Asus Prime B660M-A D4-CSM

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ID: 1008739 Tootekood: 90MB19K0-M1EAYC
Kaubad ei ole hetkel saadaval Me ei võta vastu tellimusi selle toote tarnimiseks. Meil ei ole teavet selle kohta, millal see toode saadaval on. Meie tarnijad ei anna praegu teavet toote võimaliku tarneaja ja võimaliku hinna kohta, kui see uuesti müügile tuleb. veebisait annab teavet selle toote kohta ainult teavitamise eesmärgil, et kliendid saaksid toodet näha ja võrrelda seda praegu müügil olevate toodetega.

Garantii: 2 aastat (Garantii ettevõtjatele 1 aasta)
Peamised tooteparameetrid Kõik parameetrid
  • Seeria: ASUS Prime
  • Pesa (Socket): LGA 1700
  • Mikroskeemide siin (chipset): Intel B660
  • Plaadi mõõtmed: Micro ATX
  • Mälutüüp: DDR4
  • Mäluslott: 4
  • Sisseehitatud Wi-Fi: Ei ole
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See toode Asus Prime B660M-A D4-CSM
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Seeria ASUS Prime ASUS Prime ASUS Prime ASUS Prime ASUS TUF Gaming
Pesa (Socket) LGA 1700 LGA 1700 LGA 1700 LGA 1700 LGA 1700
Mikroskeemide siin (chipset) Intel B660 Intel Z790 Intel Z790 Intel H610 Intel B760
Plaadi mõõtmed Micro ATX Micro ATX ATX Micro ATX ATX
Juhusliku juurdepääsu mälu (RAM)
Mälutüüp DDR4 DDR5 DDR5 DDR4 DDR5
Mäluslott 4 4 4 2 4
Mälusiin DDR4 3200 (OC 5333) DDR5 5600 (OC 7200) DDR5 5600 (OC 7200) DDR4 3200 DDR5 5600 (OC 7200)
Integreeritud Videokaart Only with iGPU-ready CPU Only with iGPU-ready CPU Only with iGPU-ready CPU Only with iGPU-ready CPU Only with iGPU-ready CPU
Sadamad ja seadmed
PCI portid 0 0 0 0 0
D-Sub 0 0 0 1 1
DVI 0 0 0 0 0
HDMI 2 1 1 1 1
DisplayPort 1 1 1 1 1
Integreeritud helikaart Realtek ALC897 Realtek Audio CODEC Realtek Audio CODEC Realtek Audio CODEC Realtek 7.1 CODEC
Traadita ühendused
Sisseehitatud Bluetooth Nav Nav Ir Ir Ir
Sisseehitatud Wi-Fi Ei ole Ei ole On On On
Välised sadamad
Väline USB Type-C 0 1 1 0 1
Väline USB 2.0 4 2 2 2 2
Väline USB 3.0 (USB 3.2 Gen1) 0 2 2 0 1
Väline USB 3.1 (USB 3.2 Gen2) 2 1 1 2 2
Sisemine A-RGB 5V (3-pin) 3 3 3 3 3
Sisemine RGB 12V (4-pin) 1 1 2 2 1
Sisemine USB 2.0 3 2 2 2 2
Sisemine USB 3.0 2 1 2 1 1
Sisemine USB Type-C 1 1 1 0 1
M.2 Sadam 2 3 3 2 3
SATA 3 Portid 4 4 4 4 4
Seeria : ASUS Prime
Pesa (Socket) LGA 1700
Protsessori (CPU) pesa on tähtis faktor plaadi valikul, protsessori pesa peab olema täpselt ühitatav protsessoriga, mille soovite monteerida plaadile. Vaatamata sellele, et protsessor sobib emaplaadi pessa, peab arvesse võtma ka selle protsessori tuge. Selleks, et välja selgitada, millist protsessorit toetab valitud emaplaat, palume külastada emaplaadi tootja kodulehte, leida konkreetse emaplaadi osas CPU support ja veenduda, et antud plaadi spetsifikatsioon näeb ette teie protsessori toetuse.
Mikroskeemide siin (chipset) Intel B660

Mikroskeemide kiip on kõige tähtsam emaplaadi valiku näitaja (süsteemi loogika mikroskeemid jeb pingemuundurid). Mikroskeemide kiibist oleneb, milliseidprotsessoreid, mälu, liideseid jm. parameetreid toetab emaplaat.

Iga kiibistik on otseselt seotud teatud protsessori platvormiga, mis jagunevad protsessorite päritolu või protsessori ühenduskoha järgi.

Selleks ,et välja selgitada, milline mikroskeemide kiip on sobiv teie protsessorile jm. komponentidele, palume nõu küsida meie müügijuhtidelt.
Plaadi mõõtmed Micro ATX

Emaplaadi füüsiline suurus. pakub ATX (täissuuruse plaat), mATX (micro ATX) (vähendatud suurusega plaat) ja miniATX suurusega emaplaate. ATX suuruse arvutia korpusesse on võimalik paigaldada nii ATX kui ka mATX emaplaati, omakorda mATX korpusesse ei ole võimalik paigaldada ATX plaati.

Plaadil ATX on vähemalt 3 mälupesa ja vähemalt 5 lokaalset pesa PCI, seepärast sellele plaadile võib koostada hästi toimiva võimsa arvuti. Siski kodu- või bürooarvutile pole nii palju pesi üldse vajalikud, ja seoses sellega sobib samuti microATX.

Emaplaadi toiteploki liitmikuks on vooluallika pistikupesa, mis käesoleval ajal on ATX ja ATX2.0 standardi kohane. ATX on vanem standard 20 nõelaga liitmikuga (20 "jalaga"), omakorda ATX2.0 on täiendava 4 nõelaga (20+4). ATX standardi emaplaat suudab töötada ATX2.0 toiteplokiga (PSU), omakorda ATX2.0 emaplaadiga on vajalik ATX2.0 toiteplokk.

Kujufaktoril on ennekõike soovituslik iseloom. Siiski enne, kui soetate emaplaadi, veenduge korpuse suuruse vastavuses emaplaadi suurusele ja selle toiteliitmikule.

Juhusliku juurdepääsu mälu (RAM)
Mälutüüp : DDR4
Mäluslott 4
Kasutadaolevate mälupesade arv näitab, mitu mälumoodulit (plaati) võib paigaldada emaplaadile.
Mälusiin DDR4 3200 (OC 5333)

Operatiivmälu kiip määrab ära selle, mis tüüpi operatiivmälu toetab vastav emaplaat.

Kiibi tähistuses on mälu tüüp DDRII või DDRIII, kā samuti maksimaalne mälu taktisagedus, mida toetab emaplaat. Tähtsaim näitaja on mälu tüüp, erinevate tüüpide mälu on füüsiliselt erinev, seepärast DDRIII mälu ei tohi ühendada DDRII mälu toega emaplaadiga(välja arvatud juhul, kui on mõlemat mälu tüüpi toetav plaat). Omakorda emaplaat, mis toetab 800Mhz DDRII mälu, suudab töötada DDII667 ja DDRII533 mälu kiirustega. Emaplaat mälukiibi kiirusega, mis on madalam mälumooduli kiirusest, suudab töötada mitte kiiremini näidatud kiibi kiirusest, s.o.juhul, kui emaplaadi mälukiip on DDRII667, siis paigaldades DDRII800, mälu selles töötab DDRII667 kiirusega.

VGA port (liides), ehk videokaardi pistik. VGA liides peab ühtuma teie videokaardi liidese spetsifikatsiooniga. Vanematel videokaartidel on AGP liides, uued videokaardid toodetakse PCI-EXPRESS (PCI-X) liidesega. AGP ja PCI-Xpress videokaardid ei ole omavahel asendatavad. Enne, kui soetate emaplaadi, veenduge videokaardi liidese vastavuses nii emaplaadiga kui ka videokaardiga.
Integreeritud Videokaart Only with iGPU-ready CPU

Parameeter, mis määrab ära, kas emaplaadil on integreeritud videokaart. Integreeritud videokaart sobib töötamiseks büroo tarkvaraga, internetiga, filmide vaatamiseks ja lihtsate mängude mängimiseks. Juhul, kui soovite kasutada graafilisi programmas, mängida 3D mänge ja vaadata 3D animatsioone, on teile vajalik lisa-videokaart.

Integreeritud videokaart kasutab emaplaadil ievietotās operatiivmälu osa, seepärast juhul, kui teie emaplaadil on 1Gb mälu, ja emaplaadi videokaardi uzstādījumos on norādīts aizņemt 256mb, tad operētājsistēma uzrādīs pieejamo mälu daudzumu apt. 700 Mb.
Pirms iegādāties emaplaadi ar integreeritud videokaardiga, veenduge selles, kas sellele on lisa-videokaardi liides täiendusteks, juhul, kui sellised on vajalikud.

Sadamad ja seadmed
PCI portid 0
PCI liidesed on kõige levinuim arvutifunktsioonide täiendamise moodus lisa-kaartidega (heli-, võrgu-, kommunikatsioonide, videovalve jm.). Uusimatel plaatidel, tänu PCI-EXpress standardile, on väike PCI laiendamise liideste arv, seepärast, enne emaplaadi soetamist, veenduge selles, et PCI liideste arv võimaldaks teil paigaldada kõik teile vajaminevad PCI kaardid.
D-Sub : 0
DVI : 0
HDMI : 2
DisplayPort : 1
Integreeritud helikaart : Realtek ALC897
Traadita ühendused
Sisseehitatud Bluetooth : Nav
Sisseehitatud Wi-Fi : Ei ole
Välised sadamad
Väline USB Type-C : 0
Väline USB 2.0 : 4
Väline USB 3.0 (USB 3.2 Gen1) : 0
Väline USB 3.1 (USB 3.2 Gen2) : 2
Sisemine A-RGB 5V (3-pin) : 3
Sisemine RGB 12V (4-pin) : 1
Sisemine USB 2.0 : 3
Sisemine USB 3.0 : 2
Sisemine USB Type-C : 1
M.2 Sadam : 2
SATA 3 Portid : 4
Täpsem spetsifikatsioon
BIOS - BIOS memory size - 128 Mbit
Brand - ASUS
BrandPartCode - 90MB19K0-M1EAYC
Category - Motherboards
category - PC Components|Mainboards|Intel Mainboards|Sockel 1700
code - 90MB19K0-M1EAYC
ean - 4711081508045
Expansion slots - Number of M.2 (M) slots - 2
Expansion slots - PCI Express x16 (Gen 3.x) slots - 2
Expansion slots - PCI Express x16 (Gen 4.x) slots - 1
Features - Audio chip - Realtek ALC897
Features - Audio output channels - 7.1 channels
Features - Component for - PC
Features - Cooling type - Passive
Features - Motherboard chipset - Intel B660
Features - Motherboard chipset family - Intel
Features - Motherboard form factor - micro ATX
Features - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 10, Windows 11
GTIN - 4711081508045
Internal I/O - ATX Power connector (24-pin) - Yes
Internal I/O - CPU fan connector - Yes
Internal I/O - EPS power connector (8-pin) - Yes
Internal I/O - Front panel audio connector - Yes
Internal I/O - Number of chassis fan connectors - 2
Internal I/O - Number of SATA III connectors - 4
Internal I/O - Power fan connector - Yes
Internal I/O - RGB LED pin header - Yes
Internal I/O - S/PDIF out connector - Yes
Internal I/O - TPM connector - Yes
Internal I/O - USB 2.0 connectors - 3
Internal I/O - USB 3.2 Gen 1 (3.1 Gen 1) connectors - 3
LongDesc - ASUS Corporate Stable ModelASUS Corporate Stable Model (CSM) is a commercial program designed to provide stable and reliable motherboards. Offering up to 36-month product lifecycle support and 6-month end-of-life notice to allow sufficient lead times for your organization to get ready for product transitions. Each purchase of an ASUS CSM motherboard comes with ASUS Control Center Express - server-grade IT management software.ASUS ControlCenter ExpressASUS Control Center Express is an integrated IT monitoring and management software designed to deploy faster, simplify IT operations and improve productivity with comprehensive control and user-friendly functions. ASUS Control Center Express is compatible with over 100 ASUS motherboards to provide a high-quality, TCO-optimized solution for your business needs.Optimize IT endpoint managementDesigned to assist IT staff in monitoring and controlling devices within their corporate networks, and facilitate inventory checking in multiple locations remotelyAutomate IT maintenanceAllows IT staff to schedule automatic updates of the latest BIOS, software and utilities to specific or all devices at off-peak times, enhancing system stability and IT operational flexibilitySecurely manage all of endpointsSecurely manage endpoint configuration, portable storage access and PC software applications by enabling them to create grouping rules on individual devicesFLEXIBILITYComprehensive controls form the foundation of the ASUS Prime series. The Prime B660 motherboard packs flexible tools to tune every aspect of your system, enabling performance tweaks to perfectly match the way you work to maximize productivity.All-Around Energy EfficiencyThe Energy Processing Unit (EPU) automatically optimizes power consumption and maximizes energy savings with Away mode — a smart setting that creates an extreme energy-saving scenario by shutting down unused I/O controllers.Flexible Air- and Liquid-Cooling ControlsASUS Fan Xpert 2+ software provides comprehensive control over fans, water pumps and all-in-one (AiO) coolers. Whether cooling with air or water, an Auto-Tuning mode intelligently configures all parameters with a single click. There’s also an Extreme Quiet mode that reduces all fan speeds to below the default minimum to keep your system whisper-quiet when performing light tasks. Fans, water pumps and AiO coolers can also be controlled via the UEFI BIOS.Precise Digital Power ControlThe Digi+ voltage-regulator module (VRM) delivers real-time control over voltage droop, automatically switching frequency and power-efficiency settings. It also allows you to fine-tune your CPU for ultimate stability and performance.UEFI BIOSThe renowned ASUS UEFI BIOS provides everything you need to configure, tweak and tune your system. It offers intelligently simplified options for PC DIY beginners, as well as comprehensive features for seasoned veterans.Advanced Tuning for Serious TweakersAn intuitive Advanced mode offered via the UEFI lets you take complete control. A built-in search feature makes it easy to find options, and various advanced functions let you intelligently make nuanced adjustments so you can dial in performance just the way you want.Quick and Simple SetupEZ mode displays vital settings and stats and also offers guided wizards, drag-and-drop functionality, and one-click application of important settings — all to help you get your rig up and running in no time.EZ XMPImprove DRAM performance with one click.Intuitive Graphical Fan ControlFine-tune individual fan settings simply by dragging a curve with the mouse.Aura On/Off Mode (Stealth)Easily enable or disable Aura RGB lighting or every onboard LED, for a subdued aesthetic touch.COOLINGPrime B660 series are engineered with multiple onboard heatsinks and an array of hybrid fan headers to ensure your rig stays cool and stable under intense workloads.M.2 HeatsinkM.2 heatsink wards off throttling that can occur with M.2 storage during sustained transfers. The heatsink is held in place by captive screws.VRM Heatsink and Thermal PadVRM heatsink and thermal pad improve heat transfer from the MOSFETs and chokes for better cooling performance.Cooler by DesignPrime B660 series feature comprehensive cooling controls that are configurable via Fan Xpert 2+ software or via the UEFI BIOS.Multiple Temperature SourcesEach header can dynamically reference three thermal sensors. Fan Xpert 2+ allows you to map the temperature of supported ASUS graphics cards to optimize cooling for GPU- and CPU-intensive tasks.PERFORMANCEPrime B660 series are built to handle the additional cores and increased bandwidth of 12th Generation Intel processors. ASUS B660 motherboards provide all the fundamentals to boost daily productivity, so your system will be ready for action with stable power, intuitive cooling and flexible transfer options.Robust Power DesignStable power is essential to extract every last bit of performance out of 12th Generation Intel processors. PRIME B660M-A D4-CSM is geared to cater to the demands of these high-core-count CPUs.ProCool ConnectorProprietary connector augments the motherboard's link to the PSU with 8 pin connector that passes 12 volts of power directly to the processors. Each jack features solid pins that can handle more current than hollow-pin connectors.DDR4 5333(OC)Improvements to trace routing design provide the latest Intel processors with enhanced access to memory bandwidth. ASUS OptiMem II technology carefully maps memory signal pathways across different PCB layers to reduce path distance, and it adds shielding zones that significantly reduce crosstalk.Two M.2 slots (up to 64 Gbps)PRIME B660M-A D4-CSM offers a total of two M.2 slots that support data-transfer speeds of up to 64 Gbps via PCIe 4.0, enabling quicker boot-up and app load times with OS or application drives.PCIe 4.0 SlotPrime B660 motherboards are designed specifically for 12th Generation Intel® Core™ CPUs and offer PCIe® 4.0 connectivity for the latest GPUs. The wide bandwidth and superfast transmission speeds allow you to create feature-rich builds that can handle high loads effortlessly.Aura SyncOutshine the CompetitionA well-tuned enthusiast system deserves a matching aesthetic. ASUS Aura offers full RGB lighting control with a variety of functional presets for the built-in RGB LEDs as well as strips and devices connected to the onboard RGB headers — and it can all be synced with an ever-growing portfolio of Aura-capable hardware.Addressable Gen 2 HeadersThree addressable Gen 2 headers are capable of detecting the number of LEDs on second-gen addressable RGB devices, allowing the software to automatically tailor lighting effects to specific devices. The new headers also offer backward-compatibility with existing Aura RGB gear.Armoury CrateArmoury Crate is a new software utility designed to give you centralized control of supported products. From a single intuitive interface, Armoury Crate allows you to easily customize RGB lighting and effects for every compatible device in your arsenal. The software also provides control of settings for an ever-growing number of ASUS products, including keyboard and mouse preferences. Armoury Crate even features dedicated product registration and news to help you stay in touch with the ASUS community.Q-LED CoreThe Q-LED Core display produces light patterns by power LED during the Power-On Self-Test (POST) that can help users troubleshoot potential issues.SafeSlot Core+SafeSlot Core+ is the ASUS-exclusive PCIe slot fortified with a one-piece stainless-steel brace that shields the slot to protect it from damage. The metal cover is tightly secured to the slot with hooks, and the entire assembly is firmly anchored to the PCB with strengthened solder points to provide a secure foundation for heavyweight graphics cards.LANGuardPumped-up throughput 2.5X higher surge toleranceASUS LANGuard is a hardware-level network protection feature that integrates advanced signal-coupling technology and premium anti-EMI surface-mounted capacitors to improve throughput and ensure a more reliable connection.Overvoltage ProtectionWorld-class circuit-protecting power designAn exclusive circuit design with built-in voltage regulators to protect your motherboard from damage caused by unexpected high-level voltages from unstable or inferior power supplies.DRAM Overcurrent ProtectionShort-circuit damage preventionOnboard resettable fuses prevent overcurrent and short-circuit damage. This extends beyond I/O ports to DRAM to safeguard the lifespan of your system and connected devices.Stainless-Steel Back I/O3X corrosion-resistance for greater durabilityCorrosion-resistant stainless-steel back I/O panels bonded with chromium oxide have a lifespan that's three times longer than ordinary panels.
LongProductName - Intel B660 (LGA 1700) mATX, PCIe 4.0, two M.2 slots, Intel 1Gb Ethernet, DP,2 x HDMI, rear USB 3.2 Gen 2, front USB 3.2 Gen 1 Type-C, Aura Sync
LongSummaryDescription - ASUS PRIME B660M-A D4-CSM. Processor manufacturer: Intel, Processor socket: LGA 1700, Compatible processor series: Intel® Celeron®, Intel® Core™ i3, Intel® Core™ i5, Intel® Core™ i7, Intel® Core™ i9,.... Supported memory types: DDR4-SDRAM, Maximum internal memory: 128 GB, Memory slots type: DIMM. Supported storage drive interfaces: M.2, SATA III, Supported storage drive types: HDD & SSD, RAID levels: 0, 1, 5, 10. Ethernet interface type: Gigabit Ethernet. Component for: PC, Motherboard form factor: micro ATX, Motherboard chipset family: Intel
Memory - ECC сompatibility - Non-ECC
Memory - Maximum internal memory - 128 GB
Memory - Memory channels - Dual-channel
Memory - Memory slots type - DIMM
Memory - Number of memory slots - 4
Memory - Supported memory clock speed (max) - 5333 MHz
Memory - Supported memory clock speeds - 2133,2400,2666,2800,2933,3000,3200,3333,3400,3466,3600,3733,4000,4266,4400,4600,4800,5000,5333 MHz
Memory - Supported memory types - DDR4-SDRAM
name - ASUS Prime B660M-A D4-CSM, Intel B660 Mainboard, Sockel LGA1700, DDR4
Network - Ethernet interface type - Gigabit Ethernet
Network - Ethernet LAN - Yes
Network - Wi-Fi - No
Packaging content - Cables included - SATA
Processor - Compatible processor series - Intel® Celeron®, Intel® Core™ i3, Intel® Core™ i5, Intel® Core™ i7, Intel® Core™ i9, Intel® Pentium® Gold
Processor - Maximum number of SMP processors - 1
Processor - Processor manufacturer - Intel
Processor - Processor socket - LGA 1700
ProductName - PRIME B660M-A D4-CSM
Rear panel I/O ports - DisplayPorts quantity - 1
Rear panel I/O ports - Ethernet LAN (RJ-45) ports - 1
Rear panel I/O ports - HDMI ports quantity - 2
Rear panel I/O ports - PS/2 ports quantity - 1
Rear panel I/O ports - USB 2.0 ports quantity - 4
Rear panel I/O ports - USB 3.2 Gen 1 (3.1 Gen 1) Type-C ports quantity - 2
ShortSummaryDescription - ASUS PRIME B660M-A D4-CSM, Intel, LGA 1700, Intel® Celeron®, Intel® Core™ i3, Intel® Core™ i5, Intel® Core™ i7, Intel® Core™ i9,..., DDR4-SDRAM, 128 GB, DIMM
Storage controllers - Number of HDDs supported - 4
Storage controllers - Number of storage drives supported - 6
Storage controllers - RAID levels - 0, 1, 5, 10
Storage controllers - RAID support - Yes
Storage controllers - Supported storage drive interfaces - M.2, SATA III
Storage controllers - Supported storage drive types - HDD & SSD
Title - ASUS PRIME B660M-A D4-CSM Intel B660 LGA 1700 micro ATX
WarrantyInfo -
Weight & dimensions - Depth - 244 mm
Weight & dimensions - Width - 244 mm
152.58 €
Asus Prime B660M-A D4-CSM
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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