Intel Core i7-12700KF (8P+4E/20T, 3.60 GHz, 25MB Cache, LGA1700, 125W)

Pilt võib erineda tegelikust tootest, võib esineda tarvikuid ja osi, mis ei ole tegeliku tootega kaasas.
ID: 758314 Tootekood: BX8071512700KF
Laos 3 üksused / Ametis 1 üksused
Garantii: 2 aastat
243.03 €
  • Tarne Smartpostile 1,99 €: teisipäeval, 01.04.2025
  • Omniva pakiautomaati kohaletoimetamine 1,99 €: teisipäeval, 01.04.2025
  • Kulleri kohaletoimetamine 3,99 €: teisipäeval, 01.04.2025
Peamised tooteparameetrid Kõik parameetrid
  • Socket: LGA 1700
  • Protsessori number: i7-12700KF
  • Jõudlusprotsessorite arv: 8
  • Taktsagedus: 3.60 GHz
  • Cache: 25 MB
  • Processing Die Lithography: 10nm
  • TDP: 125W
  • Pakend: Ei ole

Inteli Alder Lake 'i 12. põlvkonna protsessorid, sealhulgas Core i7-12700KF, tulevad müügile novembris 2021, tuues uue entusiasmi x86-protsessorite segmendis. Võttes eeskuju ARMi big.LITTLE heterogeensest arvutusarhitektuurist, mis on juba üle 5 aasta tõestanud oma kasulikkust nutitelefonides ja tahvelarvutites, on Core i7-12700KF kiipidel lisaks 4 tõhusale energiatõhusa tuuma ka 8 jõudlus- ehk suure jõudlusega tuuma. See kombinatsioon võimaldab protsessori tööd tõhusamalt, sest P- tuum vastutab keeruliste ülesannete puhul suurima jõudluse eest, samal ajal kui E-tuumad tegelevad operatsioonisüsteemi taustaprotsessidega ja tagavad madala energiatarbimise veebi sirvimise ja muude vähem nõudlike tegevuste ajal.

Core i7-12700KF protsessoril on 25 MB vahemälu, 8 P- ja 4 E-tuuma. See edestas oma eelkäijat, i7-11700K, muljetavaldava 53% võrra CineBench R23 testis, mis on muutunud kõige tunnustatumaks protsessori jõudluse mõõdupuuks. Kuid see pole veel kõik, sest Core i7-12700KF tulemus lööb veenvalt ka kõiki Inteli 10. ja 11. põlvkonna Core i9 mudeleid ja isegi AMD võimsat 12-tuumalist Ryzen 9 5900X, mida ta edestab 11 protsendi võrra!

Core i7-12700KF veiktspēja CineBench R23 testā

Core i7-12700KF jõudlus arvutimängudes.

The new Alder Lake architecture has brought the biggest generation-on-generation growth in core performance in years, so the Core i7-12700KF excels in the latest PC games. TechSpot has tested the processor in 10 of the most popular PC games, and the Core i7-12700KF outperforms all Intel 10th and 11th generation models, as well as the AMD Ryzen 5000 series.

Core i7-12700KF veiktspēja datorspēlēs

Core i7-12700KF fototöötluses

Tänu uuele arhitektuurile on Core i7-12700KF näinud muljetavaldavat jõudluse kasvu Adobe kõige populaarsemates fotoprogrammides - Photoshop ja Lightroom - kus teine võimsaim Intel Alder Lake 'i protsessor edestab mitte ainult 12-tuumalist AMD Ryzen 9 5900X-i, vaid isegi palju kallimat Ryzen 9 5950X-i.

Core i7-12700KF veiktspēja Adobe Lightroom foto apstrādes programmā

Core i7-12700KF videotöötluses.

Vaatamata sellele, et Core i7-12700KF on "ainult" 8- tuumaline protsessor, millel on veel 4 väikest või tõhusat tuuma, suudab ta populaarses Adobe Premiere Pro videotöötlustarkvaras isegi 16- tuumalist AMD Ryzen 9 5950Xi üle 5% edestada, rääkimata 12- tuumalisest Ryzen 9 5900Xist ja kõigist Inteli 11. põlvkonna toodetest.

Core i7-12700KF veiktspēja Adobe Premiere Pro video apstrādes programmā

Core i7-12700KF energiatarbimine.

Inteli Core i7-12700KF protsessori energiatarve 3.60 GHz baassagedusel on 125W. Teisest küljest, kui selle protsessoriga teostatakse eriti keerulisi operatsioone, näiteks renderdamist või video transkodeerimist, on protsessori P- südamikud võimelised tõstma oma töösagedust kuni 5.00 GHz. Sellistes tingimustes võib Core i7-12700KF protsessori tegelik energiatarbimine ulatuda kuni 190 W-ni.

Core i7-12700KF sistēmas strāvas patēriņš Blender darbības laikā

TechSpoti andmetel võib Core i7-12700KF protsessoriga varustatud arvuti suure koormuse korral tarbida peaaegu 300 W, mis on 15-20% rohkem kui võrreldava AMD Ryzen 5000 seeria protsessori puhul. See konkreetne graafik ei võta arvesse videokaardi tarbimist, seega ühe tipptasemel NVIDIA GeForce või AMD Radeon videokaardiga on väga lihtne ületada 600W piiri. Seda tuleks arvestada toiteallika valimisel, seega soovitame Core i7-12700KF baasil ehitatud arvuti puhul valida vähemalt 750 W või rohkem toiteallika või PSU.

Soojuse kontrolli all hoidmiseks soovitame, et iga 12. põlvkonna Core i7-12700KF protsessoriga arvuti oleks varustatud vähemalt 240 mm vesijahutusega või ühe meie Extreme LGA1700 õhujahutusega. Samuti on oluline, et teie valitud korpusel oleks piisavalt suur ruumala ja mitu sisse- ja väljapuhkeventilaatorit, mis tagavad kiireima ja tõhusaima õhuvahetuse.

Kõik parameetrid
Tõhus tuumade arv : 4
Socket LGA 1700
See parameeter määrab ära, millise protsessori pesa jaoks emaplaadil on ette nähtud antud protsessor. Protsessorit on füüsiliselt võimalik paigaldada ainult vastavasse pessa. Enne, kui soetada protsessor, palume veenduda, et teie emaplaadil on olemas vastava protsessori jaoks pesa.
Tüüp Core i7 (Alder Lake)
Protsessori tüüp näitab ära tootja teatud protsessori mudelid nende võimsuse ja rakendatavuse omaduste järgi. Intel protsessoritel need on, alates võimsamatest - Core i7, Core i5, Core i3, Core 2 Quad, Core 2 Duo, Pentium Dual Core ja Celeron mudelid.
Protsessori number i7-12700KF
Protsessori tootja Intel on juurutanud protsessorite numeratsioonisüsteemi, mis võimaldab identifitseerida iga Intel poolt toodetud protsessori ja selle ühitatavuse emaplaadiga. Enne, kui soetada protsessor, palume veenduda selle numbriga protsessori toes emaplaadi tootja kodulehel.
Jõudlusprotsessorite arv 8
Protsessori tuumade arv on töökiiruse ja stabiilsuse näitajaks. Protsessorid kahe või enama arvu tuumaga suudavad töödelda ülesandeid paralleelselt, sel moel andes lisakiirust ja süsteemi stabiilsust. Enne, kui soetada mitmetuumaline protsessor, veenduge selles, et emaplaat toetab sellist protsessori tüüpi.
Niidid : 20
Taktsagedus 3.60 GHz
Protsessori taktisagedus on töökiiruse näitaja, mis määrab ära, mitu arvutustsüklit sekundis suudab täita protsessor. Suurem taktisagedus tähendab suuremat töökiirust.
Turbosagedus : 5.00 GHz
Cache 25 MB

Maza, kiir mälu, mis säilitab need mälude kopiad põhimälust, mida arvutiprogrammid kasutavad kõige sagedamini. Tā on kui ajutine säilitussalv ehk andmepuhver protsessori ja operatiivmälu (RAM) vahel.

See näitab kui suurte mahtudega see suudab opereerida ühe tsükli jooksul. Soovitav on, et see näitaja oleks 512 KB või vähemalt 256 KB.

Jõudlus (PassMark) : 34500+
Processing Die Lithography : 10nm
TDP : 125W
Integreeritud graafika : Ei ole
Pakend Ei ole
Protsessor on pakendatud kahel eri viisil. BOX pakendis, komplektis koos protsessoriga tarnitakse sellele vastav jahuti (cooler). TRAY pakendis saate te ainult protsessori, jahuti peate soetama eraldi.
Täpsem spetsifikatsioon
ARTIKEL1 - CORE I7-12700KF 3.60GHZ
Breite - 0.11
Cache - 25MB
category - PC Components|CPUs / Processors|Intel Processors|Sockel 1700
Category - Root/Electronics/PC parts/Processors
Category 1 - CPUs
Category 2 - Intel CPUs
Category Code - CPU
Category_1 - Processors
Category_2 - Processors - Intel 1700
Clock speed - 3600 MHz
code - BX8071512700KF
Cooler included - No
Core name - Alder Lake
CPU application - Desktop
CPU Family name - Core i7
Description - Intel Core i7-12700KF Processor (25M Cache, up to 5.00 GHz) FC-LGA16A Boxed Unmatched Performance for Power Users The Intel Core i7-12700KF processor is designed to deliver outstanding performance for gamers, content creators, and professionals. With its advanced architecture and high clock speeds, this processor ensures you can tackle the most demanding tasks with ease. Built on Intel's latest 10nm process technology, the Core i7-12700KF offers superior power efficiency and enhanced performance, making it an excellent choice for high-performance computing. High-Speed Processing Power Featuring 12 cores and 20 threads, the Intel Core i7-12700KF excels in both single-threaded and multi-threaded applications. This makes it perfect for a wide range of tasks, from gaming and streaming to content creation and data processing. Its base clock speed of 3.6 GHz and the ability to boost up to 5.00 GHz provide the speed and responsiveness needed for smooth and efficient performance across all applications. Exceptional Gaming Experience For gamers, the Core i7-12700KF offers a superior gaming experience. Its high clock speeds and efficient architecture ensure that games run smoothly, with minimal lag and high frame rates. Whether you're playing the latest AAA titles or engaging in competitive online gaming, this processor delivers the performance needed to stay ahead of the competition. Additionally, with support for the latest graphics technologies, it provides an immersive gaming experience with stunning visuals and fluid gameplay. Advanced Content Creation Content creators will appreciate the Core i7-12700KF's ability to handle intensive tasks such as video editing, 3D rendering, and graphic design. Its multi-core performance allows for faster rendering times and smoother multitasking, enabling creators to work more efficiently and effectively. With the Core i7-12700KF, you can focus on your creative projects without worrying about performance bottlenecks or slowdowns. Enhanced Power Efficiency Despite its high performance, the Core i7-12700KF is designed with power efficiency in mind. The advanced 10nm process technology ensures lower power consumption, reducing heat output and improving overall system efficiency. This makes it an eco-friendly choice for users who want top-tier performance without excessive energy consumption. Customizable Performance The "KF" designation means that this processor comes with an unlocked multiplier, allowing users to overclock and customize performance to meet their specific needs. Whether you're a gamer looking to push frame rates to the max or a content creator needing extra processing power, the Core i7-12700KF offers the flexibility to adjust performance settings for optimal results. Future-Ready Connectivity The Intel Core i7-12700KF supports the latest connectivity standards, including PCIe 5.0 and DDR5 memory, providing faster data transfer rates and improved system performance. This ensures that your system is ready to take advantage of the latest advancements in hardware technology, offering a future-proof platform for years to come. The processor is compatible with the LGA 1700 socket, making it easy to upgrade or build a new system with the latest Intel technology. Efficient Thermal Management Thermal management is crucial for maintaining peak performance, and the Core i7-12700KF is equipped with advanced thermal solutions to keep temperatures in check. This ensures stable performance even under heavy workloads, preventing thermal throttling and allowing users to push their systems to the limit without overheating. Comprehensive Security Features Intel's Core i7-12700KF comes with a suite of advanced security features designed to protect your data and system. With hardware-level security technologies such as Intel Hardware Shield and Intel Threat Detection Technology, users can have peace of mind knowing their systems are protected against potential threats. These features provide enhanced protection against malware, unauthorized access, and other security risks, ensuring a safe and secure computing environment. In conclusion, the Intel Core i7-12700KF processor is a powerful and versatile choice for users seeking high performance, efficiency, and reliability. With its impressive clock speeds, multi-core capabilities, and advanced features, this processor is perfect for gamers, content creators, and professionals who demand the best. Upgrade your system with the Intel Core i7-12700KF and experience the ultimate in computing performance and power.
dimensionalWeight - 108
ean - 5032037234047
EAN - 5032037234047
EANCode - 5032037234047
Eans - 5032037234047
EAN_code - 5032037234047
Features - Commodity Classification Automated Tracking System (CCATS) - G167599
Features - CPU configuration (max) - 1
Features - Embedded options available - No
Features - Execute Disable Bit - Yes
Features - Export Control Classification Number (ECCN) - 5A992CN3
Features - Harmonized System (HS) code - 8542310001
Features - Idle States - Yes
Features - Market segment - Desktop
Features - Maximum number of PCI Express lanes - 20
Features - PCI Express configurations - 1x16+1x4
Features - PCI Express configurations - 2x8+1x4
Features - PCI Express slots version - 4.0
Features - PCI Express slots version - 5.0
Features - Scalability - 1S
Features - Supported instruction sets - AVX 2.0
Features - Supported instruction sets - SSE4.1
Features - Supported instruction sets - SSE4.2
Features - Thermal Monitoring Technologies - Yes
Features - Thermal solution specification - PCG 2020A
Features - Use conditions - PC/Client/Tablet
Frequency speed - 4800 MHz
Full Description Line - Desktop|Core i7|i7-12700KF|Alder Lake|3600 MHz|Number of cores 12|Cache 25MB|Socket LGA1700|Wattage 125 Watts|Turbo frequency 5000 MHz|Packing type BOX
Gewicht - 0.09
Graphics - Discrete graphics card - No
Graphics - Discrete graphics card model - Not available
Graphics - On-board graphics card - No
Graphics - On-board graphics card model - Not available
Gross Weight Kg - 0,1
GRUPPE1 - Memory & Processors
GRUPPE2 - Processors / Math Corp
Hoehe - 0.05
HSTNUMMER - BX8071512700KF
Integrated graphics - No
Laenge - 0.12
Manufacturer - Intel
Manufacturer Code - BX8071512700KF
Manufacturer Name - Intel
Manufacturer_code - BX8071512700KF
Memory - Maximum internal memory supported by processor - 128 GB
Memory - Memory bandwidth (max) - 76.8 GB/s
Memory - Memory channels - Dual-channel
Memory - Memory types supported by processor - DDR4-SDRAM
Memory - Memory types supported by processor - DDR5-SDRAM
Memory type - DDR5/DDR4
Model number - i7-12700KF
MPN - BX8071512700KF
Name - Intel Core i7-12700KF
name - Intel Core i7-12700KF 3,60 GHz (Alder Lake-S) Sockel 1700 - boxed
Name - Intel Core i7-12700KF 3600 Socket 1700 BOX
Name - Intel S1700 CORE i7 12700KF BOX 12x3.6 125W WOF GEN12
Number of cores - 12
Operational conditions - Tjunction - 100 °C
Other features - Maximum internal memory - 128 GB
Packing type - BOX
Processor - Box - Yes
Processor - Bus type - DMI4
Processor - Component for - PC
Processor - Efficient-core base frequency - 2.7 GHz
Processor - Efficient-core boost frequency - 3.8 GHz
Processor - Efficient cores - 4
Processor - Maximum number of DMI lanes - 8
Processor - Maximum turbo power - 190 W
Processor - Memory bandwidth supported by processor (max) - 76.8 GB/s
Processor - Performance-core base frequency - 3.6 GHz
Processor - Performance-core boost frequency - 4.9 GHz
Processor - Performance cores - 8
Processor - Processor ARK ID - 134595
Processor - Processor base power - 125 W
Processor - Processor boost frequency - 5 GHz
Processor - Processor cache - 25 MB
Processor - Processor cache type - Smart Cache
Processor - Processor codename - Alder Lake
Processor - Processor cores - 12
Processor - Processor family - Intel® Core™ i7
Processor - Processor generation - 12th gen Intel® Core™ i7
Processor - Processor manufacturer - Intel
Processor - Processor model - i7-12700KF
Processor - Processor operating modes - 64-bit
Processor - Processor socket - LGA 1700
Processor - Processor threads - 20
Processor special features - Enhanced Intel SpeedStep Technology - Yes
Processor special features - Intel 64 - Yes
Processor special features - Intel Turbo Boost Max Technology 3.0 - Yes
Processor special features - Intel Virtualization Technology (VT-x) - Yes
Processor special features - Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O (VT-d) - Yes
Processor special features - Intel VT-x with Extended Page Tables (EPT) - Yes
Processor special features - Intel® AES New Instructions (Intel® AES-NI) - Yes
Processor special features - Intel® Boot Guard - Yes
Processor special features - Intel® Control-flow Enforcement Technology (CET) - Yes
Processor special features - Intel® Deep Learning Boost (Intel® DL Boost) on CPU - Yes
Processor special features - Intel® Hyper Threading Technology (Intel® HT Technology) - Yes
Processor special features - Intel® Optane™ Memory Ready - Yes
Processor special features - Intel® OS Guard - Yes
Processor special features - Intel® Secure Key - Yes
Processor special features - Intel® Speed Shift Technology - Yes
Processor special features - Intel® Thread Director - Yes
Processor special features - Intel® Turbo Boost Max Technology 3.0 frequency - 5 GHz
Processor special features - Intel® Turbo Boost Technology - 2.0
Processor special features - Intel® Volume Management Device (VMD) - Yes
Processor special features - Mode-based Execute Control (MBE) - Yes
Producer - Intel
producerCode - BX8071512700KF
ProducerCode - BX8071512700KF
productName - Intel Core i7-12700KF processor 25 MB Smart Cache Box
productSize - Normal
Shipping Box Depth Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 13 cm
Shipping Box Height Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 10 cm
Shipping box quantity - 1
Shipping Box Weight Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 0.2 kg
Shipping Box Width Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 4 cm
Short description - CPU Intel Core i7-12700KF / LGA1700 / Box ### 12 Cores / 20 Threads / 25M Cache / without GPU
ShortDescription - Intel Core i7 | Socket 1700 | 3,60-5,00Ghz | Alder Lake | brak chłodzenia w komplecie, brak rdzenia graficznego
sizeX - 115
sizeY - 45
sizeZ - 105
Socket - LGA1700
Stck_Kart - 0
Stck_Pal - 0
Storno - N
Technical details - Launch date - Q4'21
Technical details - Status - Launched
Technical details - Target market - Gaming, Content Creation
Turbo frequency - 5000 MHz
Unit Box Height - 0.1
Unit Box Length - 0.13
Unit Box Width - 0.04
Unit Brutto Volume - 0.00052 cubm
Unit Gross Weight - 0.2 kg
Unit Net Weight - 0.03 kg
Vendor Homepage -
Warranty - 24 months
warrantyLength - 36
warrantyType - G
Wattage - 125 Watts
Weight - 0,07
Weight - 0.08
weight - 80
Weight & dimensions - Processor package size - 45 x 37.5 mm
243.03 €
Intel Core i7-12700KF (8P+4E/20T, 3.60 GHz, 25MB Cache, LGA1700, 125W)
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
Kõik kategooriad