600 DPI. Faksēšana: Krāsainā faksa sūtīšana. Abpusējās drukāšanas funkcijas: Drukāt, Kopija, Skenēt. Maksimālais ISO A-sērijas papīra izmērs: A4. Tiešā drukāšana. Produkta krāsa: Balts, Melns
description_ru - Технология печати: Лазерная, Печать: Цветная печать, Максимальное разрешение: 600 x 600 DPI, Уровень разочарования (цветной, нормального качества, A4/US Letter): 27 ppm. Копирование: Цветное копирование, Максимальное разрешение копирования: 600 x 600 DPI. Сканирование: Цветное сканирование, Оптическое разрешение сканирования: 600 x 600 DPI. Факс: Отправка цветного факса. Функции двусторонней печати: печать, копирование, сканирование. Максимальный размер бумаги серии A в формате ISO: A4. Прямая печать. Цвет товара: Белый, Черный
Design - Built-in display - Yes
Design - Colour display - Yes
Design - Control type - Touch
Design - Display - LCD
Design - Display diagonal - 10.9 cm (4.3")
Design - Market positioning - Business
Design - Product colour - White, Black
Designation - CE+WEEE
DigitalSending -
  • Scan to Email
  • Save-to-Network Folder
  • Save-to-USB Drive
  • Send to FTP
  • Send to Internet Fax
  • Local Address Book
  • SMTP over SSL
  • Blank Page Removal
  • Edge Erase
  • Auto Colour Sense
  • Auto Crop to Content
  • Compact PDF

  • dimension depth - 495 mm
    dimension height - 590 mm
    dimension weight - 27500 g
    dimension width - 495 mm
    Duplex printing - Automatic
    DuplexPrinting - Yes
    DutyCycle - 55000 pages
    Duty cycle (monthly) - 55000 sheets/month
    ean - 193905216840
    EAN - 0193905216840
    EANCode - 0193905216840
    EAN_code - 0193905216840
    Extended warranty -
    Extension options -
    Fax - Auto-redialing - Yes
    Fax - Auto reduction - Yes
    Fax - Fax delayed sending - No
    Fax - Fax forwarding - Yes
    Fax - Faxing - Colour faxing
    Fax - Fax memory - 1000 pages
    Fax - Fax resolution (black) - 300 x 300 DPI
    Fax - Fax resolution (colour) - 300 x 300 DPI
    Fax - Fax transmission speed - 3 sec/page
    Fax - Modem speed - 33.6 Kbit/s
    Fax - Speed dialling - Yes
    Faxing - Yes
    FaxQuality - 300 x 300 dpi
    Fax specifications -
    FaxSpeed - 33.6 kbps
    Features - All-In-One-multitasking - Yes
    Features - Country of origin - Mexico, China
    Features - Digital sender - Yes
    Features - Duplex functions - Print, Copy, Scan
    Features - HP segment - Business
    Features - Maximum duty cycle - 55000 pages per month
    Features - Number of print cartridges - 4
    Features - Page description languages - PCL 5, PCL 6, PDF 1.7, PostScript 3
    Features - Printer fonts - PostScript, Scalable, TrueType, Windows
    Features - Printing colours - Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow
    Features - Recommended duty cycle - 900 - 4800 pages per month
    Features - Replacement cartridges - HP 415A Black Original LaserJet Toner Cartridge (2,400 pages) W2030A, HP 415A Cyan Original LaserJet Toner Cartridge (2,100 pages) W2031A, HP 415A Yellow Original LaserJet Toner Cartridge (2,100 pages) W2032A, HP 415A Magenta Original LaserJet Toner Cartridge (2,100 pages) W2033A, HP 415X High Yield Black Original LaserJet Toner Cartridge (7,500 pages) W2030X, HP 415X High Yield Cyan Original LaserJet Toner Cartridge (6,000 pages) W2031X, HP 415X High Yield Yellow Original LaserJet Toner Cartridge (6,000 pages) W2032X, HP 415X High Yield Magenta Original LaserJet Toner Cartridge (6,000 pages) W2033X
    FirstPageOut -
  • Ready (letter/A4): As fast as 9.3/9.5 s (black) and 10.9/11.0 s (color)
  • Sleep (letter/A4): As fast as 10.9/11.0 s (black) and 12.0/12.1 s (color)

  • Format - 16K
    Format - 98 x 148 mm
    Format - 100 x 150 mm
    Format - 216 x 356 mm
    Format - A4
    Format - A5
    Format - A6
    Format - B5
    Format - C5 162 x 229 mm
    Format - C6 114 x 162 mm
    Format - RA4
    Functions - Copier
    Functions - Fax
    Functions - Printer
    Functions - Scanner
    Gewicht - 27.36
    GrossWeight - -
    Gross Weight Kg - 25,7
    gross_weight - 26 kg
    GRUPPE1 - Printer/Copier/Fax
    GRUPPE2 - Laser Monochrome
    GTIN - 0193905216840
    GTIN - 193905216840
    guarantee - 0
    guarantee_type - external
    HDD - 16 GB
    Height - 399.8 mm
    Height - 472.44 mm
    Hoehe - 0.47
    HSTNUMMER - 3QA55A#B19
    Input & output capacity - Auto document feeder (ADF) - Yes
    Input & output capacity - Auto document feeder (ADF) input capacity - 50 sheets
    Input & output capacity - Maximum input capacity - 850 sheets
    Input & output capacity - Maximum number of input trays - 3
    Input & output capacity - Maximum output capacity - 150 sheets
    Input & output capacity - Multi-Purpose tray - Yes
    Input & output capacity - Multi-Purpose tray input capacity - 50 sheets
    Input & output capacity - Paper tray 1 input capacity - 50 sheets
    Input & output capacity - Paper tray 2 input capacity - 250 sheets
    Input & output capacity - Total input capacity - 300 sheets
    Input & output capacity - Total number of input trays - 2
    Input & output capacity - Total output capacity - 150 sheets
    Installed memory - 2 GB
    InterfaceandConectivity -
  • 2x Hi-Speed USB 2.0 Host
  • Hi-Speed USB 2.0 Device
  • Gigabit Ethernet 10/100/1000T network
  • Fax

  • LanguagesFonts -
  • HP PCL 6
  • HP PCL 5
  • HP PostScript level 3 emulation
  • Native PDF printing (v 1.7)
  • Apple AirPrint

  • Logistics data - Harmonized System (HS) code - 84433100
    Logistics data - Layers per pallet - 4 pc(s)
    Logistics data - Pallet gross weight - 527.89 g
    Logistics data - Products per pallet - 16 pc(s)
    LongDesc -
    LongDesc - HP’s entry-level Enterprise-class Color MFP with speeds up to 28 ppm[9] and strongest security.[1]Dynamic security enabled printer Certain HP printers are intended to work only with cartridges that have a new or reused HP chip or electronic circuitry. These printers use dynamic security measures to block cartridges using a non-HP chip or electronic circuitry. Periodic firmware updates will maintain the effectiveness of these measures and block cartridges that previously worked. Reused HP chips and electronic circuitry enable the use of reused, remanufactured, and refilled cartridges.
    LongProductName - Color LaserJet Enterprise MFP M480f
    LongSummaryDescription - HP Color LaserJet Enterprise MFP M480f, Color, Printer for Business, Print, copy, scan, fax, Compact Size; Strong Security; Two-sided printing; 50-sheet ADF; Energy Efficient. Print technology: Laser, Printing: Colour printing, Maximum resolution: 600 x 600 DPI, Print speed (colour, normal quality, A4/US Letter): 27 ppm. Copying: Colour copying, Maximum copy resolution: 600 x 600 DPI. Scanning: Colour scanning, Optical scanning resolution: 600 x 600 DPI. Faxing: Colour faxing. Duplex functions: Print, Copy, Scan. Maximum ISO A-series paper size: A4. Direct printing. Product colour: White, Black
    Manufacturer - HP
    Manufacturer Code - 3QA55A#B19
    Manufacturer Name - Hewlett Packard
    Manufacturer_code - 3QA55A#B19
    MANUFDATASHEET - https://www8.hp.com/h20195/v2/GetPDF.aspx/4AA7-8629ENUC.pdf
    Max. printing speed (color) - 29 p/min
    Max. printing speed (mono) - 29 p/min
    MaxPrintArea - -
    Media kind - Bond paper
    Media kind - Colored paper
    Media kind - Envelopes
    Media kind - Glossy paper
    Media kind - Labels
    Media kind - Paper
    Media kind - Paper booklet
    Media kind - Photo paper
    Media kind - Preprinted paper
    Media kind - Punched paper
    Media kind - Rough paper
    MediaSizes -
  • Tray 1: 76 x 127 to 216 x 356 mm
  • Tray 2 & 3: 98 x 148 to 216 x 356 mm

  • MediaTypes -
  • Paper (plain, EcoFFICIENT, light, heavy, bond, coloured, letterhead, preprinted, prepunched, recycled, rough)
  • Envelopes
  • Labels

  • MediaWeightMax - 200 g/m²
    MediaWeights -
  • Tray 1: 60 to 176 g/m²
  • Tray 2 & 3: 60 to 163 g/m²

  • Memory - 2 GB
    MemoryMax - -
    Model - Color LaserJet Enterprise MFP M480f
    Model - Hp
    MPN - 3QA55A#B19
    MultipleCopies - -
    name - Color LaserJet Enterprise MFP M480f 3QA55A
    Name - FL HP Color LaserJet Enterprise MFP M480f 4in1/A4/LAN/ADF
    Name - HP Color LaserJet Enterprise M480f MFP, multifunction printer (grey/black, USB, LAN, scan, copy, fax)
    Network - Cabling technology - 10/100/1000Base-T(X)
    Network - Ethernet LAN - Yes
    Network - Ethernet LAN data rates - 10,100,1000 Mbit/s
    Network - Mobile printing technologies - Apple AirPrint, HP ePrint, Mopria Print Service
    Network - Security algorithms - SNMPv3, EAP-TLS, HTTPS, EAP-PEAP, IPSec, FIPS 140, SSL/TLS
    OperatingSystems - https://www8.hp.com/h20195/v2/GetPDF.aspx/4AA7-8629ENUC.pdf
    Operational conditions - Operating relative humidity (H-H) - 10 - 90%
    Operational conditions - Operating temperature (T-T) - 15 - 32.5 °C
    Operational conditions - Recommended humidity operating range - 30 - 70%
    Original consumables - Original HP 414A LaserJet black toner cartridge Original HP 414A LaserJet blue toner cartridge Original HP 414A LaserJet yellow toner cartridge Original cartridge with purple toner HP 414A LaserJet HP 414X original high yield LaserJet black toner cartridge HP 414X genuine LaserJet high yield blue toner cartridge HP 414X original high yield LaserJet yellow toner cartridge HP 414X high yield purple LaserJet toner cartridge
    Other features -
    Other features - Acoustic power emissions (ready) - 36 dB
    Other features - Acoustic pressure emissions bystander (ready) - 20 dB
    Other features - Number of users - 10 user(s)
    Other features - Pallet dimensions (W x D x H) - 1200 x 1000 x 2451 mm
    Other features - Pallet dimensions (W x D x H) (imperial) - 1199.9 x 1000 x 2450.8 mm (47.2 x 39.4 x 96.5")
    Other features - Pallet weight (imperial) - 527.9 kg (1163.8 lbs)
    Other features - Recommended system requirements - 2 GB available hard disk space Internet connection or USB port Internet browser.
    PackageContents -
  • HP Color LaserJet Enterprise MFP M480f printer
  • Original HP Black LaserJet Toner Cartridge (~2,400 pages)
  • Original HP Cyan, Magenta, Yellow LaserJet Toner Cartridges (~2,100 pages each)
  • Fixed-size paper tray guides
  • Getting started guide
  • Power cord

  • Packaging content - Cables included - AC
    Packaging content - Cartridge(s) included - Yes
    Packaging content - Included cartridge capacity (black) - 2400 pages
    Packaging content - Included cartridge capacity (CMY) - 2100 pages
    Packaging data - Package depth - 497 mm
    Packaging data - Package height - 490 mm
    Packaging data - Package weight - 26.3 kg
    Packaging data - Package width - 597 mm
    PaperHandling - 50+250
    Paper handling - Custom media length - 127 - 356 mm
    Paper handling - Custom media width - 76 - 216 mm
    Paper handling - Envelopes sizes - B5, C5, C6, DL
    Paper handling - ISO A-series sizes (A0...A9) - A4, A5, A6
    Paper handling - ISO B-series sizes (B0...B9) - B5
    Paper handling - ISO C-series sizes (C0...C9) - C5, C6
    Paper handling - JIS B-series sizes (B0...B9) - B5, B6
    Paper handling - Maximum ISO A-series paper size - A4
    Paper handling - Maximum print size - 212 x 352 mm
    Paper handling - Non-ISO print media sizes - 16K
    Paper handling - Paper tray media types - Envelopes, Rough paper, Bond paper, Photo paper, Plain paper, Postcard, Letterhead, Labels, Recycled paper, Glossy paper
    Paper handling - Paper tray media weight - 60 - 200 g/m²
    Paper handling - Photo paper sizes - 10x15 cm
    PaperHandlingOutput - 150
    PaperHandlingTotal - 850
    Paper input tray - 50-sheet multipurpose tray, 250-sheet feeder
    Paper output tray - 150 sheets
    Paper weight (max) - 200 g/m²
    Paper weight (min) - 150 g/m²
    PapperTraysMax - 3
    PapperTraysStandard - 2
    Performance - Built-in processor - Yes
    Performance - Card reader integrated - No
    Performance - Internal memory - 2048 MB
    Performance - Internal storage capacity - 16 GB
    Performance - Maximum internal memory - 2048 MB
    Performance - Processor frequency - 800 MHz
    Performance - Sound power level (printing) - 6.1 dB
    Performance - Sound power level (standby) - 20 dB
    Performance - Sound pressure level (printing) - 49 dB
    Performance - Sound pressure level (scanning) - 46 dB
    Photo printing - Yes
    PictBridge - No
    Ports & interfaces - Direct printing - Yes
    Ports & interfaces - USB 2.0 ports quantity - 3
    Ports & interfaces - USB port - Yes
    Power - AC input frequency - 50/60 Hz
    Power - AC input voltage - 100 - 240 V
    Power - Energy Star Typical Electricity Consumption (TEC) - 0.378 kWh/week
    Power - Power consumption (average operating) - 581 W
    Power - Power consumption (off) - 0.08 W
    Power - Power consumption (PowerSave) - 0.08 W
    Power - Power consumption (printing) - 581 W
    Power - Power consumption (ready) - 21.9 W
    Power - Power consumption (sleep) - 1 W
    Printer language - Apple AirPrint
    Printer language - HP PCL 5
    Printer language - HP PCL 6
    Printer language - PDF
    Printer processor -
    PrintFeatures - -
    PrintFormat - A4
    Printing - Duplex printing - Yes
    Printing - Duplex printing mode - Auto
    Printing - Maximum resolution - 600 x 600 DPI
    Printing - N-in-1 print function - Yes
    Printing - Printing - Colour printing
    Printing - Print resolution black - 600 x 600 DPI
    Printing - Print resolution colour - 600 x 600 DPI
    Printing - Print speed (black, normal quality, A4/US Letter) - 27 ppm
    Printing - Print speed (colour, normal quality, A4/US Letter) - 27 ppm
    Printing - Print technology - Laser
    Printing - Secure printing - Yes
    Printing - Time to first page (black, normal) - 9.5 s
    Printing - Time to first page (colour, normal) - 11 s
    Printing - Warm-up time - 170 s
    Printing - Watermark printing - Yes
    Printing supplies performance - Czarny tusz 414A - 2400 stron Kolorowe tusze 414A - 2100 stron Czarny tusz 414X - 7500 stron Kolorowe tusze 414X - 6000 stron
    Printing type - Laser
    PrintQuality - 600 x 600 dpi
    Print resolution - 600 x 600 dpi
    PrintSpeed - 29 ppm
    PrintSpeedFeatures -
  • Simplex (letter/A4): Up to 29/27 ppm, black and color
  • Duplex (letter/A4): Up to 25/24 ipm, black and color

  • PrintSpeedMono - 29 ppm
    PrintTechnology - Laser
    Processor - 800 MHz
    ProdDesc - HP Color LaserJet Enterprise MFP M480f AIO All-in-One Printer - A4 Color Laser, Print/Copy/Dual-Side Scan/Fax, Automatic Document Feeder, Auto-Duplex, LAN, 27ppm, 4800 pages per month (replaces M577f)
    Producer - HP
    producer - HP Inc.
    ProductName - HP Color LaserJet Enterprise MFP M480f, Color, Printer for Business, Print, copy, scan, fax, Compact Size; Strong Security; Two-sided printing; 50-sheet ADF; Energy Efficient
    ProductPicture - http://www.tdbaltic.ee/images/ds4/3QA55A-B19-01.jpg
    ProductPicture2 - http://www.tdbaltic.ee/images/ds4/3QA55A-B19-02.jpg
    ProductPicture3 - http://www.tdbaltic.ee/images/ds4/3QA55A-B19-03.jpg
    ProductPicture4 -
    Scanner specifications -
    Scanning - Yes
    Scanning - Duplex scanning - Yes
    Scanning - Duplex scanning mode - Auto
    Scanning - Duplex scan speed (black) - 35 ppm
    Scanning - Duplex scan speed (colour) - 46 ppm
    Scanning - Greyscale levels - 256
    Scanning - Input colour depth - 24 bit
    Scanning - Maximum scan area - 216 x 297 mm
    Scanning - Maximum scan resolution - 600 x 600 DPI
    Scanning - Optical scanning resolution - 600 x 600 DPI
    Scanning - Optical scanning resolution (black) - 600 x 600 ppi
    Scanning - Optical scanning resolution (colour) - 600 x 600 ppi
    Scanning - Scan drivers - TWAIN
    Scanning - Scanner type - Flatbed & ADF scanner
    Scanning - Scanning - Colour scanning
    Scanning - Scan speed (black) - 29 ppm
    Scanning - Scan speed (colour) - 20 ppm
    Scanning - Scan technology - CIS
    Scanning - Scan to - E-mail, FTP, Fax, File, Image, PC, SMB, USB
    ScanQuality - 600 x 600 dpi
    ScanQualityEH - -
    ScanSize - 216 x 297 mm
    ScanType - Flatbed
    Security - https://www8.hp.com/h20195/v2/GetPDF.aspx/4AA7-8629ENUC.pdf
    Short description - HP Color LaserJet Enterprise MFP M480 f (4in1) 4in1; Farbe; Laser; bis zu 27 Seiten/Min.
    ShortSummaryDescription - HP Color LaserJet Enterprise MFP M480f, Color, Printer for Business, Print, copy, scan, fax, Compact Size; Strong Security; Two-sided printing; 50-sheet ADF; Energy Efficient, Laser, Colour printing, 600 x 600 DPI, A4, Direct printing, White, Black
    SoftwareIncluded - -
    Stck_Kart - 1
    Stck_Pal - 16
    Storno - Y
    Supported operating systems - Android
    Supported operating systems - iOS
    Supported operating systems - Mac OS
    Supported operating systems - Windows 7
    Supported operating systems - Windows 8
    Supported operating systems - Windows 8.1
    Supported operating systems - Windows 10
    Supported operating systems - Windows 11
    Sustainability - Doesn't contain - Mercury
    Sustainability - Sustainability certificates - EPEAT Silver, ENERGY STAR, Blue Angel
    Sustainability - Sustainability compliance - Yes
    Sustainability - Sustainable technologies and materials - Mercury-free
    System Requirements - 2GB free hard drive space Internet connection or USB port Web browser. Additional operating system hardware requirements can be found at apple.com 2 GB free hard drive space Internet connection or USB port Internet browser. Additional operating system hardware requirements can be found at microsoft.com
    SystemRequirements -
  • 2 GB available hard disk space
  • Internet connection or USB port
  • Internet browser

  • System requirements - Mac operating systems supported - Mac OS X 10.14 Mojave, Mac OS X 10.15 Catalina, Mac OS X 10.13 High Sierra, Mac OS X 10.12 Sierra
    System requirements - Other operating systems supported - Android, iOS
    System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 11
    Technical details - Master (outer) cases per pallet layer - 4 pc(s)
    Technical_details - Color LaserJet Enterprise M480f MFP, multifunction printer Reliable color laser printing with multifunction plus: The Color LaserJet Enterprise M480f MFP is a versatile printing station for small workgroups or the home office. It is equipped with a LAN interface and can therefore be easily used in a team. Its printing unit achieves a speed of up to 27 pages (ISO), with the first page (color printing) being printed out after just 11 seconds. In addition, the M480f MFP has a copy and scan function with a feeder for up to 50 sheets. The fax interface completes this strong business package. Type: multifunction printer Colour: grey/black EAN: 0193905216840 Manufacturer No.: 3QA55A#B19 Series: Color LaserJet Enterprise Connections: 1x RJ-45, 1x USB-B 2.0, 2x USB host Formats: A4, A5, A6, B5, C5, C6, DL (DIN long), 10x15 cm Media: glossy paper, plain paper Emulations: PCL 5, PCL 6, PDF, PostScript 3 Display: 10.9 cm (4.3") color touchscreen (480 x 272 pixels) Consumables: Toner: HP 415A (W2030A) black (up to 2,400 pages/ISO) W2030A, 415A (W2031A) cyan, 415A (W2032A) yellow, 415A (W2033A) magenta (each up to 2,100 pages/ISO), 415X (W2030X ) black (up to 7,500 pages/ISO), 415X (W2031X) cyan, 415X (W2032X) yellow, 415X (W2033X) magenta (each up to 6,000 pages/ISO). Compatible: Linux, MacOS X, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 2008 Server, Windows 2012 Server, Windows 2016 Server, Windows 2019 Server Memory: occupied | 2,048MB Subjects: Paper | Tray 1: 250 sheets Subjects: Output | Tray 1: 150 sheets Printer: Print Area | 210x297mm Printer: Resolution | color | 600x600dpi Printer: Resolution | Black | 600x600dpi Printer: inks/heads | 4 Printer: Printing Technology | Kind | color laser printing Printer: Print Volume | one-time monthly peak usage | 55000 sheets Printer: Print Volume | maximum monthly utilization | 4800 sheets Printer: Speed | reprints first page after | 11s Fax: Storage | speed dial | 1000 Fax: Speed | 33.6 kbps Fax: Max Resolution | 300x300dpi Fax: Feature | Automatic redial, fax forwarding Copier: maximum copies | 9999 Copier: Speed | Black | Black (normal): 27 ppm Copier: Speed | color | Color (normal): 27 ppm Copier: Zoom | 25% - 400% Scanner: Scan Area | 216 x 356mm Scanner: Color | 600x600dpi Scanner: Black | 600x600dpi Scanner: Scan Feeder | 50 sheets Scanner: feeder, flatbed Power supply: mains voltage | AC 220-240V Power supply: energy consumption | Operation | 581 watts Power supply: energy consumption | Standby | 21.9 watts Feature: Duplex unit (printing), Apple AirPrint, direct printing from USB, 800 MHz processor. Mobile printing capabilities via HP ePrint. Adjustable media sizes: 76 x 127 to 216 x 356 mm. Media weights supported: 60 to 175 gsm. Scan Features: Scan to Email, Save to Network Folder, Save to USB Drive, Send to FTP, Send to Internet Fax, Local Address Book, SMTP over SSL, Blank Page Removal, Edge Erase, Auto Color Detection, Auto Crop to Content, Compact PDF. Scan output formats: MTIFF, PDF, PDF/A, TIFF, JPEG, HTML, HTML (OCR), XPS. Copier Features: Two-sided copying, scalability, image adjustments (brightness, contrast, background cleanup, sharpness), printing multiple pages on one sheet, N or Z order, content orientation, collation, booklet, job build, borderless print mode, job storage, ID card copy, book copy, A- to B copy (different media formats). Accessories: available | Instructions, power cable, toner (black) for up to 2400 pages (ISO), toner cyan, magenta and yellow for up to 2100 pages each (ISO) Dimensions: device | Height: 472mm Weight: 23.2kg
    Title - HP Color LaserJet Enterprise MFP M480f, Color, Printer for Business, Print, copy, scan, fax, Compact Size; Strong Security; Two-sided printing; 50-sheet ADF; Energy Efficient
    title_en - HP Color LaserJet Enterprise MFP M480f Printer
    title_lv - HP Color LaserJet Enterprise MFP M480f Printeris
    title_ru - HP Color LaserJet Enterprise MFP M480f Принтер
    URL - https://www8.hp.com
    vendpn - 3QA55A
    Warranty -
    Warranty - -
    WarrantyInfo - One-year, On-site Repair 24-hour / 7 day a week phone support
    weight - 23.2 kg
    Weight - 23.22 kg
    Weight - 23.200 kg
    Weight - 27,55
    Weight - 27.34
    Weight & dimensions - Depth - 472 mm
    Weight & dimensions - Height - 399.8 mm
    Weight & dimensions - Weight - 23.2 kg
    Weight & dimensions - Width - 415.4 mm
    Width - 406.4 mm
    Width - 415.4 mm
    Wireless - Optional
    761.75 €
    Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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