Xiaomi Mesh System AX3000, Black, 1-pack

Pilt võib erineda tegelikust tootest, võib esineda tarvikuid ja osi, mis ei ole tegeliku tootega kaasas.
ID: 768062 Tootekood: 35825
Laos 1 üksused
Garantii: 2 aastat
71.92 €
  • Tarne Smartpostile 1,99 €: 19.03.2025
  • Omniva pakiautomaati kohaletoimetamine 1,99 €: 19.03.2025
  • Kulleri kohaletoimetamine 3,99 €: 19.03.2025
Peamised tooteparameetrid Kõik parameetrid
  • Kiiruse indeks: 3000
  • seadme tüüp: Mesh Router
  • Wi-Fi standard: Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax)
Kiiruse indeks : 3000
seadme tüüp Mesh Router

Access Point - juhtmevaba juurdepääsupunkt, mis tagab kaabelvõrgu laiendatud ülekandmise juhtmevabasse võrku, kasutades üht LAN ühenduskohta. Access point ei ole ruuter ja ei suuda jaotada üht internetiühenduse aadressi mitme arvuti vahel, seetõttu see seade ühendage alles pärast olemasoleva kaabli ruuterit.

Router, ehk ruuter - juhtmevaba juurdepääsupunkt, mis tagab ühe internetiühenduse jaotamise mitme arvuti vahel, nii võrgukaablite kui ka juhtmevaba võrgu kaudu. Tavaliselt juhtmevabal ruuteril on ühe kaabliga interneti ühenduspesa, neli arvutite ühenduspesa (mida võib täiendada, kasutades switch kommutaatorit) ja antenn, mis tagab ülekande arvutitele ja muudele WiFi seadmetele.

Range Extender - juhtmevaba võrgu saatekauguse võimendaja. On ette nähtud olemasoleva signaali võimendamiseks, selleks, et suurendada vastuvõtu- ja saatekaugust.

Wifi adapter - Juhtmevaba võrgukaart, on ette nähtud arvuti ühendamiseks juhtmevaba WiFi ruuteriga või ühenduspunktiga. PCI, PCI-E on ette nähtud lauaarvutitele, omakorda PCMCIA ja USB - sülearvutitele. Siinjuuures peab lisama, et suurem osa sülearvuteid juba tehases komplekteeritakse juhtmevabade võrgukaartidega.

USB võrgukaart on viimane valik, kuna USB2.0 läbilaskvuse kiirus on suhteliselt madal ~22MB/s, mis tähendab, et ei ole ära kasutatud juhtmevaba võrgu maksimaalne võimalik kiirus. Juhul, kui on võimalust, on parem valida mingi muu ühendusmoodus.

Wi-Fi standard : Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax)
3G tugi Ei ole

Võimalus ruuterisse sisestada mobiilioperaatorite SIM kaarti, või ka USB Dongle adapterit, mis tagab juurdepääsu 3G mobiilsele internetile.

Enne, kui soetada ruuterit, mil on 3G tugi, palume tootja kodulehel veenduda, kas antud seade toetab konkreetse mobiilside operaatori 3G USB Dongle vastuvõttu.

Band mode Dual-Band

SingleBand on standardne 2.4GHz juhtmevaba tehnoloogia, mis on iseloomulik kõigile tänapäeva juhtmevaba seadmetele.

DualBand on 2.4GHz koos täiendava 5.0GHz kanaliga, mis tagab parema signaali vastuvõtmise ja stabiilsema kiiruse töötamisel. Selleks, et kasutada seda funktsiooni mõlema seadme jaoks - ruuter ja juhtmevaba kaart peavad toetama DualBand režiimi.

Ethernet 100/1000

LAN ehk ethernet kaabelühenduse toimimise režiim.

10/100 MB.s on standardkiirus, mis iseloomustab praktiliselt kõiki ruutereid.

10/100/1000 MB.s, jeb GigaBit on kümme korda kiirem standard kui ühendus GigaBit LAN võrgukaardiga, annab suure andme-edastuskiiruse eelised sisevõrku ühendatud arvutite vahel. Selline lahendus tavaliselt on vajalik büroodes, kus arvutite vahel toimub sageli suuremahuliste failide kopeerimine või kasutatakse kiiret internetiühendust (alates ~30 MB/s) mitmes arvutis üheaegselt.

Sadamad ja seadmed
LAN-port : 3
Täpsem spetsifikatsioon
Accessories included - Xiaomi AX3000 User manual Power cable Internet cable
Antenna - Built-in
Antenna > Antenna type - Internal
barcode - 6934177755507
brand - Xiaomi
BrandCode - XIAOMI
Category - Root/Electronics/Networks and communication/Routers
category_en - Computers & Components > Network products > Routers (Wi-Fi)
category_en - Networking
category_et - Võrguseadmed
category_lv - Datortehnika > Tīkla produkti > Maršrutētāji (Wi-Fi)
category_lv - Tīkla iekārtas
category_ru - Cетевое оборудование
category_ru - Datortehnika > Tīkla produkti > Maršrutētāji (Wi-Fi)
Certificates -
Code - DVB4315GL
Color - Black
Data exchange - WiFi - Wi-Fi 6 (ax)
depth - 29
Description - Xiaomi Mesh System Wi-Fi Router 6 AX3000 Stable mesh network Dual-band Wi-Fi 6 Up to 2976 Mbps Up to 254 devices Xiaomi Mesh System provides full coverage of complex home arrangements The Xiaomi Mesh System AX3000 connects into a mesh network that provides Wi-Fi 6 coverage throughout the home, covering up to 4,000 square feet of space. The Xiaomi Mesh System AX3000 supports mesh networking with the same Mi AX9000 model and/or router for up to 10 devices. The signal travels between the different routers automatically and seamlessly, allowing you to play at any time. Mesh system In a mesh network created using the Xiaomi Mesh System AX3000, when a faulty node is detected, the entire network architecture is re-planned to ensure normal mesh network operation. Get started right away and enjoy lightning-fast Wi-Fi 6 The Xiaomi Mesh System AX3000 offers 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands, each with 802.11ax technology. Both bands offer a combined dual-band wireless speed of up to 2976 Mbps. This is almost twice as fast as a typical AC1200 router. The 1024 QAM technology is also faster than Wi-Fi 5's 256 QAM, so you don't have to wait for fast internet access. High bandwidth of 160 MHz provides a great experience If bandwidth is like a motorway, conventional dual-band traffic systems are always overloaded. But with the Xiaomi Mesh System AX3000, the width of each lane and speeds in the 5GHz band are doubled. Enjoy extremely smooth online performance, even when connected to multiple devices Efficient OFDMA transmission makes internet access smoother for multiple devices OFDMA technology enables routers to process data from multiple devices simultaneously when large devices require data transmission, effectively reducing network congestion and significantly reducing latency. Stable online connectivity for 254 devices simultaneously The smart home era is bringing an increasing number of connected devices into the home. Each Xiaomi Mesh System AX3000 product comes with 256MB of RAM to cater to occasional complex environments with a large number of devices, such as family gatherings or parties, ensuring stable connectivity and timely response. Not only energy efficient, but also more durable Target Wake Time technology only connects when a broadcast signal is received, otherwise it remains in sleep mode. This effectively reduces the average power consumption when connecting to Wi-Fi devices and extends the life of the product. Multiple options The system can be expanded by purchasing additional Xiaomi Mesh System AX3000 (1-Pack or 2-Pack) and attaching them to your existing system. Cool black cube-shaped rectangle Hidden high performance dual-band antennas, tower-type thermal architecture, large channel convection and extra-large metal heat sink ensure stable operation.   Xiaomi AX3000 - a stable Mesh network in your home Xiaomi Mesh System AX3000 works with various routers in your home to ensure normal network operation in every room. Enjoy blazingly fast internet on your phone, tablet, computer or Smart TV anywhere in your home. The Xiaomi Mesh System provides enhanced data transfer speeds between two devices (works with Wi-Fi 6 standard). Xiaomi Mesh for multiple devices The Xiaomi Mesh AX3000 is equipped with 256GB of RAM to provide an extensive, efficient and fast home network. As many as 254 devices can be connected to a single router. If one part fails, the mesh system automatically generates a new signal. Mesh System - wireless access control The Xiaomi AX3000 requires no complicated configuration, so you can get high-speed internet throughout your home without any IT expertise. Installation and operation of the Xiaomi AX3000 is very simple. With the convenient Xiaomi Mi home app, you can remotely connect to the administration panel, control all settings, and turn the Xiaomi Mesh System router off or on. Xiaomi Mesh System AX3000 - a stylish and functional router The black rectangular cube that encapsulates the Xiaomi Mesh System components is sleek and stylish. This simple yet designer device looks good in any room - whether home or office. The antennas are hidden, as is the large metal heatsink, which ensures stable operation and prevents the device from overheating.
description_en - Xiaomi's mesh system provides full coverage for complex home arrangements. Xiaomi Mesh System AX3000 (1-Pack) combines into a mesh network that provides Wi-Fi 6 coverage throughout the home, covering up to 372 square meters of space. Xiaomi Mesh System AX3000 supports mesh networking with the same model and/or Mi Router AX9000 for up to 10 total devices. The signal roams between different routers automatically and seamlessly, allowing you to play as you go. Xiaomi Mesh System AX3000 (1-Pack) offers 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands, each with 802.11ax technology. The two bands offer a combined dual-band wireless speed of up to 2976Mbps *. That's nearly twice the speed of a typical AC1200 router. 1024 QAM technology is also faster than Wi-Fi 5's 256 QAM.
description_en - Xiaomi Mesh System AX3000 (1-Pack) connects into a mesh network that provides Wi-Fi 6 coverage throughout your home, covering up to 370 square meters of space. The Xiaomi Mesh System AX3000 supports mesh networking with the same model and/or Mi Router AX9000 (up to 10 mesh devices). The signal switches between different routers automatically and seamlessly, providing a consistent WiFi connection throughout the building.
In a mesh network created using the Xiaomi Mesh System AX3000, when a failed node is detected, the entire network architecture is re-planned to ensure normal mesh network operation.
Xiaomi Mesh System AX3000 (1-Pack) offers 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands, each with 802.11ax technology. These two bands offer a combined dual-band wireless speed of up to 2976Mbps. This is almost twice the speed of a typical AC1200 router. The 1024 QAM technology is also faster than Wi-Fi 5 256 QAM.
If the throughput is like a highway, conventional 2-lane traffic systems are always congested. However, with Xiaomi Mesh System AX3000 (1-Pack), the width of each lane and speeds in the 5GHz band are doubled. Enjoy an extremely smooth online experience, even when connected to multiple devices.
The era of smart home brings more and more connected devices. Each Xiaomi Mesh System AX3000 Router (1-Pack) is equipped with 256MB of RAM to cope with environments with a large number of devices, such as family gatherings or parties, so that stable connectivity and responsiveness are ensured.
description_et - Xiaomi võrgusüsteem pakub täielikku katvust ka keerukamate kodulahenduste jaoks. Xiaomi Mesh System AX3000 loob võrgustiku, mis pakub Wi-Fi 6 leviala kogu kodus, kattes kuni 372 ruutmeetri suurust ala. Xiaomi Mesh System AX3000 toetab võrgustiku loomist sama mudeli ja/või Mi Router AX9000-ga kuni 10 seadme jaoks. Signaal liigub erinevate ruuterite vahel automaatselt ja sujuvalt, võimaldades Sinul jätkata mängimist, kus iganes soovid. Xiaomi Mesh System AX3000 tagab töökindla ühenduse kuni 254 erinevale seadmele. Xiaomi Mesh System AX3000 pakub 2,4 GHz ja 5 GHz sagedusi, millest igaühel on 802.11ax tehnoloogia. Need kaks sagedusala pakuvad kombineeritud kaheribalist traadita kiirust kuni 2976 Mbps*. See on peaaegu kaks korda kiirem kui tavalisel AC1200 ruuteril. 1024 QAM tehnoloogia on ka kiirem kui Wi-Fi 5 256 QAM. *2976 Mbps on teoreetiline maksimaalne kiirus, kui on kombineeritud mõlemad sagedusalad. Tegelik kiirus sõltub võrgu tingimustest ja ümbritsevast keskkonnast.
description_lv -
description_lv - Xiaomi Mesh System AX3000 (1 iepakojums) savienojas ar acu tīklu, kas nodrošina Wi-Fi 6 pārklājumu visā jūsu mājā, aptverot līdz 370 kvadrātmetriem vietas. Xiaomi Mesh sistēma AX3000 atbalsta tīkla tīklu ar tādu pašu modeli un / vai Mi maršrutētāju AX9000 (līdz 10 mesh ierīcēm). Signāls automātiski un nemanāmi pārslēdzas starp dažādiem maršrutētājiem, nodrošinot konsekventu WiFi savienojumu visā ēkā.
Tīkla tīklā, kas izveidots, izmantojot Xiaomi Mesh sistēmu AX3000, kad tiek atklāts neveiksmīgs mezgls, tiek pārplānota visa tīkla arhitektūra, lai nodrošinātu normālu mesh tīkla darbību.
Xiaomi Mesh System AX3000 (1-Pack) piedāvā 2.4 GHz un 5GHz joslas, katra ar 802.11 ax tehnoloģiju. Šīs divas joslas piedāvā kombinētu divjoslu bezvadu ātrumu līdz 2976Mbps. Tas ir gandrīz divreiz lielāks par tipiskā AC1200 maršrutētāja ātrumu. 1024 QAM tehnoloģija ir arī ātrāka nekā Wi-Fi 5 256 QAM.
Ja caurlaidspēja ir kā šoseja, parastās 2 joslu satiksmes sistēmas vienmēr ir pārslogotas. Tomēr, izmantojot Xiaomi Mesh System AX3000 (1 iepakojums), katras joslas platums un ātrums 5GHz joslā tiek dubultots. Izbaudiet ļoti vienmērīgu tiešsaistes pieredzi, pat ja tas ir savienots ar vairākām ierīcēm.
Viedās mājas laikmets rada arvien vairāk savienotu ierīču. Katrs Xiaomi Mesh System Ax3000 maršrutētājs (1 iepakojums) ir aprīkots ar 256 MB RAM, lai tiktu galā ar vidi ar lielu skaitu ierīču, piemēram, ģimenes pulcēšanos vai ballītēm, lai nodrošinātu stabilu savienojamību un atsaucību.
description_ru - Xiaomi Mesh System AX3000 (1 комплект) подключается к ячеистой сети, которая обеспечивает покрытие Wi-Fi 6 по всему вашему дому, занимая площадь до 370 квадратных метров. Xiaomi Mesh System AX3000 поддерживает mesh-сеть с той же моделью и /или Mi Router AX9000 (до 10 mesh-устройств). Сигнал переключается между различными маршрутизаторами автоматически и плавно, обеспечивая стабильное подключение Wi-Fi по всему зданию.
В ячеистой сети, созданной с использованием Xiaomi Mesh System AX3000, при обнаружении неисправного узла вся сетевая архитектура перепланировывается для обеспечения нормальной работы ячеистой сети.
Xiaomi Mesh System AX3000 (1 комплект) предлагает диапазоны 2,4 ГГц и 5 ГГц, каждый с технологией 802.11ax. Эти два диапазона обеспечивают комбинированную двухдиапазонную беспроводную скорость до 2976 Мбит/с. Это почти в два раза превышает скорость обычного маршрутизатора AC1200. Технология 1024 QAM также быстрее, чем Wi-Fi 5 256 QAM.
Если пропускная способность подобна шоссе, то обычные двухполосные транспортные системы всегда перегружены. Однако с Xiaomi Mesh System AX3000 (1 комплект) ширина каждой полосы движения и скорости в диапазоне 5 ГГц удваиваются. Наслаждайтесь чрезвычайно плавной работой в режиме онлайн, даже при подключении к нескольким устройствам.
Эпоха "умного дома" приносит все больше и больше подключенных устройств. Каждый маршрутизатор Xiaomi Mesh System AX3000 (1 комплект) оснащен 256 МБ оперативной памяти для работы в средах с большим количеством устройств, таких как семейные собрания или вечеринки, что обеспечивает стабильное подключение и оперативность реагирования.
description_ru - Сетевая система Xiaomi предлагает полный охват даже для самых сложных домашних решений. Xiaomi Mesh System AX3000 создает сеть, которая обеспечивает покрытие Wi-Fi 6 по всему дому площадью до 372 квадратных метров. Xiaomi Mesh System AX3000 поддерживает работу в сети с той же моделью и/или маршрутизатором Mi Router AX9000 до 10 устройств. Сигнал автоматически и плавно перемещается между различными маршрутизаторами, что позволяет вам продолжать играть в любом месте. Xiaomi Mesh System AX3000 обеспечивает надежное подключение до 254 различных устройств. Xiaomi Mesh System AX3000 предлагает частоты 2,4 ГГц и 5 ГГц, каждая с технологией 802.11ax. Эти два диапазона обеспечивают комбинированную двухдиапазонную скорость беспроводной связи до 2976 Мбит/с*. Он почти в два раза быстрее стандартного маршрутизатора AC1200. Технология 1024 QAM также быстрее, чем Wi-Fi 5256 QAM. * 2976 Мбит/с — теоретическая максимальная скорость при объединении обеих частот. Фактическая скорость зависит от условий сети и окружающей среды.
description_short_en - Wi-Fi 6 network system 5 GHz & 2,4 GHz WPA-PSK / WPA2-PSK / WPA3-SAE Swift wireless speed up to 2,967 Mbps Reliable connection for up to 254 devices
description_short_et - Wi-Fi 6 võrgusüsteem 5 GHz & 2,4 GHz sagedused WPA-PSK / WPA2-PSK / WPA3-SAE Kiire juhtmevaba kiirus kuni 2967 Mbps Töökindel ühendus kuni 254 seadmele
description_short_lv -
description_short_ru - Сетевая система Wi-Fi 6 Частоты 5 ГГц и 2,4 ГГц WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK/WPA3-SAE Высокоскоростная беспроводная связь до 2967 Мбит/с Надежное соединение до 254 устройств
Design > Colour of product - Black
dimension depth - 100 mm
dimension height - 100 mm
Dimensions - 97 x 97 x 222 mm
Dimensions - depth - 9.7
Dimensions - height - 22.2
Dimensions - width - 9.7
dimension weight - 780 g
dimension width - 290 mm
EAN - 6934177755507
ean - 6934177755507
Eans - 6934177755507
Environment requirements -
Features > Mesh Support - Yes
Features > Mobile Broadband - No mobile broadband
Features > MU-MiMO - No
feature_group_en - Routers
feature_group_et - Ruuterid
feature_group_lv - Rūteri
feature_group_ru - Роутеры
Functions - configuration using app
General parameters - colour - black
General parameters - manufacturer - Xiaomi
General parameters - type of networking device - WiFi router
GrossWeight - 0.7800
gross_weight - 0.3 kg
gross_weight - 0.793
guarantee - 24
guarantee_type - external
Height - 0.2900
height - 10
I/O ports - 1 x WAN (RJ-45)
I/O ports - 3 x 10/100/1000 Mbit/s
Interfaces - Wi-Fi
Interfaces - LAN (network, RJ45) - 4
Interfaces - LAN (RJ45) - 10/100/1000
Interfaces - WiFi standards - IEEE 802.11a
Interfaces - WiFi standards - IEEE 802.11ac
Interfaces - WiFi standards - IEEE 802.11ax
Interfaces - WiFi standards - IEEE 802.11b
Interfaces - WiFi standards - IEEE 802.11g
Interfaces - WiFi standards - IEEE 802.11n
Length - 0.1000
LongDescription EN - Stable Wi-Fi 6 Connection
The Xiaomi Mesh System AX3000 offers a stable Wi-Fi 6 connection. It supports a mesh network creation with up to 10 devices, ensuring a smooth and uninterrupted connection throughout your home. Self-Healing Network System
If a node with issues is detected, the entire network architecture is reconfigured, ensuring the normal operation of the network. Fast and Easy Setup
The Xiaomi Mesh System AX3000 comes pre-configured, eliminating the need for complex setup. It's ready for use, providing quick and easy access to high-speed internet. Lightning-Fast Wi-Fi 6
It offers both 2.4GHz and 5GHz frequency bands, both utilizing 802.11ax technology. The combined speed of the two frequency bands reaches up to 2976Mbps, nearly twice as fast as a typical AC1200 router. Efficient OFDMA Transmission
OFDMA technology enables routers to process data streams from multiple devices simultaneously, reducing network congestion and significantly lowering latency. Reliable Connection for 254 Devices
Each Xiaomi Mesh System AX3000 product features 256MB of RAM to handle complex environments with a large number of devices, ensuring a stable connection and timely responses. Energy-Efficient and Durable
Target Wake Time technology only connects when a transmission signal is received, otherwise remaining in sleep mode. This effectively reduces average energy consumption when connecting Wi-Fi devices and extends the product's lifespan. Simple and Smart User Experience
The Xiaomi Mesh System AX3000 supports intelligent management through the Xiaomi Home/Mi Home app, simplifying network configuration. Even novice users can easily access high-speed internet through this user-friendly app.
LongDescription ET - Stabiilne Wi-Fi 6 ühendus
Xiaomi Mesh System AX3000 pakub stabiilset Wi-Fi 6 ühendust. See toetab silmusvõrk ehk mesh-süsteemi loomist kuni 10 seadmega, tagades sujuva ja katkematu ühenduse kogu kodus. Eneseparanduv võrgusüsteem
Kui tuvastatakse rikkega sõlm, planeeritakse kogu võrgu arhitektuur uuesti, tagades normaalse võrgu toimimise. Kiire ja lihtne paigaldus
Xiaomi Mesh System AX3000 on tehases eelseadistatud, nii et keerulist seadistamist pole vaja. See on valmis kasutamiseks, pakkudes kiiret ja lihtsat sisenemist kõrgkiiruselisse internetti. Välkkiire Wi-Fi 6
Pakub 2,4GHz ja 5GHz sagedusalasid, mõlemad 802.11ax tehnoloogiaga. Kahe sagedusala kombineeritud kiirus ulatub kuni 2976Mbps, mis on peaaegu kaks korda kiirem kui tüüpiline AC1200 ruuter. Tõhus OFDMA edastus
OFDMA tehnoloogia võimaldab ruuteritel töödelda andmevooge mitmelt seadmelt korraga, vähendades võrgu ülekoormust ja oluliselt vähendades latentsust. Usaldusväärne ühendus 254 seadmele
Iga Xiaomi Mesh System AX3000 toode sisaldab 256MB RAM-i, et katta aeg-ajalt keerulisi keskkondi suure hulga seadmetega, tagades stabiilse ühenduse ja õigeaegse vastuse. Energiasäästlik ja vastupidav
Sihtmärgi äratusaeg tehnoloogia ühendub ainult siis, kui edastussignaal on vastu võetud, muidu jääb unerežiimi. See vähendab efektiivselt keskmist energiatarbimist Wi-Fi seadmete ühendamisel ja pikendab toote eluiga. Lihtne ja nutikas kasutajakogemus
Xiaomi Mesh System AX3000 toetab intelligentset juhtimist Xiaomi Home/Mi Home rakenduse kaudu, lihtsustades võrgu konfigureerimist, nii et isegi algajad kasutajad saavad hõlpsasti juurdepääsu kõrgkiiruselisele võrgule.
Management, monitoring, configuration -
Management features > Reset button - Yes
manufacturer_code - DVB4315GL
MediumDescription EN - Xiaomi Mesh System AX3000 ensures a stable Wi-Fi 6 connection throughout your home. It offers extensive Wi-Fi coverage, combined wireless speeds of up to 2976 Mbps, and a reliable connection for up to 254 devices.• Dual-Band Wi-Fi 6
• BSI Kitemark™ certified
• Fast and easy setup
• Efficient OFDMA transmission
• Cooling cube-shaped design
MediumDescription ET - Xiaomi Mesh System AX3000 tagab stabiilse Wi-Fi 6 ühenduse kogu kodus. See pakub suurt Wi-Fi ala katvust, kombineeritud juhtmevaba kiirust kuni 2976 Mbps ja usaldusväärset ühendust kuni 254 seadmele. • Kahe sagedusala Wi-Fi 6
• BSI Kitemark™ sertifitseeritud
• Kiire ja lihtne paigaldus
• Tõhus OFDMA edastus
• Jahutav kuubikujuline disain
MediumDescription LV - Xiaomi Mesh tīkla sistēma nodrošina pilnīgu pārklājumu sarežģītos mājas plānojumos.• Stabils Mesh tīkls;
• Divjoslu Wi-Fi 6 tīkls kvalitatīvam pieslēgumam;
• Bezvadu savienojuma ātrums līdz 2976 Mbps;
• Uzticams savienojums līdz 254 ierīcēm;
• Tīkla sistēma ar pašremontēšanās iespējām;
• Inteliģents un viegli uzstādāms.
Model - AX3000
Model - AX3000 (1-pack)
Name - Mesh System | AX3000 (1-pack) | 802.11ax | 574+2402 Mbit/s | Ethernet LAN (RJ-45) ports 3 | Mesh Support Yes | MU-MiMO No | No mobile broadband | Antenna type Internal
name - Router Wi-Fi Mesh System AX3000 (1-pack)
Name - Xiaomi Mesh System AX3000 1-Pack
Name EN - Xiaomi AX3000 WiFi-6 Mesh System, 1-pack
Name ET - Xiaomi Mesh System AX3000 (1-pack)
NameInWeb EN - Xiaomi Mesh System AX3000, 1-pack, black - WiFi router
NameInWeb ET - Xiaomi Mesh System AX3000, 1-pack, must - WiFi ruuter
NameInWeb LV - Xiaomi Mesh System AX3000, 1 gab., melna - Bezvadu rūteris
Name LV - Xiaomi AX3000 WiFi-6 Mesh System, 1-pack
name_en - Xiaomi router Mesh System AX3000 1-Pack
name_et - Xiaomi ruuter Mesh System AX3000 1-Pack
name_lv - Xiaomi router Mesh System AX3000 1-Pack
name_ru - Xiaomi рутер Mesh System AX3000 1-Pack
NetWeight - 0.6930
Network architecture - GigabitEthernet
Operating frequency - 2,4 GHz
Operating frequency - 5 GHz
Other features - RAM: 256MB Processor: Qualcomm IPQ5000
Other features > Box contents - 1xXiaomi Mesh System AX3000; 1xPower Adapter; 1xEthernet Cable
Other features > Ethernet LAN (RJ-45) ports - 3
Package features > Classification of battery - CL126:NE:2016-12-09
Package features > Composition of battery - CL127:KT:2016-12-09
Package features > Embeeded battery - No
Package features > Gross depth (mm) - 290 mm
Package features > Gross depth master carton - 480 mm
Package features > Gross height (mm) - 100 mm
Package features > Gross height master carton - 340 mm
Package features > Gross width (mm) - 100 mm
Package features > Gross width master carton - 365 mm
Package features > Net weight master carton - 13.86 kg
Package features > Packing quantity - 20 pc(s)
Package features > Palette Qty - 348 pc(s)
Package features > Paper/Pasteboard - 90.00 g
Package features > Plastic (No PET) - 10.00 g
Package features > Tare weight (kg) - 0.10 kg
Package features > Tare weight master carton - 2 kg
Package features > TI weight (kg) - 0.15 kg
Package features > Type of battery - Accumulator
Package features > Volume (m3) - 0.0029 m³
Package features > WEE classification - CL109:5:2017-04-01
Package features > WEEE tax - Yes
PDF - http://www.blobs.lt/products/6/6/3/2/5/3/3dddd20b625ee878a604c18aa7a378df/original.pdf
Performance > 2.4 GHz - Yes
Performance > 5 GHz - Yes
Performance > Wi-Fi data rate (max) - 574+2402 Mbit/s
Ports & interfaces > WAN connection - 1
Power supply -
producer - XIAOMI
Producer - Xiaomi
ProducerCode - AX3000 (1-Pack)
Producer product family - Mesh System
Producer product name - AX3000 (1-pack)
ProductCode - DVB4315GL
ProductionCountry - CN
Router - mesh
Router - WiFi speeds 2.4 GHz - 574
Router - WiFi speeds 5 GHz - 2402
SalesUnitOfMeasureCode - tk
Security - WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK/WPA3-SAE encryption Wireless Access Control (Black and White List) Hidden SSID
ShortDescription - Xiaomi Mesh System AX3000 1-Pack | Router Wi-Fi | AX3000 WiFi6, Dual Band, 4x RJ45 1000Mb/s
Software - MiWiFi ROM, an intelligent router operating system based on OpenWRT
Special functions -
Standards - 802.11a
Standards - 802.11ac
Standards - 802.11ax
Standards - 802.11b
Standards - 802.11g
Standards - 802.11n
System Requirements -
TariffNo - 85176200
Technical details > Gross weight - 0.793 kg
Technical details > Net weight - 0.693 kg
Technical details > Other features - Mesh Button
Technical details > Producer - Xiaomi
title_en - Xiaomi AX3000 Mesh System Wi-Fi Router 4x RJ45 / 1000Mb/s
title_lv - Xiaomi AX3000 Mesh System Wi-Fi Rūteris 4x RJ45 / 1000Mb/s
title_ru - Xiaomi AX3000 Mesh System Wi-Fi Роутер 4x RJ45 / 1000Mb/s
Type - xDSL
UnitOfMeasureCode - tk
UnitsPerPackage - 1
vendpn - 35825
Volume - 0.00290000
Warranty - 24
Warranty - 24 month(s)
weight - 0.2 kg
Width - 0.1000
width - 10
Wireless LAN features > Wi-Fi band - 802.11ax
Wireless LAN features > Wi-Fi standards - 802.11ax/ac/n/a 5 GHz; 802.11ax/n/b/g 2.4 GHz
Üldine - Andmeedastuskiirus - 372 MB/s
Üldine - Data transfer speed - 372 MB/s
Üldine - Datu pārraides ātrums - 372 MB/s
Üldine - Pesad - 4 × RJ-45
Üldine - Ports - 4 × RJ-45
Üldine - WiFi standardid - WiFi 6 (802.11ax)
Üldine - WiFi standards - WiFi 6 (802.11ax)
Общее - WiFi стандарты - WiFi 6 (802.11ax)
Общее - Гнезда - 4 × RJ-45
Общее - Скорость передачи данных - 372 MB/s
71.92 €
Xiaomi Mesh System AX3000, Black, 1-pack
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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